On The Implementation of A Primal-Dual Interior Po
On The Implementation of A Primal-Dual Interior Po
On The Implementation of A Primal-Dual Interior Po
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1 author:
Sanjay Mehrotra
Northwestern University
All content following this page was uploaded by Sanjay Mehrotra on 05 June 2014.
Abstract. This paper gives an approach to implementing a second-order primal-dual interior point
method. It uses a Taylor polynomial of second order to approximate a primal-dual trajectory. The computa-
tions for the second derivative are combined with the computations for the centering direction. Computations
in this approach do not require that primal and dual solutions be feasible. Expressions are given to compute
all the higher-order derivatives of the trajectory of interest. The implementation ensures that a suitable
potential function is reduced by a constant amount at each iteration.
There are several salient features of this approach. An adaptive heuristic for estimating the centering
parameter is given. The approach used to compute the step length is also adaptive. A new practical approach
to compute the starting point is given. This approach treats primal and dual problems symmetrically.
Computational results on a subset of problems available from netlib are given. On mutually tested
problems the results show that the proposed method requires approximately 40 percent fewer iterations
than the implementation proposed in Lustig, Marsten, and Shanno Tech. Rep. TR J-89-11, Georgia Inst.
of Technology, Atlanta, 1989]. It requires approximately 50 percent fewer iterations than the dual affine
scaling method in Adler, Karmarkar, Resende, and Veiga [Math. Programming, 44 (1989), pp. 297-336],
and 35 percent fewer iterations than the second-order dual affine scaling method in the same paper. The
new approach for estimating the centering parameter and finding the step length and the starting point have
contributed to the reduction in the number of iterations. However, the contribution due to the use of second
derivative is most significant.
On the tested problems, on the average the implementation shown was found to be approximately two
times faster than OB1 (version 02/90) described in Lustig, Marsten, and Shanno and 2.5 times faster than
MINOS 5.3 described in Murtagh and Saunders [Tech. Rep. SOL 83-20, Dept. of Operations Research,
Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA, 1983].
Key words, linear programming, interior point methods, primal-dual methods, power series methods,
predictor-corrector methods
* Received by the editors June 18, 1990; accepted for publication (in revised form) August 30, 1991.
This paper was presented at the Second Asilomar Workshop on Progress in Mathematical Programming,
Monterey, CA, February 5-7, 1990. This research was supported in part by National Science Foundation
research initiation grant CCR-8810107 and by a grant from the GTE Laboratories.
f Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston,
Illinois 60208 (mehrotra@iems.nwu.edu).
primal-dual methods, which use solutions of both (P) and (D) in the scaling matrix,
are of primary interest.
The primal-dual algorithms have their roots in Megiddo [21]. These were further
developed and analyzed by Kojima, Mizuno, and Yoshise [15] and Monteiro and
Adler [27]. They showed that the central trajectory can be followed to the optimal
solution in O(x/-ffL) iterations by taking "short steps." Kojima, Mizuno, and Yoshise
[16] showed that the primal-dual potential function [31], which is a variant of Kar-
markar’s potential function [13], can also be reduced by a constant amount at each
iteration and therefore, they developed a primal-dual large step potential reduction
McShane, Monma, and Shanno [20] were the first to develop an implementation
of this method. They found it to be a viable alternative to the then popular dual affine
scaling method [1], [26] for solving large sparse problems. They also found that this
method typically takes fewer iterations than the dual affine scaling method. However,
it was found to be only competitive with the dual affine scaling method because of
the additional computations that their implementation had to perform. This
implementation created some artificial problems (by adding artificial variables/con-
straints to the original problem) and maintained primal and dual feasible solutions of
these problems. Further developments on this implementation were reported in Choi,
Monma, and Shanno [4].
Lustig, Marsten, and Shanno [18] implemented a variant of the primal-dual
method which is based on an earlier work of Lustig [17]. This method is developed
by considering the Newton direction on the optimality conditions for the
logarithmic barrier problem. An important feature of their approach is that it did
not explicitly require that feasible solutions for the primal or the dual problem be
available. They showed that the resulting direction is a particular combination of
primal-dual affine scaling direction, feasibility direction, and centering direction. In
support of their method they reported success in solving all the problems in the netlib
[7] test set.
This paper builds on the work of Lustig, Marsten, and Shanno [18]. In doing so
it makes use of the work of Monteiro, Adler, and Resende [28] and Karmarkar,
Lagarias, Slutsman, and Wang [14]. The discussion in this paper assumes that direct
methods are preferred over iterative methods for solving linear equations arising at
each iteration of the algorithm. In our view, the following accomplishments are reported
in this paper:
It gives an algorithm and describes its implementation by using first and second
derivatives of the primal-dual affine scaling trajectory Taylor polynomial and by
effectively combining the second derivative with a centering direction.
A comparison with the results reported in the literature (on mutually tested
problems) shows that the method developed in this paper takes approximately 50
percent fewer iterations than the dual affine scaling method as implemented by Adler,
Karmarkar, Resende, and Veiga 1 ], 40 percent fewer iterations than the primal-dual
method implemented in Lustig, Marsten, and Shanno [18], and 55 percent fewer
iterations than the logarithmic barrier function method implemented in Gill, Murray,
and Saunders [8]. It requires 35 percent fewer iterations than the second-order dual
affine scaling method implemented in Adler, Karmarkar, Resende, and Veiga 1 and
20 percent fewer iterations than the "optimal three-dimensional method" implemented
by Domich, Boggs, Donaldson, and Witzgall [5].
An efficient preliminary implementation of the proposed approach was
developed. On average, it was found to be two times faster than OB1 (version 02/1990)
[18]. On average, it was also found to be 2.5 times faster than MINOS 5.3.
D2:= sk-’x k.
Step 1
c find the first derivative of primal-dual affine scaling trajectory.
pl :--(AD2AT)-I(b-AD2k),
psl := k A rpl,
p 1 := x D2p 1.
EXHIBIT 2.1. A pseudo-code for implementing a second-order primal-dual method.
Step 2
c compute centering parameter /k.
CALL CENPAR (X k, pxl, S k, ps1,/zk).
C compute the second derivative of primal-dual trajectory with the centering direction.
Step 3
vi:=-2* ((pxl),. (psi)i- )/sk for i= 1, 2... n,
ps2 := A Tp=2,
p := V D2p2.
c construct a Taylor polynomial and find maximum steps (e, e,.) using this polynomial.
Step 4
CALL SFSOP (x k, pl, p2, ex, s k, psl, ps2, e).
c construct a search direction.
Step 5
p := e * p 1- .5 * e 2 * ps2,
p := e * p 1 -.5 * * p2, e
px := ex * p 1- .5 * e * p2.
c compute step factors (fx, f).
Step 6
CALL GTSF (x k, p, s k, p, f, f ).
c generate trial points.
Step 7
:= x -fx * p,
:= s -f * p,
:= r k -f * p,.
c test if the trial point is acceptable.
Step 8
If an appropriate potential function is reduced, then
;--- y,
k+l :--
perform a line search/if necessary compute
additional vectors and ensure reduction in the potential function.
Step 8 ensures the robustness of the overall procedure. It is loosely defined here.
It depends on the choice of the function used to measure the progress of the algorithm
and the best possible theoretical results that could be proved for this function. The
potential function we used to ensure the progress is developed in the next section ( 3),
and our motivations for using it are discussed there.
If the potential function is not reduced by the desired amount at the trial points,
we may perform a line search and, if necessary, compute additional directions to ensure
a reduction in this function. This actually happened for the potential function we
discuss in the next section. If this happens, we generate an additional three trial points
by using e, := es := min(e,, e); e, := e,, e := 0; and e := 0, e := es in Step 5 to compute
p, p=, p. The potential function was always reduced by the desired amount at one of
the new trial points. Therefore, on the tested problems, additional vectors were never
computed and explicit line searches were never performed.
3. A potential function. In our view the interior point methods generate one or
more interesting search directions at each iteration and effectively combine these
directions to ensure that sufficient progress in a suitable convergence function is made.
Various proposed methods differ in the directions they compute, in how they combine
these directions (implicitly or explicitly), and in the convergence function they use to
measure the progress [12]. Unfortunately, to our knowledge, the current theoretical
understanding of these methods has not reached a point where a clear superiority of
one method is established. Hence, practical implementations [1], [5], [18], [19], [20],
[22], [26] rely on heuristic arguments and empirical evidence obtained from performing
experiments on a set of real problems.
Use of a suitable potential function is frequently ignored while developing fast
implementations. In our experience, an important reason, among others, is that the
Let x> ,
others in Goldfarb and Mehrotra [9] and Todd and Ye [31].
0, 7r S O > 0, be any given point. Let Ax o b and :o
In order to solve (P) and (D), it is enough to find an optimal solution of
A TTr+ S o- C. :o
minimize A
Sot. Ax A b,
(3.1) arTr-I s As c,
c rx- b r"a" + ( b rTr- crx ) O,
(x , ,,
7r s
x,&, _->0, i=l,2,...,n.
1) is a feasible interior solution of (3.1). Let Z be a matrix whose columns
are the basis for the null space of A. Multiplying the second set of equations in (3.1)
with JAr"
Z]r and solving for the free variables 7r results in
(3.2) 7r (AA T)-I(Ac As + AAsC);
therefore, solving (3.1) is the same as:
minimize A
s.t. Ax- A b,
PDO) Z Ts Az TO Z Tc,
cTx + b T (AA T)-As + A b T(AA r)-Ac,
s% (b TTr-- C X
- Xi, Si, A O,
b T(AA r)-A(). Consider the potential function
F(x, s, A)= p In A- L In
Let k=((b--axk) (c--sk)rz, br(aar)-la(c-sk)-crxk) Note that :k is A k r.
times the last column in (PDO). If x k, 7r k, s k, A k and x k+, r k+l, s k+, A k+ are feasible
solutions of (PDO), then
F(x k+l, s k+l, A k+l) F(x k, s k, A k) p In In-
In IlQfl+ll]-
can be reduced by a constant amount at each iteration. We use the following potential
where K, and Ks are some prespecified constants. The potential function (3.5) is used
for the following reasons: (i) We think that a potential function of the form (3.5) is
superior for developing implementations because it allows for numerical errors [10].
(ii) It is easily computable without having to know Z. (iii) It allows us to separately
update primal and dual solutions and the corresponding error vectors. (iv) There is
no unknown that has to be determined during the algorithm. (v) Finally, it is possible
to compute directions which ensure that (3.3), and therefore (3.5), is reduced by a
constant amount.
The potential function (3.5) is, however, dependent on the scaling of rows (in
general, the choice of Q in (3.4)). Because of this, a search direction that may be
acceptable while using one scaling matrix may become unacceptable for a different
choice. However, in our implementation we use it to our advantage. We think that the
construction of directions p,,1, p=l, psl and px2, p=2, ps2 discussed in the next section
is inherently biased towards finding (nearly) feasible solutions first. The values of x
and s are chosen so that they emphasize primal and dual feasibility over the feasibility
that reduce ,,
of the last equality constraint in (PDO). As a consequence of this, search directions
and/or significantly, and do not reduce (or possibly increase) the
error in the last equality constraint of (3.1) become acceptable.
x 100 maxi {s} and s 100 maxi {x} were used for all the problems in our
implementation. The construction of x and s o is described in 7.
A reduction by constant amount in (3.5) at each iteration ensures convergence to
an optimal solution provided that i"--1 In xis remain bounded. On the other hand, if
(3.5) cannot be reduced by a constant amount at some iteration, then either (P) or
(D) or both do not have a feasible solution. We may introduce a constraint providing
an upper bound on x and s if we detect (through some tests) that the method is not
Assume that xk> 0, "k, s k> 0 is the current point. Consider the following system
of nonlinear equations:
Ax( a b +
aTTr(a)+ s(a)= c+
x(,)_->o, s(,)_->o
for a [0, 1]. Let w(a)=(x(a), rr(a),s(a)) represent the solutions of (4.1) for a
given a.
PROPOSIa’ION 4.1. If the system of equations (4.1) has a solution for a =0, then it
has a solution for all re [0, 1 ]. Furthermore, the solution is unique for a (0, 1 ].
Proof For a (0, 1 (4.1) gives the optimality conditions for the weighted logarith-
mic barrier problems
minimize B(x, a)=- c + olks Tx Ol xki sk In x,
(P) s.t. Ax b + ak
maximize (b + a)rTr + xsi In si
Let x(0), (0), s(0) represent a solution of (4.1) for a 0. For a fixed a e [0, 1],
Y() (1-)x(0)+x is a feasible solution for (P) and (a) (1-a)(0)+
g(a)=(1-a)s(O)+s is a feasible solution for (D). If the feasible set of (P) is
bounded, then obviously (P) has a solution.
We now consider the case when the feasible set of (P) is unbounded. Since (a),
g(a) is a feasible solution for (D), it can be shown that the set {dlAd =0, d0,
d O, (c + a)Td O} is empty. Hence, the set Pt {x[Ax b + a, x > O, (c +
a)rx t} is bounded for all values of < m. Fuhermore, since the feasible region
of (P) is nonempty and unbounded, Pt is nonempty for all values of > t*, where t*
is the minimum value of (c+ a)rx subject to Ax b + a, x O. Clearly, B(x, a)
is bounded over Pt for all values of t. Now, to complete the proof for the existence
of the solution, note that in B(x,a), (C+a)Tx increases linearly in t, while
max =, (xs) In xg subject to {x[Ax b + a, x > O, (c + a) TX t} increases only
logarithmically in t.
The proof for the uniqueness of solution follows from the strict convexity of
Let dw(a)/da be the jth derivative of (a). It is now shown that dJ(a)/da
can be computed for all j at a 1. Differentiating (4.1) for the first time gives
+ X() ds() Xks k,
da da
dx() x,
(4.2) A
da k
dot ks _ATd’a’(1)
xk D2 ds(1)
Further differentiating (4.2) gives
1=o () dlxi(1) d(J-l)si(1
=0, j>=2, i=l,...,n,
From (4.4) it is clear that dJw(ot)/dot can be computed recursively. The derivatives
can be computed explicitly from
dJTr(1) _(AXS -, A T )-’ ASk-’u,
d Jx(1)
sk-’u -ll- sk-’x k dJs(1)
dot )( d-)s(1) )
dot (j- )
i, i=l,...,n; j>--2.
The recursion (4.5) is the same as the recursion given in Monteiro, Adler, and
Resende [28] and Karmarkar et al. [14] (see also Megiddo [21] and Bayer and Lagarias
[2]). The derivatives resulting from the computations would be the same if :k 0 and
k 0 is assumed, and in the latter paper if no centering and reparameterization is done.
The point w(1 e) for 1 > e > 0 can be approximated by using the rth-order Taylor
EXHIBIT 4.1. Computations for step size using the Taylor polynomial.
Before concluding this section, we point out that if there are reasons to believe
that at the current iterate it is better to target a solution satisfying XS W for some
positive diagonal matrix W, then expressions for derivatives of a trajectory taking us
to such a point can be obtained in a similar manner. The only difference would be to
replace "ogXks k’’ in (4.1) with "aXksk+(1--a)We. In particular, we may use the
Heuristic CENPAR to compute the centering parameter (given in the next section) in
order to decide a target point on the central path, then go back and find desired
derivatives of a trajectory going to this point.
Heuristic CENPAR (X k, Px 1, S k, Ps 1, k)
Step 1. Let e,
el be computed as follows:
e)l min ( Xx
(px 1)x
,1 )
lx argmin { xki (pxl),>O},
(px 1)i
e,1 min
(ps 1)1,
/s argmin {( pl)i
(pl)i > 0}.
Step 2. Let mdg=(X-exlpl)r(s-eslp.l).
The motivation behind various steps in Heuristic CENPAR are now discussed.
For the moment assume that sex 0 and Cs 0. If this is the case, then x rs is the current
duality gap and mdg is the minimum duality gap that one can achieve by moving in
directions px I and ps I in primal and dual spaces, respectively, ex I and e 1 are always
taken smaller than one, because at this value the computations for p 1 and p 1 ensure
that sex 0 and s 0 if no numerical error is present. Hence, for v 1 the choice of
/x is such that it targets the point on the central path at which the duality gap is mdg.
The ratio mdg/xTs provides us "some indication" of how well the primal-dual
affine scaling trajectory is being approximated locally. A value of ratio mdg/x Ts near
1 means that the local approximations are not good, whereas mdg/xTs near zero
indicates that the approximations of the trajectory are good.
Table 5.1 gives the number of iterations required to solve the problems for choices
of v- 1, 2, 3, 4. All other parameters were the same as those for results in Table 8.2.
The last column of this table gives the number of iterations required to solve the
problem if no centering was done. The results in Table 5.1 on the test problems show
only a moderate variation in the number of iterations for values of v between two and
The discussion on the computation of the centering parameter thus far assumed
that x 0 and O. If this is not the case, then ef (error factor) is used as an indicator
for their contribution to the search direction. If
: 0 and : O, then it is easy to see
6. Step length. Standard practice [1], [5], [18], [19], [20], [26] has been to move
a certain fixed distance (step factor) to the boundary to avoid one-dimensional line
searches. The step factor in the case of primal-dual methods has typically been .995
or .9995 18].
Although the performance of step factor =.995 or .9995 appears satisfactory in
practice, in our view, it has a major drawback as a heuristic: it limits the asymptotic
rate of convergence of the algorithm. Furthermore, during the earlier phase of the
algorithm it is overly aggressive. A modified approach to computing step factor is
given in Exhibit 6.1. It adaptively allows for larger (and smaller) step factors. In an
extreme case it may allow a full step to the boundary and generate a point with zero
duality gap.
Performance of implementation for different choices of u. + Stopped
after 100 iterations with one digit of accuracy in objective function.
Problem 2 3 4 nc
afiro 9 8 7 7 8
adlittle 14 11 10 10 11
scagr7 17 14 13 13 15
stochforl 16 16 16 16 21
sc205 14 12 11 11 11
share2b 14 12 12 13 14
sharelb 23 22 22 20 25
scorpion 13 12 12 12 12
scagr25 19 17 16 17 18
sctapl 17 15 15 15 17
brandy 21 20 20 19 19
scsdl 9 8 8 8 8
israel 30 25 24 24 26
bandm 20 17 17 19 17
scfxml 21 19 18 18 19
e226 25 21 20 20 21
agg 27 22 25 27 56
scrs8 24 21 21 21 22
beaconfd 11 8 7 7 7
scsd6 13 10 10 10 10
shipO4s 15 12 13 13 15
agg2 23 21 24 23 26
agg3 22 19 21 21 23
scfxm2 22 18 19 19 20
ship041 14 12 12 12 12
fffffS00 36 38 38 38 100
ship08s 16 13 13 13 13
sctap2 15 13 12 12 13
scfxm3 25 20 20 20 19
shipl2s 18 16 16 17 19
scsd8 12 10 9 9 9
czprob 39 33 35 35 38
ship081 18 14 14 14 14
shipl21 19 16 16 17 17
25fv47 32 27 26 25 27
Ix argmin { xi
ls argmin
(Ps)i I(p),>o}.
Compute fx such that
(X k,-L * (p),.)(s-(p.),)=
(6.1) n * "ya
f := max (L, Yy)
and f such that
The step factor in the primal space is chosen so that the product of primal blocking
variable (lx) and the corresponding dual slack is nearly equal to the value their product
would take at the point on the central trajectory at which the duality gap is equal to
(X--px)r(s--ps)/(n * ya). Note that if sex=0 and =0, then (x--px)T(s--p) is the
duality gap at the point obtained after moving full step. The parameter y, > 1 should
be used. The parameter 0 < y/<_- 1 is used to safeguard against very small or negative
steps. The explanation for computation of step factor for the dual variables is similar.
In essence, the choice offx and f is guessing the minimizer of potential function (3.5)
in directions Px and p while implicitly assuming that x
0 and :
Provided that the computations for the search directions were performed with
sufficient accuracy, the computational experience on the tested problems shows that
the number of iterations required to solve the problems is relatively insensitive to the
choice of y and y/in a large range. We experimented with values of y .5, .75, .9,
.99, .999 and y 1/(1-yy). In our experience we found that on most problems the
number of iterations were fewer for a larger choice of yy, but the difference was small
for yy in the range .75 to .999.
However, we observed a very interesting phenomenon. The implementation
showed signs of instability for larger values of y/for problems brandy, scfxml, scfxm2,
and scfxm3. For these problems to obtain eight digits of accuracy in the solutions at
the last two iterations of the algorithm, the conjugate gradient method was needed to
improve the accuracy in the search direction. These problems were successfully solved
to the desired accuracy for yy .5, .75 and yy .9.
An examination of problem data of brandy, scfxml, scfxm2, and scfxm3 shows
that for these problems the set of optimal primal solutions is unbounded. An examin-
ation of various stages of our implementation (with different choices of parameters)
revealed that allowing for a larger step factor may result in premature convergence of
dual slacks corresponding to primal variables unbounded in the optimal set. At a later
iteration, this further causes the primal unbounded variables to become very large.
We first discuss the validity of the above approach in generating x> 0 and s> 0.
In the cases in which it fails to produce such a point, either the problems reduce to
that of finding a feasible solution of (P) or (D), or an optimal solution is generated.
From the definition of 6 and we know that > 0 and sO_- x= > 0. A positive point
is always generated, if 6 > 0 and 6 > 0. Furthermore, to show that x> 0 and s> 0,
it is sufficient to show that 6 > 0 and 6 > 0.
for any fixed choice of Act. Clearly, the polytope defined by the constraints in (D(A))
is the same as the polytope defined by the constraints in (D) except for a shift of
origin. It is desirable that an initial point be the same in relation to the respective
polytopes. Note that in (7.1) is independent of the choice of Ar.
To demonstrate how similar arguments hold for (P), we consider an equivalent
formulation of this problem. Let Z be a matrix whose columns form the basis for the
null space of A, and let Xo be any point satisfying Axo b. It is easy to see that (P)
is equivalent to
minimize (cTZ)(y+ Ay)
s.t. Z(y+ Ay) >=-Xo
for y n-m and any (fixed) choice of Ay. An approach analogous to that of finding
g computes
The slacks in the constraint of (P(Z)) are given by
Xo z(zrz)-lZrxo [I z(zrz)-lzr]xo a r (aa r)-laxo a r (aa r)-l b
Note that is the orthogonal projection of any vector satisfying Ax b onto the range
space of A. Since and g are independent of Ay and Ar, respectively, it is obvious
that x and s o are also independent of this.
Simple scaling. The initial point is not affected if all the constraints in (P) are
scaled by a constant or if c is scaled.
7.2. Undesirable properties of the proposed approach.
Column scaling. The initial point is affected by the scaling of columns of A. To
illustrate this, in Table 7.1 we give a number of iterations required to solve the problems
after problems were scaled by using subroutine MSSCAL from MINOS. All other
details of the implementation were kept the same as those for results in Table 8.2.
The results in Table 7.1 indicate that scaling of columns may effect the performance
of the implementation. On most problems, use of MSSCAL improved the number of
iterations required to solve the problem or the number of iterations did not change
significantly. The notable exception was problem fffffS00. For this problem, scaling
increased the number of iterations by about 40 percent.
We point out that (P) and (D) can be solved in one iteration if we know the
correct scaling of columns of A. Hence, the problem of finding the best scaling of
columns appears to be as difficult as solving the linear programming problem itself.
Presence of redundant constraint. The initial point generated by using this approach
is affected by the presence of redundant constraints. This can be a problem, for example,
if redundant dual constraints with large slacks (primal variables with huge costs) are
present. In this regard we point out that the central trajectory itself is affected by the
presence of such constraints.
A possible way to alleviate this problem would be to ask the user to give relative
importance to various primal variables (dual constraints) in solving the problem. A
clearly redundant variable could be assigned zero weight, and therefore it could be
removed while generating an initial point. In general, the possibility of solving weighted
least squares problems to generate initial points in the context of "warm start" should
be explored further.
All the approaches [1], [5], [18], [26] used for practical implementations that are
reported in the literature are dependent on column scaling and the presence of
redundant constraints. Furthermore, they lack one of the desirable properties that the
proposed approach has.
Effect of scaling on the performance of the algorithm.
Problem No scaling Scaling
afiro 7 6
adlittl 10 10
scagr7 13 14
stochforl 16 8
sc205 11 11
share2b 12 14
sharelb 22 24
scorpion 12 12
scagr25 16 17
sctapl 15 15
brandy 20 17
scsdl 8 7
israel 24 17
bandm 17 15
scfxml 18 17
e226 20 16
agg 25 16
scrs8 21 18
beaconfd 7 8
scsd6 10 10
ship04s 13 12
agg2 24 20
agg3 21 19
scfxm2 19 20
ship041 12 12
fffffSO0 38 52
shipO8s 13 14
sctap2 12 12
scfxm3 20 20
shipl2s 17 14
scsd8 9 9
czprob 35 30
ship081 14 15
shipl21 16 15
25fv47 26 23
8. Computational performance. The basic ideas presented in this paper were imple-
mented in a FORTRAN code. This section discusses our computational experience
with this implementation and compares it with the results documented in the literature.
All testing was performed on a SUN 4/110 work station. The code was compiled
with SUN Fortran version 1.0 compiler option "-O3." All the cpu times were obtained
by using utility etime. The test problems were obtained from netlib [7]. The test set
includes small and medium size problems. The problem names and additional informa-
tion on these problems are given in Table 8.1.
All problems were cleaned by using the procedure outlined in Mehrotra [22]. An
in-house implementation of the minimum degree heuristic was used to permute the
rows. Complete Cholesky factor was computed at each iteration to solve the linear
equations. The procedure and the associated data structure, which we used to compute
the Cholesky factor, were described in Mehrotra [23]. All the linear algebra subroutines
were written by the author.
The algorithm was terminated when the relative duality gap satisfied
c Tx b TTr
(8.1) e exit.
1 +lbTTrl
In the actual implementation :, and :s were computed afresh at each iteration. However,
(s)i was set to zero and absorbed in si if it satisfied I(s)l/s <.001. This occasionally
saved some computational efforts.
The following parameters were set to obtain the results reported in Table 8.2.
Eexit 10 -8 (in (8.1)),
v=3 (in Procedure CENPAR),
yf--.9, ya =10 (in Procedure GFSF),
100 * max {s} (in (3.5)),
Ks 100 max {x/} (in (3.5)).
The number of iterations required to solve the problems is given in the second
column of Table 8.2. The primal objective value recorded at termination is given in
column 3. The relative duality gap (8.1) is given in column 4. The primal infeasibility,
(8.2) Ilax b II/(1 + Ilxll),
and the dual infeasibility,
(8.3) IIA% + s- c11/(1 + s II),
recorded at termination are given in columns 5 and 6, respectively. This information
on relative duality gap and primal and dual feasibility is the same as that given in
Lustig, Marsten, and Shanno [18]. We use the same stopping criterion and provide
similar information in order to be consistent while making comparisons.
All the problems were accurately solved to eight digits. A comparison with the
results in Lustig, Marsten, and Shanno [18] show that on many problems in our
implementation the accuracy in the objective value at termination was better. This is
primarily due to our approach for computing the step factor.
In Table 8.3 we compare the number of iterations required to solve the test
problems. Column 2 of this table gives the number of iterations taken by our
implementation. Column 3 gives the number of iterations taken by the dual affine
scaling method, as reported by Adler et al. 1 ]. Column 4 gives the number of iterations
required by the second-order dual affine scaling method in Adler et al. 1]. Column 5
gives the number of iterations reported in Lustig, Marsten, and Shanno [18] for a
primal-dual method. Column 6 gives the number of iterations reported in Gill, Murray,
and Saunders [8] for a logarithmic barrier function method. Column 7 gives the number
Problem statistics.
afiro 28 32 88
adlittle 57 97 465
scagr7 130 140 553
Comparison of number of iterations with other implementations.
afiro 7 15 20 13 20 10
adlittle 10 18 24 17 18 15
scagr7 13 19 24 22 24 18
stochforl 16 19
sc205 11 20 28 16 32 17
share2b 12 21 29 17 46 14
sharelb 22 33 38 40 35 28
scorpion 12 19 24 18 33 17
scagr25 16 21 29 24 28 21
sctapl 15 23 33 22 53 21
brandy 20 24 38 27 41 21
scsdl 8 16 19 12 13 8
israel 24 29 37 47 36 24
bandm 17 24 30 28 31 21
scfxml 18 30 33 31 37 23
e226 20 30 34 31 38 24
agg 25 32
scrs8 21 29 39 50 59 25
beaconfd 7 17 23 21 34 17
scsd6 10 18 22 15 15 13
ship04s 13 22 30 21 40 15
agg2 24 32
agg3 21 32
scfxm2 19 29 39 37 42 29
ship041 12 21 28 22 36 17
fffffS00 38 59 55
ship08s 13 21 32 23 34 16
sctap2 12 25 34 23 41 16
scfxm3 20 30 40 39 42 31
shipl2s 16 23 35 27 46 16
scsd8 9 18 23 15 15 13
czprob 35 35 52 57 56 41
ship081 14 23 31 24 22 17
shipl21 16 23 32 27 24 17
25fv47 24 52 48 44 28
of iterations reported in Domich et al. [5] for a variant of the method of centers. Our
method and the second-order dual affine scaling method in Adler et al. 1] computes
two directions at each iteration. The method implemented in Domich et al. [5] computes
three directions at each iteration and solves a linear programming problem defined by
using these directions. All other implementations compute only one direction at each
On the average the number of iterations required by our implementation to solve
the mutually tested problems is 40 percent less than that reported in Lustig, Marsten,
and Shanno [18]; it is 50 percent less than that reported in Adler et al. [1]; and it is
55 percent less than that reported by Gill, Murray, and Saunders [8]. Compared to
the results in Adler et al. [1] for their second-order method, the results show that our
method takes about 35 percent fewer iterations. Finally, our implementation required
20 percent fewer iterations than those required in Domich et al. [5].
It is useful to point out that it is possible to further reduce the total number of
iterations needed to solve the problems by using higher-order derivatives. This is
discussed in a subsequent paper.
The number of iterations was always fewer than the number of iterations required
by the second-order dual affine scaling method implemented by Adler et al. 1]. Many
of the problems were solved in practically half the number of iterations when compared
with 1 ].
9. Comparison with OB1 and MINOS 5.3. This section compares the cpu times
required by our implementation to those required by the implementation of the
primal-dual method in OB1 [18] (02/90 version) and the simplex method in MINOS
5.3 [29]. The source codes (also written in FORTRAN) of OB1 (02/90 version) and
MINOS 5.3 were compiled using compiler option "-O3." Hence, everything was
identical while making these comparisons. All the default options of OB1 (02/90
version) and MINOS 5.3 were used. Printing was turned to minimum level in both
cases. In the case of OB1 (02/90 version), crush 2 was used for all problems.
The times for MINOS 5.3 are those for subroutine M5SOLV only. The TIMER
subroutine in OB 1 was used to compute its cpu times. The times for OB 1 were calculated
as follows:
OB1 Time=end of hprep-after mpsink+end of obdriv-after getcmo.
Times required by MINOS 5.3, OB1 (02/90 version), and our implementation do
not include times spent in converting the MPS input file into a problem in the standard
form. The times required by our implementation include all the time spent after the
input files were converted into a problem in the standard form.
The times required by our implementation is given in the second column of Table
9.1. The times required by OB1 (02/90 version) are given in column 3 and the times
required by MINOS are given in column 4. Column 5 gives the ratio of times required
by OB1 (02/90 version) to our code. Column 6 gives the ratio of times required by
MINOS 5.3 to our code.
From these results we find that, on the average, our implementation in the current
state performs two times better than the implementation in OB1 (02/90 version). The
ratio of cpu times with OB1 (02/90 version) is more or less uniform.
Comparing the results with MINOS 5.3 we find that the proposed implementation
is on the average better by a factor of 2.5. In this case, however, the ratio of cpu times
varies significantly. MINOS 5.3 was generally superior on problems with few relatively
dense columns, whereas our implementation of the primal-dual method was superior
on problems with sparse Cholesky factor.
10. Conclusions. Details of a particular implementation of the primal-dual method
are given. This implementation requires a considerably smaller number of iterations
and saves considerable computational effort. We have given expressions to compute
Comparison of cpu time with OB1 and MINOS 5.3 on SUN 4/110.
Problem AIPM OB1 MINOS5.3
all the derivatives at a given point of a primal-dual affine scaling trajectory. The
implementation described here effectively combines the second derivative with the
centering vector. Heuristics for computing centering parameter and step length were
given and their effectiveness was demonstrated. A new approach to generating a starting
point was used. In addition, the results demonstrate that it is possible to develop fast
(robust) implementations of interior point methods, which ensure sufficient reduction
in a potential function at each iteration.
Comparison with OB1 (02/90 version) and the simplex method show that our
implementation was faster by a factor of 2 and 2.5, respectively.
Acknowledgments. I thank Professor Michael Saunders for making the source code
of MINOS 5.3 available. I thank Professor Roy E. Marsten for releasing a copy of
OB1 for comparison in this paper. Also, I thank Mr. I. C. Choi for helping out with
OB1 and Professor Donald Goldfarb for his constant encouragement, which made this
work possible. I also thank the two anonymous referees for their careful reading of
this paper and for their suggestions for improvement.
Appendix. Here we prove that the potential function (3.3) can be reduced by a
constant amount at each iteration. The development of our proof is based on the
analysis in Freund [6]. Let us define I-= 2n + 1,
,i=- o z
cT (AAT) -1A a
f) r =_ r,
(b crZ, b r(AA T)-IAc), and y (x s A) r, r, r. Hence, without loss of generality,
consider the problem
minimize yt
(PD) s.t. Ay b,
where y e R t. Let us consider the potential function
(A.1) F(y)=- In y-
E In y,,
where =/+vq. The function F(y) in (A.1) is the same as the function (3.3). Let
yk > 0 be any feasible point of (PD) and let yk be the diagonal matrix whose diagonal
elements are (Yl,..., Yt). Let
2(1- e)
The inequality above follows by using the fact that In (1 + 8)_-< 8 for 8>-1, and
In (1 + 8) -> (82/2(1 e)) if 181--< e < 1.
If [[dl[->_ 1, then for e =.5, F(y) is reduced by .25.
Otherwise, if lid < 1, then from the definition of d, we have
,’ 7" ,, (
fi y e
e)+ y
(d+e)= y e
which gives a feasible solution to the dual of (PD). Furthermore, the duality gap is
given by
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