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Saransh - Last Mile Referencer for Strategic Management
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with the latest developments before each examination and revise the concepts and
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and breadth of the country.
To reach out to its students, the BoS (Academic) has also been publishing
subject-specific capsules in its monthly Students’ Journal “The Chartered
Accountant Student” since the year 2017 for facilitating effective revision of concepts
dealt with in different topics of each subject at the Foundation, Intermediate and
Final levels of the chartered accountancy course. Each issue of the journal includes a
capsule relating to specific topic(s) in one subject at each of the three levels. In these
capsules, the concepts and provisions are presented in attractive colours in the form
of tables, diagrams and flow charts for facilitating easy retention and quick revision
of topics.
The BoS (Academic) is now coming out with a comprehensive booklet ‘Saransh - Last
Mile Referencer for Strategic Management’ wherein the significant concepts dealt
with across topics in Strategic Management are captured by way of diagrams, flow
charts and tables. The booklet captures the various concepts of the syllabi of the
subject. The booklet encapsulates diagrams, flow charts, tables, etc. This one stop
repository would, thus, consolidate all significant topics of Strategic Management at
one place, by capturing the key points. This would help the reader to develop
conceptual clarity and get a bird eye view of the topics at a glance.
Happy Reading!
In order to equip students with a robust foundation of knowledge, skills, and professional
values, the Board of Studies (Academic) has been actively engaged in various initiatives
to cater to their learning requirements. In continuation to the earlier publications, namely,
Accounting, Auditing & Cost Management and Strategic Decision Making in this series of
Saransh — Last Mile Referencer, publications for these subjects, Financial Management,
Strategic Management and Company Law have been added. It presents a concise
summary of essential concepts from each chapter, which not only serves as a handy
guide for students but also assists Members in their professional pursuits.
We are thrilled to introduce the next round of Saransh — Last Mile Referencer, an
invaluable resource for students aspiring to embark on the esteemed path of becoming
a Chartered Accountant. These booklets encapsulate the vital topics of the CA curriculum
across Intermediate, and Final levels. Presented in a condensed format, they effectively
convey the concepts and provisions through tables, diagrams, and flow charts, making
them an indispensable tool for anyone pursuing a career in this field.
For years, the Board has served as the guiding force and mentor to countless aspiring CA
students, offering support in meeting their evolving learning needs. The Saransh — Last
Mile Referencer booklets are an exciting addition to our esteemed collection of insightful
books. These invaluable referencers provide indispensable guidance for students
pursuing the Chartered Accountancy Course. The booklets in concise form will foster
active learning and strengthening students' comprehension and confidence in the
The Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India
(Setup by an Act of Parliament)
Board of Studies (Academic)
Topic Pg No.
SARANSH Strategic Management
Respond to
“The study of the functions and responsibilities of senior dynamic and
management, the crucial problems that affect success in the hostile external
total enterprise, and the decisions that determine the direction forces
of the organization and shape its future.” Bring a sense Unravel
- Christensen of dynamic
and to reduce
direction, focus
and cohesiveness uncertainty of the
Strategy is environment
Importance consciously
considered and
flexibly designed
scheme of corporate
It tends to Long range intent and action
emphasise on the Exploit
blueprint of
rational analytical opportunities and
desired image,
aspect of strategic meet potential
direction and
management. threats
Pursuit of
It presents a It enables a objectives to
framework for manager for achieve goals
understanding strategic handling general
decision making in management
organisations. responsibilities
Strategy - Partly proactive and partly reactive
Concept of Management
Management is an influence process to make
things happen, to gain command over phenomena, Reactive
to induce and direct events and people in a
particular manner. The term is often used :
A company’s strategy is typically a blend of partly proactive
As a key group in an organisation in-charge and partly reactive.
of its affairs. Proactive Strategy: Proactive actions on the part of
managers to improve the company’s market position and
financial performance.
As a set of interrelated functions and Reactive Strategy: Reactions to unanticipated developments
processes carried out by the management of and fresh market conditions.
an organisation to attain its objectives.
SARANSH Strategic Management
Planned Strategy
Company New initiatives plus ongoing strategy
Experiences, features continued from prior periods
Resource Strength
& weaknesses, and
capabilities Reactive Strategy
Adaptive reactions to changing
SARANSH Strategic Management
Business Level
Division A Division B
Divisional managers and staff
Strategic Management
in Government and Not-
IRUSURÀW2UJDQLVDWLRQV Educational Medical Governmental agencies
Institutions Organizations and departments
• There are many organizations • Significant change in the • Advances in the diagnosis • Formulating, implementing,
that do not have any competitive climate and treatment of diseases and evaluating strategies
commercial objective of • Adopting different • Providing better facilities • Efficient and effective
making profits. strategies for attracting and services to the utilization of resources
• They are set up for social, best students patients • Public funds are used.
charitable, or educational • There are interactions • Diversification - hospitals • Several government
purposes. between Academic opening pathological labs organizations are making
institutions and • Better collaboration with significant surpluses
• There are not-for-profit and industries physicians • Little freedom to alter
government organizations that • Online education is new missions or redirect
outperform many private firms phenomena objectives.
in managing their affairs.
• Legislators and politicians
• Often function as a monopoly, can have direct or indirect
produce a product or control.
service that offers little or no • Issues get discussed and
measurability of performance. debated in the media and
• Dependent on outside legislatures.
SARANSH Strategic Management
compete in the market. the environment cause environment lead
Strategic Risks strategic failure to obsolescence of
Competitive Landscape
Competitive landscape refers to a process or method of
Organizational Inconsistencies
identifying direct or indirect competitors to help comprehend
capacity is unable with the strategy
Strategic Analysis
SARANSH Strategic Management
Issues in Industry Economic Features
Factors to consider include size, of market, its growth rate, position in life
and Competitve of the Industry
cycle, rivals, buyers, profitability, capital requirement, etc.
Delving into the industry’s competitive process to discover what the main
Nature and Strength
sources of competitive pressure are and how strong each competitive
of Competition
force is.
There are driving forces that impact and bring changes in the industry’s
Triggers of Change structure and competitive environment. Analyzing driving forces involves
identifying what the driving forces are and assessing their impact.
Prospects and Financial Strategists assess industry outlook carefully, decide whether industry and
Attractiveness of competitive conditions present an attractive business opportunity for the
Industry organisation or whether its growth and financial prospects are gloomy.
Core Competence
C.K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel defined core competency as the collective learning in the organization, especially
coordinating diverse production skills and integrating multiple streams of technologies. Capabilities that are
valuable, rare, costly to imitate, and non-substitutable are core competencies.
C.K. Prahalad Competence that is unique and difficult for competitors to imitate.
and Gary Hamel
identified major
core competencies
in three areas
- competitor Customer value A fundamental benefit for the end customer that has real impact.
customer value
and application.
SARANSH Strategic Management
Competencies Resources
Tangible Intangible
Competencies Physical Financial Human Skills Technology Reputation
Team of Four Criteria
of Sustainable Value Chain Value Creation
resources Analysis
Advantages The concept of value creation was introduced primarily for
• Rare • What to do in-house providing products and services to the customers with more
Resources • Valuable • What to outsource worth. Value is measured by a product’s features, quality,
• Tangible
• Intang ible
• Costly to Imitate availability, durability, performance and by its services for which
• Nonsubstitutable customers are willing to pay.
Competitive Advantage
Competitive advantage allows a firm to gain an edge over rivals
when competing. ‘It is a set of unique features of a company and
Cost per Unit
SARANSH Strategic Management
Product development
y De
urit clin
Mat refers to a growth strategy where business aims to introduce
new products into existing markets.
refers to a growth strategy where a business markets new
Time products in new markets.
Product Life Cycle
C. ADL Matrix
A. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Growth-Share Matrix The ADL matrix is a portfolio analysis technique that is based on
BCG helps to classify different businesses on a two-dimensional product life cycle. The approach forms a two dimensional matrix
growth-share matrix based on stage of industry maturity and the firms competitive
position, environmental assessment and business strength
assessment. Stage of industry maturity is an environmental
high measure that represents a position in industry’s life cycle.
Competitive position is a measure of business strengths that helps
remainder select in categorization of products or SBU’s into one of five competitive
divested a few positions: dominant, strong, favourable, tenable and weak.
Low Market Share High Market Share
& &
High Market Growth High Market Growth Stage of industry maturity
The opportunities no one You’re well-established, Competitive Embryonic Growth Mature Ageing
knows what to do with. These and these are fantastic position
opportunities need serious opportunities.
Dominant Fast grow Fast grow Defend Defend
Market Growth
SARANSH Strategic Management
Invest/ Strengths – S Weaknesses – W
Select/Earn Harvest/Divest Opportunities – O SO Strategies WO Strategies
Use strengths to Overcoming weaknesses
List Opportunities take advantage of by taking advantage of
opportunities opportunities
SWOT Analysis
To enable management create a firm-specific business model SO The strengths can be used to capitalize or build
that will best align, fit, or match an organisational resources and (Maxi-Maxi) upon existing or emerging opportunities.
capabilities to the demands of the environment.
Opportunity Threat
An opportunity is a A threat is an
For a company globalization means two things: (a) the company
favourable condition unfavourable
commits itself heavily with several manufacturing locations
in the organisation’s condition in the
environment organisation’s around the world and offers products in several diversified
which enables it environment which industries, and (b) the company’s ability to compete in domestic
to strengthen its causes a risk for, markets with foreign competitors.
position. or damage to, the • It is a conglomerate of multiple units in different countries
organisation’s position. but linked by common ownership.
• Multiple units draw on a common pool of resources.
• The units respond to some common strategy.
SARANSH Strategic Management
Strategic Intent
Strategic Strategic Planning is the process of arriving Strategic intent is a commitment to carrying
Planning at a set of interactive and overlapping out an action or actions in the future. It
decisions regarding the objectives of the involves mental activities such as planning
firm, resources required to attain these and forethought. It may be expressed in
objectives and formulation of policies to such broad terms as vision and mission or
govern the acquisition, use and disposition more specifically as goals and objectives.
of resources and formulation of a strategy
that would enable the firm to outperform
its own aspirations/ competition. The elements of strategic intent are:
Significant impact on the long-term prosperity of the firm
SARANSH Strategic Management
A Strategic vision is a road map of a company’s future – providing specifics about technology and
customer focus, the geographic and product markets to be pursued, the capabilities it plans to
develop, and the kind of company that management is trying to create.
A company’s mission statement is typically focused on its present business scope – “who we
are and what we do”. Mission statements broadly describe an organizations present capabilities,
customer focus, activities, and business makeup.
Goals Objectives
Goals are open-ended attributes that denote the Objectives should be quantitative, measurable,
future states or outcomes. Objectives are close- realistic, understandable, challenging, hierarchical,
ended attributes which are precise and expressed obtainable, and congruent among organizational
in specific terms. Thus, the Objectives are more units. Objectives are short-term and long-term.
specific and translate the goals to both long term Long term objectives are subdivided into short
and short-term perspective. term such as monthly, weekly or daily objectives.
© ICAI BOS(A) 10
SARANSH Strategic Management
The strategic management process is dynamic and First a company must determine what directional
continuous. It involves strategy formulation, implementation, path the company should take and what changes
and evaluation. The major components of the strategic in the company’s product – market – customer
management process are shown in the model. – technology – focus would improve its current
market position and its future prospect.
Deciding to commit the company to one path
mission and
Environmental versus another pushes managers to draw some
Analysis objective
carefully reasoned conclusions about how to
try to modif y the company’s business makeup
and the market position. Corporate goals and
Develop Generate, Strategic objectives flow from the mission.
Vision, Mission Analyse, and Implement Evaluation
and Objectives select Strategies Strategies and Control
The stage would reveal organisational strengths
Appraisal and weaknesses which could be matched with
the threats and opportunities in the external
environment. External environment of a firm
consists of economic, social, technological, market
Formulation Implementation Evaluation mental and
and other forces which affect its functioning.
Strategic Management Model Organisational analysis involves a review of
financial resources, technological resources,
productive capacity, marketing and distribution
STAGES IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT effectiveness, research and development, human
resource skills and so on.
© ICAI BOS(A) 11
SARANSH Strategic Management
Growth/Expansion Strategy
Intensification Diversification Growth/Expansion strategy is often characterised by significant
reformulation of goals and directions, major initiatives and
moves involving investments, exploration and onslaught into
Vertically Horizontally Concentric Conglomerate
new products, new technology and new markets, innovative
Integrated Integrated Diversification Diversification
decisions and action programmes and so on. Expansion also
Market includes diversifying, acquiring and merging businesses.
• Expansion through diversification
Market Forward Backward
Development Diversification is defined as entry into new products or product
lines, new services or new markets, involving substantially
Product different skills, technology and knowledge. For some firms,
Development diversification is a means of utilising their existing facilities and
capabilities in a more effective and efficient manner.
© ICAI BOS(A) 12
SARANSH Strategic Management
Expansion or growth strategy can either be through (i) Vertically integrated diversification: In vertically integrated
intensification or diversification: Igor Ansoff gave a framework diversification, firms opt to engage in businesses that are
as shown which describes the intensification options available to related to the existing business of the firm. The firm remains
a firm. vertically within the same process sequence moves forward
Market Penetration Basic Feature or backward in the chain and enters specific product/process
Increase market share Add product features, steps with the intention of making them into new businesses
Increase product usage product refinement for the firm.
Increase the frequency used Develop a new-generation
Increase the quantity used product Forward and Backward Integration:
Find new application for Develop new product for the
current users Forward integration is moving forward in the value chain and
same market
entering business lines that use existing products.
Market Development Diversification involving
Expand geographically new products and new
target new segments markets On the other hand, backward integration is a step towards
Related / Unrelated creation of effective supply by entering business of input
Product-Market Expansion Grid providers.
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SARANSH Strategic Management
terms and both the organizations share profits in the newly Retrenchment/Turnaround Strategy
created entity.
When one organization takes over the other organization (i) Retrenchment Strategy: It is followed when an organization
and controls all its business operations, it is known as substantially reduces the scope of its activity.
acquisitions. In this process of acquisition, one financially (ii) Turnaround Strategy: Retrenchment may be done either
strong organization overpowers the weaker one. internally or externally. For internal retrenchment to take
place, emphasis is laid on improving internal efficiency,
Types of Mergers known as turnaround strategy.
1. Horizontal merger: Horizontal mergers are combinations of (iii) Divestment Strategy: Divestment strategy involves the sale or
firms engaged in the same industry. liquidation of a portion of business, or a major division, profit
2. Vertical merger: It is a merger of two organizations that centre or SBU. Divestment is usually a part of rehabilitation or
are operating in the same industry but at different stages of restructuring plan and is adopted when a turnaround has been
production or distribution system. attempted but has proved to be unsuccessful.
3. Co-generic merger: In Co-generic merger two or more (iv) Liquidation Strategy: A retrenchment strategy considered
merging organizations are associated in some way or the the most extreme and unattractive is liquidation strategy,
other related to the production processes, business markets, which involves closing down a firm and selling its assets.
or basic required technologies. It is considered as the last resort because it leads to serious
4. Conglomerate merger: Conglomerate mergers are consequences such as loss of employment for workers and
the combination of organizations that are unrelated to other employees, termination of opportunities where a firm
each other. There are no linkages with respect to customer could pursue any future activities, and the stigma of failure.
groups, customer functions and technologies being used.
Combination Strategy
• Expansion through Strategic Alliance The above strategies are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to
A strategic alliance is a relationship between two or more adopt a mix of the above to suit particular situations. An enterprise
businesses that enables each to achieve certain strategic may seek stability in some areas of activity, expansion in some
objectives which neither would be able to achieve on its own. and retrenchment in the others. Retrenchment of ailing products
The strategic partners maintain their status as independent followed by stability and capped by expansion in some situations may
and separate entities, share the benefits and control over be thought of. For some organizations, a strategy by diversification
the partnership, and continue to make contributions to the and/or acquisition may call for a retrenchment in some obsolete
alliance until it is terminated. product lines, production facilities and plant locations.
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SARANSH Strategic Management
COMPETITORS They spend a lot of money on the industry’s
products i.e. they are big buyers.
Competitive pressures The industry’s product is not perceived as
pressures stemming stemming from buyer
from Suppliers
Bargaining Power
critical to the buyer’s needs and buyers are
Bargaining Power more concentrated than firms supplying
the product. They can easily switch to the
Competitive substitutes available.
FIRMS IN OTHER pressures
INDUSTRIES coming from
OFFERING sunstitute Bargaining Power of Suppliers
SUBSTITUTE products Suppliers can influence the profitability of an industry in a
number of ways. Suppliers can command bargaining power over
a firm when:
Porter’s Five Force Model of Competition
Their products are
crucial to the buyer
Porter’s five forces model is one of the most effective and and substitutes are
not available.
enduring conceptual frameworks used to assess the nature of the
competitive environment and to describe an industry’s structure.
They can erect high
The interrelationship among these five forces gives each industry switching costs.
its own particular competitive environment. By applying
Porter’s five forces model of industry attractiveness to their own They are more
concentrated than
industries, the manager can gauge their own firm’s strengths, their buyers.
weaknesses, and future opportunities.
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SARANSH Strategic Management
The industry
Competitors in Competitors Competitors have little
An industry has faces slow or
the industry are operate with face high exit opportunity to
no clear leader. diminished
numerous. high fixed costs. barriers. differentiate
their offerings.
Threat of Substitutes
A final force that can influence industry profitability is the
Michael Porter’s Generic Strategies
availability of substitutes for an industry’s product. To predict According to Porter, strategies allow organizations to gain
profit pressure from this source, firms must search for products competitive advantage from three different bases: cost leadership,
that perform the same, or nearly the same, function as their differentiation, and focus. Porter called these base generic
existing products. strategies. These strategies have been termed generic because
they can be pursued by any type or size of business firm and even
Business-Level Strategies by not-for-profit organisations.
An organization’s core competencies should be focused on
satisfying customer needs or wants in order to achieve above
average returns. This is done through Business-level strategies Michael Porter’s Generic
Customers are the foundation of an organization’s business- Strategies
Cost leadership emphasizes producing
level strategies. Who will be served, what needs have to be met, standardized products at a very low per-
and how those needs will be satisfied are determined by the unit cost for consumers who are price-
senior management. sensitive.
Differentiation is a strategy aimed
at producing products and services
Who are the customers? considered unique industry wide and
Knowing one’s customers is very important in obtaining and directed at consumers who are relatively
sustaining a competitive advantage. Being able to successfully Focus means producing products and
predict and satisfy future customer needs is important. Perhaps services that fulfill the needs of small
one of Compaq’s mistakes was not understanding who their real groups of consumers.
customer was and what that customer -- end user -- wanted.
How to satisfy customer needs? Porter’s strategies imply different organizational arrangements,
Organizations must determine how to bundle resources and control procedures, and incentive systems. Larger firms with
capabilities to form core competencies and then use these core greater access to resources typically compete on a cost leadership
competencies to satisfy customer needs or create value for them. and/or differentiation basis, whereas smaller firms often compete
Business level strategies detail actions to be taken to provide on a focus basis.
value to customers and gain a competitive advantage by
exploiting core competencies in specific individual product or
Low-Cost Differentiated
Meeting the needs of key customers. products/services products/services
Avoiding competitive disadvantage.
Michael Porter’s Generic Strategy
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SARANSH Strategic Management
Cost leadership can succeed only if the firm can achieve Rapid product innovation.
higher sales volume.
Cost leaders tend to keep their costs low by minimizing Taking steps for enhancing image and its brand value.
advertising, market research, and research and development,
but this approach can prove to be expensive in the long run.
Fixing product prices based on the unique features of the
Technology changes are a great threat to the cost leader. product and buying capacity of the customer.
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SARANSH Strategic Management
Entrants – Innovative features are an expensive offer. So, new Due to the tremendous expertise about the goods and services
entrants generally avoid these features because it is tough for that organisations following focus strategy offer, rivals and
them to provide the same product with special features at a new entrants may find it difficult to compete.
comparable price.
Disadvantages of Focused Strategy
Substitutes – Substitute products can’t replace differentiated The firms lacking in distinctive competencies may not
products which have high brand value and enjoy customer be able to pursue focus strategy.
Due to the limited demand of product/services, costs are high
which can cause problems.
Disadvantages of Differentiation Strategy
In long run, the niche could disappear or be taken over
In long term, uniqueness is difficult to sustain. by larger competitors by acquiring the same distinctive
Charging too high a price for differentiated features may
cause the customer to switch-off to another alternative. Best-Cost Provider Strategy
The new model of best cost provider strategy is a further
Differentiation fails to work if its basis is something that is development of above three generic strategies. It is directed
not valued by the customers. towards giving customers more value for the money by
emphasizing both low cost and upscale differences. The objective
is to keep costs and prices lower than those of other sellers of
Focus Strategies comparable products.
Lower Cost Differentiation
Focus means producing products and services that fulfill
the needs of small groups of consumers. Focus strategies are A Broad Cross Broad
Low Cost
Section of Differentiation
most effective when consumers have distinctive preferences Buyers
or requirements and when rival firms are not attempting to
Market Target
Best Cost
specialize in the same target segment. Risks of pursuing a focus Provider
strategy include the possibility that numerous competitors Strategy
will recognize the successful focus strategy and copy it, or that A Narrower Focused
Buyer Segment Focused Low Differentiation
consumer preferences will drift toward the product attributes (or Market Cost Strategy Strategy
desired by the market as a whole. An organization using a focus Niche) Company’s
strategy may concentrate on a particular group of customers, Figure: The Five Generic Competitive Strategies
geographic markets, or on particular product-line segments
in order to serve a well-defined but narrow market better than Best-cost provider strategy involves providing customers more
competitors who serve a broader market. value for the money by emphasizing low cost and better quality
Focused cost leadership: Firms that compete based on difference. It can be done:
price and target a narrow market are following a focused cost (a) through offering products at lower price than what is being
leadership strategy. offered by rivals for products with comparable quality and
Focused differentiation: Firms that compete based on features or
uniqueness and target a narrow market are following a focused (b) charging similar price as by the rivals for products with much
differentiations strategy. higher quality and better features.
© ICAI BOS(A) 18
SARANSH Strategic Management
Marketing Strategy
Marketing is a social and managerial process by which
Once higher level corporate and business strategies have individuals and groups obtain what they need and want
been developed, management need to formulate and through creating, offering and exchanging products of value
implement strategy for each of the functional areas of with others.
business. Strategy of one functional area cannot be looked
at in isolation. Different functional areas of the business Marketing Mix
are interwoven together and how a functional strategy is Marketing mix is a systematic way of classifying the key
synergised with other functional strategies determines its decision areas of marketing management. It is the set of
effectiveness. controllable marketing variables that the firm blends to
Functional strategies play two important roles. Firstly, produce the response it wants in the target market. The
they provide support to the overall business strategy. original framework of marketing mix comprises of 4Ps-
Secondly, they spell out as to how functional managers will product, price, place and promotion. These are subsequently
work so as to ensure better performance in their respective expanded to highlight certain other key decision areas like
functional areas. people, processes, and physical evidence. The elements of
Strategies in functional areas including marketing, original framework are:
financial, production, R & D and human resource Product: It stands for the “goods-and-service”
management are based on the functional capabilities of an combination the company offers to the target market.
organisation. For each functional area, first the major sub Price: It stands for the amount of money customers have
areas are identified and then for each of these sub areas, to pay to obtain the product.
content of functional strategies, important factors, and their Place: It stands for company activities that make the
importance in the process of strategy implementation are product available to target consumers and include
identified. marketing channel, distribution policies and geographical
In terms of the levels of strategy formulation, functional availablity.
strategies operate below the SBU or business-level strategies. Promotion: It stands for activities that communicate the
Within functional strategies there might be several sub- merits of the product and persuade target consumers to
functional areas. Functional strategies are made within the buy it. Modern marketing is highly promotional oriented.
framework of corporate level strategies and guidelines therein There are at least four major direct promotional methods
that are set at higher levels of the organization. Operational or tools – personal selling, advertising, publicity and sales
plans at the SBU level tell the functional managers what promotion.
has to be done while policies state how the plans are to be Expanded Marketing Mix: Typically, all organizations
implemented. use a combination of 4 Ps in some form or the other.
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SARANSH Strategic Management
However, the above elements of marketing mix are not evolved, which are given below:
exhaustive. It is pertinent to discuss a few more elements
that may form part of an organizational marketing mix Social Marketing: It refers to the design, implementation, and
strategy. They have got more currency in recent years. control of programs seeking to increase the acceptability of a social
idea, cause, or practice among a target group.
Growth of services has its own share for the inclusion
of newer elements in marketing. A few new Ps are as
follows: Augmented Marketing: It is provision of additional customer
services and benefits built around the core and actual products that
People: all human actors who play a part in delivery of the relate to introduction of hi-tech services like movies on demand,
market offering and thus influence the buyer’s perception, on-line computer repair services, secretarial services, etc. Such
namely the firm’s personnel and the customer. innovative offerings provide a set of benefits that promise to elevate
customer service to unprecedented levels.
Process: the actual procedures, mechanisms and flow of
activities by which the product / service is delivered.
Direct Marketing: Marketing through various advertising media
Physical evidence: the environment in which the market that interact directly with consumers, generally calling for the
offering is delivered and where the firm and customer consumer to make a direct response.
Relationship Marketing: The process of creating, maintaining, and
Marketing Strategy Formulation enhancing strong, value-laden relationships with customers and
Marketing Analysis: A company must carefully analyze its other stakeholders.
environment in order to avoid the threats and take advantage
Services Marketing: It is applying the concepts, tools, and
of the opportunities. Areas to be analyzed in the environment techniques, of marketing to services. Services is any activity or
normally include: benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially
1. Forces close to the company such as its ability to serve intangible and does not result in the banking, savings, retailing,
educational or utilities.
customers, other company departments, channel
members, suppliers, competitors, and publics.
Person Marketing: People are also marketed. Person marketing
2. Broader forces such as demographic and economic forces, consists of activities undertaken to create, maintain or change
political and legal forces, technological and ecological attitudes and behaviour towards particular person.
forces, and social and cultural forces.
Organization Marketing: It consists of activities undertaken
to create, maintain, or change attitudes and behaviour of target
audiences towards an organization. Both profit and non-profit
organizations practice organization marketing.
Strategy Formulation: Marketing planning involves deciding Differential Marketing: It is a market-coverage strategy in which a
firm decides to target several market segments and designs separate
on marketing strategies that will help the company attain its offer for each.
overall strategic objectives. A detailed plan is needed for
each business, product, or brand. A product or brand plan
Synchro-marketing: When the demand for a product is irregular
may contain different sections: executive summary, current due to season, some parts of the day, or on hour basis, causing idle
marketing situation, threats and opportunity analysis, capacity or overworked capacities, synchro-marketing can be used
objectives and issues, marketing strategies, action programs, to find ways to alter the pattern of demand through flexible pricing,
promotion, and other incentives.
budgets, and controls.
Strategy Control: Strategic control involves monitoring and Concentrated Marketing: It is a market-coverage strategy in which
a firm goes after a large share of one or few sub-markets.
measuring of results and their evaluation. This would lead to
taking corrective actions in the 4 P’s of marketing.
Demarketing: It includes marketing strategies to reduce demand
temporarily or permanently. The aim is not to destroy demand,
Strategic Marketing Techniques but only to reduce or shift it. This happens when there is overfull
Over the years, a number of marketing strategies have been demand.
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at the right time to the right place and at the right price. Research and Development Strategy
It reduces costs of organizations and enhances customer Research and Development (R&D) personnel can play an
service. integral part in strategy implementation. These individuals
are generally charged with developing new products and
Implementing Supply Chain Management improving old products in a way that will allow effective
System strategy implementation. R&D employees and managers
The following are the major steps which are required for the perform tasks that include transferring complex technology,
successful implementation of Supply Chain Management in adjusting processes to local raw materials, adapting processes
the business organizations: to local markets, and altering products to particular tastes
and specifications.
Product development: Customers and suppliers must work together Strategies such as product development, market
in the product development process. When products are developed penetration, and concentric diversification require that new
and launched in shorter time, it would help organizations to remain products be successfully developed and that old products be
competitive. significantly improved. But the level of management support
for R&D is often constrained by resource availability.
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Network Structure
A company with network structure is often called a virtual
organization because it is composed of a series of project
groups or collaborations linked by constantly changing
non-hierarchical, cobweb-like networks. It could be termed
a “non-structure”, by its virtual elimination of in-house
business functions as many activities are outsourced.
Hourglass Structure
With the diminishing role played by middle management as
the tasks performed by them are increasingly being replaced
by the technological tools, a new form of organisation
structure is seen. Hourglass organization structure consists of
three layers with constricted middle layer. A shrunken middle
layer coordinates diverse lower level activities. Contrary to
traditional middle level managers who are often specialists,
the managers in the hourglass structure are generalists and
perform wide variety of tasks.
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Strategy Formulation
Strategic control has been discussed as an integral part of
strategic management. Strategic control focuses on whether
the strategy is being implemented as planned and the results
produced are those intended. In addition, we will also have an
overview of the emerging concepts in strategic management
namely strategy audit, business process reengineering and
Weak Excellent
Interrelationship Strategy Implementation
between Strategy
Formulation and Strategy formulation and implementation matrix
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Recognize the need for change: The first step is to diagnose which
parts of the present corporate culture are strategy supportive and
which are not. This basically means going for environmental scanning Operational Management Strategic
involving appraisal of both internal and external capabilities and Control:
then identify the problems/improvement areas and determine scope Control: When Control:
The thrust of compared with
for change. Strategic Control
operational operational control,
control is on is the process
management control of evaluating
individual tasks
is more inclusive and strategy as it is
or transactions
Create a shared vision to manage change: Objectives and vision of more aggregative,
as against total or formulated and
individuals and organization should coincide. Strategy implementers in the sense of
more aggregative implemented.
have to convince all those concerned that the change in business embracing the
management It is directed
culture is not superficial or cosmetic. The actions taken have to integrated activities
be fully indicative of management’s seriousness to new strategic functions. towards
of a complete
initiatives and associated changes. identifying
department, division
or even entire problems,
organisation, instead changes
or mere narrowly in premise
Institutionalise the change: This is basically an action stage
which requires implementation of changed strategy. Creating and circumscribed and making
sustaining a different attitude towards change is essential to ensure activities of sub- necessary
that the firm does not slip back into old ways of thinking or doing units. adjustments.
things. Besides, change process must be regularly monitored and
reviewed to analyse the after-effects of change. Any discrepancy or
deviation should be appropriately addressed.
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Implementation Taking corrective actions
Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 to ensure that performance
conforms to plans.
Strategy Audit
“Strategy audit is a process for taking an objective look at the
existing strategies of the organization. It involves assessing the
Richard Rumelt’s Criteria for Strategy Audit
direction of a business and comparing that to the course to the
direction required to succeed in a changing environment.”
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