MyGov 17th October 2023 & Agenda Kenya
MyGov 17th October 2023 & Agenda Kenya
MyGov 17th October 2023 & Agenda Kenya
t least 12,000 train- Over 12,000 students
forms part of the ees have recently and enforce all have joined our 32 TTCs,
enrolled in the 32 the recommen- a significant rise from the
Public Teacher Training previous meager figure of
dations made by
that were Colleges (TTCs) following
the Government's decision the Presidential
This indicates that we
proposed by to amend the entry require-
ments for new applicants.
Working Party were, in a way, on the verge
of closing teacher training
the Presidential This revision has in- colleges."
creased the total number of retary, Ezekiel Machogu, The review of the entry
Working Party on trainees in TTCs to slightly noted that the revised re- requirement forms part
Education Reforms over 14,000, breathing new
life into these institutions,
quirements have provided
numerous aspiring educa-
of the recommendations
that were proposed by the
(PWPER). which have struggled with
low enrollment for years.
tors with the opportunity
to receive teacher training.
Presidential Working Party
on Education Reforms
Education Cabinet Sec- Machogu remarked, "The (PWPER).
In their findings, the Prof.
9 117b Sh2.4b Sh 25m 13,000 Raphael Munavu led team
established that a section
Number of empty container Amount of money the Cost of the MV Uhuru II Cost of a state-of-the-art Amount of money sand of Kenya Certificate of Sec-
The Week handlers KPA has added cabinet has approved to wagon ferry commissioned eye center, built by the harvesters in Kajiado ondary Education holders
In numbers to meet the rising cargo bail out six state owned at the Kenya Shipyards Taveta County government county are paid per lorry who had attained a mean
volumes in Kilindini sugar factories in the Limited (KSL) in Kisumu at Moi County Referral
Harbour Western, Nyanza regions. County. Hospital CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
enya is on the verge of ing that it positions Kenya as a des-
becoming a significant tination for shipbuilding and repair
shipping hub with the in the East Africa region.
commissioning and launch of the Further, he underscored Kenya
MV Uhuru II wagon ferry, a pro- Shipyards’ ability to build, repair
ject valued at Sh2.4 billion, at the and maintain ships for the local
Kenya Shipyards Limited (KSL) in and regional markets as a reflec-
Kisumu County. tion of the nation’s commitment to
During the inauguration cer- harnessing available resources and
emony, President William Ruto talents to meet the region’s grow-
highlighted the necessity of con- ing demand for quality maritime
structing this 100-meter-long services.
vessel, MV Uhuru II, to comple- “MV Uhuru II before us is not
ment MV Uhuru I and meet the ris- only a means of transportation,
ing demand for transporting goods but also a catalyst for economic
within the Lake Victoria region.
President William Ruto disembarking from the MV Uhuru II cargo ship after commissioning at the Kenya The President commended KSL
Shipyards Limited (KSL) in Kisumu County. PHOTO: CHRIS MAHANDARA CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
Retirement Benefits Authority was established in 1997 by an Act of Parliament to regulate, supervise and
promote retirement benefits schemes, and develop retirement benefits sector. The Authority oversees Retirement Benefits Authority was established under the Retirement Benefits Act, Cap 197 No. 3 of 1997 to regulate and
retirement benefits sector whose assets reached Ksh1.58 trillion at end of December 2022. supervise establishment and management of retirement benefits schemes; protect the interest of members and sponsors
of retirement benefits schemes; approve trustees’ remuneration approved by members during the annual general meeting
The Authority invites sealed tenders from eligible bidders for the following: - after every three years; promote development of the retirement benefits sector; and, advise the Cabinet Secretary of The
National Treasury on the national policy to be followed with regard to the retirement benefits sector.
Tender No. Tender Description Eligibility Closing Dates In line with the Statutory Instruments Act No. 23 of 2013 and Article 118 of the Constitution on consultation before mak-
ing statutory changes, the Retirement Benefits Authority wishes to invite the public particularly, the stakeholders in the
RBA/OT/GENINS/613/1749/2023 Provision of Group Open 26th October,2023 Retirement Benefits sector on the proposed policy changes during public stakeholders’ engagement forums in various
General Insurance at 11:00am towns as per the schedule below.
Nairobi Mercure Hotel 6th November 2023
Tender documents and details may be obtained from the Retirement Benefits Authority’s Office,
Rahimtulla Tower, 14th floor, Upper Hill Road, Nairobi, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Mombasa Voyager Beach Resort 30th October 2023
Ksh. 1,000.00. The money must be deposited in RBA’s KCB account number 110 327 5119, Milimani Kisumu The Vic Hotel 30th October 2023
Branch. Also, you may download the tender documents without charge from the RBA website— or from Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP) on All bid Kakamega Golf Hotel Kakamega 31st October 2023
documents must be clearly marked with the relevant tender reference number, and tender description Eldoret Eka Hotel 2nd November 2023
then addressed to The Chief Executive Officer, Retirement Benefits Authority, Rahimtulla Tower,
Upper Hill Road, P.O. Box 57733-00200 Nairobi. All duly completed tenders must be deposited in the Machakos Machakos University 1st November 2023
Tender Box on 14th Floor, Rahimtulla Tower, Upper Hill Road, Nairobi, on or before the stated date. Nyeri The White Rhino Hotel 1st November 2023
The tenders will be opened in the presence of tenderers or their representatives if they choose to attend.
Meru Three Steers Hotel 2nd November 2023
For queries regarding the Retirement Benefits Industry or your pension scheme please call RBA on toll Nakuru The Alps Hotel 30th October 2023
free number: 0800720300.
The draft policy changes can be downloaded from the Authority’s website ( All meetings are scheduled
For more, follow us on:- to take place from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Members of the publics and interested stakeholders are invited to participate and
confirm participation or send their written memorandum through on or before 27th October 2023.
twitter: @RBA_Kenya facebook: @RetirementBenefitsAuthorityKE Website: RETIREMENT BENEFITS AUTHORITY
Rahimtulla Tower, 13th Floor, Upper Hill Road, P.O. Box 57733-00200 Nairobi
Tel: 2809000 Mobile: 0726600001-5 or 0735339132 Fax: 2710330
Email: Website:
community. he newly inaugu- commitment to find-
Members of the commu- rated Agricultural ing suitable private sector
nity will now use county Development Cor- partners to enhance food
he Cabinet has ap- governments or any other poration (ADC) Board has production and nutrition
proved a Sh117 billion entity that shall be agreed made a commitment to security in the country.
bailout for six state upon to benefit from the ensuring that the country Several private sec-
owned sugar factories in nucleus owned by the fac- achieves food self-suffi- tor entities, including
the Western and Nyanza re- tories,” he said. ciency following the recent the Nyumba Foundation,
gions. Apart from sugarcane, prolonged drought. Twiga Foods, and Shel-
During a sitting held at he said the government To achieve this goal, the drick Wildlife Trust, have
the Kisumu State Lodge, the through the Bottom-Up Board is actively seeking submitted applications
Cabinet directed the Na- Economic Transformation partnerships with the pri- expressing their interest
tional Treasury to work on Agenda (BETA) was on vate sector, focusing on in collaborating with the
the necessary paperwork to course to revive agriculture maximizing the potential government.
facilitate the process. in the Nyanza region. of ADC lands in Galana These partnerships aim
President Dr. William “It is not only sugarcane Kulalu, Tana River County, to boost local production of
Muhoroni Sugar Company premises. Cabinet has approved
Ruto, who chaired the Sh117b bailout for struggling state owned sugar companies.
that we are focusing on. and the ADC Kisiwani edible oil, increase maize
meeting, said the executive This region has potential for Complex in Malindi, Kilifi production, and contribute
will submit a supplemen- Kisumu, where he com- Sugar companies which are many other crops including County. to wildlife and vegetation
tary budget to the National missioned the newly build earmarked for leasing. cotton, maize, vegetables Mohammed Bulle, the conservation efforts in the
Assembly for approval for MV Uhuru II vessel, the The government, he said, and beans,” he said. Managing Director of Galana Farm region.
the funds to be made avail- president said the bail- was determined to revive Among the key interven- ADC, mentioned the gov- The Board has visited
able as the government out targets South Nyanza the sector adding that the tions, he said is the expan- ernment's encourage- other parts of the country
moves to revive the sugar Sugar (SONY), Nzoia Sugar, money shall be released to sion of the Lower Nzoia ment of Public-Private including Kitale, where
industry. Muhoroni, Chemelil, Mi- the factories by this week as Irrigation Project at a cost Sector Partnerships (PPP) there are satellite ADC fa-
“The cabinet has ap- wani and Mumias preparations for leasing the of Sh5.9 billion. through the PPP Act, and cilities to assess them in
proved Sh. 117 billion to firms continue. A similar venture, he the ADC's intention to their orientation tour.
clear debts of the six state This region Leasing, he added, was added, has been planned move in that direction. According to the MD,
owned sugar millers. This set to inject capital in the in Migori County with the Speaking during a visit partnership with the pri-
will ensure that all these
has potential struggling firms and ensure Lower Kuja Irrigation Pro- to the ADC Kisiwani Com- vate sector, will happen in
debts are put behind as we for many other they operate optimally to ject set to be expanded by plex in Malindi, where the Galana and not at the ADC
move to lease the sugar fac- crops including save farmers from agony. 14, 000 acres. new Board, led by Chair- Kisiwani complex.
tories,” he said. The programme, he said, The two projects, he said, man Abdillahi Alawy, “It is going to happen
Speaking at the Kenya cotton, maize, was set to benefit not only target to scale up rice pro- toured the Galana Kulalu in the near future,” Bulle
Shipyards Limited (KSL) in vegetables farmers but also members duction in the country. project in Tana River, Bulle said.
TENDER INVITATION NOTICE FOR THE PROPOSED The Open University of Kenya (OUK) is a public university established under section 24(1)(b) of the Universities Act,
2012 and Chartered on 3rd August 2023. The University aims at providing open, distance, and flexible learning
opportunities to Kenyan citizens and beyond.
Please note that OUK learners will benefit from the funding model adopted by Government to finance higher
NYS PARAMILITARY ACADEMY, NAKURU COUNTY education by being eligible to scholarships and loans.
W.P ITEM NO. D1214/RV/NKU/2301 JOB NO. 1230A Applications for admission to study at the Open University of Kenya for the 2023/2024 Academic Year,
October/November intake are currently on-going for the following undergraduate and postgraduate diploma
1. Bachelor of Data Science
TENDER NO. NYS/ ONT / GILGIL/ 032 /2023-2024 2. Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics
3. Bachelor of Business and Entrepreneurship
4. Bachelor of Economics and Statistics
The NATIONAL YOUTH SERVICE (NYS) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the proposed rehabilitation works on 5. Bachelor of Technology Education
the sewer line at NYS Gilgil, Nakuru County. 6. Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership and Accountability
7. Postgraduate Diploma in Learning Design and Technology
A complete set of tender documents may be downloaded from the Service website: or from the Minimum Entry Requirements for Undergraduate Programmes
National Treasury Portal: free of charge. Tender documents may also be inspected and obtained 1. A mean grade of C+ and above at KCSE where applicable or its equivalent OR
in person, or against written application from the Supply Chain Management Office, located on first floor NYS Headquar- 2. Diploma or professional qualification from recognised institutions OR
3. A KCSE certificate or equivalent and a foundational certificate or bridging course from recognised institutions OR
ters, Ruaraka upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Ksh.1, 000 paid in cash or bankers’ cheque at the cash office,
4. Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education with a minimum of One principal and subsidiary pass OR
during official working hours between 9:00am- 4:00pm from Monday to Friday. 5. Evidence of KCSE certificate or equivalent and a portfolio for the purpose of Recognition of Prior Learning
determination with respect to:
Prices quoted should be net inclusive of all taxes, must be in Kenya Shillings and shall remain valid for (120) days a. Workplace training of 2 years OR
from the closing date of the tender. Bidders are required to provide Tender security equivalent of Five Hundred b. Work experience in a relevant field of 2 years OR
Thousand Shillings [Kshs. 500,000.00], which shall remain valid for 150 days from the date of Tender opening. c. Two short courses lasting at least 3 months each in relevant fields OR
6. Any other qualification that may be determined by Senate recognising prior learning leading to equivalent of the
There shall be a pre-tender site visit at NYS Paramilitary Academy in Gilgil- Nakuru County on Monday 23rd October 2023 identified criteria, experience and skills of a learner OR
starting at 11:00 am for all prospective bidders to familiarize themselves with the project site conditions and topography. 7. A Bachelor’s degree from an institution recognized by Senate.
Entry Requirements for Postgraduate Diploma Programmes
Completed tender documents are to be enclosed in a plain sealed envelope marked with the tender number and be A bachelor’s degree from an institution recognized by the Commission for University Education (CUE).
deposited in the Tender Box at the NYS Headquarters, Ruaraka, 1st floor so as to be received on or before 2ndNovember
2023 at 11.00 a.m. and addressed to: Application Guidelines
The KUCCPS portal is open for placement of students to the Open University of Kenya. Prospective students with KCSE
THE DIRECTOR GENERAL/CEO qualification as spelt out in the 1st criterion (i.e. with a mean grade of C+ and above) should submit their applications
NATIONAL YOUTH SERVICE HEADQUARTERS online through the KUCCPS Portal Those interested in the bachelors programmes (based on
the 2nd to 7th criteria) and postgraduate programmes should apply through
P. O. Box 30397-00100 NAIROBI.
International students from the region as well as abroad are also encouraged to apply.
Tenders received will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of Tenderers or their representatives who choose
to attend at NYS Headquarters, Ruaraka. No application fee will be charged for those seeking admission to the Open University of Kenya in the academic year
he Kenya Ports Au- port in the East and Cen- operational, the port's ca- stackers and terminal trac- like Lamu Port South Su-
thority has been in- tral Africa region, capac- pacity stands at 2.1 million tors to keep up with the de- dan Ethiopia (LAPSSET,) the
vesting heavily in the ity expansion at the Port is TEUs annually. mand occasioned by rising Kenya National Highways
implementation of various on-going, as the Authority To complement the newly cargo volumes in the Kilin- Authority (KENHA), and
port projects in the coun- targets to benefit from the developed infrastructure, dini Harbour," the KPA MD National Lands Commission
try to align with the global expanding economies of the Captain Ruto, whose speech revealed. (NLC) to fastrack comple-
trends and guarantee the region. was read on his behalf by the He added that Harbour tion of other infrastructure
competitiveness of its facili- Ruto, who was speaking General Manager, Corporate KPA Managing Director, Mobile Cranes have also been like roads network, roadside
ties within the African re- during the KPA Corporate Services at KPA Mr Edward Captain William Ruto delivered, with three cranes stations along the corridor
gion. Golf dinner at Vetlab Golf Kamau added, KPA has pro- cargo handling adding that deployed to the Port of Lamu including truck marshalling
According to the KPA Club at Kabete in Nairobi, cured new equipment to fa- the acquisition of the three and with the first phase of yards, service centres and
Managing Director Captain said with Phase Two of the cilitate faster and efficient new ship- to shore gantry Port of Lamu up and run- resting places.
Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) was established in 1991 under the KAA Act to provide facilitative infrastructure for
aviation services in Kenya.
Guided by its mandate, the Authority is seeking to recruit competent and self-driven persons to fill the underlisted AUTHORITY 2023 - 2027 DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN
No. Position Job Grade No. of Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA) is a State Corporation under the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Devel-
Vacancies opment established by the AFA Act No. 13 of 2013 to operationalize the Crops Act No 16. of 2013. The mandate
of the Authority is to develop, promote and regulate, scheduled crops value chains for increased economic growth
1. General Manager, Security Services S9 1 in Kenya.
2. General Manager, Projects & Engineering Services S9 1
In line with Article 10(2)(a) of the Constitution of Kenya, the Authority through this notice hereby invites agriculture
3. Corporation Secretary/ Chief Legal Officer (Re- advertisement) S9 1 sector stakeholders and members of the general public to provide their feedback on the Authority’s draft 2023-
2027 Strategic Plan.
4. General Manager, Marketing & Business Development (Re- advertisement) S9 1
The Authority’s draft 2023-2027 Strategic Plan is available for download on the AFA website and can be accessed
Terms and Conditions of Service through the link or through the following QR Code. Feedback and further inquiries can be chan-
neled to the Authority through by 24th October 2023.
The positions shall be for a three (3) year contract term renewable once subject to satisfactory performance or
attainment of mandatory retirement age whichever happens earlier.
Application Criteria
The full details of the advertisement can be accessed on KAA Website under Careers
Section for detailed job descriptions, requirements for appointment and instructions on how to apply.
Willis Audi
Director General
takeholders and envi- ment, under the leadership of
ronmentalists in Kajiado Governor Gideon Mung’aro, has
County are urging the local formalized a memorandum of un-
government to enact laws regu- derstanding (MOU) with leaders
lating sand harvesting in the area from Jiangxi Province and Jiujiang
to combat environmental degra- City. This MOU will serve as the
dation. foundation for cooperation be-
During a public participation tween these regions across vari-
forum held in Kajiado Town, ous sectors.
the participants highlighted the The visiting Chinese delegation,
severe environmental damage led by Mr. Ren Zhufeng, the Exec-
caused by uncontrolled sand har- utive Vice Governor of the People’s
vesting over the years. Government of Jiangxi Province,
They emphasized the urgent and Mr. Xiong Jinxi, the Deputy Kilifi Governor Gideon Mungaro
need for legislation to man- Sand loaders filling sand on a lorry. Photo KNA Mayor of Jiujiang Municipal, has and Chinese leader displaying
age this practice and reduce its expressed their commitment to signed MOU during a ceremony at
harmful impacts. posterity and ensure ecologically stakeholders including the sand partner with the devolved unit. Governor’s office in Kilifi.
According to Kajiado Youth sustainable development and use harvesters and loaders who are The aim is to explore opportunities explained.
Senate Representative Gideon of natural resources,” he said. often exploited by middlemen. for business and empowerment of He, further, highlighted some
Toimasi, sand harvesting in Ka- Toimasi added that apart from “Once the bill is passed by the the local population. of the values that the partnership
jiado was a ticking time bomb the negative effects on the envi- Assembly, all parties will benefit Governor Mung’aro showcased would bring to the county includ-
and there was need for swift en- ronment, drugs and substance fully from it and there will be no Kilifi County's strengths in agri- ing the boost in the blue econ-
actment of legislation to regulate abuse and child labor were on more exploitation by rogue sand culture, tourism, and culture. He omy, health department, youth
the sector. the rise as many young boys were dealers. There will be regula- invited the leadership of the two exchange programmes, and in-
Toimasi noted that the region dropping out of school to work as tion on how the community can Chinese regions to consider vari- novation and technology, adding
had experienced the effects of sand loaders. harvest sand while protecting ous investment opportunities and that combined efforts between
environmental impacts includ- The Youth Senate representa- the environment,” Toimasi re- expand trade relations with Kilifi the three regions hold power to
ing riverbank degradation, soil tive revealed that they had pe- marked. County. transcend geographical bounda-
erosion, destruction of wildlife titioned the County Assembly Rashid Muzee, an environ- “Our opportunities are vast and ries and enrich the societies rep-
habitat, biodiversity loss, sedi- to pass the Kajiado County Sand mental activist, echoed Toimasi’s diverse, spanning investments, resented.
mentation of seasonal rivers, and Harvesting and Quarry Bill 2020, remarks adding that many fami- business support, agriculture, in- Governor Mung’aro also ex-
drying up of tributaries. which would ensure the regula- lies relied on sand harvesting as a cluding the import of unique and pressed his enthusiasm and
“As much as we are earning tion of sand harvesting in the source of income but do not ben- nutritious products such as baobab willingness to embrace every op-
from sand harvesting, there is a county. efit fully from it due to exploi- fruit byproducts, mangoes, coco- portunity that promise growth
need to regulate the sector so as He said once the laws are en- tation by middlemen and sand nut tree byproducts, and more and prosperity for the people of
to protect the environment for acted, the sector will benefit all dealers. from Kilifi County,” the Governor Kilifi County.
The Policyholders Compensation Fund (PCF) is a State Corporation established under Section 179 of the ITEM TENDER NO. DESCRIPTION TENDER BID BOND CLOSING
Insurance Act (Cap 487) and governed by the Insurance (Policyholders Compensation Fund) (Amend- FEE DATE
ment) Regulations, 2010. The Fund was established for the primary purpose of providing compensation
to claimants of an insurer that has been placed under Statutory Management or whose license has been 1. SDFH/RFP/ONT/02/2023/ REQUEST FOR Download for free 280,000.00 24th October,
cancelled and for the secondary purpose of increasing the general public’s confidence in the insurance 2024 PROPOSAL from PPIP portal 2023
To enhance institutional capacity in the delivery of its mandate, the Fund is seeking to recruit qualified
and competent individuals to fill the following vacant positions: Interested bidders who are registered in relevant trades and categories, (proof of registration required)
Download Tender Documents from PPIP website free of charge.
S/No. Job Ref. Designation Job Grade No. of Posts
Interested bidders should note that only those meeting the criteria contained in the tender document as
1. PCF/05/2023 Deputy Director, Research, Strategy & PCF 3 1
a minimum, supported by relevant documents at submission will be considered for evaluation.
2. PCF/06/2023 Senior Officer, Finance & Accounts PCF 5 1 Tenders in plain sealed envelopes, marked tender number and tender name on the right hand side corner
and bearing no indication of the tenderer should be addressed to: -
3. PCF/07/2023 Driver PCF 9 1
Principal Secretary
Ministry of Gender, Culture The Arts and Heritage
State Department for The Arts, Culture and Heritage
1. All applications must be received on or before Monday, 6th November 2023 by 5.00 p.m. P.O Box 49849 -00100
2. The successful candidates will be required to satisfy the requirements of chapter six of the Consti-
tution of Kenya on leadership and integrity by submitting clearance certificates from the relevant and placed in the Tender Box by 24th October, 2023 10.00am.
Submitted bids will be opened publicly after the above stated closing date and time in the presence of the
3. PCF is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and gender equality. Women, Youth tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend. Late bids will be returned unopened.
and Persons with Disabilities are encouraged to apply.
4. PCF charges no fees in processing job applications and only shortlisted candidates will be contact- Prices quoted must remain valid for One Hundred and Twenty (120) days from the opening date of the
ed. tender.
5. Canvassing of any kind will lead to automatic disqualification. The client reserves the right to reject any tender and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any
6. Detailed job descriptions, person requirements and how to apply are available on the website SCMO
In light of the provisions of section 57 A of the Environmental Management and Coordination Act (EMCA) 1999, Regulation 42
and 43 of Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003, the National Environment Management Authority
(NEMA) has received a Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment report for the Reviewed Integrated National Transport Policy Increased crime Compliance/adherence/ conformity/Review to: Draft guidelines on main-
(INTP). The SEA findings are expected to integrate the existing sectoral policies, plans and programs to establish sustainable rates • The Penal Code (Cap. 63) streaming and engagement of
development mechanisms. • the Security Laws (Amendments) Act, 2014 enforcement agencies
The State Department for Transport is the Policy owner and recognizes that an appropriate INTP is the prerequisite for attaining Inadequate Compliance/adherence/ conformity/Review to: Re-assess guidelines on
an excellent transport system that is responsive to the needs of the people and the industry. The INTP intends to promote consideration of • The Constitution of Kenya, 2010 • The Employment Act, 2007 labour management plan
the Country’s development in terms of integrating production, marketing and population centres hence facilitating mobility in labour opportu- • Labour Relations Act No. 14 Of 2007
rural and urban areas, national and regional integration, trade promotions, improving the welfare of the people and Kenya’s nities • Labour Institutions Act No. 12 of 2007Persons With Disabilities
competitiveness. Act No. 14 of 2003
The policy is based on the recognition that the construction of transport infrastructure systems and their maintenance often Minimal consid- Compliance/adherence/ conformity/Review to: Re-assess guidelines on the
affect the environment, leads to displacement of human settlements loss of livelihoods, habitat fragmentation among other eration of erosion • National Policy on Culture and Heritage, 2009 protection of cultural norms,
negative changes in the environment. As such there is need to ensure that the environmental, social, health and safety consid- of cultural norms, • World Bank Policies, Indigenous Peoples Policy (O.P.4.10) systems, and values
erations are incorporated in transport infrastructure development, management and operations to safeguard the environment values, and • UNESCO Convention for the protection of the World Cultural
and human health. systems issues and Natural Heritage (1972)
• World Heritage Convention
A summary of the proposed environmental management and monitoring plan for the Integrated National Transport policy is Inadequate Compliance/adherence/ conformity/Review to: Review rules on the
highlighted in the table below. The proposed mitigation strategies are aimed at minimizing the negative impacts while enhanc- consideration • National Policy on Culture and Heritage, 2009 protection of heritage and
ing the positive ones. of cultural and • World Bank Policies, Indigenous Peoples Policy (O.P.4.10) protection/participation
heritage sites and • National Museums and Heritage Act 2006 and inclusion of indigenous
Key Environmental, Social, occupational health and safety impacts and mitigation Measures for the INTP displacement • World Bank’s Operational Policy 4.11-Physical Cultural Resourc- peoples.
of Indigenous es
people • UNESCO Convention for the protection of the World Cultural
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES and Natural Heritage (1972)
Issue Mitigation Monitoring • World Heritage Convention
• The Physical And Land Use Planning Act, 2019
Pollution • NEMA policy on noise, air quality standards Review guidelines on the • World Bank’s Operational Policy 4.12: Involuntary Resettle-
(Air, water, noise) • East African Community Protocol on Environment on Natural transport sector action plan ments
Resources (Amendment 206) • Compliance with the Land Act 2012
• Occupational Safety And Health Act, 2007
• Public Health Act (CAP. 242) Increased loss Compliance/adherence/ conformity/Review to: In conjunction with NLC
• Civil Aviation Act No 21 of 2013, of land, and its • Land Act 2012 and Environment and Land
• the Civil Aviation (Amendment) Act No. 46 of 2016, entities, including • The Physical And Land Use Planning Act, 2019 Court, review guidelines of
• The Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) Act CAP 395, of 1991 and property. compensation/ relocation
the various regulations covering diverse areas. and resettlement plan.
• The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Resource-based Compliance/adherence/ conformity/Review to: • Review grievance
• Convention on Biological Diversity conflict-related • Public Roads and Roads Access Act Cap 399 redress mechanisms in
• Ramsar Convention issues conjunction with law
• Convention on Migratory Species/Bonn Convention enforcement agencies.
• Bamako Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and • Rethink the Bill of Rights
the Control of Transboundary Movement and Management of as enshrined in the COK
Hazardous Waste within Africa (1997) (2010).
• Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutant (2001) • Draw guidelines on
the African Charter on
Hazardous waste Compliance/adherence/ conformity/Review to: Review guidelines on waste Human Rights
• Sustainable Waste Management Act 2022 management
• Bamako Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and Child labour and Compliance/adherence/ conformity/Review to: Review guidelines of enforce-
the Control of Transboundary Movement and Management of exploitation of • Children Act 2001 ment laws on child labour
Hazardous Waste within Africa (1997) children • National Children Policy, 2010 and exploitation
• Labour Relations Act No. 14 Of 2007
Wetland loss and Compliance/adherence/ conformity to: Strengthen guidelines on wa-
degradation • Sustainable Waste Management Act 2022 ter catchment management. Inadequate Compliance/adherence/ conformity/Review to: Review guidelines on an en-
• Climate Change Act No 11 of 2016 consideration of • Traffic Act Chapter 403 forcement management plan
• United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change issues related to
(UNFCCC) increased road
• Draft National Policy on Wetlands Conservation and Manage- accidents
ment (2013)
• Wildlife Conservation and Management Act 2013
Death and injuries Compliance/adherence/ conformity/Review to: Review guidelines on work
• National Environment Policy, 2013
• Occupational, Safety, and Health Act, 2007 injury and benefits
• Work Injury Benefits Act, 2007
Destruction of Compliance/adherence/ conformity to: Review guidelines on the • ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles And Rights At Work
flora and fauna • Convention on Biological Diversity (IC/A/P) management of flora and • Persons With Disabilities Act No. 14 OF 2003
• Convention on Migratory Species/Bonn Convention (IC/A/P fauna.
• Wildlife Conservation and Management Act 2013 Gender based Compliance/adherence/ conformity/Review to • Re-assess guidelines on
• Forest Act 2012 violence and • Sexual Offences Act 2006 Gender Policy of 2011 GBSH engagement and
• Environmental Management and Coordination Act of 2015 sexual harass- • Sexual and Gender Based Violence Act 2017 protection management
(CAP 387) and its Amendment ment and • Children Act 2001 plan
• Lusaka Agreement on the Cooperative Enforcement Operations Violation of Rights • National Children Policy, 2010 • Review guidelines on
Directed against Illegal Trade in Fauna (1994) of Children (VRC) • ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles And Rights At Work disease sensitization
management plan
Introduction of Compliance/adherence/ conformity/Review to: Review guidelines for the
invasive species • National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), 2000 prevention of and introduc- Sanitation and Compliance/adherence/ conformity/Review to Review guidelines on work
tion of alien invasive species hygiene • Sustainable Waste Management Act 2022 injury and benefits
in the transport sector. • Compliance with the Water Act, 2016
• National environmental Sanitation and Hygiene Policy
(NESHP) 2007
Deforestation Compliance/adherence/ conformity/Review to: Draw guidelines on the • Kenya environmental Sanitation and Hygiene Policy 2016-2030
• Draft National Forest Policy, 2015 • EMCA Cap 2015 • National requirement of environmental
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), 2000 rehabilitation plan (ERP)
• National Master Plan for Conservation and Management of The full Draft Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment report for the Reviewed Integrated National Transport
Water Catchment Areas 2012 • Environmental Management Policy (INTP) is available for inspection during working hours at:
and Coordination Act of 2015 (CAP 387) and its Amendment
1. Principal Secretary, 2. Director General, NEMA
Climate Change Compliance/adherence/ conformity/Review to: Review guidelines on Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and For- Popo Road, off Mombasa Road,
impacts • Sessional Paper of 2014 on National Climate Change Frame- adequate integration of estry, P.O. Box 67839-00200,
(drought, floods work Policy climate change mitigation NHIF Building, NAIROBI
and landslides) • Climate Change Act 2016 and mitigation in transport P.O. Box 30126-00100,NAIROBI
• County Governments Disaster Management Bill sector project EIA Report
A copy of the Draft SEA report can be downloaded from (NEMA/SEA/5/2/073)
Oil spills Compliance/adherence/ conformity/Review to: Re-assess the guidelines on
• The Merchant Shipping Act No. 4 of 2009 for the ecosystem protection NEMA invites members of the public to submit oral or written comments within thirty (30) working days from the date of
• The Environmental Management and Coordination Act (EMCA), plan. publication of this notice to the Director General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decision making process regarding this
1999 SEA. Comments can also be e-mailed to
• International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
This advertisement is sponsored by the proponent.
FAILURE to report and surrender qualifying
unclaimed financial assets attract penalties
and sanctions of 25% of the unclaimed
financial assets held.
Section 33 of the UFA Act, 2011
HONORARY DEGREE Kenya Railways (KR) invites application from interested and eligible Service Providers for tenders as follows: -
Candidates are encouraged to peruse the Tender Document from KR Website:, and PPIP Website: or from the office of the General Manager- SCM, Kenya Railways Headquarters Block B, Ground
HON. DALMAS OTIENO ANYANGO, EBS, EGH. floor, Nairobi prior to purchase.
HON. DALMAS OTIENO ANYANGO, EBS, EGH, FORMER MINISTER FOR MANPOWER PLANNING AND EMPLOY- Interested bidders may obtain the Tender Documents from the office of the General Manager – SCM, Kenya Rail-
MENT, FORMER MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION AND FORMER MINISTER FOR INDUSTRY AND ways Headquarters, Block B, Ground Floor upon payment of non-refundable fee of Kshs.1,000.00 or download the
MINISTER FOR PUBLIC SERVICE AND MP RONGO CONSTITUENCY document from KR and PPIP website at NO CHARGE. Bidders who download the Tender Document must register
their interest immediately by sending an email to stating their names, email, postal & telephone
address and tender details.
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 7, (1) (c) of the Rongo University Charter (2016) and Statute XXIX of
Rongo University, the Rongo University Council and Senate hereby nominate Hon Dalmas Otieno Anyango for the Completed Tender Documents (accompanied by a Tender Security in the amount and form specified in the tender
conferment of the Honorary Degree of the Doctor of Arts (Hon. D. Arts) of Rongo University during the document) in plain sealed envelopes must be clearly marked with the “Tender No. and the Description of the
8th Graduation Ceremony to be held on Thursday 19th October 2023. Tender: and shall be addressed to:-
The nomination of Hon. Dalmas Otieno is in recognition of his notable accomplishment in promoting education The Managing Director
in the country through projects such as awarding full bursaries to needy students, his achievement in both private Kenya Railways
and public service, and his contribution to governance, national values, and development. P.O. Box 30121-00100 Nairobi
and be deposited in the Tender Box situated at the Reception Area, Ground Floor, Kenya Railways Headquarters, Block
Rongo University welcomes Kenyans and the international community to join us in celebrating the extraordinary C on or before the closing date and time. Tenders will be opened in the presence of the tenderers’ representatives
achievement of Hon Dalmas Otieno Anyango for the betterment of society. who choose to attend at the Kenya Railways Headquarters.
Prof. Samuel Gudu
Kenya Reinsurance Corporation Limited invites sealed tenders from eligible candidates for the following item as DESCRIPTION ELIGIBILITY PREBID DATE, TIME CLOSING/OPENING
detailed in the tender document: AND VENUE DATE, TIME AND
7th November, 2023
SECURITY SUBMISSION Framework Contract for Supply, Delivery and Fitting 0f 11.00 AM
11.00 AM
(KSHS.) FORMAT Tyres and Tubes for KRA Vehicles and Motor Cycles OPEN
Countrywide for a period of Three (3) Years VIRTUAL
GUARDING SERVICES FOR (for class A) FINANCIAL AND KRA/HQS/NCB-011/2023-2024: 24th October, 2023 1st November, 2023.
KENYA RE COMMERCIAL BUILD- TECHNICAL Provision of Online Taxi Services for a period of Two 11.00 AM 11.00AM
INGS FOR YEAR 2023-2025 200,000.00 (2) Years
Bidders who download the tender documents from the Corporation website or the Public Procurement Portal
MUST forward their particulars immediately via email to This is for record and any
further tender clarifications and addendum where necessary. The particulars should include: Name of Firm, Postal
Address, Telephone Number, Email Address, Tender Number and Tender Name. The said e-mail may be used for
Any canvassing or giving of false information will lead to automatic disqualification.
Kenya Re is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 Certified Tulipe Ushuru, Tujitegemee!
osta Kenya is undergo- novative services Posta in- innovative services, making the ICT platform to create served annually on 9th
ing a significant trans- tends to offer, including it an ideal logistics partner very attractive innovative October was instituted by
formation, turning its e-payment, e-governance, both nationally and glob- services, and its collabora- the 1969 Universal Postal
outlets into comprehensive and e-commerce. ally. tion with both the govern- Congress in Tokyo to com-
communications solutions Posta Kenya is strategi- The announcement was ment and private sector to memorate the anniversary
hubs. The goal is to provide cally establishing hubs and made during the commem- e-commerce and ICT sec- of the Universal Postal Un-
a wide range of ICT services warehouses in all 47 coun- oration of the 148th World tor will make Posta Kenya ion's (UPU) creation in 1874.
and become a global partner ties to facilitate inter-county Post Day, with the theme become the ideal logistics The purpose of the event
in ICT-driven solutions. and cross-border trade, en- "Together for Trust: Collab- partner across the country is to remind people the vital
The Post Master General suring seamless service de- orating for a Safe and Con- and worldwide. The Post role that postal services play
Mr. John Tonui, Post Master
and CEO of Postal Corpo- livery. The institution aims nected Future." This event General. Master General made the re- in their daily lives.
4 KP1/9A.2/OT/033/ Upgrade from Tape Thursday N/A Thursday 6. Detailed job descriptions, person requirements and how to apply are available on the website
ICT/23-24 Backup Infrastructure 19.10.2023 02.11.2023 opportunities
to Disk – Based Long at 10.00 a.m.
Term Retention (LTR)
Appliance for Enter-
prise Data Backup
5 KP1/9A.2/OT/027/ Outsourcing Scanning Wednesday Thursday Thursday
LS/23-24 Services of Bulky Vital 18.10.2023 26.10.2023 02.11.2023
Records at 10.30 a.m. at 11.00 a.m.
Tender documents detailing the requirements of the above tenders may be obtained from the Kenya Power Sports Kenya (SK) is a body corporate established by the Sports Act 2013 with the mandate of harnessing Sports
website ( from the dates shown above. development, encouraging and promoting sports and recreation, providing for establishment of sports institu-
tions, facilities, administration and management of Sports in the country and for connected purposes.
B. EXTENSION FOR SUBMISSION/OPENING DATE OF REQUEST Sports Kenya invites eligible and competent firms to submit Tenders pursuant Public Procurement and Disposal
FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Act 2015 for goods, works and services as below: -
Kenya Power wishes to inform interested firms participating in the REOI below, that extension has been
deemed necessary. The closing date has therefore been extended as shown below:
SK/011/2023-2024 The Proposed Construction of Kapsabet Open 10th November, 2023
Deadline for submission has been amended as follows; Stadium 11.00AM
University of Choice
Our client, the National Irrigation Authority was established on August 16, 2019 by the Tel, 0572505222/3 or 0733120020/2 or 0702597360, P.O. BOX 190 – 50100 Kakamega, Kenya
Irrigation Act No. 14 of 2019 as a successor institution of the National Irrigation Board. Email:; , Website:
The objective of the irrigation Act 2019 is to provide for the development, management,
and regulation of irrigation, to support sustainable food security and socioeconomic
development in Kenya, and for connected purposes. NIA’s mission is to Provide and
coordinate Sustainable Development and Management of irrigation services in Kenya. Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology hereby invites eligible and interested candidates to apply
for the following tenders;
Currently, NIA is implementing various programmes aimed at increasing the area under
irrigation in Kenya to one (1) million acres. NIA is desirous to recruit a qualified, competent, and
highly experienced Kenyan with excellent credentials for the position of Chief Executive Officer
1. MMUST/CS/002/2023-2025 Provision of cleaning, Sanitary & Fumigation Tender securing AGPO
JOB PURPOSE Services declaration form
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the Accounting Officer of the Authority reporting to the Board of Directors. The Chief Executive 2. MMUST/INS/003/2023-2025 Provision of General Insurance Services 200,000 Open
Officer (CEO) bears the overall responsibility and accountability for planning and execution of the National Irrigation Authority’s
policies, strategy and activities. 3. MMUST/SEC/004/2023 -2025 Provision of Security Services 500,000 Open
4. MMUST/INS/005/2023-2025 Provision of Medical Insurance Cover for 800,000 Open
The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the following functions: -
5. MMUST/ASA/006/2023-2025 Invitation Notice for Prequalification of Tender securing Open
Security Printing Services for Certificates declaration form
i) Accounting officer and the CEO of the Authority;
ii) Provide overall day to day leadership and administration in the process of irrigation development, management and delivery of 6 MMUST/SEC/007/2023-2025 Provision of Fire Fighting Equipment, 40,000 Open
related services; Servicing & Maintenance Services
iii) Ensure continuous achievement of the Authority’s strategic, financial and operational goals and objectives along with research 7. MMUST/TRANS/008/2023- Supply & Delivery of Motor Vehicle Fuel Oil 200,000 Open
informed improvement in the quality and value of irrigation development, management and services delivered; 2025 & Lubricants
iv) Develop and strengthen networks and partnerships with government, the public, private sector, development partners and donors,
while spearheading collaboration and fundraising for irrigation projects implementation; 8. MMUST/FA/001/2023-2025 Supply & Delivery of Charcoal & Firewood Tender securing Open
on Framework Agreement declaration form
v) Develop and recommend to the Board short, medium- and long-term strategies, plans and operating budgets while establishing
effective internal administrative, control and monitoring structures, procedures and systems; 9. MMUST/FA/002/2023-2025 Supply & Delivery of Cleaning Materials on Tender securing PWD
vi) Advise the Board on operations, financial, investments planning and sustainable irrigation development, management and delivery Framework Agreement declaration form
of services;
10. MMUST/FA/003/2023-2025 Supply & Delivery of Dry Groceries on Tender securing AGPO
vii) Direct and coordinate the Authority’s operations and administration to ensure the Departments, Divisions, Sections and Units
Framework Agreement declaration form
operate in conformity with the overall strategic plans and performance targets;
viii)Promote NIA’s corporate image, developing a good working relationship with all stakeholders as well as adhering and promoting 11. MMUST/FA/004/2023-2025 Supply & Delivery of Green Groceries on Tender securing AGPO
“Mwongozo, the Code of Governance for State Corporations”; Framework Agreement declaration form
ix) Ensure that NIA complies with applicable statutory, legal and regulatory requirements and establishes mitigation measures against 12. MMUST/FA/005/2023-2025 Supply & Delivery of Meats, Poultry & Allied Tender securing Open
emerging business risks. Products on Framework Agreement declaration form
13. MMUST/FA/006/2023-2025 Supply & Delivery of Branded Mineral Water Tender securing AGPO
Qualifications and Experience
on Framework Agreement declaration form
a) Kenyan citizen;
b) Fifteen (15) years’ relevant work experience, five (5) of which should be at senior management level. 14. MMUST/FA/007/2023-2025 Supply & Delivery of Kitchen Appliances, Tender securing AGPO
c) Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Engineering, Agriculture or any field related to Irrigation; Cutlery & Equipment on Framework declaration form
d) Master’s degree in any of the following discipline: Engineering, Agriculture or any related course; Agreement
e) Membership to a professional body where applicable; 15. MMUST/FA/008/2023-2025 Supply & Delivery of Hardware Materials on Tender securing Open
f) Leadership course of not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution; Framework Agreement declaration form
g) Proficiency in computer applications;
16. MMUST/FA/009/2023-2025 Supply & Delivery of Hardware Materials for Tender securing Open
h) Proven strategic leadership and management skills;
Production Unit on Framework Agreement declaration form
i) Fulfilment of the requirements of Chapter 6 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010.
17. MMUST/FA/010/2023-2025 Supply & Delivery of Agrovet Products & Tender securing Open
The appointment will be for a contractual period of three (3) years renewable once for a similar period subject to satisfactory Animal Feeds on Framework Agreement declaration form
performance and delivery of set performance targets and outcomes set and evaluated by the Board. 18. MMUST/FA/011/2023-2025 Supply & Delivery of Building Materials on Tender securing AGPO
Framework Agreement declaration form
HOW TO APPLY 19. MMUST/FA/012/2023-2025 Supply & Delivery of Electrical Fittings on Tender securing Open
Framework Agreement declaration form
Interested and eligible candidates may access detailed job descriptions, specifications and experience required for the position from
the National Irrigation Authority website or Candidates should submit 20. MMUST/FA/013/2023-2025 Supply & Delivery of Toners & Cartridges on Tender securing Open
their applications in PDF including cover letter, copy of National ID, copies of academic and professional certificates, testimonials and Framework Agreement declaration form
updated detailed CV indicating current position, qualifications, working experience, names of at least three (3) professional referees,
21. MMUST/FA/014/2023-2025 Supply & Delivery of Graduation Gowns, Tender securing Open
current remuneration and day time telephone. Hoods & Caps on Framework Agreement declaration form
Applicants should submit their completed application quoting the Job Reference number and the required attachments by email 22. MMUST/FA/015/2023-2025 Supply & Delivery of Bookshop Materials on Tender securing Open
ONLY ( addressed to; Framework Agreement declaration form
23. MMUST/FA/016/2023-2025 Supply & Delivery of Pure & Applied Tender securing Open
The Chairman Chemistry Materials on Framework declaration form
National Irrigation Authority(NIA) Agreement
P. O Box 30372 - 00100
24. MMUST/FA/017/2023-2025 Supply & Delivery of Gas Refill & Accessories Tender securing Open
NAIROBI on Framework Agreement declaration form
The subject of the email shall read Chief Executive officer /NIA/2023 and applications should be sent so as to be received on or before
5:00 pm (East African Time) on 31st October, 2023. Interested and eligible firms may obtain further information from procurement office during normal working
hours. Tender documents may be viewed and downloaded FREE of charge from the University website:
NOTES or PPIP Portal https//
1. No physical applications will be allowed.
2. Interested candidates should provide all the details requested. Duly completed tender documents enclosed in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked with Tender name and
3. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.
Number shall be sent to;
4. In addition to the qualifications and requirements set above, the applicants shall be expected to obtain the following:
Vice Chancellor
a. Tax Compliance Certificate from Kenya Revenue Authority,
Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology- MMUST
b. Clearance from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission,
P. O. Box 190-50100
c. Clearance Certificate from The Higher Education Loans Board, Kakamega
d. Certificate of Good Conduct from Directorate of Criminal Investigations and;
e. Clearance from an approved Credit Reference Bureau. Or, dropped in the Tender Box situated at the main entrance of the Administration Block (ABA) Building at
5. It is an offence to include incorrect or misleading information in the application as per the provisions of the Public Officer Ethics Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology (MMUST) main campus along Kakamega – Webuye Road in
Act 2003. Kakamega and not any other place so as to reach the University not later than 10:00am on
Tuesday 31st October, 2023. Opening of the bid documents will be done immediately thereafter in the presence
Canvassing of any form will lead to automatic disqualification. of applicants or their representatives who choose to attend.
Our client is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and gender equality.
Vice Chancellor Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology
he Kenya Marine in Somalia. aquifers is sprinkled on an into a more competitive
and Fisheries Insti- Dr. Joseph Nyingi Kamau, evaporator setup erected on and profitable commercial
tute (KMFRI) is cur- a research scientist at KM- a greenhouse that is con- enterprise.
rently piloting a saline FRI, has explained that the structed using paper local This initiative includes
water purification technol- technology is most feasible materials to form two ra- support for acquiring
ogy that could potentially in regions with abundant diator-like structures – the government contracts in
revolutionize agriculture saline water, strong winds, evaporator on the wind- logistics and courier ser-
in Kenya's arid and semi- and high temperatures, ward side and a condenser vices.
arid areas (ASALs), turning making places like Turkana on the opposite side - while Profe ssor Edward
them into food-producing potential candidates. the roof and the other sides Kisiang’ani, Principal Senior Deputy Secretary Administration, Broadcasting
regions. Dr. Joseph Nyingi Kamau, are covered by polythene Secretary of Broadcast- and Telecommunication, Mr. Hezron Nyamberi address-
ing guests during the celebration of the World Post Day.
This innovative technol- a research scientist at KM- materials. ing and Telecommunica-
ogy also has the potential FRI, says the technology is Dr. Kamau says that the tions, disclosed that the involves fostering Pub- Hezron Nyamberi, Deputy
to produce lithium, a valu- feasible in areas that have windy environment pro- government is actively lic-Private Partnerships Secretary for Administra-
able natural element used in huge amounts of saline wa- vides a gust of wind flow pursuing modernization (PPPs) within the corpo- tion in the State Depart-
various industries, includ- ter, strong winds and high into the greenhouse, which plans for ICT systems, ration. ment, highlighted the
ing the manufacturing of temperatures, such as Tur- evaporates the water from logistics infrastructure, During the World Post invaluable contribution of
lithium metal, lithium-ion kana. the evaporator into the and the development of Day celebrations, Profes- the Post Office to global
batteries, heat-resistant The research sci- greenhouse and flows to the postal electronic services. sor Kisiang’ani's speech, social and economic de-
glass, ceramics, and lithium other end where it passes This transformation also delivered on his behalf by velopment.
grease lubricants. through a heat exchanger to
Known as the "Seawa- The innova- warm the humid air.
ter Greenhouse Technol- tive technol- The research scientist
ogy and Lithium Mining
from Saltworks Project,"
ogy also has adds that the humid air then
passes through a condenser
this initiative is undergo- the potential to where it condenses and
ing pilot testing in the Kad- produce lithium, is collected in a reservoir,
zuhoni area of Magarini Sub ready to be used to water
County, Kilifi County. a valuable natural crops and for domestic pur-
Notably, it is one of only element -Kamau poses.
The Business Registration Service (BRS) is a State Corporation established through an Act of Parliament; the Business
Registration Act 2015..
MINISTRY OF INFORMATION, The Service is mandated to oversee implementation and effective administration of the laws relating to the incorpora-
tion, registration, operation and management of companies, partnerships and firms. We also administer the Insolvency
Act and the Movable Property Security Rights Act as well as the Hire Purchase Act.
COMMUNICATIONS AND Pursuant to this mandate, the Service seeks to recruit highly motivated, customer centric, result-oriented, self-driven
individual of high integrity to fill the following vacant positions:
THE DIGITAL ECONOMY S/No. Position Grade No. of Post Position Ref. No
In order to enhance implementation of access to information in Kenya and thus enable transparen- 11. Office Assistant II BRS 9 2 BRS/10/2023/11
cy and accountability in public service, The Ministry in collaboration with the Commission constituted Total Positions 13
a Multi-Stakeholder Committee to develop the National Access to Information Policy and conduct pub-
lic consultations on the same in accordance with the Constitutional principle of Public Participation.
Interested and qualified persons are requested to download the full advert make their applications by completing ONE
Consequently, the Multi-Stakeholder Committee developed the draft National Access to Information Policy and BRS Form online. The application form and the detailed job requirements, duties and responsibilities for the position
hereby invites ALL stakeholders to submit their inputs and comments to enhance the Policy by downloading the can be downloaded from either of the following websites;, or
Draft Policy at the Ministry’s website: and the Commission on Administrative Justice’s website: Please note:
Written submissions or comments should be sent in the prescribed format below to the email address • Only shortlisted and successful candidates will be contacted. with a copy to or to the address below not later than 06th November 2023 • Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification.
• Shortlisted candidates shall be required to produce originals of their National Identity Card, academic and pro-
The Principal Secretary fessional certificates and transcripts during interviews.
State Department for Broadcasting and Telecommunications • All applicants will be required to produce the original letter of appointment to their current substantive post or
Ministry of Information, Communication and the Digital Economy position during the interview.
10th Floor TelPosta Towers, Koinange Street Successful candidates will be required to fulfil the requirements of Chapter six (6) of the Constitution of Kenya
P.O. Box 30025-00100, specifically clearance from the following institutions;
1. Kenya Revenue Authority
2. Higher Education Loans Board
3. Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission
TEMPLATE TO GUIDE SUBMISSION OF COMMENTS 4. National Police Service (Certificate of good Conduct)
5. Credit Reference Bureau
S/No. Section of the Policy Proposal Justification The completed application form should be submitted not later than 5:00 pm on Monday, 6th November, 2023.
1. BRS is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and gender equality. Youth, Women and Persons
with Disability are encouraged to apply. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
For all service queries email us at: | Call Centre: 011 112 7000
he Cabinet has development," said Eng. Basic Diploma Courses
granted approval for Njenga. 1. Diploma in Kenya Registered Community Health o Must be an Enrolled Community Health Nurse Distance Learning- March
the Kenya Electric- He added, "This project Nursing (KECHN) 2 years (part time) 2024
ity Generating Company not only signifies progress (In -Service) by Distance Learning (KRCHN) o Valid practising licence Fee: Ksh 155,400
PLC (KenGen) to initi- in the energy sector, but o NCK registration certificate. (payable in four
ate the Gogo Hydropower also holds the promise of
Redevelopment Project, economic growth, job cre-
marking a significant step ation and improved liveli- 2. Diploma In Medical Rehabilitation Speech-Language o English and Kiswahili C plain 3 Years March
Therapy o Biology or Biological Sciences C- Minus (Full time) Fee: 2024
towards harnessing clean hoods for our communities o Chemistry/H/science/Agriculture C- Minus Ksh 94,500
energy in Western Kenya while contributing to our o Mathematics or Physics C Plain Ksh 97,125
for the first time. clean energy goals. Ksh 97,125
This decision, made "The existing power
during a Cabinet meeting plant, with its origins dat- 3. Diploma in Orthopaedic & Trauma Medicine o K.C.S.E. Mean Grade C(Plain) 2 Years March
chaired by President Wil- ing back to 1958, has ad- o C in English/Kiswahili (Full time) Fee: 2024
liam Ruto at the Kisumu mirably served its purpose, o C- in Biology Year 1 Ksh 94,500
o C- in Maths/Physics/Physical Sciences/Chemistry Year 2 Ksh 97,125
State Lodge, offers hope but now suffers frequent Year 3 Ksh 97,125
to the people of Western breakdowns and the chal-
Diploma in Orthopaedic & Trauma Medicine (In service) o Certificate in Plaster Technology from a recognized 3 Years March
Kenya, who stand to ben- lenges of sourcing spare institution (Full time) Fee: 2024
efit from this transforma- parts due to its aging infra- o Such candidates start in 2nd year of study Year 1 Ksh 94,500
tive and environmentally structure. o College Certificates and transcripts Year 2 Ksh 97,125
resilient project. The MD said, the Gogo o KCSE Certificate Year 3 Ksh 97,125
According to KenGen Project is set to rejuvenate 4. Diploma in Health Records and Information Technology o Mean Grade C (Plain). C in English/Kiswahili, C- in 3 Years March
Managing Director, Eng. the reliability of power (Full-time) Mathematics, C- in Biology/ Biological science and (Full time) 2024
Peter Njenga, the Gogo supply, while stimulating C- in any one of the following (Physics/ Physical Year 1 Ksh 94,500
sciences, Chemistry, General science, Computer Year 2 Ksh 97,125
Hydropower Redevelop- socio-economic activities studies, Agriculture, Home science, Economics, Ge- Year 3 Ksh 97,125
ment Project, located along across the entire Nyanza ography, Commerce and Business studies)
the picturesque banks of and Western Kenya Re-
4. Diploma in Health Records and Information Technology Those with a Certificate in Health Records & Information 2 Years March
the River Kuja in Migori gions. (Evening classes) Technology, ARMRO-K recognized institutions, will be Y2: 105,525/= 2024
County, aims to increase Western Kenya hosts considered and should meet the following criteria; Y3: 97,125/=
the dam's electricity gen- several significant power o Such candidates start in 2nd year of study
eration capacity from 2MW plants, including, Sondu o College Certificates and transcripts
o KCSE Certificate
to a robust 8.6MW. Miriu Hydropower Plant,
Eng. Njenga noted that generating an impressive Certificate Courses
beyond its economic im- 60MW, Sang’oro Hydro- 1. Certificate in Health Records and Information Technology o KCSE Mean Grade C- (Minus). C- in English/Kiswa- 2 Years March
pact, this transformative power Plant with a capacity (fulltime) hili, D+ in Biology/ Biological science, D+ in Math- Fee: 2024
endeavour aligns with of 20MW and the substan- ematics, and D+ in any one of the following (Phys- Y1: 84,000
Kenya's commitment to tial Turkwel Hydropower ics/ Physical sciences, Chemistry, General science, Y2: 73,500
Computer studies, Agriculture, Home science, Eco-
clean energy and bolsters Plant, boasting a remark- nomics, Geography, Commerce and Business stud-
its efforts to achieve the 100 able 105MW capacity. ies)
per cent clean energy tar- These existing power fa- Certificate in Health Records and Information Technology In o Two years experience in government or private Y1: 84,000 March
gets outlined in the Global cilities, Eng. Njenga said, service (evening) Institution with a mean grade of D+/Div.III or its Y2: 73,500 2024
Climate Action Agenda. have been essential in equivalent in the KCSE/8-4-4.
"The Cabinet's approval meeting the region's en- o Recommendation letter from employer
of the Gogo Hydropower ergy needs and fostering
Redevelopment Project is economic growth. Application Guidelines
a momentous milestone He said the people of 1. Application will be done on ERP. Kindly visit our website ( and follow the instructions on the application process (ensure you click submit
for the people of Western Western Kenya in par- at the end of the process).
Kenya and a testa- ticular, are poised to ben- 2. Attach legible copies of academic certificates/results slip, secondary school leaving certificate and national identity card/birth certificate/waiting
efit significantly from these card and professional certificates for those applying for Post basic Diploma courses.
3. Applications must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of KShs.1,500.00 and 15USD for International students payable to the Moi Teaching and Referral
combined efforts and the
The people increased power generation 4.
Hospital, KCB, MTRH Branch Account Number 1151682268.
Provide reliable email address & mobile number for further engagements.
of Western capacity of the Gogo Hy-
Kenya in par- dropower Redevelopment Application deadline is Friday 10th November, 2023 at 11.59pm
COMMODITIES FUND • Hold a Masters Degree from a University recognized in Kenya in Engineering, Physical sciences, Law,
Finance, Economics, Energy or any related field;
• Hold a professional qualification and membership in good standing to a professional body where
• Demonstrate knowledge of Corporate Governance and Leadership.
• Demonstrate a clear understanding of: -
a) The energy industry.
b) Local, national and international conventions and treaties governing energy.
c) Public Finance Management Act, 2012.
TENDER NOTICE d) Public Procurement and Asset Disposals Act, 2015.
e) The Energy Act, 2019.
f) Mwongozo: The Code of Governance for State Corporation.
Commodities Fund, a Government agency established by Crops Act, 2013 under the Ministry of g) Be proficient in computer applications; and
Agriculture & Livestock Development invites bids from prospective bidders to be considered for
the following tender: More details regarding the position and a bio data form that must be filled can be accessed on the Corporation’s
website at
COMFUND/SC/I/T/001/2023-2024 TENDER FOR THE PROVISION OPEN NATIONAL. The appointment will be on a three (3) years contract renewable once subject to performance and the terms of
The successful Shortlisted candidates will be expected to present the following clearance certificates to fulfil the
requirements of Chapter 6 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and the Leadership and Integrity Act:
Tender document with detailed information may be viewed and collected at the Fund’s offices • Tax Compliance Certificate from Kenya Revenue Authority.
situated at Utalii House-11th Floor; Utalii Street-off Uhuru Highway during normal work- • Clearance Certificate from Higher Education Loans Board.
• Clearance from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.
ing hours (8: 00a.m -1: 00 p.m. and between 2:00 p.m. –5:00p.m) at a cost of Ksh. 1,000.00.
• Certificate of Good Conduct from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations.
Prospective suppliers may also view and download the Documents free of charge from the • Clearance from an approved Credit Reference Bureau.
Commodities Fund’s website: or from the Public Procurement Information
Portal (PPIP) portal. Those downloading the documents from the websites must immediately Interested persons who meet the above minimum criteria are requested to submit applications enclosing a cur-
riculum vitae (CV) and copies of relevant academic and professional certificates. The CV must at the minimum
forward the tender number applied, name of firm, address and telephone number for recording, provide details of current employer, current remuneration and names of contacts of three (3) referees familiar
to: with the applicant’s professional and work record.
Completed tender documents must be submitted enclosed in a plain, sealed envelopes, clearly Applications should be deposited at the Corporation’s Head Office at Kawi House, 4th Floor, Popo Road, South C,
marked with the Tender name, number, code number and category as provided in the document along Red Cross Road, Nairobi or sent by post to the following address:
and deposit the documents in the tender box located at the Reception, so as to be received on or
before Tuesday, 31st October, 2023 at 11.00 a.m. Tenders shall be opened immediately thereaf- RURAL ELECTRIFICATION AND RENEWABLE ENERGY CORPORATION,
ter at the Fund’s Boardroom in the presence of bidders who choose to attend. KAWI HOUSE, BLOCK C, SOUTH C-BELLEVUE,
P.O BOX 34585-00100,
Late tenders shall be rejected. NAIROBI.
For any inquiries, contact us via phone: 0728 602427 or email us: Applications must be received on or before 7th November 2023 at 4.30 pm. Applications received after the
specified time shall not be considered. Canvassing in any manner shall lead to automatic disqualification. Only
shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Commodities Fund REREC is an equal-opportunity employer committed to diversity and gender equality.
The Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) is established by Statute to regulate the Film and Broadcast
Sector with a view to protecting children from exposure to harmful content.
KFCB invites sealed tenders from eligible candidates for the following:
KFCB /03/2023-2024 Provision of Internet Services at KFCB Headquarters 31st October 2023
and Regional Offices at 11.00 am
Interested tenderers may obtain further information and inspect the Tender Documents from the KFCB
website or visit the Supply Chain Management office, Kenya Film Classi-
fication Board, Aga Khan Walk, Uchumi House 15th floor during normal office working hours or reach the
Board through email address
A complete set of the Tender Documents may be obtained upon payment of Ksh 1000 for hard copies
payable in cash or bankers cheque to the Chief Executive Officer, Kenya Film Classification Board or
downloaded Free of Charge at or PPIP tenders portal
Those who download the documents from the website must forward their particulars immediately for
recording and any further clarifications and addenda to
Completed tender documents, enclosed in a plain sealed envelope, marked with the tender umber
should be addressed to: -
and be deposited in the tender box provided at Uchumi House 15th Floor, Aga Khan Walk, Nairobi, so as
to be received on or before Tuesday 31st October, 2023 at 11.00a.m.
Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter at the KFCB Boardroom, Uchumi House 14th Floor, Aga
Khan Walk in the presence of the tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend the opening.
As a leader of electricity generation in Kenya, and in alignment with the Government of Kenya’s pol- 1. KMTC/QP-12/ EAF/10/2023 Senior Chief Principal Lecturer KMTC 2 2
icy aimed at enabling the Youth, Women and Persons living with disabilities to access a minimum
of 30% of government procurement opportunities, KenGen is taking proactive steps to organize 2. KMTC/QP-12/ EAF/11/2023 Chief Principal Lecturer KMTC 3 3
sensitization workshops. These workshops aim to empower these special groups and onboard 3. KMTC/QP-12/ EAF/12/ 2023 Senior Principal Lecturer KMTC 4 15
suppliers from KenGen installations under the “Local-Local Suppliers” initiative across all regions.
The objective of these workshops is to enhance awareness among potential suppliers, Build ca- The full details, job summary and requirement for these positions are available at KMTC website
pacity among the Youth, Women, Persons with Disabilities, and Local-Local Suppliers ‘and Promote
The Successful candidates shall be required to provide the following documents before issuance of the offer letter in compliance
competition in government procurement processes. The forum’s programme schedule, including with Chapter 6 of the Constitution 2010: Certificates of clearance from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), Ethics and Anti-Corruption
date and time for all regions will be in accordance with the information available on our KenGen Commission (EACC), Higher Education Loans Board (HELB), Credit Reference Bureau (CRB) and valid Certificate of Good Conduct
website: from Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI).
Interested participants are requested to register through Google Form links below for various cate- Applicants whose background and competencies match the above specifications are invited to send their applications, quoting the
gories the bidder is eligible by giving the following details:- Position and vacancy reference number and enclosing updated Curriculum Vitae, copies of academic and professional Certificates,
National Identity card and day time telephone contact to:
(i) Name of the Company,
(ii) Name of the company’s representative, THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
PO BOX 30195 – 00100,
(iv) Cell phone number. NAIROBI.
(v) Company’s email address
So as to reach him not later than, 28th October 2023.
Registration shall be done on Google Form link;
The Kenya Medical Training College is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to implementing Affirmative Action.
Bidders are required to register once, and will receive a confirmation to attend the meeting on the In this regard, Youth, Women, Persons with Disability and Minorities with the requisite qualifications are encouraged
specified date. to apply. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Any form of canvassing will lead to automatic
For any enquiries call Tel: 0711036000 or email;
for more details keep checking our website:
LAPFUND is a State Corporation established in 1960 by an Act of Parliament Cap. 272, Laws of 1. KCAA/023/2023-2024 Prequalification of Law N/A N/A 26/10/2023
Kenya and a Defined Contribution Retirement Scheme registered and regulated by the Retire- Firms
ment Benefits Act of 1997 and Subsequent Regulations. 2. KCAA/024/2023-2024 Upgrade of Ethernet Citizen 24/10/2023 at 2/11/2023
switches and routers Contractors 11:00am at Moi
LAPFUND intends to register suppliers for supply and provisions of goods, works and services for for KCAA Remote International Airport
financial year 2023/2024 – 2024/2025. Disaster Recovery Site in Mombasa
in Mombasa
Interested and eligible bidders may view and download the above registration documents from 3. KCAA/025/2023-2024 Refurbishment of staff Youth 24/10/2023 at 2/11/2023
LAPFUND website or Public Procurement Information Portal (www.ten- houses at East Africa under 11:00am at East or at LAPFUND Procurement Office on 10th Floor 316 Upperhill Chambers, 2nd School of Aviation AGPO African School of
Ngong Avenue. The registration document can be downloaded from the above websites free Aviation
of charge. For more information on the tender, bidders may view and download the bidding document from KCAA website: or Public Procurement Information Portal, and immediately forward their particu-
Completed Supplier registration document shall be sealed in a plain envelope, clearly marked as lars for records and for the purposes of receiving any further tender clarifications and/or addendums to
stated in the registration document showing Category, Reference number and Item Description
and addressed to: - Completed tender documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked with tender reference number and
be deposited in the Tender Box at the Ground Floor, Kenya Civil Aviation Authority, Aviation House, Jomo Kenyatta
Chief Executive Officer International Airport, or be addressed to:
Local Authorities Provident Fund
10th Floor, 316 Upperhill Chambers,2nd Ngong Avenue The Director General,
P.O Box 79592 – 200200 Kenya Civil Aviation Authority,
P.O Box 30163-00100, Nairobi
Nairobi, Kenya.
T: +254 709 805000, +254 709 805100
So as to be received on or before 11:00 am on the date indicated for the respective tender.
The tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the Candidates or their representatives who choose
Completed documents shall be deposited in the Tender box located at the Reception area on to attend at KCAA Auditorium.
10th Floor on or before 31st October 2023.
Manager Procurement
PLWDs in government S
amburu County Gov-
ernor Mr. Lati Lelelit
has said his admin-
istration is keen on pro-
moting cultural and sports
tourism to ensure a steady
he spouse of the Dep- revenue stream for the
uty President, Dorcas county coffers and na-
Rigathi, has called tional exchequer.
for the inclusion of Persons Speaking after flag-
Living with Disabilities (PL- ging off the 10-kilometre
WDs) in government pro- amateur camel race at the
grams. Yare Safari club and camp- Kajiado County Governor Moses Ole Lenku flags off
the 10-kilometre camel race during this year's Maralal
During her visit to Narok ing site during this year's International Camel Derby. PHOTO: ROBERT GITHU/KNA
County, Mrs. Rigathi ex- Maralal International
pressed her commitment to Camel Derby, Lelelit noted demic restrictions, add- clash for resources,” he
ensuring the inclusivity of that cultural tourism is the ing that this year's event said.
PLWDs, believing they can second tourist attraction has attracted international Narok County Governor
make significant contribu- Dorcas Rigathi donating food to PLWDs in Narok. after wildlife noting that tourists from Germany, Mr. Patrick Ole Ntutu said
tions to the country's eco- location of a portion of lenges faced by disabled in- Samburu county is a top Austria, United Kingdom that each county has its
nomic growth. government tenders, and dividuals in various aspects travel destination since and Asian countries who own unique culture adding
Mrs. Rigathi highlighted employment opportunities. of life. the Maa culture is well are taking part in different that the Council of Gover-
the government's efforts She commended the Mrs. Rigathi also donated preserved. sporting activities, includ- nors is developing unique
in creating an accessible Teachers Service Commis- food to PLWDs and urged “We as the Maa nation ing camel racing. cultural tourism policy in
learning environment in the sion and other government local residents to register in Samburu, Kajiado and Further, the Gover- all the 47 counties.
field of education, providing institutions for embracing PLWDs with the National Narok are proud of con- nor added that all com- “All 47 counties in Kenya
necessary infrastructure diversity and providing rea- Council for Persons with serving our culture and it munities living within have unique cultural at-
and resources for PLWDs. sonable accommodations to Disabilities (NCPWD), dis- has literally become the Samburu county are tractions which will be
She stated, "We are work- tap into the talents of PL- couraging the practice of national cultural pride for showcasing their culture showcased and eventually
ing to break down barriers WDs, who are often over- hiding disabled individuals Kenya and because of this, and traditional ways of adopted to market Kenya
that have hindered the em- looked. at home. we are keen on promoting life including dances, food as a whole,” Ntutu said.
ployment prospects for per- The government has Narok County Commis- cultural tourism,” Lelelit and traditional wedding Culture and Heritage
sons with disabilities." placed persons with dis- sioner, Isaac Masinde, re- said. ceremonies. Principal Secretary Mr.
Furthermore, Mrs. Ri- abilities at the forefront of ported that the government Lelelit noted that the “The cultural interac- John Ololtuaa noted that
gathi noted that the gov- the national development has registered over 7,000 Maralal international tions are a way of en- the cultural and sports
ernment is implementing agenda, aiming to create a PLWDs in Narok County, Camel Derby had taken hancing our peace and tourism event in Samburu
programs for PLWDs, in- more inclusive society by with 400 benefiting from a three-year break due cohesion efforts amongst County has boosted the
cluding cash transfers, al- addressing the unique chal- the cash transfer program. to the Covid-19 pan- communities that usually local economy.
VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Kenya Maritime Authority (KMA) is a state corporation whose mandate is to regulate, co-ordinate and oversee maritime
affairs guided by the Kenya Maritime Authority Act No. 5 of 2006 and the Merchant Shipping Act, 2009. KMA invites sealed
National tenders as below: -
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER/SECRETARY (E2) No Tender No. Item/Service Description Closing Dates/ Targeted
Time Group
Ref. PCPB/CEO/1/2023 1 KMA/EOI/11/2023-2024 Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services 24th October, 2023 Open
for Preparation of Environmental and Social Im- at 10:00am
pact Assessment for Construction of Maritime
The Pest Control Products Board (PCPB) is a Statutory organization of Kenya Government established Regional Communications Center in Kisumu
under an Act of parliament, the Pest Control Products Act, Cap 346, Laws of Kenya, to regulate the (Re-advertisement)
Importation and Exportation, Manufacture, Distribution, Use and Disposal of Pest Control Products (PCPs). 2 KMA/PQ/12/2023-2024 Prequalification for Supply, Delivery, Com- 24th October, 2023 Open
missioning and Maintenance for Electronic at 10:00am
The Board wishes to fill the position with a qualified, experienced and dynamic person. Machine Readable Travel Document System
(eMRTD) for Seafarer
For more information on the job description and person specification please visit our website (Re-advertisement) and submit your application by post, hand or email enclosing/attaching copies of
your academic and professional certificates, testimonials and a detailed curriculum vitae with email and Eligible Tenderers may obtain further information and download the Tender Document free of charge from the Kenya
day telephone contacts of three (3) referees. Maritime Authority (KMA) website; under “Tenders” portal and/or Public Procurement Information
Portal (PPIP) respectively. Those who download the document must immediately forward
For applications delivered by email, the subject should contain the job title and be sent to their particulars (i.e. Name & Contacts of Applicant) to email; and/or for
purposes of registration and any further tender clarifications and addenda. and for applications delivered by either post or hand, should be contained in
sealed envelopes clearly marked with the job title to the address below to be received on or before Original, Completed Tender documents plus one copy should be enclosed in plain sealed envelope, clearly marked with
8th November, 2023 at 5.00 p.m, Nairobi time. tender reference name & number and should be deposited in the Tender Box located at the 4th Floor of Kenya Maritime
Authority’s Headquarter Offices; KMA Towers, Mbaraki Road, Mombasa addressed to: -
The Chairman
Pest Control Products Board Director General
Kenya Maritime Authority
PCPB Building, 4th Floor
P. O. Box 95076-80104
Off Waiyaki way, Loresho MOMBASA
P. O. Box 13794 - 00800
NAIROBI so as to be received on or before 24th October, 2023 at 10.00 am
Pest Control Products Board is an equal opportunity employer, committed to diversity and gender equality Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the Candidates or their representatives who choose to
and therefore encourages qualified persons living with disabilities, women and those from marginalized attend at the KMA Towers, 4th Floor Conference Room- Mbaraki Road, Mombasa.
areas to apply.
Any canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification. Late tenders will not be accepted.
4. KICC/31/2023-2025 Provision of Ground Maintenance and Landscaping AGPO Component 2: Construction of Murang’a Tender No: AWWDA/GOK/P/MLMWP/W-07/2023-2024
services Last Mile Water Project
5. KICC/32/2023-2025 Provision of Outside Catering and Accommodation ALL Bidders Component 3: Drilling and Equipping of Tender No: AWWDA/GOK/B/MLMWP/W-08/2023-2024
Boreholes, Solarization,
Services (1-5 Star Hotels and Restaurants)
Construction of Elevated
6. KICC/33/2023-2025 Provision of Repairs and Maintenance of Fire Detection ALL Bidders Steel Water Tanks with
and Suppression System Associated Distribution
7. KICC/34/2023-2025 Provision of Repairs and Maintenance of Stand by ALL Bidders
Generator Each works Component will constitute an independent Contract.
8. KICC/35/2023-2025 Provision of Repairs and Maintenance of Chiller Plant ALL Bidders 2. Tendering will be conducted under open competitive tendering method using a standardized tender docu-
9. KICC/36/2023-2026 Provision of Maintenance and Repair Services for Lift ALL Bidders ment and is open to eligible bidders registered in at least the following categories for National Construction
Servicing Authority and the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation:
10. KICC/37/2023-2025 Provision of Internet Services ALL Bidders S/N0. Works Component Registration Minimum Requirements
11. KICC/38/2023-2025 Provision and Repair & Maintenance of Bomb Detec- ALL Bidders National Construction Ministry of Water, Sanitation
tors Authority and Irrigation
12. KICC/53/2023-2024 Provision of Consultancy Services for the KICC M.I.C.E All bidders Component 1 Construction of Kiambu Water Works Contractor, Water Works Contractor, Class E
Strategy Development Survey Community Water Project; Category 5 and above and above
B. REGISTRATION OF SUPPLIERS Component 2 Construction of Murang’a Water Works Contractor, Water Works Contractor, Class E
Last Mile Water Project; Category 5 and above and above
S/ Tender Tender Description Eligibility
Component 3 Drilling and Equipping of Water Works Contractor, Drilling Contractor Class C and
NO. Prequalification No.
Boreholes, Solarization, Category 4 and above above
1. KICC/39/2023-2025 Provision of Translators, Interpreters and Translation ALL Bidders Construction of Elevated
Services. Steel Water Tanks with
Associated Distribution
2. KICC/40/2023-2025 Provision of Standby Ambulance and Fire Fighting ALL Bidders Networks
3. KICC/41/2023-2025 Provision of Public Relations Agency Services ALL Bidders The construction period for each component shall be Twelve (12) Months.
4. KICC/42/2023-2025 Provision of Fireworks and Lighting Services ALL Bidders 3. Qualified and interested tenderers may obtain further information and inspect the Tender Documents during
office hours from 0800hrs to 1700hrs local time from Monday to Friday, except during lunch hour (1300hrs
5. KICC/43/2023-2025 Provision of Creative Development and Printing Ser- ALL Bidders to 1400hrs), & during weekends and public holidays at the address given below. Tender documents may be
vices (Artworks, Documentaries, e-shots, viewed and/or downloaded from the website or
4. A complete set of tender documents may be purchased or obtained by paying KES 1,000 for each component,
6. KICC/44/2023-2025 Provision of Repair and Maintenance Services for ICT ALL Bidders in cash or Banker’s Cheque. Tender documents obtained electronically will be free of charge.
5. Tender documents obtained from AWWDA website: or the PPIP portal, www.tenders.
7. KICC/45/2023-2025 Provision of Legal Services ALL Bidders shall be free of charge. Tenderers who download the tender documents from the website must forward
their particulars immediately to to facilitate any further clarification or adden-
8. KICC/46/2023-2025 Provision of Consultancy Services for ISO Certification ALL Bidders
9. KICC/47/2023-2025 Provision of Cleaning & Extraction Services for Uphol- AGPO
stery and Carpets 6. Each works component must be accompanied with a bid security in form of an unconditional Bank Guarantee
or from an insurance company registered by IRA and approved by PPRA, of KShs. 500,000.00 (Kenya Shillings
10. KICC/48/2023-2025 Supply of Branded and Promotional Materials AGPO Five Hundred Thousand Only) for each component valid for thirty (30) days beyond the tender validity period
(120 days) submitted by prospective bidders. This shall be in the format provided in the tender document.
11. KICC/49/2023-2025 Provision of General Building Repairs, Maintenance All Bidders
Services and Civil Works 7. The Tenderer shall chronologically serialize all pages of the tender documents submitted.
12. KICC/50/2023-2025 Provision of Consultancy Services for National MICE ALL Bidders 8. Completed tenders must be delivered to the address below, on or before the following respective dates:
Works Component Latest Date/Time of Submission
13. KICC/51/2023-2025 Provision of Bulk Parking Services ALL Bidders
and Tender Opening
14. KICC/52/2023-2024 Expression of Interest for Digitalization of KICC parking. ALL Bidders Construction of Kiambu Community Water Project; 7th November, 2023,
12.00 Noon East African Time
A complete set of tender documents may be downloaded from PPIP Portal ( or the
Construction of Murang’a Last Mile Water Project; 8th November, 2023,
Corporation’s website ( for free. 12.00 Noon East African Time
Duly completed tender document in two (2) sets of copies in plain sealed envelopes marked Drilling and Equipping of Boreholes, Solarization, Construction of 9th November, 2023,
Elevated Steel Water Tanks with Associated Distribution Networks 12.00 Noon East African Time
“Application for Tender No..........................Tender Description……………’’should be addressed to the:
tourism circuit
will become the new addi-
tion to the Tsavo Tourism
The administrator con- BY YOBESH ONWONG'A
BY WAGEMA MWANGI(KNA) sequently urged the tour (MYGOV) Kenya is undertaken
stakeholders and promot- through a strict regulatory
he 54-km Mto Mwa- ers to take advantage of he first cohort of 100 regime involving KMPDC
godi-Dawida-Mbale- the road and market their Kenyatta University accreditation to ensure
Wu n d a ny i - B u ra products to potential clients School of Medicine quality assurance.
road, currently under con- which she said will create students will now access "The onboarding pro-
struction at a cost of Sh 2.1 jobs, increase grassroots the Kenyatta University tocols have been outlined
billion, is expected to reju- revenue and market the re- Teaching, Referral and Re- and shared with Kenyatta
venate historical tourism gion as a prime tourist des- search Hospital (KUTRRH) University to facilitate en-
in Taita Taveta County and tination. facilities, following the try of the first 100 School
open the region to interna- “Once complete, it will recent Kenya Medical of Medicine and Surgery
tional tourism. allow the Tsavo tourism Practitioners and Dentists Undergraduate students,”
The road, the largest cap- circuit to get an extra des- Council (KMPDC) regula- said Dagane.
ital-intensive project in the tination. We are hoping tory accreditation. Upon entry and ori-
county, passes through sev- that stakeholders in the According to KUTRRH entation, the students,
eral villages in Mwatate and A section of the 54-km Mto Mwagoti-Dawida-Mbale- tour sector will exploit this CEO, Ahmed Dagane, the he explained, will un-
Wundanyi sub-counties. Wundanyi-Bura road in Taita-Taveta County that is nearing chance and promote the level six facility is all set dergo clinical rotation in
Upon completion in Sep- completion. hills and other areas as part to onboard Kenyatta Uni- five wards, renal unit, and
tember 2024, the road is an- of key tourist attractions,” versity School of Medicine oncology department,
ticipated to boost crop and the improved road to mar- Wundanyi, Bura, and Mwa- she says. students as per the regula- including access to the Cy-
livestock farming, improve ket the region and attract tate. She also pointed out that tory procedures outlined berKnife, Brachytherapy,
access to schools and health visitors, which would gen- The project aims to make the road will bolster farm- by KMPDC to undertake Linac and Chemotherapy
facilities, and attract multi- erate employment, increase the Tsavo tourism circuit ing activities through en- patient bedside teaching pharmacy treatment areas.
ple investors. local revenue, and establish more attractive and incor- hancing farmers’ access to (BST). Dagane said that the stu-
Taita-Taveta County the area as a premier tourist porate historical and cul- markets in Voi and Mom- As part of the reception dents will also access the
Commissioner, Ms. Jose- destination. tural tourism, adding value basa while promoting es- protocols, KUTRRH, he accident and Emergency
phine Onunga, stated that The road is also expected to the concept of home- tablishment of businesses said, had already shared department, Pathology
the road will particularly to enhance farmers' ac- stays. along the winding route. an Onboarding Letter services, Radiology and
benefit the tourism sector, cess to markets in Voi and Ms Onunga adds that “The road is also intended with Kenyatta University, Imaging department, and
with Wundanyi becoming Mombasa and promote the despite the delays that had to bolster the crop and outlining a detailed ori- Surgery Department, in-
a new addition to the Tsavo growth of businesses along faced the project in the past, dairy sector value chains entation process and pro- cluding BST access to the
Tourism Circuit. its route, thereby benefiting the contractor was on site for thousands of farmers in gramme for the students seven KUTTRH Surgical
She encouraged tourism the crop and dairy sector and had completed the first Wundanyi, Bura and Mwa- and their supervisors. Wards and seven surgical
stakeholders to capitalize on value chains for farmers in milestone of around 5.4 km. tate," she said. “Medical Training in operation theatres.
The Ministry of Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs, State Department for Mining invites eligible bidders In previous flooding incidents, urban areas have experienced clogging of the drainage infrastructure by waste especially from pack-
for provision of the under listed services: aging, textiles and diapers among others. This exacerbates the flooding menace leading to loss of life and property. Further, the
post-consumer waste degrades our wetland ecosystems such as rivers, lakes, swamps, oceans among others
S/ Item Description Tender Number Category In view of the above, the Authority advises as follows:-
1. Members of the public to ensure that they keep off ecologically sensitive areas prone to flood incidences such as riparian,
1 Re-advertisement for Expression of Interest for Revival MMB&MA/SDM/15/2023- Open hill tops and areas prone to land-slides.
of Fluorspar Mining at Kimwarer, Elgeyo Marakwet 2024
County, Kenya. 2. County Governments and other relevant entities to ensure storm drains are cleared of any materials that hinder free flow
of storm water
2 Re-advertisement for Expression of Interest (EOI) for MMB&MA/SDM/16/2023- Open
Establishment of Granite Processing Plant in Vihiga 2024 3. Owners of dams, water pans and earth dams and other water bodies should institute appropriate risk management
County Kenya measures including dam inspections, monitoring and maintenance systems, emergency preparedness, communication and
community outreach systems to safeguard public safety and the environment.
3 Re-advertisement for Expression of Interest (EOI) for MMB&MA/SDM/17/2023- Open
Consultancy services to undertake Capacity Building 2024 4. All project owners should ensure that they adhere to the conditions of the Environmental Impact Assessment licenses
issued by the Authority as well as the Environmental management plans submitted to NEMA.
Programs in the Mining Sector
5. Operators and owners of any facility storing chemicals to take appropriate measures to prevent flood water getting into
4 Re-advertisement for Expression of Interest for Con- MMB&MA/SDM/18/2023- Open
contact with the chemicals.
sultancy service for Development of long-term Mining 2024
Vision 6. Producers: Attention to Section 13 of the Sustainable Waste Management Act, 2022 requires producers to bear mandatory
Extended Producer Responsibility obligations to reduce pollution and environmental impacts of the products they introduce
1. A complete Set of Tender Document may be obtained free of charge by interested tenders electronically from to the Kenyan market and waste arising therefrom. In this regard the producers should ensure that their post-consumer
the State Department for Mining website, and Government of Kenya tender portal, waste does not clog drainage systems, obstruct flow of rivers or cause pollution to the ecosystems. The Authority shall not . hesitate to take legal action on any producer and associated Producer Responsibility organizations (PRO) whose product or
packaging is found littering the environment.
2. Duly Completed tender documents should be enclosed in a plain, sealed envelope clearly marked with the The Authority remains committed to ensuring a clean, healthy and sustainable environment for all. Our environment, Our life, our
tender name and tender number should be deposited in the tender box located on the second floor, Works responsibility.
Building, Ngong Road, Nairobi so as to reach on or before Thursday, 2nd November, 2023, 10.00a.m.
Electronic Tenders will not be permitted. Director General
National Environment Management Authority
P.O Box 67839 – 00200, NAIROBI.
3. Tenders will be publicly opened immediately after the deadline date and time specified above in the pres- Eland House, Popo Road
ence of the Tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend at Third floor Boardroom, Works Building, Tel: 254-20-2183718, 2101370
Ngong Road, Nairobi. Mobile: 0724253398, 0723363010, 0735013046
4. Late tenders will be rejected.
Report Environmental Incidents through: 0741 101 100, 0786 101 100.
The Principal Secretary,
State Department for Mining,
PO Box 30009 – 00100, @Nema Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya
The Chairman, IRA is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Persons With Disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Board of Directors,
Kenya Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Council, Canvasing in any manner shall lead to automatic disqualification.
P.O.BOX 66290-00800,
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.
enya is expected to develop several Benjamin Mkapa and Amman stadiums in
sports-related infrastructure ahead Zanzibar.
of its 2027 co-hosting of the Africa The Confederation of African Football
benefit from
Cup of Nations (Afcon) alongside Uganda and (CAF) picked the Pamoja Bid, beating Egypt,
Tanzania under the East African Pamoja Bid. Senegal, Botswana and Algeria, which with-
In the bid, Kenya pledged to build a new drew on the eve of the announcement by
50,000-seater stadium along Ngong Road CAF President Patrice Motsepe, who said the
in Nairobi besides refurbishing Kasarani, decision was made as it was the first time in
Nyayo and the Kipchoge Keino Stadium a very long time that there was a joint bid
Stadium in Eldoret, which have already been and “all the Heads of State expressed their
handed over to the Kenya Defense Forces for deep commitment. So we are very excited".
refurbishment. He added that, “the future of African
Uganda fronted the Nelson Mandela and football has never been brighter. In the
Afcon in 2027
near future, an African nation will win the
World Cup.”
Morocco, which won the bid to host the
sporting event in 2025, also won its joint bid
to co-host the 2030 World Cup with Portugal
We will mobilize every and Spain.
Event will raise the country's international profile, resource; every person and While thanking the Ministry of Sports,
President William Ruto said, “We will mobilise
every sector to ensure we
bring global publicity, improve football facilities and deliver a world-class football
every resource; every person and every sector
to ensure we deliver a world-class football
increase tourism and foreign exchange revenues event — President William Ruto CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
CAPACITY: 35,000
CAPACITY: 30,000
Tourist arrivals up 34 per cent in DEVELOPMENT QUOTABLE QUOTES
the first eight months of 2023 PICTURESPEAK IN PICTURES
Tourist arrivals PAGE 4
have improved
34 per cent
in the year to
August as the
sector contin-
ues to recover, “The poor nutrition status is
new economic
data indicates. Most of the tourists are coming through the as a result of previous failed
two major airports – Jomo Kenyatta and Moi, with the two
receiving over 900,000 tourists in the first eight months of seasons" — NDMA report.
the year. MORE ON PAGE 2
2 October 17, 2023
event…and take Kenya to the next level of exposing and marketing local players whose held in August 1987, starring 42 countries.
the sports industry.” teams also pocket $600,000 (Sh90 million) STADIUM DETAILS The 4th All Africa Games not only gave
Sports CS Ababu Namwamba promised “to while the winner goes home with $4.5 million Kenya two world class sports facilities beyond
make sure that all aspects of hosting — travel, (Sh672 million) and the trophy. the 15,000-seater City Stadium along Jogoo
hospitality, security and healthcare — are in Most players, however, eye playing in the Minimum capacity for lux of Road, but also greatly improved local football,
place. We want to put on a show Africa has paid leagues in Europe, where the football floodlights for the quality of boxing, athletics, judo, hockey, swimming,
never seen before.” market is worth $22 billion, according to the wrestling and tennis.
higher definition TV coverage.
None of the three East African nations has International Centre for Sports Studies (CIES), Kenya finished fourth behind Egypt, Tunisia
ever hosted the Africa Cup of Nations. Only which also notes that over 1,200 players from and Nigeria with 63 medals: 22 gold, 25 silver
Kenya got the rights to host the 1996 edition, the 24 participating nations at 2019 Afcon and 16 bronze. Kenya’s sterling performance
but the bid was struck off over lack of proper were in professional football, a 10 per cent at the 4th All Africa Games was the forerunner
infrastructure and financial commitment. increase from the 2017 Afcon in Gabon. of its exemplary showing in football, where
The bid was given to South Africa, which CIES also noted that the average age of Minimum capacity of a Kenya won silver after losing 1-0 to Egypt, with
went on to lift the trophy. the players was 22.7 years, meaning more
stadium’s media centre for Gor Mahia becoming the first local club to win
Kenya was also given the rights to host African players were turning pro at a younger the 1987 Mandela Cup – the route to many
the 2018 CHAN championships, but lost age than before. Big tournaments further conferences and interviews. players like Gabriel Olang going professional.
it for lack of CAF standard facilities – as inject foreign exchange and spur economic Minimum sitting capacity for Indeed, Kenya had Volcano United, a local
Kasarani and Nyayo were behind schedule
in refurbishment. The bid went to Rwanda.
But what are the major benefits of hosting
activities in hospitality and the “feel good
effect” that comes with national pride, long
after it’s over.
a CAF standard stadium with
VIP and VVIP seats separate 23 professional soccer club. Kenya’s dominance
continued during the 1988 Seoul Olympics,
where Robert Wangila became first African
from each other besides
the Africa Cup of Nations? The returns of hosting the Africa Cup of Number of seats, lockers boxer to win gold. Wangila and other boxers
Well, the advantages sweep across the Nations are felt in tourism whose arrivals emergency lighting, public also went professional besides tennis star
required in training grounds
whole gamut of increased international increase with the number of participating address system and big Paul Wekesa becoming the first Kenyan
profile and improved relations with global countries boosting revenues and exposing with movable goal posts. to feature in number 100 in International
screens. Source: CAF
dignitaries, global publicity, improved football Kenya’s culture to the world. Tennis Association rankings – for the first
facilities and coaching structures, better When Egypt hosted Afcon in 2019, it and last time. ■
receiving over 900,000 tourists in the
first eight months. Between January
Millions still in need status of residents is negatively
affected with thousands of children
and July, the airports handled some of food aid – NDMA and women are at risk of malnutri-
813,233 tourists, up from 630,199 tion.
during a similar period in 2022, The worst affected counties are
according to the Kenya National Garissa, Isiolo, Laikipia, Lamu,
Bureau of Statistics (KNBS). Makueni, Narok, Nyeri, Samburu,
Most of the tourists, 735,484, arrived Tana River, Meru and Turkana.
through the Jomo Kenyatta airport “The poor nutrition status is as a
while the rest through Moi in result of previous failed seasons,
Mombasa, the tourist bedrock. thus livelihoods are still in recovery
The Kenya Tourism Board (KTB) mode," said NDMA.
notes that the sector has experienced Most of arid regions have experi-
a huge upswing in international enced a decline in vegetation condi-
arrivals, leading to a rise in earnings. At least 2.8 million Kenyans in arid tions due to rising temperatures.
In the first half of the year, tourism and semi-arid areas still need food With the expected onset of the
receipts stood at Sh164 billion, a rise assistance, according to the National October to December short rains
Q uick ISSUE 008 I April 06, 2021
INFOBOX A Publication Of The Kenya Yearbook Editorial Board Making your dailies more informative
December 2022 from Sh4.5 trillion in was palpable, however, when the
following monetary policy credit pricing models by banks,” said CBK. garments and therapeutic clothing
for people with arthritis and other
The institution notes that capital markets
tightening to stem inflation remain under pressure as the bear run
joint diseases. Rabbit pelt (skin)
is used for making shoes, purses,
in advanced countries continues, with more foreign investors exiting bags, toys, gloves, pillow cases,
warm coats and caps Production
and climate risks like the The CBK indicative
and very few buying shares, leading to net of wool: This is mainly produced
by the Angora breed, which is not
capital outflow.
expected El Nino rains rate currently stands Similarly, insurance sector faces declining
common in Kenya. It is blended
with pure wool for spinning. Rab-
bits can also be sold as laboratory
BY AGENDA KENYA WRITER at 10.50 percent, returns on investment and gross premiums
stock for experiments.
he Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) has as well as technology–related risks. Together
projected that the financial sector will
a rise from 8.25 with pensions sector, they also face sovereign
remain stable and resilient to increase percent in a similar risk exposure on rising interest rates that What about rabbit
in interest rate as a result of monetary policy period in 2022. have introduced revaluation losses on bonds urine and droppings?
Rabbit urine is rich in nitrogen due
tightening to stem inflation and several risks re-pricing. to constituents of pellets, which
arising from cybersecurity, funding, credit On the other hand, Saccos are yet to fully are nitrogen-rich. Similarly, the
droppings are also rich in nitrogen,
and climate change. recover from the Covid-19 pandemic, face therefore, are good for fertilising
The institution noted that while the sector slowdown in economic activities and elevated lawns, kitchen gardens and tree
nurseries. You can harvest manure
has sound and stable financial system sup- credit risk. and urine and sell to farmers for
ported by strong capital and liquidity buffers, Overall, CBK observes that the Rus- use as organic fertiliser or pesti-
and continuous improvement in systems and sia-Ukraine war, rising global interest rates
governance practices to enhance operational The higher rate means that banks have to buffers. following monetary policy tightening to
practices, the institutions face more risks as increase their lending charges, making loans “In addition, they face stiff competition from stem inflation in advanced countries, capital What diseases, pests
lending conditions tighten and interest rates more expensive and exposing themselves to other credit providers, including digital credit outflows from emerging and developing and predators
rise further. higher non-performing loans. providers, Saccos and banks,” said the bank economies and domestic vulnerabilities to should I look out for?
The CBK indicative rate currently stands at According to the regulator, micro-finance in its latest Financial Sector Stability Report. macro-economic conditions, and climate Diseases include coccidiosis, pneu-
10.50 per cent, a rise from 8.25 per cent in a banks remain the most vulnerable to shocks It added that the deposit-taking institutions, change risks, are likely to impact the stability monia, bloat, respiratory tract prob-
lems, wry neck, ear canker, snuffles
similar period in 2022. given the declining capital and liquidity which are 14 in the country, remain thinly of financial sector in 2023 and beyond. ■ or cold. And for parasites, look out
for ear mites and worms. Rodents
mainly transmit mites. Look out
also for snake invasion.
HUDUMA CORNER document delivery at your doorstep.
What types of government services can I
access through Huduma Mlangoni?
Is rabbit farming
profitable considering
Huduma Kenya now One can choose a wide range of government
services, including document processing and not many people eat
takes services to applications. You can inquire about specific them?
people's doorsteps services when making a request. The cost of production for rabbit
farming is low making the enter-
uduma Kenya has started a new Are there charges for using Huduma prise profitable. One is able to
initiative that enables customers Mlangoni services? establish their flock within a short
time due to the fact that rabbits are
get government services at their The cost, if any, varies depending on the highly prolific or they can multiply
doorsteps. Dubbed Huduma Mlangoni, staff in service requested. You will be informed of any within a short period of time.
various centres are issuing out and delivering applicable fees during the request process.
various documents, including birth certificates How do I schedule a service through Where can I sell
and Identity Cards. Here is what you need to Huduma Mlangoni?
my rabbit meat?
know about Huduma Mlangoni: Contact your nearest Huduma Centre or use There are several butcheries and
their online platforms. Staff will guide you supermarkets selling rabbit meat.
You can also make more money
What is Huduma Mlangoni? through the scheduling process. from breeding the animals.
This is a programme that brings government What is the difference between assisted
services closer to the people and at their services and premier services through
Where can I get lessons
convenience on request. Huduma Mlangoni?
on rabbit keeping?
How does it work? Assisted services involve a Huduma Centre
The National Rabbit Conservation
One requests for services by reaching out to agent coming to your location to provide and Training Institute offers a
the nearest Huduma Centre and specifying support and process your requests. Premier three-day training, after which par-
ticipants are given certificates.
their needs. You can choose to receive assisted services involve document delivery at your Huduma Kenya staff in Lamu County hand a birth certificate to a
services or opt for premier services with doorstep for added convenience.■ resident during "Huduma Mlangoni" service.
4 October 17, 2023
Sports CS Ababu
Namwamba during
a girls' basketball
match at the Nairobi
International School,
as he sought to have a
first hand experience
of the development
of the game. The CS
said next month the
government's deal with
the NBA comes to life.
NHIF Building , 4th Floor, P.O. Box 34035-00100 Email: Tel: 0202715390 / 0757 029456
OCTOBER 17, 2023
Germany has officially “We are delighted to have col-
armers in the Central work is encouraging farmers handed over an eye unit to the laborated on and completed
Rift are now urging the to participate in community Taveta County government at this initial phase of the project,
national government seed banks. This way, they Moi County Referral Hospital, which will be instrumental in
to promote the production can protect their seeds from marking a significant mile- offering much-needed eye
stone in their collaborative care services to those who re-
of indigenous crops and en- issues of bio-piracy and effort to enhance eye health- quire them," she said."
sure access to their seeds as a theft. care services in the region. Though the referral hospi-
means to mitigate the effects Ngiri emphasized the The construction of this state- tal has been running a small
of climate change. need for lawmakers and of-the-art eye center, valued eye-unit that was faced with
Over 500 farmers, oper- technocrats at both levels at Sh 25 million, was made challenges of confined space,
ating under the Makongo of government to develop possible through funding the fully-fledged eye unit will
Agriculturalists Network legislation and policies that from the German non-profit now have its own stand-alone
NGO, Deutsches Blindenhilf- building, compound and ad-
(MAN), are also calling for allow farmers to produce swerk (DBHW), in conjunc- equate space. Poised to be
both levels of government safer and healthier foods tion with the Federal Ministry one of the biggest in Coast
A farmer showcases cassava tubers during an Indigenous
to devise policies aimed at Seed Networking and Exhibition Symposium organized using readily available in- for Economic Cooperation region, the unit boasts of a
safeguarding the sovereignty by Seed Savers Network in collaboration with the County digenous seeds, which they in Germany, facilitated by theater, sluice rooms, male
of Kenya's indigenous seeds. Government of Nakuru at Gilgil trading center. can freely share among Salus Oculi Kenya. During the and female wards, sterilization
This is seen as a vital step themselves. handover ceremony, Simone and scrub rooms. Governor
towards enhancing food se- Ngiri made the remarks netic diversity and should He also revealed that the Henzler, representing DBHW, Andrew Mwadime hailed the
expressed her satisfaction project as one of the most
curity and preserving the during an Indigenous Seed be recognized as critical for Network is promoting the
with the successful com- critical in terms of enhancing
rich variety of indigenous Networking and Exhibi- climate change adaptation. use of traditional farm- pletion of the project's first eye-health care for thousands
seeds. tion Symposium organized He pointed out that more ing methods to smallholder phase. She emphasized that of residents suffering from
While appealing to the by the Seed Savers Network than 80 percent of small- farmers, which are pesti- this achievement was a testa- eye ailments. He stated that
government to address in collaboration with the scale farmers in the coun- cide-free and cost-effec- ment to the fruitful partner- the county will continue to en-
the shortage of indigenous County Government of Na- try rely on the traditional tive. These methods enable ship between the county and gage donors and partners in a
seeds, organic farm inputs, kuru at Gilgil trading center. seed sector, even though the farmers to increase their their development partners. bid to woo them to establish
and ensure access to mar- The event brought to- country's seed laws and reg- household incomes while Furthermore, she underscored more facilities that will serve
that the newly established eye the residents.
kets, MAN's spokesperson, gether smallholder farmers, ulations do not acknowledge improving their nutritional unit would be instrumental in The Governor said his admin-
Mr. Francis Ngiri, empha- botanists, entomologists, the informal seed sector. It's status. providing essential eye care istration would work with all
sized the importance of agronomists, agricultural currently illegal to sell un- Ngiri explained, "Indig- services to patients with visual partners in a bid to deliver
implementing systems to economists, meteorologists, certified seeds in Kenya, enous seeds go hand in hand impairments, not only within projects and bring develop-
identify and document all and a host of other profes- including traditional seeds with traditional farming. the region but also to those ment to the region.
Kenyan seed varieties. This sionals. sold in local markets. Farming should be an enjoy- from neighboring areas. By Wagema Mwangi (KNA)
approach aims to protect Ngiri highlighted that the Due to Intellectual Prop- able and profitable venture
sovereignty, preserve his- conservation and utilization erty Rights and the Plant for many, not something
torical heritage, and bolster of traditional crop varieties Variety Act, which currently that many small-scale farm- Kenya Ports Authority
pledges to empower
food security. offer a wealth of crop ge- prohibit farmers from selling ers cannot afford."
vulnerable communities
Construction of Sh3b Lord Egerton The Kenya Ports Author- humanitarian aid, water and
BY ESTHER MWANGI(KNA) contributing to the develop- structure, among others.
he construction of the “The CAIP project is a part- ment of the communities in “We usually have four circuits
Lord Egerton Agro-in- nership between the State which it operates. To fulfill in various parts of the country
dustrial Park, a multi- Department for Industry this commitment, KPA has al- that is the Western, Rift Valley,
located resources through its Central and Nairobi which we
billion-dollar project aimed and the Council of Governors Corporate Social Investment use to promote sports and tal-
at transforming the Central (COG) and it will see Nakuru (CSI) program to carry out ent,” explained Osero.
Rift region into a major com- County allocate 250 million community projects aimed at He noted that the Authority
mercial hub, has finally com- shillings towards the initia- supporting vulnerable indi- realized that while supporting
menced. tive this financial year which viduals. golf, they were focusing on a
Mr. Stephen Muiruri, the will match a similar amount This commitment was reaf- different segment of society
County Executive Com- from the national govern- firmed as KPA staff, manage- and that is why they decided
ment, and their partners from to also focus on the less for-
mittee Member (CECM) for ment,” Mr Muiruri indicated.
the Vet Lab Sports Club in tunate so as to incorporate
Trade, Culture, and Tourism The CECM who was accom- Kabete donated food items everyone.
in Nakuru, revealed that the panied by Trade Chief Officer and other essential household “We decided to focus on the
industrial park would host a An industrial park in Kenya. Photo: Courtesy Mr Samuel Ndegwa stated less fortunate children and we
goods worth Sh300,000 to the
variety of industries, includ- that the devolved unit bets Nairobi Children’s Rescue Cen- have made various donations
ing ICT hubs, energy sec- investors to establish food Muiruri disclosed that the that CAIPS and SEZs will help tre in Kabete. to the Machakos Girls Recue
tor companies, engineering processing plants, adding devolved unit’s County Ag- grow industrialization and The Chairman of KPA's Cor- center, Rwanda children’s
and construction firms, and value to agricultural produce. gregation Industrial Park incomes to provide quality porate Investments Program, home, Nakuru Hill Special
Mr. Bernard Osero, who also School and Kisii Special School
chemical industries. Mr Muiruri noted that sup- (CAIP) and Export Process- life to all residents by 2030 in represented the Managing Di- for the Deaf among others,”
He, further, explained that port from National govern- ing Zone (EPZ) have each a clean and secure environ- rector, Captain William Ruto, said Osero.
the County government, in ment had unlocked the delays been allocated 100 acres at ment. explained that KPA hosts an- Vet Lab sports club Vice Lady
collaboration with Egerton in the implementation of the the University’s Ngongongeri Mr Muiruri noted that the nual golf tournaments across Captain Priscilla Karobia said
University and the Ministry over Sh 3 billion project, that farm. county administration was the country to engage key that their members who were
of Agriculture and Fisheries, is expected to create more He said the County Gov- also collaborating with the stakeholders and promote born in May (May Babies) have
was developing this facility than 4,000 employment op- ernment had approved a pol- Ministry of Investments, business growth. Mr. Osero adopted the Nairobi Children’s
highlighted that KPA's CSI Rescue Centre that they have
on 200 acres at the Univer- portunities upon completion. icy document to establish and Trade and Industry (MITI) to been supporting over time.
programs focus on various
sity's Ngongongeri farm in Speaking when the County implement County Aggrega- start CAIPS in line with the areas, including health, edu-
Njoro. The goal of the indus- Government handed over tion Industrial Parks (CAIPS) bottom-up economic trans- cation, sports, environment, . By Joseph Ng'ang'a (KNA)
trial park is to attract private the site to a contractor, Mr and Special Economic Zones formation agenda.
NHIF Building , 4th Floor, P.O. Box 34035-00100 Email:
Tel: 0202715390 / 0757029456