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Biometrics A Seminar Report l61

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Technical Seminar report



Submitted for the partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of the

degree of



Submitted by




(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUA,
Karakambadi Road, TIRUPATI – 517507

(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUA,
TIRUPATI – 517507


This is to certify that a seminar report entitled “BIOMETRIC TECHNOLOGY ” a bonafide record of
the technical seminar done and submitted by S.Mahammad Arshu bearing
20BF1A04L6 for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of B.Tech
Anantapur, Ananthapuramu.


I would like to express my gratefulness and sincere thanks to Dr D.Srinivasulu Reddy,


kind support and encouragement during the course of my study and in the successful completion of

the technical seminar.

I would like express gratitude to Mrs T. Swarna Latha ,Assistant Professor,

seminar coordinator, ECE Department for his continuous follow up and timely

guidance in delivering seminar presentations effectively.

Its my pleasure to convey thanks to Faculty of ECE department for their help

in selection of right theme for the technical seminar.

I have great pleasure in expressing my hearty thanks to our beloved Principal

Dr.N.Sudhakar Reddy for his support and encouragement.

I would like to thank our parents and friends, who have the greatest contributions in

all my achievements.

Name of the student

( Regd. No)

Humans recognize each other according to their various characteristics for ages. We
recognize others by their face when we meet them and by their voice as we speak to them.
Identity verification (authentication) in computer systems has been traditionally based on
something that one has (key, magnetic or chip card) or one knows (PIN, password).
Things like keys or cards, however, tend to get stolen or lost and passwords are often
forgotten or disclosed.
To achieve more reliable verification or identification we should use something that really
characterizes the given person. Biometrics offer automated methods of identity
verification or identification on the principle of measurable physiological or behavioral
characteristics. The characteristics are measurable andunique. Biometrics is the
development of statistical and mathematical methods applicable to data analysis problems
in the biological
sciences.Physical characteristics such as fingerprints, retinas and irises, palm prints, facial
structure, and voice recognition are just some of the many methods of biometric
encryption. Depending on the context, a biometric system can be either a verification
(authentication) system or an identification system. Biometrics is a rapidly evolving
technology which has been widely used in forensics such as criminal identification and
prison security. Recent advancements in biometric sensors and matching algorithms have
led to the deployment of biometric authentication in a large number of civilian
applications. With the increased use of computers as vehicles of information technology,
it is necessary to restrict access to sensitive/personal data. Real-time biometric systems
can be used to prevent unauthorized access to ATMs, cellular phones, smart cards, desktop
PCs, workstations, computer networks and electronic banking.
Table of Content

Abstract 1
Acknowledgement 2
List of figure 3
Chapter 1 Introduction 4

1.1 History and Development of Biometrics 7

1.2 What is Biometric 7
1.3 Classification 10
1.4 Basic Structure 11

Chapter 2 Biometric System Components and Process 12

2.1 Components 12
2.2 Process 12
2.3 Types of Biometric System 13
2.4 Biometric Accuracy 14

Chapter 3 Biometric Technology 17

3.1 Fingerprint Authentication 17

3.2 Retina Scanning 19
3.3 Iris Recognitions 21
3.4 Hand Geometry 25
3.5 Voice Pattern 27
3.6 Signature Pattern 29
3.7 Key Stroke 31
3.8 Facial Recognition 33
3.9 DNA Fingerprint 40
3.10 Comparison 42

Chapter 4 Multimodal Biometric System 44

4.1 Fusion of Face, Voice and Fingerprint 44
4.2 Fusion of Face and Lip Movement 45

Chapter 5 Vulnerable Points Of Biometric System 46

Chapter 6 Applications 49

Chapter 7 Biometric Devices 53

Chapter 8 Conclusion 57

Chapter 9 References 58

Figure 1.1 Single Biometric

Figure 1.2 Multimode Biometric
Figure 1.3 Basic Structure of Biometric
Figure 2.1 Enrollment Process
Figure 2.1 Verification Process
Figure 2.3 Error Rate
Figure 3.1 Fingerprint Authentication Process
Figure 3.2 Retina Scan 8
Figure 3.3 Iris Scan 9
Figure 3.4 Iris Segmentation 11
Figure 3.5 Boundary Detection 12
Figure 3.7 Polar Code 13
Figure 3.8 Hand Geometry 15
Figure 3.9 Voice Pattern 17
Figure 3.10 Raw Data in Signature writing 19
Figure 3.11 Feature Extraction 21
Figure 3.11 Feature Comparison 22
Figure 3.12 Key Stroke 23
Figure 3.13 Facial Enroll and Recognition Stage 23
Figure 3.14 PSR 25
Figure 3.14 Selecting Face Region 27
Figure 3.15 Test Image 30
Figure 3.16 Filtering on Face Region 30
Figure 3.17 Correlation Output 31
Figure 3.18 3D Face Matching 32
Figure 3.19 DNA Fingerprinting 33
Figure 4.1 Multimode Biometric Using Fingerprint, Face and Voice 34
Figure 4.2 Multimode Biometric Using Face and Lip Movement 35
Figure 5.1 Vulnerable Points Of Biometric System 36
Figure 7.1 Iris Scanner 37
Figure 7.2 Face Camera 38
Figure 7.3 Hand Scanner 39
Figure 7.4 Retina Scan 40
Figure 7.5 Multi Biometrics 44
Table: 1.1 User Authentication Methods 55
Table: 3.1 Comparison of Biometric Technology 56


Reliable user authentication is becoming an increasingly important task in the Web-

enabled world. The consequences of an insecure authentication system in a corporate or
enterprise environment can be catastrophic, and may include loss of confidential information,
denial of service, and compromised data integrity. The value of reliable user authentication is
not limited to just computer enhanced security.

The prevailing techniques of user authentication, which involve the use of either passwords and
user IDs (identifiers), or identification cards and PINs (personal identification numbers), suffer
from several limitations. Passwords and PINs can be illicitly acquired by direct covert
observation. Once an intruder acquires the user ID or network access. Many other applications
in everyday life also require user authentication, such as banking, e- commerce, and physical
access control to computer resources, and could benefit from and the password, the intruder
has total access to the user’s resources. In addition, there is no way to positively link the usage
of the system or service to the actual user, that is, there is no protection against repudiation by
the user ID owner. For example, when a user ID and password is shared with a colleague there
is no way for the system to know who the actual user is. A similar situation arises when a
transaction involving a credit card number is conducted on the Web. Even though the data are
sent over the Web using secure encryption methods, current systems are not capable of assuring
that the rightful owner of the credit card initiated the transaction. In the modern distributed
systems environment, the traditional authentication policy based on a simple combination of
user ID and password has become inadequate. Fortunately, automated biometrics in general,
and fingerprint technology in particular, can provide a much more accurate and reliable user
authentication method. Biometrics is a rapidly advancing field that is concerned with
identifying a person based on his or her physiological or behavioural characteristics. Biometrics
is derived from the conjunction of the Greek words bios and metrics that mean life and to
measure respectively. Examples of automated biometrics include fingerprint, face, iris, and
speech recognition. Since biometrics is extremely difficult to forge and cannot be forgotten or
stolen, Biometric authentication offers a convenient, accurate,irreplaceable and high secure
alternative for an individual, which makes it has advantages over traditional cryptography-
based authentication schemes. It has become a hot interdisciplinary topic involving biometric
and Cryptography. Biometric data is personal
privacy information, which uniquely and permanently associated with a person and cannot be
replaced like passwords or keys. Once an adversary compromises the biometric data of a user,
the data is lost forever, which may lead to a huge financial loss. Hence, one major concern is
how a person’s biometric data, once collected, can be protected.

User authentication methods can be broadly classified into three categories as shown
in Table 1.1. Because a biometric property is an intrinsic property of an individual, it is difficult
to surreptitiously duplicate and nearly impossible to share. Additionally, a biometric property
of an individual can be lost only in case of serious accident.

Method Examples Properties

What you know? User ID Shared

Password Many passwords easy to
PIN guess

What you have? Cards Shared

Badges Can be duplicated
Keys Lost or stolen

What you know and what you ATM card + PIN Shared
have? PIN a weak link
(Writing the PIN on the

Something unique about the user Fingerprint Not possible to share

Face Repudiation unlikely
Iris Forging difficult
Voice print Cannot be lost or stolen

Table: 1.1 UserAuthentication Methods

Biometric readings, which range from several hundred bytes to over a megabyte, have
the advantage that their information content is usually higher than that of a password or a pass
phrase. Simply extending the length of passwords to get equivalent bit strength presents
significant usability problems. It is nearly impossible to remember a 2K phrase, and it would

The idea of using patterns for personal identification was originally proposed in 1936
byophthalmologist Frank Burch. By the 1980’s the idea had appeared in James Bond films, but
itstill remained science fiction and conjecture. In 1987, two other ophthalmologists Aram
Safirand Leonard Flom patented this idea and in 1987 they asked John Daugman to try to
createactual algorithms for this iris recognition. These algorithms which Daugman patented in
1994 arethe basis for all current iris recognition systems and products.

Daugman algorithms are owned by Iridian technologies and the process is licensed toseveral other
Companies who serve as System integrators and developers of special
platformsexploiting iris recognition in recent years several products have been developed for
acquiring itsimages over a range of distances and in a variety of applications. One active
imaging systemdeveloped in 1996 by licensee Sensar deployed special cameras in bank ATM
to capture IRISimages at a distance of up to 1 meter. This active imaging system was installed
in cash machinesboth by NCR Corps and by Diebold Corp in successful public trials in several
countries during 1997to 1999. a new and smaller imaging device is the low cost “Panasonic
Authenticam” digitalcamera for handheld, desktop, e-commerce and other information security
applications. Ticketless air travel, check-in and security procedures based on iris recognition
kiosks in airports havebeen developed by eye ticket. Companies in several, countries are now
using Daughman’salgorithms in a variety of products.



Biometric technologies are defined as automated methods of identifying or authenticating the

identity of a living person based on unique physiological or behavioural characteristics.
Biometrics can provide very secure and convenient authentication for an individual since they
cannot be stolen or forgotten and are very difficult to forge.
Figure 1.1 Single Biometric

The term “biometrics” is derived from two Greek words ‘bios’ for life and ‘metron’
for measure. A biometric can be described as a measurable physical and/or behavioral trait that
can be captured and used to verify the identity of a person by comparing the metric to a
previously stored template. The area of biometrics can therefore be defined as the task of
automatically recognizing a person using his/her distinguishing traits. Examples of these
“distinguishing traits” are fingerprints, voice patterns, facial characteristics etc. The idea of
biometric identification is not new, it have been around for centuries. Example of a biometric
is the photo on identification cards and passports, which still is the most important way of
verifying the identity of a person. As early as the 14th century, the Chinese were reportedly
using fingerprints as form of signature. During the late 1890’s, a method of bodily measurement
called “Bertillonage” (after its founder Alphonse Bertillone) was used by Police
Department in Paris & France and this identification based on the number of bodily
measurement and physical description. The difference today, is that we now have access to
technologies enabling us to do these verifications automatically and almost in real-time.
Practically all biometrics system work in the same manner, first a person is enrolled into a
database using

The specified method, information about a certain characteristics of the human being
is captured, this information is usually placed through an algorithm that turns the information
into a code that the database stores. When the person need to be identified, the system will take
the information about the person, again this new information is placed through the algorithm
and then compares the new code with the ones in the database to discover a match and hence,

Figure 1.2 Multimode Biometric

A multimodal biometric system uses multiple applications to capture different type

biometric. This allows the integration of two or more types of biometric recognition and
verification system in order to meet stringent performance requirements. A multimodal system
could be a combination of finger print verification, face recognition, voice verification and
smart card or any other combination of biometrics. For instance it is estimated that 5% of the
population does not have legible fingerprints, a voice could be altered by a cold and face
recognition systems are susceptible to changes in ambient light and the pose of the subject.
This enhanced structure takes advantages of the proficiency of each individual biometric and
can be used to overcome some of the limitations of a single biometric.

• A physiological characteristic is a relatively stable physical characteristic, such as an

individual’s fingerprint, hand geometry, iris pattern, or blood vessel pattern on the back
of the eye. This type of biometric measurement is usually unchanging and unalterable
without significant duress to the individual.

Physical biometrics:

Fingerprint- Analyzing fingertip patterns.

Facial Recognition- Measuring facial characteristics.
Hand Geometry- Measuring the shape of the hand.
Iris recognition- Analyzing features of colored ring of the eye.
Vascular Patterns- Analyzing vein patterns.
Retinal Scan- Analyzing blood vessels in the eye.
Bertillonage- Measuring body lengths (no longer used).

• A behavioral characteristic is more a reflection of an individual’s psychological

makeup. A signature is the most common behavioral biometric used for identification.
Because most behavioral characteristics vary over time, an identification system using
these must allow updates to enrolled biometric references.
Behavioral biometrics:
Speaker Recognition- Analyzing vocal behavior.
Signature- Analyzing signature dynamics.
Keystroke- Measuring the time spacing of typed words.


Figure 1.3 Basic Structure of Biometric

Most biometrics systems use a similar procedure to verify a biometric. procedure can
be divided into the following steps: enrolment, live sample, transaction completion template sample,
storage & verification.

Three major components are usually present in a biometric system:

• A mechanism to scan and capture a digital or analog image of a living person’s biometric

• Software for storing, processing and comparing the image.

• An interface with the applications system that will use the result to confirm an individual’s


Two different stages are involved in the biometric system process –

1) Enrollment,

2) Verification.

As shown in Figure 2.1, the biometric image of the individual is captured during the
enrollment process (e.g., using a sensor for fingerprint, microphone for voice verification,
camera for face recognition, scanner for eye scan). The unique characteristics are then extracted
from the biometric image to create the user’s biometric template. This biometric template is
stored in a database or on a machine-readable ID card for later use during an identity
verification process.

Figure 2.1 Enrollment Process

Figure 2.2 illustrates the identity verification process. The biometric image is again captured.
The unique characteristics are extracted from the biometric image to create the users “live”
biometric template. This new template is then compared with the template previously stored
and a numeric matching score is generated, based on the percentage of duplication between the
live and stored template. System designers determine the threshold value for this identity
verification score based upon the security requirements of the system.

Figure 2.1

Verification Process


There are two kinds of Biometric System

 Recognition Systems

 Identifying a person among the whole group of users enrolled in the system.
 It must be an online system.
 Typical applications : Forensics
Identification(1-to-many comparison) verifies if the individual exists within a known
population. Identification confirms that the individual is not enrolled with another identity and
is not on a predetermined list of prohibited persons. Identification will typically need a secured
database containing a list of all applying individuals and their biometrics. The biometric for the
individual being considered for enrollment would be compared against all stored biometrics.
For many applications, an identification process is used only at the time of enrollment to verify
that the individual is not already enrolled.

 Authentication Systems

 Verifying the identity that user claims to have.

 It can be offline.
 Typical applications: Access Control, all kinds of applications where cards are

Authentication(1-to-1 comparison) confirms that the credential belongs to the

individual presenting it. In this case, the device that performs the authentication must have access
only to the individual’s enrolled biometric template, which may be stored locally or centrally.


A key factor in the selection of the appropriate biometric technology is its accuracy.
Biometric accuracy is the system’s ability of separating legitimate matches from imposters.
When the live biometric template is compared to the stored biometric template, a matching
score is used to confirm or deny the identity of the user. System designers set this numeric score
to accommodate the desired level of accuracy for the system, as measured by the False
Acceptance Rate (FAR) and False Rejection Rate (FRR).

•False Rejection Rate (FRR) refers to the statistical probability that the biometric system is
not able to verify the legitimate claimed identity of an enrolled person, or fails to identify an
enrolled person.
•False Acceptance Rate (FAR) refers to the statistical probability of False Acceptance or
incorrect verification. In the most common context, both False Rejection and False Acceptance
represent a security hazard.

•Equal-Error RateWhen the decision threshold is adjusted so that the false-acceptance rate
equal the false-rejection rate.

Figure 2.3 Error Rate

If a mismatching pair of fingerprints is accepted as a match, it is called a false accept. On the

other hand, if a matching pair of fingerprints is rejected by the system, it is called a false reject.
The error rates are a function of the threshold as shown in Figure 2.3. Often the interplay
between the two errors is presented by plotting FAR against FRR with the decision threshold
as the free variable. This plot is called the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve. The
two errors are complementary in the sense that if one makes an effort to lower one of the errors
by varying the threshold, the other error rate automatically increases. In a biometric
authentication system, the relative false accept and false reject rates can be set by choosing a
particular operating point (i.e., a detection threshold). Very low (close to zero) error rates for
both errors (FAR and FRR) at the same time are not possible. By setting ahigh threshold, the
FAR error can be close to zero, and similarly by setting a significantly low threshold, the FRR
rate can be close to zero. A meaningful operating point for the threshold is decided based on
the application requirements, and the FAR versus FRR error rates at that


• "Fingerprint authentication" describes the process of obtaining a digital representation of a

fingerprint and comparing it to a stored digital version of a fingerprint.

• Fingerprints have long been recognized as a primary and accurate identification method.

3.1.1 PROCESS:

Figure 3.1 Fingerprint Authentication Process

• Electronic fingerprint scanners capture digital "pictures" of fingerprints, either based
on light reflections of the finger's ridges and valleys, or the electrical properties of the
finger's ridges and valleys.

• These pictures are then processed into digital templates that contain the unique
extracted features of a finger.Uses the ridge endings and bifurcation's on a persons
finger to plot points known as Minutiae.The number and locations of the minutiae vary
from finger to finger in any particular person, and from person to person for any
particular finger

• These digital fingerprint templates can be stored in databases and used in place of
traditional passwords for secure access.

• Instead of typing a password, users place a finger on an electronic scanner. The scanner,
or reader, compares the live fingerprint to the fingerprint template stored in a database
to determine the identity and validity of the person requesting access.

• Finally it gives decision that access to application or access denied.


Two basic classes of matching techniques:

• Image techniques
Use both optical and numerical image correlation techniques

• Feature techniques
Extracts features and develop representations from these features

• Combining the above two techniques:

Hybrid techniques ,with improved accuracy


• Very high accuracy.

• Is the most economical biometric PC user authentication technique. it is one of the

most developed biometrics Easy to use.
• Small storage space required for the biometric template, reducing the size of the database
memory required It is standardized.

• For some people it is very intrusive, because is still related to criminal identification.
• It can make mistakes with the dryness or dirty of the finger’s skin, as well as with the age
(is not appropriate with children, because the size of their fingerprint changes quickly).
• Image captured at 500 dots per inch (dpi). Resolution: 8 bits per pixel. A 500 dpi
fingerprint image at 8 bits per pixel demands a large memory space, 240 Kbytes
approximately → Compression required.


Figure 3.2 Retina Scan

• The human retina is a thin tissue composed of neural cells that is located in the posterior
portion of the eye.

• Because of the complex structure of the capillaries that supply the retina with blood, each
person’s retina is unique.

Figure 3.3 Iris Scan

• The iris is a thin, circular structure in the eye, responsible for controlling the diameter and
size of the pupils and thus the amount of light reaching the retina.

• The iris is the colored portion of the eye surrounding the pupil. Its pattern results from
a meshwork of muscle ligaments, and its color and contrast are determined bypigmentation.

• “Eye color” is the color of the iris, which can be green, blue, or brown. In some cases it can
be hazel (a combination of light brown, green and gold), grey, violet, or even pink.

• In response to the amount of light entering the eye, muscles attached to the iris expand
or contract the aperture at the center of the iris, known as the pupil.

• The larger the pupil, the more light can enter. Iris recognition is an automated method of
biometric identification that uses mathematical pattern-recognition techniques on video
images of the iries of an individual’s eyes, whose complex random patterns are unique and
can be seen from some distance.

• Digital templates encoded from these patterns by mathematical and statistical

algorithms allow unambiguous positive identification of an individual.

• Databases of enrolled templates are searched by matcher engines .

Figure 3.4 Iris Segmentation

Figure 3.5 Boundary Detection

Figure 3.6 Iris Polar Mapping

Figure 3.7 Polar Code



• Very high accuracy.

• Verification time is generally less than 5 seconds.
• The eye from a dead person would deteriorate too fast to be useful, so no extra precautions
have to been taken with retinal scans to be sure the user is a living human being.


• Intrusive.
• A lot of memory for the data to be stored.
• Very expensive


Figure 3.8 Hand Geometry

Hand geometry systems are commonly available in two main forms. Full hand geometry
systems take an image of the entire hand for comparison while Two Finger readers only image
two fingers of the hand.

Hand recognition technology is currently one of the most deployed biometrics discipline.

Hand geometry is a biometric that identifies users by the shape of their hands. Usually a
specialized reader device to measure aspects such as length, width, thickness, and surface area
of the hand and fingers .

A camera capture an image of the hand, with the help of a mirror to get also the edge. The graph of
the hand is extracted, and some geometrical characteristics stored.

Hand geometry readers measure a user's hand along many dimensions and compare those
measurements to measurements stored in a file.



• Though it requires special hardware to use, it can be easily integrated into other
devices or systems.

• It has no public attitude problems as it is associated most commonly with authorized

• The amount of data required to uniquely identify a user in a system is the smallest by far,
allowing it to be used with SmartCardseasily.


• Very expensive
• Considerable size.
• It is not valid for arthritic person, since they cannot put the hand on the scanner properly.

Figure 3.9 Voice Pattern

• Identification of the person who is speaking by characteristics of their voices (voice
biometrics), also called Voice Patterns.

• There is a difference between speaker recognition (recognizing who is speaking) and speech
recognition (recognizing what is being said).

• Voice biometrics works by digitizing a profile of a person's speech to produce a stored model
voice print, or template.

• Biometric technology reduces each spoken word to segments composed of several dominant
frequencies called formants.

• Each segment has several tones(pitch, quality, and strength) that can be captured in a digital

• The tones collectively identify the speaker's unique voice print.

• Voice prints are stored in databases in a manner similar to the storing of fingerprints or other
biometric data.

• Popular and low-cost, but less accurate and sometimes lengthy enrollment.
• Voice recognition can be divided into two classes:
• template matching - template matching is the simplest technique and has the highest accuracy
when used properly, but it also suffers from the most
• feature analysis
• The first step is for the user to speak a word or phrase into a microphone.
• The electrical signal from the microphone is digitized by an "analog-to-digital (A/D)
converter", and is stored in memory.

• To determine the "meaning" of this voice input, the computer attempts to match the input
with a digitized voice sample, or template, that has a known meaning.

• This technique is a close analogy to the traditional command inputs from a keyboard. The
program contains the input template, and attempts to match this template with the actual
input using a simple conditional statement.


Figure 3.10 Raw Data in Signature writing

2) Extract features and compare distances with the those in the template.

Feature Extraction/Selection

• Global features: #Width, Height, #Duration, #Orientation

• Local features: #X-coordinates, #Y-coordinates , #Curvature

• Dynamic features: #Velocity, #Acceleration, #Pressure, #Pressure changing

• Other features: # Number of segments, #Critical points, etc.

Figure 3.11 Feature Extraction

3). Make decision according to the threshold specified in the template.

Figure 3.11 Feature Comparison



• Non intrusive.

• Little time of verification (about five seconds).

• Cheap technology.


• Signature verification is designed to verify subjects based on the traits of their unique
signature. As a result, individuals who do not sign their names in a consistent manner may
have difficulty enrolling and verifying in signature verification.

• Error rate: 1 in 50.


• Keystroke dynamics is a biometric based on assumption that different people type in

uniquely characteristic manners.

• The rhythms with which one types at a keyboard are sufficiently distinctive to form the basis
of the biometric technology known as keystroke dynamics.
• The way and the manner in which we type on our computer keyboard varies from
individual to individual and is considered to be a unique behavioral biometric.

• Keystroke Dynamics or Recognition is probably one of the easiest biometrics forms to

implement and manage.

• This is so because at the present time, Keystroke Recognition is completely a software

based solution.

• There is no need to install any new hardware and even software.

• All that is needed is the existing computer and keyboard that is already in place and


• Often used
– Latency between keystrokes
– Duration of keystroke, hold-time
• Seldom used
– Overall typing speed
– Frequency of errors
– Habit of using additional keys (numpad…)
– Capital letters (order of releasing shift and letter)
– Force of hitting keys (special keyboard needed)


Latencies between keystrokes when writing “password” by two persons

Figure 3.12 Key Stroke


A facial recognition system is a computer-driven application for automaticallyidentifying a

person from a digital image. It does that by comparing selected facialfeatures in the live image
and a facial database.

It is typically used for security systems and can be compared to other biometrics such
asfingerprint or eye iris recognition systems.Popular recognition algorithms include eigenface,
fisherface, the Hidden Markov model,and the neuronal motivated Dynamic Link Matching. A
newly emerging trend, claimed toachieve previously unseen accuracies, is threedimensional
face recognition. Anotheremerging trend uses the visual details of the skin, as captured in
standard digital orscanned images.

Figure 3.13 Facial Enroll and Recognition Stage

Figure 3.14 Selecting Face Region

Figure 3.16 Filtering on Face Region


Figure 3.18 3D Face Matching

Three-dimensional face recognition (3D face recognition) is a modality of facialrecognition

methods in which the three-dimensional geometry of the human face is used.It has been shown
that 3D face recognition methods can achieve significantly higheraccuracy than their 2D
counterparts, rivaling fingerprint recognition.

3D face recognition achieves better accuracy than its 2D counterpart by measuringgeometry of

rigid features on the face.[citation needed] This avoids such pitfalls of 2Dface recognition
algorithms as change in lighting, different facial expressions, make-upand head orientation.
Another approach is to use the 3D model to improve accuracy oftraditional image based
recognition by transforming the head into a known view.

The main technological limitation of 3D face recognition methods is the acquisition of3D
images, which usually requires a range camera. This is also a reason why 3D facerecognition
methods have emerged significantly later (in the late 1980s) than 2Dmethods. Recently
commercial solutions have implemented depth perception byprojecting a grid onto the face and
integrating video capture of it into a high resolution3D model. This allows for good recognition
accuracy with low cost off-the-shelfcomponents.
Currently, 3D face recognition is still an open research field, though several vendorsalready offer
commercial solutions.



• Non intrusive
• Cheap technology.


• 2D recognition is affected by changes in lighting, the person’s hair, the age, and if the
person wear glasses.

• Requires camera equipment for user identification; thus, it is not likely to become
popular until most PCs include cameras as standard equipment.


The chemical structure of everyone's DNA is the same. The only difference betweenpeople (or
any animal) is the order of the base pairs. There are so many millions of basepairs in each
person's DNAthat every person has a different sequence.

Using these sequences, every person could be identified solely by the sequence of theirbase
pairs. However, because there are so many millions of base pairs, the task would bevery
timeconsuming. Instead, scientists are able to use a shorter method, because ofrepeating
patterns in DNA.

These patterns do not, however, give an individual "fingerprint," but they are able todetermine
whether two DNA samples are from the same person, related people, or nonrelated people.
Scientists use a small number of sequences of DNA that are known tovary among individuals
a great deal, and analyze those to get a certain probability of amatch.

Every strand of DNA has pieces that contain genetic information which informs anorganism's
development (exons) and pieces that, apparently, supply no relevant geneticinformation at all
(introns). Although the introns may seem useless, it has been found thatthey contain repeated
sequences of base pairs. These sequences, called Variable NumberTandem Repeats (VNTRs),
can contain anywhere from twenty to one hundred base pairs.

Every human being has some VNTRs. To determine if a person has a particular VNTR,
aSouthern Blot is performed, and then the Southern Blot is probed, through a
hybridizationreaction, with a adioactive version of the VNTR in question. The pattern which
resultsfrom this process is what is often referred to as a DNA fingerprint.

A given person's VNTRs come from the genetic information donated by his or herparents; he
or she could have VNTRs inherited from his or her mother or father, or acombination, but never
a VNTR either of his or her parents do not have. Shown beloware the VNTR patterns for Mrs.
A [blue], Mr. A [yellow], and their fourchildren: D1 (the A's biological daughter), D2 (Mr. A's
step-daughter, child of Mrs. A and her former husband [red]), S1 (the A' biological son), and
S2 (the A' adopted son, not biologically related [his parents are light and dark green]).

Figure 3.19 DNA Fingerprinting

Because VNTR patterns are inherited genetically, a given person's VNTR pattern is moreor less
unique. The more VNTR probes used to analyze a person's VNTR pattern, themore distinctive
and individualized that pattern, or DNAfingerprint, will be.



A biometric system which relies only on a single biometric identifier in making a personal
identification is often not able to meet the desired performance requirements. Identification
based on multiple biometrics represents an emerging trend. We introduce a multimodal
biometric system, which integrates face recognition, fingerprint verification, and speaker
verification in making a personal identification. This system takes advantage of the capabilities
of each individual biometric. It can be used to overcome some of the limitations of a single
biometrics. Preliminary experimental results demonstrate that the identity established by such
an integrated system is more reliable than the identity established by a face recognition system,
a fingerprint verification system, and a speaker verification system.

Figure 4.1 Multimode Biometric Using Fingerprint, Face and Voice


Figure diagrams BioID’s functions. The systemacquires (records), preprocesses, and classifies
eachbiometric feature separately. During the training(enrollment) of the system, biometric
templates aregenerated for each feature. For classification, the systemcompares these templates
with the newly recordedpattern. Then, using a strategy that depends on thelevel of security
required by the application, it combinesthe classification results into one result by whichit
recognizes persons.

Figure 4.2 Multimode Biometric Using Face and Lip Movement


A generic biometric system can be cast in the framework of a pattern recognition system. The
stages of such a generic system are shown in Figure 5.1

Figure 5.1 Vulnerable Points Of Biometric System

The first stage involves biometric signal acquisition from the user (e.g., the inkless fingerprint
scan). The acquired signal typically varies significantly from presentation to presentation;
hence, pure pixel-based matching techniques do not work reliably. For this reason, the second
signal processing stage attempts to construct a more invariant representation of this basic input
signal (e.g., in terms of fingerprint minutiae). The invariant representation is often a spatial
domain characteristic or a transform (frequency) domain characteristic, depending on the
particular biometric.

During enrollment of a subject in a biometric authentication system, an invariant

template is stored in a database that represents the particular individual. To authenticate the
user against a given ID, the corresponding template is retrieved from the database and matched
against the template derived from a newly acquired input signal. The matcher arrives at a
decision based on the closeness of these two templates while taking into account geometry,
lighting, and other signal acquisition variables. Note that password-based authentication
systems can also be set in this framework. The keyboard becomes the input
In the last years has considerably increased the area of application of biometrics and it's
expected that in the near future, we will use biometry many times in our dayly activities such
as getting in the car, openning the door of our house, accessing to our bank acount, shoping by
internet, accessing to our PDA, mobil phone, laptops, etc.

Depending of where the biometrics is deployed, the applications can be categorized in the
following five main groups: forensic, government, commercial, health-care and traveling and
immigration. However, some applications are common to these groups such as physical access,
PC/network access, time and attendance, etc.

The use of biometric in the law enforcement and forensic is more known and from long date,
it is used mainly for identification of criminals. In particular, the AFIS (automatic fingerprint
identification system) has been used for this purpose.
Lately the facial-scan technology (mug shots) is being also used for identification of suspects.
Another possible application is the verification of persons of home arrest, a voice-scan is an
attractive solution for this problem. The typical application are:
Identification of criminals- collecting the evidence in the scene of crime (e.g.,
fingerprints) it is possible to compare with data of suspects or make a search in the database of
Surveillance --using cameras one can monitor the very busy places such as stadiums,
airports, meetings, etc. Looking in the crowds for suspect, based on the face recognition
biometric, using a images (e.g., mug shots) database of wanted persons or criminals. Since the
events of September 11, 2001, the interest in biometric surveillance has increased dramatically,
especially for air travel applications. Currently there are many cameras monitoring crowds at
airports for detecting wanted terrorists.

Corrections -This refers to the treatment of offenders (criminals) through a system of penal
incarceration, rehabilitation, probation, and parole, or the administrative system by which these
are effectuated. Is this cases a biometric system can avoid the possibility of accidentally
releasing the wrong prisoner, or to ensure that people leaving the facilities are really visitors
and not inmates.
Probation and home arrest - biometric can also be used for post-release programs
(conditional released) to ensure the fulfillment of the probation, parole and home detention

There are many application of the biometry in the government sector.An AFIS is the primary
system used for locating duplicates enrolls in benefits systems, electronic voting for local or
national elections, driver's license emission, etc. The typical application are:
National Identification Cards - the idea is to include digital biometric information in the
national identification card. This is the most ambitious biometric program, since the
identification must be performed in a large-scale database, containing hundred of millions
samples, corresponding to the whole population of one country.

This kind of cards can be used for multiple purposes such as controlling the collection of
benefits, avoiding duplicates of voter registration and drivers license emission. All this
applications are primarily based on finger-scan and AFIS technology, however it is possible
that facial-scan and iris-scan technology could be used in the future.
Voter ID and Elections - while the biometric national ID card is still in project, in many
countries are already used the biometry for the control of voting and voter registration for the
national or regional elections. During the registration of voter, the biometric data is captured
and stored in the card and in the database for the later use during the voting. The purpose is to
prevent the duplicate registration and voting.
Driver's licenses - In many countries the driver license is also used as identification
document, therefore it is important to prevent the duplicate emission of the driver license under
different name. With the use of biometric this problem can be eliminated. however it is
important that the data must be shared between state, because in some country such as United
States, the license are controlled at the states as opposed to the federal level.
Benefits Distribution (social service) - the use of biometry in benefits distribution
prevents fraud and abuse of the government benefits programs. Ensuring that the legitimate
recipients have a quick and convenient access to the benefits such as unemployment, health
care and social security benefits.

Employee authentication - The government use of biometric for PC, network, and data
access is also important for security of building and protection of information. Below are more
detailed this kind of applications also used in commercial sector.
randomly in uterus. The iris is a muscle that regulates the size of the pupil, controlling the amount
of light that enters the eye.


Figure 7.2 Fingerprint Scanner

A fingerprint scanner is an electronic device used to capture a digital image of the fingerprint
pattern. This scan is digitally processed to create a biometric template which is stored and used
for matching.


Face detection is used in biometrics, often as a part of (or together with) a facial recognition
system. It is also used in video surveillance, human computer interface and image database
management. A face camera is a webcam with 2 Mpx or above which can take a clear crisp
photograph of the face.
Figure 7.2 Face Camera

Some recent digital cameras use face detection for autofocus. Also, face detection is useful for
selecting regions of interest in photo slideshows that use a pan-and-scale Ken Burns effect.
That is, the content of a given part of an image is transformed into features, after which a
classifier trained on example faces decides whether that particular region of the image is a face,
or not.

A face model can contain the appearance, shape, and motion of faces. There are several shapes
of faces. Some common ones are oval, rectangle, round, square, heart, and triangle. Motions
include, but not limited to, blinking, raised eyebrows, flared nostrils, wrinkled forehead, and
opened mouth.


Figure 7.3 Hand Scanner


Figure 7.4 Retina Scan


Figure 7.5 Multi Biometrics

Biometrics can only be limited by limiting one's imagination. Biometric technology is now
being used in almost every area. Not only that, but various types of biometric systems are being
used to achieve various functionalities.

There are many mature biometric systems available now. Proper design and implementation
ofthe biometric system can indeed increase the overall security. There are numerous
conditionsthat must be taken in account when designing a secure biometric system. First, it is
necessary torealize that biometrics is not secrets. This implies that care should be taken and it is
not secureto generate any cryptographic keys from them. Second, it is necessary to trust the
input deviceand make the communication link secure. Third, the input device needs to be
verified .

The ultimate form of electronic verification of a person’s identity is biometrics; using

a physical attribute of the person to make a positive identification. People have always used the
brain’s innate ability to recognize a familiar face and it has long been known that a person’s
fingerprints can be used for identification. The challenge has been to turn these into electronic
processes that are inexpensive and easy to use.

Banks and others who have tested biometric-based security on their clientele,
however, say consumers overwhelmingly have a pragmatic response to the technology.
Anything that saves the information-overloaded citizen from having to remember another
password or personal identification number comes as a welcome respite.

Biometrics can address most of the security needs, but at what cost? Surprisingly, the
benefits quickly outweigh the costs. Like so many technological developments, innovative
people have found new ways to implement biometric systems, so prices have come down
dramatically in the last year or two. As prices have come down, the interest level and the
knowledge about how to effectively utilize these systems have increased. So the investment is
decreasing and the recognizable benefits are increasing. Biometrics, when properly
implemented, not only increase security but also often are easier to use and less costly to
administer than the less secure alternatives. Biometrics can’t be forgotten or left at home and
they don’t have to be changed periodically like passwords.

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