2023 May
2023 May
2023 May
• This is revision 3 of May-2023. You can make sure if revision 2 is the last
revision by clicking here.
• My opinion about this booklet is that repeated ideas are many BUT need clear
focus and good preparation to get them, which require you to have good time
and stress management during the test. So, it’s a difficult exam but passing
mark is completely doable. Just make sure to prepare well and I hope your
exam is easier than this one.
• Kindly, before rejecting my answers, try to study the question carefully maybe
there is a reason behind the answer, after that we can discuss the question
together; you might be right and I will be happy to correct it , that’s how
any content get to the best results; continuous revision .
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• Thanks for all who participated in the revision of this booklet specially:
Dr. Khalil Azrak, Dr. Noon and Dr.Mohamed Zokailah 🙆♂️❤️
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C. Lead poisoning
D. Mercury poisoning 36. Preventive examination of the
E. Food poisoning population of one of the Ukrainian
cities detected spotted tooth enamel
34. The pregnancy is first, the term and generalized osteosclerosis with
of gestation is 38 weeks. The fetus is calcification of the intervertebral
in the longitudinal lie, the ligaments in 25 % of the residents.
presentation is cephalic, with the What is the most likely cause of these
head pressed against the entrance to symptoms?
the lesser pelvis. The expected A. Insufficient fluorine levels in
weight of the fetus is 3500.0 g. animal products
Contractions occur every 5 minutes B. Insufficient fluorine levels in soil
and last for 25-30 seconds. The fetal and water
heartbeat is 130 / min., clear and C. Excessive fluorine levels in
rhythmic Vaginal examination shows vegetable products
that the cervix is shortened to 1 cm, D. Insufficient fluorine intake with
the cervical canal allows inserting 1 tea
finger width (2 cm). The amniotic sac E. Excessive fluorine levels in water
is intact. What labor management
tactics should be chosen in this case? 37. A newborn baby developed a
A. Tocolytic therapy rash on the body. The mother was not
B. Caesarean section registered for prenatal care checkups.
C. Amniotomy After birth, the child scored on the
D. Manage the birth through the Apgar scale 7 and 9 points at 1 and 5
natural birth canal minutes of life respectively. Physical
E. Stimulation of labor activity examination revealed the following:
body temperature-37 ° C, pulse- 145
35. A four-month-old child / min. respiratory rate-33 / min.,
suddenly became ill. The following petechial rash on the torso,
symptoms has appeared: an increase Auscultation of the heart detects a
of the body temperature to 38,5°C, systolic-diastolic murmur in the left
one-time vomiting, lethargy. In 10 subclavian region. What is the most
hours, on the buttocks and lower likely diagnosis in this case?
limbs appeared a rash in the form of A. Syphilis
petechie, spots and pustules. Some B. Toxoplasmosis
hemorrhagic elements are with C. Herpes simplex virus
necrosis in the center. What disease is D. Cytomegalovirus infection
most likely present in this child? E. Rubella
A. Meningococcemia
B. Hemorrhagic vasculitis 38. A 59-year-old woman
C. Scarlet fever complains of pain and edema in the
D. Flu small joints of her hands, shortness of
E. Rubella breath, weakness. This condition
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hours with green coloring and mucus. body stretched out, her spine curved,
What is the most likely diagnosis in her jaws tightly clenched, and she
this case? stopped breathing. Then she
A. Phlegmon of the newborn developed clonic seizures and
B. Congenital soft-tissue tumor marked cyanosis. After that, the
C. Hemangioma seizures stopped, a deep noisy inhale
D. Adiponecrosis occurred, and blood-stained foam
E. Erysipelas appeared on the patient's lips. What is
the most likely diagnosis in this case?
47. A 63-year-old man came to a A. Hypertensive crisis
doctor with complaints of marked B. Diabetic coma
general weakness, poor appetite, C. Epilepsy
weight loss, joint pain, and heaviness D. Eclampsia
in the right subcostal area. Complete E. Chorea
blood count shows the following:
erythrocytes 3.4 10¹2 / L, Hb-102 g 49. A 16-year-old boy developed
/L, color index-0.9, platelets-640 dizziness. Objectively, his heart rate
*10⁹ / L, leukocytes-138 *109 / L, is 35 / min., his blood pressure is
blasts -1 %, promyelocytes-2 %, 85/45 mm Hg, the heart borders are
myelocytes-13 %, juvenile-12 %, not enlarged, the heart sounds are
band neutrophils-16 %, segmented loud and clear. ECG shows P waves
neutrophils-31 %, basophils-3 %, disconnected from QRS complexes,
cosinophils-8 %, lymphocytes-9 %, dissociation and different rhythm of
monocytes-5 %, ESR-30 mm / hour. atria and ventricles are accompanied
What is the provisional diagnosis by varying location of P wave in
A. Chronic myeloid leukemia relation to QRST complex. This
B. Leukemoid reaction presentation is most characteristic of
C. Acute leukemia the following disease:
D. Erythremia (polycythemia vera) A. Atrioventricular dissociation
E. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia B. Sinus bradycardia
C. Atrioventricular block (II degree)
48. A 22-year-old pregnant a D. Extrasystole
severe condition was hospitalized in E. Complete atrioventricular block
on. Throughout the past three days, (III degree)
she developed edemas, headache,
nausea, and one episode of vomiting. 50. A 55-year-old woman
Objectively, her consciousness is complains of deformed finger joints
clouded, her blood pressure is and pain in them during movements.
160/130 mm Hg. She presents with Objectively, there are small bony
small fibrillar twitching of the facial formations on the lateral surfaces of
muscles and problems with nasal the distal interphalangeal joints. The
breathing. During transportation, the formations are slightly painful to
woman's arms started twitching, her palpation. What are they called?
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cavity. What is the most likely of the abdominal cavity. What is the
diagnosis is in this case? most likely diagnosis in this case?
A. Achalasia cardia A. Croupous pneumonia
B. Benign esophageal tumor B. Lung abscess
C. Hiatal hernia C. Community-acquired focal
D. Esophagitis pneumonia
E. Esophageal diverticulum D. Nosocomial pneumonia
E. Exudative pleurisy
100. For intensive infusion therapy,
a patient with acute respiratory 102. One week ago, a 68-year-old
failure underwent subclavian vein woman suddenly developed pain in
catheterization using the Seldinger the left half of her chest and shortness
technique. After administration of of breath. Objectively. the following
600 mL of the infusion solution, the is observed: cyanosis, distended neck
patient's condition sharply veins, pulse- 100 /min, blood
deteriorated, tachypnea increased pressure –110/70 mm Hg, respiratory
from 26 / min. to 40 / min., tidal rate-28 /min., liver +4 cm, the left
volume decreased from 400 ml. to lower leg is edematous and sharply
250 ml. Auscultation detects sharply painful to palpation Auscultation
weakened respiration on the right. detects a dull lung sound on the left,
Percussion detects a dull sound. What below the scapula; sonorous moist
complication developed in this fine vesicular crackles are present;
patient? the borders of the heart are expanded
A. Pulmonary edema on the right, the II heart sound is
B. Pulmonary embolism accentuated over the pulmonary
C. Hydrothorax artery. ECG shows deep S waves in
D. Acute heart failure. leads I and aVL well as deep Q waves
E. Cerebral edema in leads III and aVE and a negative T
wave in leads III and aVE What is the
101. A 34-year-old man fell ill 3 most likely diagnosis in this case?
days ago after an overexposure to A. Pleurisy
cold. He complains of a fever of B. Thromboembolism of pulmonary
39.2°C, marked general weakness, artery branches
sweating, and cough. The cough was C. Myocardial infarction
initially dry, but within the last 24 D. Croupous pneumonia
hours a small amount of "rusty" E. Pericarditis
sputum was produced. Objective
examination detects herpes on the S1 Q3 T3 is typical for pulmonary
lips. Percussion reveals a dull sound embolism.
in the lower pulmonary lobes.
Auscultation detects bronchial 103. A 42-year-old man, a miner,
breathing and tachycardia. No was freed after 12 hours spent under
changes were detected in the organs the rubble. Objectively, his both
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lower legs and feet are pale; there is 105. A 38-year-old pregnant
no pulsation on the peripheral woman, gravid a 2, gestation term of
vessels, no sensitivity, and no passive 23-24 weeks, has type 2 diabetes
movements in the joints. He was mellitus, for which she receives
hospitalized with tourniquets applied metformin in the dose of 2500 mg per
to both limbs. What urgent first aid 24 hours. Laboratory analysis detects
must be provided in this case to glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels
prevent myoglobinuria and acute of 72 %. What further treatment
kidney failure? strategy should be chosen for this
A. Do not remove the tourniquets, patient?
provide hyperbaric oxygenation A. Increase the dose of metformin to
B. Remove the tourniquets, provide 3000 mg per 24 hours
detoxification therapy B. Discontinue metformin and
C. Do not remove the tourniquets, switch to sulfonylureas
provide detoxification therapy C. Add GLP-1 analogues to
D. Remove the tourniquets, provide metformin
hyperbaric oxygenation D. Prescribe insulin therapy and
E. Do not remove the tourniquets, discontinue metformin
amputate the limbs above the E. Continue the treatment unchanged
106. A 62-year-old man complains
Source: of constant pain in the epigastrium
https://тестування.укр/testing/question/ and weight loss of 12 kg. Physical
67056 and instrumental examinations
Krok 2 2020 Ukrainian booklet. (fibrogastroscopy with biopsy,
abdominal ultrasound, and chest X-
104. A patient with epilepsy ray) detected cancer of the body of
suddenly developed status the stomach without signs of distant
epilepticus with generalized seizures metastasis. Histology reveals
after self-discontinuation of moderately differentiated
antiepileptic drugs. What are the adenocarcinoma. What scope of
first-line drugs for the treatment of surgical intervention is advised in
this condition? this case?
A. Doxepin, amitriptyline, mianserin A. Ivor Lewis procedure 2
B. Diazepam, lorazepam, midazolam B. Proximal subtotal gastric
C. Levomepromazine, clozapine, resection
quetiapine C. Gastroenteroanastomosis
D. Topiramate, oxcarbazepine, (gastroenteric bypass)
carbamazepine D. Distal subtotal gastric resection
E. Gabapentin, pregabalin, E. Gastrectomy
107. On the fourth day of life, a
healthy newborn child developed
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heart sounds are muffled, the heart observed, the heart rate is 98 /min.
rate PS=86/min., the blood pressure The Silverman score is 9 points.
is 160/100 mm Hg. Complete blood Additional oxygenation did not
count shows the following: Hb –160 improve the child's condition. What
g/L, leukocytes – 6.4*109/L, ESR–7 must the doctor do next?
mm/hour. ECG shows hypertrophy A. Tracheal intubation
of the left ventricle. What group of B. Tactile stimulation.
drugs is contraindicated in this case, C. Positive pressure ventilation of
taking into account the concomitant the lungs
pathology? D. External cardiac massage
A. Long-acting nitrates E. Artificial pulmonary ventilation
B. Beta blockers
C. Antiplatelet drugs 133. A premature newborn boy
D. Calcium antagonists (pregnancy 5, birth 1, gestation term-
E. Angioprotectors 27 weeks) has irregular respiration of
< 30 /min, after birth and SpO₂ of 70
131. A 64-year-old man is %. Retractions of the pliable areas of
undergoing outpatient treatment for the chest and expiratory groaning are
ischemic heart disease, diffuse observed. Without oxygen support,
cardiosclerosis, persistent atrial generalized cyanosis occurs.
fibrillation, and functional class III Auscultation reveals crepitus in the
heart failure. The pharmacotherapy basal segments. There are no data on
consists of cordarone (amiodarone) the prevention of respiratory distress
twice a day, torasemide every other syndrome in the baby. What
day, and trimetazidine twice a day. treatment tactics must be chosen in
The family physician recommended this case?
taking warfarin (3 mg per day) to A. Administer the surfactant
prevent thrombus formation. What preparation intratracheally within
parameter should be measured in this the first 15 minutes after birth
case for optimal control the B. Provide artificial pulmonary
effectiveness and safety of the anti- ventilation with an Ambu bag and
coagulant therapy? a mask
A. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate C. Administer the surfactant
B. Lee-White clotting time preparation intratracheally 2
C. International normalized ratio hours after birth
D. Fibrinogen levels D. Prescribe an antibacterial therapy
E. Platelet count E. Provide oxygen therapy using an
oxygen tent
132. A baby with the gestation term
of 30 weeks was born with the body 134. A pediatrician needs to
weight of 1100.0 g. Three hours after analyze the infant mortality rates.
birth, frequent apneas appeared, What must be taken as the unit of
"gasping" type of breathing is observation for this purpose?
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According to Ukrainian
This question was found in Ukrainian classification: polyuria (due to
booklet 2020. decreased reabsorption) and normal
creatinine and urea levels are typical
143. A 48-year-old woman for compensated phase.
complains that within the last 8-9
months she had very heavy periods 145. A 45-year-old man complains
that impair her ability to work. For 2 of an intense retrosternal pain that
years, her health has been monitored radiates into the lower jaw and occurs
by a gynecologist for uterine fibroids. at rest, at night, several times for 10-
Objectively, her cervix is cylindrical, 15 minutes. During a pain attack, an
clean, the cervical opening is closed; elevation of the ST segment can be
the body of the uterus is enlarged up recorded on the ECG in leads V 3-4.
to 9-10 weeks of pregnancy, firm, What is the provisional diagnosis in
mobile, and painless; the appendages this case?
on both sides cannot be determined; A. Myocardial infarction
the parametria are free; the fornices B. Prinzmetal angina pectoris
are deep; mucous discharge is being C. Stable angina pectoris, functional
produced. What is the most likely class II
diagnosis in this case? D. Stable angina pectoris, functional
A. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding class IV
B. Juvenile uterine bleeding E. Progressive angina pectoris
C. Uterine fibroids and pregnancy
D. Endometriosis that predominantly 146. A girl with the weight of 3100
affects the body of the uterus g was born at home from her mother's
E. Uterine fibroids third pregnancy. On the third day, the
mother noticed small hemorrhages in
144. A woman with polycystic the umbilical wound, as well as "red
kidney disease observes an increase dots" on the selera of the child's eyes.
in her 24-hour urine output to 2-2.5 The mother was not registered for
liters. Dynamic nephroscintigraphy prenatal care checkups. She is
shows the following: total glomerular breastfeeding her baby as needed.
filtration rate 34 mL / min., serum Physical examination detects
creatinine-84 mcmol / L, urea-8.0 subconjunctival hemorrhages.
mmol / L. What stage of chronic Laboratory testing revealed that the
kidney failure is it? hemoglobin levels were 155 g /L, the
A. Compensated mother's blood group was B (III) Rh-
B. Latent positive, while the child's blood
C. Intermittent group was A (II) Rh-negative. What
D. Polyuric is the optimal tactics to prevent the
E. Terminal progression of this condition in the
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