DeltaV System Overview - v11 - Layout 1.qxd
DeltaV System Overview - v11 - Layout 1.qxd
DeltaV System Overview - v11 - Layout 1.qxd
System Overview
The DeltaV digital automation system helps you improve your operations
by harnessing today’s predictive technologies in an easy, intuitive, and interoperable
way to connect your people, processes, and production.
I/O on
What you want, when you want it, where you want it.
With the introduction of I/O on Regardless of I/O type–
Demand, an unprecedented traditionally wired I/O, FOUNDATION
amount of field I/O adaptability, fieldbus, Profibus DP, DeviceNet,
ease-of-integration and plant AS-i bus, or even redundant
availability becomes possible. wireless–you can add and begin
Costs and concerns around single using the information all natively
points of failure, marshalled cross- and with far less engineering,
wiring, power and grounding of design, and field work. You choose
FOUNDATIONTM fieldbus segments, the I/O you need, we make it easy.
and late project I/O and process I/O on Demand–your I/O, any
design change orders can type, anytime, anywhere.
completely disappear.
Inherent functionality regardless of size.
Process control facilities and system keeps the same look and
applications certainly come in all feel. This reduces administration
sizes and levels of complexity. To and training costs, and optimizes
maximize the return on your both initial investment and future
investment, the automation expansions.
system should easily scale without
adding complexity. From bench top, to pilot plant, to
full production; from 25 I/O points
Part of Emerson's PlantWebTM to over 1 million, your system
architecture, the DeltaVTM system adapts to meet your needs. Same
is built from the ground up for operations experience. Same
ultimate scalability. Regardless of maintenance experience. Same
your application’s size, the DeltaV system, scaled to fit. Easy.
Delivering the power of PlantWeb to every installation.
The DeltaV system has the The inherent integration of the the DeltaV system. And, it is tightly
commissioning and monitoring DeltaV system extends to batch, integrated with:
power of AMS Device Manager advanced control, change SyncadeTM suite which provides
included. This combination management, engineering tools, operations management
connects your operations with the diagnostics, simulation, and event AMSTM Suite which provides
predictive intelligence in smart and continuous historian. predictive maintenance
devices and creates PlantWeb–for DeltaV SISTM system which
greater availability. Emerson provides solutions that provides integrated yet
integrate with your plant systems separate safety
above, below, and in parallel with Integrated machinery
for Purpose
Designed specifically for your process control applications.
Over the last ten years, commercial off- However, while COTS has given many lifecycle support without upgrades,
the-shelf technologies (COTS) have advantages, it has also come with built-in security, etc. We call this balance
provided tremendous increases in expensive administration and life-cycle “Built for Purpose”, and the DeltaV
functionality and cost advantages to costs requirements. A better approach is system is the first automation system to
end-users of today’s automation to take advantage of the cost benefits address this critical need in many of the
systems. The DeltaV system was the first and open standards of COTS, but to add most important facets of the system.
such system on the market, and functionality that allows the equipment
continues to provide open, proven to function much more like other parts
products to its process manufacturers. of the system–plug-and-play, full
Profibus DP
AS-i bus
OPC Express Interface (Xi)
The I/O you want, when you want it, where you want it.
The DeltaV system’s unique regardless of signal type or control Integrated CHARMS
flexible field architecture delivers strategy. CHARM base plate snaps on rail
I/O on demand–providing the I/O CHARM terminal block snaps
you want, when you want it, where With Electronic Marshalling, each into base
you want it. It is flexible because terminal block has a channel Auto keying sets terminal block
you can now decouple the process characterization module, or when first CHARM is inserted
design from the I/O infrastructure CHARM, which includes an A/D CHARM secured with locking
design, to easily incorporate late converter and associated signal mechanism in both operating
process changes into the characterization for different types and “knife-edge” disconnect
automation system. analog and digital I/O. Field wiring positions
of any signal type can be termin- Insertable/removable under
Electronic Marshalling ated anywhere and characterized power in a Zone 2 environment
Tight project schedules with by the various CHARMS. A digital Signal fault protection and
changing requirements during communication bus runs along the circuit protection built in
design and implementation are a terminal strip to send device signal Fault isolation built in to CHARM.
way of life. DeltaV Electronic information to the top of the
Marshalling lets you land field redundant CHARM I/O card where
cabling wherever you want, I/O conditioning is completed.
(CHARacterization Module)
Marshalling Cabinet
Late changes? No
Latch secures CHARM. problem
Every project has late changes that
Marshalling made easy can have significant impact on cost
Electronic Marshalling makes Installation of Electronic and schedule. Making these late
design easier and more forgiving, Marshalling is intuitive and easy, changes is now easier, because
because any input value can be because it is similar to existing new field wiring can be added to
read by any DeltaV controller methods for terminating field cabinets at any time with no
regardless of where the wiring is wiring. No special training or impact on the system architecture.
landed. expertise is needed to terminate
wiring on the terminal blocks. An Process design changes often occur
DeltaV Electronic Marshalling integrated “knife-edge” throughout the life of a project. For example,
eliminates the complexity disconnect eliminates the worry
after the process hazard analysis is completed,
associated with marshalling field over accidentally induced faults
wiring in a control system. during hot cutovers and new temperature measurements might need
maintenance. to be added to a process vessel. This can create
Electricians can terminate the field Increased robustness significant hardware design challenges if the
wires on terminal strips in the Troubleshooting of installation
same way they have in the past, issues can be done on a channel- correct I/O channel type isn’t available, or if
but the cross-wiring from the by-channel basis, because there is no room for new I/O to be added. In
marshalling panel to I/O cards has problems are isolated to a single
been eliminated. This greatly most control systems this would require
channel–providing increased
simplifies control cabinet design, robustness. substantial re-work to move some or all of the
installation, and maintenance.
control strategy to another controller.
Because each CHARM comes fully
CHARM Terminal Block equipped with the ability to read
With the unique DeltaV Electronic Marshalling
CHARM HART v7 data, intelligent field
devices can be monitored and solution, implementing this change can be as
quickly diagnosed around simple as adding a few new CHARMS to any
the clock.
existing terminal strip, regardless of which
controller will use the input data.
Proven, plug and play–a smart choice for your control system.
Traditional I/O is a modular
subsystem that offers flexibility
during installation. It’s designed to S-series I/O interfaces snap to 8-wide I/O carrier with
be installed in the field near your integrated 24 VDC bussed field power distribution.
devices. Modularity, protection
keys, and plug-and-play
capabilities make DeltaV
traditional I/O a smart choice for
your process control system.
Online addition of new I/O cards The modular design lets you buy (-40 to 158 °F). You can mount the
means your process does not get the exact number of I/O cards, I/O interface carrier in a junction
interrupted. The DeltaV system 8-wide carriers, power/controllers, box in the field, significantly
enables you to add system and 2-wide carriers you need and reducing your equipment
components including controllers, add more DeltaV I/O as your footprint.
I/O cards, field devices and system grows.
workstations while the system is Shared remote I/O is available for
powered and running. You can Rugged design for use Zone 2 installations. Unlike other
expand and upgrade your system anywhere remote I/O, DeltaV remote I/O can
on-the-fly with no downtime. The DeltaV system supports a full be shared among several
range of analog, discrete, digital controllers for a greater range of
The rugged, S-series hardware bus, thermocouple, and RTD field applications and installation
includes a venting system that devices. flexibility.
prevents screws, metal shavings,
and other debris that could short- DeltaV control hardware is built Safety in hazardous
circuit electronic components rugged and flexible to mount areas
from entering. almost anywhere. It is designed for The DeltaV Intrinsically Safe I/O
extreme field installation M-series subsystem provides the
Modular design for conditions, including: perfect solution for locating I/O in
added flexibility Class 1 Division 2 areas hazardous areas. The I/O
Both the S-series and M-series CENELEC Zone 2 areas subsystem connects intrinsically
traditional I/O hardware can co- ISA-71.04-1985 Airborne safe field circuits and field devices
exist in the same DeltaV system Contaminants Class G3. into FM Class I, Division 1, Zone 1,
with no trade-offs or and Zone 0 hazardous areas for
incompatibilities. All DeltaV traditional I/O cards are most standard analog input,
rated for extreme operating discrete input and discrete output
temperature ranges of -40 to 70 °C applications.
Screw fastening
No broken cards due With snap-clamps the
to over-tightening. correct tightness is
assured. Cards remain
securely in place.
Venting system
prevents debris/objects Rugged S-series
from entering. hardware addresses
your toughest
Protect your assets with the proven, secure DeltaV SIS system.
Smart safety loops. Reliable process.
Optimized reliability demand as required. To Integrated operations, engineering and maintenance.
Safety instrumented systems increase your process
perform a critical role in providing availability, the DeltaV
safer, more reliable process SIS system detects
operations. Based on industry component failures
research, over 85% of all faults in and keeps you running
SIS applications occur in field when other systems
instruments and control elements. might shut you down.
Therefore, it is critical to consider
The use of digital
the entire safety instrumented
intelligence and
function (SIF)–from sensor, to
predictive diagnostics
logic solver, to final control
increases system
element–as a complete entity.
availability while
A smart SIS shuts down your plant
life cycle costs by
when needed for safety, but keeps
you running safely when Separate control and safety.
Health diagnostics to
components fail. As a key element
detect device failures
of Emerson Process Management’s
Device alerts for quick action
Smart SIS, the DeltaV SIS™ safety
Automatic partial stroke testing
management system reliably
Automated proof testing
protects your assets by providing
Integrated, comprehensive
an integrated approach to
documentation tools.
complete safety loops. The DeltaV SIS system is IEC 61508
Flexibility to meet your certified for use in SIL 3
The DeltaV SIS system helps you to applications. Flexible redundancy
improve your process safety by
process needs
The DeltaV SIS system is flexible to enables modular hardware fault
continuously monitoring and tolerance to meet your process
provide the safety you want, when
diagnosing the ability of the availability requirements.
you want, where you want. It
sensors, logic solvers, and final
provides a unique modular,
control elements to perform on The modular logic solver hardware
distributed architecture that is
scales in sizes of 16 configurable
based on a safety instrumented
I/O; therefore, memory and CPU
function approach to logic solving.
are added with each logic solver.
The modular architecture
The deterministic scan rate
eliminates a single point of failure,
ensures proper performance as
while the distributed architecture
you expand your system.
enables implementation of
complex logic across multiple logic For further flexibility, the I/O mix is
solvers. This optimum architecture configurable and can be located
simplifies change management remotely. And the system can be
and enables the system to be as large as your application
custom fit for SIS applications. requires –30,000 I/O.
Integrated engineering, to be pages and pages of logic to sequencer functionality eliminates the need for
operations and maintenance engineer, test, and commission.
complex ladder logic–reducing your
It’s now a simple drag-and-drop
The DeltaV SIS platform seamlessly engineering, testing and documentation efforts.
configuration process–with no
integrates with the DeltaV system
custom programming. Simplified The modular architecture allows you to install
to provide a comprehensive
configuration with less complexity
process safety solution that only the hardware needed for this application.
reduces your lifecycle costs and
leverages your automation
process risks. You are able to complete the project on time
Integrated engineering provides and under budget.
all of the capabilities that make
Page 13–DeltaV System Overview
I/O on Ultimate Embedded Inherently Built
Scalability Intelligent
Demand Integrated for Purpose
Integrating I/O through open interfaces, more than one million I/O can be monitored and controlled.
Your company develops a new product on lab scale equipment before scaling it up to produce trial
quantities in a pilot plant. After successful pilot-scale production trials, the process is commercialized in a
large scale production unit. All of this is done in the same facility and you are responsible for supporting
the control equipment. Obviously, the most desired situation is that all of these systems look and feel
identical to the users: scientists, process engineers, automation engineers, and operators. The DeltaV
system has ultimate scalability and was built from the ground up with the idea of a single platform to fit
any size application. Whether or not the system is 25 or 25,000 I/O, the operator, engineer, production
manager, and maintenance technician all have the same experience. There is no re-configuration,
re-architecting, special “gateway” or other equipment to learn, use, and maintain.
PID function
block capability
There is no setup or
configuration required, because
InSight automatically recognizes
function blocks as they are Fuzzy logic control is implemented just like PID–
configured. with drag-and-drop ease.
DeltaV Predict
Obtain greater throughput,
reduced variability, and increased
profitability by using DeltaV
Predict and DeltaV PredictPro to
implement multivariable model
predictive control strategies.
DeltaV Predict and PredictPro use
the power of model predictive
control to easily address process
interaction and difficult dynamics.
Since DeltaV Predict and
PredictPro are fully embedded in
the DeltaV system, you can use
DeltaV Predict
pre-engineered components and
function blocks to quickly develop,
with Function
validate, test and deploy your
multivariable control strategies.
DeltaV Neural
DeltaV Neural provides a practical without prior knowledge of neural
way to create virtual sensors for network theory. DeltaV Neural
measurements previously automatically uses the historical
available only through the use of data provided from embedded
lab analysis or online analyzers. historian, making it easy for you to
Easy to understand and use, quickly train the neural network
DeltaV Neural gives process and verify the accuracy of the
engineers a way to produce resulting model.
extremely accurate results, even
Prevents unauthorized system changes that can compromise your plant’s performance.
The DeltaV system provides easy, structure to match your operating Workstation
flexible, system-wide security philosophy. Through a single sign- hardening disables
management for all users including on, you can define groups of users, unused operating
operators, engineers, technicians, such as operators or supervisors, system services
and other automation users. and assign them DeltaV and AMS and disables CD-
Device Manager privileges. ROM and USB
Easy security For example, one group may be
ports to prevent
management the introduction
able to change only operating
Based on user login, the easy-to- of viruses and
parameters, while another also
use DeltaV role-based security malware.
may be able to change selected
keys control both system The DeltaV
tuning parameters. And you can
functionality and span of operator Flexlock security
limit a user to particular areas of
control. A separate set of locks and application
the plant–providing you with
keys is provided for control creates a secure
peace of mind that only the
and safety. workstation
appropriate people are making Proper personnel authorization for
desktop to
decisions affecting your plant. decisions provides peace of mind.
DeltaV security ensures that you prevent un-
have the correct privilege for each Built for security authorized access
task. When you make changes to The DeltaV system was developed outside of the
system users and their privileges in with system security as a key DeltaV operations
DeltaV User Manager, the changes design criterion. To safeguard your environment.
are immediately applied across all assets and ensure proper access, DeltaV Smart Switches provide
DeltaV applications and Windows the DeltaV system delivers many auto lockdown to prevent
security is automatically updated. important security capabilities. unauthorized network
The DeltaV control network connections on switch ports.
Adaptable user manager architecture delivers a system Unauthorized network devices
All facilities do not operate the that is more secure from cannot participate in DeltaV
same. With the role-based user unauthorized external access. communications, because
access, you have complete DeltaV controllers have been DeltaV devices are
flexibility to modify the security hardened to mitigate specific, authenticated as part of system
well-documented security configuration.
threats. Physical access to local
equipment is not required for
Starting up a large manufacturing facility can be stressful. An routine maintenance
procedures and troubleshooting
inherent change management system can help eliminate pressure
because system diagnostics are
and improve productivity–when there is too much to do and too done over the network using
little time. DeltaV system changes are made by authorized DeltaV workstations.
High resolution, high fidelity historical data helps optimize your process.
Ready access to continuous and easily scale from 250 to 30,000
event historical information from historical items. Since it’s fully
your process is critical to integrated with the DeltaV
operating, analyzing, and system, it’s easy to start collecting
optimizing your process. This information and maintain it. No
collected information needs to data mapping or non-value
extend beyond the control system engineering is required.
boundaries down to the intelligent
field devices, which are much DeltaV regulatory and advanced
closer to the process and have a control applications including
higher resolution view of model predictive control and
the process. neural networks use the historical
information and its associated
Continuous Historian status. For higher availability and
The Continuous Historian is a robustness, these applications can
database designed for historical automatically detect when the
storage, retrieval, and integration item status is not good, alerting
into the DeltaV system, as well as the operator or application that
open access from the system. It data is suspect.
captures analog, discrete, and text
data and stores it for future Event Chronicle Multiple Event Chronicles can be
analysis. The Event Chronicle captures all used in the DeltaV system to
system events, such as operator collect events from different plant
As an Emerson Process changes, control module areas or from the same plant areas
Management product, the DeltaV installations, alarms, sequence of for added data availability and
Continuous Historian was events and changes in device robustness. Since the events are
designed to support the PlantWeb status. For each event, information time stamped in the DeltaV
architecture and provide a data such as who made a change and controller, multiple Event
repository for the information when the change occurred Chronicles will always have
available in intelligent field devices. is recorded. consistent time stamps.
The DeltaV Continuous Historian
captures the value, timestamp, The DeltaV system is designed to Plantwide Event
and status or validity of the capture data values and their Historian
information from these intelligent associated time stamps at the Beyond the boundaries of your
field devices. You can make better lowest possible level in the system, DeltaV system, the Plantwide
decisions with this high providing you with a more Event Historian captures and
fidelity data. accurate picture of the alarms and displays event data such as alarms,
events as they occur. The Event operator actions, system events,
Instead of being a layered Chronicle receives these time and sequences of events from
application afterthought, the stamps and events and makes DeltaV and third-party automation
DeltaV Continuous Historian is them available to the operator for systems throughout the
embedded in the system and can easy viewing and troubleshooting. entire plant.
Page 28–DeltaV System Overview
Optimized Operations
improves efficiency
Syncade suite manages workflow
across plant functions to assure
“right-first-time” production.
Coordinating manual and
automated processes enables your
plant personnel to make the most
of their time. Syncade suite
provides a single recipe / workflow
that adheres to ISA88 / ISA95
standards–reducing engineering
efforts by enabling modular,
reusable software libraries. Forced
The modular, scalable Syncade suite increases productivity and maximizes sequencing or work instructions
asset utilization. that guide the operator and
provide access to reference
documentation (such as SOPs and
MSDS) can eliminate errors and
The seamless integration of Resource Management ensure that accurate data is
Syncade suite with the DeltaV reduces variability collected and omissions flagged
system provides a comprehensive Syncade suite helps you effectively during production.
operations management solution manage resources and allows you
that optimizes across plant-wide to do more with less. By
work processes and increases scheduling and tracking
productivity. equipment usage, Syncade suite
can increase manufacturing
By using the latest technology and capacity. It can reduce waste and
adhering to industry standards, rework by optimizing material
Syncade Smart Operations usage and eliminating the use of
Management suite provides a outdated material. Syncade suite
modular, manufacturing IT replaces paper equipment records
solution to increase manufacturing with electronic logbooks by
performance by managing guiding operators through manual
resources, optimizing operations, processes and enabling easy
integrating information and access to support documents–
simplifying regulatory compliance. resulting in improved productivity.
Additionally, personnel training Recipe Authoring provides a quick way to create
and qualifications can be verified integrated orders and recipes–using standardized
real-time to ensure proper libraries, modular building block construction and
authorization. drag-and-drop design tools.
The DeltaV system built Built for busses Once a control system is up and running, you
for process control The DeltaV digital automation want to avoid making changes as much as
The DeltaV system enables you to system is the only system built
from the ground up to unleash the possible–especially in cases where a change
quickly deploy state-of-the-art
intelligent control to improve your advantages of digital fieldbus might have unknown consequences. Your
process plant performance, communications. Not an add-on,
company’s IT department has mandated that
without the aid of costly outside not an afterthought, it’s built to
experts. DeltaV hardware deliver the project and operational all “SwitchCo” network devices must be
components are plug-and-play. savings of a digital plant–easy! managed by them even though some reside on
You plug them in and they are
Built for batch your control network. However, they don’t
auto-sensed and recognized by
the system. Software The DeltaV system provides an understand the difference between a business
configuration is drag-and-drop, architecture that is based on the
network and a control network. The IT
with automatic process control ISA 88 batch standard. Whether it
functionality delivered out of the is the physical model, procedural department updates the network firmware on
box. With the DeltaV system, you model, or easy-to-use class-based a Friday evening, at the same time that they do
install your system hardware, configuration, the DeltaV system is
it for the business network so that office
connect everything together, “Built for batch” –easy!
configure the logic and everything workers are not affected. Unfortunately, this
works–easy! causes loss of communications and your plant
shuts down. Who gets the call in the middle of
the night? How do you troubleshoot the
problem? Who can you reach in IT for support?