Synergist TOLSA
Synergist TOLSA
Synergist TOLSA
Growing together
2 ADINS® Flame Retardancy Tolsa 3
ADINS Flame Retardancy
Our Technology
ADINS® Flame Retardant technology offers a versatile product
range of additives for polymers that act as synergists with Halogen PRODUCT OVERVIEW
and Halogen Free Flame Retardant systems. They significantly
improve the behavior of plastic components under fire conditions, ADINS® Clay ADINS® Fireproof & ADINS® Clay G1
enabling their compliance with the most stringent international ADINS® Clay series are magnesium ADINS® Fireproof are ceramifying additives based on a
health and safety regulations such as the European Construction silicates modified in their surface natural silicate activated with phosphate compounds
Products Regulation (CPR) or the Railway EN45545. with organic compounds to ease its whereas ADINS® Clay G1 are based on the modified silicate
dispersion in polymeric matrices. with low melting point glass.
ADINS® Flame Retardant synergists can be combined with the main
polymeric systems (as well as other systems such as Intumescent The needle-like structure reinforces These compounds reinforce the synergetic effect of the
Paints), including thermoplastics and thermosets, boosting the the consistency of the char, ADINS® technology with the flame retardant systems due
performance of Halogen and Halogen Free Flame Retardants. Some improving its properties and its gas to the low temperature glass they form after burning by
of the ADINS additives benefits under fire conditions are: barrier capabilities. This enhanced enhancing the consistency of the 3D reinforcing network
char decreases heat release and within the char.
flame propagation, and also This ceramic char is very stable, consistent and compact,
• Anti-dripping effect reduces smoke emissions and therefore it’s more capable of reducing fire propagation by
• Reduction of the flame propagation dripping (anti-dripping effect) polymer dripping, minimizing heat release, decreasing Total
• Smoke suppression Smoke Production and improving the integrity of the material.
• Reduction of the heat release All these benefits are proven
by using standard fire behavior The use of ADINS® Fireproof and ADINS® Clay G1 boosts
characterization test methods the performance of Halogen and Halogen Free Flame
ADINS® Flame Retardant technology is a sustainable and cost- such as UL-94, LOI and Cone Retardant systems to the highest levels, enabling your plastic
Calorimeter. components pass the most stringent fire requirements.
effective solution that significantly enhances the base material
properties with low addition dosages (1% to 5% w/w), allowing
compliance with the highest technical requirements under fire
4 ADINS® Flame Retardancy Tolsa 5
ADINS meets your needs
Increasingly stringent regulations as well as environmental, health and safety
standards are directly influencing the demand for alternative and safe materials
that grows day by day.
ADINS® products meet the growing demand for synergists, optimizing not
only the consumption of conventional flame retardants, but also providing and
enhancing desired properties and functionalities such as anti-dripping, char
promotion, significant reduction of smoke and heat generation, among others.
Anti-dripping improvement
ADINS® additives, based on natural silicates, allow to modify viscosity under fire conditions,
avoiding dripping. Smoke & Heat Release Reduction
PVC PP - Halogen The establishment of regulations such ADINS® synergists promote char formation,
as the CPR in the EU and its adaptation creating a physical barrier, protecting
in other markets have a big impact and the material and reducing heat and
scope in different industries, especially in smoke emission as well as volatile organic
the Wire & Cable. compounds generated.
The Construction Products Regulation The required dosage of ADINS® are low,
harmonize a series of requirements ranging from 1 to 5% for commonly used
regarding fire behavior, including the need formulations, however, the impact on the
to achieve a lower smoke emission and properties is remarkable, even allowing to
toxicity. reduce FR doses.
UL-94 Vertical Burning Tests Results There is a need for safer materials and Some examples of %TSP reduction are
ADINS® products can help to achieve this presented below:
ADINS synergists drastically reduce dripping allowing V-0 rating on different systems,
such as polyamide and polyester.
UL-94 TEST RESULTS Intumescent Halogen (ATO) Hydroxide In EVA, the reductions in heat
48% release and smoke production
Reference V-2 V-2 No Rating are from 30 to 50%, and in the
PP 45% case of rubber, a reduction of
ADINS® V-0 V-0 V-0 almost 50% in the generation
42% of smoke is achieved.
Reference No Rating - -
PA In addition and regarding
ADINS® V-0 - V-0 mechanical properties, in EPDM
formulations, the tensile and
Reference - - V-0 elongation break are improved
ADINS® - - V-0 when incorporating ADINS® as
EPDM/ATH EVA/ATHP P/Intumescent PVC or well as harness.
Reference - V-2 V-2 PP/Halogen
PVC %TSP Reduction
ADINS® - V-0 V-0
The dosage of ADINS® to avoid dripping, will depend on each system. All samples has been tested at 1,6 mm.
TSP (m)
Simultaneously, the addition of ADINS®
HRR (kW/m2)
7 decreases and delays the peak of the 500
synergists creates a swelled and non- 6 6.4 m
heat release rate and acts as a Smoke
cracked char, therefore heat and mass 5 400
transfer between flame and polymer 4 3.4 m 251 (-65%)
substrate is effectively prevented. 3 213 (-74%)
The use of ADINS® Clay improves the
Consequently, Flame Retardant content can 2 200
cost efficiency of the formulations with
be reduced, improving the process ability 1
intumescent flame retardants. 100
and mechanical properties of the material. 0
0 2004 00 6008 00 1.000
0 200 400 600 800
ATO Reduction
The antimony trioxide is one of the most widely used additive in industry, but its safety is under
regulatory study, due to its toxicity and potential carcinogenicity.
In addition, the variability of its prices, and problems in terms of supply, are other aspects that have
generated concerns among end users.
However, in some applications such as E&E, its use is unavoidable.
Alternatives such as increasing hydroxide FR load generate processability and performance
problems. Therefore, there is a need for safer synergists like ADINS, that are able to reduce ATO
dosage without damaging final properties and processability.
ADINS® helps to reduce up to 50% or eliminate the ATO content levels from the formulation (in PVC
or PP matrices for example) when combined with flame retardant systems like ATH or MDH.
ADINS® Clay improves the efficiency of the flame retardant system by reducing its dosage, therefore
creating more environmentally friendly solution that still complies with standard regulations.
ADINS® Fireproof
& ADINS® Clay G1
Ceramificable Wire & Cable
ADINS® FIREPROOF SIL-1 Special Structural Parts
Intumescent Paint&Coating