Ped 106 Assessment of Learning

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PRINCIPLES OF ASSESSMENT Principle 6: Formative and

Summative assessment should be

Principle 1: Assessment tests included in each programme
intended learning outcome  to ensure the purpose of
 students attainment of the assessment are adequately
intended learning outcomes addressed and students can
effectively and at the appropriate learn to engage with asessments
level effectively

Principle 2: Information about the  Formative assessment

assessment should be explicit, (ASESSMENT FOR LEARNING)
accessible and transparent “low stake” ; monitors strengths
 clear, accurate consistent, and and weaknesses and target
timely information on the areas
assessment system; assessment
task and procedures should be  Summative assessment
made available to achieve a (ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING)
shared understanding “high stake” ; measures the
extent of the learners’ success in
Principle 3: Assessment should be meeting the standards
inclusive and equitable
 task and procedures does not
disadvantage any group or

Principle 4: Assessment should ASSESSMENT

enhance student learning
 students must have the  is not evaluation but evaluation
opportunity to develop a range of involves the process of assessment.
generic skills and capabilities  is a means of knowing the state of
 Assessment OF Learning: the student learning in terms of what he
assessment is designed to knows and can do with reference to
measure and give feedbacks on the purpose of the learning tasks and
achievement of the learning objectives.
outcomes  it secures data or measures that
 Assessment FOR Learning: reflect student progress and success
students learn as a result of the or failures in instruction.
assessment task  it is any method used to better
understand the current knowledge of
Principle 5: The amount of assessed the student.
work should be manageable  obtaining scientific and verifiable
 the scheduling of assignments data that serve the bases of
and assessed work should interpreting results.
provide a reliable and valid profile  the data that may be obtained are
of achievement without either quantitative or qualitative.
overloading students
 is the process of quantifying or PROCEDURES
assigning number to the
individual’s intelligence, A. NATURE OF ASSESSMENT
personality, attitudes and values,
and achievement of the students. o Maximum Performance – is
(Example when a teacher gives used to determine what
scores to the test of the students individuals can do when
such as Renny got 23/25 in performing at their best. (Ex.
Mathematics test). Aptitude test & achievement
 After collecting the assessment
data, the teacher will use this to o Typical Performance – is used
make decisions or judgment to determine what individuals
about the performance of the will do under natural conditions
students in certain instruction. (ex. Attitude, interest, &
personality inventories,
observational techniques, &
EVALUATION peer-appraisal
 refers to the process of judging
the quality of what is good and
what is desirable. It is the B. FORMAT ASSESSMENT
comparison of data to a set of
standard or learning criteria for o Fixed-Choice Test - an
the purpose of judging the worth assessment used to measure
of quality. knowledge and skills effectively
 it occurs after the assessment and efficiently (ex. Standard
data have been collected and multiple choice test)
synthesized because it is only in
this time where teacher is in the o Complex-Performance Test –
position to make judgment about an assessment procedure used
the performance of the students. to measure the performance of
the learner in contexts and on
MEASUREMENT & EVALUATION problems valued in their own
right (ex. Hands-on laboratory
experiment, projects, essays,
and oral presentation)
“ Teaching and Learning are
reciprocal process that depend on 1. Norm-referenced interpretation
and affect one another (Swearing – it is used to describe student
2002 and Kellough, 1999).” performance according to relative
position in some known group. In
this method of interpretation it is
1. BEGINNING OF INSTRUCTION assumed that the level of
o Placement Assessment – is performance of students will not
concerned with the entry vary much from one class to
performance and typically focuses another class (Ex. Ranks 5th in a
on the questions :Does the learner classroom group of 40).
possess the knowledge and skills
needed to begin the planned
instruction? 2. Criterion-Referenced
Interpretation – it is used to
2. DURING INSTRUCTION describe student performance
o Formative Assessment – used according to a specified domain
to monitor the learning progress of clearly defined learning tasks.
of the students during the This is used when the teacher
instruction wants to determine how well the
o DiagnostIc Assessment – aims students have learned specific
to identify the strengths and knowledge or skills in a certain
weaknesses of the students course or subject matter. (Ex.
regarding the topics to be Divide three-digit whole numbers
discussed correctly and accurately; multiply
binomial terms correctly)
o Summative Assessment – its
purpose is to determine the OTHER TYPES OF ASSESSMENT
extent to which the instructional
objectives have been met. 1. Non-standardized Test –
developed by classroom teachers
2. Standardized Test – developed
by test specialist: using a certain
standard conditions
3. Objective Test – two or more
evaluators give an examinee the
4. Subjective Test – scores are
influenced by the judgement of
the evaluator; there is no one
correct answer
5. Supply Test – supply an answer

6. Fixed-response Test - select an

answer from a given option
7. Individual Test – administered to
students using one-on-one basic ASSESSING LEARNING OUTCOME
using oral questioning  Outcome Assessment –
8. Group Test – administered to process of gathering information
group of individuals or students
on wheter the instruction that the
9. Mastery Test – degree of master
program provide are producing
of a limited ser of learning
outcomes the desired student learning
10. Survey Test – students’ general outcomes
achievement over a broad range  Constructive Alignment
of learning outcomes Learning Outcome > Teaching
11. Speed Test – number of items Learning Activities > Assessment
can complete over a period of Task (REPEAT)
12. Power Test – level of
performance rather than speed ASSESSMENT METHOD
response; increasing degree of
difficulty.  TRADITIONAL
- Assess learning in a cognitive
domain (Bloom) / Declarative
MODES OF ASSESSMENT Knowledge (Kendall and
Marzano, 2012)
o Traditional Assessment –
- Inadequate to measure all
choose their answer from a given
forms of learning
choices; there is only one correct
answer or best answer  AUTHENTIC / ALTERNATIVE
- Psychomotor Learning
o Alternative Assessment – (Kendall and Marzano, 2012)
create an original response to or procedural knowledge
answer the certain question - Learning proven by product
and by performance
o Performanced-based
Assessment – perform real-
o Portfolio Assessment – KNOWLEDGE)
systematic, longitudinal collection  Selected-response
of student work - Alternative response
- Matching type
- Multiple Choice
 Constructed- response
- Completion
- Short Answer
- Essay restricted or non
- Problem solving

- Is a coherent set of criteria for
students work that includes
descriptions of levels of
performance quality on the

- Each criterion (dimension,
traits) is evaluated separately
- Good for formative
assessment and is also
adaptable to summative

- All criteria (dimension. Trait) is
evaluated simultaneously
- Scoring is faster, it is good for
summative assessment

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