May Jun 2016
May Jun 2016
May Jun 2016
P2856 [4958]-1042
[Total No. of Pages : 3
(2012Pattern) (End Semester)(Semester-I)
Time :2 ½Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt Q.1 or Q.2, Q.3 or Q.4, Q.5 or Q.6, Q.7 or Q.8.
2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
Q1) a) What are the limitations of Delta modulation? How are they overcomed
in Delta sigma modulation and Adaptive Delta modulation? Explain with
necessary diagrams. [7]
[4958]-1042 1 P.T.O.
b) A bipolar signal ρi (t) is a + 1V or 1V pulse during the interval (0,T).
Additive white Gaussian noise of η /2=105 w/Hz is added to the signal.
Determine the maximum bit rate which can be sent with pe ≤ 104. Take
Q[3.71]=104 [8]
b) State the various properties of matched filter. Explain the impulse response
in detail. [8]
Q5) a) Derive the expression for error probability of BPSK system. [8]
b) If the digital message input data rate is 24 kbps and average energy/ bit is
0.05 unit. Find Bandwidth and Euclidean distance for the following
modulation schemes.
Q6) a) Explain with the help of block diagram and waveforms DPSK modulation.
i) Bandwidth
ii) PSD
Q7) a) The bit duration in DS.SS BPSK Communication system is 4ms and the
chiping rate is 1 Mbps. Considering average error probability of 105
for detecting the message signal, calculate the processing gain and
Jamming margin Given Q (4.25)=105. [9]
[4958]-1042 2
b) Write short note on.
i) Wireless standards
tu tu tu
[4958]-1042 3