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Indian J Microbiol (Oct–Dec 2018) 58(4):448–456


An Improved Method of Preparing High Efficiency

Transformation Escherichia coli with Both Plasmids and Larger
DNA Fragments
Jingjing Liu2 • Wenwen Chang2 • Lei Pan2 • Xiaoyun Liu1 • Lufang Su1 •

Weiying Zhang1 • Qin Li3 • Yu Zheng1

Received: 17 January 2018 / Accepted: 22 May 2018 / Published online: 29 May 2018
Ó Association of Microbiologists of India 2018

Abstract The high-throughput, cost-efficient transforma- efficiency transformation experiments under normal labo-
tion systems determine the success of gene cloning and ratory conditions.
functional analysis. Among various factors that affect this
transformation systems, the competence ability of target Keywords Biotransformation  Competent cells  High
cells is one of the most important factors. We found transformation efficiency  Molecular cloning
antimicrobial peptides LFcin-B can increase the perme-
ability of the cell membrane, and their lethal antibacterial
properties can be inhibited by moderately high concentra- Introduction
tions of Ca2? and Mn2?. In this study, we established a
convenient and rapid method (CRM) by adding small Transformation involves introducing exogenous DNA into
concentrations of (0.35 mg/L) and moderately high con- receptor bacteria to produce new genetic traits. It is the
centrations of MnCl2 (50 mM) and CaCl2 (30 mM) in most basic and important technique in molecular cloning,
transformation buffer. The transformation efficiency of which is the process of isolating a target DNA fragment
E. coli cells (DH5a, JM109 and TOP10) prepared by CRM and making multiple copies of it [1]. There are two types of
were comparable with electroporation for plasmid trans- transformation methods: chemical and physical [2, 3]. The
formation (3.1 ± 0.3 9 109 cfu/lg). Unlike competent physical transformation method is electroporation. It has
cells prepared using other chemical methods, those high transformation efficiency of up to 109–1010 transfor-
obtained using CRM method are extremely competent for mants/lg DNA in E. coli [2]. Several other studies have
receiving larger size DNA fragments ([ 5000 bp) into also reported high-efficiency transformation via electro-
plasmid vectors. The competent E. coli cells prepared by poration in Agrobacterium tunrefaciers/rhizobium and
CRM method are particularly useful for most high- Bacillus brevis [4–7]. However, expensive specialized
equipment is required for electroporation, and not all lab-
oratories can provide it. Chemical transformation is very
welcome in molecular cloning experiments because it is
Jingjing Liu, Wenwen Chang and Lei Pan have contributed equally to
this study. simple and inexpensive. The classical chemical method is
the calcium chloride method (CaCl2 method) published by
& Yu Zheng Mandel and Higa, which is still a common choice for many laboratories [8]. The role of Ca2? in this method is to
Institute for Interdisciplinary Research, Jianghan University,
destroy the lipid array on the cell membrane, and forming a
Wuhan 430056, People’s Republic of China complex with poly-hydroxybutrate and poly-inorganic
2 phosphate on cell membrane to facilitate the infiltration of
Hubei Province Engineering Research Centre of Legume
Plants, College of Life Sciences, Jianghan University, exogenous DNA, and the transformation efficiencies was
Wuhan 430056, People’s Republic of China 105–106 transformants/lg DNA which is proved to be
College of Chemistry and Environment Sciences, Jianghan sufficient for the majority of cloning purpose [9, 10].
University, Wuhan 430056, People’s Republic of China Although the calcium chloride method is convenient and

Indian J Microbiol (Oct–Dec 2018) 58(4):448–456 449

repeatable, the preparation of competent cells is relatively Media for Bacterial Growth
time-consuming and requires considerable power. More
important is that the transformation efficiency is much For LB fluid medium, 1% Bacto–Tryptone (10 g/L), 0.5%
lower than that of electroporation, which renders it Bacto–Yeast Extract (5 g/L), 0.5% NaCl (5 g/L), adjust the
unsuitable for several molecular cloning experiments such pH to 7.5, autoclave to sterilize. For LB plates, 1.5%
as the construction of high-complexity cDNA libraries with Bacto-agar (15 g/L) was added prior to autoclaving. For
a minimum expenditure of mRNA [11]. A great number of S.O.C. fluid medium, 2% Bacto–Tryptone (20 g/L), 0.5%
studies have make efforts toward establishing a quick and Bacto–Yeast Extract (5 g/L), 0.05% NaCl (0.5 g/L),
efficient method for the preparation of such competent 2.5 mM KCl (0.186 g/L), 1 mM MgCl2 (0.95 g/L), 10 mM
E. coli cells with an extremely high transforming fre- MgSO4 (1.2 g/L), 75 mM (13.6 g/L) glucose, adjust the pH
quency, which meets the requirements of modern molec- to 7.0, autoclave to sterilize. For S.O.B fluid medium, 2%
ular cloning experiments [3, 12–16]. There are two avenues Bacto–Tryptone (20 g/L), 0.5% Bacto–Yeast Extract (5 g/
to improving the preparation protocol, the first is simpli- L), 0.05% NaCl (0.5 g/L), 2.5 mM KCl (0.186 g/L), 1 mM
fying the steps and shorting preparation time and the sec- MgCl2 (0.95 g/L), adjust the pH to 7.0, autoclave to
ond is increasing the transforming frequency of chemically sterilize.
competent cells [11, 17–21]. However, none of the meth-
ods cited above can provide competent E. coli cells that are The Competent Cell Preparation Methods
particularly useful for receiving large target DNA frag- and Transformation Methods
ments into plasmid vector. Such cells are the basis for
almost all the molecular experiments such as subcellular There were three methods for competent cell preparation in
localization analysis, yeast two-hybrid test, fluorescence this study. One was CaCl2 method [8, 26], the second was
immunoassay analysis, and similar factors. Inoue method [11], and the last one was our improve
More and more studies have reported that antimicrobial method (CRM). All these three competent cells were used
peptide can kill microorganisms by destroying microor- for heat shock transformation, the details for preparation
ganisms’ cell membrane, and the effect of some antimi- and transformation were described as follow:
crobial peptides, such as increasing the permeability of cell
membrane, is not lethal to E. coli [22–24]. For this reason, CaCl2 Method [8, 26]
we improved the protocol described by Inoue [11], which is
one of the best chemical methods presently available, by The CaCl2 method using to prepare competent cells and
adding small concentrations of LFcin-B, an antimicrobial transformation were both followed the protocols described
peptide found in mammals [25] to establish a method for by Sambrook [26].
the preparation of such cells both efficient in plasmid and
large target DNA transformation. Inoue Method [11]

The transformation buffer (TB) was made of 10 mM Pipes,

Materials and Methods 55 mM MnCl2, 15 mM CaC12 and 250 mM KCI, the pH
was adjusted to 6.7 with KOH. And then, the solution was
Bacterial Strains, Plasmids and Chemicals sterilized by filtration through a preripsed 0.45 lm filter
unit and stored at 4 °C. All salts were added as solids.
Three strains of E. coli (DH5a, TOP10 and JM109) were Frozen stock E. coli competent cells were thawed, streaked
used in this study to prepare competent cells. The com- on an LB agar plate, and cultured overnight at 37 °C. The
mercial competent cells DH5a and JM109 were purchased large (diameter 2–3 mm) colonies were isolated and inoc-
from Takara Biomedical Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd, ulated to 250 mL of SOB medium in a 2-L flask, and
commercial competent cells TOP10 were purchased from grown to an OD6oo of 0.6 at 18 °C, with vigorous shaking
TIANGEN BIOTECH (Beijing) Co., Ltd. The pUC19 (200–250 rpm). The flask was removed from the incubator
plasmids and restriction enzymes used in our laboratory and placed on ice for 10 min. The culture was transferred
were purchased from New England Biolabs (USA). The to a 500 mL erlenmeyer flasks and centrifuged at 3000 rpm
pGEM-Teasy vector were purchased from Promega Cor- for 10 min at 4 °C. Discard the supernatant and resuspend
poration, an affiliate of Promega (Beijing) Biotech Co., the pellet in 80 mL of ice-cold TB, and then incubated in
Ltd. The other chemicals used in this study were purchased an ice bath for 10 min, and then centrifuge as above.
from Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC or Sinopharm Chemical Discard the supernatant and resuspend the pellet gently in
Reagent Co., Ltd. 20 mL of DMSO-TB buffer [final concentration of DMSO
(m/v) was 7%]. After incubating in an ice bath for 10 min,

450 Indian J Microbiol (Oct–Dec 2018) 58(4):448–456

the cell suspension was dispensed by 1–2 mL into tissue- 500 lL LB liquid medium were added into the mix, they
culture cell-freezing tubes and immediately chilled by incubate at 37 °C with shaking at 200 rpm for 1 h. A
immersion in liquid nitrogen. The frozen competent cells desired portion of the mixture was poured on the LB plate
were stored in - 78 °C or used for transformation with ampicillin (final concentration 100 lg/mL). Colonies
immediately. were counted after overnight incubation at 37 °C.
Usually, 1–5 lL plasmid (ligation product) was added The electroporation experiment, blue-white spot
into the competent cells for transformation, and then the screening and individual bacterial PCR was performed
cells were incubated in an ice bath for 30 min. They were according to the protocol described by Sambrook [26].
then heat-shoked without agitation at 42 °C for 30 s and
transferred to an ice bath. After 0.8 mL of SOC was added, The Calculation of Transformation Efficiency
the tubes were placed in a 37 °C incubator and shaken
vigorously for 1 h. A desired portion of the mixture was Transformation efficiency (TE) is defined as the number of
poured on the LB plate with ampicillin (final concentration cfu (colony forming units) produced by 1 lg of plasmid
100 lg/mL). Colonies were counted after overnight incu- DNA, the equation for calculating the number of trans-
bation at 37 °C. formant cfu (TC) is as follow:

The number of bacteria colonies  dilution ratio  original transformation volume

TC ðcfuÞ ¼
Plated volume

CRM Method (Our Improved Method)

The transformation buffer (TB) was made of 10 mM Pipes, And then the transformation efficiency (TE) is calcu-
50 mM MnCl2, 30 mM CaC12, 250 mM KCl and 0.35 mg/ lated according to the following equation:
L LFcin-B, the pH was adjusted to 6.7 with KOH. The TC
solution was also sterilized by filtration through a 0.45 lm TE ðcfu/lg) ¼
Plasmid DNA ðlgÞ
filter unit and stored at 4 °C.
Streak a LB agar plate with E. coli cells from a frozen In this study according to the methods, the dilution ratio
stock. Incubate the plate upside down at 37 °C until for Inoue and CRM method was 5 9 106 times, for CaCl2
colonies appear. Inoculate one colony into 500 mL S.O.C. method was 1 9 106 times. The dilution ratio for com-
liquid medium in a 1 L flasks, incubate at 18 °C with mercial competent cells was also calculated as 500,000
shaking at 100 rpm overnight until the OD600 reaches 0.6. times in this study. For calculation of transformation effi-
Incubate cells at ice for 10 min, and then centrifuge the ciency, 2 lL (500 ng/lL) plasmid DNA was added in
cells at 2500 rpm for 10 min at 4 °C. Discard the super- 100 lL competent cells, the plated volume was 50 lL.
natant and resuspend the pellet in 16 mL TB. Incubate cells There are three repeats for each assay.
at ice for 10 min, and then centrifuge as above. Discard the
supernatant and resuspend the pellet in 8 mL TB, and then Analysis the Permeability of Cell Membrane
centrifuge the cells at 2500 rpm for 10 min at 4 °C. Dis-
card the supernatant and resuspend the pellet in 4 mL NPN assay was used to detect the outer membrane permeability
DMSO-TB buffer [final concentration of DMSO (m/v) was of E. coli [27]. The E. coli cell in logarithmic phase in LB
7%]. Incubate the cells at ice for 30 min. Aliquot 100 lL medium (to an optical density of OD600 of 0.4) was collected
into individual 1.5 mL tubes. Frozen in liquid nitrogen and resuspended with normal saline. To 1 ml volume of bac-
immediately and stored at - 78 °C or used for transfor- teria in a quartz cuvette, NPN (N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine) was
mation immediately. added (final concentration: 10 lM). Different concentrations of
For transformation, the first step is gently mix 1–5 lL LFcin-B are added to make the concentration of them 0, 0.1,
plasmid (ligation product) with competent cells. Secondly 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 mg/L. A fluorescence spectrophotometer
incubate the mix on ice for 30 min immediately. The mix (PE LS45) was used to record fluorescence every 30 min, the
were then heat-shoked without agitation at 42 °C for 30 s excitation and emission wavelengths were set at 350 and
and transferred to an ice for 2 min immediately. After 429 nm respectively. Control tests were performed to verify

Indian J Microbiol (Oct–Dec 2018) 58(4):448–456 451

that the enhanced fluorescence was due to NPN uptake by transformation efficiency of competent cells, we began to
bacteria. optimize the Inoue method by increasing the permeability of
Inner membrane permeability of E. coli was determined cell membranes. Because the E. coli DH5a strain is the most
by measuring the release of b-galactosidase activity into common competent cell used in DNA cloning experiments,
the culture medium using ONPG (ortho-nitrophenyl-b- we selected this strain to examine the permeability of the inner
galactoside) as a substrate [27]. b-galactosidase is a typical and outer layers of the cell membrane. According to the
E. coli-inducible enzyme located within the bacterial cell research on antimicrobial peptides which can affect the cell
membrane and is capable of hydrolysis Lactose into glu- membranes of microorganism such as E. coli [22, 23], we first
cose and galactose. ONPG can be used to detect b-galac- added three common antimicrobial peptides in LB medium at
tosidase activity because it was a chromogenic substrate for small concentrations (0.5 mg/mL) to assess their effects on
b-galactosidase. If the cell membrane permeability chan- the survival of E. coli DH5a strains. The results showed that
ges, ONPG can enters into cytoplasm and catalyzed b- the E. coli DH5a clones only grew LB medium and in LB with
galactosidase to produce yellow products. The maximum LFcin-B, but there were significant differences (P \ 0.05)
absorption peak of this yellow products was 415 nm [27]. between the number of clones. LB medium had more than
Therefore, ONPG was chosen as the substrate for the twice as many as LB-LFcin-B? (195–213) versus 525–567,
reaction, and the inner membrane permeability of E. coli Fig. 1a). This indicates that the E. coli DH5a strain could
was determined using b-galactosidase activity. In this grow on small concentrations (\ 0.5 mg/L) of LB-LFcin-B?
study, the E. coli cells in logarithmic phase in LB medium medium, which means that LFcin-B can be added to the
which containing 2% lactose (to an optical density of transformation buffer used to prepare competent cells to
OD600 of 0.4) was collected and resuspended with nor- obtain cells with strong competence and high permeability.
mal saline too. E. coli cell suspension (200 lL) was We then examined the variations in permeability of cell
pipetted into the wells of a standard microtiter plate fol- membrane caused by different concentrations of LFcin-B.
lowed by adding ONPG (final concentration: 1.5 lM). The results of inner and outer cell membrane permeability
Different concentrations of LFcin-B are added in each well both showed that the more LFcin-B present, the greater the
to make the concentration of them 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and permeability of the inner and outer cell membrane. We also
0.5 mg/L. Slight vibration at 37 °C and the production of found the influence on permeability of different concentration
o-nitrophenol over time was monitored with a spec- can be divided into three groups based on their differences
trophotometer at 415 nm. from controls (without LFcin-B): the small effect (P [ 0.05)
of trace concentrations of LFcin-B (0.1–0.2 mg/L), the sig-
Procaryotic Expression and Purification nificant effect (P \ 0.05) caused by small concentrations
of Antimicrobial Peptide Lactoferricin B (Lfcin B) (0.3–0.4 mg/L) and the huge effect (P \ 0.01) caused by
normal concentrations ([ 0.5 mg/L, Fig. 1b). To establish the
The Lfcin B used in this study were obtain by procaryotic influence of LFcin-B on the competence of E. coli DH5a
expression and purification in our laboratory according to strain, we added the same gradient concentration of LFcin-B
the protocol of Feng [28]. The purity and antimicrobial into Inoue transformation buffer, and we found that the
activity of Lfcin B produced in our laboratory was the same transformation efficiency of DH5a decreased as the concen-
as a purified Lfcin B from pepsin digestion of bovine by tration of LFcin-B increased (Fig. 1c). The low transforma-
Central Laboratory of Food Science & Technology tion efficiency may have been caused by the antibacterial
(Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, People’s properties of LFcin-B [25]. In the course of next investigation,
Republic of China). we found that moderately high concentration of MnCl2
(50 mM) and CaCl2 (30 mM) with slight concentration of
LFcin-B (0.35 mg/L) can be stimulatory to transformation by
Results increasing the permeability of cell membrane (Fig. 1d). This
may be due to the antibacterial property of LFcin-B can be
High Concentrations of MnCl2 and CaCl2 inhibitory by high concentration of Ca2? and Mn2? without
Accompanied by Small Concentrations of LFcin-B losing the increase influence of LFcin-B on DH5a cell
Increase the Competence of DH5a membrane, as the mechanism about the antibacterial property
of LFcin-B is complex and there remain many unresolved
Competent cells are those that have had their cell membranes issues [22, 25]. The above observation about the increase in
altered to render it easier to bring foreign DNA inside. the competence of E. coli in the presence of LFcin-B, Ca2?,
Therefore, the permeability of cell membranes is the most and Mn2? at moderate concentrations suggested that it may
important and fundamental condition for competent cell with improve the preparation of competent cells.
high transformation efficiency. To improve the

452 Indian J Microbiol (Oct–Dec 2018) 58(4):448–456

Fig. 1 The effect of LFcin-B on the competence of DH5a. a The c The increase of LFcin-B decreased the transformation efficiency of
survival of DH5a grow on LB medium plate with different imicrobial DH5a. d Different concentration of MnCl2 and CaCl2 effect the
peptides. Three common imicrobial peptides Cecropin A, PR-39 and antibacterial property of LFcin-B. Slight concentration of LFcin-B
LFcin-B were added in LB medium plate in normal concentration (0.35 mg/L) were added in Inoue method transformation buffer with
(0.5 mg/mL). LB medium plate was as control. DH5a strains were gradient concentration of MnCl2 and CaCl2, and then calculated the
grow in these plates overnight at 37°C and then observed, calculated transformation efficiency of DH5a competent cells made by these TB
and photographed. b LFcin-B increase the permeability of inner and with Inoue method. Each data had three repeats and the bar indicated
outer cell membrane determined by NPN assay and ONPG assay. the SE

The CRM Method Can Produce Better-Quality compare with CRM method in terms of the quality of com-
Competent Cells than Previously Reported Methods petent cells because CaCl2 method was the most widely used
chemical method of preparing competent cells in laboratories
In molecular cloning experiments, transformation efficiency and the Inoue method can produce stable competent cells in a
is commonly used as an index to assess the competence of highly efficient manner [16]. In the first place, the transfor-
competent cells. CaCl2 and Inoue methods were chosen to mation efficiency for pUC19 of three common competent

Indian J Microbiol (Oct–Dec 2018) 58(4):448–456 453

E. coli strains (DH5a, JM109, and TOP10) separately pre- In modern molecular biology, increasing numbers of
pared by CaCl2 method, Inoue method and CRM method were experiments require insertion of target DNA fragments into
calculated and compared. Results showed that the transfor- specific plasmids using PCR, restriction enzyme digestion,
mation efficiency of all three E. coli competent strains ligation reactions, and transformation. The larger the target
(DH5a, JM109 and TOP10) in this study were similar. The DNA fragment, the fewer positive clones are obtained. To
transformation efficiency of CRM method was investigate the competent cells prepared by CRM method
3.2–3.5 9 109 cfu/lg for DH5a, 1.8–2.2 9 109 cfu/lg for has better ability to transfer large target DNA fragments
JM109 and 3.4–3.7 9 109 cfu/lg for TOP10, which were all than other methods. A 8105 bp ligation product which
significantly higher (P \ 0.05) than those of the Inoue method connected a 5100 bp gene fragment (AT3G52250.1) with a
(1.9–2.8 9 109 cfu/lg for DH5a, 0.8–1.2 9 109 cfu/lg for 3015 bp double digestion pGEM-Teasy vector fragment
JM109 and 2.7–3.1 9 109 cfu/lg for TOP10), and very sig- was transferred using different competent cells prepared
nificantly higher (P \ 0.01) than those associated with the using different methods. The transformants were selected
CaCl2 method (3.0–3.7 9 107 cfu/lg for DH5a, on LB agar containing IPTG, X-gal, and ampicillin. Blue
3.9–4.3 9 107 cfu/lg for JM109 and 1.6–2.3 9 107 cfu/lg and white colonies were observed after overnight incuba-
for TOP10). These results indicated that our improved method tion. White colonies indicate positive transformed colonies
(CRM method) can be used to make at least three kinds of with target DNA fragments and blue colonies indicate
E. coli competent strains with higher transformation effi- negative colonies that do not contain the target DNA
ciency than the other widely used chemical method (Inoue fragment. Results show that, among three DH5a strains
method and CaCl2 method), and this may be true of other prepared using different methods, only the CRM method
E. coli strains. Electro-transformation is a non-chemical gave positive results. No transformants appeared in CaCl2
method widely used in molecular cloning experiments due to method plate, and there were only negative colonies (blue)
its high transformation efficiency [2]. We also compared these in Inoue method plate (Fig. 3a). As no positive colonies
methods. It gave a transformation efficiency of were observed on the Inoue and CaCl2 method plates, we
(2.9–3.6 9 109 cfu/lg for DH5a, 1.7–2.3 9 109 cfu/lg for were not able to perform statistical analysis of these data.
JM109 and 3.1–3.6 9 109 cfu/lg for TOP10) of pUC19, a Two white transformants from CRM method plate and two
value comparable to the frequency (P [ 0.5) of CRM method blue transformants were randomly chosen to extract plas-
(data not shown). However, electroporation requires special mids. These plasmids were subjected to PCR and enzyme
equipment that many laboratories cannot provide. These digestion for confirmation of target DNA insertion in
results indicated that the CRM method can produce competent plasmids. The result of PCR and enzyme digestion both
E. coli cells with high transformation efficiency (1.8–3.7 confirmed that the target DNA were successfully inserted
109 cfu/lg), much higher than other chemical transformation into plasmid only by competent cell using CRM method
and comparable to electro-transformation, indicating that it is (Fig. 3b, c). Further sequence reaction also proved this
sufficient for the genetic transformation necessary to create (data not shown). These results indicated that the compe-
high-quality competent cells (Fig. 2). tent cells prepared using the CRM method was best for
inserting larger ([ 5000 bp) target DNA fragments into
plasmid vector than other competent cells were. This may
be because of the increased cell membrane permeability
attributable to addition of LFcin-B. Results indicate that
the CRM method can not only produce competent E. coli
cells with better transformation efficiency than other
chemical methods, comparable to the electro-transforma-
tion method, and it can also produce highly competent
E. coli cells, which are extremely efficient for incorporat-
ing larger DNA fragments into plasmid vectors.


Cloning PCR products into plasmid vectors is a common

Fig. 2 The transformation efficiency (TE) of three E. coli competent and necessary upstream application for most modern
cells (DH5a, TOP10 and JM109) made by different methods. Bars
molecular cloning experiments. Transformation efficiency
represent standard error (n = 3). One and double asterisks above the
columns indicated significant difference at p \ 0.05 and p \ 0.01 is very important because it can directly affect the success
separately of all the follow-up assays, and it can be affected by factors

454 Indian J Microbiol (Oct–Dec 2018) 58(4):448–456

Fig. 3 Inserting larger size of target DNA fragment into plasmids by gel electrophoresis results of CRM method PCR products, line 3
different E. coli competent cells. a Blue-white spot screening was the marker, line 4 and 5 were the gel electrophoresis results of
experiment of a 8105 bp ligation product using different E. coli Inoue method PCR products. c Enzyme digestion assay for confir-
competent cells. White colonies indicate positive transformed mation of target DNA insertion in plasmid. Line 1 and 6 were marker.
colonies with target DNA fragment and blue one indicate negative Line 2 and 3 were the gel electrophoresis results of CRM method
colonies without target DNA fragment. b PCR assay for confirmation enzyme digestion products, line 4 and 5 were the gel electrophoresis
of target DNA insertion in plasmid. Line 1 and 2 were the results of Inoue method enzyme digestion products

such as the quality of competent cells. Electroporation, remain unclear, the observation can utilized to obtain
which has high transformation efficiency requires special competent cells with high competence which is urgently
and expensive equipment [9, 10], so the establishment of a necessary in modern molecular cloning experiments
convenient and rapid chemical method of transformation because the permeability of the cell membrane directly
for all E. coli bacterial strains and large DNA fragments is influences the competence of E. coli cells. We are the first
necessary and important to the development of modern team to prepare highly competent cells by adding moderate
molecular biology. As the increasing reports on the non- concentrations of LFcin-B. Further assays indicated that
lethal effect of some antimicrobial peptide by increasing CRM method with its small concentration of LFcin-B
the permeability of cell membrane [22, 23], we here (0.35 mg/L) with moderately high concentrations of MnCl2
improved upon the Inoue method by adding various com- (50 mM) and CaCl2 (30 mM) can also increase the trans-
mon antimicrobial peptides found in mammals [22]. We formation efficiency of other two common E. coli strains,
found one antimicrobial peptide, LFcin-B, to have a non- JMI09 and TOP10. These results indicated that CRM
lethal effect on E. coli DH5a strains. Through repeated method can applied to produce high quality competent cells
attempts, we found that the low transformation efficiency of most common E. coli cells which means this method can
caused by LFcin-B’s antibacterial property [25] can be be widely used. Compared with other chemical methods
increased by adding moderate high concentration of MnCl2 (CaCl2 and Inoue), CRM can produce competent E. coli
(50 mM) and CaCl2 (30 mM). This may be because the cells with much higher transformation efficiency than those
antibacterial properties of LFcin-B can be inhibited by high produced with other methods (1.8–3.7 9 109 cfu/lg),
concentrations of Ca2? and Mn2? without losing the comparable to electro-transformation. The best-known
increasing permeability of the DH5a cell membrane protocol for preparing competent E. coli cells and chemical
[22, 25]. Although the mechanism underlying the transformation is the CaCl2 method published by Mandel
antibacterial properties of LFcin-B is complex and still and Higa [8]. This method is still widely used in many

Indian J Microbiol (Oct–Dec 2018) 58(4):448–456 455

laboratories due to its convenience. Another good chemical highly reproducible. It works for at least three E. coli
methods was described by Inoue [11] because its trans- strains (DH5a, JMI09, and TOP10), and possibly other
formation efficiency has been carefully optimized through E. coli strains. The results reported here could be useful to
a great number of studies [3, 15, 29–31]. The basic steps of various biological studies.
this technique have undergone a few modifications for
optimizing the efficiency of transformation, the majority of Acknowledgements This study is supported by Natural Science
Foundation of Hubei Province(Grant No.2016CFB630), the Basic
these efforts were indeed able to enhance the transforma- Research for Application Project of Wuhan (Grant No.
tion efficiencies but the increase depended on suit- 2015011701011595) and National Natural Science Foundation of
able smaller DNA and differences among E. coli bacterial China (NSFC31701100, NSFC31600981, NSFC31600801). We also
strains [10, 32, 33]. Unlike this methods, CRM method can would like to thank LetPub ( for providing lin-
guistic assistance during the preparation of this manuscript.
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