The Voice of The Rain
The Voice of The Rain
The Voice of The Rain
The poem is a free verse without any rhyme scheme.
Personification: The rain has been personified as it has been given a voice in
the poem.
I am the poem of Earth,
I descend to lave the droughts.
I give back life to my own origin.
Metaphor: “I am the Poem of the Earth”, compare rain to a poem
Parallelism: In the last two lines, the poet has drawn a parallel between the
rain and the song of a poet.
For song, issuing from its birthplace.
Hyperbole: ‘Bottomless sea’, exaggeration to give effect.
Imagery: ‘Soft-falling shower’
Alliteration – “(s)aid I to the (s)oft-falling (s)hower”,
(w)hence, (v)aguely form’d,