Trimble S8 - DATASHEET
Trimble S8 - DATASHEET
Trimble S8 - DATASHEET
TriMBlE S8
KEY fEATUrES THE poWEr To EXcEl Trimble SurePoint™ Technology ensures accurate
Delivering major workflow innovations for both measurements by automatically correcting for
Trimble VISION video-assisted typical surveying and specialized applications, you unwanted movement due to wind, sinkage, and
robotic measurement now have the power to redefine your performance other factors.
SpEciAliZED EnGinEErinG ApplicATionS
Visual verification with
ADVAncED SUrVEYinG pErforMAncE For precision-build applications, you need a
data overlay and photo measurement solution with optimal speed,
For typical survey tasks, choose the 1" angle accuracy
documentation and exceptional EDM range of Trimble DR Plus™. accuracy and reliability Combine the Trimble DR
Extend your reach on the job for increased production HP Precision EDM with your choice of angular
Trimble DR Plus for longer from fewer setups. accuracies and Trimble VISION or Long Range
FineLock and you have the flexibility to tackle the
range and fewer setups Trimble Business Center office software provides a
most demanding projects.
complete range of processing and analysis tools.
Together with the Trimble S8, you have the most Specialized modules in Trimble Access™ software
Specialized configuration
comprehensive solution for general surveying such as Tunnels, Monitoring, or Mines provide
options available
available today. dedicated workflows. Trimble 4D Control™
provides a comprehensive solution for the
• Video-Assisted control
management of monitoring projects—both real
Trimble VISION™ gives you the power to see
time and post-processed—to rapidly detect critical
everything the instrument sees without a trip
structural movements.
back to the tripod. Direct your survey with
live video images on the controller. Now you • Trimble finelock™ Technology
are free to capture measurements, to prism Detect targets without interference from
or reflectorless surfaces, with point-and- surrounding prisms for high precision
click efficiency. applications in close quarters such as
• Visual Verification rail alignment, deformation monitoring,
The on-board camera integrates surveyed data and tunneling applications. The Trimble
with the live scene image, so you can verify Long-Range FineLock option extends this
the work that you’ve done before leaving the functionality to 2500 m with 1 cm accuracy.
job. Calibrated photo documentation provides
oTHEr EnGinEErinG-SpEcific fEATUrES
customers with deliverables they know they
• Visually mark points, at greater range, in
can trust.
tunnels or undergound mines with the
UnSUrpASSED ToTAl STATion Class 3R Laser Pointer.
TEcHnoloGY • Automatic Servo focus sets the optical
Trimble MagDrive™ Servo Technology provides for focus for quick manual aiming when
exceptional speed and accuracy with smooth, silent monitoring points in DR mode – with
operation. Trimble Access.
DR mode
Good Normal Difficult
(Good visibility, low (Normal visibility, (Haze, object in direct sunlight,
ambient light) moderate sunlight, some turbulence)
heat shimmer)
White card 1,300 m (4,265 ft) 1,300 m (4,265 ft) 1,200 m (3,937 ft)
(90% reflective)3
Gray card 600 m (1,969 ft) 600 m (1,969 ft) 550 m (1,804 ft)
(18% reflective)3
DR mode
Good Normal Difficult
(Good visibility, low (Normal visibility, moderate (Haze, object in direct
ambient light) sunlight, some heat shimmer) sunlight, turbulence)
White card >150 m (492 ft) 150 m (492 ft) 70 m (229 ft)
(90% reflective)3
Gray card >120 m (394 ft) 120 m (394 ft) 50 m (164 ft)
(18% reflective)3
© 2007–2015, Trimble Navigation Limited. All rights reserved. Trimble, the Globe & Triangle logo, and Autolock are trademarks
of Trimble Navigation Limited, registered in the United States and in other countries. 4D Control, Access, FineLock, MagDrive,
MultiTrack, SurePoint, and VISION are trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned
by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Trimble Navigation Limited is under license. All other trademarks are the This product complies with IEC 60825-1,
January 2001 and 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11
property of their respective owners. PN 022543-410H (01/15) Specifications subject to change without notice.
except for deviations persuant to
Laser Notice no. 50, dated July 26, 2001