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Journal of Information Systems and Informatics

Vol. 5, No. 2, June 2023 e-ISSN: 2656-4882 p-ISSN: 2656-5935

DOI: 10.51519/journalisi.v5i2.492 Published By DRPM-UBD

Leveraging COBIT 2019 Framework to Implement IT

Governance in Business Process Outsourcing Company

Melissa Indah Fianty1, Maximillian Brian2

1Information Systems, Multimedia Nusantara University, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia

Email: 1melissa.indah@umn.ac.id


The company specializes in delivering information and technology services to businesses

operating in the same industry. Recognizing the pivotal role of information technology in
achieving its vision, mission, and goals, the company emphasizes the proper
implementation of IT governance to drive overall company success. To evaluate the
management of IT resources, the study employs the COBIT-2019 framework for
measurement. The data collection approach encompasses interviews, questionnaires,
observation, and document analysis. The findings indicate that most IT governance
processes currently operate at level 2 capability. However, the company aspires to reach
level 3 for these processes. Consequently, recommendations are proposed to enhance these
processes based on the best practices outlined in COBIT-2019. Key suggestions include
implementing performance measurements and facilitating access to knowledge repositories
to foster skill and competency development.

Keywords: Capability Level, COBIT-2019, Gap Analysis, IT Governance


Information Technology (IT) has become increasingly prevalent in various

companies, contributing to improved company performance and the achievement
of business goals. A forward-thinking company recognizes the practical value IT
can offer in both primary and support activities [1]. When aligned with a
company's vision and mission, IT can be instrumental. Conversely, mismanaged
or underutilized IT can lead to problems that jeopardize the company's security,
such as data disruptions, leaks, and errors in decision-making due to
miscalculations [2]. With the integration of information systems, it is expected that
data consistency among systems will enhance the performance of information
systems and services for the community, providing accurate data for decision-
making and management policies [3].

The company provides exemplary human resource services to help clients

streamline their businesses effectively and purposefully. As a Business Process


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Vol. 5, No. 2, June 2023

p-ISSN: 2656-5935 http://journal-isi.org/index.php/isi e-ISSN: 2656-4882

Outsourcing (BPO) provider, we enable companies to focus on their core

competencies. Established in 2012, our company specializes in human resource
services for IT and non-IT sectors, offering BPO and Maintenance Services. Our
primary focus lies in delivering information and technology services to companies
requiring expertise in this field. However, we have faced several challenges
hindering the realization of our vision and mission. These include inadequate
human resources training, the absence of an integrated attendance system,
resulting in manual data exchange, frequent system crashes impeding employee
performance, and delays in data exchange between divisions. Knowledge transfer
during employee turnover also poses difficulties, as the training process becomes
more time-consuming. Retaining and transferring knowledge becomes crucial
while new employees struggle to adapt to their roles.

These problems have posed obstacles to our company's IS/IT development and
have hindered our employees' work. Consequently, we have implemented
preventive and remedial measures, including staff training and system
improvements. Seeking an assessment of our corporate governance's ability to
manage IT resources, we aim to prevent similar issues in the future and ensure
efficient and effective utilization of our information technology. To achieve this,
we employ the COBIT-2019 framework, an international standard for IT
governance. We hope to see broader adoption of this framework in the
management field, as it serves as a tool and standard for determining the capability
level of IT resource management within our company [4].


The method used for implementing Information Technology Governance or IT

Governance uses the COBIT-2019 framework in companies, employing a
qualitative approach method. This involves collecting data related to the
conditions and needs of IT in companies to analyze the capability level of IT
governance [5].

2.1. Research Methods

This study evaluates information technology governance in companies using the

COBIT-2019 framework by following a methodology that describes the
interrelationships between stages, ensuring the research progresses in a directed
and systematic manner. The following is the framework for this research.

Melissa Indah Fianty, Maximillian Brian| 569

Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Vol. 5, No. 2, June 2023

p-ISSN: 2656-5935 http://journal-isi.org/index.php/isi e-ISSN: 2656-4882

Figure 1. Research Workflow

Figure 1. above is a methodology used to research measuring the capability of

governance a case studies based on the company [6].
1. Data Collection
At this stage, relevant data is collected by reviewing relevant literature or
conducting field observations by using questionnaires and interviews to obtain
relevant data.
2. Mapping Enterprise Goals to IT Related
Mapping the Business Goals of the company to explore more deeply the
relationship between business goals and the existence of information
technology used by the company.

570 | Leveraging COBIT 2019 Framework to Implement IT Governance in Business .....

Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Vol. 5, No. 2, June 2023

p-ISSN: 2656-5935 http://journal-isi.org/index.php/isi e-ISSN: 2656-4882

3. Mapping Alignment Goals

Identify what IT Goals the company is trying to achieve by aligning with the
business goals of the company.
4. COBIT 19 Process Determination
Identify what IT Goals the company is trying to achieve by aligning them with
the company's business goals.
5. Measurement Capability Level
Identify what COBIT domains and IT processes align with the company's IT
goals and the scope of IT governance identified from the company's problems
and business goals [7].
6. Counting Gap Analysis
Measuring the level of IT governance capability from the process, which has
been mapped and identified with existing problems. Analysis of the results of
the interviews is translated into a capability level of each process to know the
value of IT governance from the company. The method used to measure the
level of capability using the PAM (Process Assessment Model) is carried out
by collecting questionnaires and interviews from companies [8]
7. Recommendations
Compare the results of the COBIT-2019 process capability measurement with
the level of IT governance capability expected by respondents. After obtaining
the current level of capability (as-is), it will then be compared with the
expected capability level (to-be) to produce a gap analysis to obtain what
processes need to be carried out to increase capability and recommendation-
making [9].

2.2. COBIT 19 System Method

COBIT was developed based on two principles, namely principles that describe
the core requirements of a governance system for information and technology
companies and principles of a governance framework that can be used to build a
governance system for companies [10]. COBIT is a framework for enterprise
information and technology governance and management intended for the entire
enterprise [11]. Enterprise I&T means all the technology and information
processing that a company does to achieve its goals, regardless of where this
happens in the company [12]. In other words, enterprise I&T is not limited to the
IT department of a company but certainly includes it [13]. The COBIT framework
makes a clear distinction between governance and management. These two
disciplines cover different activities, require different corporate structures, and
serve different purposes. Governance ensures that [14]:
1. Stakeholder needs, conditions and options are evaluated to determine
balanced and agreed corporate goals.
2. Direction is set through prioritization and decision-making.
3. Performance and compliance are monitored against agreed directions and

Melissa Indah Fianty, Maximillian Brian| 571

Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Vol. 5, No. 2, June 2023

p-ISSN: 2656-5935 http://journal-isi.org/index.php/isi e-ISSN: 2656-4882

2.3. Data Analysis Technique

There are 2 data analysis techniques used:

1. Capability Level Analysis, the analysis of the capability level or level of
capability in this study was based on the interviewees' answers regarding the
evaluation given to informants during interviews for all selected COBIT-2019
functions. This assessment will consider the scale used to determine whether
the COBIT-2019 process stops or continues to the next level [15].
The following is the scale used:
a) N: Not Achieved (0 to 15%)
We found little or no evidence-gaining scale related to the computed
process attributes.
b) P: Partially Achieved (> 15% to 50%)
There is some evidence of the scale of the estimated process attribute
gain. Some attribute gains may be unpredictable.
c) L: Largely Achieved (> 50% to 85%)
There was evidence of a systematic approach to scale and significant
achievement of the calculated process attributes. Some of the weaknesses
related to this attribute are that it is contained in the calculated process.
d) F: Fully Achieved (> 85% to 100%)
Found complete evidence of a systematic approach scale and full
achievement of the calculated process attributes.
2. Gap Analysis, In this, a gap analysis was carried out by comparing the ability
level scores expected by the company based on the ability calculations that
have been carried out. Based on the results of this gap analysis, it is
recommended that the company can make improvements to reach the desired
level or level. Also, the company hopes that the system owned by the company
can always maintain the security of its information and reduce risks that can
be borne by the company that will arise in the future [16].


3.1. Governance Assessment

There has never been an assessment of IT resource management governance used

in the company. Given the continuous growth and advancement of information
systems, which always involve innovation, the company recognizes the importance
of conducting an assessment of the existing IT resource management governance.
This assessment aims to ensure that the IT governance aligns with the company's
vision and mission.

572 | Leveraging COBIT 2019 Framework to Implement IT Governance in Business .....

Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Vol. 5, No. 2, June 2023

p-ISSN: 2656-5935 http://journal-isi.org/index.php/isi e-ISSN: 2656-4882

3.2. Mapping Enterprise Goals to IT Related

Through the results of interviews and the identification of documents related to

the CEO of the company, the goals and objectives of the company are obtained.
From these objectives, a mapping table is created to align the company with the
COBIT-2019 Enterprise Goals.

Table 1. Mapping Vision and problems to Enterprise Goals

Vision and COBIT Alignment Goals Relations
Problems Enterprise Goals
Providing IT service EG10: Staff skills, AG12: Competent Primary
solutions with high- motivation, and and motivated staff
quality talent productivity with mutual
understanding of
technology and
To be the leading EG01: Portfolio of AG13: Knowledge, Primary
technology-based competitive expertise and
outsourcing service products and initiatives for
provider. services business innovation

In Table 1, the results of alignment goals mapping are based on company goals,
namely AG12 and AG13. From COBIT-2019 and Enterprise Goals-Alignment
Goals, only those marked with the P (Primary key) symbol were selected, while
the S (Secondary key) symbol was not dominant, so they were not chosen.

Table 2. Mapping Enterprise Goals and Alignment Goals

Enterprise Goals and Alignment Goals
Staff Skills, Motivation and Productivity
AG12 The company's corporate goal is to provide IT service
Competent and solutions with high-quality talent. To achieve the company's
motivated staff with goals, alignment goals are needed, namely, to get and train
mutual understanding of every employee so that each employee himself has high
technology and business quality. Moreover, outsourcing companies need qualified
employees so more clients will trust them.
Portfolio of competitive products and services
AG13 The company has a corporate goal to become a leading
Knowledge, expertise technology-based outsourcing service provider and to
and initiatives for achieve this goal. It is connected to the AG13 alignment,
business innovation namely, to have insight, expertise, and initiatives for
business innovation so that the company has a competitive

Melissa Indah Fianty, Maximillian Brian| 573

Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Vol. 5, No. 2, June 2023

p-ISSN: 2656-5935 http://journal-isi.org/index.php/isi e-ISSN: 2656-4882

advantage to become a leading outsourcing service


Table 2 explains the enterprise goals used, namely EG01, and the alignment goals
used, namely AG13, regarding knowledge, skills, and initiatives for business
innovation. The selection of enterprise and alignment goals is based on the
company's goals as a service provider company aiming to improve the quality of
their services using the established goals.

3.3. COBIT 19 Process Determination

In Table 3, the selection of the IT process is carried out due to the problems
experienced by companies regarding Human Resources, including a lack of
training in human resources and an attendance system that often encounters issues
when recording employee attendance. These problems can be addressed using the
COBIT-2019 framework, specifically the APO07 domain concerning Managed
Human Resources. The capability level will be measured using the APO07 domain
to enhance the system's effectiveness and resolve these issues.

Table 3. COBIT 19 Process Determination

APO07: Align, Plan, and Organize
Management Objectives: Managed Human Resources
Description: Provides a structured approach to ensure optimal
recruitment/acquisition, planning, evaluation and development of human resources
(both internal and external).
Purpose: Optimizing human resource capabilities to meet company goals
1 APO07.01 Maintain adequate and appropriate staffing
2 APO07.02 Identify key IT personnel
3 APO07.03 Maintain the skills and competencies of personnel
4 APO07.04 Evaluate employee job performance
5 APO07.05 Plan and track the usage of IT and business human resources

3.4. Measurement Capability Level

After distributing the questionnaire to determine the level of capability owned by

the company, the following results were obtained, explained in the following table.
Table 4 describes the condition of the capability level the company currently has,
namely in the APO07 domain, namely managed human resources.

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Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Vol. 5, No. 2, June 2023

p-ISSN: 2656-5935 http://journal-isi.org/index.php/isi e-ISSN: 2656-4882

Table 4. COBIT 19 Process Determination

Summary Results Capability
Process Process
Process Purpose 1 2 3 4 5
ID Description
Satisfy the business requirement of
Managed identifying automated solutions that
APO07 Human translate business functional and F L
Resources control requirements into effective
and efficient solutions.

Table 5 shows the capability level gap identified by the company. The target is set
at level 3, while the current position of the company is at level 2 with an average
score of 77.2%. The assessment criteria require an average score of > 80% for
each level to progress to the next level. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
company currently possesses a capability level of 2 and an average score of 77.2%
for level 3. As a result, it is unable to advance to the next level and remains at level

Table 5. COBIT 19 Process Determination

Process Current Level Target Level Gap Analysis
APO07 Managed 2 3 1
Human Resources

3.5. Counting Gap Analysis

Figure 2 illustrates the graph depicting the achievement of the IT governance

capability level, as obtained with the targets set by the company. The APO07
process has a capability level of 2 with an average score of 77.2%. Based on the
presented results, it can be concluded that the APO07 process has not yet reached
the desired capability level target. Thus, it is evident that there exists a gap between
the current capability level and the targeted level of capability.

Melissa Indah Fianty, Maximillian Brian| 575

Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Vol. 5, No. 2, June 2023

p-ISSN: 2656-5935 http://journal-isi.org/index.php/isi e-ISSN: 2656-4882

Figure 2. IT governance capability level

3.6. Recommendations

The results of the distribution of audit documents were carried out and given to
the company in the form of a questionnaire. The audit documents were divided
into various subtypes, each with a questionnaire for each capability level. From the
questionnaire results, some of the problems that occur in the company can be
analyzed as follows.
1. Training is not carried out regularly so that the quality of employee skills
is not balanced between one another.
2. Too dependent on some IT staff who have more significant experience
and skills.
3. Documentation of system creation is often not carried out and is ignored
by IT Developers.
4. Knowledge management is not implemented within the company, so
new employees sometimes need help adapting.

From the findings and the impact, it has on the company, then some
recommendations for improvement can be given to help the company to fix the
problems they have. In Table 6, the recommendations given are as follows:

Table 6. COBIT 19 Process Determination

Based on the results of the capability level achieved, in order to help the
company, reach level 3 in the APO07 domain. In Table 7, the
recommendations given are as follows:

Table 7 COBIT 19 Process Determination

No Recommendation domain APO07
1 Test staff backup plans regularly

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Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Vol. 5, No. 2, June 2023

p-ISSN: 2656-5935 http://journal-isi.org/index.php/isi e-ISSN: 2656-4882

No Recommendation domain APO07

2 Periodically review training materials and programs
3 Provide access to knowledge repositories to support skills and competency
4 Develop and deliver training programs based on company requirements
and processes
5 Compile the results of a 360-degree performance evaluation
6 Implement a recognition process that rewards commitment, competency
development and achievement of performance objectives
7 Implement and communicate a disciplinary process
8 Identify gaps and provide input into enterprise and IT sourcing plans and
recruitment processes.
9 Defines all work performed by external parties in a formal contract


the mapping of IT Governance in companies, aligned with IT-related goals

derived from stakeholder interviews and the vision of "providing IT service
solutions with high-quality talent and becoming a leading technology-based
outsourcing service provider," has identified appropriate COBIT-2019 IT-related
goals. These goals encompass areas such as staff skills, motivation, productivity,
and a portfolio of competitive products and services, which are essential for the
company's success. The assessment of the APO07 domain, which addresses
Managed Human Resources, revealed that it currently operates at level 2 (Partially
Achieved), indicating a significant level of accomplishment. To advance from level
2, it is necessary to meet the process capability indicators, which will require
improvement efforts, strategic planning, and meticulous management. The aim is
to elevate the APO07 domain to the next level of capability.

To enhance the APO07 domain, it is recommended that companies periodically

review training materials and programs, develop tailored training initiatives aligned
with company requirements and processes, identify, and address any skill gaps,
contribute to sourcing plans and corporate/IT recruitment processes, and
establish Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in accordance with COBIT-2019
guidelines. Furthermore, improving the process levels from level 2 to level 3 can
be achieved by documenting all system activities and organizational structures
following the RACI Chart. These measures will facilitate the timely identification
and resolution of potential issues in the long run. By implementing these
recommendations and striving for excellence in IT Governance, the company can
ensure the alignment of its IT practices with its vision and goals, thereby enhancing
its overall performance and competitive edge in the industry.

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Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Vol. 5, No. 2, June 2023

p-ISSN: 2656-5935 http://journal-isi.org/index.php/isi e-ISSN: 2656-4882


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