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Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970 on 30 March 2021. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on November 3, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Management of plantar heel pain: a best practice
guide informed by a systematic review, expert clinical
reasoning and patient values
Dylan Morrissey ‍ ‍,1,2 Matthew Cotchett ‍ ‍,3 Ahmed Said J’Bari,1 Trevor Prior,1
Ian B Griffiths ‍ ‍,1 Michael Skovdal Rathleff,4 Halime Gulle,1 Bill Vicenzino ‍ ‍,5
Christian J Barton ‍ ‍3,6

►► Additional material is ABSTRACT BACKGROUND

published online only. To view, Objective To develop a best practice guide for Plantar heel pain (PHP), which affects 4%–7.0%
please visit the journal online
(http://d​ x.​doi.o​ rg/​10.​1136/​ managing people with plantar heel pain (PHP). of the community,1–4 is associated with impaired
bjsports-​2019-​101970). Methods Mixed-­methods design including systematic health-­related quality of life including social isola-
review, expert interviews and patient survey. tion, a poor perception of health status and reduced
Sports and Exercise Medicine, Data sources Medline, Embase, CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, functional capabilities.5 PHP predominantly affects
William Harvey Research
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, trial sedentary middle-­aged and older adults, and is esti-
Institute, Queen Mary University
of London, London, UK registries, reference lists and citation tracking. Semi-­ mated to account for 8.0% of all injuries related
Physiotherapy Department, structured interviews with world experts and a patient to running.6 The condition is characterised by first
Barts Health NHS Trust, London, survey. step pain and pain during weight-­ bearing tasks,
UK Eligibility criteria Randomised controlled trials particularly after periods of rest.7
Department of Physiotherapy,
Podiatry, Prosthetics and (RCTs) evaluating any intervention for people with PHP How should clinicians treat pain and improve
Orthotics, La Trobe University, in any language were included subject to strict quality function in people with PHP? The published liter-
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia criteria. Trials with a sample size greater than n=38 were ature is dominated by systematic reviews, guide-
Department of Health Science considered for proof of efficacy. International experts lines and meta-­analyses7–9 that include low-­quality
and Technology, Faculty of
Medicine, Aalborg University,
were interviewed using a semi-­structured approach and trials with small sample sizes, which may inflate
Aalborg, Denmark people with PHP were surveyed online. effect sizes and lead to incorrect interpretation.10
University of Queensland, Results Fifty-­one eligible trials enrolled 4351 Two previously published Clinical Practice Guides
School of Health and participants, with 9 RCTs suitable to determine proof for PHP, based on variable quality evidence, do not
Rehabilitation Sciences: recommend one treatment over another.7 8 A recent
of efficacy for 10 interventions. Forty people with
Physiotherapy, St Lucia,
Queensland, Australia PHP completed the online survey and 14 experts network meta-­analysis included low-­quality studies
Department of Surgery, St were interviewed resulting in 7 themes and 38 and limited the analysis to studies of extracorpo-
Vincent’s Hospital, University of subthemes. There was good agreement between real shockwave therapy (ESWT), exercise, cortico-
Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, the systematic review findings and interview data steroid injections, non-­steroidal anti-­inflammatory
about taping (SMD: 0.47, 95% CI 0.05 to 0.88) drug (NSAID) injections, oral NSAIDs and orthoses.
and plantar fascia stretching (SMD: 1.21, 95% CI This paper failed to capture the effect of all possible
Correspondence to
Dr Dylan Morrissey, Sports 0.78 to 1.63) for first step pain in the short term. interventions, for example, not considering taping,
and Exercise Medicine, William Clinical reasoning advocated combining these dry needling and a range of other interventions.9
Harvey Research Institute, interventions with education and footwear advice We aim to guide management of PHP based on
Queen Mary University of as the core self-­management approach. There was high-­quality evidence for any intervention. We
London, London E1 4DG, UK;
​d.​morrissey@q​ mul.​ac.​uk good expert agreement with systematic review augmented published efficacy study findings with
findings recommending stepped care management expert reasoning and patient experience.
Accepted 22 February 2021 with focused shockwave for first step pain in the In short, we synthesised findings from high-­
Published Online First short-­term (OR: 1.89, 95% CI 1.18 to 3.04), medium-­ quality level II randomised controlled trials (RCTs)
30 March 2021
term (SMD 1.31, 95% CI 0.61 to 2.01) and long-­ with clinical reasoning from clinician-­ researchers
term (SMD 1.67, 95% CI 0.88 to 2.45) and radial and the patient voice, to develop a best practice
shockwave for first step pain in the short term (OR: guide (BPG) to the clinical management of PHP.
1.66, 95% CI 1.00 to 2.76) and long term (OR: 1.78,
95% CI 1.07 to 2.96). We found good agreement to
’step care’ using custom foot orthoses for general METHODS
pain in the short term (SMD: 0.41, 95% CI 0.07 to The systematic review element was registered on
0.74) and medium term (SMD: 0.55, 95% CI 0.09 to PROSPERO (CRD42018102227), without any
1.02). deviation from the published protocol. Funding was
© Author(s) (or their Conclusion Best practice from a mixed-­methods received from the Private Physiotherapy Education
employer(s)) 2021. Re-­use study synthesising systematic review with expert Fund, in the UK, who took no part in the design,
permitted under CC BY. opinion and patient feedback suggests core treatment conduct or reporting of the research. The review
Published by BMJ. for people with PHP should include taping, stretching adhered to the guidelines for good reporting of a
To cite: Morrissey D, and individualised education. Patients who do not mixed-­ methods study (online supplemental file
Cotchett M, Said J’Bari A, optimally improve may be offered shockwave therapy, 1) and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
et al. Br J Sports Med followed by custom orthoses. Reviews and Meta-­Analyses statement for system-
2021;55:1106–1118. atic reviews.

Morrissey D, et al. Br J Sports Med 2021;55:1106–1118. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970    1 of 14


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970 on 30 March 2021. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on November 3, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Search methods internal validity and statistical interpretability with higher scores
The final search was October 2019 of Ovid MEDLINE (1950 to indicating greater quality. The PEDro database was screened
date), Ovid EMBASE (from 1988 to date), CINAHL (1982 to to determine if a study had previously been reviewed and a
date). SPORTDiscus, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled quality score assigned. If a study had been graded, one reviewer
Trials and Web of Science were searched from inception (see independently rated the study, else two reviewers performed
online supplemental file 1 for details). In addition, we also the rating with any disagreements from either method being
searched C ​ linicalTrials.​gov (http://​clinicaltrials.​gov/), the WHO resolved by a third reviewer. A study that scored ≥8/10 on the
International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (http://​apps.​who.​ PEDro scale was considered to be of high quality and retained,12
int/​trialsearch/) and ​ControlledTrials.​com (http://www.​isrctn.​ as a strong correlation exists between the PEDro scale and the
com/) for ongoing or completed trials that met the eligibility Cochrane risk of bias (RoB) tool, indicating evidence for strong
criteria. Finally, references of included studies and citing arti- convergent validity.13
cles were used to identify trials not located through the database For all RCTs that scored ≥8/10, the RoB was evaluated at study
search. No language restrictions were applied. level using six specific items of the PEDro scale,14 chosen based
on a review of the Cochrane Collaboration tool for assessing
Criteria for selecting studies RoB15 and those factors considered to influence internal validity
Type of studies and the size of the effect in RCTs.16 The items were random
Published RCTs evaluating the efficacy or effectiveness of sequence generation (item 2), allocation concealment (item 3),
any intervention for PHP were considered for inclusion. No baseline comparability (item 4), blinding of outcome assessors
language restrictions were imposed. All other designs including (item 7), adequate follow-­ up (item 8) and intention-­ to-­treat
quasi-­experimental studies, letters to the editor, opinion pieces, analysis (item 9). Studies that scored <5 out of 6 were consid-
editorials and conference abstracts were considered ineligible. ered to have a high RoB and excluded from the review. These
factors were used as inclusion criteria to enter the review, rather
than being used to weight the review findings. Furthermore,
Characteristics of participants
in response to recent recommendations in British Journal of
An RCT was included if the participants were clinically diag-
Sports Medicine,17 18 a subsequent RoB check was made of the
nosed with PHP with explicit reference to pain on the under-
10 studies informing the determination of primary or secondary
side of the heel that was most noticeable on weight-­ bearing
proof of efficacy using the RoB-2 tool19 to determine whether
after periods of rest but also worse following prolonged weight
the methods we had employed had been robust in selecting out
bearing. All participants were over the age of 16 years and had
studies with an acceptable RoB.
experienced symptoms of any duration. RCTs were excluded if
participants’ PHP was related to fractures, tumours or infections
or confounded by other conditions that might be rheumatolog- Data extraction and management
ical, neural, vascular or dermatological in origin. A data extraction form was used to record outcome data related
to pain, first step pain and function, by pairs of authors and
Types of interventions checked by MC. The mean and SD, median and IQR or differ-
Any RCT that investigated the effectiveness or efficacy of an ence in outcomes from baseline was extracted for continuous
intervention compared with another intervention, placebo, sham data. In addition, dichotomous data were extracted such as
or wait and see was included, provided there was a follow-­up of successful outcome. Data were extracted for each outcome at all
at least 2 weeks. time points and entered into RevMan (V.5.3; Copenhagen: The
Nordic Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration, 2014).
Outcome measures
Studies that reported at least one of the three outcome measures— Dealing with missing data
patient-­reported pain, first step pain or foot-­related function— For studies that did not report the number of participants at
were included. Where multiple methods of quantifying the same specific time points, or where participants were lost to follow-­up,
outcome were reported, the author’s main prespecified outcome the meta-­analyses were based on the published intention-­to-­treat
metric was accepted, or that of the metric with the lower level of data. Where data were missing, or not in a usable format, we
effect. This was done to avoid making recommendations based attempted to contact the corresponding author of the study. If a
on type 1 error with the rationale that an intervention which request for data was not provided, we attempted to calculate SDs
results in a meaningful effect size for a given outcome should be from SEs, CIs or p values, according to the Cochrane Handbook
consistent irrespective of the measure used. for Systematic Reviews of Interventions.15
Short term was defined as 1 week to 3 months, medium term For studies that reported median and range data, we estimated
as >3 and up to 6 months and long term as >6 months. Where the mean and variance from the median, range and the size of a
multiple follow-­ups within a time window were reported, the sample. Where the sample size was >25, the median value was
outcome at the latest time point within short and medium term, used to estimate the mean. To estimate the variance for samples
and closest to 1 year for long term was selected. 15<n≤70 and >70, we used the formula range/4 and range/6,
respectively to calculate the SD.20
Data collection and analysis
Selection of studies and assessment of quality Evaluating efficacy and the strength of the evidence
The results of the database searches were exported to EndNote An intervention was considered to demonstrate efficacy if
X8 (Thomson Reuters, New York, USA) and duplicates removed. adequately powered included trials demonstrated (i) primary
Titles were initially screened against the eligibility criteria. Rele- proof of superiority compared with sham or placebo or (ii)
vant titles and abstracts were independently assessed by pairs secondary proof of superiority compared with another treat-
of reviewers with disagreements resolved by MC and DM. The ment of proven efficacy or (iii) secondary proof of equiva-
PEDro scale11 is an 11-­point scale that was used to evaluate lence results to another treatment of proven efficacy, with

2 of 14 Morrissey D, et al. Br J Sports Med 2021;55:1106–1118. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970 on 30 March 2021. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on November 3, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
the previously proven treatment yielding similar results to using accepted methods according to the Cochrane Handbook for
the initial RCT proving its efficacy. If an intervention was not Systematic Reviews of Interventions.15
found to be superior when compared with sham or placebo, Comparable studies, reporting continuous data, were pooled
it was deemed to be ineffective and if it was compared with using an inverse variance weighting method within a random-­
another unproven intervention, and no difference in effect effects model.27 For dichotomous outcome variables, the Mantel-­
noted, then it was regarded as not being adequately tested. Haenszel method was used to estimate an association between a
Where there were conflicting results between different studies treatment and outcome. The χ2 test and I2 statistic were used to
for any outcomes at any time-­point, efficacy was resolved by evaluate statistical heterogeneity. Finally, to evaluate the overall
meta-­analysis. outcome of an intervention of proven efficacy, individual studies
Adequate sample size was calculated using G*Power (Univer- that evaluated a specific intervention were combined to deter-
sitat Dusseldorf, http://www.​gpower.​hhu.​de/​en.​html) at a power mine the size of within-­group changes.
of 80%, a minimum important difference of 19 on a visual
analogue scale (VAS) score for first step pain,21 an SD of 2822 Semi-structured interviews with international experts
and 5% alpha level defining a minimum sample size of 38 per Participants
group. This outcome measure was chosen as it is arguably the International experts, defined as having a minimum of 5 years of
pathognomonic feature of PHP. In addition, 38 per group also experience in a given setting and specialty in which they regularly
represented the lowest calculated sample size for all our prespec- encountered significant numbers of people with PHP and who were
ified outcome measures (ie, overall pain and function) that we actively involved in PHP research, were purposively recruited.28
evaluated. If studies did not have an adequate sample size to be Experts were identified by the authors through recommendations of
considered for primary or secondary proof of efficacy, they were researchers that publish in the field of PHP and snowball sampling.
included in meta-­analysis where their results could be pooled All experts were invited to participate via email.
with an adequately powered study. In total, 14 expert clinicians (6 from Australia, 3 from
To evaluate the overall strength of the evidence for each inter- Denmark, 2 from the UK, 2 from the USA and 1 from Canada)
vention, we used the levels of evidence system designed by van were recruited and interviewed, of which 7 were physiothera-
Tulder et al,23 which was adapted to reflect study inclusion being pists, 6 were podiatrists (including 2 podiatric surgeons) and 1
limited to high-­quality studies and applied for both positive and was a rheumatologist. Experts had a mean monthly exposure to
negative findings. Evidence was rated as: 9 patients with PHP per month and had published an average of
►► Strong evidence/Positive effect: meta-­ analysis revealed 51 publications (online supplemental file 1).
multiple high-­quality trials demonstrated efficacy/a positive
effect in favour of the intervention. Interview process
►► Moderate evidence/Positive effect: analysis revealed one One of two interviewers (AH and DM) conducted each interview
high-­quality trial demonstrated efficacy/a positive effect in online or face-­to-­face lasting between 30 and 90 min. An inter-
favour of the intervention. view topic guide, piloted before use, was constructed based on
►► Limited evidence/Positive effect: analysis revealed one high-­ a preliminary literature search, discussions within the research
quality trial, which did not meet the required sample size, team and emergent concepts from pilot interviews conducted
demonstrated efficacy/a positive effect in favour of the (online supplemental file 1). Questions explored interviewees’
intervention. background, clinical reasoning when managing PHP, percep-
►► Strong evidence/Neutral effect: meta-­ analysis revealed tions of the evidence and any gaps in the published literature on
multiple high-­ quality trials demonstrated no efficacy/ treatment of PHP. An online graphic containing descriptors of
evidence of no effect. possible interventions was presented at mid-­interview as a stim-
►► Moderate evidence/Neutral effect: analysis revealed one high-­ ulus to discussion.29 Interviews were transcribed verbatim. Data
quality trial demonstrated no efficacy/evidence of no effect. were collected until thematic saturation, defined as the stage at
►► Limited evidence/Neutral effect: analysis revealed one high-­ which no new patterns or themes emerged.30
quality trial, which did not meet the required sample size,
demonstrated no efficacy/evidence of no effect. Analysis of interview data
►► Conflicting: where there were conflicting between-­ study Interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed by DM after
intervention results for any outcomes at any time-­point, effi- or concomitantly with data collection using the Framework
cacy was resolved by meta-­analysis. approach.30 This entailed construction of an initial thematic
framework from the topic guide following a process of data
Data synthesis familiarisation. The themes and subthemes continuously evolved
For studies reporting continuous data, we calculated standardised throughout the process of analysis by identifying emerging topics
mean differences (SMD), irrespective of whether the outcomes were and mapping the ideas and beliefs of the recruited experts. The
similar or different but ensuring only outcomes of a similar construct framework was applied to the data by coding each section of the
were combined. Effect sizes were set as 0.20–0.49 being small, 0.50– text to subthemes and grouping them into themes, subthemes
0.79 as medium and 0.80 or above as large.24 Final scores at each and supporting quotations as an initial descriptive analysis. This
follow-­up period were evaluated in preference to mean or median analysis was extended to identify typologies and tensions in the
change from baseline values, unless only change scores were avail- data to combine with systematic review data and yield the BPG.
able15 as the use of follow-­up scores is more conservative and are
less likely to find significant results.25 For studies reporting dichot- Patient and public involvement—survey of patients with PHP
omous data, to represent treatment success, ORs were calculated. Interim results of the evidence synthesis (figure 1) were presented
For studies that included three or more active treatment arms, and to patients using an online survey (​www.​surveymonkey.​co.​uk)
reported continuous outcomes, the active arms were combined and (online supplemental file 1). Open questions were asked, which
compared with the control group, to avoid a unit of analysis error,26 explored a persons’ experience of living with PHP, understanding

Morrissey D, et al. Br J Sports Med 2021;55:1106–1118. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970 3 of 14


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970 on 30 March 2021. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on November 3, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1 Management approach for plantar heel pain when a person progressively fails to recover with addition of extracorporeal shockwave
therapy (ESWT) at 4 weeks if the core approach is not working and then addition of orthoses at 12 weeks if there is still suboptimal improvement.
PROM, patient-­reported outcome measure.

of the nature of their PHP, expectations of clinicians, strengths RESULTS

of PHP management and areas for improvement. Results were Search results
analysed with the Framework approach.30 A total of 11 765 studies were identified through electronic
databases and clinical trial registries (figure 3). After removal of
Best practice guide formulation duplicates, 6839 titles were screened. A total of 6477 studies
The BPG was constructed by interpreting the systematic review were subsequently excluded leaving 362 studies to be assessed
findings through the lens of the clinical reasoning and evidence for full-­text retrieval and PEDro analysis. Following the quality
perspectives derived from the expert interviews and patient analysis, 51 studies met the eligibility criteria and were available
survey to generate a core approach (figure 2). In other words, for analysis. In total, the review included 4351 participants.
what to include in the BPG came predominantly from the review, The characteristics of the included studies, including the treat-
while when and how to combine and apply interventions came ment arms, outcome measures and participant characteristics
mainly from the interviews and survey. Specific interventions are detailed in online supplemental file 1. Most studies had a
are therefore mainly review-­determined, service delivery/clinical small sample size (median=75, IQR=62). The mean duration
reasoning derived from the qualitative study, with confirmation of symptoms was 13 months (range 0.8–68.3 months) and
of patient acceptance arising from the survey. 49% were female participants. Pain was evaluated in all studies
Furthermore, a quantitative check of the expected features either by a VAS or numerical pain rating scale. Other outcome
of high-­quality management was matched to the content of the measures included the Foot Function Index (9 studies), Roles and
core approach, which patients had not seen, using counts of Maudsley score (7 studies), plantar fascia thickness (6 studies),
agreement. The BPG was amended based on the patient survey Foot Health Status Questionnaire (10 studies), the Manchester-­
results and presented as summary infographics and explanatory Oxford Foot Questionnaire (2 studies), Lower Extremity Func-
text in order to facilitate dissemination to both patients and tional Scale (3 studies), Foot Ankle Ability Measure (2 studies),
professionals. This approach enabled consideration of multiple Maryland Foot Score (1 study), Global Rating of Change (1
relevant perspectives, and included both qualitative and quanti- study), EQ-­5D (study), 36-­Item Short Form Survey (1 study) and
tative findings, as per recommended approaches that facilitate the Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (1 study). Finally, the mean
breadth and depth of understanding alongside corroboration length of follow-­up was 20 weeks (range 2–104 weeks). Nine-
from multiple sources.31 The qualitative–quantitative balance ty-­six per cent of studies evaluated outcomes in the short term,
was predetermined so that inclusion of interventions was prior- but only 27% in the medium term and 13% in the long term.
itised for systematic review findings, whereas ways of applying Of the included studies, the type of interventions evaluated
these interventions came from the expert interviews and patient included ESWT (n=14), foot orthoses (n=8), night splints
survey. (n=1), footwear (n=1), flip-­ flop sandals (n=1), magnetised

4 of 14 Morrissey D, et al. Br J Sports Med 2021;55:1106–1118. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970 on 30 March 2021. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on November 3, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 2 Core approach to the management of plantar heel pain based on the best available evidence, expert opinion and the patient voice. The top
layer (‘DO’) of taping, stretching and education are required initial interventions with each patient. The individual assessment (‘DECIDE’) is of which
specific educational aspects are needed. BMI, body mass index; FF, forefoot; LTC, long-­term condition; RF, rearfoot.

insoles (n=1), local injections (corticosteroid (n=11), botu- Evidence of efficacy

linum toxin A injections (n=1), polydeoxyribonucleotide (n=2), Table 1 provides a summary of the efficacy and strength of the
hyaluronate injection (n=1), ozone (n=2), micronised dHACM evidence for interventions that were included for primary or
(n=1), platelet-­rich plasma (n=1)) manual therapy and exercise secondary proof of efficacy. Online supplemental file 1 includes
(n=2), low-­level laser (n=2), radiation therapy (n=1), pulsed the short-­ term, medium-­ term and long-­ term results for each
radiofrequency (n=2), stretching (n=1), trigger point dry trial included in the analysis; a summary of those studies with
needling (n=1), taping and iontophoresis (n=1), taping (n=1), evidence against efficacy and forest plots for the effectiveness of
electrolysis (n=1) and wheatgrass cream (n=1). foot orthoses and ESWT.
Of the 51 trials included in the review, 8 RCTs of 9 interven-
Quality assessment tions could be considered for primary proof of efficacy. The nine
The quality analysis results for studies that met the eligibility interventions included radial ESWT,32 focused ESWT,33 custom
criteria are included in online supplemental file 1. The PEDro foot orthoses,34 prefabricated foot orthoses,34 dry needling,35
scores ranged from 8/10 to 10/10. Four studies scored 10/10. magnetised insoles,36 calf stretching,37 foot taping22 and wheat-
‘Blinding of all therapists who administered the therapy’ was the grass cream.38 One trial that compared radial ESWT with plantar
criterion least met by the included studies (n=7). In contrast, fascia stretching was considered for secondary proof of efficacy.39
item 11 (‘the study provides both point measures and measures Moderate evidence was found for the efficacy of focused
of variability for at least one outcome’) was the item most ESWT for overall pain (SMD: 0.36, 95% CI 0.11 to 0.61)33 40;
successfully completed (n=51). strong evidence for first step pain (OR: 1.89, 95% CI 1.18 to
3.04)33 40 41 in the short term and moderate evidence of effect for
Risk of bias function in the short term (SMD: 0.36, 95% CI 0.10 to 0.61).33
RoB determined by the PEDro subset was low, as per the inclu- No, or minimal side effects were reported in each study, however
sion criteria. The subsequent check with the ROB-2 tool by three the procedure was noted to be unpleasant for patients in both
experienced reviewers (DM, MC, CJB) resulted in consensus study reports and semi-­structured interviews.
that 48 of 50 domains in the 10 key trials had low RoB, with Significant and positive effects for pain in the short term were
a maximum of 2 giving some concerns and none at high risk revealed for radial ESWT from two papers reporting significant
(online supplemental file 1). A justification and support for each between-­ group differences, although pooling showed a large
judgement across all domains and studies is included in online effect size with wide CIs that crossed the line of no effect (SMD:
supplemental file 1. Future trials with more transparent protocol 1.64, 95% CI −1.06 to 4.33).32 42 Moderate evidence of efficacy
adherence and blinding, where that is possible, would further was also revealed for first step pain in the long term (OR: 1.78,
improve the RoB scores in future studies. 95% CI 1.07 to 2.96).32 Adverse events were reported as being

Morrissey D, et al. Br J Sports Med 2021;55:1106–1118. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970 5 of 14


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970 on 30 March 2021. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on November 3, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 3 Flow diagram for study selection process. RCT, randomised controlled trial.

minimal in each included study. Of note is that one high-­quality In addition, experts revealed that taping is a first-­line treatment
study found use of radial ESWT without local anaesthetic to be that is an effective method to reduce pain in the short term and
superior to ESWT with prior application of injected local anaes- enhance patient confidence. Some experts used taping to predict
thetic.43 The systematic review findings were consistent with the the efficacy of foot orthoses:
opinions of experts who described the positive effect of ESWT:
If I tape them and their symptoms decrease and then I can say—
There’s enough evidence to suggest that patients with heel pain that okay, I think I can replicate what the tape is doing with either shoes
have shockwave therapy tend to have less pain on review than the or orthoses. (Expert 13)
patients that don’t have shockwave therapy. (Expert 14)
There was moderate evidence of large effect that plantar fascia
Strong evidence was found for the efficacy of custom foot stretching is superior to radial ESWT for first step pain in the
orthoses versus sham for pain in the short term (SMD: 0.41, 95% short term (SMD: 1.21, 95% CI 0.78 to 1.63)39 and of medium
CI 0.07 to 0.74), although the results were conflicting.34 44–46 In effect in the medium term (SMD: 0.64, 95% CI 0.24 to 1.04)
addition, small effect sizes were reported for trials by Landorf but not in the long term (SMD: −0.04, 95% CI −0.43 to 0.35).
et al,34 Oliveira et al45 and Wrobel et al,46 while a large effect The sample was mainly people presenting with acute PHP, and
was reported by Bishop et al.44 Qualitative data confirmed that this finding complements expert reasoning well, with there
foot orthoses, without specific reference to custom or prefabri- being clear guidance to continue stretching targeting the plantar
cated orthoses, can be used to unload tissues beneath the heel for fascia and related structures in a variety of ways throughout
short-­term relief particularly in situations where resting the foot rehabilitation:
is not feasible. No trials of heel cups were found, and they did They can feel an immediate response, and there seems to be some
not feature in the qualitative data. adaptation to this stretching, but again I would say this is definitely
One study that met all the quality and power criteria evaluated not the cure for this. (Expert 4)
the efficacy of low dye taping and sham ultrasound versus sham
ultrasound alone.22 There was moderate evidence of primary
efficacy at 1 week for ‘first-­step’ pain in favour of low dye taping Expert interviews
(SMD: 0.47, 95% CI 0.05 to 0.88). Some patients expressed the Interview transcript analysis revealed 6 themes and 30
positive role for taping to alleviate symptoms: subthemes. The first two themes concerned diagnosis and
I think the strategies that I was given in the short term were helpful patient education (table 2) and particularly influenced the
(eg, taping and stretching). (Patient 12) core approach (figure 2), along with the findings on stretching

6 of 14 Morrissey D, et al. Br J Sports Med 2021;55:1106–1118. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970 on 30 March 2021. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on November 3, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1 Efficacy and strength of evidence for interventions considered for primary and secondary proof of efficacy in the form of an ‘evidence and
gap map’*
Intervention Outcome measure Short term† Medium term† Long term†
Interventions with primary proof of efficacy
Custom orthoses Pain Between-­group efficacy Strong positive34 44–46 Limited positive45 Moderate neutral34
0.41 (0.07 to 0.74) 0.55 (0.09 to 1.02) 0.04 (−0.37 to 0.45)
Within-g­ roup outcome 1.24 (1.00 to 1.49),34 44–46 62‡ 1.65 (1.12 to 2.18),45‡
First step pain Between-­group efficacy Limited neutral44 46
−0.32 (−0.91 to 0.26)
Within-­group outcome
Function Between-­group efficacy Moderate neutral34 45 46 Limited neutral45 Moderate neutral34
−0.21 (−0.48 to 0.06) −0.39 (−0.85 to 0.07) −0.12 (−0.53 to 0.29)
Within-g­ roup outcome
Prefabricated orthoses Pain Between-g­ roup efficacy Moderate neutral34 46 Moderate neutral34
−0.25 (−0.59 to 0.09) −0.08 (−0.50 to 0.33)
Within-g­ roup outcome
First step pain Between-g­ roup efficacy
Within-g­ roup outcome
Function Between-g­ roup efficacy Moderate neutral34 46 Moderate neutral34
−0.06 (−0.40 to 0.28) −0.08 (−0.50 to 0.33)
Within-g­ roup outcome
Magnetised insoles Pain Between-g­ roup efficacy Moderate neutral36
0.00 (−0.39 to 0.39)
Within-­group outcome
Radial ESWT Pain Between-­group efficacy Strong positive32 42 Limited positive42 Strong positive32 42
1.64 (−1.06 to 4.33)§ 3.77 (2.82 to 4.72) 0.78 (−0.15 to 1.72)§
Within-g­ roup outcome 3.78 (−1.38 to 6.17)32 42 63 64 § 5.81 (3.57 to 8.05)42 63 6.41 (4.99 to 7.83)32 42
First step pain Between-­group efficacy Moderate positive ,‡ Moderate positive32
OR: 1.66 (1.00 to 2.76)§ OR: 1.78 (1.07 to 2.96)
Within-g­ roup outcome 1.19 (0.76 to 1.63)39 † 1.74 (1.26 to 2.21)39 † 2.93 (2.34 to 3.51)39†
Function Between-­group efficacy Moderate positive32 Limited positive42 Limited positive42
0.35 (0.10 to 0.60) 2.39 (1.65 to 3.12) 0.90 (0.32 to 1.49)
Within-g­ roup outcome 3.47 (2.57 to 4.37),42† 4.57 (3.48 to 5.65)42† 2.81 (2.02 to 3.61)42†
Focused ESWT Pain Between-­group efficacy Moderate positive
0.36 (0.11 to 0.61)
Within-­group outcome 1.33 (0.94 to 1.72)40 64 ‡
First step pain Between-­group efficacy Strong positive33 41 Limited positive50 Limited positive50
OR: 1.89 (1.18 to 3.04) 1.31 (0.61 to 2.01) 1.67 (0.88 to 2.45)
Within-g­ roup outcome 2.11 (0.75 to 3.48)43 65 2.84 (1.94 to 3.73)50 3.33 (2.78 to 3.87)50
Function Between-­group efficacy Moderate positive
0.36 (0.10 to 0.61)
Within-­group outcome 1.26 (0.99 to 1.53)33
Combined radial and Pain Between-­group efficacy Strong positive32 33 42 Limited positive40 42
focused ESWT 1.08 (0.20 to 1.97) 3.77 (2.82 to 4.72)
Within-­group outcome 2.72 (1.39 to 4.05)40 42 63 64 4.33 (1.12 to 7.55)40 42 63
First step pain Between-­group efficacy Strong positive32 33 41 OR 1.95 (1.22 to 3.12)32 50
OR 1.78 (1.26 to 2.52)
Within-­group outcome 1.79 (0.92 to 2.66)39 43 65 3.14 (2.74 to 3.54)39 43 50
33 42
Function Between-­group efficacy Strong positive
1.03 (−0.36 to 2.42)
Within-­group outcome 2.32 (0.16 to 4.49)33 42
Dry needling Pain Between-­group efficacy Moderate neutral35
−0.33 (−0.76 to 0.10)
Within-­group outcome
First step pain Between-­group efficacy Moderate neutral35
−0.42 (−0.85 to 0.02)
Within-­group outcome
Function Between-­group efficacy Moderate neutral35
0.11 (−0.31 to 0.54)
Within-­group outcome
Wheatgrass Pain Between-­group efficacy Moderate neutral38,‡
Within-­group outcome

Morrissey D, et al. Br J Sports Med 2021;55:1106–1118. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970 7 of 14


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Table 1 Continued
Intervention Outcome measure Short term† Medium term† Long term†
Function Between-­group efficacy Moderate neutral ,‡
Within-­group outcome
Calf stretching First step pain Between-­group efficacy Moderate neutral37
−0.39 (−0.80 to 0.03)
Within-­group outcome
Pain Between-­group efficacy Moderate neutral37
0.00 (−0.40 to 0.41)
Within-­group outcome
Function Between-­group efficacy Moderate neutral37
−0.24 (−0.65 to 0.17)
Within-­group outcome
Low dye taping First step pain Between-­group efficacy Moderate positive22
0.47 (0.05 to 0.88)
Within-­group outcome 1.21 (0.77 to 1.66)22
Pain Between-­group efficacy Moderate neutral22
0.30 (−0.11 to 0.71)
Within-­group outcome
Function Between-­group efficacy Moderate neutral22
−0.05 (−0.46 to 0.36)
Within-­group outcome
Interventions with secondary proof of efficacy
Plantar fascia stretching First step pain Between-­group efficacy Moderate positive39 Moderate positive39 Moderate neutral39
1.21 (0.78 to 1.63) 0.64 (0.24 to 1.04) −0.04 (−0.43 to 0.35)
Within-g­ roup outcome 2.81 (2.27 to 3.35)39 3.25 (2.67 to 3.83)39
*Included below are definitions for efficacy and strength of the evidence. An analysis that revealed a significant effect in favour of the intervention was considered a positive
effect. The strength of the evidence was rated as strong, moderate or limited based on the number of high-­quality trials and whether the trial was adequately powered: strong
evidence/positive effect: meta-­analysis revealed multiple high-­quality trials demonstrated efficacy/a positive effect in favour of the intervention; moderate evidence/positive
effect: analysis revealed one high-­quality trials demonstrated efficacy/a positive effect in favour of the intervention; limited evidence/positive effect: analysis revealed one high-­
quality trial, which did not meet the required sample size, demonstrated efficacy/a positive effect in favour of the intervention; strong evidence/neutral effect: meta-­analysis
revealed multiple high-­quality trials demonstrated no efficacy/evidence of no effect; moderate evidence/neutral effect: analysis revealed one high-­quality trial demonstrated no
efficacy/evidence of no effect; limited evidence/neutral effect: analysis revealed one high-­quality trial, which did not meet the required sample size, demonstrated no efficacy/
evidence of no effect.
†All effect sizes are reported as an SMD (95% CI) unless otherwise stated, with no pooling of ORs and SMD being possible.
‡Incomplete data or within-­group calculations being based on different statistic to between-­group, explains apparent discrepancy in results and references used.
§Calculation of effect size using RevMan differs from the reported statistics, so original statistical report was accepted.
ESWT, extracorporeal shockwave therapy; SMD, standardised mean difference.

in the ‘rehabilitation’ theme alongside ‘factors underlying for patients progressing slowly, or inadequately (figure 1). The
management’ and ‘specific interventions’ (online supple- core approach consists of the best evidence-­based interventions
mental file 1—expert reasoning results), which had particular of plantar fascia stretching and low dye taping complemented
influence on the stepped approach to care (figure 1). ‘Percep- by an individualised education approach. All recommended
tions of evidence’ (online supplemental file 1) was the final core approach components should be used simultaneously for
theme and informed the recommendations made concerning approximately 4–6 weeks before consideration of adjunctive
application of specific interventions for patients recovering interventions such as ESWT or orthoses. Expert interviews
too slowly or not responding at all (figure 1). strongly emphasised the need to implement this education and
self-­management approach prior to applying the interventions
Patient survey identified to have strong evidence when pain remains unchanged
Forty people responded to the online survey with the Frame- from baseline (table 2). The timelines were derived from the qual-
work analysis resulting in one overarching theme of ‘patient itative components and reflect the time required for someone to
experience’ with eight subthemes (table 3). The quantitative respond to the core approach, but recognise a need to adjust
check showed 95% of 266 specific treatment components these timelines based on individual circumstances. In line with
or descriptions of management approaches mentioned in the planned method, inclusion of each intervention was deter-
the patient responses were consistent with the core approach mined by the systematic review and the mode of application,
initially derived from the review and expert interviews therefore including when and how, from our expert interviews.
indicating good agreement between the evidence, experts and The nature of the condition is that you need to be doing a range of
patient experience. things, but all together for a sustained period of time. (Expert 14)

Best practice guide Of the three components of the core approach, taping and
The BPG was produced from synthesis of quantitative (review) plantar fascia stretching should be universally applied and were
and qualitative (expert interviews and patient survey) data. A annotated as ‘DO’ in figure 2. Nearly all trials included educa-
core approach was determined (figure 2) prior to stepped care tion, explicitly or implicitly in each intervention package that

8 of 14 Morrissey D, et al. Br J Sports Med 2021;55:1106–1118. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970


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Table 2 Qualitative analysis of expert interview data pertaining to diagnosis and patient education
Findings Illustrative quotes
Theme 1: diagnosis
 Overview of key High repetitive use versus change of use; mechanical history essential to establish; Q: If you have had an increase in weight, and that’s why you’ve got your heel pain, then
elements to explore rest-­activity balance important; typically insidious onset but important to check injury; that’s probably a point of discussion.11
importance of ruling out other causes (inflammatory, tendinopathy and neuropathic Q: Was there an acute incident, to rule out fat pad contusion?10
masqueraders); reduction with movement. Q: Those for whom it is part of a systemic arthritis are generally younger because
seronegative arthropathy is often in a younger age group.9
 Relative importance Key factor in establishing diagnosis; sets priorities for physical and imaging. Q: The primary diagnosis, when you first see someone, is generally clinical.14
Q: History essentially nails the diagnosis.8
Q: Only time I would really go for ultrasound would be if I am suspecting a tear or a
 Presentation of pain am pain pathognomic; first step pain most informative; pain after inactivity; Q: Very localised pain at the medial tubercle of the calcaneum.3
well-­localised to medial-­inferior heel; worse at start and at end/after aggravating Q: First steps in the morning … after sitting for a long time … very good indication.4
activity; description as sharp at worst versus ache at other times; mechanical versus Q: …Out of bed in the morning it’s like walking on shattered glass or walking on
psychosocial. needles and pins.2
 Subgroups Lean versus high BMI; highly active versus relatively inactive; profession may indicate Q: One group is those with high BMI, and they stand up at work 7–8 hours a day, and
risk; overweight and standing job a particular risk. other group is the lean runner maybe doing too much too soon.2
Q: You also have these people standing a lot standing 8 hours a day at their working
Q: Take a good history … profession and their sport and fitness regime per week.8
 Physical testing Palpation at inferior medial heel (PF origin) or close to; check for ruptures; look for Q: I could leave out the US scan, but I would always do a through history on the patient,
compensation movements; calf flexibility a key element. and palpate the area.4
Q: Also check their calf inflexibility.8
Q: Activate windlass mechanism to see if plantar fascia tightens.2
 Structures of interest Consider all aspects of fascia; consider old injuries (medial, lateral, distal); Q: Squeeze the calcaneus … if that causes some discomfort then I assume that there’s
tendinopathy, neuropathy and bone key differentials. probably some bony oedema.11
Q: Dorsiflex the hallux, dorsiflex the ankle … start distally and palpate down the plantar
fascia and work towards its origin.10
Q: Do some physical testing, I rule out other tendinopathy in the area.5
 Decisions to use Use is confirmatory not diagnostic; availability and specialty may dictate use; Q: US helps look at specific portion of fascia; check for tears and fibromas.8
imaging subordinate to history and examination. Q: If I do an US, diagnostic US in someone, I cannot tell them that they have PF, that’s
how crazy it is.5
Q: I think a lot of people go wrong, they look at imaging and try diagnosing, but really it
comes down to the subjective features and the clinical features.4
 Perceptions of utility Sensitivity and specificity questionable; MRI unclear versus useful for bone oedema; US Q: The more imaging work I do the more I realise that there are other things that are
useful to exclude tears and lumps; US dimensions more useful than Doppler; changes going on.7
likely bilateral even if unilateral pain. Q: The other advantage is that MRI you can start to see there is inflammation, say, in the
facets of the subtalar joint. You can start to see if there is some bone oedema.12
Q: For the more resistant or long-­term cases, then an MRI would be my investigation of
Theme 2: patient education
Importance of patient Education key to prevent recurrence; importance as for all musculoskeletal conditions; Q: If we leave these maladaptive beliefs unchecked, then it will lead to chronicity.3
education aetiology must be understood; key to patient engagement, self-­management and Q: If they understand what the problem is and the course of it then it’s easier to have
treatment success; treatment rationale important for patient to learn; requires mixed compliance.6
communication methods; under-­researched area; focus on key pain driver; relate to Q: If you don’t address those issues then it could be that if you remove your orthotics,
specific patient presentation; include physical and non-­physical factors; reassure about stop taping or stopped your stretching or whatever, the pain is just going to come back
positive long-­term prognosis. so that’s where the education side of things is really important.7
Q: Overarching thing is that you’ve got to individualise it for the person.11
Teaching about load A primary goal of treatment; consider both static and dynamic weight-­bearing load; Q: Load tolerance is probably a good way to describe the key treatment.3
management change of overall load a risk factor for exacerbation; focus on function by unbundling Q: Obviously, there’s more load if you’ve got more weight, so if we can reduce that it’s
erroneous patient perception of pain and pathology link; useful for patient to going to help reduce the load on the plantar fascia.1
understand and self-­manage a stepped approach to load increase with guidance; Q: Get down to business and talk to him about his training programme and talk about
weight loss and associated metabolic factors poorly understood but impact on load how many miles they do a week.2
management approach; need to address weight sensitively; therapists may not have
weight management skills; key therapeutic effect mediator.
Advice on footwear Comfort is key modification guide; consider softness, shock absorption, rearfoot to Q: Getting patients into good footwear that has a small heel on it, because it takes the
forefoot drop and support; new shoes need to be socially acceptable; can use to tension off the calf muscle and therefore the fascia, and having good cushioning or
offload tissue. shock absorbency, are some key factors.14
Q: I don’t think minimalist (footwear) is made for everybody.13
BMI, body mass index; US, ultrasound.

was applied, although education in isolation has never been injurious compressive and stretch-­related dynamic loading from
specifically tested as a sole intervention. Education was not activities such as running in the more active population. For pain
tested for efficacy but was recommended by experts and appre- education, clarity about the meaning of pain and its relation to
ciated by patients, therefore it is suggested as a necessity for tissue state needs to be clearly understood, alongside realistic
effective treatment. However, trials assessing interventions with expectations of the prognosis being good but resolution likely
and without education would help to strengthen this recom- to be slow. Techniques such as pain-­monitoring were strongly
mendation. Individualised decisions about education content recommended. The possible impact of other presenting long-­
are needed and were annotated as ‘DECIDE’ in figure 2. Educa- term conditions and an elevated body mass need to be addressed.
tion content had four subareas. For load management, the key Finally, the requirement for footwear to be supportive, comfort-
issues were to reduce overall tissue compressive load by breaking able, incorporate a rearfoot to forefoot drop and be socially
up long periods of static loading such as standing and reducing acceptable is required with specific advice to avoid barefoot

Morrissey D, et al. Br J Sports Med 2021;55:1106–1118. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970 9 of 14


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Table 3 Framework analysis of 40 patient survey responses yielding 8 subthemes
Theme 1: patient values
Subtheme Findings Illustrative quotes
Thoughts on condition Foot arch height; age; activity pattern; new load increase; long periods Q: Walking on the outside edge of my foot when I was having pain in my
cause weight bearing; standing on hard surfaces; minimally supportive second toe (PN).
footwear; limb length asymmetry; rapidly changing load; altered gait; Q: Heel spurs, arthritis.
altered movement due to other conditions. Q: Long shifts on my feet in facilities with hard floors.
Q: Excess loads with inadequate progression.
Q: A number of contributory factors which is why is occurred now.
Thoughts on pathology Tissue irritation; degeneration; inflammation; tearing; inadequate tissue Q: Tissue band has become irritated through age/overuse.
capacity; contracture. Q: It feels like it is tearing. I think I have torn a ligament.
Q: Inflamed damaged PF which needs to heal/repair.
Q: Struggling to cope with the demand and non adapted tissue.
Q: Tendon contracture is wanting to happen all the time.
Expectations More information; quick recovery-­unrealised; exercise programme, Q: Expected to get a steroid shot and was hoping for deep tissue
especially foot strengthening; pain elimination; access to orthoses; manipulation to break down the scaring or thickening tissue. Wasn’t
specific treatments; better explanation of treatment/condition and causes. offered.
Q: I assumed wrongly I would need insoles. I expected to be back on my
feet within a few weeks (very optimistic).
Q: As swift a recovery as possible, relief from the pain and programme of
exercises to treat.
Needed improvements Facilitation of earlier recognition by patients; better communication as Q: Better understanding of symptoms and types of patients prone to PHP.
adherence promotion. Q: More explanation for the mechanism of the symptoms in order to
Intervention strategy for pain; easier access to, and more information motivate me to do the exercise.
on, specific treatments; standardised treatment across sectors; clarity of Q: Get rid of the pain forever.
treatment and expectations; reduced waiting times. Q: Standardised treatment from NHS across the country. I’ve gone private
as Dr can’t refer.
Strengths of management From no strengths to positive experiences; fast decisions; specific Q: Range of options considered and clearly explained.
interventions; clear plan; individual preferences accounted for; detailed Q: Spent time explaining in detail the condition/cause/treatment.
explanation; specific interventions.
Experience Restricted activity; intermittent severe pain; reduced exercise; altered Q: It restricted the activities I wished to carry out.
activity; morning pain; painful; emotionally affected; large impact on ADL; Q: It’s very painful under my heel when I get up in the morning.
long, uncertain recovery. Q: Miserable 6 months. Had a huge impact on daily activities.
Q: Very long process and uncertain outcome.
Key information Time course of recovery; self-­management advice; how pain relief works; Q: What can I do to reduce my pain and improve function?
long-­term effects; explanation of what was not done; unsure; statistics on Q: Will pain reliever actually address the issue or just mask the pain?
usual timescales for effects. Q: When they could make the pain go away?
Q: Expected outcome at the end of rehab.
Sources of information Range of online methods predominated; clinicians, friends, magazines; Q: I can google it all day, and there isn’t much out there.
lack of clear guidance. Q: Patient groups on Facebook aren’t even very helpful, because everyone
using them hasn’t found relief.
Q: Online forums, confusing as everyone’s cause is different therefore
treatment different.
NHS, National Health Service; PHP, plantar heel pain.

walking and flat, unsupportive footwear until symptoms have benefit from the core approach as it has the strongest overall
entirely resolved. evidence.
Where the core approach and ESWT are still not successful,
the number one thing is educating people with PHP (sic) to have
some understanding about the most likely reason they felt the pain,
the stepped care approach recommended custom orthoses and if
and then based on that, the key things that they need to do long still not successful—as marked by an X in figure 1—then exper-
term (Expert 9) imental approaches may be tried, although expert reasoning
suggests that a return to the core approach and repeat appli-
Where the core approach is only partially successful or taking cation ensuring good accuracy and adherence is also a feasible
>6 weeks to yield optimal outcomes for a patient, adjunct inter- fourth-­line approach. Where interventions have been tried and
ventions are recommended based on the strength of the quan- shown to be ineffective in the literature, they should not be
titative evidence and expert reasoning. The use of simple but used except in formal trials, whereas inadequately tested inter-
validated patient-­reported outcome measures, such as a global ventions with no primary or secondary proof of efficacy such
rating of change scale47 or equivalent may help guide these deci- as injection therapy—where the evidence is inadequate or not
sions. Patient experience had little influence on this section, present—may be considered, again preferably via RCT or with
with adjunctive interventions such as ESWT and orthoses having structured evaluation.
less prominence in responses. The primary recommendation,
included as an intervention due to strong review evidence DISCUSSION
and applied according to expert interview evidence, was that We synthesised high-­quality RCTs, elicited expert clinical
ESWT—applied using either radial or focused approaches— reasoning and surveyed patients to produce this BPG. Our
should be applied if people with PHP are not deriving optimal work meets the majority of the relevant Agree II criteria,48

10 of 14 Morrissey D, et al. Br J Sports Med 2021;55:1106–1118. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970 on 30 March 2021. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on November 3, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
and the high-­quality criteria previously reported for guideline as being categorically different rather than being similar.51 Our
development.49 synthesis was strengthened by the effect sizes being large, and
The BPG defines a core approach (figure 2) to manage- the presence of enough adequately powered trials of high quality
ment which consists of the simple but active, supported self-­ to determine efficacy. These guide practice where patients are
management interventions of plantar fascia stretching39 and not improving quickly enough or failing to respond to the
taping (labelled ‘DO’ in the figure) to support the plantar core intervention (figure 1). High-­quality effectiveness studies
fascia,22 alongside less well-­defined educational interventions are warranted, particularly in people with PHP who are not
(labelled ‘DECIDE’ in the figure). The interviews with experts responding to the core approach as the majority of published
gave clear direction that this education should encourage: work has been efficacy studies, and cost-­effectiveness has not
►► individual assessment; been evaluated.
►► footwear advice to ensure comfort in shoes that allow a
small rearfoot to forefoot drop while also considering social
acceptability to improve adherence; When patients do not get better from the core intervention
►► load management to break up long periods of static loading or ESWT
or problematically rapid training changes in more athletic Where patients do not respond to core treatment or ESWT then
populations; other options are available. Custom orthoses can be considered
►► support to address comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes based on positive evidence of moderate strength and lower
(online supplemental file 1); effect size than ESWT34 for short-­term outcomes (figure 1). This
►► teaching patients the parameters required to self-­ monitor progression is extrapolated from expert interviews and system-
the pain response to activity and how to interpret pain with atic review findings, rather than from trials including failed
respect to tissue damage in order to allay fears of long-­term previous treatment of a specific kind as explicit inclusion criteria.
consequences. Prefabricated or custom orthoses are often prescribed for PHP.
The educational delivery should adopt a realistic tone as However, none of the trials included in our review used the same
recovery may take several weeks or months but stress the posi- orthosis. All differed in the prescription process, casting tech-
tive prognosis, a recommendation that came through strongly in nique, shell material, top-­covers and modifications, thus limiting
the expert interviews. trial comparison. The prescription of foot orthoses in clin-
ical practice, whether customised or prefabricated, commonly
involves a process of both education and orthosis modification
The role of ESWT in an attempt to optimise the dose and biomechanics.52 No
The systematic review showed ESWT had the best evidence included RCTs followed this process, possibly limiting efficacy
of modalities that have been evaluated. It is typically used for of orthoses. Furthermore, prefabricated orthoses, as used in the
people with non-­resolving, persistent symptoms.32 33 40–42 50 As included trials, were shown to be ineffective. Therefore, it can
ESWT is inferior to stretching for acute symptoms,39 and based be recommended that a single orthosis prescription is not used
on the clinical reasoning elicitation, ESWT is recommended in for all presenting patients, an assertion supported by expert
the BPG when patients are failing to recover optimally using the opinion in this study. Given the contrast with custom orthoses,
core approach (figure 1). ESWT had the best evidence of any it may be that having a range of prefabricated orthoses may be a
adjunctive treatments, and has large combined study cohorts, suitable strategy so that prescription can be individualised. This
with minimal documented adverse events, demonstrating posi- approach would be a priority for future cost-­effectiveness trials,
tive efficacy in the short term, medium term and long term for given the lower cost compared with casting or scanning.
most patient-­reported outcomes. Focused shock wave is applied Dry needling had a positive effect on pain and function in
so that the peak intensity is deep to the skin thus being targeted the short term. Cotchett et al35 revealed a small but significant
directly at the lesion and RCTs showed moderate positive short-­ effect for pain and function based on a statistical approach that
term findings on pain of large effect.33 40 Radial ESWT results included an analysis of covariance. However, our data anal-
in peak intensity at the surface and showed moderate positive ysis revealed evidence of no effect, which might have been
effects, again of large effect at all time points for patient-­reported revealed because comparison of final values included between-­
outcomes. When pooled as single arms of multiple studies, effect participant variability such as differences in baseline pain scores.
size magnitude for ESWT is large, with these data informing Based on the latter analysis, dry needling can be considered to
clinicians about the likely real-­world outcome, rather than illus- have neutral evidence of effect but could be considered as an
trating comparative effect. adjunct intervention to the core approach, with lower priority
The ESWT evidence has some limitations that affected than orthoses. Trigger point dry needling is also associated with
synthesis of related trials. Continuous outcomes that evaluated minor adverse events such as needle site pain and to a lesser
overall pain, first step pain or function were often reported extent minor bruising. Findings from the interviews indicated
at baseline but were presented as the overall success rate with that dry needling is not a first-­line treatment but may be consid-
regard to heel pain at follow-­up. For example, Gerdesmeyer ered to influence pain and muscle tension when combined with
et al32 and Gollwitzer et al33 41 presented first step pain, pain other interventions.
while doing activities and pain after application of a dolorim- Corticosteroid and platelet-­rich plasma injection therapy was
eter at baseline on a continuous scale. However, at follow-­up very carefully assessed, both in the trials and the semi-­structured
they reported scores on a dichotomous scale by defining success interviews as this is a commonly used intervention. Interest-
as >60% reduction in heel pain from baseline for at least two ingly, although injection therapy using steroid or platelet-­rich
out of three measures that evaluated pain. While it might be plasma is readily amenable to placebo or sham administration,
desirable to label participant’s outcome as either a ‘success’ or no such RCTs have been performed. It was judged that insertion
‘not a success’ in response to an intervention, this approach has of a needle with no subsequent drug injection into the plantar
disadvantages. For example, participants that are close to but on fascia could not be considered a no-­treatment placebo, as it was
opposite sides of the clinical cut-­off point for success are labelled likely to have an effect given the findings of Cotchett et al35

Morrissey D, et al. Br J Sports Med 2021;55:1106–1118. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970 11 of 14


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with dry needling. Furthermore, injection of any drug or saline Arguably, new treatments should complete intervention develop-
would also have chemical and physical effects, which could lead ment packages prior to undertaking an RCT as per the Medical
to confounded RCT results. This is an intervention for which Research Council complex interventions framework,59 with our
placebo control is readily achievable and represents a priority mixed-­methods study being consistent with the initial phases of
for future research—perhaps in patients where ESWT has failed these guidelines (online supplemental file 1).
to yield optimal results. Finally, the perceptions and experience of people with PHP
Resistance exercises of the affected area and limb are often identified gaps in the education and treatment they had received.
effective as part of first-­line care for chronic musculoskeletal Consistent with recent qualitative work,60 participants high-
problems such as osteoarthritis of the hip or knee and common lighted a poor understanding of their condition, including the
tendinopathies.53–55 While there is moderate evidence for underlying pathology, causal factors, efficacy of various treat-
stretching the plantar fascia, our stringent systematic review ments, mechanisms behind interventions, knowledge regarding
could not identify evidence in favour of more comprehensive expectations of improvement and how to progress when treat-
exercise approaches. Furthermore, the expert interviews did not ment is failing. Clinicians must consider how education is being
provide a theme on hidden efficacy and was divided on whether delivered to their patients to ensure there is clear guidance on
such resistance exercises are useful or not (online supplemental treatment and behaviour change, fears are allayed and that
file 1). Trials currently in development may clarify this issue in learning is checked rather than simple information provision.
the future.56 In fact, it is likely that interventions for clinicians, which are
informed by behaviour change theory61 may need to be devel-
Agreement between SR, expert interviews and patient survey oped to ensure optimal evidence translation. In summary, we
Information obtained from the three methods used to formu- have identified a BPG which should inform and guide patient
late the BPG was generally consistent. For example, the need for care, but there is further work to be done to ensure updated
positivity when discussing prognosis was expressed by experts treatment approaches so that patients can optimally benefit.
and mirrored in the patient survey responses. Furthermore, there
was strong agreement between the patient survey findings and What is already known
the content of the core intervention while expert interviews and
the SR were in agreement about the efficacy of the various inter- ►► Plantar heel pain is common and can have a negative impact
ventions. The agreement was also good where the SR evidence on physical and mental health.
was unclear. For example, there is an absence of high-­quality ►► Existing guidelines lack clear, high-­quality recommendations
trials of progressive strengthening while the expert interviews for treating people with plantar heel pain.
showed very divergent views on likely efficacy.
What are the new findings
How to use this BPG
Taking into consideration each patient’s past treatment history ►► A systematic review and meta-­analysis, supplemented
and experience, the BPG can guide patients and clinicians. It with expert clinical reasoning and patient values revealed
can also inform healthcare commissioners and help design future stretching, foot taping and educational interventions are part
research.57 Patients having access to summary resources such as of the core approach for people with plantar heel pain.
figures 1 and 2 should reduce some of the inconsistency they ►► A core and stepped approach to the management of people
report when seeking guidance from internet and other resources. with plantar heel pain was formulated, which will prove
Commissioners may consider funding the necessary resources— immediately useful to clinicians who treat, and to those who
such as ESWT devices. Audit, monitoring and checklist tools suffer from, plantar heel pain.
do not yet exist, but should be developed locally and may be a
useful stimulus to intervention adoption. Finally, future research
Correction notice This article has been corrected since it published Online First.
may be guided by consideration of the gaps in the evidence base Figures 2 and 3 have been transposed.
and the expert views on research priorities identified by our
Twitter Dylan Morrissey @DrDylanM, Ian B Griffiths @Sports_Pod, Bill Vicenzino
work (online supplemental file 1). @Bill_Vicenzino and Christian J Barton @DrChrisBarton
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Dr Saira Chaudhry who
Strengths and limitations advised Dr Said J’Bari during his intercalated degree where some interviews were
The overall quality of the research in the PHP field is low. Of the carried out; Dr Marinus Winters who performed an early search of the literature; Ute
362 trials evaluating any intervention for PHP that were assessed Schauberger for an early version of the infographics and Ali Fahmi and Yanzhou Liu
for assistance with translation.
for quality using the PEDro and RoB criteria, only 51 met the
inclusion criteria. These stringent quality criteria without topic Contributors The lead authors (DM and MC) had full access to all the data in
the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of
restriction were used in order to strengthen recommendations, the data analysis. DM obtained funding, is guarantor, designed the study, selected
meaning that the highest quality recent review included 20 eligible studies, performed the quality analysis, interviewed experts, constructed
trials,9 which we excluded due to low quality or high RoB. Addi- the patient survey and analysed and interpreted qualitative data, analysed and
tionally, this same review did not include 35 studies included interpreted quantitative data, prepared the manuscript. MC conducted the search;
selected eligible studies, performed the quality analysis and statistical analysis of
as part of our more comprehensive review. Trials that met the quantitative data; interpreted the statistical analysis; prepared the manuscript.
PEDro cut-­ off score were further evaluated for bias against CJB: designed the study, selected eligible studies, performed the quality analysis;
the standards outlined by the Cochrane Collaboration tool for interpreted the statistical analysis of quantitative and qualitative data; reviewed
assessing RoB15 and broadly demonstrated equivalence. We and approved the manuscript. ASJB: selected eligible studies, performed the
believe that future efficacy and effectiveness trials which are quality analysis, interviewed experts, reviewed and approved the manuscript. TP:
selected eligible studies, performed the quality analysis, reviewed and approved the
not of high quality, for example, meeting the inclusion criteria manuscript. IBG: selected eligible studies, performed the quality analysis, reviewed
used in our research, should no longer be funded or performed and approved the manuscript. HG: prepared the patient survey and analysed
on ethical grounds (Helsinki statement—section on efficacy).58 and interpreted qualitative data, reviewed and approved the manuscript. MSR:

12 of 14 Morrissey D, et al. Br J Sports Med 2021;55:1106–1118. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2019-101970


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