Optimal Directional Overcurrent Relays Coordination Using Directional Bat Algorithm

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Optimal Directional Overcurrent Relays

Coordination using Directional Bat Algorithm

Felipe C. Sampaio, Lucas M. Belmino Ruth P. S. Leão, Raimundo F. Sampaio, Giovanni C. Barroso
Department of Electrical Engineering Lucas S. Melo Department of Physics
Federal University of Ceará Department of Electrical Engineering Federal University of Ceará
Fortaleza, CE, Brazil Federal University of Ceará Fortaleza, CE, Brazil
felipecsamp@dee.ufc.br, lucas.belmino@hotmail.com Fortaleza, CE, Brazil gcb@fisica.ufc.br
rleao@dee.ufc.br, rfurtado@dee.ufc.br,

Abstract—Coordination of directional overcurrent relays is ity and time consuming, the DOCR coordination has been for-
most often made based on manual procedures. However, due to mulated as an optimization problem. The optimal DOCR co-
its complexity and time-consuming, these procedures have been ordination problem aims to minimize the primary and backup
formulated as an optimization problem. The aim of this paper is
to present a directional Bat Algorithm (dBA) as a potential algo- relays operating time, while maintaining coordination and
rithm for optimal coordination of directional overcurrent relays. reliability. Several optimization techniques have been proposed
The dBA performance was compared to others metaheuristic for optimal DOCR coordination, such as: linear programming
algorithms such as Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm (LP) [2]–[5], mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP)
Optimization (PSO) and Bat Algorithm (BA) when applied to [6], sequential quadratic programming (SQP) [7], quadratic
a nine-bus benchmark test system. The obtained results showed
that dBA overcame GA, PSO and BA with less total operating constraint quadratic programming (QCQP) [8], genetic al-
time and faster convergence with similar computational effort. gorithms (GA) [9]–[11], particle swarm optimization (PSO)
Index Terms—Power systems protection, directional overcur- [12], [13], differential evolution (DE) [14]–[16], ant colony
rent relays, optimization, directional bat algorithm. optimization (ACO) [17] and gravitational search algorithm
(GSA) [18], [19].
I. I NTRODUCTION These techniques can be classified as deterministics [2]–[8]
Power systems protection and coordination are accountable or metaheuristics [9]–[19]. In general, deterministic techniques
for limit the extent and duration of service interruption when- present fast convergence, but also present problems with
ever adverse events occur on any portion of the system. The getting stuck in local optima and high dependency with initial
protection system must be reliable, stable, sensitive, selective solution. In the other hand, metaheuristic algorithms present
and timely. Overcurrent is the most basic form of protection slower convergence, but are less susceptible to being stuck in
and is used at all voltage levels. Overcurrent relays with local optima and has less dependency with initial solutions.
directional feature improves its selectivity. The directional Directional Bat Algorithm (dBA) is a metaheuristic opti-
overcurrent relay (DOCR) recognizes the direction in which mization technique inspired by the echolocation process of
fault occurs, relative to the location of the relay. Normally, bats. It was recently proposed by [20] to overcome some
the conventional overcurrent relay (non-direction) will act for deficiencies of Bat Algorithm (BA), which is known for its
fault current in any direction [1]. characteristic of providing good solutions, but with premature
To ensure reliability to the power system, the protection convergence problem [21].
system is divided into zones protected by primary and backup The purpose of this paper is to present dBA as a potential
protection relays. In case of faults inside its zone, the primary algorithm for optimal DOCR coordination. The optimization
relay must extinct the fault current. However, if the primary algorithm was tested on a nine-bus benchmark test system and
relay fails, the backup relay must interrupt the fault current its performance was compared to other three metaheuristic
supply after a pre-specified delay. This delay is defined to keep algorithms such as Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm
the protection system coordinated, otherwise healthy loads Optimization (PSO) and Bat Algorithm (BA). The results
would be disconnected. showed that the proposed algorithm overcomes GA, PSO and
Over the years, the coordination of DOCR has been made BA in terms of total operating time and speed of convergence
manually by protection experts. However, due to its complex- with similar computational effort.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: section II
The authors of this paper thank the National Council for Scientific and
Technological Development (CNPq) for allowing this work
introduces the DOCR coordination as an optimization prob-
lem, section III discusses the differences between standard bat
algorithm and directional bat algorithm, section IV presents the
978-1-5386-8218-0/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE simulation results and the conclusions are presented in section
V. C. Objective function
The optimal DOCR coordination aims to obtain the settings
II. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION (P S and T DS) of each relay which minimize the relays op-
A. The directional overcurrent relay coordination erating time, taking into account the coordination and settings
constraints. Hence, the adopted objective function is expressed
Overcurrent relays can be classified into three groups: defi- by Eq. 6.
nite current (or instantaneous), definite time and inverse time. F X Mi
The majority of modern digital relays allows to combine these
X 2
F OB = (α(t2ik + t2jk ) + β(∆tijk − |∆tijk |) )
three types of curves in only one operating curve. However, k=1 i=1 j=1
to keep the the modelling of the problem simple and to cover (6)
all kind of DOCR, this work focus only on inverse time Where F is the number of faults, N is the number of relays,
overcurrent relays, which has the operating curve represented and Mi is the number of backup relays of relay i. Hence, tik is
by Eq. 1. the operating time of relay i for a fault k, tjk is the operating
time of backup relay j for the same fault k and ∆tijk is the
β difference between CT I and CT Imin .
top (I) = T DS I α
PS −1 The first part of F OB is the sum of all relays (primary and
backup) operating time. It express the objective of minimize
Where top is the relay operating time in seconds, I is the the protection system total operating time. The second part of
fault current at current transformer (CT) secondary, T DS is F OB is a penalty function and has the objective of incorporate
the time dial setting, P S is the plug setting and α and β are the coordination constraint (Eq. 3) in the objective function.
constants that define the curve characteristics. In this work, If ∆tijk is negative (discoordination) the first part of F OB
the relays curves were assumed as Normally Inverse [22], so will be summed to 4β(∆tijk )2 , a penalty. In the other hand, if
α = 0.14 and β = 0.02. ∆tijk is positive, the second part of F OB is equal to zero. α
and β are weights given to the parts of the objective function.
B. Primary and backup relay constraints In this work, the weights were adopted as α = 1 and β = 100.
To guarantee the protection system coordination, there must III. BAT A LGORITHM AND D IRECTIONAL BAT
be a time difference between each primary/backup relay pairs. A LGORITHM
This time difference is denominated coordination time interval
Bat Algorithm (BA) is a metaheuristic algorithm inspired
(CT I). Hence, in case of primary relay operation fail, backup
by the bat’s echolocation process. In [23], BA is proposed
relay trips after a pre-specified delay (CTI). The coordination
following three premises:
constraint is mathematically expressed in Eq. 3.
(i) All bats use echolocation to sense distance and the
location of a bat (xi ) is encoded as a solution vector
CT I = tjk − tik (2) to an optimization problem under consideration [23];
(ii) Bats fly randomly with velocity vi at position xi with
varying frequency (from a minimum fmin to a maxi-
∆tijk = CT I − CT Imin ≥ 0 (3) mum frequency fmax ) and loudness (Ai ) to search for
prey. They can automatically adjust the frequencies of
Where tik is the operating time of primary relay i for a their emitted pulses and the rate of pulse emission (ri )
fault k and tjk is the operating time of backup relay j for the depending on the proximity of the target [23];
same fault k. (iii) Loudness varies from a large positive value to a minimum
There are also limits to choose relay settings (P S and constant value, while rate of pulse emission varies from
T DS). These settings constraints are expressed in Eq. 4 and a lower constant value to a higher value [23].
5. As stated in Section 2, the optimization problem variables
are the plug setting (P S) and the time dial setting (T DS)
P Smin ≤ P Si ≤ P Smax (4) of each relay. The set of all variables forms a solution vector,
which in BA is encoded as the position of each bat on solution
In the tests, P Smin = max(0.1, 1.25Imax i
) and P Smax = space. In this problem, the population of bats was encoded as
2 F L
min(2.5, 3 Imini ), where Imaxi is the maximum load current the matrix expressed in Eq. 7
sensed by relay i and Imin i
is the minimum fault current
sensed by relay i. 
P S1,1 T DS1,1 ··· P S1,n T DS1,n

P = .. .. .. .. ..
 (7)
 
. . . . .
T DSmin ≤ T DSi ≤ T DSmax (5)
P Sm,1 T DSm,1 ··· P Sm,n T DSm,n
In the tests, T DSmin and T DSmax were adopted as 0.025 Where m is the number of bats and n is the number of
and 1.2. relays. Hence, the population matrix has m lines and 2n
columns. Each line i of P forms a vector which defines a Algorithm 1 Bat Algorithm
bat position (xi ) in the solution space. Define the objective function
During the search process, the position (xi ), the velocity (vi ) Initialize the population xi
and the frequency are expressed by the following equations Evaluate fitness Fi (xi )
[23]: Initialize the initial frequencies fi
Initialize rate of pulse emission ri0 and initial loudness A0i
fi = fmin + (fmax − fmin )rand (8) while t ≤ tmax do
Calculate frequency Eq. (8)
vit+1 = vit + (x∗ − xti )fi (9)
Update velocity Eq. (9)
i = xti + vit+1 (10) Update positions Eq. (10)
if rand > ri then
Where fmin and fmax are, respectively, the maximum and Generate a local solution around the current solution
minimum frequencies, rand ∈ [0, 1] is a random vector drawn Eq. (11)
from a uniform distribution and x∗ is the current best position. end if
As the iterative process proceeds, ri tends to increase and if rand < Ai & F (xi ) < F (x∗ ) then
the bats tends to change the movement from global search to Accept the new solutions
local search. The movement by local search is given by the Update the best position x∗
following random walk equation: Increase ri Eq. (13)
Decrease Ai Eq. (12)
i = xti +  < At > (11) end if
Where  ∈ [−1, 1] is a random number drawn from a end while
uniform distribution and < At > is the average loudness of all
bats in the current iteration. Along the iterations, the average
loudness tends to decrease, consequently the random walk Fig. 1 illustrates the difference in bat movement in standard
movement tends to be higher at initial iterations (exploration) BA and dBA.
and lower at final iterations (exploitation).
BA has a mechanism of rejecting new solutions to prevent
premature convergence. As the loudness decreases, also de-
creases the probability of accepting new solutions. So, at initial
iterations (higher loudness) more solutions are accepted and
at final iterations (lower loudness) less solutions are accepted.
The loudness and the rate of pulse emission are updated
accord to the Equations 12 and 13.

i = αAti (12)
Fig. 1. Bat movement in standard BA and dBA
rit+1 = ri∞ [1 − exp(−γt)] (13)
For each bat, a different bat is randomly chosen. If the
Where 0 < α < 1 e γ < 1 are constants that will define how
random chosen bat has better fitness than the current bat, its
fast the loudness will decrease and the rate of pulse emission
new position will be given by Eq. 14.
will increase, respectively. The initial loudness A0i and the
final rate of pulse emission ri∞ are typically adopted as values xt+1 = xti + (x∗ − xti )f1 + (xtk − xti )f2 (14)
between 0 and 1. The pseudo-code of BA is presented in Alg.
1. Where xti is the position of bat i in iteration t, x∗ is the best
One of the issues in BA is the premature convergence due bat position and xtk is the position of the random chosen bat.
to the low exploration ability of the algorithm under some f1 and f2 are random numbers calculated as Eq. 15 and 16.
conditions. To overcome this deficiency, the directional Bat They represent the signal frequencies emitted toward the best
Algorithm (dBA) was proposed in [20]. bat and the random chosen bat, respectively.
dBA follows the same echolocation premises and has a
similar flowchart as BA, but it presents four modifications that f1 = fmin + (fmax − fmin )rand1 (15)
aims to improve the exploration and exploitation abilities of
f2 = fmin + (fmax − fmin )rand2 (16)
The first change is related to search space exploration. In
BA, the bat flies randomly toward the best bat. In dBA, the bat Where fmin and fmax are the maximum and minimum
movement is a random composition of the movement toward frequencies the signal frequency can assume. In the tests, the
the best bat and the movement toward a random chosen bat. frequencies were adopted as fmin = 0 and fmax = 2. If the
random chosen bat does not has better fitness than the current In dBA, new solutions are accepted and parameters are
bat, the current bat will move only toward the best bat (Eq. updated if the new generated solution (xi ) is better than the
17), as in standard BA. current bat best solution (x∗i ) and a generated random number
is lower than A.
i = xti + (x∗ − xti )f1 (17) Also, in standard BA, it is possible that the new solution
has a better fitness than the best solution and it be rejected,
The dBA’s movement equation has the ability of diversify because the generated random number is greater than A. To
the movement direction, improving its exploration capacity. correct this, in dBA, even if the new solution was rejected,
It is important on initial iterations to avoid the algorithm to if it is better than the best solution, the best solution will be
being stuck in local minimums [20]. updated. The pseudo-code of dBA is presented in Alg 2.
The second change is related to BA’s random walk. In dBA,
the random walk equation is expressed by Eq. 18. Algorithm 2 Directional Bat Algorithm
Define the objective function
i = xti +  < At > wit (18) Initialize the population xi
Evaluate fitness Fi (xi )
Where < At > is the average loudness of all bats in iteration
Initialize rate of pulse emission r0 , initial loudness A0 , w0
t,  ∈ [−1, 1] is a random vector and wit is a vector that
and w∞
regulates the scales of search as the iterative process proceeds.
while t ≤ tmax do
The evolution of wit along the iterations is given by Eq. 19.
Select a random bat
wi0 − wi∞ Generate frequencies Eq. (15) e (16)
wit = (t − tmax ) + wi∞ (19) Update location/solution Eq. (14)
1 − tmax
if rand > ri then
Where wi0 and wi∞ are the initial and final vectors, respec- Update wi
tively. In this work’s tests, wi0 and wi∞ were adopted as: Generate a local solution around the current solution
Eq. (18)
wi0 = (U B − LB)/12 (20) end if
if rand < Ai & F (xi ) < F (x∗i ) then
Accept the new solutions
wi∞ = wi0 /100 (21)
Increase ri Eq. (23)
Where U B and LB are the vectors which contains the Decrease Ai Eq. (22)
variables’ upper and lower bounds, respectively. So wi linearly end if
decrease from wi0 to wi∞ along iterations. It aims to expand if F (xi ) < F (x∗ ) then
the bats search space in initial solutions and reduce it in final Update the best solution x∗
solutions. end if
The third change is related to the update equations of A end while
and r. In standard BA, A and r have a fast evolution along the
iterations, reducing the auto-switch from global search to local
search and from accepting to rejecting new solutions [20]. In
dBA, A and r, at each iteration, are given by Eq. 22 and The proposed algorithm is tested and analyzed in this
23, which allows a slower evolution along the iterations and section. For this, dBA is used to minimize the operating time
becomes easier to set. of a protection system of a 9-bus benchmark test system,
presented in Fig. 2. The protection system consists of 24
A0 − A∞ directional overcurrent relays with normally inverse curve.
Ati = (t − tmax ) + A∞ (22)
1 − tmax The CT ratio for each relay is 500:1. The fault points (A-
L) were considered to obtain the short circuit contributions
r0 − r∞
rit = (t − tmax ) + r∞ (23) for each relay. Although the points are represented at the
1 − tmax middle of the lines, the middle line and the close-in faults
Where the index 0 and ∞ indicates initial and final values, were considered to calculate the maximum and minimum
respectively. In this works the constants A0 , A∞ , r0 and r∞ fault current through each relay. The systems receives power
were adopted as 0.9, 0.5, 0.3 and 0.6, respectively. from a source (connected at bus 1) of 100 MVA, 33 kV
The last modification is related to the moment which the and impedance of 0.1j p.u. The maximum load currents,
parameters are updated and the accepting of new solutions. the minimum and the maximum fault currents through each
In standard BA, new solutions are allowed and A and r are primary-backup relays pair are presented in [10].
updated only if the new solution (xi ) is better than the global To evaluate the performance of dBA, it was compared with
best solution (x∗ ) and a generated random number is lower the performance of GA, PSO and BA. Each algorithm was ex-
than A. ecuted with the same 240 particles in the initial population for
(tp ), the backup protection operating time (tb ) and the CTI of
each Primary/Backup relay pair for the settings obtained by
dBA. The dotted line depicts the minimum CTI considered
(0.2 s).

Fig. 4. Primary and backup operating time difference

Fig. 2. Single-line diagram of the nine-bus test system.
There were 16 coordination time violations (CT I <
CT Imin ). However, the lowest CTI was 0.189 s, which rep-
300 iterations. The following parameters were considered for resents a violation of 5.13 %. Moreover, the CT Imin adopted
each algorithm: For GA, the crossover rate and the mutation can be considered conservative, since CT I can be adopted
rate were considered as 1.0 and 0.02, respectively; For PSO, between 0.2 and 0.5 s [24]. So, the constraint violations are
the two acceleration factors (c1 and c2 ) were considered as 2.0 acceptable, considering the total operating time minimization
and the inertia factor was considered as linearly decreasing provided.
from 0.7 to 0.2; For BA, the loudness (A) was adopted To evaluate the algorithms’ dependency of initial solutions,
with initial value 1.0 and decreasing factor 0.992, while the each algorithm was also executed 1000 times with random ini-
rate of pulse emission (r) was adopted with final value 1.0 tial population but with the same parameters already specified.
and increasing factor 0.006; For dBA, A was considered as The obtained results are presented in Table I.
decreasing linearly from 0.9 to 0.5 and r was considered as
increasing linearly from 0.3 to 0.6. The tests results were
obtained using a personal computer with Intel ® Core ™ i5- M EAN FITNESS , S TANDARD DEVIATION OF FITNESS AND AVERAGED
3210M CPU @2.5 GHz x64 based processor with 6 GB RAM. EXECUTION TIME OF GA, PSO, BA AND D BA.
In Fig. 3 is presented the algorithms’ convergence com-
parison. PSO prematurely converged to a local minimum and GA PSO BA dBA
obtained the worst fitness. GA had a slightly faster conver- Mean 23.6113 108.3300 43.1469 9.0684
gence than BA, however both converged to a local minimum. Standard deviation 3.2746 73.4881 10.9503 1.3855
Averaged Exec. Time 6.1918 s 6.3718 s 6.8859 s 7.4644 s
In the other hand, dBA had the fastest convergence and the
lowest fitness.
PSO had the worst performance with the highest mean and
the highest standard deviation. GA overcame BA with lower
mean and lower standard deviation. On the other hand, the
modifications in dBA allowed it to overcome not only BA
but also GA and PSO performances. It presented the lowest
mean (65.59 % lower than GA mean fitness) and the lowest
standard deviation. Due to its higher complexity, dBA had a
slightly higher averaged execution time than GA (17.04 %).
This work presents the application of the directional Bat
Algorithm (dBA) for optimal directional overcurrent relays
coordination. The performance comparison of dBA against its
counterparts GA, PSO and BA has shown the superiority of
Fig. 3. Convergence comparison of GA, PSO, BA and dBA dBA in terms of total operating time, convergence time and
computational effort. dBA had also a good performance when
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