A 32 Pages 11-09-23 31
A 32 Pages 11-09-23 31
A 32 Pages 11-09-23 31
777-9200 for ZOOM. 3rd Thursday: Bis-
Help keep our trails clean, sign up. Sugden tro Soleil at Olde Marco Inn. $37, 239- Open Mic Night from 6-9 PM. The Board-
Nature Trail, Naples. www.collierparks. 777-9200. room Tavern. 239-389-8414.
Al-Anon Family Groups starting at 12
La Mesa Espanola starting at 9 AM. Span- PM. Troubled by someone’s drinking? Wednesday:
ish conversation. Contact for location. mi- St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. NaplesAl-
The Smooth Sounds of Trevor Earl from 5-8
chael.bombyk@usinternet.com. Anon.org. THIS WEEK ONLY PM. Naples Tiki Bar & Grill. 239-291-7117.
Introductory Watercolor from 9:30 AM-12 Mah Jongg Classes from 12-2 PM. Learn
Saturday: Charlie Pace Band from 6-9 PM. The Board-
PM, until July 26th. Learn painting, $55. Mah Jongg. Mackle Park. www.cityofmar- room Tavern. 239-389-8414.
5880 Shirley Street, Suite 206, Naples. coisland.com. Merrill starting at 1 PM. Little Bar. 239-
www.dagroup.com. 394-5663. Kellee Kaysee from 7-10 PM. La Tavola.
Mah Jongg from 12:30-3:30 PM. Play Play LaTavolaRestaurantAndBar.com.
Bridge lessons from 9:30 AM-12 PM. Inter- Mah Jongg, $10/year. Mackle Park. www. Hot Damn Duo from 1-5 PM. Stan’s Idle
mediate, free. Elks Lodge, Naples. 239-775 cityofmarcoisland.com. Hour. 239-394-3041.
Charity Knitters of Marco Island meeting Lauren Sheppard from 6-9 PM. Davide Thursday:
Al-Anon Family Groups starting at 10:15 starting at 1 PM. Knit blankets for a cause. Italian Cafe. www.DavidItalianCafe.com. Matt Kramer from 5-8 PM. Naples Tiki Bar
AM. Troubled by someone’s drinking? St. San Marco Catholic Church. patzymros@ & Grill. 239-291-7117.
Peter Ministry Center Church, Naples & via Edison from 5:30-8:30 PM. Cracklin’
gmail.com. Jacks. 239-774-6000. Karaoke Night with Sonic Solutions from
ZOOM. NaplesAl-Anon.org. 5:30-8:30 PM. Cracklin’ Jacks. 239-774-
Yoga with Abby Holan from 1:30-2:30 Kayla Love from 6-9 PM. Sami’s. www.
Support Group for Caretakers from 12-1 PM. Practice yoga. $10, Mackle Park. 6000.
PM. Free, RSVP. Marco YMCA. www.Par- samispizza.com.
www.cityofmarcoisland.com. CJ’s on the Bay Live Music from 6-9 PM.
kinsonAssociationSWFL.org. Flat Liners from 6-9 PM. The Boardroom Live music. CJ’s on the Bay. www.cjsonthe-
Flow Yoga starting at 4-5 PM. Bring a mat. Tavern. 239-389-8414.
Senior Social & Game Day from 12-3 PM. $10, Mackle Park. www.cityofmarcois- bay.com.
Play games. Community room, Mackle land.com. Male vocalist and pianist Dan Vass from Lauren Sheppard from 6-9 PM. Davide
6:30-9:30 PM. Bistro Soleil. 239-389-0981. Italian Cafe. www.DavidItalianCafe.com.
Core & More from 5:15-6:15 PM. Fitness,
$12. Mackle Park. www.cityofmarcois- Larry D from 7:30-10:30 PM. La Tavola. Eric Whitener from 6-9 PM. The Board-
land.com. 239-393-4960. room Tavern. 239-389-8414.
KoC Bingo starting at 5:30 PM. Dinner JP Soars and the Red Hots starting at 8 PM. Greg Miller’s Motown Magic from 7-10
and prizes. San Marco Parish Hall. www. Little Bar. 239-394-5663. PM. La Tavola. 239-393-4960.
SanMarcoKnights.com. Open Mic with Charlie Pace from 8-11 PM.
Sing a cappella music in four-part harmo- Sunday: Kava Culture Marco. 239-970-2087.
ny from 6:30-9 PM. Learn to sing. Free, Rock Republic from 1-6:30 PM. Stan’s Idle
1955 Curling Avenue, Naples. 239-352- Hour. 239-394-3041. Friday:
6366. Sideshow Bob from 1-4 PM. Stan’s Idle
Frank Carroll from 10:30 AM-1:30 PM.
Fridays Sami’s. www.samispizza.com.
Yard Dog Charlie from 2-5 PM. Cracklin’
Hour. 239-394-3041.
Dan Baptista from 5:30-8:30 PM. Cracklin’
Park. Cindymacquarrie9@comcast.net. Be Fit Over 50 from 7:45 AM-8:45 AM. Im- Jacks. 239-774-6000. Jacks. 239-774-6000.
Knitting Circle from 12:30-3:30 PM. Learn prove strength and flexibility. Mackle Park. Kellee Kaysee from 6-9 PM. Sami’s. www. Daphne from 6-9 PM. Sami’s. www.
knitting, $10/year. Mackle Park. CityOf- www.cityofmarcoisland.com. samispizza.com. samispizza.com.
MarcoIsland.com. Marco Dementia Respite from 10:30-2:30 Lauren Sheppard from 6-9 PM. Davide
Edison Schetter from 6-9 PM. The Board-
Family Self Defense and Fitness from 6-7 PM. Care for those affected. Wesley United room Tavern. 239-389-8414. Italian Cafe. www.DavidItalianCafe.com.
PM. Training, $105. Mackle Park. 239- Methodist Church. 239-330-6373. Hat Trick from 6-9 PM. The Boardroom
642-0575. Michael Dutra “Strictly Sinatra” from 6-9
Marco Island Shrine Club meets at 11:30 PM. La Tavola. 239-393-4960. Tavern. 239-389-8414.
Thursdays AM. Kretch’s Restaurant. marcoisland-
Male vocalist and pianist Dan Vass from
6:30-9:30 PM. Bistro Soleil. 239-389-0981.
Marco Island Corvette and Muscle Car Monday:
Tennis Clinic from 9-10:30 AM. Interme- Elliott West Band starting at 8 PM. Little
diate skill building drills. Marco YMCA. Club meetings from 8-10 PM. Corvettes Bingo Babe from 5:30-8:30 PM. Cracklin’ Bar. 239-394-5663.
hb10s@me.com. and Muscle cars welcome. Parking lot near Jacks. 239-774-6000.
Red Rooster on Barfield Dr. www.marcois- The Richmonds from 7-10 PM. La Tavola.
Tai Chi Class starting at 9:30 AM. Learn Johnny Fusco from 6-9 PM. Davide Italian 239-393-4960.
landcorvettes.com. Cafe. www.DavidItalianCafe.com.