BS Iso 23208-2017
BS Iso 23208-2017
BS Iso 23208-2017
National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of ISO 23208:2017.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee PVE/18, Cryogenic vessels.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on
request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions
of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
© The British Standards Institution 2017
Published by BSI Standards Limited 2017
ISBN 978 0 580 91622 9
ICS 23.020.40
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the
Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 30 June 2017.
Reference number
ISO 23208:2017(E)
© ISO 2017
BS ISO 23208:2017
ISO 23208:2017(E)
Contents Page
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ iv
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Requirements .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4.1 General requirements ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4.2 Additional requirements for oxygen and oxidizing fluids ................................................................................. 2
5 Cleaning procedure ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
6 Cleanliness evaluation .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
7 Post-cleaning protection .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
8 Identification ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Annex A (informative) Inspection methods .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 220, Cryogenic vessels.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 23208:2005), which has been technically
revised. The main changes are in 4.1.
1 Scope
T h i s do c u ment s p e ci fie s the m i n i mum re qu i rements for the cle an l i ne s s o f a l l s ur face s o f c r yo gen ic
ve s s el s a nd as s o c iate d acce s s orie s th at are i n contac t with the c r yo genic flu id at any e xp e c te d op erati ng
T h i s do c u ment defi ne s the accep table level o f s u r face and p ar ticle contam i nation to m i n i m i ze the ri s k o f
ma l fu nc tion o f e qu ipment and en s u re s a fe ty agai n s t ign ition when i n contac t with ox ygen or oxid i z i ng
flu id s (s e e I S O 101 5 6) .
2 Normative references
T he fol lowi ng do c u ments are re ferre d to i n the tex t i n s uch a way that s ome or a l l o f thei r content
con s titute s re qu i rements o f th i s do c ument. For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition cite d appl ie s . For
undate d re ference s , the l ate s t e d ition o f the re ference d do c ument (i nclud i ng a ny amend ments) app l ie s .
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia .org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso .org/obp
cryogenic fluid
gas wh ich i s p a r tia l ly l iqu id b e c au s e o f its low temp eratu re
oxidizing fluid
cryogenic fluid (3.1) with oxidizing properties
N o te 1 to entr y: T h i s i s i n accord a nce with I S O 101 5 6 .
4 Requirements
Particles visible under daylight or white light without magnification are not acceptable. Depending
upon the design o f the system, more stringent requirements for particle size may be required to avoid
malfunction of equipment.
The root pass o f pipe welds shall be protected by forming gas, or another suitable method, to avoid
gross porosity.
Free water shall not be detectable by visual examination.
4 . 2 A d d i ti o n a l r e q u i re m e n ts f
o r o x yg e n a n d o x i d i z i n g fl u i d s
For oxygen and oxidizing fluids, hydrocarbon contamination, paint, adhesives, sealants and protective
coating shall not be detectable by visual examination using white light unless they are oxygen
compatible in accordance with ISO 21010.
The maximum acceptable hydrocarbon contamination (oil, grease, etc.) is 500 mg/m 2 .
NOTE The value 500 mg/m 2 is taken from CGA G-4.1 [5 ] . The quoted figure should be considered as guidance
only. A lower figure could be requested depending on the specific application (type and state o f fluid, temperature,
pressure, flow, velocity, product purity), or e ffects like migration (see also EIGA Doc 33/06 [7] ).
5 Cleaning procedure
Any cleaning procedure may be used, provided the requirements o f 4.1 and 4.2, if relevant, are met.
I f solvent or cleaning agents are used, they shall be compatible with all materials to be cleaned, in
particular, plastics. Special care shall be taken to remove any non-oxygen-compatible agents (see
ISO 21010) from equipment cleaned for oxygen or oxidizing fluid service.
6 Cleanliness evaluation
An inspection and sampling method shall be selected to ensure that the requirements of 4.1 and 4.2,
if relevant, are met. It shall take into account the cleaning procedure to be used, the equipment to be
cleaned and its level o f contamination. Cleanliness evaluation methods may include those listed in
Annex A.
The method o f inspection shall not itsel f result in contamination levels greater than those specified in
4.1 and 4.2.
The cleanliness evaluation method shall be documented and the results obtained shall be recorded.
7 Post-cleaning protection
After cleaning, items shall be protected to maintain their clean condition until used. To reduce the risk
o f condensing any atmospheric moisture during storage, consideration shall be given to purging and
sealing the equipment.
Any packaging, plugs, etc. that can contact the clean sur faces shall be clean and removable without
leaving any residue. Any packaging material shall be strong enough to resist the expected handling and
storage conditions and be able to be sealed and waterproof.
Any protective gas used shall be dry and oil- free and dust- free.
Any pressurizing gas shall be kept at low pressure compatible with the strength o f the packaging and
have a warning tag i f purge pressures exceed 0,5 bar.
8 I d e n ti fi c a ti o n
E vidence o f con form ity with the re qui rements o f th i s do c u ment s ha l l b e do c u mente d by either
a) “I S O 2 3 2 0 8 – cle ane d ox ygen” when cle a ne d for ox ygen or oxid i z i ng flu id s , and
Annex A
Inspection methods
A.1 General
Various methods exist for determining the cleanliness acceptance o f equipment and it is necessary that
the method selected complements the cleaning method used. This annex covers the most practical and
e ffective methods available. It is necessary that competent persons with the necessary training and
relevant industrial experience perform this inspection.
All parts being checked by solvent flushing or immersion should be able to drain freely to empty the
solvent. I f an area is identified which cannot freely drain, a method should be developed to remove
completely the solvent without leaving contamination.
For parts that are inaccessible for inspection a fter assembly, it may be necessary to disassemble or
inspect parts prior to assembly. Consideration should be given to any contamination which may occur
during the assembly o f inspected components.
I f an inspection reveals the presence o f any contaminants, the item should be partially or totally
recleaned. Persistent rejection requires a re-evaluation o f the cleaning methods and quality control
provisions before re-acceptance.
A.2 Direct visual examination with daylight or white light
This is the most common inspection method used to detect the presence of contaminants on equipment
with easily accessible sur faces. This method will, without magnification, detect very small particulate
matter and moisture, oils, grease, etc. in relatively small amounts.
The effectiveness of this method is dependent on the roughness of the inspected surface. The method
can be used for sandblasted or mechanically cleaned steel sur faces.
Magni fying glasses are not necessary, but it is important to have a su fficiently bright level o f daylight or
artificial white light.
Visual examination of the surfaces is appropriate for detecting
— moisture (free water),
— cleaning agents,
— flux residues from brazing, soldering or welding,
— rust and loose scale, weld spatters, particles, fibres or other foreign matter, and
— organic material such as oil, grease and paint.
This direct visual examination method enables detection o f the maximum acceptable hydrocarbon
contamination level as specified in 4.2.
20 cm from the sur face or piece being examined can show fluorescent areas for further inspection by
other means such as wipe test. Fluorescent traces due to material residues known to be harmless are
When considering a piece o f equipment cleaned for use in oxygen service, it is important not to rely
alone on the result o f this test as, for example, some vegetable oils do not fluoresce under UV light.
There fore, although this test can be use ful, it is certainly not the most important inspection method
and should be supported by white light and/or wipe tests.
Excessive exposure to direct or reflected UV light can cause eye and skin damage; there fore, care shall
be taken when it is being used and lamp manufacturers’ instructions shall be complied with.
A.4 Wipe test method
This test is useful when white light examination has been inconclusive.
The sur face is rubbed lightly with a clean lint- free cotton or linen cloth or with a white filter paper.
This cloth or paper is examined under white light and/or UV light to find any contaminating traces. A
light oxide discoloration is in some cases acceptable. Since it is not acceptable to leave paper or cloth
particles on the equipment, this method is not recommended for rough or cast materials. In any case,
for large sur faces it can only be used as a spot check.
A.6.1 General
This inspection method is used to check the result o f highly specialized methods o f solvent cleaning
when inaccessible surfaces or bigger installations have to be cleaned. For most small components, it
is easier and more economical to disassemble for inspection or to inspect be fore assembly. It should
be taken into account that this method o f cleaning and inspection is limited by the ability to reach
and dissolve the contaminants i f present. Local contamination in pockets o f complex equipment may
be detected using this method o f inspection by getting successive slight but constant indications o f
contamination. Considerable experience is necessary to assess the results o f this method.
The method of inspection is based on the comparison of used and unused solvent. The level of, or
freedom from, contamination present during solvent cleaning can be closely followed by taking
successive solvent samples during the entire cleaning process until inspection confirms that the
acceptance International Standard is reached. Checking the amount of contaminants in a used sample is
a good indication of the cleanliness level reached.
The amount o f contaminants in a sample can be determined in three ways:
— mass o f residue (laboratory test);
— volume o f residue (laboratory test);
— light transmission.
A known quantity (Ms) o f a representative sample o f unfiltered used solvent is contained in a small
weighed beaker and is evaporated to dryness, being care ful not to overheat the residue, and the mass
(m 2 ) of the residue established. In the same manner, the mass (m1) of residue from a similar quantity of
clean unused solvent is determined. The di fference in mass between the two residues and the quantity
o f representative sample used is related to the total quantity (MV ) of solvent used and is used to
compute the amount of residual contaminant removed per square metre (m c) of surface area, A , cleaned,
as shown in Formula (A.1):
m 2 − m1 ) M V / Ms
mc = ( (A.1)
m1 is the mass o f residue (clean solvent), in mg;
m2 is the mass o f residue (used solvent), in mg;
Ms is the mass o f representative sample (used solvent), in g or kg;
MV is the total mass of solvent used (same units as for Ms);
A is the surface area of component cleaned, in m2 ;
mc is the mass of contamination present per area cleaned, in mg/m2 .
A.6.3 Volume of residue
A measured quantity o f a sample o f the unfiltered used solvent can be placed in a clear glass container
and evaporated to dryness. The volume o f residue can be measured directly and used to compute the
volume o f contaminant extracted per square metre o f sur face area cleaned. Greater sensitivity can be
achieved by successive evaporation o f quantities o f the same extracted solvent batch in the same glass
A.6.4 Light transmission
A sample o f the unfiltered used solvent is compared to a re ference sample o f unused solvent by
comparing light transmission through the two samples simultaneously. The di fference in colour or
light absorption and in particle content of the solvents are a qualitative indication of the amount of
contaminants dissolved. The quantity o f any contaminants in a sample can be estimated by analysis
techniques, e.g. making use of UV or infrared light.
[1] ISO 10156, Gases and gas mixtures — Determination of fire potential and oxidizing ability for the
selection o f cylinder valve outlets
[2] ISO 21009-1, Cryogenic vessels — Static vacuum-insulated vessels — Part 1: Design, fabrication,
inspection and tests
[3] ISO 21029-1, Cryogenic vessels — Transportable vacuum insulated vessels o f not more than
1 000 litres volume — Part 1: Design, fabrication, inspection and tests
[4] ISO 20421-1, Cryogenic vessels — Large transportable vacuum-insulated vessels — Part 1: Design,
fabrication, inspection and testing
[7] EIGA Doc 33/06, Cleaning o f equipment for oxygen services: Guideline
ICS 23.020.40
Price based on 7 pages
© ISO 2017 – All rights reserved
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