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Adventurer Rank Chart

Rank Reputation (Cumulative) Free Public’s Opinion Issued By

None 0 (0) - -
No value
"Running Around"
Dagger 20 (20) - Independent Branch
Minimum Career
“Still Growing"
Rapier 30 (50) 5 Independent Branch
Still in training
"Fully Fledged"
Broad Sword 50 (100) 10 Multi-branch Joint
Career-oriented and Reliable
“Worthy of Attention”
Great Sword 100 (200) 20 Intra-city Joint
Can do more than simple work, something special
Flamberge 100 (300) 30 Intra-city Joint
Exceeds expectations doing the job
“First Class"
Sentinel 200 (500) 50 Domestic Joint
Unquestionable and spectacular skills
“Brave One”
Hyperion 200 (700) 70 Domestic Joint
Nothing but respect for them
Sword of Genesis 300 (1,000) 100 Regional Joint
Savior of the World
Sword of Genesis★ 500 (1,500) 150 Same as above Regional Joint
Sword of Genesis★2 500 (2,000) 200 Headquarters
Living Legend
Sword of Genesis★3 500 (2,500) 250 Same as above Headquarters
(Hereafter, ★ is added for every 500 points, free: +50)

Extra Damage Chart Table of Experience Points (15+ Level)

Magic Power (Wizard-type Level + Level Major Class Minor Class

Intelligence Modifier) 1 1,000 500
Herbs Ranger Level + Dexterity Modifier 2 1,000 (2,000) 1,000 (1,500)
Potions Ranger Level + Intelligence Modifier 3 1,500 (3,500) 1,000 (2,500)
4 1,500 (5,000) 1,500 (4,000)
5 2,000 (7,000) 1,500 (5,500)
6 2,500 (9,500) 2,000 (7,500)
Recovery After Rest
7 3,000 (12,500) 2,500 (10,000)
8 4,000 (16,500) 3,000 (13,000)
Time HP Recovery MP Recovery 9 5,000 (21,500) 4,000 (17,000)
3 10% of maximum HP half of maximum MP 10 6,000 (27,500) 5,000 (22,000)
Hours (rounded up) (rounded up) 11 7,500 (35,000) 6,000 (28,000)
6 20% of maximum HP 12 9,000 (44,000) 7,500 (35,500)
all of MP
Hours (rounded up)
13 10,500 (54,500) 9,000 (44,500)
※: You can sleep 6 consecutive hours. Day begins at 6:00 am. You
14 12,000 (66,500) 10,500 (55,000)
can, spend multiple days resting to recover more HP and MP.
15 13,500 (80,000) 12,000 (67,000)
※number in parentheses () is a cumulative XP needed
Major Classes
Penalties for Missing Food and Sleep Fighter, Grappler, Sorcerer, Conjurer, Priest, Artificer,
Fairy Tamer
Minor Classes
Maximum HP and MP are reduced by -1 each. Fencer, Marksman, Scout, Ranger, Sage, Enhancer, Bard,
Fixed penalty of -1 for all action checks. Rider, Alchemist
※: These disadvantages are lifted by eating until full or sleeping for
at least 6 consecutive hours.
List of Languages

Name Spoken Written Typically Used By

Elven ◯ ◯ Elf, Merman
Sea Animal ◯ X Dolphin, Kelpie
Giantish ◯ ◯ Giant, Troll
Grassrunner ◯ ◯ Grassrunner
Trade Common ◯ ◯ Humanoids in general
Ancient Celestial X ◯ Tabbit (See Race Descr.)
Regional Dialect (any) ◯ ◯ Region-specific (Burlight, for example)
Draconic ◯ X Dragon, Lildraken
Drakish ◯ ◯ Drake, Ogre, Quepala
Dwarven ◯ ◯ Dwarf
Nosferatu ◯ ◯ Vampire
Basilisk ◯ ◯ Basilisk
Barbaric ◯ ◯ Barbarous in general
Daemonic ◯ X Daemons in general
Magitech ◯ ◯ Runefolk, Artificer
Arcana ◯ ◯ Sorcerer, Conjurer
Sylvan ◯ X Fairy, Fairy Tamer
Youma ◯ X Goblin, Hoodling, Bolg
Aviary ◯ X Garuda
Lycant ◯ ◯ Lykant
Lizardman ◯ ◯ Lizardman, Hugl
Other ◯ △ Various

Language Acquisition by Race Wizard-Type Class Languages

Race Language Learned Class Language Learned

Human Any regional dialect (e.g. Burlight) Sorcerer Arcana
Elf Elven Conjurer Arcana
Dwarf Dwarven Priest None
Tabbit Ancient Celestial (reading only) Artificer Magitech
Runefolk Magitech Fairy Tamer Sylvan
Nightmare Parents' racial language
Lykant Lycant
Lildraken Dragonic Fairy Tamer's Gems Price List
Grassrunner Grassrunner
Meria Sylvan Price (1 Price (6 Price (1 Price (6
Level Level
※All PCs can read and write Trade Common. Gem) Gems) Gem) Gems)
1-2 50 300 9 – 10 250 1,500
Combat Opening Distances Guide 3–4 100 600 11 – 12 300 1,800
5–6 150 900 13 – 14 350 2,100
Situation Distance (m) 7–8 200 1,200 15 400 2,400
Enclosed space 5m
Relatively large space 10m
Crowded space, such as a forest 10m Skirmish Range Table
Open space, such as flat plains 20m
Moving, such as on horseback +10 – 20m Number of Participants Skirmish Size
Fighting a large monster +5 – 10m 2–5 3m radius
6 – 10 4m radius
11 – 15 5m radius
16 – 20 6m radius
Power Table
② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
0 * 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
10 * 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7
20 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
30 * 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10
40 * 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13
50 * 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15
60 * 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18
70 * 5 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 19
80 * 6 9 10 13 16 18 20 21 22 23
90 * 7 10 12 15 18 19 21 23 25 26
100 * 8 12 15 18 19 20 22 24 27 30

Contested Checks

Situation Active Passive

Weapon Accuracy and
Accuracy Check Evasion Check
Spellcasting and Resistance Spellcasting Check Willpower Check
Discovery of hidden items
Search Check Conceal Check
& objects
Discovery of hidden tracks
Track Check Conceal Check
& traces
General perception of
Notice Check** Conceal Check*
hidden things
Discovering a trap Search Check Set Trap Check
Spot Traps
Reactive detecting of traps Set Trap Check*
Disable Device
Disarming a trap Set Trap Check
Seeing through a disguise Detect Check** Disguise Check
Noticing a disguise is in use Notice Check** Disguise Check*
Revealing something in
Search Check* Hide Check
Detecting something in Danger Sense
Hide Check
hiding Check**
Danger Sense
Moving sneakily Hide Check
Danger Sense
Pickpocketing attempts Pickpocket Check
Danger Sense
Tailing someone Follow Check
*Success Value is considered 4 higher **GM initiates the check.
List of Skill Checks

Check Class/Adventurer level Description Page

Dexterity-based Checks
Conceal Check Scout or Ranger Cover up traces or hide items or entrances. 102
First Aid Check Ranger Awaken an unconscious character. 102
Disable Device Check Scout or Ranger*1 Open locks and disarm traps and devices.*2 102
Pickpocket Check Scout Steal goods or possessions. 102
Disguise Check Scout Change makeup, and clothing. -4 penalty when to others. 102
Accuracy Check Warrior-type Class Attack with a weapon. 102
Set Trap Check Scout or Ranger*1 Place and set traps. *2 102
Agility-based Checks
Tumble Check Scout or Ranger Reduce the damage suffered when falling. *3 104
Hide Check Scout or Ranger Hide among shadows, and move silently. *3 104
Fighter, Grappler, or
Evasion Check Dodge incoming weapon attacks and projectiles. 104
Acrobatics Check Scout or Ranger Maintain balance across poor footholds. *3 104
Swim Check Adventurer Swim across the water. CR II, 40
Initiative Check Scout Determine who goes first in combat. 104
Jump Check Adventurer Leap far or high. The Target Number is 10. 104
Climb Check Scout or Ranger Climb walls, cliffs. The Target Number is 10. 104, 111
Follow Check Scout or Ranger Follow or trail another party without being detected. *3 104
Strength-based Checks
Climb Check Adventurer Climb walls, cliffs. The Target Number is 10. 111
Strength Check Adventurer Accomplishing something with strength. 111
Vitality-based Checks
If a character's HP falls to 0 or below, they fall unconscious. When this happens, a Death
Death Check Adventurer 110
Check is rolled.
Fortitude Check Adventurer Resist poisons and diseases. 110
Intelligence-based Checks
Track Check Scout or Ranger Find footprints and other traces and their direction. 106
Notice Check Scout or Ranger*1 Notice something unusual or unnatural. 106
Investigation Check Any class Obtain a clue from an NPC. CR II, 40
Listen Check Scout or Ranger Hear speech and sounds behind walls or in the distance. 106
Danger Sense Check Scout or Ranger Sense imminent danger. 106
Insight Check Sage Determine if you are knowledgeable about a subject. 106
Detect Check Adventurer Detect lies, illusions, and disguises. 106
Search Check Scout or Ranger*1 Find traps, reveal hidden doors and discover hidden objects. 106
Cartography Check Scout, Ranger, or Sage Produce a map or floor plan. 106
Meteorology Check Scout or Ranger Predict weather. 106
Pathology Check Sage or Ranger Determine the identity of a disease, its progress, and treatment. 106
Literature Check Sage Used to find part of a text in the library or book. 106
Engineering Check Sage Determine from the material and structure or object which civilization it was made in. 106
Appraise Check Scout or Sage Examine an item or tool and learn about its use and effects. 106
Channel and cast magic. The Magic Power is determined individually for each wizard class
acquired by the character.
- Casting Truespeech Magic or Spiritualism Magic, wearing nonmetallic armor with a
Spellcasting Check Wizard-type Class 106
minimum strength of 10 or more gives a -2 penalty.
- Casting Fairy Magic, Truespeech Magic or Spiritualism Magic, wearing metal armor, gives a
-4 penalty on Spellcasting checks.
Monster Knowledge
Sage Identify the encountered monster(s). 106
Herbology Check Sage or Ranger Appraise the effectiveness of herbs and medicines. 106
See if you can notice the presence of the trap on the spur of the moment, just before it is
Spot Traps Check Scout or Ranger*1 106
Spirit-based Checks
Performance Check Bard Bard class master performs this check to gain special effects. CR II, 40
Willpower Check Adventurer Resist poisons and diseases. 110
*1: Can only be done in a natural environment. *2: Without Scout’s Tools, Scout has a -4 penalty to success value.
*3: A character equipped with metal armor receives a -4 penalty to success value for this check.
Deciding the Target Number Example of Penalties due to Poor Mobility

Target Situation Modifiers

Number Having fallen prone or standing up immediately after* -2
Even someone without the class almost always succeeds 5 Poor footing, such as mud or ice -2
Even an amateur without a class can succeed in a few One arm/leg cannot be used -2
minutes Both arms/legs cannot be used -4
A person with class knowledge should make it, otherwise, Caught in mud, vines, a net, etc. -2
it'll be tough. Wading in waist-deep water*2 -2
Even for an amateur, it's a 50-50 shot. 11 Completely underwater*2 -4
You're lucky to succeed with only the class knowledge 13 *1: Immediately after standing up, receive a penalty until the end of their turn.
You must have some familiarity with the class to be *2: Elf characters (or those benefiting from [Sword Blessing / Gentle Water])
successful and those with a magic item to allow free movement underwater do not receive
In addition to high-class level, you'll also need to have a penalty.
trained in the ability
You're a master of the class and have trained hard 19
You need abilities, an applicable class, and even a bit of
Modification due to Poor Hearing
luck to succeed
Penalty for Resistance against
Modifiers for Long/High Jump Situation
Auditory Skills Spellsongs, Finales
Deaf in one ear -1(-2) +1
Situation Modifiers Deaf in both ears
-2(Not Allowed) Automatic Success/+4
First 3m (Long) / 1m (High) ±0 (hearing loss)
Every 1m (Long) / 10cm (High) after -2 Strong winds are blowing -1(-2) +2
Can’t see where you will land -2 Noise makes it hard to
-1(-2) +2
Very windy conditions -2 distinguish sounds
Figures in parentheses ( ) are for the Listen check
Wearing Metal Armor -4
Carrying very little +2
Able to get a running start of 5m or more +2
Bonus Modifier Examples
Modifiers when performing a Climb
Situation Modifiers
Using appropriate tools +1 - +4
Situation Modifiers
Having applicable knowledge +1 - +4
First 5m ±0
Every 5m after first 5m -2
Steep slope with no place to hold on -4
Climb free-hanging ropes without walls or cliffs. -4
Wearing Metal Armor -4
Very windy conditions -2
Carrying very little +2
Using ropes and other climbing tools +2

Bonus and Penalty Modifier Guidelines

Guideline Modifiers
Slight advantage / disadvantage +1 / -1
Apparent advantage / disadvantage +2 / -2
Severe advantage / disadvantage +3 / -3
With overwhelming advantage / disadvantage +4 / -4

Example of Penalties due to Poor Visibility

Situation Modifiers
Outdoors at night by moonlight or starlight only.* -2
Indoors or underground with no light source.* -4
In deep fog, violent sandstorms, etc. -2
One eye cannot be used -1
Both eyes cannot be used -4
*There is no penalty if you have Darkvision, either through a racial ability or
through the effects of magic or items.

Time Required for Retry of a Check

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