Planning For Desalination Report
Planning For Desalination Report
Planning For Desalination Report
July 2005
1. 2. 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 The Desalination Planning Study at a Glance Overview Introduction The Projects Big Questions Answered Is Desalination a Feasible Water Supply Option for Sydney? What Desalination Technology to Adopt? What Size Plant(s)? Should Grid Power or On-site Power Be Used? How Do We Mitigate Greenhouse Impacts? Where to Locate the Desalination Plant(s)? Background and Context to this Report Overview Purpose of this Report The Planning Process The Planning Studys Big Questions Why Might Sydney Need a Desalination Plant? Scope Of The Planning Study Desalination Desalination A Short Explanation Reverse Osmosis Process Thermal Processes Alternative Desalination Technologies Desalination Infrastructure Developing a Short-list of Options The Process Overview of Sydneys Water Supply System Water Quality Target Specication Evaluation Criteria Technical Findings Consideration of Desalination Plant Locations Co-location Potential Reverse Osmosis Versus Thermal Power and Greenhouse Emissions Overview Energy Requirements for Desalination Plants Power Supply 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 11 12 12 12 15 15 15 19 19 21 21 22 22 25 25 25 25
6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.4 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.4.4 7.5 7.5.1 7.5.2 7.5.3 7.5.4 7.5.5 7.6 8. 9.
Electricity or Gas Power Renewable Energy Options Greenhouse Emission Estimates Greenhouse Reduction Opportunities and Costs Greenhouse Reduction Conclusion The Short-listed Desalination Plant Options Overview Operational Philosophy Kurnell Congurations General Power Supply Environmental Issues Water Distribution Malabar Congurations General Power Supply Environmental Issues Water Distribution Port Kembla Congurations General Power Supply Environmental Issues Water Distribution Pumping from the Illawarra Summary Financial Analyses The Next Steps
26 26 27 27 29 29 31 31 31 32 32 32 33 35 35 35 35 38 38 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 43 47
Table 2.1 Table 5.1 Table 5.2 Table 5.3 Table 6.1 Table 6.2 Table 6.3 Table 6.4 Table 8.1 Plant Capacity at Each of the Sites Water Delivery Systems of Greater Sydney Screening Criteria Assessment of Reverse Osmosis and Thermal Technology Against Non-Quantiable Criteria Electrical Energy Requirements of Reverse Osmosis Desalination Options Power Costs Co-located Gas versus Grid Renewable Energy Options Summary of Australian Offset Mechanisms Desalination Cost Summary 5 17 19 24 25 26 27 28 43
Figure 2.1 Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2 Figure 4.3 Figure 5.1 Figure 5.2 Figure 6.1 Figure 7.1 Figure 7.2 Figure 7.3 Figure 7.4 Figure 7.5 Figure 7.6 Figure 7.7 Figure 7.8 Figure 7.9 Potential Locations Installed Worldwide Desalination Capacity in 1996 Installed Worldwide Desalination Capacity in 2000 Reverse Osmosis Schematic Sydneys Water Supply System Sydney Waters Delivery System Zones Potential Offset Levels Possible 500ML/day plant at One Kurnell Site One Potential Water Distribution Route for a 500ML/day Desalination Plant at Kurnell Current Aerial View of Kurnell Aerial View of 500ML/day Desalination Plant at Kurnell 6 10 10 11 16 18 29 32 33 34 34
View of 500ML/day Desalination Plant at Kurnell from Sir Joseph Banks Drive 34 Possible 500ML/day Desalination Plant at Malabar One Potential Water Distribution Route for a 500ML/day Desalination Plant at Malabar Current Aerial View of Malabar Aerial View of 500ML/day Desalination Plant at Malabar 36 36 37 37 37 39 39 40 40 44 44 45
Figure 7.10 View of 500ML/day Desalination Plant at Malabar from Anzac Parade Figure 7.11 Possible 50ML/day plant at Port Kembla Figure 7.12 Potential Water Distribution Route for a 50ML/day Desalination Plant at Port Kembla Figure 7.13 Current Ocean View of Port Kembla Figure 7.14 Ocean View of 50ML/day Desalination Plant at Port Kembla Figure 8.1 Figure 8.2 Figure 8.3 Capital Cost Breakdown at Port Kembla, Malabar and Kurnell Operating Cost Breakdown for a 50ML/day Desalination Plant Operating Cost Breakdown for a 500ML/day Desalination Plant
A desalination plant could achieve a water quality that meets NSW Health requirements and the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines published by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). This water could be integrated directly into Sydneys existing drinking water network; Seawater desalination using reverse osmosis is the preferred technology over thermal technology; In the event of ongoing severe drought, desalination represents a viable method of supplementing supplies of drinking water for Sydney, despite having a relatively high cost of water compared to current sources of supply;
1 2
One megalitre (ML) is one million litres. In 2005 Australian dollars and not including greenhouse mitigation costs.
Plants in the range of 100 - 500ML/day would cost in the order of $470 million 2 to $1.75 billion and could supply a estimated 7% and 35% of greater Sydneys daily water demand; Power for the desalination plant would be best supplied from the electricity grid; Desalination is a relatively high user of energy compared to current sources of water supply. This results in correspondingly high greenhouse gas generation compared to current sources of supply. These emissions can be mitigated by methods such as forest sequestration (tree-planting), use of renewable or lower greenhouse energy such as gas or purchase of abatement certicates; Modelling of the seawater around the intake zones has shown that the effects of the deep ocean outfalls at the ocean sewage treatment plants and other point sources in the zones would be negligible. The seawater quality monitoring program shows that the intake water is of good quality; A number of potential locations for desalination plants have been considered. However, only sites at Malabar or Kurnell would allow for staging of a plant up to 500ML/day, which is the size of plant that could stabilise Sydneys water supply; In the event of continuing drought, the preferred location for a large desalination plant that needs to be constructed quickly is at Kurnell. The costs for construction of a plant are similar for the two sites. However, the complexities of managing land use issues, potential contamination and ease of construction issues could result in signicant delays at the Malabar location; and In order to provide the necessary drought contingency, a sequential approach to planning, design and if necessary, construction could be implemented. This would allow construction to proceed if required but avoid over-expenditure in the event of drought-breaking rains.
2. Overview
2.1 Introduction
The work undertaken has concluded that desalination is a feasible option for water supply management in Sydney.
The Desalination Planning Study (Planning Study) is a feasibility study with the aim of dening a shortlist of options that could provide security for Sydneys water supply. Ultimately the decision to proceed to construct a desalination plant will be driven by need, either as a contingency for drought or as a long-term supplementary water supply source in the context of the Metropolitan Water Plan. This chapter provides a summary of the key outcomes associated with provision of desalination in Sydney. The following chapters provide more detail regarding the planning process.
3 4
One kilolitre (kL) is one thousand litres. The recent plant at Perth is quoted at $1.16/kL. The difference is attributable to the nature of Sydneys coastline and required intake and discharge structures. This is for a 500ML/day plant operating at full capacity 94% of the time. As with all water supply systems if the operational capacity was reduced the unit cost of water would rise substantially.
A 500ML/day plant could supply a third of greater Sydneys daily water needs.
greenhouse gases from grid power (coal red plants) compared to that generated from gas power. The analysis has indicated that for a 500ML/day desalination plant the cost of power from a gas red power plant6 is less than the cost of grid power, with the mitigation as discussed above. This is not the case for smaller sized desalination plants.
The benets of providing a gas power plant adjacent to the desalination plant have been addressed in detail during the Planning Study. The conclusions reached are: In terms of drought response, where time is critical, the complexity of constructing a gas power plant on site could potentially delay the project compared to power sourced from the grid; and There are signicant social and environmental impacts of locating a dedicated gas red power plant in an urban area and these were considered not acceptable. At this stage it is not considered appropriate in terms of a drought response plant to co-locate a gas power plant with the desalination plant. This does not preclude using gas power in the future that is generated elsewhere. As gas is playing an increasing role in power generation and greenhouse gas mitigation, its future use for base load power is becoming more likely. At this time the cost of gas power is estimated to be signicantly greater than for grid-supplied power. The construction of a desalination plant (with an associated greenhouse gas mitigation commitment) may also encourage the development of renewable energy sources. In the future the energy market may be able to supply power to the desalination plant from these sources, at a cost comparable to the mitigation options.
The construction of a desalination plant (with an associated greenhouse gas mitigation commitment) may encourage the development of renewable energy sources.
Table 2.1 Plant Capacity at each of the Sites Capacity ML/day Site 50 100 200 300 400 500
Kurnell Malabar (Anzac Rifle Range) Malabar (Sydney Water land) Port Kembla
Only Malabar and Kurnell are suitable locations for staging to a larger plant. Potential locations are shown on Figure 2.1. Sites elsewhere suffer from a lack of adequate land (staging ability), unsuitable and variable intake water quality, limited capacity of the water supply distribution system, environmental and social impacts.
Only Malabar and Kurnell are suitable locations for staging to a larger plant.
All plant locations present challenges in terms of environmental, social and technical management. Issues to be addressed in more detail during the environmental assessment stage of the Planning Study will include environmental and social impacts, ocean discharge, greenhouse gas impacts (as discussed above), threatened species, and local impacts such as trafc and noise. At Malabar the rie range abuts the natural vegetation on the headland. A plant of 500ML/day would occupy approximately 20% of the cleared rie range. In addition to its current use as a rie range, part of the site has historically been used as a commercial tipping operation and there may be contamination present. Current investigations indicate that the contamination present would signicantly affect the cost and ease of construction of a desalination plant. This would have the potential to cause delays in construction and increase cost. The risk of delays is particularly important in terms of a drought response plant.
An alternative is to tunnel under Botany Bay. The geology of Botany Bay is characterised by signicant glacial valleys (palaeochannels). The nature of this geology requires careful consideration to select the most appropriate route would take about two months longer and is subject to greater delay uncertainty.
The sites under consideration at Kurnell are zoned industrial and distant from Cooks Landing and the Kurnell village. Two of the sites are partly cleared and the other has remnant vegetation. Technical studies have indicated that there are a number of alternatives for water distribution from Kurnell. However, all will require transmitting water across Botany Bay to the larger population in the main Sydney supply zone. The preferred option is to lay a pipe across the bay7 .
Ultimately the decision to proceed will be driven by need, either need for a long-term supplementary water supply source or through continuing drought.
The Planning Study has shown that there are feasible options available that would satisfy the following criteria: Providing security if the current drought persists; Providing security if drought occurs in the future; and Providing a diversity of supply at several levels in the long-term. These options have been subjected to planning level design and investigation during the Planning Study. Ultimately the decision to proceed will be driven by need; either need for a longterm supplementary water supply source or through ongoing drought. This need will manifest itself in terms of plant size. In the event of continuing drought, the preferred location for a large desalination plant is at Kurnell. The costs and timing for construction of a plant are similar for Kurnell and Malabar. However, the management of potential contamination issues could result in signicant delays at the Malabar location and the complexities of current land uses on the rie range have the potential to delay the project.
Strathfield Burwood
Bondi Junction
Malabar Kurnell
Sutherland Campbelltown
Woronora Dam
Port Kembla
Lake Illawarra
0 20Km
What are the greenhouse impacts of desalination and how could they be mitigated? What are the environmental and social impacts of a desalination plant likely to be and how can they be mitigated? What are the economics? What strategies are available for staging a desalination plant?
The 2004 Metropolitan Water Plan charted a range of measures to help balance demand for water with a sustainable supply in the long-term. Water conservation initiatives such as recycling, building more water efcient homes, converting to water efcient products, reducing leaks and rebates on rainwater tanks are making a substantial contribution. In response to the ongoing drought, the NSW Government has taken precautions to slow down the rate of depletion of the dams. Mandatory water restrictions have helped save more than 127 billion litres of water (as at July 2005) since they came into effect in 2003. However, even with stringent restrictions, severe ongoing drought would lead to further depletion of storages. The Metropolitan Water Plan also includes other water supply initiatives including Shoalhaven transfers and accessing deep storages, and investigating groundwater sources. Planning for desalination is another option in the Metropolitan Water Plan that could increase water supply for Sydney. Desalination is used extensively in other parts of the world, where water is scarce, to provide high quality drinking water. For Sydney, seawater desalination could increase the diversity of the water supply and reduce the risk of dependency on one supply. If the pattern of low rainfall continues in the coming years, then current planning for desalination would ensure that Sydney has a contingency plan in place and the NSW Government would be ready to act quickly. A staged approach that takes into account timing of construction of a plant and rate of dam depletion is an appropriate strategy.
4. Desalination Overview
A desalination plant for Sydney can be expected to supply water that is comparable in quality to the existing drinking water.
Drinking water produced by desalination is not new. Where circumstances dictate it, desalinated water is the principle source of drinking water in some countries. It is also used to produce fresh water on ships. From an aesthetic perspective it is possible for desalination technologies to reduce the dissolved salts in the water to levels at which there is unlikely to be perceptible differences to freshwater. The desalination processes available today can readily achieve aesthetic water quality (salt content, taste and odour) that is superior to the criteria set down in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines published by National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). In the case of Sydney, where customers currently receive water with aesthetic quality far better than Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, a desalination plant would readily achieve a similar water quality. A desalination plant for Sydney can be expected to supply water that is comparable to the existing drinking water. Similarly from a health perspective, desalinated water would comply with NSW Health requirements and Australian Drinking Water Guidelines published by National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). Irrespective of the technology used, the process is an effective barrier to micro-organisms that may be harmful to human health. It should be noted that desalinated water has no health impact on immuno-compromised or dialysis patients.
Seawater desalination has emerged as a way to provide a drought-proof water source to meet long-term water demand in water scarce areas while increasing the diversity of supply.
Desalination refers to the process of removing dissolved solids, primarily salts, from a water source such as seawater, estuarine water, advanced treated sewage efuent or brackish groundwater. Desalination plants are widely used in the Middle East and other parts of the world where fresh water supplies are scarce. In April 2005 Perth announced the construction of a 45GL8/annum reverse osmosis plant (130ML/day) and is currently undertaking planning for a possible second plant. The two most widely applied and commercially proven desalination technologies are reverse osmosis (membrane based) methods and thermal distillation (evaporative). Both technologies will supply drinking water that meets NSW Health requirements and the Australian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines published by National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). Seawater desalination has emerged as a way to provide a drought-proof water source to meet long-term water demand in water scarce areas while increasing the diversity of supply. It should be noted that large scale recycling for drinking water also requires desalination-style technology as the efuent contains dissolved salts although at levels much lower than in seawater. Since the 1980s, reverse osmosis has been increasing its share of the desalination market, see Figures 4.1 and 4.2. The cost of desalinated water has reduced by over half during this time. This is due to advances in membrane
technology, improved energy efciencies (electricity usage has dropped by 40%), economies of scale using larger process trains and pumps and operational experience leading to optimisation. For reverse osmosis, the seawater is pressurised to force water through a semi-permeable membrane while the salts, viruses, micro-organisms and other impurities are retained in a concentrated solution by the membrane for disposal. Thermal methods remove salts by evaporating seawater to vapour and then condensing back to drinking water. This technology has dominated the seawater desalination market, particularly in the Middle East region. However, the energy intensive requirements of thermal methods and advances in reverse osmosis technology have lead to a signicant increase in market share for reverse osmosis. Many new desalination plants utilise reverse osmosis technology.
Figure 4.1 Installed Worldwide Desalination Capacity in 1996
For reverse osmosis, the seawater is pressurised to force water through a semi-permeable membrane while the salts, viruses, micro-organisms and other impurities are retained in a concentrated solution by the membrane for disposal.
Thermal 54 %
The reverse osmosis process uses a semi-permeable membrane for separating salts from the seawater. The membrane retains the salts, viruses, microorganisms and other impurities, while desalinated water diffuses through the membrane. The seawater is pressurised to above its osmotic pressure to provide the driving force for the process. Reverse osmosis membranes reject dissolved salts (ions) at different rates (depending upon their valency and atomic weight). On average, the rejection rate is in excess of 99% for seawater reverse osmosis membranes and greater than 97% for brackish water membranes. The reverse osmosis desalination process uses less energy than thermal processes. Electrical energy is only required to drive the high-pressure pumps to overcome the osmotic pressure of the seawater. The desalinated water produced from a seawater reverse osmosis process is normally in the range of 40 to 45% of the feedwater ow. Therefore, between 55 and 60% of the feedwater needs to be returned to the ocean, as seawater concentrate. Seawater reverse osmosis plants are normally congured as single pass or two pass arrangements. For single pass the seawater is passed through one set of membranes. For the two-pass arrangement a portion of the desalinated water from the rst pass is treated through a second set of membranes. The purpose of providing a second pass is to achieve lower salinity product water or to achieve other water quality objectives. A two pass arrangement would be used for a desalination plant in Sydney. A schematic of a reverse osmosis arrangement is shown in Figure 4.3 below.
Figure 4.3 Reverse Osmosis Schematic
Sydney Water Distribution System
Seawater Intake
Delivery Pipeline
Seawater Concentrate
Outlet Tunnel
Delivery Pumps
Delivery Tunnel
To prevent membrane fouling and to maintain water production, reverse osmosis requires seawater free of suspended solids and oil. This is achieved through pretreatment that can consist of direct ltration, coagulation sedimentation followed by ltration, or by using microltration or ultraltration membranes upstream of the reverse osmosis membranes. Optimisation of the pre-treatment and membrane operation is achieved during pre-construction testing.
both intake and seawater concentrate discharge. For the larger plants, separate intake and discharge tunnels have been adopted. In all cases, the intake and discharge structures will be separated with the discharge well down current and away from the intake. Modelling of the seawater around the intake zones has shown that the effects of the deep ocean outfalls at the ocean sewage treatment plants and other point sources in the zones would be negligible. The seawater monitoring program indicates that the intake water is of good quality.
The extent of pre-treatment is signicantly different between the reverse osmosis and thermal processes. Both require coarse and ne screening but the reverse osmosis plants require signicantly higher pre-treatment to prevent fouling of the reverse osmosis membranes. Design and optimisation of the pre-treatment process for a reverse osmosis plant will be addressed during pre-construction testing to ensure that costs are minimised and reliability is maximised.
Before connection to the drinking water distribution system, desalinated water, like current drinking water, will be further treated to satisfy the requirements of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines published by National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), NSW Department of Health requirements and Sydney Waters operational guidelines. To meet these requirements, the desalinated water would be treated in a process called potabilisation with chloramine, uoride, lime and carbon dioxide before being stored on-site and then pumped into the drinking water distribution system.
The water will be pumped to either local service reservoirs in the case of the small plants or to a major city supply point (Waterloo Pumping Station), for the larger plants. Connection to local service reservoirs would be via new conventional trunk mains while connection to Waterloo would be via a new tunnel constructed by tunnel boring machines some 60 to 80 metres underground. For the Kurnell option laying a pipe across the bay will be required to connect to the citys main distribution network (the citys pressure tunnel) at Waterloo or another point along the tunnel.
The Process Used to Develop a Short List of Options for a Sydney Desalination Plant
Warragamba Dam
Warragamba WFP
Warragamba Supply Zone
Nepean Tunnel
Macarthur WFP
C at
lon Wol di
er Riv
Nepe a n
r de
Avon Dam
Av on
Woronora WFP
Cordeaux Dam Cataract Dam
Nepean Dam
Nepean WFP
NepeanAvon Tunnel
Woronora Dam
Woronora River
c a rribee R i v er
Wingecarribee Reservoir
Bendeela Pondage
Supply Zone River Channel Raw Water pipeline, Canal, etc. Treated Water Pipeline Hydroelectric Power Generation
Tallowa Dam
All drinking water supplied by Sydney Water is treated at one of ten Water Filtration Plants (WFP). Drinking water is then distributed to people in Sydney, the Blue Mountains and the Illawarra. The water distribution system of Sydney is divided into fourteen Delivery System Zones as shown in Figure 5.2. These Delivery Systems are typically aligned with specic water storages and Water Filtration Plants. The exception to this is the main metropolitan water supply, which due to its size, is split into ve areas downstream of the Prospect WFP. These ve areas consume 80% of the water supplied by Sydney Water. A summary of the population served by the delivery systems and the daily demand is shown in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1 Water Delivery Systems of Greater Sydney
9 10
Delivery System
Prospect South Prospect North Prospect East Ryde
Areas Served
Population Served
370,000 650,000
Liverpool, Fairfield and parts of Blacktown Baulkham Hills, Hornsby and parts of Blacktown, Holroyd, Ku-ring-gai and Parramatta Parts of Auburn, Bankstown, Holroyd, Fairfield and Parramatta Pittwater, Warringah, Manly, Mosman, Hunters Hill, Lane Cove, Ryde, North Sydney and parts of Ku-ring-gai and Parramatta Ashfield, Botany Bay, Burwood, Canada Bay, Canterbury, Hurstville, Kogarah, Leichardt, Marrickville, Randwick, Rockdale, Strathfield, Sydney, Waverly and Woollahra and most of Auburn, Bankstown and Sutherland Upper Blue Mountains Mount Victoria, Blackheath and Medlow Bath Hawkesbury Penrith and parts of the Blue Mountains Warragamba and Silverdale Wingecarribee and most of the Wollondilly Shire Camden, Campbelltown and parts of Liverpool and Wollondilly Wollongong, Shellharbour and Kiama Southern half of Sutherland Shire Lower half of the Blue Mountains
Potts Hill
21 69 3.9 12 88
18 57 3.3 10 74
125 41 14
107 35 12
Desalinated water transmitted to Waterloo would predominately supply the Potts Hill delivery system, as shown in Figure 5.2. 17
The Process Used to Develop a Short List of Options for a Sydney Desalination Plant
Hurstville Botany
Po r t Botany
Ta s m a n Sea
Hornsby Epping
Palm Beach
Hurstville Port
WORONORA Sutherland
Ta s m a n Sea
Cordeaux Wollongong
Planning for Desalination
Several factors need to be considered in proposing water specication targets for a desalination plant in Sydney. These factors include NSW Health requirements and the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines published by National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), the drinking water quality of Sydneys existing water supply system, and corrosion guidelines to prevent corrosion of water supply infrastructure. The water quality of Sydneys existing supply is very good, with parameters such as total dissolved solids, chloride, sulphate, total hardness and alkalinity well below the maximum allowable values in the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Guidelines. Given that the people of Sydney have been drinking this quality of water for many years it would be prudent to maintain any desalinated water supply at similar levels for these parameters. It also maintains current water quality for industrial customers. The decision was taken to adopt Sydneys current aesthetic water quality as the target for the desalination plant. For other parameters, the target criterion is compliance with the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Guidelines. Adopting these water quality parameters would allow the desalinated water to be introduced directly into the distribution system at any point without the need for blending and will be achieved using a two pass reverse osmosis arrangement.
The Process Used to Develop a Short List of Options for a Sydney Desalination Plant
Ability to put plant in standby mode Sensitivity to intake seawater quality Ability to scale down/stop production Interdependency of plant and related industries/ infrastructure
Project completion time Time taken to acquire a particular site, then construct the desalination plant and related infrastructure, giving consideration to current site ownership, planning approval pathway and timing, zoning requirements, site preparation, availability of specialised machinery and skilled labour, connection to existing water, gas and electricity networks Degree of risk associated with the construction of the plant and related infrastructure, due to the complex nature of the desalination plant technology, any site difficulties Ability of plant to have staged construction and future augmentation due to its modular nature Ability to retrofit plant with future desalination technologies Ability of a plant to be used for applications other than seawater desalination, eg. recycling Compatibility of the location of the plant to the location of required utilities and other infrastructure, including water mains, gas mains, electricity network connections
Constructability of plant and related infrastructure Modular nature of plant Ability to retrofit plant Opportunity for other applications Compatibility of plant location with existing and planned infrastructure
Greenhouse Gas emissions per kL water produced Waste handling / disposal Equivalent greenhouse gas emissions per kL desalinated water produced. Includes equivalent emissions from electricity usage, pumping and process Impact of handling and disposal of site wastes on the environment. Could include positive effects if wastes can be used as feeds for other industries Impact of plant on surrounding terrestrial environment. Includes flora and fauna impacts Impact of plant on surrounding marine environment. Includes flora and fauna impacts Impact of plant on air quality. Includes consideration of air shed, weather patterns, health impact of incremental increases Impact of plant on local noise pollution. Includes health impact of incremental increases
Terrestrial site impacts Marine site impacts Air pollution impacts (if power plant required) Noise pollution impacts
Energy use per kL water produced Possibility for future provision of alternative energy sources Amount of energy used by the process and associated pumping, including both electrical, fuel and thermal sources Ability of desalination plant to accept power from different sources in the future
Capital cost of plant Operating costs of plant Capital cost of plant. Includes site preparation, construction of plant and related infrastructure Cost of operating plant. Includes desalination plant, associated pumping, water treatment, chemical costs, waste disposal costs, maintenance Levelised cost of an option based on its net present value over a given life span.
Impact of construction and operation on public amenity Impact of construction and operation on public access Proximity of plant to residential areas Occupational Health and Safety Aesthetic aspects of water produced Compatibility of land use Impact that construction and operation of plant and related infrastructure could have on public amenity. Includes traffic and visual impacts Impact that construction and operation of plant and related infrastructure could have on public access to previously accessible areas. Includes impacts on bushwalking, recreational fishing, water sports, beach access Distance from plant to nearest residential area Risk a particular option poses to safety. Aesthetic quality of water produced for consumers. Includes taste, odour, colour Compatibility of site location with existing land use, eg. industrial areas, residential. Includes zoning, existing use rights
The preliminary screening of potential plant locations was conducted using the Sydney Waters Geographical Information System. Size of Land In identifying potential sites, parcels of land with an area greater than five hectares were selected at this initial stage. This area was estimated as the size required for feasibly constructing and operating a 100ML/day plant. Similarly, approximately 20 hectares was estimated as the size required for a 500ML/day plant. However, depending upon the configuration of the 500ML/day plant, up to 25 hectares may be required. A maximum plant capacity of 500ML/day was chosen because this would stabilise Sydneys water supply in the event of extreme drought. Potential Sites Land use types specifically excluded from the search of potential sites included, for example, residential zoned land and National Parks.
The Process Used to Develop a Short List of Options for a Sydney Desalination Plant
The site screening resulted in the following locations: Kurnell; Malabar; Botany; Taren Point; Ryde; Potts Hill; North Head; Seaforth; Frenchs Forest; Brookvale; Warriewood; Mona Vale; Port Kembla; and Lake Illawarra. These locations were further investigated to provide a shortlist of three locations Kurnell, Malabar and Port Kembla.
The assessment has been undertaken on the following basis: Using the MED thermal desalination process as representing thermal desalination processes. MED has a higher thermal efciency when compared to the MSF process; A water production of 200ML/day was used as the case study; and Power for the reverse osmosis plant will be provided from the grid or a colocated power plant. The thermal and reverse osmosis processes were initially considered against the key criteria of energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and indicative water production costs ($/kL). The results of this assessment are presented below. Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions The calculation of energy consumption for desalination by the reverse osmosis process is straightforward, as all the energy input is used in the desalination process. This is not the case for the thermal process (due to the dual purpose configuration) where the energy input is distributed between the production of water and the production of electricity for export. The thermal desalination process requires both heat and electricity. In order to generate the necessary heat in the form of steam, the power plant arrangement is less efficient (due to thermodynamic rules) than the power plant arrangement used to produce electricity only.
It should be noted that 730GWh/annum energy consumption corresponds to an electricity consumption of 371GWh/annum.
Analysis for a 200ML/day plant indicates that the fuel required for the thermal desalination process is 2,100 Gigawatt hours per year (GWh/annum) compared to only 730GWh/annum11 for the reverse osmosis process. Therefore, the most efficient thermal process requires more than three times the energy of a reverse osmosis plant. This also means that the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the thermal process are more than three times those for a reverse osmosis plant. It was concluded that reverse osmosis is the preferred technology against the criteria of energy consumption. It is also the preferred technology against the criterion of greenhouse gas emissions (i.e. greater energy required leads to more greenhouse gases produced). Indicative Water Production Costs A thermal desalination plant must be located next to a source of steam (heat) whereas a reverse osmosis plant only requires electricity, which can be from the grid or from a power plant located at the site (captive). The energy input requirements of reverse osmosis are substantially less than that for thermal (730GWh/annum versus 2,100GWh/annum). A power plant sized only to meet the needs of a reverse osmosis plant would be much smaller than the power plant required for thermal desalination producing the same volume of water. This is reflected in the cost of water production, which is approximately half that of thermal. Non-Quantiable Criteria
It was concluded that reverse osmosis is the preferred technology against the criteria of energy consumption, greenhouse gas generation and cost of water.
In addition, the two technologies were also compared on non-quantifiable criteria, which were not site dependent. The results of this assessment are summarised in Table 5.3 below. The relative position of each technology was compared against the criteria based on professional experience.
The Process Used to Develop a Short List of Options for a Sydney Desalination Plant
Table 5.3 Assessment of Reverse Osmosis and Thermal Technology Against Non-Quantiable Criteria Criteria
Operability of technology response to load changes Operability of technology robustness of process, operator skills required Reliability and maintainability of technology Ease of plant start up / shut down Ability to put plant in standby mode Ability to scale down or stop production Interdependency with power station Land area requirements Environmental impact of discharge (temperature)
better more difficult acceptable acceptable acceptable good not dependent less minimal
acceptable good better acceptable more difficult more difficult dependent more significant
On nancial grounds and other criteria including greenhouse gas emissions and lack of power colocation opportunities, the most suitable desalination technology for Sydney is reverse osmosis.
The above assessment shows that reverse osmosis is more favourable than thermal for most of the criteria. The only signicant benet of thermal over reverse osmosis is that the process is more robust. Thermal does not require a substantial pre-treatment plant and is less sensitive to changes in seawater quality. However, the pre-treatment requirements of seawater reverse osmosis plants are well developed and there is a good understanding of pre-treatment issues within the desalination industry. As thermal plants require a co-located source of heat or steam there is signicant risk of social impacts due to air quality and visual impact, and resistance from the local community would be anticipated. Conclusion On nancial grounds and other criteria including greenhouse gas emissions and lack of power co-location opportunities, the most suitable desalination technology for Sydney is reverse osmosis.
11 23 45 110
It should be noted that a 500ML/day plant would result in a one-off increase in NSWs electricity demand of less than 1.2%, which would not occur until the plant was fully operational. This is against a current predicted ongoing annual increase of around three per cent due to the States ongoing needs.
A co-located power plant would most likely be fuelled by natural gas due to local environmental, space and infrastructure constraints.
considered. Other renewables were not considered viable at the scale required for this project.
Mitigation costs for the additional greenhouse gases due to coal red power have been included.
The cost of power for a 100ML/day plant is substantially higher from a base-load gas power plant, being 80% more expensive than electricity from the grid, and the cost of water is higher by approximately 10%. For a 500ML/day plant the cost of power from a gas power plant co-located with a desalination plant is marginally lower than for electricity from the grid. However, the signicant social and environmental impacts of locating a dedicated gas red power plant in an urban area were not considered acceptable. The cost of purchasing power for the desalination plant from a remotely located gas power plant was also considered. At this time, the cost of gas power is estimated to be signicantly greater than for grid-supplied power. If the cost of gas power becomes more comparable to the cost of other energy options, then sourcing gas power via the grid could become the preferred option.
Table 6.3 provides an indicative comparison of the renewable energy options for supplying energy to the desalination plant (100ML/day requires 189 GWh/annum and 500ML/day requires 906 GWh/annum)14.
First gure applies to 100ML/day desalination plant (189 GWh/annum) and second gure applies to 500ML/day desalination plant (906 GWh/annum). Compared to grid power of $53/MWh.
Land Requirements
1.5/6km2 Minimal 1.5/7km2 2/5km2 Project specific
40-60 60-100
The only renewable energy option in Australia that is proven at a large scale is wind power. Other renewable energy options are not yet at the stage of development or scale suitable for desalination. Rather than directly investing in renewable energy options for energy supply, which may prove to be technically and/or commercially unviable, purchase of renewable energy certicates is preferred as a greenhouse gas mitigation mechanism. These certicates are created by a variety of renewable energy sources and their sale allows the projects to achieve commercial viability. This market-based approach ensures the most viable projects proceed. As the market grows and availability increases there may be opportunities to purchase renewable power at a comparable cost with other energy supply options.
Water desalination plants are energy intensive and this results in signicant greenhouse gas emissions. As with any large infrastructure project, additional greenhouse gas emissions are associated with the construction of a desalination plant due to the production of materials such as steel and concrete and actual construction activities. Emissions are also associated with the manufacture and supply of consumables such as membranes and chemicals. Operational emissions together with material related emissions are termed Life Cycle Emissions. Total life cycle greenhouse gas emissions associated with construction and operation of the desalination plant and power plant have been estimated for various options. Of the total emissions, ve per cent are associated with the materials and construction stages, the remaining 95% with operation.
reduction strategies. In general reduction options include: Purchase of power from lower greenhouse gas emission fuels, such as gas; Purchase of renewable energy certicates issued by energy retailers to nance renewable energy schemes; Forestry Sequestration tree planting; and Purchase of NSW greenhouse abatement certicates. A summary of the Australian mitigation mechanisms is provided in Table 6.4. For a 500ML/day plant, given market availability and program life spans, forestry sequestration and/or renewable energy certicates are the likely mitigation mechanisms as both these mechanisms are currently available in the market and will continue to operate throughout the life of a desalination plant. The NSW greenhouse abatement certicate scheme has limited supply (but may expand with increased demand) of certicates and will now operate until 2020, with potential for further extensions. The use of gas red power will also be further considered.
Table 6.4 Summary of Australian Offset Mechanisms Mechanism RECs Renewable Energy Certificates
Renewable Energy Target
Forestry Sequestration
NSW Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme; Kyoto Compliant, Other Mandatory or voluntary NSW tonnes CO2-e
Mandatory NSW tonnes CO2-e (1NGAC=1 tonne CO2-e ) Jan 2003 Dec 2020 extensions possible
NGAC compliant: Jan 2003 Dec 2012; Kyoto compliant: 2008 2012 Greenhouse gas abatement
Renewable energy industry stimulus, greenhouse gas abatement Australian electricity retailers 4% of total retailer sales by 2010 $57/MWh after tax $36/REC 9,500,000 per year (2010-2020) 6,000,000MWh in 2007
Liable Parties
NSW electricity retailers plus voluntary purchasers 20% of total sales by 2012 (NSW electricity retailers) $15/tonne after tax $13-17/tonne CO2-e 17,000,000 per year (2007-2012) Potential (5 year lead-time to establish forest)
Compliance Liability Scheme Penalty Current Market Price Market Demand Market Availability
20% of total retailer sales by 2012 $15/tonne after tax $12/NGAC 17,000,000 per year (2007-2012) None available in 2007
Levelised water cost is dened as the Net Present Value of capital and operating expenditure divided by the net present value of water produced. Unless otherwise stated, levelised water costs have been calculated as a capacity factor of 100% and plant availability of 94%.
The greenhouse gas reduction strategy adopted will inuence the nal levelised cost of water,17 based on the amount of mitigation required. If a decision for mitigation were required then the following levels of offsets can be considered (See Figure 6.1): Offsets equivalent to those required of NSW energy retailers - the cost over 20 years would be $40 million (NPV). This adds $0.02/kL to the cost of water. The cost to offset the additional greenhouse gas emissions from a 500ML/day desalination plant powered from the grid relative to:
Costs are based on estimates and could vary depending on where the efuent is treated and introduced into the water system.
1. a large scale potable recycled water plant supplying water to Warragamba Dam. The additional cost would be $75 - $155 million18 (NPV) over 20 years from forest sequestration or purchasing Renewable Energy Certicates. This adds between $0.04 and $0.08/kL to the cost of water; or 2. a 500ML/day desalination plant powered exclusively from gas. The additional cost would be $85 - $175 million (NPV) over 20 years from forest sequestration or purchasing Renewable Energy Certicates. This adds between $0.05 and $0.10/kL to the cost of water. The cost to fully mitigate greenhouse gas generation. The additional cost would be $170 - $350 million over 20 years from forest sequestration or purchasing Renewable Energy Certicates. This adds between $0.10 and $0.20/kL to the cost of water.
$75-$155m NPV
$85-$175m NPV
The cost to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions would increase the cost of water. The cost increase would depend upon the mitigation strategy adopted.
100,000 0
6.9 Conclusion
The cost to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions as discussed above would increase the cost of water depending upon the mitigation strategy adopted. Once a target greenhouse offset is decided in the context of all the options in the Metropolitan Water Plan, an appropriate mitigation strategy will be nalised. As the desalination plant will be a large user of energy, the construction of a desalination plant (with an associated greenhouse gas mitigation commitment) may encourage the development of renewable and other energy sources (such as gas) with lower greenhouse gas generation. In addition, the future energy market may be able to supply power to the desalination plant from these sources at a cost comparable to the offset options.
There are three sites currently under consideration at Kurnell - this shows one possible site location.
For illustration purposes Figure 7.1 shows a possible 500ML/day desalination plant at one of the potential Kurnell sites19. Figure 7.2 shows one potential water distribution route for a 500ML/day plant at Kurnell. Figure 7.3 is a current aerial view at Kurnell. Figure 7.4 shows what a 500ML/day desalination plant could look like at Kurnell. Figure 7.5 shows what a 500ML/day plant could look like at one of the potential sites from Sir Joseph Banks Road, Kurnell.
Tasman Sea
Figure 7.2 One Potential Water Distribution Route for a 500ML/day Desalination Plant at Kurnell
Pressure Tunnel
City Tunnel
The sites vary in the level of modication in terms of vegetation cover. At this stage no site appears to have issues that cannot be managed.
Wanda Beach
There are three sites currently under consideration at Kurnell - this shows one possible site location.
Desalination Plant
Wanda Beach
Figure 7.5 View of 500ML/Day Desalination Plant at Kurnell from Sir Joseph Banks Drive20
Desalination Plant
Pioneer Park
ry s Sy
Anzac Parad e
ke T unne l
ll T un
Figure 7.7 One Potential Water Distribution Route for a 500ML/day Desalination Plant at Malabar
Pressure Tunnel
City Tunnel
Randwick Eastlakes
Botany Bay
local delivery route Potential 500ML/d delivery route
Maroubra Beach
Malabar Headland
Desalination Plant
Maroubra Beach
Malabar Headland
Figure 7.10 View of 500ML/day Desalination Plant at Malabar from Anzac Parade
Desalination Plant
Cromwell Park
arade Anzac P
At Malabar the site is in relatively close proximity to residential areas including schools, which increases the sensitivity of the locality to the potential operational impacts such as noise and trafc. The Anzac Rie Range site is an area of approximately 110 hectares and is bounded to the east and west by natural vegetation (total of 70 hectares) and to the south by Sydney Waters Sewage Treatment Plant site. A 500ML/day desalination plant would occupy 22 hectares (approximately 20%) of the cleared rie range. The Anzac Rie Range was formerly subject to uncontrolled lling with building and domestic waste and could potentially include some industrial waste. Due to its use as a functioning rie range there is also heavy metal contamination. In the context of a drought response plant the potential for time delays due to the unknown nature of the contamination would be signicant and a further six to twelve months may be necessary to undertake remedial works. A 500ML/day plant at Malabar would be very visible compared to a Kurnell plant and may require signicant visual screening, which would impose a further cost. As the Anzac Rie Range is Commonwealth land, acquisition of a portion of the site would need to be agreed with the Commonwealth Government. In addition, approval from the Federal Minister for the Environment may be required if it is found that the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 applies. This approval would be in addition to any other approvals that may be required under NSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act.
ar Foreshore P
Tasman Sea
Out fall Tun nel
Int ak e Tu nn el
Figure 7.12 Possible Distribution Route for a 50ML/day Desalination Plant at Port Kembla
Port Kembla
Illawarra Escarpment
The increased energy required for pumping increased the greenhouse gas emissions by 25%. In addition the environmental impacts of transferring the water from Lake Avon via the Avon River were considered to be potentially signicant and the option was thus ruled out.
7.6 Summary
As a drought response measure, Kurnell is the preferred location for constructing a plant up to 500ML/day in size. A pipeline laid across the bay would be required for connection of the water into the water distribution mains. The location of the plant would be in an industrial zoned area of Kurnell. Environmental impacts to be assessed and managed include the potential presence of threatened species at the site(s) and marine impacts associated with pipeline construction. A 500ML/day plant could also be constructed at Malabar as a drought response measure. However, it presents higher risks of guaranteeing delivery to meet the water supply timeframe during continuing drought. The extent and nature of any contamination at the Malabar site is unknown, as the site has been used for uncontrolled lling. The complexities of managing land use issues, potential contamination and ease of construction issues could result in signicant delays at the Malabar location.
As a drought response measure, Kurnell is the preferred location for constructing a plant up to 500ML/day in size.
Outside the context of drought, Port Kembla is suitable for a small baseload plant of 50ML/day. At Kurnell, a 50ML/day plant could be constructed and water distributed into the local distribution system. In a non drought context 200ML/day could be distributed locally at Malabar. At Kurnell and Malabar, further staging could occur as needed, including the construction of the major infrastructure to connect to the water distribution system at the next stage. In the context of responsible planning it is prudent it keep options open which could meet both long-term water supply needs and respond to a drought if required. A site that enables a plant to be progressively sized larger, i.e. staged, would provide the most suitable vehicle to meet these needs.
8. Financial Analyses
Based on the options developed, cost estimates were generated for plants of various capacities. For the purposes of this comparison it was assumed that all plants were constructed in a single stage and that the plants used grid power. A fast-track process for delivery of a 500ML/day plant at Malabar or Kurnell has a minimum estimated time for construction of 26 months. This timeframe is based on a Malabar option with a manageable site acquisition and preparation scenario and a Kurnell option with a pipeline across Botany Bay. The total capital expenditure and the levelised water cost for the Kurnell, Malabar and Port Kembla options are summarised in Table 8.1. It should be noted that all costs presented here and elsewhere in this chapter include both a desalination plant and the associated infrastructure such as intake, outfalls, delivery infrastructure and land.
Table 8.1 Desalination Cost Summary Option Capacity (ML/day) Total Capital Expenditure ($2005 M)22
Intake/ Outfall
Delivery Infrastructure
Capital expenditure is presented as P80 (value with a 80% probability of not being exceeded), includes the required land area, in 2005 dollars. Greenhouse gas mitigation is not included.
Fast track 500ML/ day Malabar Fast track 500ML/ day Port Kembla 50ML/ day 500 1,750 1.44 26
Local pipe, pipe across Botany Bay and tunnel to Waterloo Local pipe and tunnel to Waterloo,
Single tunnel
Local pipe
Financial Analyses
Figure 8.1 shows the capital cost breakdown for the three locations.
Figure 8.1 Capital Cost Breakdown at Port Kembla, Malabar and Kurnell
2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1000 800 600 400 200 0
Malabar 500ML/Day
Kurnell 500ML/Day
Plant Capacity
Other Distribution Desalination Plant Intake/Outfall Power Connection
Operating Costs
Operating cost estimates include, desalination plant, associated pumping, water treatment, chemical costs, waste disposal costs and maintenance. Figures 8.2 and 8.3 show the breakdown of operating costs for 50ML/day and 500ML/day plants.
Figure 8.2 Operating Cost Breakdown for a 50ML/day Desalination Plant
Other 12%
Others12% Other 15% Labour 4% Membrane Replacement 7% Power Purchase 55 % Chemicals 19%
Financial Analyses