Unit 3 Clay Chemistry
Unit 3 Clay Chemistry
Unit 3 Clay Chemistry
Clay Chemistry
• Clay chemistry and its application to drilling fluids
• Types of Clay
• Hydration
• Flocculation
• Aggregation
• Dispersion
Importance of studying clay mineralogy
• Clay provides the colloidal base for all aqueous muds and oil-base mud
• Clay content on drilling fluid may contaminate the formation and affects
• Commercial clay used for drilling fluid is Wyoming bentonite (yield 100 bbl/ton
when used with pure water)
Characteristics of Colloidal System
• What do you mean by Colloids?
• Particle whose size fall roughly between smallest particle seen through
microscope and molecules
• Colloidal system: consist of solids dispersed in liquids (Clay suspensions),
liquid droplets dispersed in liquids (e.g. emulsion), or solids dispersed in gases
(e.g., smoke).
Brownian motion
Characteristics of Colloidal System
• The particles are so small that properties like
viscosity and sedimentation velocity are controlled
by surface phenomena.
• Surface phenomena occur because molecules in the
surface layer are not in electrostatic balance
• The surface carries an electrostatic charge, the size
and sign of which depends on the coordination of
the atoms on both sides of the interface.
• Some substances, notably clay minerals, carry an
unusually high surface potential because of certain
deficiencies in their atomic structure
Characteristics of Colloidal System
• The greater the degree of subdivision of a solid, the greater will be its surface area
per unit weight, and therefore the greater will be the influence of the
surface phenomena.
• For example, a cube with sides one mm long would have a total surface area of
6mm2. If it were subdivided into cubes with one micron sides (1 micron = 1 x 10-3
mm) there would be 109 cubes, each with a surface area of 6 x 10-6 mm2, and the
total surface area would be 6 x 103 mm2.
• Subdivided again into milli-micron cubes, the total surface area would be 6 x 106
mm2, or 6 square meters.
• The ratio of surface area per unit weight of particles is called the specific surface.
Thus if a 1 cm3 cube were divided into micron sized cubes, the specific surface
would be 6 x 106 /72.7 = 2.2 x 106 mm2/g = 2.2 m2/g, assuming the specific gravity of
the cube to be 2.7.
Characteristics of Colloidal System
• Specific surface versus cube size
• To put the values in perspective, the size of various
particles, expressed in equivalent spherical radii
(esr), are shown at the top.
• The esr of a particle is the radius of a sphere that
would have the same sedimentation rate as the
• The esr may be determined by applying Stokes'
Law to the measured sedimentation rate.
Clay Mineralogy
• A science dealing with structure of clay minerals on microscopic,
molecular and atomic scale is called Clay Mineralogy.
• It includes study of the mineralogical composition and electrical
properties of the particles.
• The most significant properties of clay depend upon the type of
• There are three types of clay minerals:
• Kaolinite clay
• Montomorillonite Clay
• Illite clay
Clay Mineralogy
There are three types of clay minerals:
• Kaolinite clay
• Montomorillonite Clay
• Illite clay
Basic structures of clay minerals
1. Silica tetrahedral sheet
2. Aluminium octahedron sheet or also called as gibbsite
Basic structures of clay minerals
1. Silica tetrahedral sheet
Silica tetrahedral
Basic structures of clay minerals
1. Silica tetrahedral sheet
2. Aluminium octahedron sheet
or also called as gibbsite
aluminium octahedron
Structural arrangement
• The unit layers are stacked together face-
to-face to form what is known as
the crystal lattice.
• The distance between a plane in one layer
and the corresponding plane in the next
layer is called either the c spacing, or the
basal spacing.
• This spacing is 9.2 Angstoms* for the
standard three-layer mineral, and 7.2 A for
a two-layer mineral.
Example of structural arrangement
Classification of clays
Ratio- Si: Gi (1:1)
1. Kaolinite Clay
• The basic unit of this type of clay is formed by
atomic bond of the unsatisfied face of silica sheet
and face of aluminum sheet (Gibbsite)
• The bond between two sheets is strong and is
primary bond (H+ Bond).
Kaolinite clay
Classification of clays
1. Kaolinite Clay
• Atomic structure of Kaolinite
1. Kaolinite Clay
• The hydrogen bond is very strong bond
because of that, it shows less/no swelling
and shrinkage Behavior
• It is least active clay minerals. Example:
China soil, application paper, rubber,
• The thickness of one unit is about 7.2
• SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) SEM image of Kaolinite clay
image of kaolinite clay is illustrated in
2. Montmorillonite Clay Ratio- Si: Gi (2:1)
Montmorillonite Clay
Montmorillonite Clay
• The link is due to natural attraction for the
cations in the intervening space and due to
Vander Waal forces.
• The negatively charged surfaces of the silica
sheet attract water in the space between
two structural units. This results in an
expansion of the mineral.
• The soil containing a large amount of the SEM image of Montmorillonite clay
mineral montmorillonite exhibits high
shrinkage and swelling characteristics.
Illite Clay
• Basic structure of this clay is the same as the one of
montmorillonite. Ratio- Si: Gi (2:1)
• A single structure unit of illite is composed of two
silica sheet and one alumina sheet.
• The alumina sheet is sandwiched between two silica
• The number of structural units are joined together
by Ionic bond (K+ potassium Ion bond)
• The potassium ion bond is weaker then hydrogen
• It shows medium swelling and shrinkage
• Medium active Illite clay
Illite Clay
• Atomic structure
Illite Clay
Brucite is the mineral form of magnesium hydroxide, with
the chemical formula Mg(OH)2. 27
Characteristics comparison
Let, A be Kaolinite
B be illite
C be montmoriollonite
Clay shapes and surface areas
• Clays are formed in stack of several layers of basic sheet units.
• Clays are generally flat and smaller in size, so, their surface areas per
weight are very large.
Origin and occurrence of clay minerals
• Clay minerals originate from the degradation of igneous rocks in situ.
• The parent minerals are the micas, the feldspars, [(CaO) (K20)Al2036Si02]; and
ferromagnesium minerals, such as horneblende [(Ca, Na2)2 (Mg, Fe, Al)s (Al,
Si)8022 (OH,F)2]
• The main factors are climate, topography, vegetation, and time of exposure.
Ion Exchange
• Cations are adsorbed on the basal surfaces of clay crystals.
maybe written:
Ion Exchange
• Where [A]s and [B]s are the molecular concentration of the two species of ions in
the solution, and [A]c and [B]c are those on the clay.
Ion Exchange
• When two ions of different valencies are present, the one with the higher valence is
generally adsorbed preferentially.
• Note: Hydrogen is strongly adsorbed, and therefore pH has strong influence on the base
exchange reaction.
Illustration of the cation exchange between
vine roots and surrounding soil particles
(Source: bio1903.nicerweb.com)
Ion Exchange
• The total amount of cations adsorbed, expressed in milliequivalents per
hundred grams of dry clay, is called the base exchange capacity (BEC), or the
cation exchange capacity (CEC).
• The value of the BEC varies considerably, even within each clay mineral group.
• Within montmorillonite and illite, the basal surfaces account for some 80% of
the BEC.
• With kaolinite, the broken bonds at the crystal edges account for most of the
• Vermiculite is a 2:1 clay, meaning
it has two tetrahedral sheets for
every one octahedral sheet.
• It is a limited-expansion clay with
a medium shrink–swell capacity.
• Vermiculite has a high cation-
exchange capacity (CEC) at 100–
150 meq/100 g.
Vermiculite Structure 38
Ion Exchange
• The BEC of a clay and the species of cations in the exchange positions are
a good indication of the colloidal activity of the clay.
• A clay such as montmorillonite that has a high base exchange capacity, swells
greatly and forms viscous suspensions at low concentrations of clay, particularly
when sodium is in the exchange positions.
Cation Exchange Capacity Significance
• Cation exchange capacity expressed as methylene blue capacity and Bentonite
content in ppb of mud.
• It give the ability of the clay particles to hydrate depends greatly on the loosely
held captions present.
• In formation evaluation, it is the contribution of cation-exchange sites to
the formation electrical properties.
Clay swelling mechanism
• Osmotic
Clay swelling mechanism
• Consequently, water is drawn between the layers, thereby increasing the c-spacing and
permitting the development of the diffuse double layers
• Osmotic swelling causes much larger increases in bulk volume than does crystalline swelling.
• For example, sodium montmorillonite adsorbs about 0.5g water per g of dry clay, doubling the volume,
in the crystalline swelling region, but about 10 g water per g dry clay, increasing the volume twenty
fold, in the osmotic region.
• On the other hand, the repulsive forces between the layers are much less in the osmotic
region than in the crystalline region
Electrostatic Double Layer
• Particles in colloidal suspension carried a surface
charge. This charge attracts ions of the opposite
sign, which are called counter ions, and the
combination is called the electrostatic double
• Some counter ions are not tightly held to the
surface and tend to drift away, forming a diffuse
ionic atmosphere around the particle.
• In addition to attracting ions of the opposite sign,
the surface charge repels those of the same sign.
• The net result is a distribution of positive and
negative ions, as shown schematically in Figure
Electrostatic Double Layer
• The distribution of ions in the double layer
results in a potential grading from a
maximum at the clay surface to zero in the
bulk solution, as shown in Figure
• The layer of cations next to the surface of
the particle, known as the Stern layer, is
bound to and moves with the particle
whereas the diffuse ions are independently
• The potential difference from the plane of
shear to the bulk of the solution is known as
the zeta potential
• Water flowing through the pores of a shale,
removes the mobile ions, thereby generating
a potential, which is known as the streaming
potential zeta potential
Electrostatic Double Layer
• The zeta potential is maximum, and the mobile
layer is most diffuse when the bulk solution is
pure water.
• Addition of electrolytes to the suspension
compresses the diffuse layer, and reduces the
zeta potential.
• The zeta potential decreases greatly with
increase in valence of the added cations,
especially if low valence ions are replaced by
higher valence ones through base exchange, the
ratio being approximately 1 to 10 to 500 for
monovalent, divalent, and trivalent cations,
• The zeta potential is also reduced by the
adsorption of certain long-chain organic cations.
• In some cases, it is possible to neutralize and
reverse the zeta potential.
Electrostatic Double Layer
• The edge charge is less than the basal surface charge, and may be positive or
negative, largely depending on pH
• For example, if kaolinite is treated with HCI, it has a positive charge, and if treated
with NaOH, it has a negative charge.
• The reason for this behavior is that aluminum atoms at the edge react with HCI to
form A1CI3, strong electrolyte which dissociates to Al+3 +Cl- , whereas with NaOH,
aluminum forms aluminum hydroxide, which is insoluble.
• (Remember that ion adsorption in kaolinite takes place almost entirely at the edge,
so that the charge on the particle is determined by the charge on the edge)
Electrostatic Double Layer
• The existence of positive sites on
the edges of kaolinite has also
been demonstrated by an
experiment in which a negative
gold sol was added to a kaolinite
• An electron micrograph showed
the gold particles adsorbed only at
the crystal edges
Electron micrograph of a mixture of kaolinite and a gold sol
Particle association
Flocculation and Deflocculation
• When an electrolyte is added, the double
layers are compressed, and if enough
electrolyte is added, the particles can
approach each other so closely that the
attractive forces predominate, and the
particles agglomerate. This phenomenon is
known as flocculation,
• The critical concentration of electrolyte at
which it occurs is known as the flocculation
• The flocculation value of clays may be readily
determined by adding increasing amounts of
electrolyte to a series of dilute suspensions.
Schematic representation of
flocculated clay platelets (assuming
negative edge potential)
Flocculation and Deflocculation
• The flocculation value depends on
• The species of clay mineral,
• The exchange cations
• kind of salt added
• The higher the valence of the cations (either on the clay or in the salt) the lower
the flocculation value
• Sodium montmorillonite is flocculated by about 15 meq/l of sodium chloride, and
• Calcium montmorillonite by about 0.2 meq/l of calcium chloride.
Flocculation and Deflocculation
• When the cation of the salt is different from the cation on the clay, then base
exchange occurs, but the flocculation value is always much lower whenever
polyvalent cations are involved.
• For instance, the flocculation value of sodium montmorillonite by calcium chloride
is about 5 meq/l, and of calcium montmorillonite by sodium chloride about 1.5
• There is a slight difference in the flocculating power of monovalent salts, as
This series is known as the Hoffmeister series, or as the lyotropic series.
Flocculation and Deflocculation
• If the concentration of clay in a suspension is high enough, flocculation will cause
the formation of a continuous gel structure instead of individual flocs.
• The gels commonly observed in aqueous drilling fluids are the result of
flocculation by soluble salts, which are always present in sufficient concentrations
to cause at least a mild degree of flocculation.
• Gel structures build up slowly with time, as the particles orient themselves into
positions of minimum free energy under the influence of Brownian motion of the
water molecules
• Flocculation may be prevented, or reversed, by the addition of the sodium salts of
certain complex anions, notably polyphosphates, tannates, and lignosulfonates
• Example: if about 0.5% of sodium hexameta-phosphate is added to a dilute
suspension of sodium montmorillonite, the flocculation value is raised from 15
meq/l to about 400 meq/l of sodium chloride
Aggregation and Dispersion
• The term flocculation is limited to the loose association of clay platelets which
forms flocs or gel structures
• The term aggregation, referes to the collapse of the diffuse double layers and the
formation of aggregates of parallel platelets spaced 20 A or less, apart.
Mechanism of Gelation
Various linkages and plate orientations proposed to account for gel structure
may be summarized as follows:
1. Cross-linking between parallel plates, through positive edge to negative
surface linkages, to form a house of cards structure.
2. Edge-to-edge association, to form intersecting ribbons.
The basis for this theory is, briefly, that because of the relatively high repulsive
potential between the basal surfaces, the preferred platelet orientation will be
parallel with edge-to-edge association.
3. Parallel association of plates, held together by the quasi-crystalline water
between them
Mechanism of Gelation
• When the edges are positive, the platelets will
flex toward a negative basal surface, as shown
in Figure
• Polymer applications and functions in drilling fluids depend on its molecular
weight distribution and ionicity
• Polymer stability in solution depends on salt concentrating, pH, calcium presence,
and degradation.
• Drilling fluids viscosity and filtration are controlled by polymer molecular weight;
• The negative charged anionic polymer functions as deflocculant, fluid loss
controller and shale stabilizers.
• Polymer ability to hydrate in water nor to perform its functions can be hampered
if the salinity of water.
Polymers Use
Important function of carboxyl group
1. It imparts water solubility (strictly speaking, water dispersibility) to the
otherwise insoluble cellulose polymer
2. Dissociation of Na creates negative sites along the chain, Mutual repulsion
between the charges causes the randomly coiled chains to stretch linearly,
thereby increasing the viscosity
Polymers Use
• Degree of polymerization (DP): The number of monomers in a macromolecule
• Polymers are synthesized by varying By varying the DP and the DS.
• A high DP results in a high viscosity.
• A high DS also gives a high viscosity (a phenomenon known as the
electroviscous effect) and increases the resistance to soluble salts.
Polymers Examples
• CMC is used as a viscosifier and as a filtration control agent.
• Three grades covering a range of viscosity are available, and there is a
proprietary product called polyanionic cellulose for use in salt-water muds.
• It is made by converting some of the amides on a polyacrylamlde chain to
carboxylates, a process called hydrolysis.
• 70% hydrolyzed copolymer is used for filtration control;
• 30% one for preserving hole stability
Polymers Use
• The most likely explanation of the shale stabilizing action of the 30% hydrolyzed
copolymer is that it coats the shale surfaces exposed on the sides of the hole, thereby
inhibiting disintegration. Similarly, it coats and protects shale drill cuttings—a process
known as encapsulation.
• The coating is believed to result from the attraction between the negative sites on the
polymer chain and the posilive sites on the edges of the clay platelets. The reason the
30% hydrolyzed copolymer is the most effective for shale preservation is probably that
the charged sites on the chain match the spacing of the clay platelets.
Mechanism of water clarification
• The copolymer does not by itself cause flocculation; at least enough salt must be
present to initiate flocculation, and then the polymer chains will bind the
flocculated particles together.
• This point may be demonstrated by changing the order in which salt and
the copolymer are added to a suspension of clay in fresh water (see Figure
• If the copolymer is added first, the chains are adsorbed around the edges
of individual platelets, and are therefore not available for linking between
platelets when the salt is subsequently added.
• Consequently, the platelets separate if the salt concentration is diluted below the
flocculation value.
• On the other hand, if the salt is added first, then the chains can link between
adjacent platelets and hold the floes together when the suspension is diluted.
Effect of order of addition of salt and polymer
Platelets repel each other when the edges are
saturated with polyelectrolyte 73
• Another acrylic copolymer, vinyl acetate-maleic acid, is used as a
bentonite extender to increase the yield of commercial bentonite
• Between 0.1% and 2 % of the copolymer is added to the bentonite
• When the bentonite is dispersed in fresh water, the copolymer chains
form links between the dispersed platelets, increasing the viscosity
and yield point.
• Nonionic polymers have no dissociable inorganic radical, and
therefore carry no electrostatic charge
• Greater stability in high salinity fluids
• Example: Starch is nonionic, and is used for filtration control in salt
water muds.
• It has the advantage of being inexpensive,
• Disadvantage of being biodegradable, and a biocide must be used
with it.
• Other nonionic polymers include hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) and guargum
• Like CMC, HEC is made from cellulose, but its functional group is an ethylene
oxide chain, (CH2-O-CH2)n- HEC
• Advantages: it is stable in polyvalent brines, and it is almost completely soluble in
• It is used as completion and workover fluids.
• Guar gum is also used in workover fluids, but is degraded by enzymes instead of
• The colloidal activity of natural gums is reduced by high concentrations of
monovalent salts, and eliminated in polyvalent brines. However, gums that have
been reacted with ethylene oxide or propylene oxide (see Figure 4-31) are stable
even in saturated polyvalent brines.
Disadvantage of organics polymer
• Thermal decomposition
• Bacterial degradation
Problem 1