Digital Twin JIII 2022-1-s2.0-S2452414X22000516-main
Digital Twin JIII 2022-1-s2.0-S2452414X22000516-main
Digital Twin JIII 2022-1-s2.0-S2452414X22000516-main
Review article
Digital Twins: State of the art theory and practice, challenges, and open
research questions
Angira Sharma a ,∗, Edward Kosasih b , Jie Zhang b , Alexandra Brintrup b , Anisoara Calinescu a,c
Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QD, United Kingdom
Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, 17 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge, CB3 0FS, United Kingdom
Alan Turing Institute, British Library, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB, United Kingdom
Keywords: Digital Twin was introduced over a decade ago, as an innovative all-encompassing tool, with perceived benefits
Digital Twin including real-time monitoring, simulation, optimisation and accurate forecasting. However, the theoretical
Internet of Things framework and practical implementations of digital twin (DT) are yet to fully achieve this vision at scale.
Autonomous systems
Although an increasing number of successful implementations exist in research and industrial works, sufficient
Big data
implementation details are not publicly available, making it difficult to fully assess their components and
Machine learning
effectiveness, to draw comparisons, identify successful solutions, share lessons, and thus to jointly advance
and benefit from the DT methodology. This work first presents a review of relevant DT research and
industrial works, focusing on the key DT features, current approaches in different domains, and successful
DT implementations, to infer the key DT components and properties, and to identify current limitations and
reasons behind the delay in the widespread implementation and adoption of digital twin. This work identifies
that the major reasons for this delay are: the fact the DT is still a fast evolving concept; the lack of a universal
DT reference framework, e.g. DT standards are scarce and still evolving; problem- and domain-dependence;
security concerns over shared data; lack of DT performance metrics; and reliance of digital twin on other
fast-evolving technologies. Advancements in machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT) and big data have
led to significant improvements in DT features such as real-time monitoring and accurate forecasting. Despite
this progress and individual company-based efforts, certain research and implementation gaps exist in the
field, which have so far prevented the widespread adoption of the DT concept and technology; these gaps are
also discussed in this work. Based on reviews of past work and the identified gaps, this work then defines a
conceptualisation of DT which includes its components and properties; these also validate the uniqueness of DT
as a concept, when compared to similar concepts such as simulation, autonomous systems and optimisation.
Real-life case studies are used to showcase the application of the conceptualisation. This work discusses the
state-of-the-art in DT, addresses relevant and timely DT questions, and identifies novel research questions, thus
contributing to a better understanding of the DT paradigm and advancing the theory and practice of DT and
its allied technologies.
1. Introduction critically wrong? How can we humans have access to this real-time
information of all the components involved in a physical asset, as well
How can one reduce the cost of producing a prototype and perform- as of information of the asset as a whole, perform meaningful real-
ing tests on it? How can one perform extreme tests on a prototype time analysis on this information, and make timely, robust and efficient
which cannot be performed in a laboratory? How can a prototype
decisions for future operations based on them? The answer — Digital
imbibe all the information and outcome of these tests, to provide
an accurate prediction of future behaviour? How can one monitor Twin (DT).
a physical asset in real-time1 and be alerted before anything goes
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Sharma), (E. Kosasih), (J. Zhang), (A. Brintrup), (A. Calinescu).
Real-time refers to the time frequencies at which the state of a physical asset changes or is expected to change significantly. For example: for an aircraft it
could be in seconds, minutes or hours, whereas for a manufacturing unit it could be in hours or days.
Received 28 November 2020; Received in revised form 6 July 2022; Accepted 29 July 2022
Available online 8 August 2022
2452-414X/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
A. Sharma et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 30 (2022) 100383
Digital Twins are virtual copies of products, processes or services the existing use and potential of machine learning and big data in DT.
which encompass all the above qualities [1]. Grieves and Vickers [2] Section 6 discusses the challenges and limitations with the existing
define the Digital Twin (DT) as ‘‘a set of virtual information constructs DT models. Based on the analysis in the previous sections, Section 7
that fully describes a potential or actual physical manufactured product presents a conceptualisation for DT. Section 8 applies this conceptu-
from the micro atomic level to the macro geometrical level. At its alisation to real-life case studies, to illustrate its application, validity
optimum, any information that could be obtained from inspecting a and usefulness. Section 9 concludes the paper and discusses future
physical manufactured product can be obtained from its Digital Twin’’. directions of the DT research and application.
DT aims to combine the best of all worlds, namely, twinning, simula-
tion, real-time monitoring, analytics and optimisation. Digital Twin has 2. Previous work
been recognised as the next breakthrough in digitisation, and also as the
next wave in simulation [3,4]. It can save cost, time and resources for As DT is a general concept that can be tailored for a particular
prototyping, as one does not need to develop the physical prototype(s), problem and domain, there has been a significant amount of litera-
but can instead effectively and accurately perform the same tests on a ture reviews focusing on the DT implementation, either for specific
virtual prototype, without affecting the real operation [5,6]. Gartner, domains or in general. Specific domain examples include manufac-
a research and advisory company, listed Digital Twins as one of the turing [16], [17,18], aerospace [19] and production science [20],
‘‘Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends’’ for 2017, 2018 and 2019 [7– production systems [21], others are general [4,22–25]. Most reviews
9]. Furthermore, Market Research Future predicts that the Digital Twin assess the current definition of DT and provide new insights. For ex-
market will reach 35 billion USD by 2025 [10]. ample, Kritzinger et al. [20]’s categorical review focuses on production
Despite the stated advantages and potential of DT technology, cer- science and categorically lists the papers in the areas of Digital Twin,
tain research and implementation gaps exist [11,12], which have Digital Shadow and Digital Model, whereas Negri et al. [16] explores all
hindered the adoption and advancement of DT since its inception, the papers in industrial manufacturing, mainly differentiating whether
around 2003: the diverse applicability of DT is a result of its reliance big data and data models exist in the literature. Consequently, the
on advanced evolving technologies, mainly IoT, big data and machine insights of these reviews are domain-specific, rather than generic and
learning. The real-time monitoring and data collection capability of transferable across domains. For example, [20] looks at similar con-
a DT is reliant on real-time data, obtained via IoT devices integrated cepts of Digital Shadow and Model from a manufacturing perspective,
effectively in the environment and/or enterprise information systems, whereas [16] explores data models in a specific class of manufacturing
whereas the analytics is reliant on using the available big data and systems. Jones et al. [23] propose a characterisation of the Digital
machine learning tools. Combining these technologies and implement- Twin based on 13 parameters identified through a systematic literature
ing them for one or more physical assets requires extensive domain review. They have also proposed a DT framework and identified seven
knowledge, as would be required while creating any physical asset’s Gaps and future research topics: Perceived Benefits; DT across the
physical prototype. Furthermore, the DT vision is continuously and Product Life-Cycle; Use-Cases; Technical Implementations; Levels of
fast evolving, as the technology, industry and customer needs evolve. Fidelity; Data Ownership; and Integration between Virtual Entities. Liu
Not only is the overall concept of DT not fully established, there et al. [26] performs an in-depth literature review of previous DT
is no universally accepted definition of DT, and there are very few research papers to analyse the DT concepts, definitions, technologies,
early standards for implementing it [13–15]. As a technology which and classes of industrial applications. They conclude that: (i) there is
is used across various domains and is dependent on other evolving no industry consensus on Digital Twins; (ii) due to a large variety of
technologies, it eventually becomes dependent on the current state of DT frameworks, it is difficult to conduct systematic research on Digital
these technologies, and it also has to be tailored for each problem and Twins. Enders and Hoßbach [22] compares 87 DT applications and
domain. Having very few still developing standards further impedes the proposes a classification scheme, and a new definition of DT, based on
widespread and large scale design, implementation and adoption of this their analysis.
technology. However, although such reviews are extensive, white papers or
This work aims to study these gaps and to propose and discuss industrial works are not discussed in detail, to keep the review focused
possible solutions. As DT is a practical concept, this work emphasises on research papers. As DT is both a theoretical and applied concept,
the need for a comprehensive theoretical specification — via a DT including the practical implementations provides a complete and suf-
reference framework, leading to an implementation and evaluation ficiently representative description, hence these are included in this
methodology. The contributions of this paper are: work. Tao, Zhang, Liu and Nee [4] are among very few authors who
explore the specific practical implementations of DT. Similarly, Jiang
1. Provide a thorough analysis of the past efforts at theoretically et al. [17] discuss the DT definitions and state of the art industrial
establishing, and practically implementing, digital twins, and a applications within the smart manufacturing and plant optimisation
discussion of the current gap between the ideal DT concept and context. They also discuss why and how DTs could create added value
practical implementation. by swiftly processing the available wealth of data, and the benefit of
2. Assess how advances in the DT-allied technologies such as ma- connected and cooperative DTs.
chine learning and big data can lead to the advancement and To conclude, the previous works focus more on the categorisation
adoption of the DT technology. of papers and development of theoretical models, and build very little
3. Review how domain (or sector, or type of industry) affects the on practical implementations. The reasoning behind this, as mentioned
DT implementations. in Section 1 and further elaborated in Section 4.2, is that, because
4. Evaluate current limitations and challenges of DT. DTs are domain-dependent and rely on multiple technologies, the
5. Collate and analyse key information scattered across research conceptualisation of DT – taking the domain into regard and proposing
and industrial work, and use the results and insights from this a valid, sufficiently-detailed and specified, yet universal model – is a
analysis to develop a conceptualisation for the components of difficult task. Nonetheless, these reviews pose the following questions
DT and their interdependencies. and insights, which help to advance the DT concept further. In this
paper the following key issues in DT are discussed further:
The rest of the paper is organised as follows: Section 2 discusses and
contrasts several representative reviews of DT. Section 3 discusses the • The need for a proper definition of DT which could cover the
concept, components, properties, versions, evolution and assumptions different application domains [4,27].
of DT. Section 4 discusses state-of the-art theoretical, practical and • An investigation of concrete case-studies, and a reference model
industrial models of DT across different domains. Section 5 explores for domain-specific requirements [16,20].
A. Sharma et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 30 (2022) 100383
• An investigation on how DT research could contribute to the Industry 4.0 [38], Physical Internet [39,40], Cyber-manufacturing [41],
Internet of Things (IoT) and Information Systems (IS) disci- Made in China 2025 [42], and Cloud Manufacturing [43]. Industry 4.0
plines [22]. has seen a revolution mainly because of digital advancements, IoT and
• The analysis of the debate initiated in 2013 [28] and further big data [16,44]. It was because of the Industry 4.0, the storage of
explored in [16], on whether DT covers the entire product life- all data in digital format, and sensors being inbuilt into the industrial
cycle [3,29] or just the product [30,31]. spaces, that digital twin implementations became possible, rejuvenating
• The scope and need of machine learning, big data and data the concept. Moreover, with the emerging extensive simulation capa-
models in DT [16], and data-related issues [3]. bilities and significant increase in computational resources, it became
feasible to perform realistic tests in a virtual environment. Due to
Apart from the above, this work poses new research questions and these technical advancements, companies such as IBM, Siemens and
insights, which aim to help exploring and advancing the practical GE, started implementing a functional DT as a utility for themselves
applications of DT discussed in Section 9. and for their clients.
There have been previous works focused on the architecture of
DT and how the various DT components interact, focused on specific
3.1. Defining DT
domains [32,33]. This work builds on previous work, and proposes a
conceptualisation that defines the fundamental components of digital
twin, essentially towards the end of the debate concerning the defini- On the journey to define the model and properties of DT, various
tion and components of digital twin. The discussion of the DT standards previous related terms have existed, such as: ‘ultra-high fidelity’ [45],
and sub-components that must be implemented for a functioning digital ‘cradle-to-grave’ [46], ‘integrated’ model [46], and ‘integral digital
twin requires further progress and evaluation at specific case-study mock-up (IDMU)’ [19]. These terms are important and relevant to the
level, followed by abstraction. The International Organisation for Stan- evolution and current stage of the DT concept, however, as now the DT
dardisation has already started this work, with several DT-related concept is much more widespread and has gained significant traction,
standards under development [34]. there would be significant benefits from reaching a consensus on a
single, sufficiently representative, unifying definition.
2.1. How this review differs In the simplest words, a digital twin is a ‘digital’ ‘twin’ of an existing
physical entity. What makes a DT all of the above are its properties,
Previous reviews identified critical DT insights and questions. This which will be discussed in Section 7. Though the literal meaning of
review answers them and poses some new questions, to further advance digital twin seems simple at first, the definition of DT has been a
the DT theory and practice. Also, this review presents the limitations, subject of debate and evolution. For example, Abramovici et al. [30]
challenges, and new properties of DT, by researching through the and Schroeder et al. [31] consider the Digital Twin as the final product,
practical implementations of DT, which was previously under-explored. whereas Gabor et al. [29] and Rosen et al. [3] consider it as the entire
Compared to the previous reviews, this paper does not focus on the product lifecycle.
categorisation and statistics of the literature (e.g. based on models or Note that, for consistency and generality, this work refers to the
domain), but rather presents a conceptual view of the implementation conventionally termed ‘product’, within the DT context, as ‘asset’, in
of the DT concept by investigating the root causes behind the challenges the rest of the paper.
of implementing DT. The papers presented in this work were chosen Components of DT: DT was first introduced by Grieves [35] with
to cover the various domains of application of DT and the numerous three components: the digital (virtual part), the real physical product,
definitions and components present in different works, with the focus and the connection between them. However, other authors, such as Tao
on presenting the current state of DT and putting forth the existing gaps et al. [47], have extended this concept to have five components, by
to be filled and questions to be answered. Specifically, the following including data and service as a part of DT. Tao et al. [4] also identify
novel aspects and questions are addressed in this work: VV&A (verification, validation and accreditation) as DT components,
and state that ‘‘DTs are characterised by the seamless integration
1. The research gap between the actual DT concept and implemen-
between the cyber and physical spaces’’. With data models coming
into the picture, Miller et al. [48] extend the definition of DT to be
2. The importance of machine learning and big data in DT.
an integration of multiple models of a model-based enterprise (by
3. What is impeding the spread of DT?
creating associations between different models and relations between
4. How domains affect the implementation of DT?
data stored in different parts, a digital twin can be formed).
5. How is the success of the existing implementations of DT mea-
As conceptually sound the above definitions are, reaching consen-
sus on a DT definition requires specifying the fundamental require-
6. A conceptualisation for DT.
ments for a DT. With the advancements in the technologies on which
DT depends (such as machine learning, big data and cybersecurity),
3. Digital twin history and evolution
these requirements have changed over time. Moreover, the domain-
dependence property of DT calls for defining the components which
Digital Twins were first introduced in early 2000s by Michael
can be generalised across domains, though their level of involvement
Grieves in a course presentation for product lifecycle management [35].
and measurement can be different depending on the domain.
In 2011, implementing DT was considered a complex procedure, which
required many developments in different technologies [36]. Despite
being coined in 2003, the first description to use of Digital Twin was 3.2. How is DT different from existing technologies
years later by NASA in Technology Roadmaps [37], where a twin
was used to mirror conditions in space and to perform tests for flight The diverse applications of DT such as simulation, real-time moni-
preparation (another example of such hardware twin was the Airbus toring, testing, analytics, prototyping, end-to-end visibility [49], can be
Iron Bird). Dawned with the aerospace industry, the DT methodology broadly classified as sub-systems of DT (for example, a DT can be used
extended to the manufacturing industry around 2012. So what took the for testing during prototyping, for real-time monitoring and evaluation,
concept nearly a decade to be implemented? or for both). It is the presence of all the components discussed in the
With the advancements in technologies like cloud computing, IoT previous section that makes a DT different from these, as described in
and big data, many domains have seen major developments, such as Table 1.
A. Sharma et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 30 (2022) 100383
Table 1
How DT differs from existing technologies.
Technology How the technology differs from DT
Simulation No real-time twinning
Machine Learning No twinning
Digital Prototype No IoT components necessarily
Optimisation No simulation and real-time tests
Autonomous Systems No self-learning (learning from its past outcomes) necessarily
Agent-based modelling No real-time twinning
3.3. A brief overview of other similar concepts that preceded DT is expensive or imitating the actual conditions in a lab is not possible
(for example, achieving certain temperature ranges or testing a variety
The concept of digitising and twinning are not new. Many similar of parameters for the same component). In such cases, creating sev-
concepts have preceded DT, however, for the reasons briefly described eral DTs for the same entity can be highly beneficial. For example,
below, they differ. having multiple DTs of a tyre and experimenting different settings and
temperatures on multiple DTs.
• Digital Shadow, Digital Model A Digital Model has only manual [33] discusses a 6-layer architecture for twin-to-twin interaction
exchange of data and it does not showcase the real time state of where smaller or lower-level digital twins aggregate to form larger or
the model. Digital Shadow is a saved data copy of the physical higher-level digital twins.
state, with one-way data flow from physical object to the digital Having discussed the DT definition and evolution of components,
object [20,50]. DT, on the other hand, has fully integrated data the next sections discuss classes of DT models.
flow, so that it properly and consistently reflects the actual state
of the physical object. 4. Existing DT models
• Semantic Virtual Factory Data Models (VFDM) are virtual rep-
resentations of factory entities [51]. These were used in manufac- 4.1. Theoretical DT models
turing and industrial spaces [52]. DT differs from VFDMs due to
the real-time synchronisation property. VF is a data model only, This section explores the various attempts to define the architecture
whereas DT is real-time and synchronised. of DT. Most of these are for particular domains/sectors, while few are
• Product Avatar is a distributed and decentralised approach for general-purpose models.
product information management with no feedback concept; it The most popular sector for implementing a DT is Product Lifecyle
may capture information of only parts of the product [19]. Management. This is chiefly because DT provides a holistic view to the
• Digital Product Memory Miller et al. [48] see DT as an extension widespread components of PLM, which is useful to solve the existing
of semantic/digital product memory, where a digital product problems in this domain [61]; in terms of limitations of PLM, Tao
memory senses and captures information related only to a specific et al. [47] discuss how data in PLM is isolated, fragmented and stag-
physical part, and thus it can be viewed as a DT instantiation. nant. [47] also presents a theoretical framework of applying DT to PLM
• Intelligent Product A DT can be seen as an extension of an by proposing three design steps: conceptual design, detailed design and
Intelligent Product which uses new technologies such as IoT, big virtual verification. It also gives an example of DT for bicycles as a case
data and machine learning [53–55]. study, but does not mention the implementation methodology (e.g. to
• Holons As an initial computer-integrated manufacturing tool, perform tests on the bike with parameters involving brakes, speed, and
holons formed the basis for all the technologies described above user weight, proper physics simulators are needed, and the simulation
[56–58]. software and frameworks have to be defined).
• Product Lifecycle Management (PLM): [59] discuss the differ- Liu et al. [62] propose using Unity3d open source engine for imple-
ence between PLM and DT, where PLM are focused more on menting DT. They create a reference model to handle and synchronise
‘managing’ the components, products and systems of a company complex Automated Flow-Shop Manufacturing System (AFMS) systems
across its lifecycles, whereas a DT can be a set of models for using DT, which also deals with decoupling multi-objective optimisa-
real-time data monitoring and processing. tion problems. As mentioned in Section 3, if DT is an entire product
lifecycle, then using analytics and machine learning in DT would
3.4. More than one DT (DT composed of sub-DTs; collection of DTs) mean defining a joint optimisation problem for the lifecyle. Handling
a multitude of parameters, and solving multi-objective optimisation
Generally, a DT might be that of a product or a product lifecycle problems is an existing challenge for complex systems. However, Liu
components. However, one might also find it more feasible and easier et al. [62] apply the sheet processing DT prototype successfully to
to break down the product or product lifecycle’s components to sub- Chengdu, China, and use heuristic measures such as production pack-
components, create several DTs, and establish connections between ages, unified system cost, and unified system performance to evaluate
them ([32,60] mention this concept slightly). For example, for a car the performance of DT (resulting in a domain-dependent DT).
one might not want a DT for the entire car, but only the engine, brakes This domain dependence property is also discussed in [22], where a
and gearbox, to understand the functionality of these components generalised architecture of DT is presented by defining six dimensions
interacting with each other; or if we take the example of the car’s for defining the concept of DT — industrial sector, purpose, physical
product lifecycle, one could create different DTs for raw materials reference object, completeness, creation time, and connection (some of
procurement, manufacturing, production and supply, for reasons like which were inspired from previous works). The self-evolving property
avoiding data sharing, if different components are handled by different of DT is explored in [47], where the authors discuss many cases of using
vendors. The mechanism through which a DT interacts with other DTs DT in product design and manufacturing.
is dependent on the extent of data sharing allowed and the IoT devices Continuing the debate on whether DT should be the product or the
used. The dynamic property of synchronisation again comes into play product lifecycle, Schleich et al. [1] propose a DT reference model
here, during regular updates among different DTs [17]. Strong security for production systems for geometrical product specification (GPS),
protocols may form an important part of this communication. where they pitch the idea to represent the DT as an abstract form of
As mentioned in Section 1, DT proves to be a cost-effective and the physical product, mentioning clearly that DT is the entire product
feasible solution for scenarios where creating the physical prototype lifecycle and not just the product.
A. Sharma et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 30 (2022) 100383
As Digital Twins can be considered as artificially intelligent systems, real time, as and when they appear. This real-time support is needed,
they are closely linked to autonomous systems. This link is explored as external support is not always possible. The machine learning capa-
in [3], where the authors discuss the importance of DT in simulating the bilities of a DT can make predictions and recommendations for in-flight
autonomous systems’ decisions. As autonomous systems need real-time changes to a mission. A DT also provides self-mitigating mechanisms or
information, the paper argues that digital twin will be very useful and recommendations. It is due to the plethora of advantages of using a DT,
efficient for the autonomous systems to function properly, as DT can mainly as an alternative form of testing, which cannot be performed in
collect all data and prior knowledge needed. They discuss the driving the lab, that DT in aerospace is highly desirable; nonetheless, it is hard
aspects for the future of manufacturing, which are: Digital Twin, modu- to implement, because of the multitude of parameters involved. The
larity, connectivity and autonomy. These aspects are also important for maritime industry requires DT out of a similar reason as the aerospace
the concept of DT — to see the individual components of DT and then industry, which is, the lack of physical contact between ships or any
integrate them into a single model. The authors also support the claim marine vehicles and the base station [67]. [67] views DT as an enabler
that DT is the next wave in simulation, as it encompasses real time of ’digital thread’, to combine the information scattered across devices
operation and data. Despite a well-explored evaluation, the examples on and off-shore.
considered in [3] for implementing a real DT are limited to using DT as Ríos et al. [19] present a review of DT applications in aerospace; the
a memory buffer to draw data, and do not explore the machine learning authors describe that, because a commercial aircraft may have more
and analytics potential. than half a million different component references, it is challenging to
International Standards: ISO 23247 [63] series defines interna- create a bijective relation between a particular physical aircraft and
tional standards for DT in manufacturing. According to this standard’s its unique digital twin. The complexity in implementation of DT also
specification, a DT monitors its observable manufacturing elements arises due to the interoperability issues among the different pieces of
by constantly updating relevant operational and environmental data. software used in production, such as PLM, Enterprise Resource Planning
The visibility into process and execution enabled by a DT enhances (ERP), Manufacturing Execution System (MES), and Computer-aided
manufacturing operation and business cooperation. This standard also technologies (CAx). Ríos et al. [19] suggests to make use of each prod-
specifies that a DT assists with detecting anomalies in manufacturing uct’s individuality such as Manufacturers Serial Number (MSN), the
processes to achieve functional objectives such as real-time control, EPC (electronic product code), Tail Number (TN), aircraft registration,
predictive maintenance, in-process adaptation, Big Data analytics, and VIN (vehicle identification number), to create an effective DT, which is
machine learning. similarly difficult, due to the number of parameters involved.
IPC 2551 [64] is another related, recently released international On the other hand, Tao et al. [4] discuss how prognostics and
standard for DT product, manufacturing, and lifecycle frameworks. health management (PHM) have the biggest advantage of using DT, as
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 41 [65] focuses on standardisation in Internet of the DT concept considers ultrafidelity, behaviour and rules modelling,
Things, DT, and their related technologies and applications. Most of and merges physical, virtual, historical and real-time data to provide
these standards are still under development and less known to wider trends, optimisation and maintenance strategy. The work also discusses
audience for general purpose usage. the challenges pertaining to the cyber–physical fusion which occurs
Despite being conceptually sound and well-explored, the current DT while implementing DT; these challenges are: security, robustness,
literature does not fully address the gap between theory and practice. applicability, data acquisition, mining and collaborative control.
We discuss this aspect in more detail in Section 6. The advantages and challenges of using a DT are thus different for
different domains. Therefore, a DT has to be tailored according to these
4.2. Practical models and their domain-dependence different sectors. These differences are explored in [16]. This work
discusses the history of DT and highlights briefly the expectations from
The applications of DT spans across various domains from manufac- DT in different areas such as CPS (the focus is on avoiding failures,
turing, aerospace, to cyber–physical systems, prognostics, health and support health analysis of systems and deformation of materials in the
management. The description of these practical models in literature physical twin, and study the long term-behaviour in different environ-
is scanty. Moreover, available descriptions of DT implementations for ments), aerospace (maintenance and intervention needs of the aircraft
large, complex systems are insufficiently detailed and informative. Not with the use of Finite Element Methods (FEM), Computational Fluid
to forget, this complete methodology is domain-dependent, sometimes Dynamics (CFD), Monte Carlo and Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE)
requiring intricate domain-knowledge to fully understand the DT imple- applications-based simulations), manufacturing (to simulate complex
mentation. These practical attempts and the affect of domain on these and numerous parameters of the system) and robotics (to optimise
attempts are discussed below. control algorithms during development phase). These highlight how a
Owing to the number of parameters and intricacies of the operations DT is expected to behave differently for different domains, depending
involved, the most complex but most beneficial implementation of a on the primary functions of these domains.
DT is in the aerospace domain. [66] discusses the application of DT Details of the use of ML in DT are scarce in the public domain. In the
for NASA and U.S. Air Force vehicles. The main advantage of using research field, this could be because of the challenging implementation,
a DT for aerospace is that a DT can replicate the extreme conditions the cost overload of using GPUs, or because it is not required at
(thermal, mechanical and acoustic loadings) which cannot be phys- the moment, for proof of concept research projects (for example, if
ically performed in a laboratory because laboratory tests cannot go a DT is just used for monitoring, using ML might add to the cost,
below or above a certain limit. Moreover, conventional approaches in without adding value), whereas in real-world industry DTs, ML-related
this domain do not consider the specific materials involved and type of information could be a competitive advantage, and hence private.
the component during testing, which is highly desirable. On the other [68] describes a proof of concept for implementing DT with machine
hand, a DT can be tailored according to tail number to take into account learning, in the petrochemical industry. The paper provides some time
the specification of the materials and its types. Additionally, the cur- series data preprocessing solutions for unifying frequency of time series
rent analytics approaches are mostly based on statistical distributions, data, resolving time lag issues between time series data, reducing
material properties, heuristic design properties, physical testing and data dimensions, and regenerating new time series data. They have
assumed similarities between testing and real operation. But, as stated provided few implementation details: the authors use many production
in [66], these techniques are unable to represent the future extreme service systems for data gathering and training the digital twin (such
requirements, whereas the DT can use maintenance history and other as supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), programmable
historical fleet data to continuously forecast health and probability of logic controller system (PLC), manufacturing execution system (MES),
mission success. A DT can also test the future extreme requirements in laboratory information management system (LIMS), distributed control
A. Sharma et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 30 (2022) 100383
system (DCS)). They access IoT data through APIs, and use simulation This discussion also notes the effect of domain knowledge on the
and optimisation systems, namely advanced process control (APC) and implementation of DT: Domain experts are imperative for designing a
real-time optimisation (RTO). The DT itself is not evaluated, but the DT. A thorough knowledge of the particular domain and its key features
prediction model is assessed using four evaluation criteria: the model is crucial for effective DT design, and it can be a game-changing
accuracy ratio (MAR), the root mean square error (RMSE), the variance capability on the ‘twinning’ factor of a DT. Some works have focused
interpretation rate (VIR), and Pearson’s correlation coefficient (PCC). on defining the requirements and methodology for the generation of
Mixed reality applications such as DT coupled with augmented reality DT for niche areas such as for brownfield process plants [77], and for
[69–71] and virtual reality [72] are gaining traction for applications popular areas such as manufacturing [78].
like human–robot collaboration and building construction, respectively.
Since DT is a twin of the physical asset, implementing it requires the 4.3. Industrial implementations
same amount of knowledge that is required when creating the physical
twin. For any domain, it is essential to have the domain knowledge Examples of companies investing in DT technology, or providing DT
to understand the intricacies involved in building and operating the software for clients, or using DT functionality for themselves, include:
physical asset, such as how different components link together and
how much to weigh parameters during optimisation. Hence, domain 1. Investing in DT
experts are essential to implement a DT. [5] suggests the use of adaptive • Signify Philips is exploring the concept of digital twin for
intelligence for DT, which demands a great deal of human expertise, lighting, by digitising lighting [79]. They claim DT to offer
as human knowledge forms the cardinal element for this artificially emergency services, real-time monitoring and predictive
intelligent system. [73] offers a promising approach of adaptive re- maintenance.
construction using transfer learning, which can reduce the effort to
construct different DTs for different working conditions for machining 2. Providing DT as a service
systems, which is helpful within the same domain. • Philips is also providing DT technology for the use of
The above analysis of DT in various sectors indicates how DT is healthcare systems to get early signs of warning regard-
domain-dependent, and so are the related challenges; this is discussed ing technical issues in Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
in the next section. computerised tomography (CT) scan like medical systems
[5]. This could save the downtime that faulty technical
4.2.1. Similarities & differences across different domains systems have in clinical spaces.
To further lay a clear foundation of the concept of DT, this section • IBM is transforming the Port of Rotterdam using Digital
discusses the similarities and differences that DTs possess when being Twin for monitoring and efficiency [80]. IBM is also pro-
implemented across different domains: viding a DT software for PLM [81]. Along similar lines,
Similarities The building blocks of DT should remain the same Siemens has a model to implement the digital twin of
(though the level of implementation is domain-specific). power grid in Finland [82,83], and another for Red Bull
Differences The following domain-dependent questions and impli- in Formula 1 racing [84].
cations arise: • Companies such as Dassault System’s 3DEXPERIENCE
[85] (which has also built digital twin of Singapore [86]),
1. Particular domains pose greater challenges for the implementa- AnyLogic [87], Ansys [88], PwC [89], Bosch [90], SAP [91]
tion of DT: Some digital twins might be more feasible and easier and Azure [92,93] provide DT implementation software for
to implement than others (due to scale, resources required and clients (though the use of ML in these software solutions is
number of components). The same is true for data collection. not disclosed). Apart from these, Oracle provides a DT sim-
For instance, the aerospace sector has numerous components to ulator as part of its cloud service [94]. GE has contributed
handle; similarly, a global supply chain has many parameters to the DT literature: it holds two patents for DT [95,96]
and multiple inventory points; these cases will prove to be and has developed commercial software Predix [97]. The
challenging and complex optimisation problems. open source community has also explored the concept
2. How realistic is the implementation of the DT with respect to of DT: Eclipse Ditto is an open source technology that
the actual physical asset: Depending on the complexity of the implements IoT-based DT models [98].
physical asset, the implementation of the DT will differ from
domain to domain. The gap between the ideal design and the 3. Using DT for own use
actual practical design might be significant for domains like
• DHL has implemented its first supply chain digital twin for
aerospace and supply chains (this kind of domain dependence for
Tetra Pak’s warehouse in Asia Pacific in Singapore [99].
simulation is discussed in [74]); the gap is often minor for PLM,
Though this is real-time monitoring, the use of machine
and for health and prognostics. This tailoring for domain and its learning either does not exist, or is not in the public
consequential complexity is also discussed in [75,76], where the domain, possibly due to its competitive advantage.
authors develop DT solutions for structural health management • BP has employed a surveillance and simulation system
solution. called APEX for creating virtual copies of its production
3. Evaluation of the implementation of DT: The evaluation metrics systems (again ML use is not disclosed) [100].
for performance of DT are dependent on the domain. As some
domains will place more importance on some sub-components or To the best of our knowledge, none of the above software solutions
features, such as prediction or real-time monitoring, the DT per- is implemented at global level (but only at country level or local area
formance evaluation will focus on the parameters most impor- level), and more detailed and concrete analysis on this is subject to
tant for the specific domain (such as, for aerospace, it generally further investigation.
is the mitigation plan). The gap between the ideal DT and practical DT: Depending on
4. The interoperability issues in the range of different software the technologies such as IoT, big data and machine learning, there
being used: If domains use a particular type of software (such as may be a huge gap between the ideal implementation of DT and the
SCADA, ERP) for sub-tasks of product and logistics management, practical one (such as whether the required advancement in technology
the DT software has to be compatible with these systems. is currently available or is subject to further research). Cost and the
A. Sharma et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 30 (2022) 100383
number of available resources could also contribute to increase this which needs attention, while revealing the imperfections in the system
implementation gap. This discussion is subject to more investigation (anomaly detection [103]).
and availability of the actual DT software and its initial design model. One work that explores the digital twin with machine learning
The review from the previous sections does not provide any informa- is [68]. It presents a proof of concept for using machine learning
tion on the level of implementation. Some solutions use outsourced with digital twin in the petrochemical industry, by making use of ML
DT software, but do not describe the frameworks. Some papers have algorithms such as random forest, AdaBoost, XGBoost, gradient boost-
claimed the following successful uses of DT — data handling, real- ing decision tree (GBDT), LightGBM, and neural networks. However,
time monitoring, simulation testing and optimisation [4,68]. However, information on the exact implementation methodology and software for
without evaluation-, metric-based evidence, it is hard to know how DT, and how the entire proof of concept was implemented in real time
successful the current implementations of DT are. A consensus on a feedback loop, is absent.
unified, standard DT architecture will reduce the gap between the DT Another work, [104], discusses using a simulation software along
concept and DT implementations. with machine learning for a product, and terms this as ‘the digital
twin approach’. This is the result of inconsistency in a unified archi-
4.4. Scenarios or Cases where DT can be majorly beneficial tecture and definition of digital twin, as calling a simulation software
with no real-time synchronous connection to the physical product as
Though DT is a technology which benefits any product/product a digital twin might be correct according to some definitions, and
lifecycle in general, there are certain cases which can benefit majorly: inaccurate, according to others. Hence, it is important for a technology
to have its components defined, to define and differentiate it from other
1. When creating physical prototypes is expensive, requires re- technologies.
sources and is time-consuming (such as aerospace, supply chain, The ‘self-evolving’ nature of DT, where a DT can improve itself
manufacturing): Rather than spending time and money for build- from the true results of its predictions, can only be implemented using
ing multiple prototypes for testing a product, digital twin offers machine learning. Machine learning can also help in creating resilient
a much more efficient and cost-effective solution. DTs. The promising work [105] uses machine learning in DT not as a
2. Physical assets/Products in which extreme testing is required feedback mechanism/ analytical tool, but as an error resolver. Cronrath
and performing such tests is hard/not possible in the labs (such et al. [105] use reinforcement learning to make the digital twin resilient
as aerospace and PHM): Tests which cannot be performed in the to either data or model errors, and to learn to fix such inconsistencies
lab can be simulated by the DT. itself.
3. Cases/Scenarios which require real-time monitoring and miti- Despite being popularly marketed as a DT software by companies
gation plans for dealing with ‘emergent behaviour’ [2] (such like IBM [81], SAP [91] and Siemens [83], the published literature on
as health systems and supply chain): Keeping an eye on the using ML for Digital Twin is scanty, and the extent of use of ML by
real-time status of the physical asset, and being alerted through these companies is uncertain.
predictions about an imminent problem can be both efficient and Latest methods in ML research, like continual learning [106] and
effective. This is especially useful for those organisations which federated learning [107] are considered extremely relevant and poten-
need to make very quick decisions, to prevent critical situations tially useful in DT. With continual learning a ML model gets updated
such as huge losses. with the incoming data stream. Although potentially prone to catas-
4. Products/Product lifecycles with multiple parameters, which trophic forgetting, novel research methods and results have started
could be optimised jointly (such as those in manufacturing and to address this problem [108]. This could aid implementing the ‘self-
supply chains): For very large organisations, maintaining and evolving’ property of DT. Federated learning aims to address scenarios
monitoring all sub-components can be an extremely difficult where competing companies or partners do not want to share their
task. Real-time monitoring of all sub-components and joint data, for privacy and security reasons. In federated learning, only the
holistic analytics on such huge models can be beneficial (this model parameters are shared with the partners, whereas the data never
goes along the obstacle of ‘siloing’ presented in [2], where, leaves the host; along with blockchain technology, federated learn-
due to multiple sub-domains in the system, information remains ing could provide improved privacy solutions in industrial IoT-based
fragmented). applications [27].
The following technical challenges are associated with the lack of
Despite being dependent on multiple technologies (explored in de-
ML in existing DT implementations:
tail in [101]), which requires experts and resources, DT can lead to
huge cost reductions for the one time investment [2]. DT can enable 1. Joint optimisation for all the sub-problems: As described in
shorter design cycles [102], save cost, resources and time on prototyp- Section 4.2, for the case of aerospace industries, multiple param-
ing [5,6], and predict impending dangers in time to mitigate them. This eters lead to a complex multi-objective optimisation problem.
cost reduction could possibly be used as a metric of the performance of Depending on the size of the industry, the number of parameters
DT for profit-oriented companies, i.e., the DT-enabled cost reductions. involved in the machine learning optimisation problem can be
huge. Although each industry has smaller optimisation problems
5. Machine learning and big data in DT which are solved at various sub-levels, effectively combining
these sub-problems into one optimisation problem and choosing
5.1. Machine learning in DT the right machine learning tools is a challenging task which
requires knowledge of both the domain and machine learning.
Conventional knowledge-based methods are based on one-time ma- Better predictions of the entire physical asset can be made if
chine learning output, whereas a digital twin is a continuous interactive majority of the components of the asset are taken into consid-
process. Real-time machine learning capacity is what differentiates eration, resulting in a joint machine learning-based optimisation
a DT from a simulator or a real-time monitoring tool. Analytics is problem. This kind of unified ML model will facilitate and weigh
essential, as one of the cardinal uses of a DT is to be able to reliably priorities in a system, and perform systemic analytics.
and accurately output how a physical asset would behave in conditions 2. Deep learning with DT: Implementing deep learning solutions
which have not arisen yet, using the real-time data it is receiving – in requires computational resources, expertise and research [17,
other words – for ‘testing’ the physical asset in an unforeseen situation. 62]. Managing high dimensional data, with the various other
The other cardinal use of ML in DT is to predict an impending problem software used by an industry, and combining these with expert
A. Sharma et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 30 (2022) 100383
deep learning skills and equipment is a tedious task. New meth- in reducing manual data management tasks by 45 percent, thereby
ods like continual learning [106] and federated learning [107] saving resources and increasing deployment speed [114]. Related to
are promising for the use of DT, and require further research. data and information flow, the ‘digital thread’ framework concept
Also, methods like continual learning require high-fidelity syn- provides a complete data view of a product, from its inception till its
chronisation for continuous feedback, which depends on the IoT end goal i.e., throughout its lifecycle, rather than isolated information
devices and network connection. This can be hugely complex for silos [115]. It provides a view of the continuous flow of information,
large systems having different latencies and data formats. which can then be used to improve product designs, discover enhanced
3. ML methods depend to a great extent on the quality of data avail- strategies and make informed decisions based on the data overview. It
able and hence rely on this data. The availability of good quality has been mainly used in aerospace and military to enhance traceability
data is a requirement and a challenge, as fetching/processing and engagement with the digital twin, as digital thread can feed digital
this data might depend on a number of other factors such as twin with data and updates.
the resources available to store the data and GPUs to process Despite being domain-dependent, there are challenges regarding
high-dimensional data. data in DT which exist across domains, these are data handling (high di-
mensional [1], time series, multi-modal and multi-source data commu-
5.2. Big data in DT nication [47], uncertainty being modelled into data transfer standards
[116] or in the data being transferred [117]. In large organisations
DT is used in sectors which have multiple components resulting the time-series data is collected from numerous IoT devices, resulting
in multiple parameters. Hence the data collected from these sources in high dimensions for the dataset. Moreover, collecting data from a
ends up being a large high-dimensional dataset. Moreover, if the time considerably large number of IoT devices, collating it according to
frequencies of the data collected from these different components do time frequencies and preprocessing it for input to machine learning is
not match, the resulting data can be fragmented. Therefore, there exist another challenging task. Handling these large datasets also requires
time lags in time series data. Additionally, collection of data from proper resources for storage and preprocessing steps.
multiple inter-connected and not-connected components, with high-
stream synchronisation and integrating this data, is a challenging task 6. Challenges in DT
in terms of technology, implementation, cost and resources [68].
Min et al. [68] identify two major issues related to implementing Currently DT models face the following challenges, some of which
digital twin in real world with its data component: are weighed more depending on the domain the DT is being imple-
1. As a dynamic environment requires a well-researched tool, bet- mented. These challenges are majorly technical:
ter concrete and practical frameworks are needed for big data 1. High-fidelity 2-way synchronisation is especially hard for large-
application to the continuously changing environment of DT. scale industries, requires resources and high-stream IoT connec-
2. Data processing issues for time series data: Data gathered from tion [1,35,47].
IoT devices in the factory have large dimensions. Moreover, the 2. Interoperability with existing software being used in a produc-
data collected may have different time cycles. tion lifecyle [118]: Industries use various software for tasks such
The authors identify the above problems and solve the problem of as inventory, product management, operations. The compatibil-
using data from different time frequencies, by proposing a method to ity of DT with these is a challenging issue, tackling which might
generate same frequency time series data. lead to delay in implementations.
Tao et al. [4] make an attempt to define the steps for data prepro- 3. Cybersecurity concerns, IoT security, cross industrial partners
cessing, data mining and data optimisation for DT, which are essential security [118]: With the digital twin operating across multiple
for large datasets. Another work, [47], discusses the limitations of industrial partners and inventory sites, the security concerns are
gathering large datasets. The work also assesses the problems in data inevitable. Not only the cross industry security concerns but also
management specific to the PLM domain, such as the existence of du- the leak of real-time monitoring data can be hazardous to a firm.
plicate data, absence of big data analysis, and existence of disintegrated 4. Add-Ons: Using DT entails certain add-ons like cost, resources
data in different phases of PLM. The paper proposes DT as a solution and research. Since implementing DT and profiting from it is a
for comparing this inconsistent data with real values in PLM. Lu et al. timely process, DT can be costly if the life and span of a project
[27] points out that domain knowledge could help dealing with missing are short. Building a software for DT also demands a team of
data issues. programmers, developers and domain experts to test the suit-
Qi and Tao [109] compare and contrast big data and DT, within the ability of the software for the particular task. Moreover, like any
context of smart manufacturing & Industry 4.0. They consider that the technology, DT also needs to be updated according to the recent
main role of DT is the cyber–physical integration, so that DT maintains developments in the technologies it relies on (IoT, big data, ma-
an accurate representation of the real system, which could then be used chine learning). Industries with long-term DT use will therefore
to predict and feed back optimisation decisions to the real system. need to continuously invest in this research, which might lead
Huang et al. [110], and Suhail et al. [111] present a blockchain to added cost. As DT requires interoperability among various
solution to deal with the problem of data integrity in a system. De- components, real-time tools, formulating a joint optimisation
spite being promising for health systems, financial systems and cross- problem, and big data resources, putting these together can
industry collaborations, this concept adds to the complexity of data be time-consuming for an industry, and may lead to unwanted
handling. Adding blockchain technology to DT and optimising it with distractions.
the rest of the components would be the next challenge [112] after
integrating big data solutions in DT. 7. DT conceptualisation
The latest methods in data management can facilitate the inclusion
of big data implementation in DT. One such tool is hybrid cloud, To build a common understanding of the DT concept and have a
where clients can use multiple cloud vendors along with information consolidated overview about the information of DT scattered across
systems, and manage the incurred fluctuating costs as per requirement, different research and industrial works, it is essential to have a con-
securely combining private and more than one public clouds [113]. ceptualisation which defines the basic components of a DT. The extent
Another tool is augmented data management, which uses artificial of inclusion or exclusion of these components will depend on the
intelligence methods to automate data management tasks; this can help domain for which they are being used, as noted in Section 4.2. A
A. Sharma et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 30 (2022) 100383
conceptualisation will also facilitate the distinction between DT and • Self-evolution: A key property introduced in [47]) which has not
similar technologies, as noted in Table 1. been explored much. With this property DT can learn and adapt
Key components and properties across different works have been in real-time, by providing feedback to both physical asset (via
identified. This information is collated in Table 2. The properties and the human asset) and to the DT itself. This can be more feasibly
components stated are necessary as a result of their existence in the harnessed now, due to the uprise of machine learning tools: to
literature, and the authors’ understanding of the DT concept. Thus, this remodel and redesign itself (such as via reinforcement learning).
work integrates the contributions of previous works, some of which The frequency of this synchronisation depends on the update
scenarios, such as event-based (supply chain), periodic intervals
have only been concerned with some components of DT, to provide
(aircraft) and condition-based (logistics).
a holistic definition of DT. Based on this analysis, the elementary and
• Domain dependence (or Domain specific services): According to
imperative components of a DT are defined as follows:
the domain, a DT may provide or prioritise services specific to the
industry. These are the same ‘domain specific’ services which exist
7.1. Components of DT in the physical asset (for example the optimisation problems for
an aircraft and a manufacturing unit will prioritise or add more
7.1.1. Elementary components weight to different parameters).
The elementary components are those without which a DT cannot • Autonomy: A DT (or for that matter any information provider
exist: [124]) could either make changes to the physical asset itself, or
a human in control could make changes to the DT. This applies
1. Physical Asset (could be either a product or a product lifecyle) differently to the different components present in the twin, such
2. Digital Asset (the virtual component) as to some parts of the machine learning system, or some part
3. Information flow between the physical and digital asset (this of the decision making system. Hence, the property of a DT
could be 1-way or 2-way/bijective) to be autonomous, not autonomous, or partly autonomous is
case-dependent. This classification also includes the self-evolution
mechanism of DT (what changes must it make to itself, and what
7.1.2. Imperative components
changes must be approved by a human).
The imperative components add to the properties of DT, to make • Synchronisation: Synchronisation of data could be either contin-
it an all-encompassing tool of simulation, real-time monitoring and uously or at certain time intervals. This depends on a number
analytics. Without these, the uniqueness of DT ceases to exist. The of factors such as technology, resources available, need for the
existence of each of these components depends majorly on the domain data and type of machine learning algorithm being used. A DT
and application of DT. This would be further clarified when evaluating could have sub-components which could be partly continuously
the case studies, in Section 8.4. synchronised and partly event-based synchronised.
This synchronisation can result in different DT types, based
1. IoT devices — to collect sensors’ information from different on the following:
sub-components of the physical asset and edge devices. -How often the data is collected?
Requires: High-fidelity connection between IoT devices, for -How often the data is stored?
accurate and timely flow of information. -How often the DT is updated? (note that this is different
2. Data — gathered from different IoT components and software; it to the property of autonomy, as that deals with ‘who’ rather than
is required to monitor the system, guarantee correct behaviour ‘when’)
and provide input to the machine learning system.
Requires: Big data analysis and storage tools for extracting Answering the debate concerning whether a DT should be a product
useful information from data. or product lifecycle, after analysing key previous related research and
3. Machine learning — for predictions and feedback, as well as case-study results, this work concludes that a DT can be both, for
example, DT of a car or DT of the car’s production lifecycle (the car’s
to identify effective mitigation strategies, in exceptional circum-
production lifecyle would include all the components involved, from
the procurement of raw materials to the end production systems). This
Requires: A joint optimisation feature for the sub-
stems from the components of DT defined in Section 7.1; as long as all
components of the DT. the components are present, any physical asset could have its Digital
4. Security of data and information flow among various compo- Twin.
nents involved in the DT.
Requires: Security protocols for information sharing and 8. Application of the DT conceptualisation to real-life and pub-
authentication, and authorisation mechanisms. lished case studies
5. DT Performance evaluation.
Requires: Evaluation metrics (e.g. accuracy, resilience, ro- In this section we illustrate and discuss how the conceptualisation
bustness, costs), and evaluation methods and tests. proposed in this work is applied to various real-life and published case
Table 3 depicts a summary of how each component contributes to
the different functions of DT. (These components are derived from the 8.1. Case 1: Case study of west Cambridge campus [125]
analysis present in Table 2.)
An evaluation study of DT was conducted at the West Cambridge
site of the University of Cambridge in the UK. For the building level,
7.2. Properties of a DT
this study used the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM) building, which is
a 3-storey building at the West Cambridge site. They follow the Gemini
As simple as the DT definition may sound, the properties of the principles published by the UK Digital Framework Task Group and the
DT are what makes it more than just a ‘digital’ ‘twin’. These are Centre for Digital Built Britain for following the guidelines prepared
the properties inherent to any digital twin; the extent to which these for a national digital twin. Their DT demonstrator consists of sub-DTs.
properties are incorporated in the DT depends on the main application Two DT instances were developed, one for research purposes with the
of the DT, as some properties that may incur additional cost might not help of researchers, and a commercial one, with the help of Bentley
necessarily be required: Systems.
A. Sharma et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 30 (2022) 100383
Table 2
Adjacency matrix showing the various components present and absent in literature [‘•’ indicates present and ‘ ’ indicates absent, ‘*’ means
indication, but not explicitly]. These components were chosen as they were the present in almost all the past works and in the ‘future work’
section of some papers, as established features and innovative features.
Papers Components
Transfer of Bijective IoT Static Time- Statistical ML Domain Testing Security
Info. relationship Data continuous Analysis Specific
data Services
[69] • • • • • • • •*
[119] • • • • • • •* • •*
[120] • • •* • • • • •
[121] • • • • • • • • •
[122] • • • • • •*
[123] • • • • • • •*
[37] • • • • • • • • •* •
[36] • • • • •* • •* • •*
[66] • • • • • • • • •*
[19] • • • • •
[3] • •* • •
[35] • • • • • • • •
[31] • • • • •
[1] • • •
[16] • • • • • •
[20] • • • • •
[47] • • • • • • • •
[104] • • •*
[62] • • • • •* • •* • •*
[4] • • • •* • • • •
[22] • • •* * * •
[68] • • • • • • • • •* •
[105] • • • • •* • • • •*
[101] • • • • •* • • • •* •*
[118] • • • • •* • •* •* •
[27] • • • • •* • •
Table 3
The different components of DT and their key roles.
Component Role
Physical Asset what the digital twin is a twin of
Digital Asset the digital twin
Continuous Bijective Relation for synchronisation and twinning
IoT for data collection and information sharing
Data for synchronisation, analysis and input to machine learning
Machine learning for analytics and prediction
Security to prevent data leaks and information compromises
Evaluation metrics/Testing to evaluate the performance of DT
• The data was acquired from the building management system • Anomaly detection is done for the pumps, based on the vibration
(BMS) (for data related to power, HVAC and security systems), data. This diagnostic information relates to the mechanical con-
asset management system (AMS) (data related to asset man- dition of pumps. Detection of change points in this data indicates
agement) used in Cambridge, and space management system
suspicious faults on pumps in the HVAC system.
(SMS) (data related to room and space utilisation), which are My • Ambient temperature and humidity are monitored using the DT
Structured Query Language (MySQL)-based and with real-time
platform, with is a status indicator in the DT. Real-time and
historical temperature and humidity data are available.
• Real-time data collection was facilitated using IoT-enabled wire-
• Machine learning is used for planning optimiser and predict-
less sensor network (WSN), which used Monnit wireless sensors
ing temperature drops caused due to malfunction of biomass
and QR codes were attached to different assets. Then the data
from the sensor manager and asset manager is sent to DynamoDB boiler. The data used is of building management systems and
NoSQL database supported by the Amazon Web Services (AWS). failure/maintenance logs. ML is also used in repair optimisation.
The data is shared at short intervals, to ensure timeliness. • Challenges related to data synchronisation, data quality, data
• Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) and AI are used in the data integration and heterogeneity of source data systems were iden-
integration layer, to address interoperability issues. tified.
A. Sharma et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 30 (2022) 100383
Table 4
Comparison of the conceptualisation components in the case study.
Conceptualisation Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Cambridge Building Italferr Bridge Mater Hospital
Elementary Components
Physical Asset Building Replacement Bridge Hospital workflow and physical
Digital Asset Digital model, data and analysis of DT 3D and 4D models software to depict layout and
the building and its components workflow
Information Flow real-time 1-way: digital asset to physical asset 2-way
Imperative Components
IoT devices IoT, RFID, sensors, WiFi None None
Data real-time data collection from to the DT from multidisciplinary to the DT after assessment, to the
sub-DTs teams and their software Physical Asset after testing scenarios
in DT
ML ML, usage optimisation, asset None None
anomaly detection, AI-supported
knowledge learning
Security University security firewall Data contained within the company Data contained within the hospital
Evaluation ML used at various stages along None Performed within the DT before
with human feedback implementation
Table 5
Comparison of DT properties in the case study.
Properties Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Cambridge Building Italferr Bridge Mater Hospital
Self-evolution ML used at various components based on feedback from based on scenarios tested in DT
multidisciplinary teams before implementation
Domain Dependence Gemini principles and BIM used BIM used to facilitate construction assessment in the form of interviews,
surveys, observations was conducted
Autonomy Not discussed Software used to facilitate None
autonomous behaviour. Extent
Synchronisation Data synchronisation done for Not discussed in detail Done before every implementation
different components, based on their to the physical asset
8.2. Case 2: Italferr uses digital twins to build pergenova viaduct in Genoa, 7. LumenRT was used to visualise the process and determine exact
Italy [126] volumes and quantities of construction materials required. This
led to accurate prediction of construction costs.
Italferr was assigned to build a replacement bridge in a tight three- 8. As the complex project worked across multidisciplinary teams,
month timeframe. The other challenges included incorporating new this resulted in incorporating 34 separate models. Any contra-
Italian safety standards while following the same footprint of the dictions were resolved using Navigator.
previous bridge. It makes use of various 3D modelling and other
Note how in this case the DT has resulted from usage of mul-
software to reduce clashes in the system, increase accuracy, improve tiple software offering functionalities such as visualisation and 3D
decision-making and multidisciplinary collaboration. modelling, coupled with the BIM model.
A. Sharma et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 30 (2022) 100383
the public domain), though it still falls under the category of DT for its 5. Global Implementations: Currently only local area level or coun-
use, i.e., visualisation, modelling and data sharing. The lack of complete try level implementations exist. For larger systems such as supply
transparency of these models, potentially due to the competitive nature chain networks and logistics, global implementations could be
of the market, may lead to such information not being made available much more impactful.
in the public domain. A summary of how the conceptualisation pro-
vided in this work relates to these real-life case studies is shown in Declaration of competing interest
Tables 4 and 5.
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
9. Conclusion and future steps cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.
Digital twin is a powerful methodology with great capabilities com-
bining real-time modelling, simulation, autonomy, agent-based mod-
Data availability
elling, machine learning, prototyping, optimisation and big data into
one. As DTs can have many sub-components distributed across col-
laborators and industry partners, developing regulations and security No data was used for the research described in the article.
mechanisms and a universal DT reference framework, as well as com-
plex DT case studies, are imperative for the widespread adoption of Acknowledgments
DT. The technology does depend on its counterparts of IoT, machine
learning and data, however, a seamless integration of all these leads The work reported here was sponsored by Research England’s Con-
to the powerful and efficient product that a DT is. The latest research necting Capability Fund award CCF18-7157- Promoting the Internet
methods in ML and big data may contribute to increase the effective- of Things via Collaboration between HEIs and Industry (Pitch-In). A.
ness of DT and to reduce the complexities in the implementation of DT Calinescu acknowledges funding from UKRI on the Turing AI World-
methodology. Leading Researcher Fellowship programme, grant EP/W002949/1, and
We have presented a multi- and inter-disciplinary conceptualisation from Trustworthy AI - Integrating Learning, Optimisation and Reason-
of Digital Twin. Although it does not fully solve the bigger problem ing (TAILOR) (, a project funded by Euro-
of not having a universal DT definition, methodology framework and pean Union Horizon2020 research and innovation program under Grant
established comprehensive standards, we believe that it starts with Agreement 952215. We thank Kate Price Thomas for her suggestions for
the essential step of solving the smaller problem of defining DT key the literature review and industrial works, and Andy Gilchrist for the
components and properties. We believe this can help lay the foundation continued support of the project.
of a DT framework to be built on. This review has posed and answered
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