Seluruh C1
Seluruh C1
Seluruh C1
2. In Accordance with article Aviation Law. No. 1 year 2009, the license for the
aviation personnel are granted to be:
3. An aircraft is not allowed to operate unless has been shown in compliance with:
A. Class I products.
B. Class II products.
C. Class III products.
D. Class II and Class III products.
A. Manufacturer
B. Approved Maintenance Organization
C. AME licence holder with Airframe rating
D. A, B, or C correct
7. A basic certificate or basic license may be issued to a person who is not less
than ______ and meet the applicable requirements of part 65.
A. 18 years of age.
B. 19 years of age.
C. 21 years of age.
D. 23 years of age.
8. Licenses, certificates and rating issued under part 65 conform to the minimum
standard of :
A. Group 1 electrical.
B. Group 2 electrical.
C. Group 3 electrical.
D. Group 1 and 2 electrical.
10. Refer to CASR 65.5 the basic certificate C1; C2 and C4 group of?
11. Basic test equipment which is used to know that one circuit works properly is
A. 1.7 amperes.
B. 2.4 amperes.
C. 5 amperes.
D. 7 amperes.
A. 3-30 KHz.
B. 3-30 MHz.
C. 30-300 KHz.
D. 30-300 MHz.
A. 1 volt.
B. 10 volts.
C. 100 volts.
D. 1000 volts.
20. A filter which passes all frequencies below a certain cutoff point and attenuates
all frequencies above that point is called
A. 0≤α≤1
B. 0,9 ≤ α ≤ 1
C. 0,9 < α ≤ 1
D. 0,9 < α < 1
A. 0,47 mA.
B. 0,53 mA.
C. 1,50 mA.
D. 15,0 Ma.
23. At the flip-flop circuit, T gate will change its value from 1 to 0 of
A. Gate R is given 0.
B. Gate R is given 1.
C. Gate S is given 0.
D. Gate S is given 1.
24. The current gain of a common base transistor is often referred as the
A. Amplification factor.
B. Reverse current transfer ratio.
C. Alpha.
D. Beta.
A. One PN junction.
B. Two PN junction.
C. Three PN junction.
D. No PN junction.
30. If transistor produces sinusoidal output when it works without input, so the
characteristic is the same as ……………
A. Amplifier.
B. Transformer.
C. Oscillator relays.
D. Oscillator LC/RC.
31. Resistance, which will arrange number of the current flow at plate, is.
A. Grid resistance.
B. Plate resistance.
C. Filament resistance.
D. Grid & filament resistance.
33. The type of oscillator which its output forms wave non sinusoidal is.
A. Oscillator LC.
B. Oscillator relaxation.
C. Oscillator RC
D. A and b are true
34. The distance between successive peaks of a transmitted wave is known as the:
A. Wavelength.
B. Bandwidth.
C. Frequency.
D. Modulation index.
A. A magnetic field.
B. An electro-magnetic wave.
C. Electro-magnetic induction.
D. An electric field.
A. Capacitor by pass.
B. Capacitor bipolar.
C. Capacitor coupling.
D. Capacitor capacitance.
39. A ground wave follows the surface of the earth partly because of a phenomenon
known as:
A. Refraction.
B. Reflection.
C. Diffraction.
D. Attenuation.
40. Component which works to combine resistor, diode, transistor etc is called:
A. Triode tube.
B. Power supply.
C. Transformer.
D. IC (integrated circuit).
A. saturated condition.
B. cut-off condition.
C. normal condition.
D. extreem condition.
A. Diode.
B. Transistor.
C. Resistor.
D. a, b, and c can be found inside an IC chip.
44. The maximum value of hfe can be obtained by operating transistor in it’s:
A. Normal condition.
B. Extreem condition.
C. Cut-off condition.
D. Saturated condition.
46. Which 2-input gate has ‘True’ state output only when it’s both input have
‘True’ state ?.
A. NOR gate.
B. OR gate.
C. AND gate.
D. NAND gate.
47. Which 2-input gate has ‘False’ state output only when it’s both input have
‘False’ state ?
A. AND gate.
B. NAND gate.
C. OR gate.
D. NOR gate.
52. The clock pulse is the heart of most digital systems. A reliable source of clock
pulses is a :
A. Ripple counter.
B. Synchronous flip-flop.
C. Stable multi vibrator.
D. Schmitt trigger.
53. A Semiconductor that alters its resistance due to the effect of incident light is said
to be:
A. An LED.
B. Photo-emissive.
C. Photovoltaic.
D. Photoconductive.
55. Aircraft bonding tester is designed to measure voltage drop over a bonding
strap or junction. It accomplishes this by:
A. Anodic film.
B. Nickel plating.
C. Cadmium film.
D. Chromium plating.
57. What two requirement must be met for sustained oscillations by an oscillator?
A. The plates.
B. The dielectric.
C. A magnetic field.
D. An electrostatic field.
61. How much diode is used at fall wave recafter which uses transformer without
A. 1.
B. 2.
C. 3.
D. 4.
62. When output frequency it regulator bridge is 400 Hz. So its input frequency is:
A. 200 Hz.
B. 400 Hz.
C. 800 Hz.
D. It depends on the big of filter.
A. 1 frequency.
B. 2 frequencies.
C. 3 frequencies.
D. 4 frequencies.
A. 1b.
B. 1c.
C. 1e.
D. 1b and 1e.
68. Digital circuit and switch is after made by using transistor deviation type of:
A. Emitter deviation.
B. Basic deviation.
C. Dividing resistance deviation.
D. Feedback collector deviation.
A. Calculating DC resistance.
B. Calculating AC resistance.
C. Describing the form of curve tracer.
D. Describing the form of AC frequency.
72. Radio waves is actually an electromagnetic wave and usually consist of:
73. A 100 V secondary transformer voltage in a power supply circuit feeds a filter
capacitor with no load. What the capacitor voltage if the rectifier is silicon
A. 140,7 V.
B. 100 V.
C. 141,4 V.
D. A, and C are false.
74. How many basic electronic gates are identified by MIL STD 806B ?
A. 4.
B. 5.
C. 6.
D. 7.
75. Which system use analog signal to send information from it’s transmitter to
A. 3 wire synchro.
B. MIL-STD-1553B databus.
C. ARINC 429 databus.
D. ARINC 629 databus.
76. Where do we most probably find a weather map in the cockpit of modern large
aeroplane ?
78. Where do we most probably find a landing gear visual warning in the cockpit of
modern large aeroplane ?
A. 4.
B. 8.
C. 16.
D. 32.
80. Which one is correct for ARINC 429 transmitter bit assignment?
A. VAB = 0 Volts for bit ‘1’ and VAB= 5 Volts for bit ‘0’.
B. VAB = 5 Volts for bit ‘1’ and VAB= 0 Volts for bit ‘0’.
C. VAB = -5 Volts for bit ‘1’ and VAB= 0 Volts for bit ‘0’.
D. none of a, b, c is right.
83. Where do we most probably find the interstage turbine temperature (ITT)
indication in the cockpit of modern large aeroplane?
85. Type antenna (aerial) from radar installation both ground and airborne is:
A. Parabolic cable.
B. Hyperbolic disc type.
C. Horn type.
D. High directional dipole.
86. VHF airborne communications sets operate in the frequency range from:
A. Two capacitances.
B. Two inductances.
C. In-phase feedback.
D. Tuned circuit feedback.
88. The materials used for the aircraft structure in generally can be classified into
two categories:
A. Earthed.
B. Left undisturbed.
C. Short-circuited together.
D. Insulated from each other.
A. Reluctance.
B. Resistance.
C. Inductive reactance.
D. Capacitive reactance.
A. Input bias.
B. Input capacities.
C. Output bias.
D. Output impedance.
93. When a Nickel Cadmium battery is in the discharge condition, the chemical
reaction of positive plate and negative plate are:
A. Radio frequencies.
B. Varying supply voltages.
C. Stable impedances.
D. Stability.
95. In order a transistor in the active region, the condition of the emitter junction
(JE) and collector junction (JC) are
96. When a Lead Acid battery is in the fully-charge condition, the chemical
reactions of positive plate and negative plate are:
A. TV screen.
B. Transceiver HF.
C. Radio transmitter with high power.
D. All the answer above are correct.
98. The amount of effective resistance output from a half wave regulator is..
A. Vac.
B. Up/b.
C. Vp/V2.
D. Nil.
A. Five categories.
B. Four categories.
C. Three categories.
D. Six categories.
A. Group 1 electrical.
B. Group 2 electrical.
C. Group 1 and 2 electrical.
D. Group 3 electrical.
4. Refer to CASR 65.5 the basic certificate C1; C2 and C4 group of?
5. How height the registration of small aircraft mark install on the wing?
A. 6 inches.
B. 15 centimeters.
C. At least 25 centimeters.
D. At least 25 inches.
6. According to the CASR Part 21 the aviation product are devided into
A. Two classes.
B. Three classes.
C. Class I; Class II and Class III products.
D. Four classes.
8. One of the condition to renewal the aircrfat maintenance engineer license are
10. The different between Certificate of Maintenance Approval (COMA) and AMEL are
A. Experience.
B. Validity of a license.
C. Type rating certificate.
D. Validity of basic license
11. An aircraft bolt has a overall length of 1 and 1/2 inches, with shank length a 1 and
3/16 inches, and a threaded portion length of 5/8 inch. What is the grip length?
A. .3125
B. .5625
C. .6572.
D. 8750.
12. The force that can be produced by an actuating cylinder has a cross-sectional area
of 3 square inches operating in a 1,000 psi hydraulic system, is most nearly
A. 334 pounds.
B. 1,000 pounds.
C. 1,500 pounds.
D. 3,000 pounds.
13. A lens with power 10 D is combining to a lens with power 30 D. The new combined
lens has a focal length
A. 2.5 cm
B. 4.0 cm
C. 3.0 cm
D. 3.5 cm
14. Semiconductors are the basis for modern electronic devices such as
18. The AN420AD-4-4 rivet is a countersunk rivet. How is the length measured?
19. The bearings are capable of accepting radial loads and axial loads in one direction
only is
A. Thrust Bearing.
B. Radial Bearing.
C. Precision Bearing.
20. Safety wire is installed properly if you observe which of the following actions?
21. Which of the following wrenches is best suited for breaking a nut loose and then
unscrewing it quickly
22. Each of the 25 marks on the thimble of the standard outside micrometer represents
what part of an inch?
A. 0.001 in.
B. 0.005 in.
C. 0.025 in.
D. 0.040 in.
23. Rethreading dies are used for which of the following purposes?
25. Which of the following materials emphasizes not only strength/weight ratio, except
A. Fracture toughness.
B. Increasing structural strength.
C. Notch sensitivity.
D. Stress resistance corrosion.
27. A filter which passes all frequencies below a certain cutoff point and attenuates all
frequencies above that point is called ...
a. Band pass filter
b. Band stop filter
c. High pass filter
d. Low pass filter
35. Mathematical formulas used to process information and develop an output are
stored in ...
a. computer’s CPU.
b. computer’s memory.
c. computer’s register.
d. computer’s input/output section.
38. The Boolean expression of a NAND gate with two inputs A and B, and output f,
is ...
a. f = AB
b. f = AB
c. f = A+B
d. f = A + B
47. In radio frequency communication system, the carrier frequency ... the
modulating frequency.
a. is the same as
b. is much lower than
c. is much higher than
d. may be much higher than
50. How good is the energy transfered by an antenna is depend on the following
a. height above the ground.
b. gain and directivity.
c. polarization.
d. a, b, and c are true.
Figure A Figure B
53. A radio system inwhich connection between the tranceiver and its antenna is
using waveguide is ...
a. Weather Radar
b. DME
c. ATC transponder
d. ELT
57. Navigation system that required a set of antenna consisting sense and a loop
antenna is ...
a. ADF
b. DME
c. VOR
d. ILS
b. 75 Mhz
c. (90 – 1800) Khz
d. (320 – 340) Mhz
61. The VOR receiving antenna on the tail of many aircraft, is ...
a. sensitive to horizontally polarized signals and insensitive to vertically polarized
b. sensitive to vertically polarized signals and insensitive to horizontally polarized
c. sensitive to both horizontally polarized signals and vertically polarized signals.
d. insensitive to both horizontally polarized signals and vertically polarized
62. A significant point on a route which may be used for reporting to ATC, turning or
landing is called ....
a. Track
b. Position
c. Way point
d. No answer is true
65. A system on an aircraft that pair frequency with the DME system is ...
a. Radio Altimeter
b. Radar transponder
c. VOR
66. VOT transmitters are used to check the accuracy of VOR receivers while aircraft
are on the ground. The VOT radiates a "NORTH" bearing signal on all azimuths.
68. Interphone system allows flight attendants or flight crew to make announcements
in the passenger cabin using ...
a. Fight Interphone
b. Service Interphone
c. Cabin Interphone
d. Passenger Address Systems
69. A system that function to records all audio signals and sounds in the cockpit,
such as the pilot's voices, engine noises, stall warnings, landing gear extension
and retraction is ...
a. Flight Data Recorder
b. Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR)
c. A and B are true
d. A and B are false
70. The glide slope provides ... to the pilot during the approach.
A. horizontal guidance
B. vertical guidance
C. both vertical and horizontal guidance
D. Answer a, b, and c are false.
72. Pedestal or side console areas in cockpit are used for ...
a. non-flight critical navigation information display.
b. flight critical navigation information display.
c. flight critical and non-flight critical navigation information display.
d. not all of the above.
73. Installed radio equipment is protected from damage due to bolts and vibration
by ...
A. spring and/or viscous damper mounted racks.
B. shock mounts.
C. rubber or foam cushioning material between circuit chassis and case.
D. a and b are correct.
75. When installing coaxial cable, it should be secured firmly along its entire length ...
A. at 1-foot intervals.
B. at 2-foot intervals.
C. wherever the cable sags.
D. as close as posible to the skin area.
76. Which of the following are commonly used as rectifiers in electrical circuits?
A. Diodes, Anodes.
B. Diodes, Cathodes.
C. Diodes.
D. Diodes, Anodes and Cathodes.
A. 0V
B. 0.2 V
C. 0.3 V
D. 0.7 V
79. What will be the result if the contact point in a vibrator type voltage regulator sticks
in the close position?
80. The resistance of the current return path through the aircraft is always considered
negligible, provided the
81. When current flow through the coil of a solenoid does operated electrical switch?
82. Electrical circuit protection devices are installed primarily to protect the?
A. Relays.
B. Switches.
C. Units.
D. Wiring.
86. DME antena should be located in position on the aircraft that will?
89. Which the correct statement regarding with installation of navigation and
communication equipment
93. Which of the following tubings has the characteristics medium strength, abrasion
resistance necessary for use a high pressure system?
A. Distortion.
B. Irregular surface.
C. Porosity and thickness of ferromagnetic metals.
D. Flaws on or near the surface.
95. In order to successfully heat treat ferrous metals the rate of cooling is controlled
96. Alloy 2024 rivets should be driven within 10 minutes after they have been
quenched; otherwise, befoere being used they must be
A. Aged.
B. Normalized.
C. Reheat-treated.
D. Refrigerated.
A. Electromagnetic energy.
B. Audible signals.
C. Electrical energy.
D. Electronic signals.
A. To convert dc to AC.
B. To convert AC to pulsating DC.
C. To increase average voltage output.
D. To decrease average voltage output.
A. Symbol generator.
B. Instrument system.
C. Indication system.
D. Flight warning computer.
100. INS and IRS are computer base self contained system that provide Aircracft
geografic position latitude and Lonitude, aircraft position roll, pitch, and yaw. The
function of INS and IRS are
A. Aircraft operator.
B. Repair station who performs maintenance.
C. Manufacturer.
D. Civil aviation authority (DGCA).
3. According to the CASR Part 43, overhaul of pressure type carburetors, and pressure
type fuel, oil and hydraulic pumps is:
A. A minor repair.
B. A major repair.
C. A minor alteration.
D. Preventive maintenance.
5. In Accordance with Aviation Act. No. 1 year 2009, the licence for the aviation
personnel are granted to:
6. AOC holder shall have an inspection program and a program covering other
maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration, which contained in:
A. 30 days.
B. 72 hours.
C. 48 hours.
D. Quickly any time.
9. Major repairs to aluminium alloy propellers and blades may be done by:
11. Bolt with hole on the shank for cotter pin or safety wire:
A. Eye bolt.
B. Internal wrenching bolt.
C. Hexagonal bolt.
D. Clevis bolt.
A. Jo type.
B. Blind type.
C. Stump type.
D. Pull type.
A. A coil in helicopter.
B. A coil made from steel to change bad thread.
C. A coil made from steel in the screw thread.
D. A coil made from steel as thread in light metal.
17. 15 decimal =
A. 110011 Binary.
B. 110100 Binary.
C. 100101 Binary.
D. 110001 Binary.
A. 1.7 amperes.
B. 2.4 amperes.
C. 5 amperes.
D. 7 amperes.
20. A series circuit has a resistance of 12 ohms, inductive reactance of 19 ohms and
capacitive reactance of 14 ohms. The impedance is:
A. 7 ohms.
B. 13 ohms.
C. 17 ohms.
D. 45 ohms.
21. The value at any point or instant of a sine curve is proportional to the sine of the
angle at that point. Thus if the maximum voltage is 1000 volts the instantaneous
value at 315 degrees is:
A. 707 volts.
B. 1000 volts.
C. -1000 volts.
D. -707 volts.
A. 1 volt.
B. 10 volts.
C. 100 volts.
D. 1000 volts.
23. A 40-volt primary winding of 1000 turns produces 10 volts in the secondary winding.
The number of turns in the secondary winding is therefore:
A. 10.
B. 250.
C. 825.
D. 4000.
24. The smallest particle that cannot be defined with chemical reaction is called:
A. Element.
B. Electron.
C. Atom.
D. Molecule.
25. The smallest part of particle that has still particle characteristic is called:
A. Atom.
B. Electron.
C. Element.
D. Molecule.
A. The dielectric.
B. A magnetic field.
C. An electric field.
D. The plates.
A. Thermistor.
B. Thyristor.
28. A semiconductor that alters its resistance due to the effect of incident light is said to
A. Photo-emissive.
B. Photovoltaic.
C. Photoconductive.
D. An LED.
A. Triggering an SCR.
A. Changing voltages.
B. Rectifying ac.
B. Voltage regulation.
C. Rectifying ac.
D. As a photo-electronic switch.
32. Impedance is made up of any or all of three components. Which of the components
below is not included?
A. Capacitive reactance.
B. Inductive reactance.
C. Reluctance.
D. Resistance.
B. An emf of 1 volt.
C. A charge of 1 coulomb.
D. A reactance of 1 ohm.
34. Given that other factors are constant, which dielectric will give a capacitor the largest
A. Air.
B. Mica.
C. Oil.
D. Paper.
D. Oil.
D. High resistance.
A. Circuit is at resonance.
43. For efficient operation at 400 Hz, transformers require iron or steel cores to provide:
A. A suitable heat-sink.
D. A reduction in back-emf.
A. Inter-linked windings.
45. To minimize loss of power, the iron or steel cores of low frequency transformers are
constructed from thin laminations that are:
46. When connected to a power supply the primary of a transformer draws very little
current when there is no load on the secondary because the:
D. Back-emf is low.
47. Whenever the secondary windings of current transformers are disconnected from their
load circuits, terminals must be:
A. Earthed.
C. Short-circuited together.
D. Left undisturbed.
48. Which of the following statements is not true in respect of light emitting diodes
A. The intensity of the light can be varied with the applied voltage.
A. Input resistance.
B. Stability factor.
C. Output resistance.
D. Kirchhoff’s law.
53. The Q of an inductor is equal to the ratio of its inductance reactance to:
B. Its impedance.
A. Increases.
C. Decreases.
D. Is unaffected.
57. Circuit breakers installed in an aircraft are required to be checked for correct
operation at regular intervals. Checks may be carried out:
C. By using the aircraft power and shorting out the load side
58. When considering a modification, the criteria upon which the selection of electrical
cable size should be based are:
59. Copper cable is usually employed in aircraft electrical circuits because it:
63.Components which are made from semiconductor materials are often called:
A. Electrons only.
B. Electrons and holes.
C. Holes only.
D. Ions.
65. The coincidence, or exclusive - NOR gate is one which has two input terminals and
one output terminal. It produces the logic 1 state at the output only when the two
inputs are:
A. At logical 0.
B. At logical 1.
A. The input state of a circuit for all possible combinations of the output state.
B. The output state of a circuit for all possible combinations of input states.
C. The number of inputs that must be at 1 for the output to become 1.
67. A logic circuit has its input at logical 1 when any of its inputs is at 1.
A. F = AB + C
B. F = AC + B
C. F = BC + A
D. F=A+B+C
A. Capacitance only.
B. Capacitance and resistance.
C. Capacitance and inductance.
D. Capacitance.
A. Two PN junction.
B. One PN junction.
C. Three PN junction.
D. No PN junction.
A. Current amplification.
B. Current and voltage amplification.
C. Current and power amplification.
D. Voltage and power amplification.
75. When checking a good transistor with an ohmmeter, the device should exhibit a:
76. The current gain of a common base transistor is often referred as the transistor’s:
A. Amplification factor.
B. Reverse current transfer ratio.
C. Alpha.
D. Beta.
77. Radio waves is actually an electromagnetic wave and usually consist of:
A. If XC = XI, the circuit impedance will be minimum and the circuit current will
be minimum.
B. If XC = XI, the circuit impedance will be minimum and the circuit current
will be maximum.
C. If XC = XI, the circuit impedance will be maximum and the circuit current will
be minimum.
D. If XC = XI, the circuit impedance will be maximum and the circuit current will
be maximum.
85. The function of automatic pilot system is for controlling automatically and works on
86. Servo-motor which is available which is available in automatic pilot system is used
89. The connection of output transceiver radar to input antenna (aerial) at aircraft
installation must be as short as possible and usually uses …
A. Twin lead.
B. Wave-guide.
C. Coaxial cable.
D. Normal cable.
90. Type antenna (aerial) from radar installation both ground and airborne is:
A. Weather mapping.
B. Iso echo contour.
C. Ground mapping.
D. All of the answers above are true.
92. A type of vacuum tube in radar system is used as modulator and switch is:
A. Thyratron tube.
B. Magnetron tube.
C. Klystron tube.
D. ATR / TR tube.
A. 3-30 KHz.
B. 30-300 kHz.
C. 3-30 MHz.
D. 30-300 MHz.
A. 109.50 MHz.
B. 110.30 MHz.
C. 117.50 MHz.
D. 122.50 MHz.
A. An electro-magnetic wave.
B. A magnetic field.
C. Electro-magnetic induction.
D. An electric field.
97. The distance between successive peaks of a transmitted wave is known as the:
A. Frequency.
B. Bandwidth.
C. Wavelength.
D. Modulation index.
98. A ground wave follows the surface of the earth partly because of a phenomenon
known as:
A. Refraction.
B. Diffraction.
C. Reflection.
D. Attenuation.
99. What two requirements must be met for sustained oscillations by an oscillator?
2. (1) supplemental Type certificate may be issued to more than one applicant for
the same design change, providing of the applicant shows compliance with the
applicable airworthiness requirement.
(2) An installation of an item manufactured in accordance with the Technical
Standard Order System requires no further approval for installation in
particular aircraft
Regarding the above statements which of the following is true?
a. Only No 2 is true.
b. Both No 1 and No 2 are true.
c. Neither No 1 nor No 2 is true.
d. Only No 1 is true.
a. Airworthiness Directives.
b. Advisory Circular 43.13-2A.
c. Type Certificate Data Sheet.
d. Manufacturer’s manuals when DGCA approved.
a. 260 knots.
b. 293 knots.
c. 174 knots.
d. 139 knots.
a. As long as duties are performed under the certificate for at least 60 days
within the preceding 6 month.
b. 24 calendar months.
c. As long as duties are performed under the certificate for at least 90 days
within the preceding 12 months.
d. Until surrendered, suspended or revoked.
a. a propeller.
b. air conditioning and pressurization system.
c. an electrically heated windshield system.
d. an instrument.
a. approve for return to service a major repair for which they are rated.
b. supervise and approve a 100 hour inspection.
c. perform an annual inspection appropriate to the rating(s) they hold.
d. approve for return to service a minor alteration they have performed
appropriate to the rating(s) they hold.
11. The correct way to connect a test voltmeter in a circuit is ...
12. A filter which passes all frequencies below a certain cutoff point and attenuates all
frequencies above that point is called ...
14. When checking diodes using an ohmmeter, when the ohmmeter forward-biases
the diode, its resistance will be ……
A. Low.
B. Zero.
C. High.
D. Unlimited.
a. 0≤α≤1
b. 0,9 < α < 1
c. 0,9 ≤ α ≤ 1
d. 0,9 < α ≤ 1
18. If the base current of a transistor is 0.03 mA and β is 50, the collector current
is ...
a. 0,53 mA.
b. 0,47 mA.
c. 1,50 mA.
d. 15,0 Ma.
a. B.
C. D.
A. to reduce weight
B. to make installation easy
C. to make maintenance easy
D. A, B, and C are correct.
24. The data bus usually used for aircraft systems, is (are) ....
A. ARINC 429
B. ARINC 629
C. MIL-STD 1553
D. A, B, and C are true.
25. The following truth table represent the function of ...... gate.
B. OR .
D. Not all of the above.
A. 3 x 108 m/sec.
B. 3 x 105 Km/sec.
C. equal to the speed of light.
D. All of the above answers are true.
Figure A Figure B
34. At 50% modulation, during the same time, the peak amplitude of the carrier
is ........ the value of the carrier with no modulation.
A. twice
B. one half
C. the same as
D. three times
A. Only a is true.
B. a and b are true.
C. a and c are true.
D. b and c are true.
A. Tickler
B. Crystal
C. Hartley
D. Colpitts
38. The frequency of the 1st IF in a superheterodyne receiver is ... (a), and ... (b) for the
2nd IF.
41. How good is the energy transfered by an antenna is depend on the following
42. Radio waves tend to bend as they follow the curvature of the earth. This bending
is caused by ...
A. the tendency of a radio wave to travel slower as the density of the air
B. the tendency of a radio wave to travel faster as the density of the air increases.
C. the tendency of a radio wave to refract when traveling through a higher
density of air.
D. A and C are true.
43. RG58 cable is about .... (a) inch in diameter and RG11 cable is about .... (b) inch
in diameter.
A. ½ (a) ; ¼ (b).
B. ½ (a) ; ¾ (b).
C. ¾ (a) ; ½ (b).
D. ¼ (a) ; ½ (b).
44. RG58 cable, which is the one most commonly used for aircraft VHF equipment,
the loss is around ...... at 120 Mc/s for a 10 foot length.
A. 20 %
B. 15 %
C. 10 %
D. 5 %
45. Aircraft RF transmission lines normally use RG11 and RG58 coaxial cables.
A. RG58 used for DME and transponder, while RG11 for VHF equipment
B. Both cables RG11 and RG 58 could be used for VHF, DME and transponder
equipment installations.
C. RG11 used for DME and transponder, while RG58 for VHF equipment
D. Only RG58 is used for VHF, DME and transponder equipment installations.
46. What is antenna radiation pattern?
A. It is a plot of the relative field strength of the radio waves emitted by the
antenna at different angles.
B. It is a function of angles and can be expressed as field or power pattern.
C. It shows how the antenna distributes its energy in space.
D. A, B, and C are true.
A. 122.002 MC/s
B. 121.998 MC/s
C. 121.998 MC/s ; 122 MC/s ; and 122.002 MC/s
D. 121.998 MC/s and 122.002 MC/s
48. If we would need 4 megacycles per second width for each station. How many
channels can we have for the range of ll8 to 136 megacycles per second?
A. 5 channels.
B. 4 channels.
C. 3 channels.
D. 2 channels.
A. the higher the peak and the lower the minimum of the modulated
B. the lower the peak and the higher the minimum of the modulated carrier.
C. the higher the peak and the modulated carrier.
D. the lower the peak and the modulated carrier.
50. In AM, a 100 watt transmitter would also have some power in the sideband. For a
l00% modulation AM transmitter there will be 100 watts of carrier power, plus ....
watts in each sideband.
A. 100
B. 75
C. 50
D. 25
51. For the SSB system using the same size transmitting equipment, it requires .........
bandwidth that the AM requires.
A. the same
B. one-half
C. twice
D. one-quarter
A. circuit values.
B. the dimensions of the crystal.
C. the voltage applied.
D. the amplifier.
53. Good frequency stability is most easily obtained through the use of .........
57. The most commonly transmission lines used for Aircraft RF is ....
58. The VOR receiving antenna on the tail of many aircraft, is ...
59. When deciding the location of an antenna, the following must be taken into
a. radiation pattern.
b. interference between systems.
c. SWR.
d. A and B are true.
60. All modern avionic systems conform to Aeronautical Radio Incorporate (ARINC)
standard. ARINC 500 and 700 standards were developed for ..........
a. is designed to amplify the difference in frequency coming from the mixer, and
to reject the sum frequency.
b. consists of a number of tuned circuits and a number of stages of
c. is enable to reject all frequencies except those close to the desired frequency.
d. A, B and C are true.
65. Navigation system that required a set of antenna consisting a sense and a loop
antenna is ....
a. VOR
b. DME
c. ADF
d. ILS
66. Main component of an airborne ADF system are .......
69. VOT transmitters are used to check the accuracy of VOR receivers while aircraft
are on the ground. The VOT radiates a "NORTH" bearing signal on all azimuths.
The bearing accuracy of the transmitted signal is maintained within a tolerance of
a. 0.50
b. 1.0°
c. 1.50
d. 2.00
a. 75 Mhz
b. 324 Mhz
c. 121,5 Mhz and 243 Mhz
d. No answer is true
71. A system that function to records all audio signals and sounds in the cockpit,
such as the pilot's voices, engine noises, stall warnings, landing gear extension
and retraction is ........
72. CVR and FDR are installed in the ………. of the aircraft.
A. radio compartment.
B. most crash survivable part.
C. tail section.
D. near the cockpit.
73. Interphone system allows flight attendants or flight crew to make announcements
in the passenger cabin using ......
a. Fight Interphone.
b. Service Interphone.
c. Cabin Interphone.
d. Passenger Address Systems.
74. The glide slope provides ................ to the pilot during the approach.
a. vertical guidance.
b. horizontal guidance.
c. both vertical and horizontal guidance.
d. Answer A, B, and C are false.
75. Critical display functions instruments located in the pilot’s primary field-of-view
A. Air Speed, Vertical Speed, INS CDU (Inertial Navigation System Control
Display Unit).
B. Air Speed, Angle of attack, Altitude.
C. Vertical Speed, Air Speed, Map Display.
D. Angle of attack, Altitude, FMS DU (Flight Management System Display Unit).
77. The primary flight instruments that appear on a PFD are driven by instrument
sensor systems
78. On advance avionics system, the aircraft heading is determined using ...
80. During flight, the FMS provides precise guidance about ...
A. The system that receives ram air, static air, and temperature information
from sensors, and provides information such as altitude, indicated
airspeed, vertical speed, and wind direction and velocity to other cockpit
B. The system that receives air pressure and temperature information from
sensors, and provides information such as altitude, indicated airspeed, vertical
speed, and wind velocity to other cockpit systems.
C. The system that receives ram air and static air pressure information from
sensors, and provides information such as altitude, indicated airspeed, vertical
speed, and wind direction to other cockpit systems.
D. A, B, and C are false.
84. AP and trim systems use a simple clutch mechanism that allows the pilot to
overpower the system by forcing the control yoke in the desired direction. This
system is usually checked ...
85. The first and closest method of disconnecting a malfunctioning autopilot is the
autopilot disconnect switch which is ...
88. The yellow color-code in terrain display means that the terrain is ...
A. less than 1,000 feet but more than 200 feet below the aircraft.
B. less than 200 feet below the aircraft.
C. less than 1,000 feet but more than 100 feet below the aircraft.
D. more than 1,000 feet below the aircraft.
A. An integrated flight instrument system that provides heading, rate of turn, and
slip/skid information.
B. An integrated flight instrument system that provides attitude, heading, and
slip/skid information.
93. Which of the following is provided in a TAWS A but not provided in a TAWS B?
94. Weather products provided by cockpit weather systems are typically presented
on ...
A. MFD only.
B. PFD only.
C. MFD and could be overlayed on the PFD.
D. PFD and could be overlayed on the MFD.
96. TCAS and TA are alert and advisories systems that ...
A. TCAS and TA systems cannot detect aircraft that do not have active
B. TCAS and TA systems give unwanted alerts when the pilot is purposefully
operating in the vicinity of other aircraft.
C. TCAS and TA systems can detect any aircraft flying nearby.
D. A and B are true.
98. A fuel management system offers precise fuel calculations based on ...
A. time, distance, winds, and fuel flow measured by the fuel management system
B. time, distance, winds, and fuel flow measured by other aircraft systems.
C. time, distance, and fuel flow measured by other aircraft systems.
D. time, distance, and fuel flow measured by the fuel management system itself.
2. (1) supplemental Type certificate may be issued to more than one applicant for the
same design change, providing of the applicant shows compliance with the
applicable airworthiness requirement.
A. Only No 2 is true.
B. Both No 1 and No 2 are true.
C. Neither No 1 nor No 2 is true.
D. Only No 1 is true.
A. Class I products.
B. Class II products.
C. Class III products.
D. Class II and Class III products.
A. As long as duties are performed under the certificate for at least 60 days
within the preceding 6 month.
B. 24 calendar months.
C. As long as duties are performed under the certificate for at least 90 days
within the preceding 12 months.
D. Until surrendered, suspended or revoked.
9. A certificated mechanic is not privileged to perform any repair to, or alteration of ...
A. a propeller.
B. air conditioning and pressurization system.
C. an electrically heated windshield system.
D. an instrument.
A. approve for return to service a major repair for which they are rated.
A. Ammeter.
B. Volt meter.
C. Ohm meter or megger.
D. All the answer s are correct.
A. 3-30 KHz.
B. 3-30 MHz.
C. 30-300 KHz.
D. 30-300 MHz.
A. 109.50 MHz.
B. 110.30 MHz.
C. 117.50 MHz.
D. 122.50 MHz.
15. Electrical resistivity () of pure (intrinsic) semiconductor material at 0K temperature is:
A. Zero.
C. Very large.
A. 11101101011
B. 11111010011
C. 11110110111
D. 10001101011
A. 2002|10
B. 1980|10
C. 1990|10
D. 2010|10
18. A resistance of 6 ohms is connected in parallel with an inductive reactance of 8 ohms across a 24 volt 400
Hz supply. The total current in the circuit is:
A. 7 amperes.
B. 5 amperes.
C. 2.4 amperes.
D. 1.7 amperes.
19. A series circuit has a resistance of 12 ohms, inductive reactance of 19 ohms and capacitive reactance of 14
ohms. The impedance is:
A. 7 ohms.
B. 13 ohms.
C. 17 ohms.
D. 45 ohms.
20. A 1000-microfarad capacitor stores 5 joules of energy. What is the difference in potential between the
terminals of the capacitor?
A. 1 volt.
B. 10 volts.
C. 100 volts.
D. 1000 volts.
25. At the flip-flop circuit, T gate will change its value from 1 to 0 of
A. Gate S is given 1
B. Gate R is given 0
C. Gate S is given 0
D. Gate R is given 1
26. The current gain of a common base transistor is often referred as the transistor’s:
A. Alpha.
B. Beta.
C. Amplification factor.
D. Reverse current transfer ratio.
A. One PN junction.
B. Two PN junction.
C. Three PN junction.
D. No PN junction.
30. Resistance, which will arrange number of the current flow at plate, is.
A. Plate resistance.
B. Grid & filament resistance.
C. Grid resistance.
D. Filament resistance.
32. If transistor produces sinusoidal output when it works without input, so the characteristic is the same
as ……………
A. Amplifier.
B. Transformer.
C. Oscillator LC/RC.
D. Oscillator relays.
34. Component which works to combine resistor, diode, transistor etc is called:
A. Transformer.
B. IC (integrated circuit).
C. Triode tube.
D. Power supply.
35. The type of oscillator which its output forms wave non sinusoidal is.
A. Oscillator LC.
B. Oscillator relaxation.
C. Oscillator RC.
A. Capacitor coupling.
B. Capacitor by pass.
C. Capacitor capacitance.
D. Capacitor bipolar.
38. A ground wave follows the surface of the earth partly because of a phenomenon known as:
A. Refraction.
B. Reflection.
C. Diffraction.
D. Attenuation.
39. The distance between successive peaks of a transmitted wave is known as the:
A. Frequency.
B. Bandwidth.
C. Modulation index.
D. Wavelength.
A. A magnetic field.
B. An electro-magnetic wave.
C. Electro-magnetic induction.
D. An electric field.
41. The maximum value of hfe can be obtained by operating transistor in it’s:
A. Saturated condition.
B. Normal condition.
C. Extreem condition
D. Cut-off condition
44. Magnitude of current flowing through channel of JFET and MOSFET is normally
controlled by controlling:
45. Which characteristic is considered as benefit of an integrated circuit over discrete component
A. saturated condition.
B. cut-off condition.
C. normal condition.
D. extreem condition.
47. Which 2-input gate has ‘True’ state output only when it’s both input have ‘True’ state ?.
A. NOR gate.
B. OR gate.
C. NAND gate.
D. AND gate.
A. Diode.
B. Transistor.
C. Resistor
49. Which 2-input gate has ‘False’ state output only when it’s both input have ‘False’ state ?
A. AND gate.
B. NAND gate.
C. OR gate.
D. NOR gate.
51. What two requirement must be met for sustained oscillations by an oscillator?
A. The plates.
B. The dielectric.
C. A magnetic field.
D. An electrostatic field.
A. Cadmium film.
B. Anodic film.
C. Chromium plating.
D. Nickel plating.
57. The clock pulse is the heart of most digital systems. A reliable source of clock pulses is a :
A. Schmitt trigger.
B.Stable multi vibrator.
C.Synchronous flip-flop.
D. Ripple counter.
58. A Semiconductor that alters its resistance due to the effect of incident light is said to be:
A. An LED.
D. Photoconductive.
60. Aircraft bonding tester is designed to measure voltage drop over a bonding strap or junction. It
accomplishes this by:
A. Comparing the resistance of the bond by Wheat stone Bridge null voltage measurement.
B. Producing a current through the bond and measuring the voltage drop across it.
C. Producing a voltage over the bond and measuring the resistance.
D. An internal high voltage generator which is operated by hand.
A. 4 frequencies.
B. 3 frequencies.
C. 2 frequencies.
D. 1 frequency.
64. When output frequency it regulator bridge is 400 Hz. So its input frequency is:
A. 200 Hz.
B. 400 Hz.
C. 800 Hz.
D. It depends on the big of filter.
65. How much diode is used at fall wave recafter which uses transformer without C7
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
A. Calculating DC resistance.
B. Calculating AC resistance.
C. Describing the form of curve tracer.
D. Describing the form of AC frequency.
68. At feed back collector deviation, the bigromit of collector-emitter resistance is almost the same as half
catu resistance if.
69. Digital circuit and switch is after made by using transistor deviation type of:
A. Basic deviation.
B. Dividing resistance deviation.
C. Feed back collector deviation.
D. Emitter deviation.
A. 1b
B. 1c
C. 1e
D. 1b and 1e
A. Digital circuit.
B. Switch gain.
C. Small gain signal.
D. Large gain signal.
72. Radio waves is actually an electromagnetic wave and usually consist of:
73. How many basic electronic gates are identified by MIL STD 806B ?.
A. 6
B. 5
C. 4
D. 8
74. Which system use analog signal to send information from it’s transmitter to receiver?.
B. MIL-STD-1553B databus.
D. 3 wire synchro.
75. A 100 V secondary transformer voltage in a power supply circuit feeds a filter capacitor with no load.
What the capacitor voltage if the rectifier is silicon diode?
A. 140,7 V
B. 100 V
C. 141,4 V
D. A, and C are false
76. Which one is correct for ARINC 429 transmitter bit assignment?.
A. VAB = 5 Volts for bit ‘1’ and VAB= 0 Volts for bit ‘0’.
B. VAB = 0 Volts for bit ‘1’ and VAB= 5 Volts for bit ‘0’.
C. VAB = -5 Volts for bit ‘1’ and VAB= 0 Volts for bit ‘0’.
D. none of a, b, c is right.
A. 8.
B. 4.
C. 32
D. 16
78. Where do we most probably find a landing gear visual warning in the cockpit of modern large
aeroplane ?.
80. Where do we most probably find a weather map in the cockpit of modern large aeroplane ?.
81. Where do we most probably find the interstage turbine temperature (ITT) indication in the
82. Type antenna (aerial) from radar installation both ground and airborne is:
86. Impedance is made up of any or all of three components. Which of the components below is NOT
included ?
A. Capacitive reactance.
B. Inductive reactance.
C. Resistance ..
D. Reluctance.
87. Whenever the secondary windings of current transformer are disconnected from their load circuits,
terminals must be :
A. Earthed.
B. Short-circuited together.
C. Insulated from each other.
D. Left undisturbed.
88. The materials used for the aircraft structure in generally can be classified into two categories:
A. In-phase feedback.
B. Two inductances.
C. Two capacitances.
D. Tuned circuit feedback.
90. VHF airborne communications sets operate in the frequency range from:
A. Output impedance.
B. Input capacities.
C. Input bias.
D. Output bias.
A. Stability.
B. Stable impedances.
C. Varying supply voltages.
D. Radio frequencies.
A. TV screen.
B. Transceiver HF.
C. Radio transmitter with high power.
D. All the answer above are correct.
94. The amount of effective resistance output from a half wave regulator is.
A. Vp/V2
B. Up/b
C. Vac
D. Nil
97. When a Lead Acid battery is in the fully-charge condition, the chemical
reactions of positive plate and negative plate are:
A. PbSO4 and Pb
B. PbO2 and Pb
C. PbO2 and PbSO4
98. In order a transistor in the active region, the condition of the emitter junction (J E) and collector
junction (JC) are
99. When a Nickel Cadmium battery is in the discharge condition, the chemical
reaction of positive plate and negative plate are:
108. According to the CASR part 65.47 the privileges of an aircraft maintenance engineer license are
A. Perform maintenance of aircraft or component.
B. Release an aircraft after maintenance.
C. Perform maintenance only.
D. Release an components after maintenance..
109. According to the CASR part 45.11 aircrfat engine identification plate must be secured in location?
A. At accessible location on the engine.
B. Nose of the engine area.
C. At casing of the engine.
D. Exchaust area.
110. One of the condition to renewal the aircrfat maintenance engineer license are
A. Having the experience in 24 months.
B. Shall exercise their privileges at least 6 months within 24 months.
C. Submit the their basic cerificate.
D. Having the experience in 12 months.
111. An aircraft bolt has a overall length of 1 and 1/2 inches, with shank length a 1 and 3/16 inches, and a
threaded portion length of 5/8 inch. What is the grip length?
A. .3125
B. .5625
C. .6572.
D. 8750.
112. Solve the equation = 3
a2 √ b
A. √ a b
2 3
B. a b a 2 b3
C. ab
√2 a3 3√b−8
113. The force that can be produced by an actuating cylinder has a cross-sectional area of 3 square inches
operating in a 1,000 psi hydraulic system, is most nearly
A. 334 pounds.
B. 1,000 pounds.
C. 1,500 pounds.
D. 3,000 pounds.
114. A lens with power 10 D is combining to a lens with power 30 D. The new combined lens has a focal
A. 2.5 cm
B. 4.0 cm
C. 3.0 cm
D. 3.5 cm
115. Because an atom considers being balance or neutral, an atoom which has a number of electron lost in
the valance ring (valance electron) may try to get
A. Other proton from nearby atoms.
B. Other electrons from nearby atoms.
C. Other neutron from nearby atoms.
D. Other neucles from nearby atoms.
116. Semiconductors are the basis for modern electronic devices such as
A. Diodes, transistors and integrated circuits.
B. Diodes, transistors and transformator.
C. Diodes, transistors and inductor.
D. Capacitors, transistors and inductor.
117. The main causes of static electricity are
A. Contact and Separation between two materials.
B. Bonding and grounding.
C. Connecting one or more conductive.
D. Static discharge.
118. The purpose a two conductor twisted wire while used to carry the current?
A. To minimize a magnetic field.
B. To minimize resistance.
C. To minimize current flow.
D. To maximize a magnetic field.
119. The resistance to stretching of an object produced by two forces pulling in opposite directions along
the same straight line is known as what type of stress?
A. Shear.
B. Bending.
C. Tension.
D. Compression.
120. The Hardness testing method for relatively soft material is
A. The Vickers tester.
B. The Brinell tester.
C. The Rockwell tester.
D. The Barcol tester.
121. The AN420AD-4-4 rivet is a countersunk rivet. How is the length measured?
A. The part of the rivet that is the material.
B. The part of the rivet that extends through the material.
C. The total length of the rivet.
D. Length stem only.
122. The bearings are capable of accepting radial loads and axial loads in one direction only is
A. Thrust Bearing.
B. Radial Bearing.
C. Precision Bearing.
D. Angular Contact bearing.
123. What type of corrosion attack grain boundaries of aluminum alloys which are improperly or
inadequately heat treated?
A. Surface corrosion.
B. Intergranular corrosion.
C. Fretting Corrosion.
D. Galvanic Corrosion.
124. Safety wire is installed properly if you observe which of the following actions?
A. The tension of the wire tends to tighten the bolt or nut.
B. The tension of the wire tends to loosen the bolt or nut.
C. The wire is as tight as possible.
D. The wire has 5 turns per inch.
125. Which of the following wrenches is best suited for breaking a nut loose and then unscrewing it quickly
A. An open-end "5" wrench.
B. A 15-degree offset open-end wrench.
C. A box-end wrench.
D. A combination box open-end wrench.
126. Each of the 25 marks on the thimble of the standard outside micrometer represents what part of an
A. 0.001 in.
B. 0.005 in.
C. 0.025 in.
D. 0.040 in.
127. Rethreading dies are used for which of the following purposes?
A. To start tapping operations.
B. To restore bruised or rusty threads on screws and bolts.
C. To remove threads from screws and bolts.
D. To make threads on the inside of nuts.
128. A property of fluid which creates resistance to motion of an object through that fluid is called:
A. Density.
B. Gravity.
C. Viscosity.
D. Humidity.
129. When an aircraft has a tendency to keep a constant angle of attack with reference to the relative wind is
A. Directional Stability.
B. Longitudinal Stability.
C. Lateral Stability.
D. Vertical Stability.
130. If an object is equilibrium encountered at any point of displacement is called:
A. Positive Static Stability.
B. Negative Static Stability.
C. Neutral Static Stability.
D. Neutral Dynamic Stability.
131. Which of the following materials emphasizes not only strength/weight ratio, except
A. Fracture toughness.
B. Increasing structural strength.
C. Notch sensitivity.
D. Stress resistance corrosion.
132. What classifications of structure the shown in yellow color (or hatched) in repair manuals and
A. Secondary.
B. Primary.
C. Tertiary.
D. Auxiliary.
133. Where is the critical force that a wing can resist of twisting force?
A. Wing torsion box.
B. Wing span.
C. Wing mono spar.
D. Wing rib.
134. What kind of design features for pressurized airframes?
A. Butt joint.
B. Lap joint.
C. Double strap
D. All answers are correct.
135. The vacuum toilet system getting air vacuum from
A. Vacuum blower.
B. Differential pressure between inside and outside pressure of the aircraft.
C. Either vacuum blower or differential pressure depends on the aircraft altitude.
D. Either vacuum blower or differential pressure depends on the type of the aircraft.
136. What ice forming in the high altitude with temperature air very low?
A. Rime ice.
B. Glaze ice.
C. Rime or Glaze ice.
D. Rime ice and Glaze ice.
137. Which valve in the pneumatic deicing system control the inflation deflation deicer boots?
A. Solenoid valve.
B. Pneumatic valve.
C. Suction valve.
D. Distributor valve.
138. What is the purpose of the Converter in the electrical windshield system
A. Use to change the rotary motion to the reciprocating motion to the wiper arm.
B. Use to change reciprocating motion to the rotary motion to the wiper arm.
C. Use to reduce speed of wiper arm.
D. Use to increase speed of wiper arm.
139. What types of the water lines and drain lines heater?
A. Blanket heater, gasket heater, ribon heater, integrally tube heater.
B. Blanket heater, gasket heater, ribon heater, Integrally tube heater, patch heater.
C. Blanket heater, patch heater, ribon heater, Integrally heated hose, gasket heater.
D. Blanket heater, gasket heater, ribon heater.
140. In diluter demand oxygen regulator, when does the demand valve operated
A. When the user demands 100% oxygen.
B. When the user breathes.
C. When cylinder pressure over 500 psi.
D. When diluter control set at normal.
141. The cabin air pressure control setting has direct influence on the
A. Outflow valve opening.
B. Cabin supercharger.
C. Pneumatic system pressure.
D. Turbo compressor speed.
142. What prevents the cabin altitude from climbing higher than aircraft altitude?
A. The outflow air check valve.
B. Pressure relief valve.
C. Negative pressure relief valve.
D. Bleed air valve.
143. Which the correct statement concerning with “Out flow Valve “
A. Donor.
B. Acceptor.
C. Trivalent impurity.
D. Pentavalent impurity.
152. The maximum amount of voltage the diode can withstand in reverse-bias mode on continual basis:
A. Maximum repetitive reverse voltage.
B. Maximum DC reverses voltage.
C. Maximum forward voltage.
D. Maximum forward current.
153. The output frequency of half wave rectifier is:
A. Half of input frequency.
B. Equal of input frequency.
C. Twice of input frequency.
D. 1.414 X frequency input.
154. Electrons are the minority carrier in which type of semiconductor:
A. N-type.
B. P-type.
C. Intrinsic.
D. Extrinsic.
155. If the filter capacitor is decrease, the ripple will:
A. Decrease.
B. Increase.
C. Same.
D. Loose.
156. If collector current is 100 mA, and base current is 2 mA, then current gain is:
A. 50
B. 100
C. 150
D. 200
157. What is the characteristic of Op-Amp?
A. High impedance input but low impendance output.
B. High impedance input and high impendance output.
C. Low impedance input but high impendance output.
D. Low impedance input and low impedance output.
158. When only at “on” condition, a transistor is used to be:
A. Regulator.
B. Switching.
C. Amplifier.
D. Rectifier.
159. If the filter capacitor is increased, then the output DC on load will:
A. Decrease.
B. Increase.
C. Same.
D. Loose.
160. A Bridgestone rectifier, rectify 20 Vrms of sine wave, determine the output
A. 6.36 VDC.
B. 14.14 VDC.
C. 17.9 VDC.
D. 28.28 VDC.
161. (Refer to general figure) Determine peak voltage on secondary
winding of transformer:
A. 1.414 Vp
B. 10,8 Vp.
C. 24 Vp.
D. 34 Vp.
162. When Positive battery applied to N-type of diode and vice versa
A. Forward biased.
B. Electron flow.
C. Reverse biased.
D. Conventional flow.
163. Timing process of creation of hole and its disappearance:
A. Lifetime.
B. Recombination.
C. Hole.
D. Electron flow.
164. When 0.5 Volt DC input is applied to inverting input of Op-Amp, where Rf = 15 KΩ and Rin = 3 KΩ,
then the output is
A. -5 Volt.
B. -2.5 Volt.
C. 2.5 Volt.
D. 5 Volt.
165. If the current gain is 100 and the collector current is 50 mA, the base current is
A. 0.5 mA
B. 1 Ma
C. 2 mA
D. 4 Ma
166. If line frequency is 400 Hz, the output ripple frequency of full wave rectifier is
A. 50 Hz
B. 60 Hz
C. 400 Hz
D. 800 Hz
167. When a diode is used to rectify 10 Vp sine wave, the output is:
A. 3.18 VDC.
B. 6.36 VDC.
C. 20 VDC.
D. 14.1 VDC
168. Adang and Gunawan patch a fatigue crack incorrectly, two weeks later that aircraft encounters bad
weather in flight. The crack expands and the aircraft breaks apart, this is an example of......
A. An active error.
B. A latent error.
C. A slip.
D. Mistake.
169. If N1 / N2 = 3, and primary voltage is 120, then secondary voltage is
A. 30 V
B. 40 V
C. 60 V
D. 115 V
170. When a transistor is work on saturated, its act likes:
A. Amplifier.
B. Regulator.
C. Rectifier.
D. Switching.
171. A servo amplifier used to amplified low power of DC servomotor is:
A. Amplidyne.
B. Synchro.
C. Servo system.
D. Servomechanism.
172. An input controller receives no feedback from the load is:
A. Amplifier.
B. Closed loop.
C. Open loop.
D. Servo system.
173. The process of a hole missed the electron and refill
A. Recombination.
B. Lifetime.
C. Hole.
D. Electron flow.
174. The process of adding impurities semiconductor to crystals is referred
A. Intrinsic.
B. Extrinsic.
C. Doping.
D. Free charges.
181. Junction transistors have replaced point- contact transistors for which of the following reasons?
A. Junction transistors generate less noise.
B. Junction transistors handle more power.
C. Junction transistors provide higher current and voltage gains.
D. All of the above.
182. In a PNP transistor application, the solid state device is turned on when the
A. Base is negative with respect to the emitter.
B. Base is positive with respect to the emitter.
C. Emitter is negative with respect to the base.
D. Emitter is positive with the respect to the base.
183. Diodes are used in electrical power circuits primarily as
A. Cutout switches.
B. Rectifiers.
C. Relays.
D. Amplifiers.
184. In a NPN transistor application, the solid state device is turned on when the
A. Emitter is positive with the respect to the base.
B. Base is negative with respect to the emitter.
C. Base is positive with respect to the emitter.
D. Emitter is negative with respect to the base.
185. At saturated condition, a transistor acts like?
A. Regulator.
B. Switching.
C. Amplifier.
D. Rectifier.
186. Tensile stresses are developed when a material is subjected to what type of force?
A. Compression load.
B. Twisting action.
C. Shearing action.
D. Pulling load.
187. When used in conjunction with a numbering system that classifies different aluminium alloys, the
letter “T” signifies that what action has occurred?
A. The metal has been heat-treated.
B. The alloying elements have been tempered.
C. The major alloying element has been tested.
188. AC generators are often driven by a Constant Sped Drive mechanism to permit a nearly constant
A. Voltage output.
B. Amperage output.
C. Number of cycles per second.
D. Total power output.
189. Forward biasing of a solid state device will cause the device to
A. Conduct via zener breakdown.
B. Conduct.
C. Turn OFF.
D. Turn ON.
190. Capacitors are use sometimes used in DC circuits to
A. Counteract inductive reactance at specific locations.
B. Smooth out slight pulsations in current/voltage.
C. Assist in stepping voltage and current up and/or down
D. It is comparatively weak.
191. Which of the following are commonly used as rectifiers in electrical circuits?
A. Diodes, Anodes.
B. Diodes, Cathodes.
C. Diodes.
D. Diodes, Anodes and Cathodes.
192. When referring to an electrical circuit diagram, what point is considered to be at zero voltage?
A. The circuit breaker.
B. The fuse.
C. The ground reference.
D. The power.
193. In transistor ideal VBE is
A. 0 V
B. 0.2 V
C. 0.3 V
D. 0.7 V
194. What will be the result if the contact point in a vibrator type voltage regulator sticks in the close
A. The reverse current cut out relay will not close.
B. A high generator voltage.
195. The resistance of the current return path through the aircraft is always considered negligible, provided
A. Voltage drop across the circuit is checked.
B. Circuit resistance is checked.
C. Generator is properly grounded.
D. Structure is adequately bonded.
196. When current flow through the coil of a solenoid does operated electrical switch?
A. Continually, as long as the electrical system master switch is ON.
B. Continually, as long as the control switch is complete.
C. Only for a short time period following movement of the control switch.
D. Only until the moveable points contact the stationary points.
197. Electrical circuit protection devices are installed primarily to protect the?
A. Relays.
B. Switches.
C. Units.
D. Wiring.
198. The degree of curvature of the mean line is called?
A. Chord line.
B. Mean line.
C. Chamber.
D. Incidence.
199. The stability lateral axis is controlled by?
A. Rudder.
B. Aileron.
C. Elevator.
D. Stabilizer.
200. What is an electrochemical process by which metal is deposite on a substrate by passing a current
through the bath?
A. Hydrooge Embrittlement.
B. Electrolysis.
C. Electroplating.
D. Anodizing.
201. A wing spar is subject to loads?
A. Shear force.
B. Bending moment.
C. Shear force and bending moment.
D. Compression loading.
202. The basic radio communication consists of?
A. Microphone, Receiving and transmitting antennas, Tranceiver, Head set or Loudspeaker.
B. Microphone, Receiving antenna, Receiver, Head set or Loudspeaker.
C. Microphone, Transmitting antenna, Transmitter, Head set or Loudspeaker.
D. Microphone, Transmitting antenna, Receiver, Head set or Loudspeaker.
203. What the function of the microphone?
A. Used to changes the electrical energy into acoustical energy.
B. Used to changes the acoustical energy into electrical energy.
C. Used to intercept the electromagnetic waves.
D. Used to radiate the acoustical energy
204. Doubler are used when antennas are installed?
A. To eliminate antenna vibration.
B. To reduce aircraft flutter.
C. To reinstate the structural strength of the aircraft skin.
D. To make a good antenna installation.
205. DME antena should be located in position on the aircraft that will?
A. Not be blanked by the fuselage when the aircraft is banked.
B. Permit interruption in DME operation.
C. Eliminate the posibility of the DME locking on a station.
D. Not be blanked by the wing when the aircraft is banked.
206. The ILS ( Instrument Landing System ) consists of?
A. Outer marker, middle marker, and runway localizer.
B. Outer marker, marker beacon, and runway localizer.
C. Runway localizer, glide slope signal, and marker beacon.
D. Runway localizer, glide slope signal, and outer marker.
207. What the following factors of the readable radio transmissions?
A. Voice amplitude, rate of speech, pronunciation and phrasing.
B. Rate of speech, and voice amplitute.
C. Pronunciation and phrasing, and voice amplitude.
D. Pronunciation and phrasing, and rate of speech.
208. Where is the ideal location for emergency locator ttransmitter?
A. As far aft as possible but just forward of the vertical fin.
B. As far aft as possible but just rearward of the vertical fin.
C. Anywhere within the aircraft fuselage.
D. All mentions above.
209. What is the purpose of the airborne weather radar system?
A. Used to see certain object in darkness.
B. Used to see certain object in darkness, fog or, storms as well as in clear weather
225. Electronic Flight Instrument system are?
B. EADI and Air data instrument.
C. EHSI and EADI Coordinated by FMC.