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Drop Jump: A Technical

Model for Scientific

Jason S. Pedley, MSc, ASCC,1 Rhodri S. Lloyd, PhD, ASCC, CSCS*D,1,2,3 Paul Read, PhD, ASCC, CSCS*D,4,5
Isabel S. Moore, PhD,6 and Jon L. Oliver, PhD7,2
Youth Physical Development Centre, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, United Kingdom; 2Sports Performance
Research Institute New Zealand, AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand; 3Centre for Sport Science and Human
Performance, Waikato Institute of Technology, Waikato, New Zealand; 4Athlete Health and Performance Research
Centre, Aspetar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital, Doha, Qatar; 5Youth Physical Development Group,
School of Sport, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, United Kingdom; 6Cardiff School of Sport, Cardiff
Metropolitan University, Cardiff, United Kingdom; and 7Youth Physical Development Group, Cardiff Metropolitan
University, Cardiff, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION investigating effective cueing strategies

lyometric training is a commonly for athletic training (24,53,93,94).
P used method for developing a vari-
ety of athletic qualities including
speed strength, sprinting speed, explo-
However, despite widespread use of
the drop jump in strength and condi-
tioning programs, there remains a lack
JUMP IS A CORNERSTONE EXER- sive power, and running economy of consensus regarding the correct
CISE FOR DEVELOPING FAST (10,26–29,38,79,90). Such training seeks technical model and effective coaching
STRETCH-SHORTENING CYCLE to exploit the force potentiating capabil- strategies to improve an athlete’s exe-
FUNCTION. THE DROP JUMP CAN ities of the stretch-shortening cycle cution of the exercise. A sound techni-
ALSO BE USED AS A READINESS- (SSC) to improve athletic performance cal model will assist in coaching
TO-TRAIN MARKER IN PRACTICAL (47). The SSC consists of (a) a rapid athletes to perform drop jumps in a safe
SETTINGS. TO ASSIST COACHES eccentric muscle action followed by (b) and proficient manner. The likely out-
WITH ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT, A an isometric amortization phase, and (c) comes of such practice should be
TECHNICAL MODEL FOR THE a concentric muscle action (12). This a reduction in injury frequency and
DROP JUMP IS PROPOSED. VER- sequence results in an enhanced concen- enhanced physical performance. Two
BAL INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED tric force output through a number of drop jump techniques are defined in
BY THE COACH HAVE AN EFFECT mechanisms including utilization of elas- peer-reviewed literature: the bounce
ON THE KINETICS AND KINEMAT- tic energy and reflex muscle activity (47). drop jump and the countermovement
ICS OF A TASK PERFORMED BY Most lower-limb plyometric exercises drop jump (13). The countermove-
AN ATHLETE. TO ASSIST involve jumping, often incorporating ment drop jump involves a large down-
COACHES IN FOSTERING the need to rebound against the floor ward movement during the ground-
EFFECTIVE PERFORMANCE in an attempt to ensure short ground- contact phase. By contrast, the bounce
drop jump seeks to immediately
ADAPTATIONS, EXAMPLE EXTER- contact times (,250 ms) (75). The drop
reverse downward velocity on landing
NAL CUES AND ANALOGIES ARE jump is a commonly used fast SSC plyo-
to minimize ground-contact time. The
PROVIDED TO HELP WITH OPTI- metric exercise among strength and con-
origins of the first of these 2 derivatives
MIZING PERFORMANCE DEVEL- ditioning coaches (13,54). In addition to
can be traced back to the work of
OPMENT WHILE MINIMIZING enhancing performance, the drop jump
Verkhoshansky (86), who describes
INJURY RISK. is also used as a readiness-to-train mon-
a “depth jump” exercise where the
itoring tool (56) and for injury-risk
screening purposes (64,71,76).
There is a large body of research avail-
coaching; injury prevention; plyomet-
Address correspondence to Jason S. Pedley, able on plyometric training (6,7,23)
ric; stretch-shortening cycle and a growing volume of evidence

Copyright  National Strength and Conditioning Association 1

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Drop Jump Technique

athlete steps off a box and then per- ground contact. Emphasis is placed with a “drop jump” being an exercise
forms a vertical jump for maximal on a short ground-contact time with involving restricted amplitude of leg
height on landing. No rigid restrictions low magnitudes of leg flexion. The tar- flexion during ground contact and
are placed on the magnitude of leg flex- get outcome of this exercise is fast SSC a “depth jump” having unrestricted lev-
ion or ground-contact time, although development from the muscle-tendon els of leg flexion and subsequently less
the exercise should be performed units of the leg extensors. However, emphasis placed on short ground-
quickly. The target outcome of this through the passage of time, these 2 contact times as demonstrated in
training method was the development exercises have become confused and Figure 1.
of explosive and maximum strength now many textbooks, authors, and This article will propose a technical
through stimulation of the central ner- coaches use the terms depth jump model for the drop jump that allows
vous system as a result of the impact. and drop jump synonymously athletes to maximize potential training
The second variant originates from the (16,28,51,53) (108), to indicate different adaptations. Example cues are pro-
work of Komi and Bosco (48) who exercises (22) or to indicate a single vided to assist coaches with providing
describe a “drop jump” where the ath- exercise with variations in execution effective correction of common techni-
lete drops from a platform and imme- (77). It is proposed that nomenclature cal errors and augmentation of perfor-
diately executes a vertical jump on should be henceforth standardized mance outcome variables. Finally,

Figure 1. Depth jump involves larger amplitudes of center of mass displacement during ground contact than the drop jump.
Consequently, the drop jump requires much higher levels of leg stiffness. Depth jumps allow greater jump height to be
achieved, but this is at the expense of ground-contact time and therefore, although this exercise might be suitable for
promoting some desirable adaptations, it is not suitable for developing fast SSC ability (,250 ms). SSC 5 stretch-
shortening cycle.

2 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2017

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effective practical applications of the reactive strength index (RSI) as sug- freely available in their sporting
drop jump are reviewed for suitability gested by Flanagan and Comyns (34). context.
within an athletic training program. The optimum RSI method produced
a drop height approximately 10 cm EFFECTIVE VERBAL CUEING FOR
lower than the maximum counter-
movement jump method. Training Good coaching requires accurate
Drop jumps rely on adequate develop- with a drop height determined by instruction, error identification, rele-
ment of critical biomotor abilities such either method produced significant im- vant and well-timed feedback, with
as maximum strength, rate of force provements in countermovement jump the goal of improving technical profi-
development, SSC function, and leg height and RSI. Therefore, because the ciency and performance outcomes
stiffness (47,89). Consequently, it is RSI method produces a lower drop (19,25,91). There is a growing body
necessary to develop high levels of height but the same training adaptation of evidence that instructions and feed-
strength in foundational movements, this might be the best option, as there back used by strength and conditioning
alongside a systematic progression of will be lower impact forces because of coaches have an impact on the acute
jump landing–based exercises that the lower drop height. However, the technical execution and the perfor-
gradually and progressively increase coach’s assessment of technical com- mance outcomes of a task
the eccentric load placed on the ath- petency should remain as the primary (1,36,44,68,92,95,96,98). External cues
lete. Flanagan and Comyns (34) have determining factor for the selection of divert the attention to the environment
provided suitable activities and pro- an appropriate drop height. An athlete around the athlete and their impact on
gressions within their 4-step progres- must demonstrate technical mastery of it, whereas internal cues direct the
sion for developing fast SSC the exercise at the prescribed drop attention toward the athlete’s body,
performance. However, even with height; otherwise the intensity should body segments, or body movements
these foundations in place, technical be regressed to avoid unnecessary risk (94). An external focus of attention
errors may still occur due to faulty of injury. has been shown to augment perfor-
movement patterns that can be acutely mance in a number of skills and perfor-
corrected by practitioners. To assist practitioners with a concep- mance tasks including vertical jumping
tual target to direct their athletes (93,96). Analogy learning further re-
The intensity of a drop jump is deter- toward, a technical model for the
mined by the eccentric load (69), duces the amount of explicable infor-
drop jump has been provided (Fig- mation by providing a biomechanical
which is directly influenced by the
ure 2). The drop jump has been bro- metaphor for a complex motor skill
duration of the exposure to gravita-
ken down into 5 distinct phases, (9,45,51,58). This approach to cueing
tional acceleration. Therefore, the key
although there are also some technical has been shown to develop perfor-
variable to manipulate as a means of
factors that should remain consistent mance characteristics that are associ-
either reducing or increasing the inten-
throughout the exercise. The hips, ated with implicit learning (51).
sity is drop height. Elevated drop
knees, and feet should all remain par- Therefore, strength and conditioning
height increases impact velocity, which
allel in the frontal plane and therefore, practitioners should attempt to use
may subsequently generate greater
lateral tilt of the pelvis should analogy cues and/or external focus of
impact peaks and loading rates if the
task exceeds the athlete’s eccentric be minimal. A neutral spine and pelvis attention cues when coaching the drop
force producing capacities (34,89). To position should be maintained jump, particularly with athletes of
avoid such an eventuality, it is desirable throughout the exercise. Finally, a con- a lower training age. Figure 2 provides
to use an optimal drop height to max- stant fixed gaze should be maintained examples of cues that could be used for
imize performance adaptations on a point at head height directly in the drop jump.
and minimize the risk of injury. Many front of the athlete. It should be noted Drop jumping is unique from other
studies arbitrarily assign a drop height that there is no arm swing evident in jumping tasks in that there are 2 out-
of 40 cm for all participants (20,39,82), the technical model presented. This is come priorities; maximizing jump
but this might exceed the eccentric common practice in research studies height and minimizing ground-
strength capabilities of some athletes to try to standardize the height of the contact time. Practitioners frequently
or fail to reach a threshold for adapta- center of mass on both landings and instruct athletes to jump as high as
tion of others. Several methods have to minimize anterior-posterior devia- possible while minimizing the time
been used to determine the appropriate tion between the 2 landings. The use spent on the ground. This focus on
drop height for training, but few have of an arm swing has been demon- ground-contact time invariably leads
been experimentally validated. Byrne strated to enhance jump height to a reduction in jump height, greater
et al. (17) compared drop jump training (33,50). Thus, when working with ath- peak vertical ground reaction force
with a height determined by maximum letes for performance outcomes, prac- (VGRF), and greater loading rates
countermovement jump height against titioners should allow athletes to because of the stiffer landings usually
the height that achieves optimum practice this skill because it will be observed (44,97). In one 6-week

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Drop Jump Technique

Figure 2. Technical model for the drop jump with common errors and example corrective cues.

training study, 3 participants from structures rather than the muscle- injury. Previous research has observed
a training group with a contact time tendon unit. significant relationships between the
focus were forced to dropout because From a performance perspective, volume of landing sound and the mag-
of tibial pain (97). It was speculated reducing ground-contact time while nitude of the VGRF (87). Because large
that these dropouts were injured maintaining jump height is highly impact forces place greater stress on
because of low levels of relative leg desirable as it is a marker of increased soft-tissue structures, it would be effi-
strength (62). It may be that these find- power capabilities in the athlete (44). cacious to use cues that encourage the
ings are more a reflection of inappro- To reduce ground-contact time and performer to be quiet in both landings
priate programming in terms of the maintain jump height, greater VGRF involved in the drop jump to avoid
prescribed drop height, which was is required in a shorter timeframe to undesirably large impact forces during
beyond the capabilities of the athlete maintain the necessary level of vertical the eccentric portion of ground
rather than a direct effect of the cue per impulse to achieve the same take-off contact.
se. A focus on contact time when drop- velocity. Consequently, it might be Previous literature discussing training
ping from a drop height that exceeds prudent to avoid this attentional focus progressions to develop SSC function
the eccentric capabilities of the athlete with athletes who do not have a suffi- has recommended a progression from
will result in undesirable stiffening cient level of relative strength (62) tasks that are characterized by a low
strategies such as landing with a much because they will be unable to tolerate eccentric demand with a short contact
more extended knee and hip and thus the loading rates and peak forces effec- time focus, toward activities involving
placing greater stress on skeletal tively, which could elevate their risk of higher eccentric loads and a greater

4 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2017

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focus on increased jump height and should be considered. The magnitude, been used in an attempt to acutely
reduced ground-contact time (34). direction and rate of force production, improve athletic performance in a vari-
These guidelines are intuitive, but it the nature of muscular contractions, ety of tasks. Postactivation potentia-
should be noted that a reduced contact and the energy systems used are all tion (PAP) is an acute facilitation of
time focus might concomitantly ele- important factors in determining the enhanced muscle performance
vate ground reaction forces on impact; degree of training transfer between an through the use of a preceding activity
therefore, the task provided to the ath- exercise and a sports movement (78). before the execution of another task
lete must involve a level of eccentric Most human movements use the SSC (18,84). The inclusion of low volume
load that can be tolerated to optimize rather than relying purely on eccentric, (2–6 repetitions) drop jumps at the
training adaptations (44). This serves as concentric, or isometric actions (46). end of a warm-up protocol has been
another important reminder of conser- This is particularly true of locomotive shown to improve subsequent sprint
vative progression in the use of plyo- tasks such as walking, running, skip- performance (15,18), vertical jump abil-
metric training. Regardless of whether ping, hopping, and jumping (63,74). ity (15), and 1 repetition maximum
the focus is directed toward jump These actions typically involve limited back squat (16). Conversely, other
height or ground-contact time, the lit- time for force production because of studies have found no beneficial acute
erature is congruent in its support for brief ground-contact times and some vertical jump performance effects after
maintaining an external focus of element of rebounding, with the main drop jumps used as a potentiating stim-
attention. propulsive action being simultaneous ulus (31,81). This may be due to
Finally, it should be noted that the triple extension of the ankle, knee, strength levels, fiber type distribution,
effectiveness of all cues will vary and hip joints. Similarly, drop jumps and training age, all of which have been
between individuals. What works for also involve SSC muscle actions with postulated as confounding factors (83)
1 athlete may not work for another. particular emphasis on eccentric over- impairing the effectiveness of the SSC
It is also important to be aware of load during the yielding phase where (47). To this end, a certain level of
the potential negative effects of cues rapid triple flexion takes place, and this physical competency in utilization of
if they are taken too literally or to ex- is followed by triple extension to pro- the fast SSC may be necessary to elicit
tremes by the athlete. For example, in- pel the body into the air. This sequence a PAP response from drop jumps. Fur-
structing an athlete to “land quietly” is replicable of the time frames afforded thermore, careful consideration needs
during the initial landing of a drop in human locomotive tasks such as to be given to the selection of drop
jump is intended to reduce excessive jumping and ground-contact times height on an individual basis to allow
impact peaks and improve SSC utiliza- during sprinting and change-of- eccentric loading within athlete’s toler-
tion; however, if taken too literally by direction tasks (14,57,61). ance levels and to maximize the prob-
the athlete, they may use excessive In practice, drop jumps are rarely ability of a PAP response.
magnitudes of hip and knee flexion used in isolation but rather as a com-
and let the heels contact the floor to ponent of an athlete’s training pro- TRAINING MONITORING TOOL
give themselves more time to absorb gram. However, the performance Because of the reliance on both neu-
force. As a coach, previous awareness enhancing effects of plyometrics are rological and muscular mechanisms
of these undesirable outcomes is nec- well documented (6,55,72,80) and during drop jumps, the RSI has been
essary to allow early detection and drop jumps in isolation have been used to assess the levels of neuromus-
implementation of a different cueing shown to improve countermove- cular fatigue and quantify readiness to
strategy that is more easily and accu- ment, squat and drop jump perfor- train (12,49,56,67). RSI is the ratio of
rately interpreted by the athlete. mance (39,59,97), 5, 20, and 40 m jump height to ground-contact time
Because of the high degree of indi- linear sprinting ability (20,73), 505 (34) and has shown to be reliable in
vidual variability in cueing effective- and t test change-of-direction ability numerous studies (32,35,60). A good
ness, it is essential that a coach (82,85), and running economy (5,10). RSI score is achieved through maxi-
establishes meaning with their ath- Drop jumping lies at the most intense mizing jump height, while minimizing
letes and has a battery of different end of the plyometric training spec- ground-contact time. Executing this
cues for prompting the same move- trum (34,43,52), and with correct im- effectively requires good SSC function
ment when working with a wide plementation is therefore a suitable and high levels of leg and ankle
range of individuals. exercise in the training programs of stiffness (2).
well-trained athletes seeking fast SSC
development. Drop jump performance is susceptible
to fatigue after marathon running (3)
PERFORMANCE and simulated soccer activity (65). In
When selecting appropriate exercises, POSTACTIVATION POTENTIATION both instances, greater reductions in
their ability to transfer adaptations into In addition to providing a chronic peak VGRF between the impact peak
improved execution of a sporting task training stimulus, drop jumps have also and the propulsive peak were evident,

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Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Drop Jump Technique

which suggests a decrement in SSC countermovement jumps because of

Isabel S.
function because of fatigue. Links the greater eccentric load, elevated
Moore is a lec-
between fatigue and injury risk are well power output, and magnitude of
turer in sport and
documented in team sports (41,66), impact forces. Proficient execution
exercise medicine
with most injuries occurring toward of the drop jump requires high levels
and programme
the end of playing time (30,88) and of strength, in addition to effective
director of the
during periods of the season where fix- and safe movement control. The lat-
masters in sport
tures are congested and players expe- ter can be developed through effec-
and exercise
rience the most cumulative fatigue tive coaching with an emphasis on
medicine course,
(8,37,70). RSI has been shown to be external cueing as part of a periodized
Cardiff Metro-
sensitive to increased workloads and training program, and with progres-
fatigue in elite rugby union players sion determined by technical compe-
and youth soccer players during tour- tency. This article has also proposed
nament match play (4,41). Therefore, a technical model for the drop jump
this metric could be considered a useful and guidelines to correct common Jon L. Oliver is
assessment tool to monitor neuromus- technical errors through effective a reader in
cular fatigue with athletes, provided cueing, which has the potential to Applied Paediat-
they are familiar with drop jump train- improve performance and reduce ric Exercise Sci-
ing and technique. the likelihood of musculoskeletal ence and co-
Based on the cumulative body of evi- injury. founder of the
dence, it seems that the drop jump Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: Youth Physical
has many uses for training and moni- The authors report no conflicts of interest Development
toring athletes. Drop jumps can be and no source of funding. Group, Cardiff
used as an effective fast SSC develop- Metropolitan
ment exercise in well-trained athletes University.
who possess sufficient levels of Jason S.
strength and are able to tolerate high Pedley is a lec-
eccentric forces. The drop jump also turer in strength REFERENCES
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Drop Jump Technique

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