BrigEC SMPLR Brochure 1
BrigEC SMPLR Brochure 1
BrigEC SMPLR Brochure 1
Early Childhood
The new BRIGANCE® Early Childhood System prepares every child for school success
The BRIGANCE® Early Childhood family of products has been completely updated
with the latest research and content for 2013. These up-to-date resources will help
educators more effectively meet the needs of young learners so they are better
prepared for school success.
Screen Quickly and Easily
with the BRIGANCE Screens III
Assess Each Child’s
Strengths and Needs
and target instruction based
on assessment results
Build School
Readiness Skills
report with developmentally appropriate
instructional activities
Generate Results and
User-Friendly Reports
with the Online
Management System
BRIGANCE Early Childhood Sampler • Curriculum Associates LLC • • 800-225-0248
Early Childhood Screens III (Birth–Grade 1)
New for 2013! Quickly and easily screen children with the latest
screens to identify potential developmental delays and giftedness.
Accurately assess physical development, language, academic/
cognitive, self-help, and social-emotional skills.
Ordering & Pricing on page 31 Call 800-225-0248 or visit our website at
BRIGANCE Early Childhood Sampler • Curriculum Associates LLC • • 800-225-0248
Early Childhood Screens III 4
Get accurate information on each child with the most up-to-date screening tools
• New norms and cutoffs ensure highly accurate results
• Easy to use (just 10–15 minutes per child)
• Strong reliability and validity data
• Updated content, including new self-help and social-emotional scales
NE 3!
Core Assessments—Infant
5B Receptive Language Skills—Identifies Pictures .......................29
6B Receptive Language Skills—Knows Sounds Animals Make ....30
7B Expressive Language Skills—General .....................................32
• Parent/Caregiver Responses: When you ask the parent if the child
8B Expressive Language Skills—Names Objects ..........................34
demonstrates a skill and the parent’s response is “a little,” “sometimes,”
9B Expressive Language Skills—Uses Phrases .............................35
“we’ve never let him but he probably could,” or a similar response, treat
10B Self-help Skills .......................................................................38
iii ®
BRIGANCE Early Childhood Screen III (0-35 months) the response as “no” for the purposes of screening.Table give credit
11B Social and Emotional Skills ....................................................41
unless the parent responds that the child demonstrates the skill “most of
the time.”
• Food Allergies: Ask if the child has any food allergies that would
be triggered if he were to put a bit of cracker into his mouth. If so,
substitute a safe item for the cracker in those assessments that list
The Early Childhood Screens crackers III areMaterials.
correlated to the
Introduction Table TWO-YEAR-OLD CHILD and validated.
Standardizedof Contents
in the All items in the BRIGANCE Screens have been standardized
scores, percentiles, and age equivalents can be determined.
BRIGANCE® Inventory The of Early Development
in this sectionIII (see
assessments allow screening personnel to assess the You must adhere strictly to the specific ASSESSMENT INFORMATION and
Number Skill Page
foundation skills of two-year-old children. The assessments coordinate Directions for each assessment if you want to compare a child’s score to
page 14). Results help identify areas
with the skills inonwhich
listed to focus Child Data Sheet.
the Two-Year-Old 1Cnorms found
the Gross MotorTechnical
in the Skills ................................................................
Report for the BRIGANCE® Screens. 45
2C Identifies Parts of the Body ................................................... 46
developmental assessment and instruction to help each 3C Identifies Pictures by Naming ................................................ 47
child be prepared for school.
1 BRIGANCE Early Childhood Screen III (0–35 months) Core Assessments
4C Knows Uses of Objects ........................................................ 48
5C Repeats Sentences .............................................................. 49
6C Visual Motor Skills ............................................................... 51
7C Understands Concepts of Number and Size ......................... 52
8C Builds Tower with Blocks ..................................................... 54
9C Matches Colors ................................................................... 55
10C Verbal Fluency and Articulation ............................................ 56
Screen III (0-35 months): Table of Contents and Core Assessments Included for Each Age 5
All items in the
BRIGANCE Early Childhood Sampler • Curriculum Associates LLC • BRIGANCE® Screens have been standardized and validated.
• 800-225-0248
Screen III
years): Table of Contents and Core Assessments Included
CHILD for Each Age 6
Introduction THREE-YEAR-OLD
Table of Contents
The assessments in this section allow screening personnel to assess the
Number Skill Page
foundation skills of three-year-old children. The assessments coordinate
TABLE OF CONTENTS with the skills listed on the Three-Year-Old Child Data Sheet. 1A Knows Personal Information. .................................................. 3
2A Identifies Colors . .................................................................... 4
Page Page 3A Identifies Pictures by Naming. ................................................. 5
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... iv SCREENING INFORMATION FORMS ......................................................79 4A Knows Uses of Objects. .......................................................... 6
Overview .............................................................................................. iv Screening Observations Form ...............................................................80
BRIGANCE® Early Childhood System .............................................................. v Parent’s Rating Forms...........................................................................85
5A Visual Motor Skills. ................................................................. 7
Hearing and Vision Observations .........................................................90 6A Understands Number Concepts. ............................................. 9
Standardization and Validation ............................................................ vi
7A Builds Tower with Blocks. ..................................................... 10
Program Decisions .................................................................................vii SELF-HELP AND SOCIAL EMOTIONAL SCALES.....................................91 8A Gross Motor Skills ................................................................ 11
How to Administer the Self-help and Social-Emotional Scales ..............92
Step-by-Step Screening Procedures ....................................................... x Parent’s Report Form............................................................................93 9A Identifies Parts of the Body .................................................. 13
Step 1: Get Ready to Screen .................................................................. x
Step 2: Screen the Child .......................................................................xii
Step 3: Complete the Data Sheet .........................................................xiv
Teacher’s Report and Scoring Form ......................................................95
Self-help Scale .....................................................................................99
Social-Emotional Scale .......................................................................103
Repeats Sentences ............................................................... 14
Uses Prepositions and Irregular Plural Nouns ........................ 15
Step 4: Analyze Results ...................................................................... xviii
Screening Children with Special Considerations .............................. xxvi
Bilingual and Non-English-Speaking Children ..................................... xxvi
Appendix A—Planning for More Comprehensive Assessment ............114
Appendix B—Station Method for Screening .......................................118 Table of Contents
The assessments
Children At-Risk................................................................................. xxvi the inAppendix
this section
C—Historyallow screening
and Acknowledgments personnel to assess
Children with Exceptionalities ...........................................................xxviii
foundation skills of four-year-old children. The assessments coordinate
References .........................................................................................122 Number Skill Page
All items in the BRIGANCE® Screens have been standardized and validated.
with the skills listed on the Four-Year-Old Child Data Sheet.
CORE ASSESSMENTS—THREE-YEAR-OLD CHILD ..................................1 1B Knows Personal Information . . .............................................. 18
Standardized scores, percentiles, and age equivalents can be determined.
CORE ASSESSMENTS—FOUR-YEAR-OLD CHILD .................................17 2B must adhere
You Names Colors
strictly ......................................................................
to the specific ASSESSMENT INFORMATION and 20
Directions Identifies
for Pictures ifbyyou
each assessment Naming.... ............................................
want to compare a child’s scores 22
CORE ASSESSMENTS—FIVE-YEAR-OLD CHILD ...................................36
4Bthe normsVisual
to foundDiscrimination—Forms
in the Technical Report and forUppercase
the BRIGANCE Letters . . ........ 23
® Screens.
9B Counts by Rote .. ................................................................ 30
Recognizes Quantities .. ...................................................... 32
Verbal Fluency and Articulation ... ......................................... 33
iii BRIGANCE Early Childhood Screen III (3-5 years) Table of Contents
Introduction Table of Contents
The assessments in this section allow screening personnel to assess the
Number Skill Page
foundation skills of five-year-old children. The assessments coordinate All ®
with the skills listed on the Five-Year-Old Child Data Sheet. 1Citems in the
Personal Screens have been standardized and validated.
Standardized scores, percentiles, and age equivalents can be determined.
2C Recites Alphabet .. .................................................................40
You must adhere strictly to the specific ASSESSMENT INFORMATION and
Directions Names
for Parts of the
each assessment Body
if you want.......................................................41
to compare your child’s score
to the normsGross
found Motor
in the Skills .................................................................43
Technical Report for the BRIGANCE® Screens.
5C Visual Motor Skills ................................................................45
1 BRIGANCE Early Childhood Screen III (3–5 years)
Core Assessments
6C Prints Personal Information ..................................................47
7C Sorts Objects (by Size, Color, Shape) ....................................49
8C Counts by Rote ....................................................................51
9C Matches Quantities with Numerals ........................................52
10C Determins Total of Two Sets .................................................53
11C Reads Uppercase Letters .......................................................54
Alternate—Reads Lowercase Letters .....................................55
12C Experience with Books and Text ............................................57
13C Verbal Fluency and Articulation .............................................60
Core Assessments—Kindergarten
Step 3: Complete the Data Sheet .........................................................xiv Social-Emotional Scale ....................................................................... 71
Step 4: Analyze Results ...................................................................... xviii
13A Verbal Fluency and Articulation ............................................ 23
s—First Grade
1 BRIGANCE® Early Childhood Screen III (K&1) Core Assessments
All items in the BRIGANCE® Screens have been standardized and validated.
Standardized scores, percentiles, and age equivalents can be determined.
You must adhere strictly to the specific ASSESSMENT INFORMATION and
Directions for each assessment if you want to compare your child’s score to
the norms found in the Technical Report for the BRIGANCE® Screens.
Screen III (K & 1): Table of Contents and Core Assessments Included for Each Age 7
BRIGANCE Early Childhood Sampler • Curriculum Associates LLC • • 800-225-0248
Screen III (0-35 months): Assessments from Physical Development and Language Domains 8
ASSESSMENT INFORMATION With the child standing in a location that will allow him/her
4B Visual Discrimination—Forms and Uppercase Letters
D D D P Overview
This assessment focuses on the child’s ability to identify similarities
Ask the child to point to the form or letter that is different in
and differences between forms and between uppercase letters.
each box on page C-23.
DOMAIN Beginning with an example, point to the example box and
Literacy Say: One of the pictures in this box is different.
49 BRIGANCE Early Childhood Screen III
A 7C Sorts Objects (by Size, Color, Shape)
A I A Put your finger on the picture that is different.
If the child does not respond correctly, point to the cats and
Visually discriminates between printed forms and between printed
uppercase letters Say: These are cats.
Point to the bird and
As the child responds to the symbols on page C-23, you may wish to 6. L L O L
observe and make note of the following:
• Meaning of Different : Does it appear that the child is answering 1.
incorrectly because he/she doesn’t understand the meaning of the word
7. A I A A
different ? Do not change the wording of the direction, but do note that 2.
the child may be having difficulty understanding the direction. 8. P D D D
• Type of Response: Does the child respond by pointing or does he/she 3.
respond by saying the name of the form or letter that is different?
9. U U U V
5. 10. Y X Y Y
Screen III (3-5 years): Assessments from Literacy and Mathematics Domains 9
BRIGANCE Early Childhood Sampler • Curriculum Associates LLC • • 800-225-0248
Screen III (K & 1): Assessments from Literacy and Mathematics Domains 10
SKILL Say: Show me this many fingers. or Hold up this many fingers.
Matches quantities with numerals 2–10 Continue this procedure for the other numerals in the row.
To have the child show quantities using objects, place the ten small
• Page C-52
11AobjectsExperience with
in front of the child and Books
point to the numeral 2 and Text
on page C-52
• Ten identical small objects (red counters) and
*Available in Screening Accessories Overview
Say: Show me this many (name of the objects) . or
Givefocuses (name of the objects)
me this
onmany . conventions of
Core Assessments—Kindergarten
This assessment the child’s awareness of the
print, such For each item, ask the parent/caregiver or someone else who knows
use has
of left-to-right
responded,andput top-to-bottom directionality.
the objects back into the group
• Data Sheet: Kindergarten the child well (the child’s teacher) the question that follows the skill.
of objects.
• Entry: Start with item 1. Or observe the child in a setting that is appropriate for assessing the
• Scoring: Give credit for each correct response. child’s response to books, such as circle time or story time, and ask
Continue this procedure for the other numerals in the row.
• Discontinue: Stop after two incorrect responses in a row. yourself the question that follows the skill. Additional instructions
SKILL are included to support child performance.
C-52 BRIGANCE Early Childhood Screens III
9A Matches Quantities with Numerals
Demonstrates an understanding
text and print conventions
FOR PAGE C-14 Give credit for a skill if the child demonstrates the skill at least most
of the time or is reported to do so.
A picture book3that has at least
2 3 lines of4text on each 8
page 6 1. Knows the front and back of a book
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ask: Can ______ point to the front and back of a book?
• Data Sheet: Kindergarten
Or, with the picture book in a vertical position and with the spine
Core Assessments—Kindergarten
of the book facing the child, hand the book to the child and
• Scoring: Give credit for each correct or yes response. See the Criteria
that follows each item. Say: Show me the front of this book.
• Discontinue: Administer all items. Pause for the child’s response. Then
Say: Show me the back of the book.
Pause for the child’s response.
Criteria: Give credit if the child knows both front and back.
is easy to use and score. ____ showed symptoms of eye fatigue or stress, such as
____ blinking ___ squinting ___ itching ___ tearing
____ rapport was difficult to achieve and maintain
____ had difficulty in cooperating
____ responded impulsively
____ appeared to have eye infection indicated by
___ redness ___ discharge ____ became impatient when presented with difficult task
____ held reading material very close ____ short attention span for age
____ held reading material far away ____ tended to be hyperactive
____ exhibited nervous habits or symptoms such as nail-biting,
____ tended to close or squint one eye in order to see better
BRIGANCE® Screen III Four-Year-Old Child Data Sheet facial tics, thumb-sucking, and stuttering
Language 1B Knows Personal Information ____ volume: ___ too loud ___ too weak List any significant observations that might suggest a need for medical
Stop after 3 incorrect
Development 1. first name 2. last name 3. age 4. street address ____ oral expression
responsesappeared 3 or inhibited,
in a row. to be____
limited 2 6 8 due to
____ care, such as skin rashes, obesity, frailness, and clumsiness:
shyness, fear, or lack of confidence
2B Names Colors
Language Stop after 3 incorrect
20 1. blue 2. green 3. yellow 4. red 5. orange
6. pink 7. black 8. white 9. purple 10. brown 11. gray
responses in a row. 6
____ 1 6 11
____ /
3B Identifies Pictures by Naming
Development 1. scissors 2. duck 3. snake 4. wagon 5. ladder 6. leaf 7. owl 8. nail 80
Stop after 3 incorrect
BRIGANCE Screen ____
in a row.
Head Start 4 1 4 8
____ / Screening Observations Form
4B Visual Discrimination—Forms and Uppercase Letters
23 Literacy
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. O 7. I 8. P 9. V 10. X
Stop after 5 incorrect
responses in a row. 4
____ 1 4 10
____ /
5B Visual Motor Skills
Development 1. Draws a circle 2. Draws a plus sign 3. Draws an X 4. Draws a square 5. Draws a rectangle
Stop after 3 skills not
demonstrated in a row. 4
____ 2 8 10
____ / Screening Observations Form helps
6B Gross Motor Skills
1. Walks forward heel-to-toe five steps
4. Stands on one foot for ten seconds
2. Hops five hops on preferred foot
5. Stands on other foot for ten seconds
3. Hops five hops on other foot Stop after 2 skills not
demonstrated in a row. 3
____ 1 3 5
____ / teachers organize important observations.
7B Names Parts of the Body
Development 1. stomach 2. neck 3. back 4. knees 5. thumbs 6. fingernails
Stop after 3 incorrect
responses in a row. 4
____ 2.5 10 15
____ /
8B Follows Verbal Directions
Development 1. Follows two-step directions 2. Follows three-step directions
Stop after 2 incorrect
responses for 1 item. 1
____ 3 3 6
____ /
9B Counts by Rote
31 Mathematics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Stop after the first error. 6
____ .5 3 5
____ /
10B Recognizes Quantities
32 Mathematics
1. three 2. five 3. eight
Administer all items. 1
____ 4 4 12
____ /
11B Verbal Fluency and Articulation
Development 1. Uses sentences of at least three words 2. At least 90% of speech is intelligible
Administer both items. 1
____ 5 5 10
____ /
D. Comments and Observations E. Next Steps /
56 100
Total Score = ______
Early Childhood Screens III: Data Sheet and Screening Observations Form 11
BRIGANCE Early Childhood Sampler • Curriculum Associates LLC • • 800-225-0248
Online Management System 12
SUM 3!
Ongoing Assessment
Social-Emotional Scale: 9
For more in-depth information about this child's skills and for ongoing
2 6 10 14 18 21 assessment, focus assessment in the following domains:
• Language Development
• Literacy
Go to Activities Library for Teaching Activities from BRIGANCE
Readiness Activities.
The Screening Summary Report clearly shows the child’s results compared
to cutoff scores and then automatically identifies individualized next steps,
including recommendations for further assessment and instruction.
Updated and expanded for 2013, the IED III makes it easy to identify specific
strengths and needs for children from birth through age seven.
• Plan individualized instruction based on valid and reliable 2013
assessment results
• Measure child progress toward school readiness goals
• Ensure strong alignment with the Common Core State
Standards, as well as state early learning standards and
Head Start domains
• Connect to the BRIGANCE® Early Childhood Screens III and
the Readiness Activities
The IED III contains more than 100 Comprehensive Skill Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Identifies Parts of the Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Identifies Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Supplemental Skill Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
developmental assessments covering
D-10 Understands Directional/Positional Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Table of Contents
D-11 Understands Qualitative Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
D-12 Classifies Objects into Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
key school readiness skills. D-13 Knows Uses of Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
D-14 Repeats Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
D-15a Repeats Sentences (with Picture Stimuli) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
D-15b Repeats Sentences (without Picture Stimuli) . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
D-16 Uses Plural Nouns, -ing, and Prepositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
D-17 Uses Meaningful Language in Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Comprehensive Skill Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Supplemental Skill Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Table of Contents
Self-help Skills
E-25a Reads Passages at Preprimer Level—Forms A and B . . . . . . . 230 H-2 Play and Relationships with Peers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
G-1 Feeding/Eating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
E-25b Reads Passages at Primer Level—Forms A and B . . . . . . . . . 233 H-3 Motivation and Self-Confidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
G-2 Undressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
E-25c Reads Passages at First-Grade Level—Forms A and B . . . . . . 236 H-4 Prosocial Skills and Behaviors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
G-3 Dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
E-25d Reads Passages at Second-Grade Level—Forms A and B . . . 239
G-4 Unfastening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332 Comprehensive Skill Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
E-26 Writes Simple Sentences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
G-5 Fastening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
E-27 Quality of Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
G-6 Toileting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
E-28 Word Recognition Grade Placement Test—
G-7 Bathing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
Forms A and B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
G-8 Grooming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
Independent Living Skills
G-9 Knows What to Do in Different Situations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
v BRIGANCE Inventory of Early Development III
® G-10
Table Knows What Community Helpers Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
of Contents
G-11 Knows Where to Go for Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Comprehensive Skill Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Supplemental Skill Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
Table of Contents
vi BRIGANCE Inventory of Early Development III
Table of Contents
Overviews point out each If the student has difficulty focusing on a single row, cover the other
rows with a blank sheet of paper.
6 people and 3 caps (6 5 3 1 3)
Point to item 2 and
assessment’s purpose, AFTER ASSESSING Say: Look at these pictures. Suppose each person wants to
wear a cap.
skill area, and key
To write an IEP, use the Objective for Writing IEPs at the end
of this assessment.
3. Ask: Will every person have a cap?
Inventory of Early Development III: Assessments from Mathematics and Science Domains 17
BRIGANCE Early Childhood Sampler • Curriculum Associates LLC • • 800-225-0248
Inventory of Early Development III: Record Book 18
Simple record-keeping
F Academic/Cognitive: Mathematics and Science (continued) ensures accurate
Assessment Page
assessment results and
tracking over time.
F-14 279
Solves Word Problems
4 dogs and 3 balls 3 children and 7 bikes 16 children and 20 cupcakes
3-0 1. (no) 5. (yes) 9. (yes)
2. ( 1 ) 6. (yes) 10. (4) 6-0
6 children and 3 caps 20 rabbits and 19 carrots
3. (no) 7. (no)
4. (3) 8. (1)
F-15 281
Knows Addition Facts
6-3 1. 2 6. 5 11. 8 16. 9 21. 11 26. 14
2. 3 7. 6 12. 7 17. 10 22. 12 27. 13
3. 4 8. 5 13. 8 18. 10 23. 11 28. 14
4. 1 9. 5 14. 8 19. 9 24. 12 29. 13
5. 4 10. 6 15. 7 20. 10 25. 11 30. 14 7-0
Language Development
family name) indicating meaning or purpose? 10. use subject-predicate phrases.*
BEFORE ASSESSING 11. ask for food when hungry.
Review the Note at the end of this assessment for additional information. Note: This may be a sensitive item if one or both51. Answers
parents do not“when”
live questions
12. refer to self by name.*
with the student. Ask: Does ______ answer “when” questions such as
13. use words ending in s to indicate more than one.
AFTER ASSESSING When are you going? or When did that happen? 14. use words with the suffix -ing.
2. Says real words (at least one word other than mama
• To write an IEP, use the Objective for Writing IEPs at the end or dada ) 15. use personal pronouns I and me.
52. One hundred percent of speech is intelligible 7-0 16. have at least____________________
50% of speech intelligible.
of this assessment. Student’s Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date:
Ask: Does ______ say any words you can understand? Ask: Can you understand all (100%) of what ______ says? 17. have a mean length utterance (MLU) of 2 or more.*
• To find related instructional activities, see the BRIGANCE Which words does he/she say? 18. vocalize toileting needs.
Language Development
Readiness Activities. Criteria: Give credit if the student speaks with no articulation errors.
Criteria: Give credit GENERAL
if the studentSPEECH AND one real word other
uses at least 13. Has an expressive vocabulary of at least 35. 19.
words(e.g., another
my and minecracker)
to indicate possession.
LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT twenty-five words (7) 20.
than mama or dada or is reported to do so. 36. Canuse
singpast tense.
phrases of songs (often not
See pages 96–102 for assessment procedures for the 14. Uses two or three words in combination 21. ask simple questions.
on pitch)
Notes: milestone or primary skills (those skills in bold print (8) 37. 22.
faciala expressions,
mean lengthgestures,
bodyof 3 or more.*
• You may wish to record
below) thatsome
D-3 words
Generaland phrases
Speech and 23. have at least 75% of speech intelligible.
15. Uses the word no to indicate refusal (9) movements for communication
the student saysLanguage Development.
in the Notes sectionTheof numeral in parentheses
the Record Book. 24. respond to simple yes or no questions related to visual information.
that follows a milestone skill indicates the item number 16. Uses subject-predicate phrases *(10) 38. Responds appropriately to questions
• This response may also provide information for item 3. 25. use possessive nouns.
of the skill in the assessment and in the Record Book. 17. Asks for water when thirsty involving choices (e.g., Do you want
26. use pronouns to refer to others.
The additional skills listed below are considered inter- a cracker or an apple?)
18. Uses article before noun (e.g., the dog, 27. ask “where” questions.
96 BRIGANCE Inventory of Early Development III
D-3 General
mediate Speechskills.
or secondary andUsing
Language Development
the sequence of Vocalizes
39. 28. toileting needs (18)
a cat) ask “why” questions frequently.
combined milestone and intermediate skills can allow
19. Asks for food when hungry (11) Usesuse
40. 29. the words
simple my andwith
sentences minepronouns.
to indicate
you to conduct a more comprehensive assessment and
30. (19) questions.
answer “who”
can show a student’s ongoing progress toward mastery 20. Refers to self by name *(12)
of milestone skills. 31. use negative
41. Uses past tense (20) phrases.
21. Uses words ending in s to indicate more
1. Says one word than one (13) 42. Asks simple questions (21)
2. Says the word mama or dada with 22. Uses words with the suffix -ing (14) 43. Uses his or her to indicate possession
meaning (1) 128 BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development III 44. Has a mean lengthD-3
2-6 General(MLU)
utterance Speech and Language Development
2-023. Uses personal pronouns I and me (15)
3. Says two words of 3.1 (e.g., daddy go work) (22)
24. Produces all vowels clearly
4. Says real words (at least one word 45. At least 75% of speech is intelligible
25. Includes all initial consonants
other than mama or dada) (2) (23)
Language Development
26. Uses all speech sounds
5. Has an expressive vocabulary of at least 46. Can talk briefly about what he/she is doing
six words 27. Produces diverse and complex syllables
47. Imitates adult phrase heard on previous
6. Uses a single word in combination with 28. At least 65% of speech is intelligible occasion
a gesture to ask for objects (16)
48. Responds to simple yes or no questions
7. Has an expressive vocabulary of 29. Imitates three-syllable words related to visual information (24)
at least ten words (3) 30. Asks for food at table 49. Uses possessive nouns (25)
levels to help teachers and parents know 11. Uses abbreviated or telescopic sentences 33. Has an expressive vocabulary of at least
53. Shows frustration if not understood
12. Responds with yes or no to simple yes or no 200 words
54. Enjoys use of telephone, but may be unable
which skills to look for and support next. questions 34. Refers to self by pronoun (e.g., me do)
to sustain long conversation
*This is a disappearing behavior.
Inventory of Early Development III: Language Assessment and Comprehensive Skill Sequences 19
BRIGANCE Early Childhood Sampler • Curriculum Associates LLC • • 800-225-0248
IED III Standardized 20
The IED III Standardized has been completely updated
for 2013 to include new content and up-to-date research,
ensuring highly accurate data to support referrals.
New standardization and validation studies reflect:
∙ Current normative data based on a nationally
representative sample
∙ Strong test-retest and inter-rater reliability
of Contents
A-6 Rolling, Throwing, and Catching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 C-6 Follows Verbal Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
C-7 Knows Uses of Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
C-8 Identifies Colors (Receptive) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
C-9 Repeats Sentences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
B PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: FINE MOTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 C-10 Identifies Parts of the Body (Expressive) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Assessments C-11 Identifies Colors (Expressive) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
B-1 Early Fine Motor Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 C-12 Verbal Fluency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
B-2 Builds Tower with Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 C-13 Articulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
C-14 Uses Grammar and Language in Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
B-3 Visual Motor Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
B-4 Draws a Person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
B-5 Prints Personal Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
iii BRIGANCE IED III Standardized Writes Numerals in Sequence . . . . . . . . . .Table . . . . .of
. . Contents
B-6 . . . . . . . 32
B-7 Prints Uppercase Letters in Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
B-8 Quality of Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Assessments
Table of Contents
D-4 Identifies Uppercase Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
1 New pre-literacy and early D-5
Familiarity with Sounds: Phonological Awareness . . . . . . . . . 94
Auditory Discrimination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
E-3 Compares Different Amounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 G-3 Motivation and Self-Confidence (younger than 3 years) . . . 145
E-4 Sorts Objects (by Size, Color, Shape) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 G-4 Prosocial Skills and Behaviors (younger than 3 years) . . . . . 147
BRIGANCE Early Childhood Sampler • Curriculum Associates LLC • • 800-225-0248
IED III Standardized: Assessments from Literacy and Mathematics Domains 22
D-5 Familiarity with Sounds: Phonological Awareness User-friendly page layout makes it easy
to give and record assessments.
Overview Directions for Assessment
This assessment focuses on the development of the child’s early This assessment is made up of three different phonological skills.
phonological awareness skills.
For each of these skills, use the specific directions given. Administer
E-4 Sorts Objects (by Size, Color, Shape) [page 113] IED III Standardized Scoring Sheet
A (continued)
/ 101
Matches Quantities with Numerals
/ 10 6
NOTES: E-6 Reads Numerals . (sum) . (sum)
Solves Word Problems 271 / 10
E-8 Knows
Missing Numerals in Sequences 6 / 12 6 B
E-9 Adds Numbers /9 SCORE:
E-10 Subtracts Numbers /6
Appendix B
(sum) (sum)
B / 101
IED III Standardized: Record Book and Scoring Sheet ASSESSMENTS F-1 Eating
F-2 Dressing and Undressing
/ 16
/ 12
BRIGANCE Early Childhood Sampler • Curriculum Associates LLC •
F-3 Toileting and Bathing• 800-225-0248 c SCORE:
Readiness Activities 24
dozen fun and easy-to-plan activities, as Body Parts General Social and Emotional Development
well as helpful instructional guidance and Colors Play Skills and Behaviors
Initiative and Engagement Skills and Behaviors
resources for that skill, such as: LITERACY Self-Regulation Skills and Behaviors
Response to and Experience with Books Personal Data Response
• Objective
Copies Forms
• Domain
Visual Discrimination GROSS MOTOR SKILLS
• Rationale Print Awareness and Concepts Standing
Prints Uppercase and Lowercase Letters in Sequence Walking
• Sequence Prints Personal Data Jumping and Hopping
Phonological Awareness Skills Running (Skipping and Galloping)
• Recommendations for Effective Ball Skills (Kicking, Catching, Rolling, and Throwing)
• Factors That Impact Development Number Concepts Holding and Manipulating Objects
Counting Cuts with Scissors
• Reproducibles for Teaching Reads Numerals
Activities Numeral Comprehension
Self-Help Skills
Numerals in Sequence
Puts On Clothing
Quantitative Concepts
Fastens Clothing
Shape Concepts
Using Shoes
Joins Sets Every domain section
Taking Care of Selfalso includes
Directional/Positional Concepts
valuable resources and reproducibles:
Concepts of Time and Reading a Clock
• References
• Read-to-Me Books
• Letters to Families
(reproducible, English and
Spanish versions)
• My Learning Plans
as a chart or caption and talk about the information it provides. No Roses for Harry by Gene Zion. The puppets can be stuffed socks with button eyes and fabric
to use to make into stick puppets. • A narrative picture book with several characters.
• As you read, pause briefly to provide short explanations of a word’s features, or they can be lunch-bag puppets with glued-on or
• Response Activity Materials:
meaning. Point to an illustration to help clarify the meaning. • Cut out each character and object and glue each one to a craft stick. drawn-on features.
• Encourage children to ask questions about the topic and comment • Glue the character or object high enough on the To make puppets:
stick so that there
• Ask children to use their puppets to dramatize the story and retell it
on the photos and illustrations as you read. Prompt children to use is enough stick left for a child to hold. – Socks.
in their own words using new vocabulary.
63 BRIGANCE® Readiness Activities new words in the discussion. Book Knowledge Response to and Experience
procedure: with
Have children sit comfortably in a– circle
theBooks Smallonpaper bags.
the floor • Work with a small group of children to create a sequel to the story
• If children are interested, bring in other books on the same topic around you. Make sure that each child can see you – and
the book. and use their puppets to tell the story.
and read them with children. Then do the following: – Scraps of felt and fabric.
– the
Yarn. suggested Books:
• Read the title, author, and illustrator. Talk about cover
Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr.
illustration. Ask, “What do you think the book–is Glue about?”or glue sticks.
• Take a picture walk, and encourage children to– discuss Scissors.
what they The Little Red Hen by Paul Galdone
think the story is about. Ask them to predict what – Markers.
will happen. Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
– Crayons.
• Read the book. Stop briefly to explain a new word or offer
comments about a character or event. To make a puppet stage:
• After reading ask a “why” question to prompt–children A largetoappliance
make box with the upper front panel cut out.
64 BRIGANCE® Readiness Activities inferences about the story Book Knowledge
characters. –Response
For example, “Whyto
A towel didand
draped Experience
theover the backwith
of a Books
character do this?” – A blanket or sheet hung over a card table.
• Give each child a stick puppet that represents a– character
A curtainor onobject
a spring rod suspended in a doorway.
in the story. Reread the book. Ask the children groupto listen
size:carefully as or class.
Small group
you read. Have them raise their stick puppets when their character
procedure: Gather children on the floor around you.
or object is mentioned in the story.
• Read the title of the book. Provide a short introduction that states
the main problem of the story.
• You might look at a few pictures in the book and think aloud to
demonstrate how to make predictions about the story. For example:
“Look at this picture. This story must be about . . .” “I wonder if
Easy-to-read and easy-to-plan the characters are going to . . .”
• Read the story aloud with expression. At several points in the story,
and accommodate all types of learning • After reading ask “why” questions to encourage children to make
inferences about and explain story events. Model how to answer a
66 BRIGANCE® Readiness Activities Book Knowledge Response to and Experience with Books
of Fairy Tales. NY: Alfred Knopf, Inc. 1976. • Add to the class library cassette players, headphones, and CDs/tapes
Brown, Tricia. Someone Special, Just Like You. Cullinan, Bernice E. Read to Me:
Fox, Raising
Mem. KidsGordon
Wilfrid Who Love to Read.Partridge. Illus. by Julie Vivas.
McDonald for listening to books. Show the children how to use the audio
Brady, Pat. The Irresistible Carle,
Rose isEric.
Rose. Kansas
The City, MO: Andrews McMeel,
Tiny Seed. NY: Sagebrush, 2001. Frasier, Debra. On the Day You Were Born. equipment and explain how the books and recordings are stored.
Parker, 2000.
Carle, Eric. The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Dickinson, D. K. 2001. “Book Reading
Freeman, in Preschool
Don. Corduroy.Classrooms: Is
Brigance, Albert H. BRIGANCE ® Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development–II.
Carlson, Nancy L. ABC I Like Me! Recommended PracticeGaldone,
Common?” Beginning
in The
Paul. Literacy
Little Red Hen.with Language: 57 BRIGANCE® Readiness Activities Book Knowledge Response to and Experience with Books
North Billerica, MA: Curriculum Associates, 2004. Young Children Learning at Home and in School. Edited by D. K. Dickinson
Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (A Pop-Up Adaptation). Galloway, Priscilla. Jennifer Has Two Daddies. Illus. by Ana Aumi.
and P. O. Tabors. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing.
______ . BRIGANCE® Comprehensive Inventory
Illus. by Robert of Basic Skills–Revised.
Sabuda. Garza, Carmen Lomas. Family Pictures—Cuadros de Familia.
North Billerica, MA: Curriculum Associates, 1999. Dickinson, D. K., and M. W. Smith. 1994. “Long-term Effects of Preschool
Teachers’ Book Readings on Low-Income Children’s Vocabulary and Story
Burns, M. S., P. Griffin, and C. E. Snow. 1999. Starting Out Right.
Comprehension,” Reading Research Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 2, 104–22.
Washington, D.C.:151 National Academies ® Press.
BRIGANCE Readiness Activities Read-to-Me Books
Diffily, Deborah and Kathy Morrison, eds. Family-Friendly Communication
Comprehensive Skill SequencesCalkins, Lucy McCormick. Raising Lifelong Learners. Reading, MA: 26. Knows that reading goes from left to right and from the top
Perseus, 1997.
for page.
to the bottom of the Early Childhood Programs. Washington, D.C.: National Association Response to and experience with Books
for the
27. Reads some words by sight. (16) Education of Young Children, 1996.
The primary or “milestone” Caplan,
skills Theresa
are listedand Frank.
below andThe in Early
bold Childhood
print.The Years: The 2 to 6 6-0Year Old.
28. Begins to assignFox,sound/symbol
Mem. Reading relationships.
Magic. Illustrations by Judy Horacek. NY: Harcourt, Inc.,
additional skills listed belowNY:areBantam
consideredBooks, 1984.
“intermediate” and, combined 29. Tries to read words 2001. by using word-attack skills—phonics, objective Sequence
with the “milestone” skills, can beJerrell
Cassady, and
design a more
Smith, comprehensive
Lawrence L. “Acquisition of Blending Skills: context clues, or picture clues. (17) • To demonstrate an interest in books and enjoyment in literacy activities.
teaching curriculum. Gillespie, John T., ed. Best Books for Children: Preschool through Grade 6, Sequence of SkillS
Comparisons Among Body-Coda, Onset-Rime, and Phoneme Blending 30. Reads simple stories aloud. (18) • To participate in book-related conversations, asking and answering
6th ed. New Providence, New Jersey: R. R. Bowker, 1998.
WITH Psychology,
BOOKS 1521-0685, Volume 25, Issue 4. 2004. 31. Distinguishes between fantasy and reality. (19)7-0 questions about characters, story events, and ideas, concepts and facts Although each child’s developmental rate and pattern is unique, the following
Hearne, Betsy. Choosing Books for Children: A Commonsense Guide. (or asking and answering questions that demonstrate understanding). is a sequence of skills that children typically develop through the age of seven
1. Shows an interest in books (as
Chambers, something
Aidan. to look
Introducing at to Children, 2nd ed. Boston, MA:
and not as something to Book,
chew Inc.,
or tear). NY: Delacorte, 1990. years. Use the skill sequences as a general guide when planning your instruction.
Horn 1983. domain
2. Turns several pages in a book at once. (1) The developmental age notations to the left of each skill provide guidance in
Herr, Judy and Yvonne Libby. Creative Resources for the Early Childhood
Cherry, Clare. Creative Play for the Developing Child. Belmont, CA:
3. Points to pictures of animals or common objects. (2)
Fearon Publishers, Inc., 1976.
4. Looks at pictures selectively. (3)
Supplemental Skill Sequences Classroom, 4th ed. NY: Delmar Learning, 2004.
Literacy: Book Knowledge
selecting the appropriate skill level and activity for instruction.
Turns several pages in a book at once.
Hirsch, Jr., E. D. and John Holdren. What Your Kindergartner Needs to Know.
5. Turns book right-side
Church,up. Lisa(4)
R. Everyday Creative Play. Minneapolis, MN: Fairview ThePress, 1998. skills listed below are included because they provide
supplemental Research studies conclude that five-year-olds who have been read to regularly Points to pictures of animals or common objects.
NY: Delta, 1996.
6. Listens to a story for five minutes. an excellent means for developing fine-motor skills. throughout their early years are inquisitive and tend to do better in school. Looks at pictures selectively.
7. Turns pages individually. (5) Children who have been read to have better language skills, are more Turns book right-side-up.
8. Points to and names simple pictures. (6) motivated to learn to read, and have a better understanding of the reading 2-0 Turns pages individually.
Imitates (Draws after watching another person draw a form):
9. Wants to hear the same story repeated. 2-01. Imitates vertical line ). process than those who have not been read to. Giving young children Points to and names simple pictures.
10. Is interested in149 BRIGANCEbooks.
“read-to-me” ® Readiness Activities
(7) References successful and enjoyable experiences with books will help create book 2-6 Shows an interest in books and reading.
2. Imitates circle s.
11. Looks at pictures while story is read. knowledge, the desire to read, and will cultivate a lifelong love of reading. 3-0 Describes actions depicted in pictures.
3-012. Describes actions depicted in pictures. (8) 3. Imitates horizontal line —.
4. Copies vertical line . (1)∙ Takes part in reading by “filling in” words and phrases.
13. Asks to have a favorite book read. 4-0
Gains information from books about real things.
5. Copies horizontal line —. (2)
14. Takes part in reading by “filling in” words and phrases. (9) Tries to read books from memory.
6. Imitates plus sign +.
15. Recalls/tells part of the story read. Follows along in a book being read.
4-016. Gains information from books about real things. (10) 7. Copies circle ○. (3)
8. Imitates 2. Recalls some main events when asked, "What happens in this story?”
17. Tries to read books from memory. (11) 5-0
Retells story from a picture book with reasonable accuracy.
9. Imitates square □.
18. Attends to story for eight minutes or more. 4-010. Copies cross or plus +. (4) Attempts to read by looking at pictures.
19. Follows along in a book being read. (12) Reads some words by sight.
11. Copies 2. (5)
20. Can tell context of a story but may confuse facts. (13) 6-0
Tries to read words by using phonics, context clues, or picture clues.
5-021. Retells story from a picture book with reasonable accuracy. (14) 12. Copies square □. (6)
5-013. Imitates rectangle ▭. Reads simple stories aloud.
22. Draws picture based on story(ies). Distinguishes between fantasy and reality.7-0
14. Copies rectangle ▭. (7)
23. Listens to part of a story and tells what he/she thinks might happen.
15. Imitates triangle △.
24. Acts out stories in dramatic play.
16. Copies triangle △. (8)
25. Attempts to read by looking at pictures. (15) 6-0
17. Imitates diamond ◇.
18. Copies diamond ◇. (9)7-0
148 BRIGANCE® Readiness Activities Comprehensive and Supplemental Skill Sequences 56 BRIGANCE® Readiness Activities Book Knowledge Response to and Experience with Books
• A blue construction paper for each child. • Display the giant heart on the floor in the middle of the room.
• Tell children to cut along the outlines of the circles and turn the paper
Procedure:• Do
following: • Tell children that they are going to make a class friendship collage
as they cut.
Helpful instructional
• A glue
• Demonstrate howstick
to cutforalong
each the
child.spiral drawn on a plate. using this special heart.
• Have children glue their circles together in a long row on the sheet
Show children
Group howSize:you turn thesmall
Individual, paper plate or
group, as class.
you cut. • Invite children to sit on the floor around the heart.
of white paper to form the caterpillar.
• Give each child a paper plate and a pair of scissors. • Give them scissors, glue sticks, magazines, and catalogs.
• After children have glued the circles together, have them use crayons
guidance, including
• Have children cut along the spirals drawn on their plates. • Have children cut out pictures of items that they might like to share
to draw eyes, a mouth, and two antennae on the heads of their
Remind them to turn the plates as they cut. with friends, such as food, toys, stuffed animals, action figures,
• Using the hole punch, make a hole at the top of each completed CDs, and books.
sequences, assists
teachers at all
experience levels.
Reproducible pages for
activities are included
where needed.
377 BRIGANCE® Readiness Activities Fine-Motor Skills Cuts with Scissors
383 BRIGANCE® Readiness Activities ©Curriculum Associates, Inc. Fine-Motor Skills Cuts with Scissors
Letters to Families
MY LEARNING PLAN Querida familia:
¡Leer con su niño es una de las cosas más gratificantes que usted puede hacer!
I am learning what
Cuando apaga el televisor y se sientan abrazados con su niño y un libro en el sofá, en un sillón o en
la cama, le demuestra a su niño que usted disfruta el tiempo que pasan juntos y que valora la lectura.
Lea muchos tipos de libros. Lea una y otra vez los libros favoritos de su niño. Lea con expresión. Está
bien si su niño quiere regresar a una página o saltar algunas páginas del libro. ¡Disfrute el placer de
Associates, Inc.
niño. Haga hincapié en la importancia de cuidar bien los libros.
Letters to Families
4. Planee el tiempo para leer sus propios libros, revistas o periódicos. Cuando
usted lee frente a su niño, le da un buen ejemplo y refuerza que la lectura es una actividad
de libros. Pregúntele sobre sus partes favoritas y ayude a su niño a relacionar la historia con
the letters of the alphabet. su propia vida. Responda sus preguntas sobre los personajes o eventos. Las bibliotecas están
repletas de libros maravillosos para niños. Éstas son algunas sugerencias:
Ajmera, Maya. Ser niño.
Dear Families,
Reading with your child is one of the most satisfying things you can do! When
Associates, Inc.
books. Talk with your child about how important it is to take good care of books.
4. Find time to read your own books, magazines, or newspapers. When your child sees
you reading, it sets a good example and reinforces reading as a valuable and worthwhile activity.
169 BRIGANCE® Readiness Activities ©Curriculum Associates, Inc. My Learning Plan: Literacy 3 5. Read to your child for at least fifteen minutes every day. Talk about the books. Ask
about favorite parts and help your child connect the story to his own life. Answer his questions
about characters or events. Libraries are filled with wonderful books for children. Here are
a few suggestions:
Berger, Barbara. Grandfather Twilight.
Fox, Mem. Possum Magic. Illus. by Julie Vivas.
429 BRIGANCE® Readiness Activities ©Curriculum Associates, Inc. My Learning Plan: Physical Health and Development 5
Readiness Activities: Reproducible Learning Plans and Family Letters in English and Spanish 29
BRIGANCE Early Childhood Sampler • Curriculum Associates LLC • • 800-225-0248
Take-Home Activity Books 30
Dear Family
Your child is working on writing numbers in order. Use • Use paint, markers, chalk, or crayons to make
the activities on pages 2–11 to help your child write numbers. practicing writing numbers more fun. You might also let your
Use the following numbers as a guide for how the numbers child write the numbers in shaving cream, sand, or pudding!
your child writes should look. • Have your child make a number chart on a large piece
of paper. Have your child decorate the chart. Hang it in a
place where it can be seen (on the refrigerator door, or on
your child’s bedroom door).
Here are some other daily activities to try with your child:
• Make a set of number cards 0–9 out of index cards.
• Use dotted lines to write the numbers 0–9 on a sheet Show your child a number, and have your child write the
of paper. Tell your child that the lines are a railroad track and number that comes before and the number that comes after
the pencil is the train. Have your child try to keep the train that number.
on the track while tracing each number.
• Read books with your child about numbers. Here are
• Leave blanks for missing numbers as you write the some books that you might find at your local library:
numbers 0–9 in order on a sheet of paper. Have your child One Lighthouse, One Moon, by Anita Lobel.
write the missing numbers.
I Spy Two Eyes: Numbers in Art, by Lucy Micklethwait.
One Gorilla: A Counting Book, by Atsuko Morozumi.
ISBN 978-0-7609-5381-5
©2009—Curriculum Associates, LLC
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