Iniciações Do Sacerdotes Egipcios Crata Repoa

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The Crata Repoa:



Translated From the German, and published by the Bro. Ant.

Bazileul. Paris.-At Ant. Bailleul, Editor, Rue Thibautode 8; Renard,
Library, Rue St. Anne, 71; Delaunay, Rue Palais Royal, 5821.

The Crata Repoa is made up of fragments from many ancient

authors. The unknown compiler had as his purpose a restoration
of the ancient Mysteries based upon the hints and illusions
contained in classical writings. Most of the great philosophers of
antiquity were initiates of State Mysteries. In their writings,
these men frequently allude to some fragment of the initiatory
rites. These hints have been carefully organized, placed in
sequential order, and connected with an editorial tissue. The
result is a restoration founded on the actual words of the
initiates themselves.

The seven degrees of initiation described in the Crata Repoa

equate to the last seven stages of the Great Work of Alchemy.
There are twelve stages altogether. The first four are
preparatory; the fifth is a threshold to the three degrees of the
Lesser Mysteries that teach the Humanities. The final four
degrees are the Greater Mysteries of the great manifestation of
Light. These latter Mysteries teach love or agape in the sense of
charity. The steps of the ancient Egyptian Mysteries are:


Circumcision and meditation.

1. Led by the Thesmophores (Guide or Tester) to the Gate of

Men, the Candidate is initiated as a Pastophoris
(Apprentice). Having taken an oath, light is restored to him
and he is placed between two square columns. Between
the columns is a ladder with seven steps and an allegorical
figure portraying eight doors. The Hierophant (Teacher)
exhorts the Pastophoris to guard his prejudices and
passions that might draw him from the road to happiness.
The Pastophoris then ascends the ladder and is taught that
it is a symbol of alchemical transmutation or
Metempsychosis. He is then given the word of recognition,
taught the handgrip and dressed in a hood, apron and collar
with tassels. His duty is then to guard the Gate of Men.

2. After a year of Apprenticeship, the Pastophoris is feasted

by beautiful temple virgins and invited to make love to
them. He must prove he has command over his desires. If
worthy, the Thesmophores (Guide or Tester) then addresses
more questions and if found satisfactory, the candidate is
introduced to the Assembly. There he is sprinkled with
water by the Stolista (Baptizer) and accepted as a Neocoris
(Craftsman). His courage is then tested with a live serpent
being thrown over him and he is made to imagine the
chamber is filled with serpents. If his courage is proven, the
Neocoris is led to two pillars with a griffin between, pushing
a spoked-wheel representing the four seasons and earth,
water, air and fire. There he is invested with a caduceus,
taught the word of the degree and taught of the fall of the
human race. He was instructed in architecture, geometry,
mathematics and measures. His duty was to wash or anoint
the pillars.
3. When meriting the next degree of a Melanophoris (Master
Mason), the candidate was led underground through the
Gate of Death to a gloomy crypt containing the coffin of the
assassinated Osiris. The new Melanophoris was then led
into the presence of the Pharaoh, where all the other
Melanophoris were assembled. The Pharaoh offered him a
crown of gold representing material power and wealth. The
Melanophoris was to reject and trample on this crown in
order to gain the spiritual crown of truth, morality and
virtue. This incurred the wrath of the Pharaoh and the
Melanophoris suffered accordingly. Brought back with a
peculiar embrace expressing the power of death, the
Melanophoris was given the word Monach Caron Mini
meaning I count the days of anger. The term of anger is the
time needed to master one’s own base or animal soul. He
was then instructed in alphabet, drawing, painting and
rhetoric. He was also taught the history, geometry and
astronomy of Egypt. His work was to attend upon the dying
and dead.

4. After eighteen months the resurrected adept was invited to

the Greater Mysteries. He is then known as Moses, meaning
He who is drawn out of the waters (as were all new-born
Sun gods such as the Indian Agni or Surya, the Greek
Perseus, Finnish Kullervo, Romulus and Welsh Taliesin).
Armed with a sword and shield, the Moses has then to fight
his way through labyrinth galleries where masked men with
flames and serpents attacked him. He was then led
blindfolded to the Hall of Maat. Maat is the goddess who
represents the full illumination of the human soul. She was
represented by a white ostrich feather or jar. In the Hall of
Maat he was presented to the Pharaoh and Officers of the
Society and there made a Chistophores. They set his arms
and legs spread eagle, the Phoenix position. This was a
posture similar to the St Andrew’s cross used in the old
rites as the symbol of resurrection. He then drank a cup of
bitter herbs and was dressed in buskins and a mantle,
invested with the armour and weapons of God. The bitter
cup is a play on the meaning of Miriam or the goddess
Venus as Miriam means bitter as well as the mare or sea.

He was to use his weapon to strike off the head of the

beautiful but dangerous female aspect of Chaos, the Gorgon
Medusa, whose head he presented to the Pharaoh.1417 In
return, the Pharaoh recorded the Chistophores in the Book
of Adepts of Egypt. He received with new robes for his
spiritual body, tied about the waist by a cord representing
truth, life and brotherhood. This cord was tied in a half bow
or Ankh representing the strength and frailty of the
brotherhood. The Chistophores was presented with the
Code of Laws and the emblem of an owl representing Isis,
later Athena for the Greeks and Minerva for the Romans. He
was taught the secret Ammonitish language and sciences
of the human soul. The new Chistophores became a
courtier, sustained by the court and able to communicate
freely with the Pharaoh.

5. The Chistophores could then demand the degree of a

Balahate or Philosopher. He was seated as the sole
spectator to a drama where Horus slays and beheads the
hundred-headed dragon, Typhon. In silence Horus exhibits
the vile head emblematic of the mastery of ones own base
nature. The new Balahate was then given the word Chymia
and taught the skills of Alchemy.

6. The aspiring Chistophores was led in irons to the Gate of

Death through which a crypt was filled with water. He was
rowed across in the Barque of Caron and received by the
Assembly. There he was made a Maawr, meaning Seer or
Priest of Astronomy, and received the history of the gods.
He was told of the One God from whom they all emanate.
The new Maawr was then taken to the Gate of the Gods and
presented to the pantheon. There the Demiurgos (Chief
Prophet and Initiator) taught him the secret history of
Egypt, the world and the universe. He received the history
of the Society, its Order and a list of all Chief Inspectors of
the Society and members throughout the world. He was
then instructed in astronomy and the Priestly Dance of the
movement of the stars and constellations. The word of the
degree was Ibis, the symbol of the wise god Thoth.

7. Entry to the final degree was by invitation from the

Pharaoh. A grand reception was arranged for the Maawr
and it formed a public procession called the Pamylach,
meaning circumcision of the tongue representing the higher
self. Formerly, the Maawr’s penis was circumcised as a sign
of purification of the lower self. At the end of the
procession an Assembly was held in a special room called
the Maneras, meaning the house of Manes with equivalence
to the Indo-Hittite god king Manu. There the Maawr was
made a Saphenath Panache or Man who knows the
Mysteries. He drank of the Cup of Sweetness, the heavenly
ambrosia beverage Oimellas, and was told that he had
arrived at the end of all the proofs. He received an Ankh to
wear on his heart, meaning that he had become a life
source or life bestowing spirit for others. He also received a
beautiful striped robe called the Etangi representing the
blazing White Light of the illumination and discipline in
which he lived.

His head was next shaved with a square coiffure, called the
tonsure. Together with the skull, the tonsure forms a
squared circle: ...the squaring of the circle was a problem
that greatly exercised medieval minds. It is a symbol of the
opus alchymicum, since it breaks down the original chaotic
unity into the four elements and then combines them again
in a higher unity.

The tonsure therefore represented the third eye. It was

based on releasing the spiritual consciousness through the
Gate of the Gods. These are the two small holes in the skull
called the parietal foramina.

The Saphenath Pancah was then given a complete

explanation of the Mysteries and permission to read the
Books of Hermes, including the royal key to the scriptures
of other nations. The greatest attribute he received was the
right to vote in the election of Pharaoh and it was from his
new rank that the Officers of the Society were drawn. The
Pharaoh represented the mind of God; Ptah.1419 These
Officers of the Society represented Ra, or the body of God,
and governed the four main temples of Egypt, Hermopolis,
Memphis, Heliopolis and Thebes.

When an Aspirant desired to enter the Ancient and Mysterious

Society of Crata Repoa, he had to be recommended by one of the
Initiates. The King himself, who wrote an authorization to the
Priests.1 Having applied at Heliopolis, the Aspirant was referred
to the learned of the Institution at Memphis, and these sent him
on to Thebes, ordinarily made the proposition. (Porphyre-Vie de
Pythagore.) Here he was circumcised.2 (Herodotus, book 2nd.
Clement of Alexandria, Scromat I.) They put him on a particular
diet, interdicting him the use of certain foods, such as
vegetables and fish, also wine 3, but after his initiation this
restriction was relaxed. They compelled him to pass several
months imprisoned in a subterranean vault,4 abandoned to his
reflections he was allowed to write his thoughts. He was then
strictly examined to ascertain the limit of his intelligence. When
the time had arrived to quit his prison, they conducted him to a
gallery surrounded with the columns of Hermes, upon which were
engraving those maxims which he was required to learn by heart.
(Jamblique, de Mysterus. Pausanias, book I, expressly stating
that these columns were found in subterraneans near Thebes.)
When he had accomplished this an Initiate, termed the
Thesmophores (Introductor), approached him. He held in his hand
a large scourge with which he kept back the people from the
entrance, called the Gate of the Profane. He introduced the
Aspirant into a grotto, where they bandaged his eyes, and
attached bonds or manacles, of an elastic nature to his hands.

The Apprentice was charged to guard the entrance, which

conducted to the Gate of Men. The Aspirant having been
prepared in the grotto,5 the Thesmophores took him by the hand
(Apuleius, Metamorphoses, book 2, and presented him at the
Gate of Men. (Ciceron, de Legibus, book 2-Mysterus ex agresti
imanique vita exculti ad humanitatem, et mitigati sumus.) Upon
his arrival the Thesmophores touched the shoulder of the
Pastophoris (one of the last apprentices), who was guarding the
exterior, and invited him to announce the Aspirant, which he did
by knocking at the gate of entrance. (On one of the Pyramids this
act is naturally figured.) The Neophyte having satisfied the
questions asked of him, the Gate of Men opened and he was
admitted. The Hierophant questioned him anew upon various
subjects, and the Neophyte answered categorically. (Plutarch, in
Lacon Apoph. Lysander.) They then caused him to travel round
the Birantha (Histoire du Ciel, book 1, page 44), and endeavored
to terrify him by artificial lightning, claps of thunder, hail, rain,
and tempest. (Eusebius. Caesar, Preparat Evangel. Clement of
Alexandria, Admonit ad Gent.) If he was not, by this, too much
discouraged, the Menes, or reader of laws, read to him the
constitution of the Society. He promised to conform himself
thereto. After this adhesion the Thesmophores conducted him
with uncovered head, before the Hierophant, before whom he
knelt. They put the point of a sword to his throat and caused him
to take the oath of fidelity and discretion, invoking sun, moon
and stars to wit-ness his sincerity. (Alexander ab Alexandro,
Book 5, Chapter 10.) He had then the bandage removed from his
eyes and was placed between two square columns named
Betilies (Eusebius, Demonst. Evang. book 1). Between these two
columns was placed a ladder of seven steps, and another
allegorical figure with eight doors or gates of different
dimensions. (On gene, Cont. Cels.-page 34 of Bouchereau’s
translation). The Hierophant did not at once explain the
mysterious sense of these emblems, but addressed him as
"To you who come hither to acquire the
right of listening I address myself: the
doors of this Temple are firmly closed to
the profane, they cannot enter hither, but
you, Menes, Musee, Child of Celestial
works and research, listen to my voice, for
I am about to disclose unto you great
truths. Guard yourself from those
prejudices and passions which might draw
you from the true road to happiness, fix
your thoughts upon the divine being and
keep Him ever before your eyes, in order
the better to govern your heart and senses.
If you earnestly desire to tread the true
path to felicity, remember that you are
always in the presence of that All-powerful
being who governs the universe. This sole
being has produced all things, through Him
they exist,6 and He preserves them; no
mortal can behold Him, and nothing can be
hid from His sight." (Eusebius, Preparat
Evangel 1-13, Clement of Alexandria,
Admonit ad Gent.)

After this address they caused the apprentice to ascend the

steps of the ladder and taught him that it was a symbol of
Metempsychosis. They also taught him that the names and
attributes of the Gods had a higher signification than was known
to the people. The instruction of this grade was scientific or
physical; they explained to the Neophyte the cause of winds,
lightning, thunder; they taught anatomy and the healing art, and
how to compound drugs. They also taught the symbolical
language and the common hieroglyphically writing. (Jamblicus,
Life of Pythagoras.) The reception finished, the Hierophant gave
the Initiate the word by which they recognized each other. This
word was Amoun, and signified, be discreet. (Plutarch, Of Isis
and Osiris.) They also taught him the grip of the hand.
(Jamblicus, Life of Pythagoras.) They clothed him with a sort of
hood which terminated in a pyramidical shape, and they placed
round his loins an apron termed Xylon. Round his neck he wore a
collar with tassels falling on the breast. In other respects he was
unclothed. It was his duty in turn to act as Guard of the Gates of

This degree, and the next, represent similar ceremonies in Craft

Masonry, and have also an affinity with two of the higher degrees
of the Council Series. If the Pastophoris during the year of his
Apprenticeship had given sufficient proofs of his intelligence,
they imposed upon him a severe test to prepare him for the grade
of Neocoris (Annobius, liv. 5). The year having expired, he was
put in an obscure chamber called Endymion (Grotto of the
Initiates). Here he was served with a delicious repast to animate
his failing strength, by beautiful women, who were either the
espoused of the Priests, or Virgins dedicated to Diana. They
invited him to love by gestures. He must triumph over these
difficult tests to prove the command, which he had over his

After this the Thesmophores comes to him, and propounds a

variety of questions. If the Neocoris answers satisfactorily, he
introduced him into the assembly. The Stolista (or Sprinkler)
threw water over him to purify him. They required him to affirm
that he had conducted himself with wisdom and chastity. After a
satisfactory declaration, the Thesmophores runs towards him,
having in his hand a living serpent, which he throws over his
body, but withdraws with the bottom of his apron. (Julius
Firmicus Maternus, Chapter 2, says, it was a gilt artificial
serpent). The chamber appeared to be filled with reptiles, to
teach the Neocoris to withstand bodily terror.8 The greater the
courage shown on this trial, so much the more was he lauded
after reception. They then led him towards two high columns,
between which was a griffin pushing a wheel. (See
representations in the Grand Cabinet Romaine). The Columns
indicated the East and West. The griffin was the emblem of the
sun, and the four spokes of the wheel indicated the four seasons.
They instructed him in the art of calculating the hygrometer, by
which they measured the inundations of the Nile; they instructed
him in geometry and architecture, and the calculations and
graduations of such measures as he had afterwards to use. But
these were great secrets, and only revealed to those whose
knowledge was far above that of the people.

His Insignia was a baton entwined with a serpent.9 (The

Caduceus of Mercury, emblem of the movement of the sun round
the Ecliptic). The word of the grade was Eve, and on this
occasion they recounted to him the fall of the human race. 10-11
The sign consisted in crossing the arms on the breast. (Norden
gives designs of this Sort). The duty of the Neocoris was to wash
the columns.
The Initiate of this Grade received the name of Melanephoris.
When the Neocoris had by intelligence and good conduct merited
the degree, they carried him at once for reception.
He was conducted by the Thesmophores into a vestibule, above
the entrance of which was written "Gate of Death." The place
was filled with different species of mummies and coffins,
analogous designs ornamenting the walls. As it was the place of
the dead the Neophyte found the Paraskistes. Here he also found
the Heroi, or those who open the corpses occupied in their
labours. [See Norden’s designs.] In the midst of the vestibule was
placed the coffin of Osiris, and as he was supposed to have been
recently assassinated it bore traces of blood. The officials
demanded of the Neophyte if he had taken any part in the
assassination of his Master. After his reply in the negative, two
Tapixeytes, or persons who inter the dead, took possession of
him. They conducted him into a hall where the other
Melanephoris were habited in black. The King, himself, who
always assisted at this ceremony, accosted the aspirant with a
gracious appearance, and presented a golden crown for his
acceptance, enquiring if he considered himself to have sufficient
courage to sustain the trials he has to undergo. The aspirant,
knowing that he ought to reject this crown, threw it down and
trampled it underfoot.12 (Ter tullien Ori Baptism, Ch. 5.) Then the
king cried out, "Outrage! Vengeance!" and, seizing the sacrificial
axe, he struck the Neophyte (gently) upon the head. [The
Emperor Cornmodius fulfilled this duty for a day, and acquitted
himself in such an energetic way that it became tragical.]

The two Tapixeytes overthrew the aspirant, and the Paraskistes

enveloped him in mummy bandages: amidst the groans of
assistants, they transported him through a door over which was
written "Sanctuary of Spirits," and as it opened claps of thunder
were heard, with flashes of lightning, and the pretended dead
found himself surrounded with fire (Apuleius, Metamorphoses, liv,
2). Charon took possession of him as a spirit, and he descended
amongst the judges of the shades below, where Pluto was seated
upon his throne, having Rhadamanthus and Minos at his side,
also Alecton, Nicteus, Alaster, and Orpheus (Diodorus of Sicily,
Orpheus, liv. 4). This redoubtable tribunal addressed to him some
severe strictures upon his course of life, and finally condemned
him to wander in the subterranean galleries. They then
disengaged him of his wrappings and mortuary apparel.

He then received instruction, and was moreover desired:

1. Never to thirst for blood, and to assist members of the

society whose life might be endangered.
2. Never to leave a dead body unburied.
3. To await a resurrection of the dead and future judgment.13

The new Melanephoris had to study drawing and painting, as it

was part of his duties to decorate the coffins and mummies. He
was taught a particular alphabet, named the Hierogrammatical;
which was all the more useful to him, as the History of Egypt, its
geometry, and the elements of astronomy were in this character.
He also received lessons in rhetoric, so that he might know how
to give the funeral orations in public.

The sign of recognition consisted in a peculiar embrace, of which

the object was to express the power of death. The word was,
Monach Caron Mini, I count the days of anger.

The Melanephoris remained in these subterranean galleries until

they could judge of his capabilities for advancing in the higher
sciences, or if they could Only make of him a Paraskiste, or a
Heroi; for he was obliged to pass the rest of his days in these
offices if he attained not to true knowledge.
Battle of the Shades (Tertullien, de Militis Corona).

The term of anger was ordinarily eighteen months, and when that
had passed the Thesmophores went to see the Initiate, saluting
him graciously, and, after arming him with a sword and buckler,
invited him to follow him. They over-ran the sombre galleries,
when suddenly some men masked under hideous figures, with
flambeaus in their hands and serpents round them, attacked the
Initiate, crying-Panis!

The Thesmophores incited him to confront all dangers and

surmount all obstacles. He defended himself with courage, but
succumbed to numbers; they then bandaged his eyes and passed
a cord round his neck, by which he was led into the hall where he
was to receive a new grade. He was then raised extended and
introduced to the assembly, hardly able to sustain himself.

The light was restored to him, and his eyes were dazzled with the
brilliancy of the decorations; the hall offered an assemblage of
the most gorgeous pictures. The King, himself, was seated
beside the Demiurges (Chief Inspector of the Society). Below
these high personages were seated the Stolista (Purifier by
Water); the Hierostolista (Secretary), bearing a plume as his
coiffure; the Zacoris (Treasurer); and the Komastis, or Steward of
the Banquets. All wore the Alydee [Aietheia], truth. It was an
Egyptian decoration. Actianus, Var. Hist. liv. 14., chap. 34,
speaks in these terms :-"Eum omnium hominum justissimum et
tenacissimum opportebat qui circa collum imaginem ex saphiro
gemma confectam gesta-bat."]

The orator or chanter14 pronounces a discourse in which he

praises the new Chistophoris for his courage and resolution. He
urges the neophyte to persevere for the reason that he has only
half completed the labors, which he has to endure (perform) to
furnish complete proofs (of his integrity). They presented him
with a cup filled with a very bitter drink, which they termed cice,
which it was necessary he should drain. [This was the veritable
beverage, which bore the name of Xuxeon: Athenee, liv. 9].

They invested him with divers ornaments. He received the

buckler of Isis (or Minerva); they put upon him the buskins of
Anubis (or Mercury); and they covered him with the mantle of
Orci, ornamented with a hood. They ordered him to seize upon a
scimitar, which was presented to him, in order that he might
strike off the head of an individual to be found at the bottom of a
very deep cavern, which he had to penetrate, and bring the head
to the King. At the same moment all cried "Niobe, behold the
enemy’s cavern!" Entering there, he perceived the figure of a very
beautiful woman; it was composed of very fine skin or bladder,
and so artistically manufactured that it seemed to be living.15

The new Chistophoris approached the figure, took it by the hair,

and struck off the head, which he presented to the King and
Demiurgos. After applauding this heroic action, they informed
him that it was the head of the Gorgo (Gorgo, Gorgol, Gorgone,
are the Egyptian names of Medusa), or spouse of Typhon, and
who was the cause of the assassination of Osiris. They seized
upon this circumstance to impress upon him that he was to be
always the avenger of evil. He then received permission to put on
a new clothing, which was presented to him. His name was
inscribed in a book amongst the other Judges of the land. He
rejoiced in free communication with the King, and received his
daily nourishment from the Court. (Diodorus of Sicily, liv. 1, de
Judiciis Ægyptiorum.)

With the code of Laws they gave him a decoration, which he

could only wear at the reception of a Chistophoris, or in the City
of Sais. It represented Isis, or Minerva, under the form of an owl;
and the allegory was thus interpreted -Man at his birth is blind as
the owl, and becomes man only by the aid of experience and the
light of philosophy. The casqued expressed the highest degree of
wisdom; the decapitated head the repression of the passions; the
buckler a legitimate defense against calumny; the column
firmness; the cruse of water a thirst for science; the quiver,
garnished with arrows, the power of eloquence; the pike
persuasion carried afar, which is to say, that by his reputation
one can at a great distance make a profound impression; the
palm and olive branches were the symbols of peace. (Grand
Cabinet Romain, p. 26.) They further taught him that the name of
the great legislator was Joa.16 (Diodorus of Sicily, liv. 1, De
Egyptiis Legum Latoribus.) This name was also the word of the

The members held meetings at times, where Chistophoris alone

could be admitted. The Chapters were called Pixon (Source of
Justice): and the word in use at these holdings was Sasychis (an
ancient priest of Egypt). The Initiate was taught the Ammonitish
language. (Am-monitish was a mysterious language; see word of
the 1degree.) The Aspirant having over-run the Lesser Mysteries,
the object of which was to prepare him, they instructed him in
the human sciences, up to the moment of his being admitted to
the Greater Mysteries) and to the knowledge of the sacred
doctrine called the Grand Manifestation of Light) when there
were no more secrets for him.17)

The Chistophoris had the right to demand and the Demiurgos

could not refuse this Grade. The candidate was conducted to the
entrance where the assembly was held, and all the members
received him. He was then conducted to another Hall, disposed
for a theatrical representation, in which he was, in a way, the
sole spectator, for each member took a part.

A personage called Orus accompanied the several Balahate who

all bore torches; they marched into the Hall and appeared as if
seeking something. Orus drew his sword upon arriving at the
entrance of a cavern from which flames proceeded; at the
bottom of it was the murderer Typhon seated with a crestfallen
appearance. As Orus approached, Typhon raised himself up,
having a terrifying appearance, a hundred heads reposed on his
shoulders, his whole body was covered with scales, and his arms
were of immense length. Orus advanced to-wards the monster
without allowing himself to be in the least discouraged by his
dreadful aspect, threw him down and overwhelmed him. He then
decapitated him, and threw the corpse into a cavern, which still
continued to vomit flames. He then in silence exhibited the
hideous heads.

This ceremonial terminated by the instruction which was given to

the Balahate, and which included the explanation of this
allegorical scene. It was explained that Typhon symbolized fire,
which is one of the most terrible agencies, notwithstanding
which nothing in the world can be done without it. Orus
represented industry and labour, by the aid of which man
performed great and useful enterprises in subduing the violence
of fire, directing its power, and appropriating its force.

The Chistophoris was instructed in Chemistry and the art of

decomposing substances and combining metals. He had the
assistance of masters when he needed the researches and
experience, which they had in that science. The word of the
order was Chymia.
The preparations of this degree began by putting the Candidate
in irons. The Thesmophores conducted him to the Gate of Death,
which had to be descended by four steps, because the Cavern of
reception was that previously used for the third degree, and
which was on this occasion filled with water in order to row the
Barque of Caron. Some coffins placed here and there struck the
eyes of the Candidate. He was informed that they enclosed the
remains of those members who had been put to death for
betraying the secrets of the society; and they menaced him with
a similar fate if he committed the same crimes.

He was then laid into the midst of the assembly in order to take a
new oath. After having pronounced it they explained to him the
history of the origin of the Gods, which were the objects of the
people’s adoration, and by which they amused and directed their
credulity; but they indicated to him at the same time the
necessity of conserving polytheism for the common people.18
They amplified the ideas which had been presented to him in the
first degree, upon the doctrine of a sole Being who embraced all
time, presided over the union and regularity of the universe, and
who, by his nature, was above the comprehension of the human

The grade was consecrated to the instruction of the Neophyte in

the knowledge and practice of astronomy. He was obliged to give
the night to observations, and to conform to the labours they
exacted. He was advertised to be on his guard against the
Astrologers and drawers of horoscopes, whom they looked upon
as the authors of idolatry and superstition, for this Mysterious
Society held them in aversion. These astrologers had chosen the
word Phoenix for the word of the order, and which the
Astronomers turned into derision.19 (Herodotus, Hist. Aethiop,
liv. 3.)

After the reception they conducted the Initiate towards the Gate
of the Gods, and introduced him into the Pantheon, where he
beheld all the Gods and saw them represented by magnificent
paintings. The Demiurgos retraced anew the history, concealing
nothing from him. They placed under his inspection a list of all
the Chief Inspectors in the chronological order in which they had
lived, as also a tabular list of all the members of the society
spread over the face of the globe.20 They taught him the Priestly
dance which figured the course of the stars. (Lucien, Dc
The word of the degree was ibis, signifying crane, which
symbolized vigilance.

(The man who knows the Mysteries-Jamblicque De Mysterus

Ægypt.) This Grade was the last and most eminent. In it they
gave a detailed and most complete explanation of all the
Mysteries. The Astronomer could riot obtain this degree, which
established his aptitude in all the functions, public and politic,
without the assent of the King and Demiurgos; and at the same
time the general consent of the inner members of the Society.
The reception was followed by a public procession to which they
gave the name of Pamylach (Oris circumcisio--circumcision of
the tongue). [This would seem to be a figurative expression, by
which they wished to say that the Neophyte had acquired all
knowledge which they could give him-his tongue was acute, and
he was permitted to speak of all knowledge.])21

They then exhibited to the people the sacred objects. The

procession finished; the Members of the Society departed
clandestinely to the city during the night, repairing to an
appointed place and reassembling in some houses of a square
form, which had several apartments ornamented with admirable
pictures, representing human life (voyage of Lucas in Egypt).
These houses were called Maneras (residence of the Manes), for
the people believed that the Initiates held a peculiar commerce
with the Manes of the departed; the Maneras were ornamented
with a great number of columns, between which were some
coffins and a sphinx.

On arrival, the new Prophet was presented with a beverage

named Oimellas, (veritably omomeli, composed of wine and
honey, Athenee, Liv. 9), and they told him he had arrived at the
end of all the proofs.22 He was then invested with a cross, of
which the signification was peculiar,23 and known only to the
Initiates, and he was obliged to wear it continually. (Rufin. Liv. 2,
Ch. 29). He was invested with a very beautiful white striped robe,
very ample, and called Etangi. They shaved his head, and his
coiffure was of square form. (Pierius, Liv, 32, Gd. Cabinet
Romain, p.66).

The principal sign was made by carrying the hands crossed in the
sleeves of the robe, which were very wide. (Porphyre Dc
Abstinentia). The word of the order was Adon24 (Lord, root of
Adonis, singular Adonai. Histor. Deor. synt. prim., Lilio Gregor au-
tore p.2). The Prophet had permission to read all the mysterious
books, which were in the Ammonique language, to which they
gave him the key, which they called Poutre Royale. (Plutarch, Dc
Amore Fraterno. Diodorus of Sicily, in Additionibus). The greatest
prerogative of this grade was to contribute his vote in the
election of a King. (Synesus, De Providentia). The new Prophet
could, after a time, arrive at the offices of the Society, and even
to that of Demiurgos.

1st degree-The Demiurgos, Chief Inspector of the Society. He

wore a robe of sky blue, sprinkled with embroidered stars, and a
yellow ceinture (Montfaucon, Liv. 2. p.10., fig. 1. Ungerus, De
Singulis). He wore from his neck a sapphire surrounded with
brilliants, and suspended from a golden chain. He was also
Supreme Judge of all the land.

2nd degree-The Hierophant was clothed nearly the same, except

that he wore on his breast a cross.

3rd degree-The Stolista, charged with the purification of the

Aspirant by water, wore a robe of white stripes and a peculiarly
formed foot covering. The guardianship of the vestibule was
entrusted to his care.

4th degree-The Hierostolista (Secretary), had a plume for his

coiffure, and held in his hand a vase of cylindrical form, called
Canonicon, for ink.

5th degree-The Thesmophores, was charged with the introduction

of Aspirants.

6th degree-The Zacoris fulfilled the functions of Treasurer.

7th degree-The Komastis had charge of the Banquets and

controlled the Pastophores.

8th degree-The Odos was orator and chanter.


All the members were obliged to wash themselves before going

to table. They were not permitted to use wine, but might have a
beverage resembling our modern beer. They carried round the
table a skeleton, or Butoi (Sarcopha-gus,figure of a coffin).
The Odos intoned a hymn called the Maneros, which commenced
thus: "Oh, death come at the convenient hour." All the members
joined in chorus. When the repast was finished all retired; some
to attend to their occupations, others to give themselves up to
meditation; the greater number, according to the hour, to taste
the sweets of sleep, with the exception of those whose turn it
was to watch in order to introduce by the Gate of the Gods
(Birantha), the initiates of the 6th degree who desired to make
celestial observations; these were obliged to pass the entire
night and even to second, or rather to direct, the astronomical

The government of ancient Egypt was theocratic. While the

Pharaoh appeared to be the head of the State, the priests were
the actual governors of the empire. The king was placed on his
throne by the priests, maintained there by priestly influence, and
remained the whole of his life under the guardianship and
protection of the priesthood. The temples were the sanctuaries
of the Letters and Sciences, and learning in all its branches was
cultivated exclusively by the priesthood.
In modern civilization it is regarded as a sacred principle that
knowledge be common property; all mankind has a right to
participate in knowledge according to the extent of his
intellectual capacities. But in ancient Egypt learning was
regarded as a high privilege, and education was under the
direction of a small number of chosen individuals who were
organized into the Mystery Schools or sacred State institutions.
The members of these groups were united by bends, pledges, and
vows of secrecy.
1. Bro. Godfrey Higgins suggests that this is the origin of the
popular belief that all Freemasons are branded.
2. The Druses and other societies known in our 29 degree
follow the tame ancient custom.
3. The Hindu Yoga does the same, but this is to give him the
opportunity of adopting hibernating customs, and
contribute to the result.
4. By this is meant that which was called in Freemasonry of
the 18th century a cabinet of reflection, or a room set aside
for concentration and meditation.
5. One of the deepest secrets of the metaphysical doctrines
of antiquity was belief in one, unique, eternal, and perfect
God. The wisest initiates recognized the unity of the divine
principle and left to the ignorant and uninformed populace
polytheistic theologies. The Greeks, like the Egyptians,
recognized one God, whose Mysteries they celebrated with
appropriate rituals arid rites. The less informed among the
Greeks, however, continued to venerate an elaborate
pantheon of divinities. The worship of the One God was
celebrated by the greatest of the Greek philosophers in the
temple of Elcusis under the pretext of venerating the
Goddess Ceres.
6. This may be thought by some improbable, but it is
nevertheless true. The Druses offer it as the last great trial
to the Initiate, and woe to him if he falls from his vows. It
precedes the shadowy appearances in what may be called
the Hall of Spirits, which they cause the Initiate to ire by
Mesmeric will, and the day’s fasting and trials.
7. The copti possessed the art of depriving them of venom.
8. The Caduceus of Mercury is the emblem of the movement
of the sun around the ecliptic (editorial note. the motion of
the sun is represented by the snakes, but this is only one of
the interpretations of this symbol).
9. Clement of Alexandria says something of this kind. It
seems also confirmed by recent Assyrian inscription
discoveries Also there yet exist in the Himalayan
fastnesses societies of most ancient date, which transmit
such information. We may some time give a paper on this
subject, and shew the bearing of these societies upon the
transmission of the Ancient Mysteries and Modern
10. As we bring together this particularity with the remark
that we find in a celebrated hook, one will find without a
doubt that the resemblance of the systems deserves the
concentrated attention of thinking people. We must not
forget that the author of Genesis had been brought up at
the court of the Egyptian Pharaoh and had been initiated
into the Mysteries. In other words, he had delved deeply
into the secrets of the temple and had come into the
possession of a secret knowledge, the profound
significance of which has never been doubted. Moses,
likewise. had mastered the principles of religious
legislation and he gave proof of this when he became the
leader of his people.
11. In the Mythraic Mysteries he replied, "Mythras is my
12. The Editor asserts this a mistake, to be attributed to
Plato, who had comprehended badly his Egyptian
13. No one can doubt that the ancient languages were
harmonious in their pronunciation. Primitive languages
were composed only of consonants. The speaker or reader
inserted the vowels according to certain accepted rules.
This is one of the principles of the Qabbala. Orators and
priests in reciting sacred things expressed themselves in a
kind of chant. Poetry is the language of the Gods, and it is
natural to bestow a certain rhythm upon the recitation of
hymns and sacred poems.
14. The ancients probably, knew what we call today
goldbeater’s skin. It is the epidermis that covers the interior
of the dewlap of the ox. It has several uses. the most
important is in surgery.
15. The word Jehovah expresses without doubt Joa. It is
significant that this last word is the sacred word of the 88th
degree of Mizraïm. It is through an error that it is written as
zao in the books of the Rite,, and in the Tuileur de Tous Les
Rites, page 121, though we truly can say that the J or Dja of
the Hindu was expressed by the Z in certain countries.
16. Jamblichus clearly explains what this was. The
Priests professed absolutely to exhibit to the Epora’ the
various orders of Spirits. The Hero, or half gods, the
elemental potentates, archangels, angels, and tutelary
Spirits. Moreover, they described and explained the origin
and qualities of these different orders of the upper world, in
a clear and precise manner, showing the great perfection to
which the Egyptians had reduced the science of Theology.-
John Yarker.
17. The traditions of polytheism were not absurd at their
origin. These traditions resulted from the invention of
ingenious emblems, devised to reveal the principles of life
and the workings of universal law. The emblems
themselves came to be confused with the principles they
represented. Thus for example, the ox was used to
symbolize strength, but in the course of ages the true
meaning was forgotten and men worshipped the ox not as a
figure but as a fact. Heroes were venerated for their
prodigious actions, outstanding Virtues, art in gratitude for
the services they had rendered society. After a time,
unimaginative mortals deified these heroes, honoring the
men rather than the virtues which they represented, This is
how superstition denatures reasonable things, leading the
unlearned into error and the abuses which inevitably result
from error.
18. In those remote times the priests professed the most
enlightened and sane doctrines. and were enemies of
ignorance, treachery, cheating, and superstition. It is a
truth demonstrated by thousands of examples that
knowledge develops brains--that the lights of Philosophy,
while elevating the soul, spread reason and lead men to
ideas that are just, to opinions that are wise, to feelings
that are philanthropic, and to actions that are honorable
and useful.
19. With the decline of the pagan Mysteries, the members
of the Secret schools separated and, traveling to different
parts of the world, they scattered fragment, of the old
doctrines among many races and peoples. Thus, a portion
of the philosophy professed by those who dwelled along the
Nile penetrated into the forests of Germany, where it
mingled with barbaric practices and lost its purity and
sublimity. Religious persecutions in the different eras had
expatriated initiates who spread philosophies among
foreign nations. It is easy to understand how wise
doctrines, disseminated among uncultured peoples, lost the
name of action and degraded to theological despotism and
fanatical superstition. Thomas Paine in a pamphlet
mentions researches he made into the origin of
Freemasonry among the habits and practices of the Druids.
Other writers contend that Freemasonry had its origin
among the rites practiced in the Pyramids. It would appear
that the presence of Freemasonic symbolism among so
many dif-ferment peoples points to a common origin of the
symbols, the doctrine, and the interpretation.
20. This is probably a note of the French Brother, who
translated the work from the German. It is more probable
that the circumcision was real and not figurative. The Hindu
practitioner of Hathi Yogi has the tongue cut loose at the
underside to enable him to insert the end in the gullet, and
so stop breathing.-J. Y.
21. The account of the beverage of sweet and agreeable
liquor that was presented to the new prophet should be
understood allegorically. The cup represented knowledge or
wisdom from which wise men drink as from a fountain of
ever living water.
22. The forms of the Cross-goes back far beyond the
origin of Christianity. The Greeks, for example. used
cruciform ornaments Their buildings, consecrated to
various religious beliefs, were built in the form of a Cross.
This form represents the four corners or angles of the
23. The word Adon means lord and is the root of Adonis,
which is the singular of Adonai.
24. The Egyptian priests were very strict in the use of any
alcoholic beverage and did not permit wines or strong drink
to any of their orders. Mahomet concurred in this attitude
and made temperance one of the pillars of Islam.
25. It is from here, according to all appearance, that the
word sarcophagus had its origin.
26. According to the old traditions, a human skeleton was
always seated in a place of honor at elaborate banquets,
reminding the guest that even as they feasted and made
merry death was never far from them-to use an old adage,
live well in this world but never forget that you will soon
leave this temporal state.

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