Chemotaxonomy of Flavonoids
Chemotaxonomy of Flavonoids
Chemotaxonomy of Flavonoids
It is a branch of science, which deals with the laws governing the classification of
Genus : Rosa
on the basis of their chemical characters is not new and it has a long been of
practical value.
Eg: Aroma from the crushed leaves and fruits. (which is due to presence of
characteristic essential oils) of the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) and Lamiaceae are the
characteristic points for the identification of the members of these 2 families and 2
sub-familes of the Asteraceae. The Tubiflorae (latex vessels are absent) and
Liguliflorae (latex vessels are present) are distinguished on the basis of the
companulales order).
development was that of Helen Abbott (1886). Abott made some interesting
constituents of plant form”. The first successful attempt to combine chemical and
morphological evidence in the study of a single genus was the work of Baker and
and chemical data collected on 176 Eucalyptus species , they divided the genus
The concluded that primitive species are those which have feather-veined leaves
and high Pinene content in their essential oils, while more advanced type have
According to their system, the most advanced taxa show butterfly wing venation
The work of Baker and Smith was the first comprehensive chemotaxonomic
1) Descriptive taxonomy
in a reasonably short time. Taxonomists typically have many species to study and
little time for laborious chemical analysis. If such fast methods have been
available in the early years of the century chemotaxonomy might perhaps have
relatively quickly.
Principles of chemotaxonomy:
These characteristics are genetically controlled and have the advantage over
morphological ones, that they can be very exactly described in terms of definite
The plants, which are similar morphologically and chemically, should have the
same ancestor. This is not always true. For instance both crotalaria
Moreover, “chemical divergence” caused by mutations can also give rise to large
compounds occurring in plants and preferentially in all the various individual parts
of plant such as the bark, wood leaves, roots, cuticles and seeds. The chemical
conservative, little specialized organs. Thus before any important conclusions are
The taxonomists and evolutionists are primarily concerned with the molecule as a
recognized as the physical basis of the genetic code – the information necessary to
hence also in plants in similar species and similar genera. DNA is a primary
source of taxonomic information, as well as being the blue print for development
normally proportional to the number of ancestors which they share, and to the age
of their most recent common ancestor. Therefore DNA is also a primary source of
sequences of amino acids provides the taxonomist with tertiary semantides in the
form of proteins.
Applications of chemotaxonomy:
4) Southern form
studies the phenolic content of the young leafy shoots of the tea plants. It was seen
that, China tea and Assam tea were from the same species but the Southern form of
although their precursors are Ornithine and Lysine respectively but they have
similar enzyme system. However it has also observed in that both type of alkaloid
have been found to occur in botanically related genera eg. “Senecio alkaloids”
alkaloids” have been isolated from Lupinus and Cytisus (Pepilionatae) both
The Biflavonoids are plant polyphenols widely distributed in the plant kingdom
with over 4000 different structures. Structurally they are divided into several
reported that the biflavonyls are absent in the genera of pinaceae, hence the
pinales hence the complex structure compounds like biflavonyls are very important
drug classification.
Phytochemists and economic botanists are often looking for new sources of
Generally, they will be most successful when they follow the lead of natural
chemotaxonomic approach.
Tuliposide-A and its allergenic product of hydrolysis, tulipalin-A, not only occur
in all species of the large genus Tulipa, but also in related liliaceous genera such as
Erythronium, Gagea.
Very recently, Hausen et al reported that species of Lilium and Allium triquetrum
authors suggested that breeding of the above mentioned ornamental liliaceous taxa
for high tuliposide-B and low tuliposide-A content could result in mildly allergenic
Flavonoids thus constitute one of the largest groups of naturally occurring phenols.
They are virtually ubiquitous in green plants and as such are likely to be
encountered in any work involving plant extracts. For this reason it is important
that chemists biochemists, plant physiologists and biologists generally know how
to recognize, isolate and identify these natural products in all their many forms.
Flavonoids are the largest group of phenolic compounds. Flavonoids occur, either
as free molecules or as glycosides. They occur ubiquitously in ferns and fern allies
a large number of flavonoids. Flavonoids have been reported from some green
algae also.
Most of the flavonoids have a carbonyl function situated at one end of the bridge.
the 3-C bridge in “open”. But in remaining classes the three carbon bridge is a
Although pure flavones are colourless, the yellow colour of their derivatives
flavones where C ring and B ring are joined through C 3 rather than C2 (as in
The ‘A’ benzene ring arises by a condensation of acetate units, while the ‘B’
forming a water soluble glycoside. Most flavonoids are found in the vacuole of
algae and hornworts. They occur in virtually all plant parts including leaves, roots,
wood, bark, pollen, nectar, flowers, berries and seeds. In the few recorded cases of
flavonoids being found in animals, for example in the beaver scent gland, propolis
(bee secretion) and in butterfly wings, it is considered that the flavonoids originate
from the plants upon which the animals feed rather than being biosynthesized in
situ (Harborne, 1967). The distribution of flavonoid types within the largest
plants to produce similar types of flavonoids. Thus, useful information about the
viewpoint has proved so popular as that of the phenolic compounds. The main
reason for this popularity is that they are quickly and simply extracted from the
Rather little was known about phenolics until paper chromatography was applied
to them. It was then soon clear that in plants they are present in considerable
1) Flavones: Flavones in the root from which the word flavonoid is derived. The
Flavone itself is rarer, but occurs as a white mealy farina on the leaves and stem of
2) Flavanones: Flavanones differ from flavones in lacking the double bond in the
2,3 position. Though quite widespread they are especially common in particular
the B ring attached at the 3 position instead of the 2 position. Isoflavonoids have
the 2,3-double bond reduced, so that they are related to isoflavones in the same
hydroxyl substituent. Numerous flavonols have been identified from plant tissue.
Kaempferol, Quercetin and Myricetin are by far the commonest.
In other cases the anthocyanidin may be attached to an organic acid (acyl group0
releases the coloured anthocyanidin aglycone. Unlike all the flavonoids so far
The other flavonoids are mostly pale yellow, cream on colourless (anthoxanthins).
6) Chalcones and Aurones: There are the anthochlor pigments – yellow flower
pigments which turn orange – red in the presence of ammonia. There is little
interconversion. They are common in all higher plants and many of the lower
groups. It seems unlikely that they have no function, eventhough they are not
The functions of the flower pigments in pollination are fairly clear: insect and bird
pollinators are attracted by coloured petals. There has been a tendency, in the
evolution of flower pigments of insect – pollinated plants, towards bluer and more
stable colours.
Some phenolics may have no other function than to be intermediates in the
Phenolic glycosides, which are more soluble than the parent phenolic aglycones,
may serve as a means of transport of the elaborated phenolic residues about the
plant. Possibly the glycosides are a more stable form in which phenolics may be
for the oxidative destruction of indole acetic acid (IAA). In peach buds the
Moewus showed that the sex of algal gametes was determined by certain
The notion that plant phenolics often have the function of deterring would be
pears. The taste is due to the presence of tannins in the unripe fruits. When the
sees are fully developed, it is selectively advantageous that the fruit be edible and
proteins and render them resistant to putrefaction; hence their value in the leather
caused by a reaction between the virus and a polyphenol. It seems probable that
many phenolics inhibit the germination of fungal spores, and may also be
implicated in the host reactions which contain infections which have already
host tissue have been defined as phytoalexins. Possibly some of the normal
phenolics of plant tissue may act as precursors for phytoalexins, such as pisatin in
fungal species.
Muller and Chou discuss a role of secreted phenols as water soluble phytotoxins,
Phenolics thus have a wide range of possible functions in plants. Those which are
concerned with more basic processes of growth and development may be found to
occur widely. Those involved with protection may be as varied as the
general rule included the herbaceous family Primulaceae, which was rich in leuco-
anthocyanins. A similar but less striking correlation was shown between woody
habit and the presence of flavonols. Methoxycinnamic acids were shown to be
correlated with the herbaceous habit. These correlations seem merely to reflect the
flavonols may therefore have taxonomic value in specific cases. It seems probable
that greater taxonomic interest will attach to be occurrences and distribution of rare
Distribution in Eucryphia
South America Australasia
Cordifolia Glutinosa Moorei Milliganii Lucida
Caryatin + + - - -
Az 3-galactoside - + - - -
Az 3-diglucoside + + - - -
Az 3-arabinosylgalactoside + - - - -
Azakeatin (Az) + + - - -
Unidentified flavonone (?) + + - - -
Quercetin 3-galactoside + + - + -
Quercetin 3-rhamnoside + + - - -
Quercetin 3-diglycoside + + - - -
Quercetin 3-triglycoside - - + - -
Dihydroquercetin3-glycoside(s) - - - + -
It was found easy to distinguish the South American from the Australasian species,
The rare glycoside luteolin – 5- glucoside has been found in the umbelliferae
with indications from fruit anatomy, and draws attention to the fact that they are
families and genera. He has been able to distinguish very easily between the