Indian Partnership Act
Indian Partnership Act
Indian Partnership Act
Q.100:- What shall be the treatment of goodwill in settling the accounts of a firm after dissolution:
a. The assessment of the amount of goodwill is a difficult task and cannot be precisely calculated, hence it
should not be considered
b. The goodwill shall, subject to contract between the partners, be included in the assets, and it may be sold
either separately or along with other property of the firm.
c. The goodwill is an intangible assets and should not be accounted for.
d. None of the above.
Q.101:- How the settlements of debts will be made in case there are joint debts due from the firm, and
also separate debts due from any partner:
a. Debts of the firm shall be paid first out of the property of the firm, but in case of private debts of the
partners, is shall be paid in last(if there is residue) after paying of all the dues of the firm
b. Debts of the firm shall be paid first out of the property of the firm, but in case of private debts of the
partners, is shall be paid in last(if there is residue) after paying of all the dues of the firm.
c. Debts of the firm shall be paid first out of property of the firm and if there is any surplus, it shall be
distributed among the partners
d. Both A and C are correct.
Q.102:- Which is the implied authority of a partner:
a. To carry on the business of the firm, in the usual way.
b. Compromise or relinquish any claim or portion of a claim by the firm
c. Submit a dispute relating to the business of the firm to arbitration
d. Open a banking account on behalf of the firm in his own name
Q.103:- Subject to contract between the partners, the property of the firm includes:
a. Acquired, by purchase or otherwise, by or for the firm, or for the purposes and in the course of business of
the firm
b. The goodwill of the business.
c. All property and rights and interests in property originally brought into the stock of the firm
d. All of the above.
Q.104:- Where partnership deed is silent, which of the following statement is NOT correct:
a. The partners are entitled to share equally in the profits earned, and shall contribute equally to the losses
sustained by the firm.
b. A partner making, for the purposes of the business, any payment or advance beyond the amount of capital
he has agreed to subscribe, is entitled to interest thereon at the rate of 18% perannum.
c. A partner is not entitled to receive remuneration for taking part in the conduct of the business
d. Where a partner is entitled to interest on the capital subscribed by him such interest shall be payable only
out of profits
Q.105:- A transfer by a partner of his interest in the firm, either absolute or by mortgage, or by the
creation by him of a change on such interest, does entitle the transferee, during the continuance of the
a. To require accounts of the firm
b. To inspect the books of the firm
c. Only to receive the share of profits of the transferring partner, and the transferee shall accept the account
of profits agreed to by the partners
d. To interfere in the conduct of the business of the firm
Q.106:- What is the liability of a retiring partner, after the date of his retirement'.
a. He shall not be liable for the act done by other partners during his tenurein the partnership firm.
b. He and the partners continue to be liable as partners to third parties for any act done by any of them which
would have been an act of the firm if done before the retirement, until public notice is given of the
c. He shall be liable for the acts done by him only on behalf of the firm during his tenure, towards the third
d. Only A and B are correct.
Q.107:- An outgoing partner may carry on a business competing with that of the firm and hemay
advertise such business, but, subject to contract to the contrary, he may not:
a. Solicit the custom of persons who were dealing with the firm before he ceased to be a partner.
Agreements in restraint of trade.
b. Use the firm name
c. Represent himself as carrying on the business of the firm
d. All of the above
Q.108:- The dissolution of firm means:
a. It means the dissolution of partnership between all the partners of a firm.
b. It means the change in the relations of the partners.
c. It means the reconstitution of the firm.
d. Only B and C are correct.
Q.109:- What are certain contingencies when the firm has to be dissolved (subject to contract):
a. By the death of a partner and by the adjudication of a partner as an insolvent.
b. If constituted for a fixed term, by the expiry of that term
c. If constituted to carry out one or more adventures or undertakings, by the completion thereof
d. All of the above.