Waste To Wonder Park
Waste To Wonder Park
Waste To Wonder Park
Proposal Template
I. Please fill the proposal template with the proposed project details
1. Organisation
Year of
1.2 2004
1.3 New Delhi, Delhi
(District, State)
Status of
1.6 Expired (It was valid till 01/11/2018, We are applying for renewal)
with TISS as of
March 2019
2. Project
Home Décor- A pilot project earlier under taken in the area, identified
‘Appliqué’ work as quite popular in the area. Appliqué Work is a French
design that refers to pieces of fabric, often colored, and stitched onto
the surface of a larger piece of base fabric to form designs. It is a pattern
Specific area of
based on a repetition of certain motif constructed from geometric
2.3 shape. It is a sort of Patch Work or Quilting made from recycled material.
within the larger
Popular patterns have evocative names like Kachua (Tortoise), Darkhat
thematic area
(Tree) and Hatphool,,etc. The work in the area has passed on from
generations for self-use. Women make Bedcovers/Cushion Covers with
old or new clothes stitched in patch work formation. It is colorful and
durable. This product is handmade by the women of the area.
This report has been based upon social business frameworks, such as
the Theory of Change and the Social Business Model Canvas.
Problem Identification:
For the initial phase -The target beneficiaries are women of two Gram
Panchayats Dehra & Chandoli consisting of 5 & 2 villages each
1. Awareness
2. Training
3. Production
4. Distribution
5. Service Activities
6. Marketing and Branding
2.8 Details of
1. Program Awareness-
Short Term
Initially, to implement the handicrafts initiative, awareness of the
program needs to be achieved. To do so, local meetings should be
conducted, partnerships with local community members should be
established, and low-cost advertising options (such as social media,
posters) should be considered.
From these groups, it is recommended that SAPNA works with the local
community to determine their desired medium and objectives
surrounding the program and what they hope to gain. This will inform
how the handicrafts are produced- either each artisan produces their
own from start to finish, or they each take a part of the production
process and specialise. This would be determined by how much time the
women want to be a part of the program and whether they want to work
casually or on a full-time basis. These groups also serve as another
method of disseminating awareness about the program in the
communities and are a support network for the local, female artisans
working with SAPNA.
Medium Term
If the initial process is successful, then initial sales would result in
increased awareness by word of mouth. Spreading further awareness of
the program in the medium term depends on the success of the initial
program. If SAPNA wishes and is able to scale through the incorporation
of more women into the program, they have the option of expanding
the outreach programs. Expansion should be addressed, if there is
Long Term
If SAPNA has excess resources (such as profit, materials, equipment,
etc.) and wants to scale, refer to the recommendations in the medium
term. Furthermore, it is recommended that SAPNA extends its offering
of handicraft products.
2. Training
Short Term
At the core of the business, is the production of the textiles products,
hence it is essential that training is delivered to ensure high quality,
uniform products under the “SAPNA Handicrafts” brand name.
3. Production
Short Term
• Completing Training Programs: Initially, production will be
minimal as it is reliant on artisanal training. From these training
sessions, some sample and test products will be created.
• Sourcing and Processing Raw Materials: Ideally, recycled
materials are used in production as they are likely the most cost
effective and is also in line with the sustainability focus of the
brand. Consideration should also be granted to the cost of
processing these raw materials. If processing and the recycled
materials substantially increases the cost, then it should be
considered whether the focus on sustainability will have a
significant impact on profit. Ultimately, regardless of the chosen
material, quality should be prioritised.
Medium Term
4. Distribution
Short Term
Initially, a simple distribution strategy should be adopted, including:
A. Distributing to potential investors
B. Selling products if directly the organisation is directly
C. Keeping an inventory of any surplus or sample products
Medium Term
After producing a small number of items in the short term, SAPNA
Handicrafts should begin to engage with markets (e.g. college annual
festivals, handicraft markets and shops).
Distribution demands are directly correlated to the production of the
handicrafts. This will require:
• Packaging: This ensures that the product is not damaged during
the transportation and makes the product visually appealing.
The packaging must be in line with the branding of the company.
If SAPNA was to use recycled materials, the packaging must also
reflect this concept.
• Transportation: This would be from the production facility,
directly to local markets and stores. The mode of transport will
be determined by distance to the store or market.
Long Term
Ideally, production will continue to increase in line with a growing
demand and will generate the need for stores in more locations. This
will require more distribution channels, thus increasing the need for
packaging and transportation.
As there will be low production in the short term, sales growth will be
Medium Term
At this medium-term stage, it is important to trial different selling
strategies in each of the respective markets, such as:
• SAPNA directly engaging the female artisans and training them
in order to sell their products. Such training may also require
language development, particularly English.
• SAPNA engaging and training other members on selling the
products at market
• SAPNA distributing the handicrafts to a wholesaler under the
‘SAPNA Handicrafts’ brand
It is recommended that the products are first distributed to a market in
a relatively populated and nearby location, such as Alwar City, in order
to increase brand awareness.
Long Term
In line with the growth in production, the aim is to increase sales at
markets and shops as well as potentially expanding into other cities
(such as Alwar City or Jaipur), states (such as Maharashtra) or countries
(it is recommended that this is determined based on demand or tourist
request). Expansion should be selective and focus on markets that will
likely adopt the organisations mission. If the organisation expands, it is
important to consider that the social focus of the brand remains.
To sustain customer connection with the product and their relationship
with ‘SAPNA Handicrafts,’ we recommend the following:
• Include a tag on the product that indicates who created the
product and a brief background on her story and experience
with the organisation. This tag would be barcoded and linked to
the customer’s email. Emails should then be sent to customers,
linking them to an update on the artisan who created the
purchased product (such an update may be located on a SAPNA
Handicrafts website where each artisan has their own
page/blog). This will maintain the original intention behind the
brand and increase customer engagement, translating into
future sales.
• Designate a person from SAPNA to a Customer Engagement
role, allowing them to focus on developing the brand and
engagement with customers post sales, in an attempt to create
• If there is demand, it is recommended that the products be sold
online to customers who are not in the vicinity of the SAPNA
Handicraft Stores.
6. Experience Activities
Short Term
No input required as this will be part of the later phases of the project.
Medium Term
To ensure likely success of the experience program, SAPNA Handicrafts
should consider piloting and testing the idea before any further
investment and implementation. Such a pilot may also lead to
generation of more capital.
Long Term
Continuation of the above-mentioned activities (awareness, training,
production, distribution, sales and product awareness), while expanding
the business to incorporate an experiential component, targeting
Initially, the main source of revenue will be the funding source/s (such
as grants, sponsorship, loans and fundraising). In the long term, sales of
products and tour experiences will ideally become a sustainable source
of revenue.
Desired Outcomes:
Visitors to learn about the history of the handicraft work
• Visitors to meet the artisans and to learn about their personal
stories and lives
• Hands on engagement for visitors through an activity where
they are able to be part of the process, and are able to keep a
small memento (such as a keyring or bookmark)
• Visitors to be given the opportunity to purchase the products
directly from the artisans
o As luggage space is an issue for many tourists, an option
to have the products shipped to their home would likely
increase the number of products purchased. For
example, quilt covers are often too large for
conventional suitcases.
• Creation of an additional revenue stream where profits can be
reinvested into the SAPNA organisation.
• Engage with a different group of customers
• Learn valuable communication skills
• Alwar is near the Golden Triangle (Jaipur, Agra and Delhi), a
popular route for both domestic and international tourists. To
market this program, it is recommended that partnerships are
created with local hotels, international and domestic tour
companies and/or online experiential tour platforms. This
would ideally lead to a predictable influx of tourists.
• Partnering with a store/s in Alwar City or Jaipur to promote the
experience package would motivate more people to visit.
• Relationships with Bakeries and other smaller businesses that
complement the experience tour be established. These could
also provide another form of profit that extends beyond the
initial business.
For one year it will be 60 women and it will increase in 2nd year of the
Ideational or
Waiting for
3.1 Waiting for Implementation
or scale-up
Nature of
3.2 Recurring expenses
4. Institutional Networks
List of
institutions that Institution Nature of engagement
the organisation Government Women Empowerment
has worked with International NA
Development Agencies
Corporations NA
Academic Institutions NA
Local bodies like clubs, NA
5. Project USP
knowledge and skills about thrift and investment and have to depend
upon their men folks for managing their money. It will be an endeavor
to inculcate this crucial habit on road to their empowerment.
6. Project Financials
Budget in Lakhs
*Please attach
6.1 the budget Rs. 28.7 Lakhs (Budget Sheet is attached as annexure)
separately as an
A Resource persons and Administration set up
Sl.No Particulars Unit Cost No's Total Cost for 24 Months
1 Project Coordinator 30000 1 720000
2 Master Trainer 25000 1 600000
3 Field Worker 15000 1 360000
4 Social Worker 10000 1 240000
Sub-Total (A) 1920000
B Identification of office space in Vijay Mandir Sapna Centre complex.
Sl.No Particulars Unit Cost No's Total Cost
Procurement of office
furniture, computer,
1 1,00,000 1 100000
photocopier, files and other
office equipment
Sub-Total (B) 100000
C Operation of training groups
Sl.No Particulars Unit Cost No's Total Cost
Procurement of resource –
Sewing machines,
1 interlocking machines, 20000 20 400000
ironing equipment,
packaging material, etc
Raw materials for training,
Setting up of production
2 process and schedule, One Time Cost (For 24 Months) 300000
division of labour, setting
Other Administration &
Misc Cost such as One Time Cost (For 24 Months)
3 marketing, Branding 150000
Sub-Total © 850000
Total (A+B+C) 2870000