PAS Inggris Kelas 6 22-23
PAS Inggris Kelas 6 22-23
PAS Inggris Kelas 6 22-23
A. Choose ONE (1) correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d on your answer sheet! (Pilihlah
SATU (1) jawaban benar dengan menyilang a, b, c atau d di lembar jawabmu!
1. The sign means we cannot … here. 8. Arrange these words into a good
a. stop sentence!
b. park usually – go – My friends – camping –
c. enter on holidays.
d. walk a. usually My friends on holidays go
2. The opposite of North is …. camping
a. South b. My friends usually go camping on
b. West holidays
c. East c. My friends go usually camping on
d. Southeast holidays
3. The traffic sign means you are allowed d. My friends usually on holidays go
to … here. camping
a. turn right
b. turn left Text for number 9 - 11
c. turn around
My name is Varo. I have a brother and
d. park here a sister. My brother is tall. He has short and
4. The boy is ... two balls. black hair. My sister is slim. She has a
a. under pointed nose.
b. between
c. beside 9. Is Varo’s brother tall?
d. behind a. Yes, he does
5. What do you usually do on the holiday? b. Yes, he does not
I usually …. c. No, he does
a. go hiking d. No, he does not
b. cook 10. His brother has … hair.
c. go to the zoo a. curly and black
d. read books b. short and black
6. A : “How did Rara and Dio spend c. long and black
their holiday?” d. short and brown
B : “They went ….” 11. Varo’s sister has a … nose.
a. hiking a. flat
b. swimming b. pointed
c. diving c. fat
d. singing d. big
7. I like to swim in the …. 12. Bayu is … than Firza. Bayu Firza
a. park a. taller
b. school b. bigger
c. swimming pool c. shorter
d. road d. smaller
13. My father buys an … watch. d. Fifty thousand rupiahs
a. cheap 19. We have a new computer. The computer is
b. expensive ….
c. small a. mine
d. black b. ours
14. When I go shopping in a supermarket, I c. hers
pay at the …. d. his
a. toilet 20. My aunt buys a rice cooker. It is … rice
b. cashier cooker.
c. fruit stall a. his
d. green grocer b. her
15. Buyer : “……………?” c. my
Seller :“It is five hundred rupiahs.” d. their
a. How are you 21. I have a black jacket. The jacket belongs
b. How much is it to ….
c. What is your name a. his
d. How do you do b. me
Dialog for number 16 – 17 c. them
d. us
Mom : “Tessa, please help me to buy 22. Doni has Uno cards. It is … cards.
something.” a. his
Tessa : “Alright, Mom. What do you need?” b. her
Mom : “I need rice, eggs and frying oil.”
c. my
Tessa : “Where do I buy these, Mom?”
d. our
Mom : “Please buy these in the
supermarket.” 23. The king lives in a ….
a. temple
16. Mom asks Tessa to buy these things, b. house
except …. c. castle
a. frying oil d. hotel
b. rice 24. The legend of Prambanan temple is from
c. soap ….
d. eggs a. East Java
17. Tessa can buy them in the …. b. Central Java
a. market c. Yogyakarta
b. mall d. Kalimantan
c. supermarket 25. The wife of a king is a ….
d. fruit stall a. queen
18. How much is the shoes? It is …. b. princess
a. One hundred thousand rupiahs c. prince
b. One hundred fifty thousand rupiahs d. emperor
c. One hundred ten thousand rupiahs
B. Choose THREE (3) CORRECT answer! (Pilihlah TIGA (3) jawaban yang BENAR!)
1. We can buy these things in the green grocer.
a. Celery
b. Spinach
c. Carrot
d. Jewelry
2. Dina and her friends like to do these activities outdoor.
a. Playing tennis
b. Playing basket ball
c. Taking a bath
d. Gardening
Text for number 3 – 5
Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful woman named Dayang Sumbi.
She lived deep in the forest with her dog named Si Tumang and his son named Sangkuriang.
One day, Dayang Sumbi asked Sangkuriang to hunt a deer with Tumang.
However, Sangkuriang did not manage to get one, so he decided to kill Tumang and bring his heart to his
Dayang Sumbi, who knew about it, was angry and kicked Sangkuriang out of the house.
Several years later, Sangkuriang accidentally met Dayang Sumbi and fell in love, not knowing that she was
his mother.
Dayang Sumbi, who knew that the man was her son, refused Sangkuriang’s proposal.
She then asked a very tough conditions, which were to dam the Citarum river and build a big boat in the
middle of the dam.
Because it did not finish on time, Sangkuriang got angry and kicked the boat and it became Mount
Tangkuban Prau.
Nama : Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : Hari/Tanggal :
No. Absen : Waktu :
1. a b c d 11. a b c d
2. a b c d 12. a b c d
3. a b c d 13. a b c d
4. a b c d 14. a b c d
5. a b c d 15. a b c d
6. a b c d 16. a b c d
7. a b c d 17. a b c d
8. a b c d 18. a b c d
9. a b c d 19. a b c d
10. a b c d 20. a b c d
1. a b c d C.
2. a b c d 6. ……………………………
3. a b c d 7. ……………………………
4. a b c d 8. ……………………………
5. a b c d 9. …………………………….
10. …………………………….
2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
4. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………