Q9) What is the difference between the JOBLIB and the STEPLIB statements?
A9) The JOBLIB statement is placed after the JOB statement and is effective for all
job steps. It cannot be placed in a
cataloged procedure. The STEPLIB statement is placed after the EXEC
statement and is effective for that job step
only. Unlike the JOBLIB statement, the STEPLIB can be placed in a cataloged
Q10) Name some of the JCL statements that are not allowed in procs.?
A10) Some of the JCL statements which are not allowed in procedures are:
1. JOB, Delimiter(/*), or Null statements
2. JOBLIB or JOBCAT DD statements
3. DD * or DATA statements
4. Any JES2 or JES3 control statements
Q12) What is the difference between primary and secondary allocations for a dataset?
A12) Secondary allocation is done when more space is required than what has already
been allocated.
Q13) How many extents are possible for a sequential file ? For a VSAM file ?
A13) 16 extents on a volume for a sequential file and 123 for a VSAM file.
Q19) What do you do if you do not want to keep all the space allocated to a dataset? -
A19) Specify the parameter RLSE ( release ) in the SPACE e.g. SPACE=(CYL,
Q21) How do you create a temporary dataset? Where will you use them?
A21) Temporary datasets can be created either by not specifying any DSNAME or by
specifying the temporary file indicator as in DSN=&&TEMP. We use them to carry the
output of one step to another step in the same job. The dataset will not be retained once
the job completes.
Q24) A PROC has five steps. Step 3 has a condition code. How can you
override/nullify this condition code? - GS
A24) Provide the override on the EXEC stmt in the JCL as follows:
//STEP001 EXEC procname, COND.stepname=value
All parameters on an EXEC stmt in the proc such as COND, PARM have to be overridden
like this.
Q31) Why do you want to specify the REGION parameter in a JCL step? - GS
A31) To override the REGION defined at the JOB card level. REGION specifies the
max region size. REGION=0K or 0M or omitting REGION means no limit will be
Q32) What does the TIME parameter signify ? What does TIME=1440 mean ?
A32) TIME parameter can be used to overcome S322 abends for programs that
genuinely need more CPU time. TIME=1440 means no CPU time limit is to be applied to
this step.
Q35) How do you check the syntax of a JCL without running it?
A35) TYPERUN=SCAN on the JOB card or use JSCAN.
Q38) I have multiple jobs ( JCLs with several JOB cards ) in a member. What happens
if I submit it?
A38) Multiple jobs are submitted (as many jobs as the number of JOB cards).
Q39) I have a COBOL program that Accepts some input data. How do you code the
JCL statement for this?
( How do you code instream data in a JCL? )
A39) //SYSIN DD*
input data
input data
Q42) How do you run a COBOL batch program from a JCL? How do you run a
COBOL/DB2 program?
A42) To run a non DB2 program,
Q46) When you specify mutiple datasets in a JOBLIB or STEPLIB, what factor
determines the order? - GS
A46) The library with the largest block size should be the first one.
Q48) The disp in the JCL is MOD and the program opens the file in OUTPUT mode.
What happens ? The DISP in the JCL is SHR and the program opens the file in EXTEND
mode. What happens ?
A48) Records will be written to end of file (append) when a WRITE is done in both
Q51) What are the causes for S0C1, S0C4, S0C5, S0C7, S0CB abends ?
A51) S0C1-May be due to 1.Missing or misspelled DD name 2.Read/Write to
unopened dataset 3.Read to dataset opened
output 4.Write to dataset opened input 5.Called subprogram not found
S0C4-may be due to 1.Missing Select statement(during compile) 2.Bad Subscript/index
3.Protection Exception
4.Missing parameters on called subprogram 5.Read/Write to unopened file 6.Move
data from/to unopened file
S0C5-May be due to 1.Bad Subscript/index 2.Closing an unopened dataset 3.Bad exit from
a perform 4.Access to I/O
area(FD) before read
S0C7-may be due to 1.Numeric operation on non-numeric data 2.Un-initialize working-
storage 3.Coding past the
maximum allowed sub script
S0CB-may be due to 1.Division by Zero
Q54) Describe the JOB statement, its meaning, syntax and significant keywords?
A54) The JOB statement is the first in a JCL stream. Its format is // jobname,
keyword JOB, accounting information in brackets and keywords, MSGCLASS,
Q55) Describe the EXEC statement, its meaning, syntax and keywords?
A55) The EXEC statement identifies the program to be executed via a PGM=
program name keyword. Its format is //jobname EXEC PGM= program name. The
PARM= keyword can be used to pass external values to the executing program.
Q57) What is a PROC? What is the difference between an instream and a catalogued
A57) PROC stands for procedure. It is 'canned' JCL invoked by a PROC statement.
An instream PROC is presented within the JCL; a catalogued PROC is referenced from a
proclib partitioned dataset.
Q58) What is the difference between a symbolic and an override in executing a PROC?
A58) A symbolic is a PROC placeholder; the value for the symbolic is supplied when
the PROC is invoked, eg. &symbol=value. An override replaces the PROC's statement
with another one; it substitutes for the entire statement.
Q62) What is the difference between specifying DISP=OLD and DISP=SHR for a
A62) DISP=OLD denotes exclusive control of the dataset; DISP=SHR means there is
no exclusivity.
Q64) What are the keywords associated with DCB? How can you specify DCB information?
What is the OS precedence for obtaining that DCB information, ie.
where does the system look for it first?
A64) The keywords associated with the DCB parameter are LRECL, RECFM,
BLKSIZE and DSORG. The DCB information can be supplied in the DD statement.
The system looks for DCB information in the program code first.
Q66) What is the meaning of the EXEC statement keyword, COND? What is its
A66) COND specifies the conditions for executing the subsequent job step. The
value after the COND= is compared to the return codes of the preceding steps and if the
comparison is true, the step is bypassed. (If this answer confuses you, welcome to the
club - memorize it and don't ask questions!)
Q68) What is the purpose of the PARM keyword in the EXEC statement?
A68) The value after the PARM= specifies control information to be passed to the
executing program of the job step.
Q69) What is the purpose and meaning of the REGION keyword and what JCL
statement is it associated with?
A69) REGION specifies the maximum CPU memory allocated for a particular job or
job step. If REGION is in the JOB card, it relates to the entire job; if in the EXEC
statement, it relates to the job step.
Q70) What is the purpose and meaning of the TIME keyword and what JCL statement is
it associated with?
A70) TIME specifies the maximum CPU time allocated for a particular job or job
step. If TIME is in the JOB card, it relates to the entire job; if in the EXEC statement, it
relates to the job step.
Q71) What is the meaning of data definition name (ddname) and dataset name (dsname)
in the DD statement?
A71) Data definition name is the eight character designation after the // of the DD
statement. It matches the internal name specified in the steps executing program. In
COBOL that's the name specified after the ASSIGN in the SELECT ASSIGN statement.
Dataset name is the operating system (MVS) name for the file.
Q73) What does the keyword DCB mean and what are some of the keywords associated
with it?
A73) DCB stands for data control block; it is a keyword for the DD statement used to
describe datasets. Keywords associated with it are BLKSIZE, DEN, LRECL and
Q76) What will happen if you attempt to restart a job in the middle of a JCL // IF .... //
A76) Job will fall through to the ENDIF (not executing any steps), then resume
execution with the first step AFTER the // ENDIF.
Q78) What are three parameters you can specify on Job statement as well as on exec
stmt ?
A78) Time, Region and Cond parameters
Q81) How do you pass parameters to the program as the job is being executed ?
A81) By using 'parm' parameter in exec statement. the value mentioned here should
be declared in linkage section in the program and process thru procedure division. this
technique is very useful when you do not know the parameters at the time of coding the
Q85) What is the parameter to be passed in the job card for the unlimited time ,
irrespective of the job class ?
A85) TIME=1440
Q88) How to pass the temp dataset form one JOB step to another?
A88) By specifying the DISP as PASS for the temp dataset
Q93) The maximum number of in-stream procedure you can code in any JCL is ?
A93) Fifteen(15).
Q99) What does the statements: typrun=scan and typrun=hold do in a JCL statement
A99) typrun=scan checks the JCL for errors, typrun=hold holds the job until further
Q100) Which is the most widely used batch performance monitor for DB2?
A100) DB2PM
Q112) How much is memory space involved, when we code BLOCKSIZE,TRK &
A112) One block constitutes 32KB of formatted memory/ 42KB of Unformatted
memory,6 blocks makes one Track & 15 Tracks makes one cylinder.
Q118) On the DD statement, what is the main difference between creating a new
sequential flat file and a partitioned dataset?
A118) SPACE=(n,m) for a sequential file, SPACE=(n,m,p) for a PDS where n, m, and
p are numbers. The p designates how many directory blocks to allocate.
Q122) What is the difference between static call & Dynamic call ?
A122) In the case of Static call, the called program is a stand along program, it is an
executable program . During run time we can call it in our called program. As about
Dynamic call, the called program is not an executable program it can executed thru the
called program
Q123) What is the difference between catalogue procedure and In-Stream procedure?
A123) In Stream procedures are set of JCL statements written between JOB and EXEC
statements, start with PROC and end with PEND statement. Mainly used to test cataloged
procedures. Cataloged procedure is cataloged on the procedure library and is called by
specifying the procedure name on the EXEC statement.
Q126) What are the maximum and minimum sizes of any CONTROL AREA (VSAM
datasets) ?
A126) Minimum Size : 1 track Maximum size : 1 cylinder
Q128) How many parameters are there to a DISP statement and what are their uses ?
A128) There are three(3) parameters. Parameter 1: current data set disposition(new,
shr, old, mod) Parameter 2: normal close action for data set (catlg, keep, delete)
Parameter 3:abend action for data set (catlg, keep, delete).
Q131) What is the difference between specifying DISP=OLD and DISP=SHR for a
A131) OLD specifies exclusive use of a dataset, SHR allows multiple jobs to
concurrently access the dataset Note: When updating a dataset, you would normally use
A133) Instream data follows this card and is terminated when followed by a card
containing // or /* in columns 1 and 2.
Q134) What are three major types of JCL statements? What are their functions?
A134) JOB - indicates start of jobstream to the operating system and through parms
coded on it, certain details about the
job (time, region, message level, job accounting data).
EXEC - indicates the start of execution of a particular job step, be that step a program or
a proc.
DD - is a data definition, which is used to describe the attributes of a data set (name,
unit, type, space,
9. List down the different types of comparison operators & their meaning .
14. What are the additional keyword parameters used on the EXEC statement?
17. Name the system library from which modules are retrieved at execution time .
19. If JOBLIB & STEPLIB statements are both included in a job , then which statement
would overide .
25. What are the two ways of specifying Temporary Data Sets ?
26. What are the advantages of coding the DISP parameter with MOD rather than
27. Explain the function of the following Statement : //ddname DD