Manual Control Flash - PLUS
Manual Control Flash - PLUS
Manual Control Flash - PLUS
Start Guide
ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss.
Attentions help you identify a hazard, avoid a hazard, and recognize the consequence.
IMPORTANT Identifies information that is critical for successful application and understanding of the product.
BURN HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that surfaces may reach dangerous
ARC FLASH HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a motor control center, to alert people to potential Arc Flash. Arc Flash
will cause severe injury or death. Wear proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Follow ALL Regulatory requirements for safe work practices and
for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Chapter 1
Start with ControlFLASH Plus ControlFLASH Plus overview ..................................................................... 9
System requirements ................................................................................. 9
Before you begin ......................................................................................... 11
Chapter 2
Install ControlFLASH Plus Locate and download the installation package ....................................... 13
Install ControlFLASH Plus ........................................................................ 13
Step 1: Launch the Setup wizard and start the installation .............. 14
Step 2: Read and accept license agreements ...................................... 15
Step 3: Start the installation ................................................................ 15
Step 4: Finish the installation .............................................................. 15
Step 5: View the release notes ............................................................. 16
Install ControlFLASH Plus with command-line parameters .................. 16
Perform silent or unattended installation ......................................... 16
Command-line parameters for silent or unattended installation ... 17
Chapter 3
Explore the ControlFLASH Plus Settings dialog box.................................................................................... 20
user interface Sign in to the Product Compatibility and Download Center ........... 21
Sign out of the Product Compatibility and Download Center ......... 21
General tab............................................................................................ 21
Enable application log ...................................................................23
Reports tab ............................................................................................23
View a flash report ........................................................................ 24
Security tab .......................................................................................... 25
Firmware Locations tab ...................................................................... 26
Options tab .......................................................................................... 27
About tab .............................................................................................. 28
Flash Devices tab ....................................................................................... 29
Manage Firmware tab ................................................................................32
Manage Favorites tab ................................................................................. 34
Chapter 4
Browse devices Network Browser ....................................................................................... 37
Chapter 5
Flash scheduling
Chapter 6
Flash devices Use ControlFLASH Plus to update firmware ........................................... 53
Compatibility dialog box ...........................................................................54
Components in the Compatibility dialog box ....................................54
Filter devices on the Flash Devices tab ..................................................... 55
Cancel download operations .....................................................................56
Cancel flash operations ..............................................................................56
Retry canceled or failed flash operations ................................................. 57
Chapter 7
Manage firmware Filter devices on the Manage Firmware tab.............................................59
Add Firmware Revisions dialog box .........................................................59
Add firmware revisions............................................................................. 60
Delete firmware revisions.......................................................................... 61
Export firmware inventory ........................................................................ 61
Chapter 8
Manage favorite lists Filter favorite lists on the Manage Favorites tab .....................................63
Chapter 9
FactoryTalk security in Configure ControlFLASH Plus policy .......................................................65
ControlFLASH Plus About the co-existence of ControlFLASH and ControlFLASH Plus .......65
Chapter 10
Device Management Kit
Chapter 11
ControlFLASH Plus and Information monitoring .......................................................................... 69
FactoryTalk AssetCentre Event Log ............................................................................................. 69
Audit Log .............................................................................................. 69
FactoryTalk AssetCentre .......................................................................... 69
Appendix A
ControlFLASH Plus error codes
Purpose of this manual This quick start guide describes how to use the ControlFLASH Plus™ software
to upgrade device firmware.
Who should use this manual You should use this manual if you need to maintain firmware revisions. Refer
to your product release notes to determine whether it supports firmware
updates via ControlFLASH Plus.
You should also have the following knowledge:
• A basic understanding of networking concepts.
• A basic familiarity of FactoryTalk® Linx™ software.
Access help There is additional information in the help for this application. Access help by
clicking that appears at the top right corner of the ControlFLASH Plus
software window.
Legal Notices Rockwell Automation publishes legal notices, such as privacy policies, license
agreements, trademark disclosures, and other terms and conditions on the
Legal Notices page of the Rockwell Automation website.
This chapter helps you get started with using the ControlFLASH Plus
ControlFLASH Plus overview ControlFLASH Plus™ is a software tool used for electronically changing
firmware revisions in hardware devices. It provides an intuitive, easy-to-use
interface that can:
• Flash one or multiple devices within a single operation.
• Manage firmware revisions and firmware locations.
• Download firmware revisions from the Product Compatibility and
Download Center.
• Manage and use devices' revisions favorites.
Important: ControlFLASH Plus only supports the firmware update for devices
supporting the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP). To perform
updates of non-CIP devices, use the ControlFLASH tool.
System requirements ControlFLASH Plus works within the system requirements of all Rockwell
Automation® software products. For the latest information regarding
software platform support, refer to Rockwell Automation Product
Compatibility and Download Center.
Hardware requirements
• An Intel® Core 2 Duo processor running at 2.8 GHz or faster or another
processor with equivalent specifications
• 4 GB or more memory RAM
• At least 16GB of available hard drive space
Software requirements
Operating systems
ControlFLASH Plus has been tested on 64-bit versions of the following
Windows® operating systems:
• Windows 10
• Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019
• Windows Server® 2019
• Windows Server 2012 R2
Additional software
The following communications software must be installed before running
ControlFLASH Plus:
• FactoryTalk® Linx™ version 6.20.00 or later.
We provide the installation package that includes FactoryTalk Linx in
ControlFLASH Plus version 2.00.00 or later.
The installation package also includes FactoryTalk Updater, FactoryTalk
Updater Agent is selected by default when installing ControlFLASH Plus.
Install FactoryTalk Updater Client and Server as needed. Refer to FactoryTalk
Updater Release Notes > Application Notes for more information.
Supported browsers
The following web browsers have been tested and are supported for use with
this release:
• Google® Chrome™ browser
• Microsoft® Edge™
• Mozilla® Firefox®
Security requirements
To help meet secure system design requirements review these publications:
• Configure System Security Features User Manual (publication
• System Security Design Guidelines (publication SECURE-RM001)
To learn about implementing CIP Security, see CIP Security with Rockwell
Automation Products (publication SECURE-AT001).
Before you begin Before using ControlFLASH Plus, you need to:
• Install FactoryTalk® Linx™ version 6.20.00 and FactoryTalk® Services
Platform version 6.20.00.
Tip: We provide the installation package that includes FactoryTalk Linx and
FactoryTalk Services Platform in ControlFLASH Plus version 2.00.00 and
• Configure communication drivers in the FactoryTalk Linx software.
• Verify that your communications drivers work correctly.
Tip: For more information about FactoryTalk Linx, refer to the FactoryTalk Linx
Getting Results Guide at
Step 3: Start the installation After accepting the license agreements, the Setup wizard automatically
installs the software and does not require any input.
Step 5: View the release After ControlFLASH Plus is installed, view the release notes to learn about the
system requirements, system features, anomalies, and application notes for
notes this release.
1. Click Start > All Programs > FLASH Programming Tools >
ControlFLASH Plus.
2. After ControlFLASH Plus is opened, click .
3. In the Settings dialog box, click About > ControlFLASH Plus Release
4. The release notes will be opened with the browser.
Install ControlFLASH Plus ControlFLASH Plus supports silent or unattended installation using
with command-line command-line parameters. Silent installation runs in a quiet mode without
any user interface, while unattended installation runs in a quiet simple mode
parameters and shows progress through the UI. Unattended installation does not accept
any input, but still shows error or restart messages.
Command-line parameters
for silent or unattended Unattended or silent install
installation Use command-line parameters to perform an unattended or silent
installation of the software.
Command-line parameters
The following table identifies the installation command-line parameters.
Command-line parameters are case-insensitive. However, if a specified value
includes a space, be sure to enclose the value in quotation marks (for example,
"value with spaces").
Parameter Description
/? Displays the usage options for installation parameters.
/Q Silent Install, install runs in a quiet mode without any user interface.
This parameter is recommended if you are deploying the software installation using an IT tool or
script, and don’t expect to see any error or restart messages. When using this parameter, your IT tool
or script should check the error codes, and respond as needed. For example, if the installation
returns error code 1641, then the IT tool or script should restart the computer and relaunch the
installation after restart.
This parameter is required if /QS or /Record is not specified.
/QS Unattended Install, install runs in a quiet simple mode and shows progress through the UI, it does not
accept any input but still shows error or restart messages.
When using this parameter, you will not have to check the error codes, and the installation will stop
and display a prompt if there are error or restart messages. For example, if an immediate restart is
required to complete the install, a restart message will be displayed for you to confirm the restart.
Installation resumes automatically from the point of interruption after restart.
This parameter is required if /Q or /Record is not specified.
/IAcceptAllLicenseTerms Acknowledges acceptance of the license terms.
This parameter is required for /Q or /QS parameters.
/AutoRestart Automatically restarts the computer after the installation is complete. Used when a restart is
required to complete the installation.
This parameter is optional. If this parameter is not used silent install (/Q) will return either error code
1641 or 3010 if a restart is required, and unattended install (/QS) will result in a confirmation prompt
that must be agreed to before the installation is completed.
Error codes
The following table identifies the error codes that can be returned by an
Error Code Value Description
ERROR_SUCCESS 0 The installation completed successfully.
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 87 One of the parameters was invalid.
ERROR_INSTALL_USEREXIT 1602 The installation was cancelled by the user.
ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE 1603 A fatal error occurred during installation.
ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION 1610 The configuration data for this product is corrupt. Contact your support personnel.
ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED 1641 The installer has initiated a restart. After restart installation will continue.
ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED 3010 A restart is required to complete the installation. After restart the product is
successfully installed.
ERROR_SUCCESS_RELAUNCH_REQUIRED 3012 Restart pending. Restart computer for installation to continue.
ERROR_SUCCESS_NOT_APPLICABLE 3013 The installation cannot proceed because the products are already installed.
The following table explains the items in the ControlFLASH Plus window and
their meanings.
Item Description
Flash Devices tab Allows you to browse devices, select firmware revisions, and start
a flash operation. When ControlFLASH Plus can access the Product
Compatibility and Download Center, you can select a device's
firmware revisions from the Product Compatibility and Download
Center. You can also access up to date hardware and firmware
lifecycle states, release notes, important notices, and copyright
information. To download the firmware revisions, sign in to the
Product Compatibility and Download Center.
Settings dialog box Use the Settings dialog box to configure the settings for ControlFLASH Plus,
• General
• Reports
• Security
• Firmware Locations
• Options
• About
Sign in to the Product When connected to the Internet, sign in to the Product Compatibility and
Download Center to download firmware revisions and view firmware
Compatibility and Download revisions' Important Notice.
• Make sure the currently logged on user has the permission to connect
to the Product Compatibility and Download Center. For how to
configure the connection permission, refer to FactoryTalk Security
System Configuration Guide.
Sign out of the Product After signing out of the Product Compatibility and Download Center,
downloading firmware revisions and viewing firmware revisions' Important
Compatibility and Download Notice from the Product Compatibility and Download Center is not allowed.
To sign out of the Product Compatibility and Download Center
1. In the ControlFLASH Plus window, select .
2. In the Settings dialog box, select General.
3. Select Sign out.
General tab
The following table lists the options in the General tab and their meanings.
Options Description
Flash Uses Flash to configure whether one selected revision will always be
applied to all devices of the same type and the default behavior of the
Select Revision for All dialog box.
Let me choose each time (show messages) When selecting a firmware revision in the Flash To column of the Flash
Devices tab, with this option selected, a confirmation dialog box always
opens giving you options to decide if you want to apply the revision to all
devices of the same type.
Yes, always select for all devices (do not show messages) When selecting a firmware revision in the Flash To column of the Flash
Devices tab, with this option selected, the selected revision will always
be applied to all devices of the same type without showing a
confirmation dialog box.
No, never select for all devices (do not show messages) When selecting a firmware revision in the Flash To column of the Flash
Devices tab, with this option selected, the selected revision will not be
applied to other devices of the same type without showing a
confirmation dialog box.
The confirmation dialog box has a check box used to turn off this
Enable enhanced concurrent flashing algorithm With this check box selected, the enhanced concurrent flashing is turned
on to flash up to 20 devices regardless of the topology.
With this mode turned on, devices in parent/children relationships and
the ones connected on Ethernet linear/DLR topologies are also flashed
This check box is selected by default.
Enable application log for troubleshooting With this check box selected, the default path for application logs
appears and ControlFLASH Plus generates logs anytime it is started and
Tip: When application errors occurred during operations, you can view
the application logs to find causes of the errors.
Sign in Selects this button to open the Product Compatibility and Download
Center sign-in webpage. When you are signed in, the account shows.
Enable application log When an application error occurred during operations, view the application
log to check causes of the error.
• In Settings > General, select Enable application log for
troubleshooting and restart ControlFLASH Plus.
Reports tab Use the Reports tab to configure the automatic saving settings for reports of
each flash operation, including:
• Option to turn on or off the automatic saving
• Location of the saved report
With the Save a report for each flash operation automatically check box
selected, a report summarizing the flash result is automatically saved when a
flash operation completes.
View a flash report Once a flash operation completes, you can view the CSV report file
summarizing the result of the operation.
Security tab Use the Security tab to log on to or off from FactoryTalk Security and view the
current user. ControlFLASH Plus uses the FactoryTalk Security single sign-on
feature. Single sign-on logs on as the Windows-linked user currently logged
on to the computer. If single sign-on is disabled, a notification message shows
at the top of the Flash Devices tab. Clicking the message opens the Security
tab prompting the user to log on.
You can log on as another user by logging off and then logging back on.
• To log off, click Log off. Once logged off, no flash operations can be
• To log on, enter the user name and password, then click Log on.
The Security tab displays the following permissions of the current user.
• Update firmware
Users with this permission denied cannot perform flash operations.
• Delete firmware revision
Users with this permission denied cannot delete firmware revisions.
• Product Compatibility and Download Center connection.
Users with this permission denied have no access to device revision on
the Product Compatibility and Download Center.
For more information on single sign-on, see the FactoryTalk Services Platform
Firmware Locations tab Use the Firmware Locations tab to view and manage the file locations that
ControlFLASH Plus monitors for revision files.
• To add a monitored location, click Add Location, select the target
folder, and then click OK. Click OK in the Settings dialog box to save
the change.
Tip: If you use the download manager to download firmware revisions from the
Product Compatibility and Download Center, the default or customized
path of the firmware revisions will be added to the location list
The following table explains each item on the Firmware Locations tab.
Item Description
1 Adds a monitored location.
2 Sets a monitored location as default download location.
3 Removes a monitored location.
Add a monitored folder to customize the path for saving the firmware
About tab Use the About tab to view the software version, copyright information,
Rockwell Automation end user license agreement, ControlFLASH Plus
Release Notes, and the installed drivers.
• To view the Rockwell Automation end user license agreement, click
Software License Agreement.
Flash Devices tab The Flash Devices tab shows by default when ControlFLASH Plus is opened.
Use the Flash Devices tab to:
• Open the Network Browser to configure a starting browse path and
select the number of levels to browse.
• Download firmware revisions from the Product and Compatibility and
Download Center.
The following table explains each item on the Flash Devices tab when
ControlFLASH Plus can access the Product Compatibility and Download
Item Description
1 Shows the starting browse path as configured in the Network Browser. By default, it shows the highest node
of the network topology. For subsequent uses, it shows the last selected path in the previous session.
2 Filters one or more device types in a flashing session. The device list is filtered immediately as text included
in the device name is entered.
The amount of selected devices, filtered devices, and all devices shows on the left of the Filter by device
An orange highlight indicates that a filter is active.
3 Accelerates the device selection in the list with the following options:
• All
Selects all devices whose selected Flash To revisions are equal to, greater than, or less than the current
• Upgrades Only
Selects devices whose selected Flash To revisions are greater than the current revision.
• Upgrades and Downgrades
Selects devices whose selected Flash To revisions are greater or less than the current revision. This
option doesn't select devices whose selected Flash To revisions are equal to their current ones, which
avoids unnecessary firmware updates.
Make sure the Flash To revisions are set before using the selection accelerator.
Device The Device column shows the network topology as returned by the browsing path. Network and chassis
node names are shown in lighter gray to maintain the hierarchy.
An orange highlight on the left border of this column indicates that a filter is active.
Manage Firmware tab Use the Manage Firmware tab to manage firmware revisions located in the
monitored folders. When you are signed in to the Product Compatibility and
Download Center, it also allows you to download firmware revisions and view
The following table explains each item on the Manage Firmware tab when
ControlFLASH Plus can access the Product Compatibility and Download
Item Description
Add Firmware Revisions Opens the Add Firmware Revisions dialog box to download firmware revisions from the Product
Compatibility and Download Center. When ControlFLASH Plus loses connection to the Product Compatibility
and Download Center, Add Firmware Revisions doesn't show.
Delete Revisions Turns on the delete firmware revisions mode. Deleting unused firmware revisions improves application's
inventory building performance.
Export Revisions Opens the Save As dialog box to export the firmware inventory.
Device Shows the individual catalog number of the device. When ControlFLASH Plus can access the Product
Compatibility and Download Center and a device's firmware revisions was found in the Product
Compatibility and Download Center, shows:
• If signed in to the Product Compatibility and Download Center, you can use the Add Firmware Revisions
dialog box to search, select, and download firmware revisions.
• If signed out of the Product Compatibility and Download Center, you are allowed to use the Add Firmware
Revisions dialog box to search and select firmware revisions only.
Tip: When a device's firmware revisions are all downloaded from the Product Compatibility and Download
Center, disappears after refreshing firmware.
An orange highlight on the left border of this column indicates that a filter is active.
Vendor Shows the name of the device vendor.
Manage Favorites tab Use the Manage Favorites tab to manage favorite lists. A favorite list includes
devices and corresponding revisions that can be used to quickly select target
The following table explains each item on the Manage Favorites tab.
Item Description
Favorite Lists Shows the favorite lists.
Export all Creates a CFF (ControlFLASH Favorites) file including all the favorite lists.
Import Imports a CFF file that is exported with one or more favorite lists.
If an imported list has the same name as an existing one, the imported list name is appended with a number
to ensure uniqueness.
1 Allows you to create a favorite list.
2 Shows the favorite list or lists.
3 Shows the name of the selected favorite list and the amount of included devices.
4 Filters the favorite lists immediately as text included in the favorite list name is entered.
The amount of filtered and all favorite lists shows on the left of the Filter by favorite list box.
An orange highlight indicates that a filter is active.
Add devices Adds devices to the selected favorite list.
Copy Creates a copy of the selected favorite list.
Export Creates a file including the selected favorite list.
Delete Deletes the selected favorite list.
Device Shows the catalog number of the device.
Firmware Revision Shows the device's available firmware revisions as found in the monitored folders.
Click the revision to select another one for the device in the favorite list.
5 Click to remove the device from the favorite list.
Browse devices
When ControlFLASH Plus is started for the first time, the Browsing from
path is not configured. You need to configure the browsing path in the
Network Browser. After you set the path for the first time, ControlFLASH
Plus will use the last selected path setting.
Once a starting browse path is configured, ControlFLASH Plus uses the
configured browsing path and number of levels to populate the devices list.
The devices are shown with the current versions of firmware and available
compatible firmware versions are shown in the Flash To column. The topology
is refreshed when opening ControlFLASH Plus or changing the browsing path
in the Network Browser.
When updating topology and devices, you may cancel progress by clicking the
Cancel button. Clicking the Cancel button opens the Network Browser for
you to select another Browsing from path.
Network Browser Use the general settings of the Network Browser to specify network
configuration items and browser display information. Resize the Network
Browser to see more or less of a network topology. For more information
about Network Browser, visit
The following table explains each item in the Network Browser and their
Settings Icon Description
Auto discover Enables the Network Browser to continuously discover the selected
device or network branch.
Add Driver Adds a driver on the computer to provide communications to a
Advanced Settings Opens Advanced Settings to configure network discovery settings.
Zoom Increases (zoom in) or decreases (zoom out) the view of the network
topology tree.
Help Opens the help topics.
Auto upload Enables the Network Browser to automatically upload and register
EDS files for unknown devices in the selected device and its child
Search Provides a filtered list of devices upon the searching criteria.
CIP Security Indicator When the icon is in the tool bar, it works as a switch to show or hide
the CIP Security configuration status of a device.
When the icon is in front of a device, it shows the device supports CIP
Security and no configuration has been taken yet.
CIP Security Indicator Means the device is in the CIP security configuration process.
CIP Security Indicator Means the device is successfully configured with CIP security.
Choose number of Expands the number list to choose the level number for browsing
levels to browse multiple devices. A network node or a device node will not be
identified as a level. The default number is 2.
Starting browse path and Clicking on the Flash Devices tab opens the Network Browser. Use this
number of browse levels dialog box to select a node in the Network Browser tree as a starting point for
browsing devices. Clicking OK refreshes the device list on the Flash Devices
The dialog box allows you to choose the number of levels that should be
browsed. The maximum number of levels to browse is 3. The default value of
levels to browse is 2.
Important: In the Network Browser, you must expand each level of the node
that includes the devices you need in order for the devices on that
level to be shown on the Flash Devices tab.
When selecting the root node in the Network Browser tree, OK is
disabled by default.
Add a driver for Local or To add a driver for Local or Remote Broadcast
Remote Broadcast 1. In the Network Browser, select .
2. In the Add Driver dialog box, select a driver, and then select OK.
3. To configure the physical port of the computer and the tuning settings,
select the Advanced tab.
4. Select Apply.
5. Select the General tab, and in the Name box, enter a name for the
6. In the Discovery Method list, select Broadcast.
7. To add a driver for Local Broadcast, select Local Broadcast. Skip to step
Add a driver with a Device When adding a driver, use a list or range of IP addresses to make sure
broadcast messages reach the desired devices.
3. To configure the physical port of the computer and the tuning settings,
select the Advanced tab.
4. Select Apply.
The new driver appears in the network topology tree.
5. Select the General tab, and in the Name box, enter a name for the
6. In the Discovery Method list, select Device List/Range.
7. Select Add New, and then in the box under Device List/Range, enter
the desired subnet range.
8. Select .
Open the Configure Driver Open the Configure Driver dialog box to edit the properties for a driver.
dialog box
To open the Configure Driver dialog box
1. In the Network Browser, select a driver.
2. Select .
Add a bridge Create a bridge to enable Network Browser to detect devices on another
network and perform diagnostic and configuration functions on those
To add a bridge
1. In the Network Browser dialog box, below a bridged module, select the
Ethernet network, and then select .
2. In the General tab, enter a name for the bridge, and then select Add
3. In the address box, enter the addressing information.
Populate the devices list Use the Network Browser to browse a single device or multiple devices.
5. Select OK.
The following example shows that when you select 3, devices of the
first three levels are shown on the Flash Devices tab.
Generating the device The devices list is generated differently depending on what is chosen as the
starting node.
When a device (for example 1756-L85E) is selected, only the device itself is
shown in the devices list.
Tip: A bridge node is also treated as a device node, for example, 1756-ENBT/A.
Prepare the networks for 1. Choose an appropriate time after all processes can be stopped to
remove the device or devices from service.
flashing 2. Verify that the device or devices on the network are properly connected
and that communications bandwidth is available.
Tip: It's not recommended to perform the flash operation while running a
process. Before flashing, choose an appropriate time to remove your
device or devices from service.
Flash scheduling
Flash devices
This chapter tells you how to update firmware by using ControlFLASH Plus.
Before you begin, make sure that you have prepared your system for flashing.
If you need help, refer to the back cover of this publication for support
Use ControlFLASH Plus to Use ControlFLASH Plus to flash firmware revisions on one or multiple
update firmware
Important: • ControlFLASH Plus only supports the firmware update for
devices supporting the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP). To
perform updates of non-CIP devices, use the legacy
ControlFLASH tool.
• Make sure to specify the correct revision that you want to
upgrade for your device. Otherwise, an unpredictable result may
occur. Check on the Rockwell Automation Product Compatibility
and Download Center or with your technical support
representative if you are unsure about making the update.
• To avoid the flash operation from being interrupted, make sure
the computer is powered to run throughout the operation and is
not configured to enter or manually put into sleep mode.
To flash devices
1. (optional) On the Flash Devices tab, click to set up the browsing
path on the network. The last selected path will be selected by default
for subsequent uses.
2. On the Flash Devices tab, select one or multiple devices by selecting
the check box on the left column.
Tip: To select devices, enter the device name in the Filter by device text box.
Devices are filtered as you enter text.
3. In the Flash To column, select the revisions to update the selected
Note: • When a Safety controller is selected, the check box of its partners will be
selected and disabled automatically, and the revision of its partner will be
changed as the Safety controller's.
• When there are wrong mode warnings, change the device mode in Studio 5000
Logix Designer or Connected Components Workbench and click the refresh
4. (optional) In the Compatibility dialog box, select compatible firmware
5. Click Next.
Components in the The following table explains the items in the Compatibility dialog box and
their meanings.
Compatibility dialog box
Filter devices on the Flash The device list is filtered immediately as text included in the device name is
entered in the Filter by device box.
Devices tab
The following table explains each item when filtering the devices on the Flash
Devices tab.
Cancel download After the download starts, clicking on the bottom right of the Flash
Devices tab will cancel all firmware revisions' download and clicking
operations at the end of the progress bar will cancel a firmware revision's download.
When you cancel a download operation, all the downloaded files will be
Cancel flash operations After the flash operation starts, clicking the Cancel button will cancel all
pending device updates. All device updates already started will not be
cancelled, but will proceed to completion as normal.
Retry canceled or failed The following example shows that three devices are updated successfully,
while the update of 1756-EN3TR failed and the update of 1756-M02AE was
flash operations canceled.
Manage firmware
Use the Manage Firmware tab to manage firmware revisions located in the
monitored folders. When you are signed in to the Product Compatibility and
Download Center, it also allows you to download firmware revisions and view
the firmware revisions' Important Notice from the Product Compatibility and
Download Center.
For more information about this tab, refer to Manage Firmware tab on page
Filter devices on the The device list is filtered immediately as text included in the device name is
entered in the Filter by device box.
Manage Firmware tab
The following table explains each item when filtering the devices on the
Manage Firmware tab.
Item Description
1 Shows the text you are entering.
2 Shows the amount of filtered and total devices.
3 Highlights the filtered devices in orange. Devices whose name includes the entered text will be shown.
The following table explains each item in the Add Firmware Revisions dialog
Item Description
1 Shows the text you are entering.
2 Shows the number of the filtered devices.
3 Allows you to select the firmware revision.
4 Indicates that the firmware revision is found in the Product Compatibility and Download Center. To
download the firmware revision, sign in to the Product Compatibility and Download Center.
5 Opens the firmware revision's Release Notes found in the Product Compatibility and Download Center.
6 Opens the firmware revision's Important Notice found in the Product Compatibility and Download Center.
Tip: To view the firmware revisions' Important Notice, sign in to the Product Compatibility and Download
7 Views the firmware revisions you selected.
8 Selects a device's all firmware revisions from the Product Compatibility and Download Center.
9 Shows the firmware revisions lifecycle states.
Download Selects this button to download the selected firmware revisions from the Product Compatibility and
Download Center.
Cancel Selects this button to returns to the Manage Firmware tab.
Add firmware revisions After signing in to the Product Compatibility and Download Center, use the
Add Firmware Revisions dialog box to download firmware revisions and view
firmware revisions' Important Notice.
Delete firmware revisions Delete one or multiple unused firmware revisions in a single operation to
improve inventory building performance.
• Make sure the currently logged on user has the permission to delete
firmware revisions.
Use the Manage Favorites tab to manage favorite lists. A favorite list includes
devices and corresponding revisions that can be used to quickly select target
revisions during flash operations. Use the import and export functions to
share favorite lists with others.
For more information about the Manage Favorites tab, refer to Manage
Favorites tab on page 34.
Filter favorite lists on the The favorite list is filtered immediately as text included in the favorite list
name is entered in the Filter by device box.
Manage Favorites tab
The following table explains each item when filtering the favorite list on the
Manage Favorites tab.
Item Description
1 Shows the text you are entering.
2 Shows the amount of filtered and total favorite lists.
3 Shows the filtered favorite list or lists. Favorite lists whose name includes the entered text will be shown.
Configure ControlFLASH In case you need to configure security policies for ControlFLASH Plus, use the
following steps to do so.
Plus policy
A Device Management Kit (DMK) is a file that contains firmware update files
for one or more devices.
A DMK file contains:
• All files necessary to perform firmware upgrade of a single or multiple
• Digital signature files for validation.
• Release Notes if it was included in the file.
Place DMK files in folders monitored by ControlFLASH Plus and the software
will search all the monitored folders whenever it looks for available revisions.
The monitored folders can be added on the Firmware Locations tab of the
Settings dialog box.
Tip: We don't recommend that you store DMK files in the legacy ControlFLASH
installation folder, because in rare cases, DMK files in that folder can be
Event Log The Event Log shows database information regarding events that occur in the
system. Events are generally system-initiated. For example, an upload
occurred as scheduled, or an alarm condition occurred. Only events that occur
in FactoryTalk-enabled products are recorded in the Event Log.
Audit Log The Audit Log shows database information regarding actions that users
perform in the system, such as editing a Logix Designer project or checking-
out a file from the FactoryTalk AssetCentre database. Audit records are
generated by FactoryTalk-enabled products.
FactoryTalk AssetCentre FactoryTalk AssetCentre offers a centralized repository for tracking and
auditing the changes made to a plant-wide system. Any information related to
an application is logged in to the FactoryTalk AssetCentre server.
The details of the log usually contain the following fields:
• Date/Time
• User Name
• User Description (full user name, based on user information held in a
security token or domain name; required for audit messages)
• Severity of message (error, warning, information, audit)
• Audience for message (operator, engineer, developer, FactoryTalk
• Message text (text or resource ID that resolves to text when retrieved
or passed between machine boundaries)
• Argument list (optional placeholders in message text)
Logging the device update The update status (Success or Failure) is logged into the FactoryTalk
AssetCentre server. You can view the reasons for the Success or Failure in the
status ControlFLASH Plus log. The status of the update process is logged into
FactoryTalk AssetCentre with the following details:
Field Description
Date and Time Date and Time at which the update process has finished for the device.
Source Application name, for example, ControlFLASH Plus
Location Computer name on which ControlFLASH Plus is being executed.
Resource Name of the resource that is ControlFLASH Plus.
Username FTAssetSecurity Login, if present, else Windows login
This appendix describes common error messages you may see when running
the ControlFLASH Plus software.
Error Message Description
Application Internal Error Occurs when a critical error appears. For example, the installation is corrupted.
Application is already running. An error occurred while more than one ControlFLASH Plus application is running.
URL Port Error An error occurred when no free URL ports exist.
Application Close Error An error occurred when closing the application during the flashing process.
Communication Error An error occurred while the ControlFLASH Plus software tried to communicate with the target device.
Verify that:
• All cable connections are secure.
• The target device has power.
• FactoryTalk Linx software is properly configured.
Data File Error The data file used in programming could not be read. Check with a technical support representative to obtain a
new data file.
Failed to communicate to the target The error might be caused because that:
device. You do not have the • The security authority identifier of the target device does not match the identifier in FactoryTalk Services
permission to perform this operation. Platform. Make sure you have the permission to perform the operation.
• The slot used for the controller is not a trusted slot. Make sure to use a trusted slot for the controller.
DMK digital signature verification The digital signature of the DMK file is not valid.
Verify that:
• The DMK file contains a valid digital signature.
• The root certificate of the DMK file is trusted.
• The DMK file is signed by a trusted publisher and issuer.
Instance Validation Error The target device did not report enough information to be properly identified. Check with a technical support
representative for help in resolving this problem.
Load Driver Error The ControlFLASH Plus software could not find an essential support file for the selected catalog number. Check
with your technical support representative to verify that the correct drivers is loaded.
Load Device Error The ControlFLASH Plus software could not load properties from devices.
Mode Error The target device is in a mode in which it cannot be programmed. Place the device into the appropriate mode.
FactoryTalk Security Error The error occurred when failed to verify the user in the FactoryTalk Security service.
FactoryTalk Linx not installed Make sure FactoryTalk Linx version 6.00.00 or later is installed.
FactoryTalk Linx Load Error An error occurred while the ControlFLASH Plus software tried to install the network protocol driver (DTL32.DLL).
Verify that FactoryTalk Linx software is properly installed and configured.
Script File Error The script file associated with the selected upgrade is corrupt. Check with a technical support representative to
obtain a new script file.
Could not fetch dynamic install driver An error occurred when data about the installed driver cannot be obtained.
Could not fetch configuration. Configuration of the application is not valid. Try to reinstall the application.
Could not fetch the current user of Cannot obtain information about the logged-on user in FactoryTalk Security. Check the FactoryTalk Security
FactoryTalk Security. installation.
Could not fetch determination if the Cannot obtain user permissions from FactoryTalk Security.
user has permissions.
Multiple Flash To revisions are This error occurs when creating a favorite list with the selected devices and for one device type there are
selected for a single device type. multiple selected devices with different revisions.
Select one revision for each device
type to create a favorite list.
The name of the favorite list is This error occurs when the given name of the favorite list already exists.
already used.
The firmware you want to delete The firmware files to be deleted are not accessible.
cannot be deleted.
Literature Library Find installation instructions, manuals, brochures, and technical data publications.
Product Compatibility and Download Center Get help determining how products interact, check features and capabilities, and
(PCDC) find associated firmware.
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