Management of Penetrating Wounds of The Heart

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Management of Penetrating Wounds of the Heart

Hafedh DALY
Corresponding author
Gafsa Regional Hospital, Tunisia

Abstract :- Objective: The objective of the work was to The qualitative variables of our study were expressed
define the particularities of surgical management of as percentages and numbers, while the quantitative variables
patients with heart wounds. were expressed as means +/- standard deviations.
Patients and method: This was a retrospective study of
patients suffering from heart wounds and treated in a III. RESULTS
cardiovascular surgery department between 2014 and
2022. The data studied were the site of the lesions, the This was a series of 12 patients suffering from a stab wound
treatment times. load, preoperative clinical and to the heart (11 men and 1 woman), average age 32 ± 14.7
paraclinical data, surgical technique and mortality. years.
Results: Twelve patients (11 men/1 woman) with a mean The treatment time between the trauma and arrival in
age of 32 ± 14.7 years. The average surgical treatment the cardiovascular surgery unit was 52.5 ± 31 min. 11
time was 52.5 ± 31 min. Two patients underwent median patients presented with collapse before arriving at cardiac
sternotomy, one via subxiphoid approach and nine via surgery defined as a systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm
thoracotomy. Right ventricular injury was observed in Hg and a heart rate greater than 120/min. Six patients had a
10 patients. Treatment was surgical in all patients. chest CT scan which revealed pericardial effusion each time.
Conclusion: This is a serious emergency. The treatment
is surgical, the approach depends on the site of the chest Six patients were taken to the operating room straight
wound. The prognosis varies depending on the time it away. The approach was a subxiphoid Marfan approach
takes to receive treatment. once, a median sternotomy twice and an anterolateral
thoracotomy nine times.
Keywords:- Heart Wound, Sternotomy, Thoracotomy,
Surgery. LV injury occurred in two patients (16.7%) and RV
injury in ten patients (83.3%). There were no wounds in the
I. INTRODUCTION left atrium, right atrium, coronary arteries or great vessels.
Finally, four times we found a pulmonary parenchymal
Heart injuries are a surgical emergency, the prognosis wound associated with an intrapericardial lesion.
of which depends on the initial treatment, the mechanism of
the injury, and the hemodynamic state of the patient when All lesions were treated with a beating heart by simple
help arrives (1). Despite progress made in pre-hospital care myoraphy using separate points with 5/0 prolene or
and diagnosis, mortality remains high. They generally result supported on a dacron patch (one case).
from a gunshot or stab wound; more rarely, rib fractures can
be responsible for pericardial lesions. When the diagnosis is The postoperative course was simple for all patients,
made, treatment is based on emergency surgery. we reported no deaths and the average length of stay in the
cardiovascular surgery unit was 11.5 ± 3 days.
This is a retrospective study extended over a period of
8 years, between January 2014 and December 2022, about Ten percent of chest trauma is responsible for heart
12 patients presenting with a heart wound, and having been damage. The etiology is most often a firearm or stab wound;
treated within the cardiovascular surgery department of the closed trauma and iatrogenic wounds are rarer (2).
Gafsa regional hospital.
There is a contrast between pre-hospital mortality and
All data used in our work were collected from the that of patients arriving living in a hospital structure. Thus,
patient files of the cardiovascular surgery department of the in an autopsy series of heart wounds, 87% of deaths
Gafsa regional hospital. occurred at the scene of the trauma, most often related to
hemorrhagic shock (3). On the other hand, in retrospective
The collection of data in medical files was done in series of operated patients, mortality can be less than 20%,
ascending chronological order from January 2014 to particularly for stab wounds. The prognostic factors are: a
December 2022, using operating records. short time to surgical treatment; the young age of the
patient; the absence of associated lesion or comorbidity; and
For the statistical study, we reported all the data on an the existence of a preoperative tamponade chart (4). The
Excel table and we used the SPSS 23 software. series we present has epidemiological characteristics

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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complications. In the long term, we find in the literature a
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Heart injuries have a high pre-hospital mortality but

patients arriving alive at the hospital a priori present simple
cardiac lesions which can be treated by cardiomyoraphy
with very good results. The use of extracorporeal circulation
remains exceptional. The most determining prognostic
factor is the delay in surgical treatment.


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