Waste To Wonder Park

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Proposal Template

I. Please fill the proposal template with the proposed project details

1. Organisation

1.1 Name SAPNA

Year of
1.2 2004

1.3 New Delhi, Delhi
(District, State)

1.New Delhi, Delhi.

Field Offices
1.4 2.Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
District, State)
3.Alwar, Rajasthan

Core Social Welfare, Education, Health, Women Empowerment,

competency Environment, Livelihood

Status of
1.6 Expired (It was valid till 01/11/2018, We are applying for renewal)
with TISS as of
March 2019

2. Project

2.1 Project Title Sapna Handicraft Initiative

2.2 Thematic Area Skilling


Home Décor- A pilot project earlier under taken in the area, identified
‘Appliqué’ work as quite popular in the area. Appliqué Work is a French
design that refers to pieces of fabric, often colored, and stitched onto
the surface of a larger piece of base fabric to form designs. It is a pattern
Specific area of
based on a repetition of certain motif constructed from geometric
2.3 shape. It is a sort of Patch Work or Quilting made from recycled material.
within the larger
Popular patterns have evocative names like Kachua (Tortoise), Darkhat
thematic area
(Tree) and Hatphool,,etc. The work in the area has passed on from
generations for self-use. Women make Bedcovers/Cushion Covers with
old or new clothes stitched in patch work formation. It is colorful and
durable. This product is handmade by the women of the area.

SAPNA is proposing a handicrafts initiative to address the issue of

gender equality within the Dehra and Chandoli gram panchayats, Alwar
District, Rajasthan, India. SAPNA believes that this can be a powerful
tool to address the issue of gender inequality in India, particularly the
lack of financial literacy and independence. The communities
surrounding Alwar are heavily bound by culture and a traditional
division of household duties that cause financial dependence. Women
manage the house and care for their children, parents and husbands.
The ‘SAPNA Handicrafts’ initiative is designed to engage women who
typically spend a large amount of time on domestic, non-income
generating activities.

It is intended that initially, direct consultation with the women is

required to test whether the business model is appropriate for the local
community. The process would ensure that the Handicrafts initiative is
Statement or
a cooperative venture that focuses on developing partnerships with the
2.4 Rationale behind
local community, aiming to generate a sustainable business, rather than
undertaking the
imposing an external model. This approach will allow the business to
align with the intention of each woman.

Listed below is the initiative, explaining its essential components as a

core overview of the project. It is designed as a high-level framework to
guide the development of the initiative. Recommendations are also
provided in regard to expansion and scalability of ‘SAPNA Handicrafts’,
including an Experience Package targeting domestic and international

This report has been based upon social business frameworks, such as
the Theory of Change and the Social Business Model Canvas.

Problem Identification:


SAPNA proposes a ‘SAPNA Handicrafts’ division to their social offering

to address the ‘wicked issue’ of gender inequality in India. In particular,
the lack of financial literacy and independence of women from the
villages surrounding Alwar, Rajasthan (Dehra and Chandoli) is a problem
that this initiative will address. The urgency of this issue is accepted
internationally, evidenced by its inclusion under the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) in 2016.

Root and Underlying Causes

The communities surrounding Alwar are heavily bound by culture and a
traditional division of household duties which cause financial
dependence upon men by women. Women manage the house and care
for their children, parents and husbands (duties which do not directly
generate income). The familial responsibilities which are particularly
prevalent in joint family contexts, hinder the women from wholly
engaging in educational and business activity which exacerbates gender

This issue is also interrelated with other issues faced by women,

• Lack of employment
• Lack of opportunity
• Intergenerational poverty
• Discrimination
• Domestic violence

Key objectives of this project are

• To empower women and eradicate poverty through enterprise and
skills development
• To develop traditional craft popular among the women of the area –
‘Applique Work’ to generate financial resources for creating financial
• To promote concept of saving and thrift to meet their financial needs
in long term and create financial security;
2.5 Objectives • To build the capacity of potential trainees and develop market linkages
for the sustainability of community livelihood;
• To prepare trainees and artisans for social change in the community
through ‘value based’ education and to develop social values;
• To promote thrift and to empower women by providing them
• To enhance women employability (wage/self-employment) and ability
to adapt changing;
• To improve productivity and living standards of the women;


• To develop a high-quality skilled workforce/entrepreneur relevant to

current and emerging employment market needs;
• To create opportunities for all to acquire skills throughout life, and
especially for youth, women and disadvantaged groups;
• To conduct need based training programs in order to ensure and
strengthen the condition of poor people;
• To uplift the social and economic status of the deprived community
through sustainable development.

District Alwar, Rajasthan

Location of the

For the initial phase -The target beneficiaries are women of two Gram
Panchayats Dehra & Chandoli consisting of 5 & 2 villages each

Gram Panchayat – Dehra, Villages Name- Kaduki, Nangli Munshi, Kasba

Dehra, Thearpur, Todiyar, Rundh Manch, Mangal Bas)

Beneficiary Gram Panchyat –Chandoli, Villages- Chandoli, Roja Ka Bas)

The area is in the vicinity of Vijay Mandir, Alwar, Rajasthan located in
rural area that has large women population, illiterate or semi-literate,
dependent upon their families. NGO SAPNA which has been working in
this area for last nine years has already carried out a pilot project in this
field with encouraging results. The learning from the pilot project needs
to be actualized through this “Women Led Enterprise” program.

1. Awareness
2. Training
3. Production
4. Distribution
5. Service Activities
6. Marketing and Branding
2.8 Details of
1. Program Awareness-
Short Term
Initially, to implement the handicrafts initiative, awareness of the
program needs to be achieved. To do so, local meetings should be
conducted, partnerships with local community members should be
established, and low-cost advertising options (such as social media,
posters) should be considered.


Once the information has reached the communities, it is recommended

that groups of interested women are formed based on the specific
village, as well as the women’s interests and availability.

From these groups, it is recommended that SAPNA works with the local
community to determine their desired medium and objectives
surrounding the program and what they hope to gain. This will inform
how the handicrafts are produced- either each artisan produces their
own from start to finish, or they each take a part of the production
process and specialise. This would be determined by how much time the
women want to be a part of the program and whether they want to work
casually or on a full-time basis. These groups also serve as another
method of disseminating awareness about the program in the
communities and are a support network for the local, female artisans
working with SAPNA.
Medium Term
If the initial process is successful, then initial sales would result in
increased awareness by word of mouth. Spreading further awareness of
the program in the medium term depends on the success of the initial
program. If SAPNA wishes and is able to scale through the incorporation
of more women into the program, they have the option of expanding
the outreach programs. Expansion should be addressed, if there is
Long Term
If SAPNA has excess resources (such as profit, materials, equipment,
etc.) and wants to scale, refer to the recommendations in the medium
term. Furthermore, it is recommended that SAPNA extends its offering
of handicraft products.

2. Training
Short Term
At the core of the business, is the production of the textiles products,
hence it is essential that training is delivered to ensure high quality,
uniform products under the “SAPNA Handicrafts” brand name.

In the short term, the following may be required:

• Engaging with trainers: externally or from within the SAPNA
• Creating a training program: to ensure that all of the SAPNA
Handicraft products have consistent quality regardless of the
origin of the artisan. The initial training program should be
focused on an externally designed pattern (potentially appliqué
• Developing Infrastructure: SAPNA can use their existing
infrastructure as a venue to produce the handicrafts, but


additional renovations are likely required to make the space

more functional.
• Initial Program Delivery: The pilot program will train women to
make a single work, focusing on developing the textile skills
before launching into their own designs.
Medium Term
valuating and Assessing: The quality of the training program, along with
the products produced by the women, will be evaluated and assessed
internally and externally. Feedback from a variety of sources is valuable
in providing a holistic perspective on the program, such as from: the
women engaged in the program, trainers, other SAPNA members, and/
or external auditors.
Program Delivery: Following evaluation of the success of the pilot
program, there is the opportunity for artisans to shift to producing their
own designs and work. This will allow for an added element of
expression and personalisation to be achieved. This will increase the
degree of expression and personalisation in the product; increased
autonomy is of benefit to SAPNA as it reduces the input required by
SAPNA, increases the number of revenue streams and adds to the
diversity of the product offering.
Long Term
Program Delivery: If there is sufficient interest and commitment, it is
recommended that artisans transition to become trainers (adopting the
‘train the trainer’ concept), reducing the need for external training.
Development of regional centres is also a possibility, increasing the
production capacity. The increase in production and increased
autonomy is also of benefit to SAPNA because it increases the financial
independence of trainers, their soft skill set, in addition to the benefits
listed under the medium term.

3. Production
Short Term
• Completing Training Programs: Initially, production will be
minimal as it is reliant on artisanal training. From these training
sessions, some sample and test products will be created.
• Sourcing and Processing Raw Materials: Ideally, recycled
materials are used in production as they are likely the most cost
effective and is also in line with the sustainability focus of the
brand. Consideration should also be granted to the cost of
processing these raw materials. If processing and the recycled
materials substantially increases the cost, then it should be
considered whether the focus on sustainability will have a
significant impact on profit. Ultimately, regardless of the chosen
material, quality should be prioritised.
Medium Term


In the medium term, production will increase following the completion

of the training programs. Based on this, a greater amount of input
materials will need to be sourced, as well as greater auditing and quality
checks as the artisans work more independently.
Long Term
The above activities should be continued, as well as checking the
consistency of the quality of products along all markets and distribution
channels. At this stage, the capacity of existing infrastructure may be
reached, leading to the need to expand to allow an increase in
Expanding Infrastructure: If there are sufficient resources and it would
increase profit, SAPNA should consider increasing the number of
production facilities and expanding to other regional areas. This should
allow ‘SAPNA Handicrafts’ the capacity to increase production.

4. Distribution
Short Term
Initially, a simple distribution strategy should be adopted, including:
A. Distributing to potential investors
B. Selling products if directly the organisation is directly
C. Keeping an inventory of any surplus or sample products
Medium Term
After producing a small number of items in the short term, SAPNA
Handicrafts should begin to engage with markets (e.g. college annual
festivals, handicraft markets and shops).
Distribution demands are directly correlated to the production of the
handicrafts. This will require:
• Packaging: This ensures that the product is not damaged during
the transportation and makes the product visually appealing.
The packaging must be in line with the branding of the company.
If SAPNA was to use recycled materials, the packaging must also
reflect this concept.
• Transportation: This would be from the production facility,
directly to local markets and stores. The mode of transport will
be determined by distance to the store or market.
Long Term
Ideally, production will continue to increase in line with a growing
demand and will generate the need for stores in more locations. This
will require more distribution channels, thus increasing the need for
packaging and transportation.

5. Sales and Product Awareness

Short Term


As there will be low production in the short term, sales growth will be
Medium Term
At this medium-term stage, it is important to trial different selling
strategies in each of the respective markets, such as:
• SAPNA directly engaging the female artisans and training them
in order to sell their products. Such training may also require
language development, particularly English.
• SAPNA engaging and training other members on selling the
products at market
• SAPNA distributing the handicrafts to a wholesaler under the
‘SAPNA Handicrafts’ brand
It is recommended that the products are first distributed to a market in
a relatively populated and nearby location, such as Alwar City, in order
to increase brand awareness.

Long Term
In line with the growth in production, the aim is to increase sales at
markets and shops as well as potentially expanding into other cities
(such as Alwar City or Jaipur), states (such as Maharashtra) or countries
(it is recommended that this is determined based on demand or tourist
request). Expansion should be selective and focus on markets that will
likely adopt the organisations mission. If the organisation expands, it is
important to consider that the social focus of the brand remains.
To sustain customer connection with the product and their relationship
with ‘SAPNA Handicrafts,’ we recommend the following:
• Include a tag on the product that indicates who created the
product and a brief background on her story and experience
with the organisation. This tag would be barcoded and linked to
the customer’s email. Emails should then be sent to customers,
linking them to an update on the artisan who created the
purchased product (such an update may be located on a SAPNA
Handicrafts website where each artisan has their own
page/blog). This will maintain the original intention behind the
brand and increase customer engagement, translating into
future sales.
• Designate a person from SAPNA to a Customer Engagement
role, allowing them to focus on developing the brand and
engagement with customers post sales, in an attempt to create
• If there is demand, it is recommended that the products be sold
online to customers who are not in the vicinity of the SAPNA
Handicraft Stores.

6. Experience Activities
Short Term


No input required as this will be part of the later phases of the project.
Medium Term
To ensure likely success of the experience program, SAPNA Handicrafts
should consider piloting and testing the idea before any further
investment and implementation. Such a pilot may also lead to
generation of more capital.
Long Term
Continuation of the above-mentioned activities (awareness, training,
production, distribution, sales and product awareness), while expanding
the business to incorporate an experiential component, targeting

The Project will demonstrate innovativeness by establishing public-

private partnerships through regular consultations and dialogue
involving beneficiaries and local and central governments to identify
priorities and implement various activities. The Government has
initiated National Handicraft Development Program, an NGO
representing handicraft producers of various scopes and maturity, and
it is drafting a craft sector development strategy. The facilities, support,
and legal protection provided by the Government to the grassroots
Plan or
beneficiary organizations will set a good example of public-private
partnership. The Project has been designed to empower the
of alignment
2.9 beneficiaries and build their capacity to undertake marketing without
with National
the involvement of large business entities. This will eliminate
exploitation, reduce marketing costs, and facilitate producers’ direct
contact with end-users that will provide useful feedback as to the nature
and quality of demand. It will focus on mainstreaming the women from
the most backward areas of Alwar district of Rajasthan into the Indian
economy. As per our project, the women who are educationally not
strong, are motivated to become entrepreneurs and thus become
financially independent. This completely aligns with the national agenda
of promoting women entrepreneurs and strengthen the generations to
Long-term sustainability of the project outcomes will be achieved by
supporting the entire product chain—from product research and design,
to training of craft producers and marketing.
• In the first year of the project women will learn and start making
the finished products which will be sold in markets. The profits
Plan or generated from the sold products money will be invested for
2.10 Demonstration next set of raw materials and salary.
of Sustainability • After two years of the program the clients will pay training
charges which will help the training program to become
• Sapna will try to find and connect with another donors under
Corporate Social Responsibility after the second year to make
the program sustainable.


• Sapna runs other projects also which would complement the

handicraft project.

Initially, the main source of revenue will be the funding source/s (such
as grants, sponsorship, loans and fundraising). In the long term, sales of
products and tour experiences will ideally become a sustainable source
of revenue.

The Project is innovative. It will implement in a comprehensive way

strategy that are most appropriate for increasing income-earning
opportunities for women in the target areas. It will enhance existing,
traditional activities that do not require the women to leave their
homes. By consulting with project beneficiaries throughout the
implementation period and involving them in the decision making and
ownership rights, the Project will create proper incentives to ensure
sustainability of the project outcomes. Unlike earlier, very limited
interventions, the Project will address the most critical problem of lack
of organization among poor small-scale producers. It will reorganize the
handicraft centers into formal and legal entities while institutionalizing
their marketing and business promotion channels and establishing their
ownerships. This will mobilize small-scale handicraft producers to
address their skills and marketing constraints.
Plan or
2.11 Demonstration
The Project will demonstrate innovativeness by establishing public-
of Innovation
private partnerships through regular consultations and dialogue
involving beneficiaries and local and central governments to identify
priorities and implement various activities. The Government has
initiated National Handicraft Development Program, an NGO
representing handicraft producers of various scopes and maturity, and
it is drafting a craft sector development strategy. The facilities, support,
and legal protection provided by the Government to the grassroots
beneficiary organizations will set a good example of public-private
partnership. The Project has been designed to empower the
beneficiaries and build their capacity to undertake marketing without
the involvement of large business entities. This will eliminate
exploitation, reduce marketing costs, and facilitate producers’ direct
contact with end-users that will provide useful feedback as to the nature
and quality of demand.
1. poverty incidence among women and their families in the
Expected or
target areas reduced by 10%
2.12 demonstrated
outcomes 2. real income levels of direct beneficiaries increased by an
average 30%


3. new jobs created and sustained

Desired Outcomes:
Visitors to learn about the history of the handicraft work
• Visitors to meet the artisans and to learn about their personal
stories and lives
• Hands on engagement for visitors through an activity where
they are able to be part of the process, and are able to keep a
small memento (such as a keyring or bookmark)
• Visitors to be given the opportunity to purchase the products
directly from the artisans
o As luggage space is an issue for many tourists, an option
to have the products shipped to their home would likely
increase the number of products purchased. For
example, quilt covers are often too large for
conventional suitcases.
• Creation of an additional revenue stream where profits can be
reinvested into the SAPNA organisation.
• Engage with a different group of customers
• Learn valuable communication skills

• Alwar is near the Golden Triangle (Jaipur, Agra and Delhi), a
popular route for both domestic and international tourists. To
market this program, it is recommended that partnerships are
created with local hotels, international and domestic tour
companies and/or online experiential tour platforms. This
would ideally lead to a predictable influx of tourists.
• Partnering with a store/s in Alwar City or Jaipur to promote the
experience package would motivate more people to visit.
• Relationships with Bakeries and other smaller businesses that
complement the experience tour be established. These could
also provide another form of profit that extends beyond the
initial business.
For one year it will be 60 women and it will increase in 2nd year of the


1.Independent: - First and foremost indicator will be that women feel

empowered and independent which will give the power to take their
own decisions and they will be no longer independent on their
husband’s or family income.
2.Skill Development:- This project will help women to develop
handicraft skills which they can use afterwards also for their livelihood.
From this project they not only develop handicrafts skill but also get to
know about the loan system of the banks and when they go out to sell
Measurement of
their products they get to know about the market trend and this will also
2.13 develop their personality.
3. Employment:- This project will give employment to women who are
capable and interested in handicrafts. They will get employment in
different NGOs which work in handicrafts industries and they can also
start their own work with the help of Sapna and with the help of banks
by taking loans.
4.Health and Education:- As women get connected with Sapna they will
also get health benefits and education for their children and this project
will not only empower women but also their families.

3. Project Stage and Nature of Funding/ Support Required

Ideational or
Waiting for
3.1 Waiting for Implementation
or scale-up


Nature of
3.2 Recurring expenses

4. Institutional Networks

List of
institutions that Institution Nature of engagement
the organisation Government Women Empowerment
has worked with International NA
Development Agencies
Corporations NA
Academic Institutions NA
Local bodies like clubs, NA


5. Project USP

Major issues that would be addressed are:

• Empowerment of women and promotion of thrift amongst them;
• Creation of appropriate environment in the society in general and
women in particular for successful implementation of the project;
• Development of traditional craft popular among the women of the
area – Applique work to generate financial resources for creating
financial independence;
• Promotion of saving and thrift to meet their financial needs in long
term and to create financial security;
• Working with and supporting each other in managing their
activities. Creating self-supporting groups to hand hold each other.

1. The society in the villages is very tradition bound. Women enjoy

much less freedom and are dependent on men. There is
overwhelming control of men in their lives. They undertake back
breaking work at home in managing the house, taking care of the
What value will children, parents and husbands. Joint family norms are idealized
your project add and prevalent. Women lose much of their individual identity and
5.1 or has added to freedom.
the problem
area? 2. For women to undertake free enterprise activity is a challenge that
needs addressing at various level like social, mental, psychological,
cultural, educational, motivational, financial, market, customer, skill
and training. That can best be done by forming “Self-Help Groups”
to work in teams and support each other. External agencies assume
the role of facilitators and catalysts at the best and see that the
women hold each other’s hands and learn the necessary skills to
manage themselves.

3. A major task would be to create awareness in these villages about the

project through Panchayat and village level meetings with prominent
persons of the village who act as agents of change and create an
enabling environment for the groups to function. Active communication
channels and means would have to be developed to address rumors,
miscommunications and misunderstanding through interactions. Social
change agents would have to be created who could create the enabling


4. An awareness program would be required amongst the women to

make them aware of the pros and cons of the project and the benefits
it would bring to their lives. A group of early birds of change agents
would be required to be created to make the program popular and
address the local issues. Active two way communications would be
essential to keep the groups motivated and active.

5. A professional resource person and motivator with two assistants’

resource persons and motivators, one for each Gram Panchayat would
be required to run the program effectively besides the requirement of
office support and place and resources for the meetings and activities.
Space and office support would be provided by NGO SAPNA from the
existing resources at little administrative cost at Vijay Mandir.

7. Training and vocational skills would be required to be provided in:

• Group management – team working, conflict resolution,
negotiation skills, financial skills, book keeping and accounts
management, selling skills;
• Leadership and life skills – Self management, Leading by
example, motivation, communication;
• Designing, pattern making, Applique work;
• Customer need analysis, and marketing of their products;
• Hygiene and other women health related issues;
• Other felt needs.

8. Planning, procurement, and management of resources would need

much of attention. A professional approach to resource management
would be required to ensure financial prudence. A need analysis of
resource required would be carried out from time to time and
procurements made judiciously. A proper accounting procedure and
stock management procedures would be put in place from the start.

9. A lot would depend upon the vocational training and guidance

provided to the group in creating quality products that find favor with
niche and targeted customers. Vocational training would be crucial to
the success of the project. They would include:
• Creating designs, making patterns, cutting and drafting
• Basic skills of stitching and embroidery
• Creating patterns from recycled materials
• Dry cleaning and ironing
• Packaging

10. Inculcating the habit of thrift is one of the important objectives of

this program. Women remain vulnerable group on account of lack of


knowledge and skills about thrift and investment and have to depend
upon their men folks for managing their money. It will be an endeavor
to inculcate this crucial habit on road to their empowerment.

6. Project Financials

Budget in Lakhs
*Please attach
6.1 the budget Rs. 28.7 Lakhs (Budget Sheet is attached as annexure)
separately as an

*Please note that proposals are to be submitted to tissaesdiiproposalbank@gmail.com by Monday,

18th March, 2019 - midnight with the Subject line as ‘TISS CSR PROPOSAL 2019’

A Resource persons and Administration set up
Sl.No Particulars Unit Cost No's Total Cost for 24 Months
1 Project Coordinator 30000 1 720000
2 Master Trainer 25000 1 600000
3 Field Worker 15000 1 360000
4 Social Worker 10000 1 240000
Sub-Total (A) 1920000
B Identification of office space in Vijay Mandir Sapna Centre complex.
Sl.No Particulars Unit Cost No's Total Cost
Procurement of office
furniture, computer,
1 1,00,000 1 100000
photocopier, files and other
office equipment
Sub-Total (B) 100000
C Operation of training groups
Sl.No Particulars Unit Cost No's Total Cost
Procurement of resource –
Sewing machines,
1 interlocking machines, 20000 20 400000
ironing equipment,
packaging material, etc
Raw materials for training,
Setting up of production
2 process and schedule, One Time Cost (For 24 Months) 300000
division of labour, setting
Other Administration &
Misc Cost such as One Time Cost (For 24 Months)
3 marketing, Branding 150000
Sub-Total © 850000
Total (A+B+C) 2870000

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