Frankenstein Friday
Frankenstein Friday
Frankenstein Friday
Grażyna Iskra
Lexical sets Poziom podstawowy
Text 1
a) bolesny,
Wpisz obok rozdzierający
numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
- ____________________________
wanych wyrazów.
b) dumny - ____________________________
c) niewinny - ____________________________
d) oddany - ____________________________
Everybody was surprised when she was appointed of marketing.
e) żarliwy, pełen pasji - ____________________________
Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, was a daughter of a philosopher and political writer William Godwin
and ahave
They feminist and activist
no chance Mary Wollstonecraft.
of winning, Herwave
so they should just mother,
the wh itewas proudand
whom Mary of allgive
life, was really
ambitious, devoteddoes
many colours passionate
andthe Italian about whathave, twoUnfortunately,
she did. or three? she died in 1797 from an infection soon
after giving birth to Mary, leaving the innocent little girl alone with her father. However, this heartbreaking
How was did
followed by years full as
he hold of the
unconventional education and modern ideas of life. The idea for the
of education?
He works
novel from homecame
Frankenstein and goes to the
to Mary head when she couldn’t
at night onlysleep
once and
or twice a month.
she had some visions that eventually led
her to creating this story. It’s hard to believe that she was so young at that time – she was barely an adult. Two
If laterreally
you are the book wasthere
hungry, ready.
are still two or three boxes of pizza.
It was very cold outside, so when the children came back home, they looked
Text 2
a) ambitnyPoland by four goals to one against Portugal.
- ____________________________
His opponent was no match for Barry, so he the game hands down.
b) bezlitosny, bezwzgledny - ____________________________
c) niezdolny - ____________________________
Last year they
d) przerażający on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
- ____________________________
Please don’t make any noise because Jake to sleep only ten minutes ago.
e) zaniedbany, zlekceważony - ____________________________
When Frankenstein
works in hiswas an ambitious
workshop, he alwaysbutloses
tragic scientist and philosopher
of time. whose main concern was to discover
Ithe mystery
think oftitle
that the death. He was trying
is the to create
best piecelife
on in a dead
the body. He only partly succeeded – he created an
intelligent monster with human feelings but unable to function in the world around him. He looked terrifying
and ispeople
She were inscared
interested seeing
acting, so shehim. The monster
became a member could notdrama
of the understand why people. reacted this way. He felt
In and neglected
his research, so he asked
he concentrates on his creator to
technology andmake a partner for him. Victor refused. The as
its long-ter monster wanted to
a whole.
take revenge on his inventor and did so in a ruthless and really cruel way. In the end, he committed suicide.
I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
Could you think on an English word that begins with the Y?
Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause
1. tale of Doctor Frankenstein is not a horror story, as some may think. Even though the main character acted
in a pathetic
Everybody wasway in breathing
surprised when life
she into lifeless body to
was aappointed The story combines a little science and
medicine but it’s still just an imaginary tale. It’s hard to believe that such a mysterious plot was created at the
2. of the 19th century and that it was used as the main idea for a film a little less than a century later. In
Theythe miserable
have no chancelife
of of the monster
winning, so theyhas inspired
should just dozens ofwh
wave the movies inite
the last 100 and
years. a real thought-
How many colours
-provoking does the
story making Italian realise that you
readers have, two
can’t or god
play three?
without any consequences.
How long did he hold as the minister of education?
4He works from
Read home
the textand
andgoes to the
choose thehead
correct answers. only once or twice a month.
If you are really hungry, there are still two or three boxes of pizza.
1. Mary Shelley wrote the book after _____
It was very cold outside, so when the children came back home, they looked
a. a tragic event. b. a waking dream. c. a discussion with her father.
2. Mary was _____ when the first version of Frankenstein was published (anonymously, by the way).
Yesterday Poland by four goals to one against Portugal.
a.70 b. 45 c. 20
His opponent was no match for Barry, so he the game hands down.
3. The monster’s life was miserable mainly because _____
a. he was ugly. b. he felt lonely. c. he wasn’t smart enough
Last year they on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
4. In the end the monster_____
Please don’t make any noise because Jake to sleep only ten minutes ago.
a. killed himself. b. disappeared. c. was killed by his inventor.
5. The novel was first published in _____
When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
a. 1818 b. 1918 c. 1958
I think that the title is the best piece on the album.
6. The first film based on the novel was made in _____
a. 1850 b. 1910 c. 1990
She is interested in acting, so she became a member of the drama .
7. There are over _____ movies made in the film world about Frankenstein.
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-ter as a whole.
a. 150 b. 100 c. 60
I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
Could you think on an English word that begins with the Y?
Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause
Text 1
1. not guilty: _____________________
Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
2. making you feel extremely sad: _____________________ wanych wyrazów.
3. having a strong feeling towards something: _____________________
1.Text 2
4. shocking,
Everybody wasterrible andwhen
surprised very unpleasant: _____________________
she was appointed of marketing.
5. not getting enough care and attention: _____________________
2.6. not caring about hurting others or making them feel bad: _____________________
They 3 no chance of winning, so they should just wave the wh ite and give up.
How many
7. not coloursordoes
explained hardthe
to Italian have,
believe or understand: two or three?
3.8. extremely unhappy: _____________________
9. feeling
How sadheand
long did holdweak or helpless and
as the makingofyou
minister feel sorry for them: _____________________
He works from home and goes to the head only once or twice a month.
6 Complete the sentences with the words from task 4.
If you are really hungry, there are still two or three boxes of pizza.
It was very cold outside, so when the children came back home, they looked
1. It was ____________________________ of Kimberly to tell lies about the whole situation and put her best
friend in a difficult position in front of the whole class.
Yesterday Poland by four goals to one against Portugal.
His opponent was no match for Barry, so he when her beloved
Leslie felt ________________________ cat died.
the game hands down.
3. Peter was wearing fancy dress from the ‘Scream’ horror movies and looked really _____________________.
When my little brother saw him, he got really scared and even started screaming.
Last year they on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
4. Miss Kingsley is so _________________________
Please don’t make any noise because Jake about heronly
to sleep job. ten
All students love her, her attitude and her
minutes ago.
teaching methods.
5. Paula’s story about her sad childhood was so ___________________________ that I couldn’t help crying.
When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
6. Tom Harrison
I think that the title was _________________________ so people
is the best piece on the album. expected that he wouldn’t go to prison.
7. The video that we watched in our English class yesterday told the story of some children who were
_______________________ by all the adults and left alone. They had to work together and help each other
She is interested in acting, so she became a member of the drama .
In his in order tohesurvive.
research, concentrates on technology and its long-ter as a whole.
8. Mum is so ________________________ – she only smiles and says that she won’t tell us what she’s plan-
I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
9. The
Could youpresident
think on anof English
this African
wordcountry turned
that begins without
theto be a _________________________
Y? man whose cruelty
was well-known all over the world.
Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause
1. Would you like to read Frankenstein by Mary Shelley? Why? Why not?
2. What do you think about Dr Frankenstein’s idea of creating the monster?
Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
3. Have you ever watched any films with a similar plot? What were they?
wanych wyrazów.
4. Do you like watching horror stories? Why? Why not?
5. Do you think celebrating National Frankenstein Friday is a good idea? Why? Why not?
Everybody was surprised when she was appointed of marketing.
They have no chance of winning, so they should just wave the wh ite and give up.
How many colours does the Italian have, two or three?
How long did he hold as the minister of education?
He works from home and goes to the head only once or twice a month.
If you are really hungry, there are still two or three boxes of pizza.
It was very cold outside, so when the children came back home, they looked
Yesterday Poland by four goals to one against Portugal.
His opponent was no match for Barry, so he the game hands down.
Last year they on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
Please don’t make any noise because Jake to sleep only ten minutes ago.
When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
I think that the title is the best piece on the album.
She is interested in acting, so she became a member of the drama .
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-ter as a whole.
I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
Could you think on an English word that begins with the Y?
Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause
Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
wanych wyrazów.
better, 2. would, 3. prefer, 4. rather, 5. wish, 6. prefer
Everybody was surprised when she was appointed of marketing.
1: a. heartbreaking, b. proud, c. innocent, d. devoted, e. passionate
They2: a. ambitious,
have no chanceb.ofruthless,
winning,c.sounable, d. terrifying,
they should just wavee. the
wh ite and give up.
How3: a. lifeless,
many coloursb.does
vindictive, c. miserable, d. mysterious,
the Italian have, two or e. three?
How long did he hold as the minister of education?
1.b, 2.c, 3.b,
He works from4.a,home
5.a, 6.b,
goes to the head only once or twice a month.
If you are really hungry, there are still two or three boxes of pizza.
1. innocent,
It was 2. heartbreaking,
very cold 3. passionate,
outside, so when the children4.came
terrifying, 5. neglected,they
back home, 6. ruthless,
looked 7. mysterious,
miserable, 9. pathetic,
Yesterday Poland by four goals to one against Portugal.
His opponent was no match for Barry, so he the game hands down.
pathetic, 2. miserable, 3. terrifying , 4. passionate, 5. heartbreaking, 6. innocent, 7. neglected, 8. mysterious,
Last year they on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
Please don’t make any noise because Jake to sleep only ten minutes ago.
own answers
When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
I think that the title is the best piece on the album.
She is interested in acting, so she became a member of the drama .
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-ter as a whole.
I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
Could you think on an English word that begins with the Y?
Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause
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