Guagua Vs CA
Guagua Vs CA
Guagua Vs CA
The Case
3. x x x
3 Section 5. Tuition Fee Supplement for Students in Private High
School.—(1) x x x
(a) x x x
(b) x x x
(2) Assistance under paragraph (1), subparagraphs (a) and (b) shall be
granted and tuition fees under subparagraph (c) may be increased, on the
condition that seventy percent (70%) of the amount subsidized allotted for
tuition fee or of the tuition fee increases shall go to the payment of
salaries, wages, allowances and other benefits of teaching and
nonteaching personnel except administrators who are principal
stockholders of the school, and may be used to cover increases as provided
for in the collective bargaining agreements existing or in force at the time
when this Act is approved and made effective: Provided, That government
subsidies are not used directly for salaries of teachers of non-secular
subjects. At least twenty percent (20%) shall go to the improvement or
modernization of buildings, equipment, libraries, laboratories, gymnasia
and similar facilities and to the payment of other costs of operation. For
this purpose, school shall maintain a separate record of accounts for all
assistance received from the government, any tuition fee increase, and the
detailed disposition and use thereof, which record shall be made available
for periodic inspection as may be determined by the State Assistance
Council, during business hours, by the faculty, the nonteaching personnel,
students of the school concerned, the Department of Education, Culture
and Sports and other concerned government agencies.
4 Rollo, p. 43.
5 Id., at pp. 43-44.
6 Id., at p. 57.
7 Id., at pp. 42-52.
8 Id., at p. 6.
Ruling of the CA
9 Id., at p. 55.
10 Id., at pp. 56-78.
11 Id., at p. 7.
12 Id., at pp. 79-81.
13 G.R. No. 155651, July 28, 2005, 464 SCRA 507.
14 Rollo, pp. 32-35.
15 Id., at pp. 95-104.
16 Id., at pp. 38-39.
Guagua National Colleges vs. Court of Appeals
24 Id., at p. 125.
25 Id., at p. 137.
26 Notably: Oceanic Bic Division (FFW) v. Romero, No. L- 43890, July
16, 1984, 130 SCRA 392; Mantrade/FMMC Division Employees and
Workers Union v. Bacungan, No. L-48437, September 30, 1986, 144 SCRA
510; Continental Marble Corp. v. NLRC, No. L-43825, May 9, 1988, 161
SCRA 151; Luzon Development Bank v. Association of Luzon Development
Bank Employees, G.R. No. 120319, October 6, 1995, 249 SCRA 162;
National Steel Corporation v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 134468, August
29, 2002, 388 SCRA 85; Mora v. Avesco Marketing Corporation, G.R. No.
177414, November 14, 2008, 571 SCRA 226; Samahan ng mga
Manggagawa sa Hyatt-NUWHRAIN-APL v. Bacungan, G.R. No. 149050,
March 25, 2009, 582 SCRA 369; and Manila Midtown Hotel v. Borromeo,
supra note 20.
27 Entitled An Act to Extend Protection to Labor, Strengthen the
xxx xxx x x x”
reference for the first time to the 10-day period for the
filing of the petition for review vis-à-vis decisions or awards
of the Voluntary Arbitrator provided in Article 262-A (now
Article 276).38 Within the same year, Philex Gold
Philippines, Inc. v. Philex Bulawan Supervisors Union
applied the period of 10 days in declaring the appeal to
have been timely filed.
Thereafter, the Court has variantly applied either the
15-day or the 10-day period as the time within which to
appeal the decisions or awards of the Voluntary Arbitrators
or Panels of Arbitrators. Thus, in the 2007 ruling in Leyte
IV Electric Cooperative, Inc. v. Leyeco IV Employees Union-
ALU,40 the Court recognized the 15-day reglementary
period under Rule 43. This was reiterated in AMA
Computer College-Santiago City, Inc. v. Nacino (2008),41
Mora v. Avesco Marketing Corporation (2008),42 Samahan
ng mga Manggagawa sa Hyatt-NUWHRAIN-APL v.
Bacungan (2009),43 Saint Luis University, Inc. v.
Cobarrubias (2010),44 Samahan ng mga Mangga-
38 The Court declared: “[T]he Decision of the Panel was in the form of
a dismissal of petitioner’s complaint. Naturally, this dismissal was
contained in the main decision and not in the dissenting opinion. Thus,
under Section 6, Rule VII of the same guidelines implementing Article
262-A of the Labor Code, this Decision, as a matter of course, would
become final and executory after ten (10) calendar days from receipt of
copies of the decision by the parties even without receipt of the dissenting
opinion unless, in the meantime, a motion for reconsideration or a petition
for review to the Court of Appeals under Rule 43 of the Rules of Court is
filed within the same 10-day period.” (Id., at pp. 515-516)
39 G.R. No. 149758, August 25, 2005, 468 SCRA 111.
40 Leyte IV Electric Cooperative, Inc. v. Leyeco IV Employees Union-
ALU, supra note 21.
41 G.R. No. 162739, February 12, 2008, 544 SCRA 502.
42 Mora v. Avesco Marketing Corporation, supra note 26.
43 Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa Hyatt-NUWHRAIN-APL v.
Bacungan, supra note 26.
44 G.R. No. 187104, August 3, 2010, 626 SCRA 649.
54 G.R. No. 193919, June 15, 2015, 757 SCRA 459, 463.
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Guagua National Colleges vs. Court of Appeals