PPC Presentation - 20231108 Final

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University of Cape Town

Presentation: Parliamentary Portfolio

Committee on Higher Education, Science and
8 November 2023
Bremer Building, UCT
Focus areas for PPC
1. Findings and recommendations of
the independent panel of
investigation into governance at
2. Actions taken by the University to
implement the recommendations in
the report.
3. Update on filling the Vice-
Chancellor’s post.

Receipt of the Report
• The receipt of the report followed Council’s decision in
October 2022 to establish an independent panel,
whose work commenced in January 2023.
• The report of the Panel focusses on governance
matters at UCT during the period 2018-2022.
• The hardcopy of the executive summary of the report
was made available to UCT on 9 October 2023.
• The hardcopy of the full report was received by UCT
on 11 October 2023.
Since the receipt of the Report
• Council convened a plenary meeting on 14 October 2023
and Council members were given the opportunity to read
the report.
• Council convened a second plenary meeting on 28
October 2023 to consider the content of the report.
• Following the meeting of 28 October 2023, Council
resolved to adopt the report, whereafter the Chair of
Council, on behalf of Council, issued a statement to the
UCT community – 1 November 2023. This statement is in
the public domain.

Release of the Report
• Copies of the report, without annexures, were sent
electronically to the Minister of Higher Education and
to the Chairperson of the PPC on 1 November 2023.
• Additionally, those persons named in the report, in
cases of adverse findings as well as those whom the
Panel concluded were wronged by UCT, also received
an electronic version of the report.
• In the 1 November 2023 communique to the UCT
community, it was communicated that the release of
the report was for reasons of transparency,
accountability and in the public interest.
Findings of the Panel
1. The Panel has made findings in specific categories. These are in respect of:
• The Councils chaired by Ms Ngonyama and by Mr Pityana respectively.
• The Office of the Ombud of UCT and the related matters of the complaints
received by the former Ombud and the manner in which Council dealt with
the 2019 report of the Ombud.
• The resignations of senior staff (nine in total) at UCT in the period under
• The case of a current Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
• Governance failures.
• Breaches of law and policy

All of the above are serious and are detailed in the executive summary of the
report, and in the full report.


1. The Panel has made recommendations in the following


a) Recommendations in relation to governance.

b) Recommendations in relation to specific / implicated
c) Recommendations in relation to remedies for
individuals who were wronged by UCT.

All of the above are extremely serious and Council

intends to deal with each of these recommendations.

Next steps
1. Council is determined to use the report as a roadmap to guide it
towards a future marked by accountability and transparency,
and a renewed commitment to strengthen the governance of the
2. Council has acknowledged that during the period under review,
in important respects it did not exercise its
fiduciary responsibilities timeously and that it did not always act
in the best interests of the university.
3. Council has acknowledged publicly that had it at the time
fulfilled its governance role as required, the events that unfolded
and the emotional trauma caused to many individuals could
have been avoided.
4. Council has publicly indicated its regret for not acting sooner
and has apologised unreservedly.

Next steps
• Council has indicated that it will be pursuing the specific
recommendations relating to those who were wronged by UCT, as
recommended by the report.
• Council is giving attention to the matter of taking remedial action
and course correcting in order to restore the university community
and the public’s trust and confidence in UCT as a leading institution
of higher learning. There is much to do and Council is determined
to get it right.
• In relation to the individuals implicated in the report, Council is
deliberating an appropriate course of action. This will be done in
line with UCT policies, procedures, and codes of conduct.

In conclusion
• There is much work to be done.
• Council will convene another
special meeting (tentatively set
for 11 November 2023) to
further deliberate the above.
• The University has gone
through a very difficult period
and Council is committed to
make every effort to ensure that
UCT is able to move forward.
• Council commits to keeping its
stakeholders apprised as to
future developments.

Process to appoint the
In commencing the recruitment and
selection process for the appointment of
a new Vice-Chancellor (VC) the UCT
policy outlines two initial responsibilities
required of the Chair of Council i.e. to
consult with key constituencies about:
• the composition of the selection
committee and;
• the position criteria for the post of

Process to appoint the Vice-Chancellor
Selection Committee composition:
• Chair of Council (Chair);
• four (4) external Council members elected by the Council;
• two (2) Deans elected by Senate;
• two (2) Employment Equity Representatives elected by the Chair and Co-Chairs of the IF;
• three (3) Professors (excluding Deans) chosen from a panel of five elected by Senate;
• two (2) non-Professorial members of the academic staff chosen from a panel of five
elected by the academic staff (who are not Professors);
• one (1) PASS staff member in payclass 13 chosen from a panel of five elected by that
group of staff;
• one (1) PASS staff member in payclasses 5 to 12 chosen from a panel of five elected by
that group of staff;
• one (1) PASS staff member in payclasses 1 to 4 chosen from a panel of five elected by
that group of staff;
• three (3) students (at least one of whom will be a postgraduate student) elected by the
• and up to three (3) co-opted members to ensure appropriate balance and diversity elected
by Council.

Process to appoint the Vice-Chancellor

The committee composition process is far advanced:

• The Chair of Council concluded the compilation of the

selection committee on 10th September 2023 and
submitted the list to the IF.
• The IF Executive Committee reviewed the process at a
sitting on 20th September 2023.
• The SRC is dealing with a matter related to the process
for the deployment of SRC representatives to the
selection committee and their appointments are pending.
The new SRC has only recently, wef 1 November,
assumed office.

Process to appoint the Vice-Chancellor

Consultation on key criteria for the post of VC

• The criteria for the position of VC are set by Council. The Chair of
Council has consulted constituencies across the University on the
key criteria for the post and the challenges facing the University.
• The Chair of Council conducted a series of consultations during the
period 9 to 19 October 2023 with key constituencies. These
constituencies comprised of the organised labour, the Senate, the
SRC and the university senior management.
• Following these consultations, the Chair of Council consulted with
the IF on the position criteria and post advisement which will be
submitted to Council for the finalisation.

Process to appoint the Vice-Chancellor

Next Steps:
• In consideration of the IF’s advice, Council will verify the final
selection committee and confirm the position criteria for the post of
• The SRC will deploy its selection committee representatives prior to
the December 2023 Council meeting. The SRC nominations will
conclude the nominations for a duly constituted selection
• Council will finalise the selection committee and position criteria on
or before the next Council plenary meeting in December 2023.
• Following the above, the selection committee will activate the
formal search for a new Vice-Chancellor


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