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series concrete


1 General Instructions

FLOAT concrete tiles can be installed by any professional tiling contractor.

The installation method and process of installing our handmade tiles with cementitious
tile glue works the same way as any general tiling application.

Here is a quick general guide to ensure the best concrete results .

Check the load bearing capacity and the integrity of the substrate/slab.
Make sure the wall/floor surface is structurally sound and has no loose
or brittle areas. Also check for hollow patches and fill where necessary.

Tiling operations should be carried out in ambient temperature

between 10 and 32 degrees celsius.

For best results the surface should be as straight as possible and not
bow or concave more than 3mm per tile length, should the bow or
concave be more it can be corrected with the tile cement but this
will increase the usage of the tile cement and the difficulty of the installation.

Walls: Always begin tiling from the bottom. Always prepare a level
horizontal support on which the initial row of tiles can be placed
during fixing. Once the tile cement has cured the support can
be removed and the final row below can be installed.
Floors: Always start your layout in your most visible area which
will receive the most attention.
The importance of proper product handling for the best end result.
Customer satisfaction is highly dependent on the installer taking care
of the concrete during installation. When laying the tiles always protect the
concrete surface from abrasion and scratching. Avoid sharp or hard
objects making contact with the tile surface. Impact can leave a mark
and damage the sealer.

To repair chips and scratches use FLOAT sealer supplied to touch up

and instantly seal the surface of the tile. We recommend using styrene
or foam to protect the tiles and corners from damage. DO NOT mark on
the tile faces with pencil/pen.

Cutting of the concrete tiles can be performed with

a handheld angle grinder with a continuous diamond blade.
We recommend a good quality diamond blade for a clean cut. Cheaper
blades tend chip the edges during cutting. A concrete joint cutter can also
be used for cutting the tiles. After cutting the raw concrete area should be
sealed with our sealer supplied. Use a microfibre cloth for the best results.

Use clean gloves at all times to prevent tiles staining and damaging.
Hands and tools must be kept clean when touching and working
with the tiles. Also make sure rubber mullet hammer is kept clean at all
times. For the best end result take care of the product during installation.

Avoid leaving dirty spots on the tiles during installation.

Wash immediately and thoroughly with water to remove
any residue of adhesive or grout before curing.

Avoid using any harsh chemicals or abrasive products as this could damage
the sealers used on the tiles. For cleaning always use soft fabrics with water.

DO NOT use masking tape or similar on the tile faces.

Storage: Upon delivery of the concrete tiles make sure the tiles are stored
under roof or covered adequately if stored exterior.
Layout Planning the tile layout is important for the best visual result.
On large surfaces we recommend starting on the most visible side first, then
planning continue tiling into the corners so cuts remain hidden. For smaller symmetrical
walls/floors start from the centre and work outwards. Plan the layout according to
where the cuts will be this will ensure less wastage and odd sized pieces.

Corners Square Mitre Butt

corner joint

Copings For exterior walls the parapit walls should be sealed and waterproof.
//exterior walls
A steel/aluminium flatplate/angle can installed to help keep the water out.
This is extremely important as water entering behind the concrete can delaminate
the tiles.
Concrete tile


Fastening+ Our easy to use anchoring system can be used without tile cement
or in conjunction with the adhesive. Contact us for more information
anchoring on installing with anchors without using tile adhesive.

For this guide the screw anchors can be used with tile adhesive.
We recommend fastening immediately while glue is wet or after
24 hours when glue is fully set, do not apply when glue is curing.

For exterior applications at height where health and safety

is a concern you can add fischer plugs and screws to fasten
the tiles to the substrate. We recommend using a 5/6 x 60-80mm
plugs with matching screws and grey plastic end caps to hide the
screws. Drill a hole (refrain from using hammer action) in the centre
of the tiles anchor hole and fasten until level.

DO NOT put tile under tension/or bending tile under tension

when fastening with screw, this can crack the tiles.

Maintenance+ Exterior walls should be inspected 3-6 months after installation to make sure
all joints are waterproof and sealer as well as copings. We recommend spraying
wall protection exterior walls with a invisible water repellent every 5 years to ensure longevity
and long lasting protection. Floors can be waxed and polished.
Installation + Fixing
2 //Cementitious tile glue applications.

Follow the TAL Goldstar XL cement adhesive installation instructions

to ensure a strong and durable bond between the tiles and the substrate.
These instructions provide step-by-step guidance on how to prepare
the substrate, mix and apply the glue, and place the tiles in position.

You can download the TAL installation guide for Goldstar XL from our downloads tab
on our website

If in doubt or in need of advice please contact your glue supplier for the project.
Contact TAL: 0860 000 825 or

Should you use a different manufacturers glue make sure to follow their instructions and manufacterers
guidelines carefully.

Please Note: Below we made a summary of the TAL Goldtsar XL installation guide for your convenience
and to make sure you execute the following important steps that is relevant. The TAL Goldstar XL
installation guide shall serve as guide to follow.



Prime the prepared surface with a slurry consisting of 1-part TAL Keycoat to
2 parts TAL Keymix adhesive powder (by volume), which is applied using a builder’s block brush.
Ensure that the entire surface is fully covered with the slurry. Allow this slurry coat to dry
for 4 – 6 hours before tiling.


Using a mechanical mixer, add a bag of TAL Goldstar XL to 5 litres of clean water whilst
mixing, and mix well to a creamy, lump-free consistency.
For optimal performance, the water temperature should be between 20°C and 25°C.

Let the mix stand for 3 - 5 minutes before stirring again. Use within 4 hours (pot life).

For all exterior/exposed and “wet” applications, high traffic areas, areas subjected to thermal
stresses or temperature changes, or where some flexibility is
required, replace the water in the mix with TAL Bond.

Ensure that the tiles are dry, and the backs are free of dust and contaminants which
could impair adhesion.

TAL Goldstar XL can be applied using a notched wall trowel in bed thicknesses
between 5- 12mm, and up to 20mm in isolated areas (non-continuous, and not exceeding
20% of the total area to be tiled).

Apply adhesive with a suitable notched trowel on the back of the tile as well on the substrate.
The double buttering and wet on wet installation technique is essential to ensure full contact
and a solid bed of adhesive behind each tile. ALWAYS double butter the tile and substrate.

Apply only as much adhesive as can be tiled in 20 - 30 minutes to prevent the adhesive
from “skinning” before the tiles are applied. Should a thin skin form, the adhesive must
be freshened up by respreading with the notched trowel.
Do not wet the adhesive with water as the water will form an anti-adhesive film.
Dry or hardened adhesive must be removed and discarded.

Bed tiles firmly using a rubber mallet. When tiling floors or exterior walls ensure that the tile is
in full contact with the adhesive. Occasionally lift a tile to ensure that there are no air pockets
or voids. Never fix tiles using the ‘spot’ method.

Ensure that wall tiles are well supported by means of a batten or some type of mechanical device
for a minimum of 12 hours, until the adhesive has set sufficiently.
Mechanical supports should be incorporated in elevated installations.

Always leave grout joints between tiles of at least 3mm wide, depending on the type of
joint sealer or grout used


• Longer setting times will apply to installations using larger format tiles.

• Exterior tiling applications must be protected from inclement weather and

too-rapid drying during installation. Installations must not be subjected to
running water or rain for at least 18 hours and must be protected from frost and
direct sunlight for at least 24 hours after installation.

• Do not tile over structural, expansion or cold joints in the background.

These joints must be extended through the various layers to the surface.

• For elevated installations, expansion plugs and screws can be added to fasten
the tiles to the substrate. See more details at our Fastening section under
General instructions.

• Ensure that the grout joints and tile movement joints are raked out and all
adhesive residues removed before the adhesive dries.

Allow at least 14 - 16 hours after completing the tiling before grouting/sealing,

depending on site and ambient conditions.

For the best long term results we recommend using a polyurethane flexible joint sealer
or silicone to seal all the joints. Use the colour matching closest to your colour tiles.
Grey for the lighter greys and black for our gunmetal and graphite colours.

Waterproof grout can also be used.

Use TAL Wall and Floor Grout

and TAL Bond according to the instructions on the packaging.

Do not grout with neat cement.

Clean immediately after grouting, using water and a sponge.

FLOAT has no influence or knowledge over specific site conditions, therefore, the user must
always carry out sufficient tests to satisfy themselves that the product is suitable for the
intended purpose and fully understand the correct installation method.
FLOAT shall not be responsible for any installation, application and/or unintended utilization issues.

Please visit for more in depth detail, guidance and technical datasheets
regarding the TAL products listed in the installation guide above.

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