A Case Study On Applications of Trigonometry in Oceanography
A Case Study On Applications of Trigonometry in Oceanography
A Case Study On Applications of Trigonometry in Oceanography
A. Trigonometry
Fig. 2:
Hipparchus, credited with compiling the first trigonometric,
is known as "the father of trigonometry".
A thick ring-like shell object found at the Indus
Fig. 1: Valley Civilization site of Lothal, with four slits each in two
All of the trigonometric functions of an angle θ can be margins served as a compass to measure angles on plane
constructed geometrically in terms of a unit circle centered at surfaces or in the horizon in multiples of 40degrees,upto 360
O. degrees. Such shell instruments were probably invented to
Trigonometry (from Greek trigonon, "triangle" and measure 8–12 whole sections of the horizon and sky,
metron, "measure") is a branch of mathematics that studies explaining the slits on the lower and upper margins.
relationships involving lengths and angles of triangles. The Archaeologists consider this as evidence that the Lothal
field emerged in the Hellenistic world during the 3rd century experts had achieved an 8–12 fold division of horizon and
BC from applications of geometry to astronomical studies. sky, as well as an instrument for measuring angles and
The 3rd-century astronomers first noted that the lengths of the perhaps the position of stars, and for navigation. Sumerian
sides of a right-angle triangle and the angles between those astronomers studied angle measure, using a division of circles
sides have fixed relationships: that is, if at least the length of into 360 degrees. They, and later the Babylonians, studied the
one side and the value of one angle is known, then all other ratios of the sides of similar triangles and discovered some
angles and lengths can be determined algorithmically. These properties of these ratios but did not turn that into a systematic
calculations soon came to be defined as the trigonometric method for finding sides and angles of triangles. The ancient
functions and today are pervasive in both pure and applied Nubians used the same method. In the 3rd century BC,
mathematics: fundamental methods of analysis such as the Hellenistic mathematicians such as Euclid and Archimedes
Fourier transform, for example, or the wave equation, use studied the properties of chords and inscribed angles in
trigonometric functions to understand cyclical phenomena circles, and they proved theorems that are equivalent to
across many applications in fields as diverse as physics, modern trigonometric formulae, although they presented
mechanical and electrical engineering, music and acoustics, them geometrically rather than algebraically. In 140 BC,
astronomy, ecology, and biology. Trigonometry is also the Hipparchus (from Nicaea, Asia Minor) gave the first tables of
foundation of surveying. Trigonometry is most simply chords, analogous to modern tables of sine values, and used
associated with planar right-angle triangles (each of which is them to solve problems in trigonometry and spherical
a two-dimensional triangle with one angle equal to 90 trigonometry. In the 2nd century AD, the Greco-Egyptian
degrees). The applicability to non-right-angle triangles exists, astronomer Ptolemy (from Alexandria, Egypt) printed
but, since any non-right-angle triangle (on a flat plane) can be detailed trigonometric tables (Ptolemy's table of chords, his
found by looking up the chord length for twice the angle of Sine function (sin), defined as the ratio of the side
interest (2θ) in Ptolemy's table, and then dividing that value opposite the angle to the hypotenuse.
Opposite a
by two.) Centuries passed before more detailed tables were SinA= =
Hypotenuse c
produced, and Ptolemy's treatise remained in use for Cosine function (cos), defined as the ratio of the adjacent
performing trigonometric calculations in astronomy leg to the hypotenuse.
throughout the next 1200 years in the medieval Byzantine, Adjacent b
CosA= =
Islamic, and, later, Western European worlds. Hypotenuse c
The modern sine convention is first attested in the Tangent function (tan), defined as the ratio of the
Surya Siddhanta, and its properties were further documented opposite leg to the adjacent leg.
by the 5th century (AD) Indian mathematician and Opposite a a c a b SinA
TanA= = =* =/ =
Hypotenuse b c b c c cOSA
astronomer Aryabhata. These Greek and Indian works were
translated and expanded by medieval Islamic The hypotenuse is the side opposite to the 90 degree
mathematicians. By the 10th century, Islamic mathematicians angle in a right triangle; it is the longest side of the triangle
were using all six trigonometric functions, had tabulated their and one of the two sides adjacent to angle A. The adjacent leg
values, and were applying them to problems in geometry. At is the other side that is adjacent to angle A. The opposite side
about the same time, Chinese mathematicians developed is the side that is opposite to angle A. The terms perpendicular
trigonometry independently, although it was not a major field and base are sometimes used for the opposite and adjacent
of study for them. Knowledge of trigonometric functions and sides respectively. The reciprocals of these functions are
methods reached Western Europe via Latin translations of named the cosecant (csc or cosec), secant (sec), and cotangent
Ptolemy's Greek Almagest as well as the works of Persian and (cot), respectively
1 Hypotenuse c
Arabic astronomers such as Al Battani and Tusi. One of the CosecA = = =
SinA opposite a
earliest works on trigonometry by a northern European
mathematician is De Triangulis by the 15th century German
mathematician Regiomontanus, who was encouraged to
write, and provided with a copy of the Almagest, by the
Byzantine Greek scholar cardinal Basilios Bessarion with
whom he lived for several years At the same time, another
translation of the Almagest from Greek into Latin was
completed by the Cretan Trebizond. Trigonometry was still
so little known in 16th-century northern Europe that Nicolaus
Copernicus devoted two chapters of De revolution bus Fig. 3:
orbiumcoelestium to explain its basic concepts Driven by the 1 Hypotenuse c
SecA = = =
demands of navigation and the growing need for accurate CosA Adjacent b
1 Adjacent CosA b
maps of large geographic areas, trigonometry grew into a CotA= = = =
TanA Opposite SinA a
major branch of mathematics. Bartholomaeus was the first to The inverse functions are called the arcsine,
use the word, publishing his Trigonometria in 1595.Gemma arccosine, and arctangent, respectively. There are arithmetic
Frisius described for the first time the method of triangulation relations between these functions, which are known as
still used today in surveying. It was Leonhard Euler who fully trigonometric identities. The cosine, cotangent, and cosecant
incorporated complex numbers into trigonometry. The works are so named because they are respectively the sine, tangent,
of the Scottish mathematicians James Gregoryin the 17th and secant of the complementary angle abbreviated to "co-
century and Colin Maclaurin in the 18th century were ".With these functions, one can answer virtually all questions
influential in the development of series. Also in the 18th about arbitrary triangles by using the law of sine’s and the law
century, Brook Taylor defined the general Taylor series. of cosines. These laws can be used to compute the remaining
A. Trigonometric Functions angles and sides of any triangle as soon as two sides and their
included angle or two angles and a side or three sides are
If one angle of a triangle is 90 degrees and one of the other
known. These laws are useful in all branches of geometry,
angles is known, the third is thereby fixed, because the three
since every polygon may be described as a finite combination
angles of any triangle add up to 180 degrees. The two acute
of triangles.
angles therefore add up to 90 degrees: they are
complementary. The shape of a triangle is completely
determined, except for similarity, by the angles. Once the III. PYTHAGOREAN IDENTITIES
angles are known, the ratios of the sides are determined, The following identities are related to the Pythagorean
regardless of the overall size of the triangle. If the length of theorem and hold for any value.
one of the sides is known, the other two are determined. These
ratios are given by the following trigonometric functions of
the known angle A, where a, b and c refer to the lengths of
the sides.
D. Law of Cosines
The law of cosines (known as the cosine formula, or the "cos
rule") is an extension of the Pythagorean Theorem to arbitrary
c² = a²+b²-2abCosC
Fig. 4: Or Equivalently
sin²A + cos²B = 1 𝐚²+𝐛²−𝐜²
CosC =
tan²A+1= sec²A 𝟐𝐚𝐛
cot²A+1= cosec²A The law of cosines may be used to prove Heron's
formula, which is another method that may be used to
A. Trigonometric Ratio calculate the area of a triangle. This formula states that if a
The trigonometric functions are functions of an angle. They triangle has sides of lengths a, b, and c, and if the semi
relate the angles of a triangle to the lengths of its sides perimeter is
Then the area of the triangle is
Area= ∆ = √s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c) =
Where R is the radius of the circumcircle of the triangle.
Fig. 5:
Sextants are used to measure the angle of the sun or stars with
respect to the horizon. Using trigonometry and a marine
chronometer, the position of the ship can be determined from
such measurements.
a b C abc There is an enormous number of uses of
= = = 2R=
SinA SinB SinC 2∆
trigonometry and trigonometric functions. For instance, the
Where ∆ the area of the triangle and R is the radius
technique of triangulation is used in astronomy to measure
of the circumscribed circle of the triangle.
abc the distance to nearby stars, in geography to measure
R= distances between landmarks, and in satellite navigation
systems. The sine and cosine functions are fundamental to the
theory of periodic, such as those that describe sound a technique used to determine the three dimensional
and light waves. Fields that use trigonometry or structure of molecule etc.
trigonometric functions include astronomy (especially for
locating apparent positions of celestial objects, in which V. OCEANOGRAPHY
spherical trigonometry is essential) and hence navigation (on
A. Introduction of Oceanography
the oceans, in aircraft, and in space), music theory, audio
synthesis, acoustics, optics, electronics, biology, medical Oceanography also known as Oceanology is the study of the
imaging (CAT scans and ultrasound), pharmacy, chemistry, physical and biological aspects of the ocean. Oceanography
number theory (and hence cryptology),seismology, covers a wide range of topics including marine life and
meteorology, oceanography, many physical sciences, land ecosystems, ocean circulation, waves, plate tectonics and the
surveying and geodesy, architecture, image compression, geology of the sea floor, and the chemical and physical
phonetics, economics, electrical engineering, mechanical properties of the ocean. Oceanography is the application of
engineering, civil engineering, graphics, cartography, all science to the phenomena of the ocean. To truly
crystallography and game development. understand the ocean and how it works, one must know
something about almost all fields of science and their
A. Uses of Trigonometry in Astronomy relationship to the marine environment. Thus, oceanography
Trigonometry is often used to find distances to nearby is no single science but rather a combination of various
stars and other celestial objects using a method of sciences. The objective of oceanography, at least to the
parallax. Parallax can be defined as the apparent shift of scientist, is to increase human understanding of all aspects of
a nearby star against the fixed background that can be the world’s ocean and of the processes. This is encompasses
noticed as the earth orbits the sun. the subsidiary aim of describing as many marine features as
possible of the many scientific disciplines that make up
B. Uses of Trigonometry in Game Development
oceanography, one would be justified in calling the study of
Trigonometry is used extensively in game development the oceans a very board science, and however in another sense
in order for the game to function. Trigonometry is used oceanography is restrictive. It is not a universal science like
in writing the program for games so that objects can physics or chemistry; where in the physical laws governing
move . Also used for designing object, characters and sets. matter appear to have application throughout our universe.
C. Uses of Trigonometry in Architecture B. Scope
Transcript of how trigonometry is used in architecture 1) Chemical Oceanography
for example architects have to calculate exact angles of Chemical reactions that occur both in the ocean and on the
intersection for components of their structure to ensure sea floor.
stability and safety. Example of trigonometric use in 2) Biologcial Oceanography
architecture include arches, domes, support beams and Biological oceanography deals with the distribution and
suspension bridges. environmental aspect of life in the ocean
D. Uses of Trigonometry in Music Theory 3) Physical Oceanography
Physical reactions such as changes and motion of the ocean.
Trigonometry plays a major role in musical theory and
4) Geological Oceanography
production. Sound waves travel in repeating wave pattern,
Geological oceanography is used to study the sediments and
which can be represented graphically by sine and cosine
topography of the ocean floor.
function. A single note can be modeled on sine curve,
5) Ocean Engineering
and chord can be modeled with multiple sine curves used
Ocean engineering concerns with the development of
in conjunction with one another.
technology for oceanographic research and exploitation.
E. Uses of Trigonometry in Navigation 6) Marine Policy
Trigonometry was developed for use in sailing as a Marine policy considers the application of social and political
navigation method used with astronomy. It is the branch sciences such as economics, laws and policy towards the use
of trigonometry concerned with the measurement of the and management of the ocean.
angles and sides of spherical triangles. It is used for 7) Satellite Oceanography
planning long distances routes around the world. It deals with the measurements of the ocean color, which can
be used assessments of phytoplankton biomass and are of
F. Uses of Trigonometry in Chemistry great interest to marine biologists.
In chemistry, chemist use trigonometry when accurately C. History of Oceanography
describing the angles that are created when atoms bond
together to form molecules geometry. Trigonometric Humans first acquired knowledge of the waves and currents
functions such as sine cosines are essential to describe of the seas and oceans in pre-historic times. Observations on
materials in their three dimensions. tides were recorded by Aristotle and Strabo. Early exploration
of the oceans was primarily for cartography and mainly
G. Uses of Trigonometry in Crystallography limited to its surfaces and of the animals that fishermen
Trigonometric functions, trigonometry comes up in many brought up in nets, though depth soundings by lead line were
aspects of biology One example is x-ray crystallography, taken. Although Juan Ponce de Leon in 1513 first identified
the Gulf Stream, and the current was well known to mariners,
Benjamin Franklin made the first scientific study of it and superintendent of the United States naval observatory (1842-
gave it its name. Franklin measured water temperatures 1861), Matthew Fontaine Maury devoted his time to the study
during several Atlantic crossings and correctly explained the of marine meteorology, navigation, and charting prevailing
Gulf Stream’s cause. Franklin and Timothy Folger printed the winds and currents.
first map of the Gulf Stream in 1769-1770. His 1855 textbook physical geography of the sea
was one of the first comprehensive oceanography studies.
Many nations sent oceanographic observations to Maury at
the naval observatory, where he and his colleagues evaluated
the information and distributed the results worldwide.
D. Modern Oceanography
Human knowledge of the oceans remained confined to the
topmost few fathoms of the water and a small amount of the
bottom, mainly in shallow areas. Almost nothing was known
of the ocean depths. The Royal Navy's efforts to chart all of
the world's coastlines in the mid-19th century reinforced the
vague idea that most of the ocean was very deep, although
little more was known. As exploration ignited both popular
and scientific interest in the polar regions and Africa, so too
did the mysteries of the unexplored oceans. The seminal
event in the founding of the modern science of oceanography
Fig. 6: was the 1872-76 Challenger expedition. As the first true
Map of the Gulf Stream by Benjamin Franklin, oceanographic cruise, this expedition laid the groundwork for
1769-1770. Courtesy of the NOVAA photo library an entire academic and research discipline. In response to a
Information on the currents of the Pacific Ocean was gathered recommendation from the Royal Society, Government
by explorers of the late 18th century including James Cook announced in 1871 an expedition to explore world's oceans
and Louis Antoine De Bougainville. James Rennell wrote the and conduct appropriate scientific investigation. Charles
first scientific textbooks on oceanography, detailing the Wyville Thompson and Sir John Murray launched the
current flows of the Atlantic and Indian oceans. During a Challenger expedition. The Challenger, leased from
voyage around the Cape of Good Hope in 1777, he mapped the Royal Navy, was modified for scientific work and
“the banks and currents at the Lagullas”. He was also the first equipped with separate laboratories for natural history and
to understand the nature of the intermittent current near the chemistry. Under the scientific supervision of Thomson,
Isles of Scilly, (now known as Rennell”s Current). Challenger travelled nearly 70,000 nautical miles
(130,000 km) surveying and exploring. On her journey
circumnavigating the globe, 492 deep sea soundings,
133 bottom dredges, 151 open water trawls and 263 serial
water temperature observations were taken. Around
4,700 new species of marine life were discovered. The result
was the Report of the Scientific Results of the Exploring
Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76.
Murray, who supervised the publication, described the report
as "the greatest advance in the knowledge of our planet since
the celebrated discoveries of the fifteenth and sixteenth
centuries". He went on to found the academic discipline of
oceanography at the University of Edinburgh, which
remained the centre for oceanographic research well into the
20th century. Murray was the first to study marine trenches
and in particular the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and map the
sedimentary deposits in the oceans. He tried to map out the
world's ocean currents based on salinity and temperature
observations, and was the first to correctly understand the
nature of coral reef development.
Fig. 7: E. Ocean Waves
1799 Map of the currents in the Atlantic and Indian
1) Wave Guides
oceans, by James Rennell Sir James Clark Ross took the first
A Wave Guide is a structure that guides waves, such as
modern sounding in deep sea in 1840, and Charles Darwin
electromagnetic waves or sound, with minimal loss of energy.
published a paper on reefs and the formation of atolls as a
There are different types of wave guides for each type of
result of the second voyage of HMS Beagle in 1831-6. Robert
wave. The original and most common meaning is a hollow
FitzRoy Published a four-volume report of the Beagle’s three
conductive metal pipe used to carry high frequency Radio
voyages. In 1841-1842 Edward Forbes undertook dredging in
Waves, particularly Micro Waves.
the Aegean Sea that founded marine ecology. The first
1) Problem
A Man on the deck of a ship, 14 km above the water level,
observes that the angle of elevation of the top of a cliff is 60
degree and the angle of depression of the base of the cliff is
30 degree. Find the height of the cliff.
2) Solution
Fig. 8:
2) Wave Interference
Wave Interference is the phenomenon that occurs when in
phase; the two lower waves create constructive interference
(left), resulting in a wave of greater amplitude. When 180°
out of phase, they create destructive interference (right).
Fig. 11:
Let BD be the height of the cliff
Let A be the position of the ship and E be the point of
Fig. 9:
observation so that AE = 14 m. Draw EC parallel to AB such
3) Internal Waves
that AB=EC.
Waves that occur at the boundaries of water layers with
Given that ABE =30°
different densities are called internal waves.
DEC =60°
In the right angled ABE,
Tan 30° =
AB =
𝐓𝐚𝐧 𝟑𝟎°
AB =14√3
Thus, EC =14√3 (AB=EC)
In right angled DEC,
Tan 60 ° =
CD =EC Tan60°
CD = (14√𝟑)√3 = 42 m
Thus, the height of the cliff,
BD = BC+CD = 14+42 = 56 m
Fig. 10:
Waves transmit energy, not water mass, across the VI. RESULT
ocean’s surface. 1) The height of the cliff is 56 m.
The behavior of a wave depends on the relation between 2) Suppose that you are on the dock at change point. At 1
the wave‘s size and the depth of water through which pm on January 4, the tide is in (the water is at its deepest).
it is moving. At that time you find that the depth of the water at the
Wind waves from when energy is transferred from wind end of the pier is 6 meters. At 8 pm the same day when
to wave. the tide is out, you find that the depth of the water is 2
Waves can change direction by refraction and meters. Assume the depth of the water varies sinusoid
diffraction, can interfere with one another, and reflect ally with time.
from solid objects. a) Derive an equation expressing depth of the water in
Wave speed = wave length/wave period terms of the number of hours that have elapsed since
12noon on January 4.
F. Uses of Trigonometry in Oceanography b) use your mathematical model to predict the depth of the
A Oceanographer uses trigonometry to measure distance. For water at
instance if the oceanographer was tracking a sea creature and 1.3pm on January 4
they needed to know how far they were from the animal they 2.7am on January 5
would use trigonometry to find out the distance from them
and the animal. Oceanographer also use trigonometry to
calculate the height of tides in oceans.
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