Course - Pack - GMP - 2023 Extract (83-84)

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Relationships worth
building: The LEGO
Group’s people-
first approach
Loren I. Shuster, chief people officer and
head of corporate affairs for the LEGO
Group, on keeping a brand modern by
focusing on people.

he LEGO Group has captured culture. They’ve enabled us to focus on How has the company worked to
the imagination of children and growth and learning and have been a driver define its purpose? What role does it
adults around the world for of our success and resilience throughout play in attracting and retaining talent?
more than 90 years. The Denmark-based generations and challenges.
company sees children as its role models Since 1932, when Ole Kirk Kristiansen
and puts their forever-learner mindset The LEGO Group sees children as role founded the carpentry business that
at the center of everything the company models. They inspire us because they became the LEGO Group, the Kristiansen
does, from alignment on its long-term are forever learners. Our mission in return family has played a leading role in our
vision and mission to the equality among is to inspire and develop them because organization through to the fourth-
all employees. McKinsey spoke to Loren they are the builders of tomorrow. We generation owners today. The family and
I. Shuster, the LEGO Group’s chief people are 25 percent owned by the LEGO all our colleagues remain committed
officer and head of corporate affairs, Foundation, which is a purpose-driven not- to making a positive difference for
about how the company continuously for-profit organization focused on bringing children around the world. This ambition
innovates to keep its edge, evolves its the benefits of learning through play to comes alive throughout the LEGO
brand and culture, and remains resilient underprivileged children around the world. Brand Framework, which articulates our
and steadfast in its purpose and mission. purpose, mission, and values and steers
Another success factor is our direct everything we do today. It’s built around
What do you think has made the LEGO relationship with our consumers—both four important promises to people, play,
Group so successful? children and adults—in addition to the planet, and our partners.
our valuable business-to-business
There are a few things that make the relationships with retailers. It allows us to We’re investing in our people and brand
LEGO Group unique and help explain the have conversations about our products, for the long term. We’re not trying to
company’s longevity and success. Since the something for which many brands yearn. hit a quarterly target—we’re trying to
organization was founded, there has been And we connect with them through become an immersive brand that people
a clear alignment on our purpose among multiple forums and channels. The want to engage with across generations.
the owner, board, CEO, management, and YouTube channel on which users post We still innovate and try new things in
employees. The alignment and clarity have videos about LEGO play experiences is ways that protect our brand and our
shaped our vision, mission, values, and one of the top channels in the world. people for the future. Our employees

66 The State of Organizations 2023

and partners see that, and it shows up in well-being, innovation, and creativity. We More about

Loren I.
motivation and satisfaction. believe that to continuously thrive in the
constantly changing world, everyone in
How does the LEGO Group live out that an organization needs to act as a leader,
people promise? not the executive leadership team alone.
Our people promise is a critical component How do you remain steadfast and act
Chief people officer and head of
of our employee value proposition and with speed at the same time? corporate affairs at the LEGO Group
how we attract and retain talent. It’s our
commitment to creating a safe, healthy, Our long-term view has created a stable
respectful, diverse, and equitable backbone for us and sent a strong signal to
workplace for all employees. For example, our employees, customers, and partners. Loren I. Shuster joined the LEGO Group
we believe every employee should be That, paired with creativity, learning, and in 2014 as chief commercial officer. In
relevance (such as taking the brand 2017, he stepped into his current role as
treated equally.
the LEGO Group’s chief people officer
digital), has helped us to act with speed
and head of corporate affairs. He brings
When we introduced universal parental while remaining steadfast. In some cases,
to the role a unique blend of global
leave, a minimum of 26 weeks was having a rigid platform helps with scaling
commercial and marketing experience,
allotted for the birthing parent, whether and growth. Rigidity in our manufacturing
as well as a track record of building
an hourly factory worker or a salaried enables a refined product and a higher
high-performing, global teams. In his
executive. That philosophy carried through level of profitability. Meanwhile, we need
role, Loren is responsible for the LEGO
the COVID-19 pandemic. Although our more speed around our digital products to
Group’s people agenda, environmental
stores and factories were shut down, we create a better experience for consumers. sustainability, social responsibility,
didn’t lay off anyone, and we continued government affairs, and corporate brand
to pay our colleagues and give additional One of the biggest strategic choices communications.
compensation and benefits equally around we made recently is a partnership with
the world, from Denmark to Mexico. Epic Games to shape the future of the Before joining the LEGO Group, Loren
metaverse to make it safe and fun for held senior leadership positions within
Another way we live our people promise children and families. We believe there is commercial and marketing at Google
is through our philosophy on leadership. huge potential for kids to develop lifelong and Nokia. He is also a board trustee of
Again, children’s hands-on, minds- skills such as creativity, collaboration, the Institute of Business Ethics in the
on approach to learning inspired our and communication through digital United Kingdom.
approach to cultivating leadership experiences. But we have a responsibility
behaviors and mindsets. We developed to make [these experiences] safe, inspiring,
our “Leadership Playground” model to and beneficial for all. Just as we’ve
ensure everyone is heard, contributing, protected children’s right to safe physical
respected, and valued. In the Leadership play for generations, we are committed to
Playground, anyone can volunteer to lead doing the same for digital play. We want to
groups focused on employee health and create an exciting and playful future.

‘We’re investing in our people and brand for

the long term.’
April 2023 67

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