Progress in Metrology and Optical Fabrication Technology
Progress in Metrology and Optical Fabrication Technology
Progress in Metrology and Optical Fabrication Technology
EUVL, i.e. projection lithography, utilizing actmic wavelengths in the range of 21 1-13 nm, appears to be the natural
extension of optical lithography into the NGL-regime.
All-reflective imaging systems, utilizing aspherical, multilayer coated, near normal incidence mirrors with reflectivities
around 70%, were designed to enable diffraction limited imaging from 7Onm down to 3Onm feature sizes at high
However, diffraction limited performance of optical systems calls for surface figures of typically 2J50to 2/1OO. Considering
the operation wavelength of 2l 1-13 nm, this demand corresponds to unprecedented requirements for figure metrology and
fabrication technology.
Simultaneously, low flare levels and high reflectivities of the mirrors have to be ensured for proper system operation. These
properties are related to the substrate roughness in the mid spatial (typically ljim-lmm) and high spatial (typically <1 jim)
frequency ranges respectively. Accordingly these quantities have to be generated and controlled on a few- A-level.
In this paper, the metrology and fabrication concepts at CARL ZEISS will be reviewed. The present status in the fabrication
of specific EUVL mirrors will be reported as well.
According to the 1999 edition ofthe International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, lOOnm generation ICs will be
in production in 2005, 7Onm ICs in 2008 and 5Onm ICs in 2011.
The resolution of optical microlithography usually is expressed as Res= k1*7JNA. By pushing the numerical aperture NA of
the projection system and the process factor k1 close to their practical limits, F2 laser (?=157 nm) based systems are
expected to meet the 7Onm node.
For even higher resolutions, several Next Generation Lithography (NGL) techniques are possible. These include Extreme
Ultra Violet Lithography (EUVL), Electron Projection Lithography (EPL), Ion beam Projection Lithography (IPL) and X-
ray lithography.
EUVL, using 13 or 1 1 nm radiation, has a high probability to become the NGL of choice because:
. EUVL provides a higher throughput potential down to the 35nm IC generation than EPL and IPL, due to the
absence of stochastic coulomb interaction which couples throughput with resolution
• EUVL is a reduction projection technology, which greatly reduces requirements for the mask technology
• EUVL has the best fit with the current optical technology base, including precision optics and scanning stages.
In the US, a consortium of IC manufacturers and National Laboratories (EUV-LLC/VNL) was formed in 1997 to pursue the
development of the EUVL-technology'. In Japan an ASET program, mainly addressing core technology development, on
EUVL was started2. In Europe, based on the experience in the EUCLIDES program3, ASML has started the development of
an EUVL f3-tool, aimed to print 80 300mm-wafers per hour. CARL ZEISS is addressing the development and fabrication
of the optical system within this program.
Soft X-Ray and EUV Imaging Systems, Winfried M. Kaiser, Richard H. Stulen, Editors,
Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4146 (2000) © 2000 SPIE. · 0277-786X/00/$15.00 35
EUVL radiation can be obtained from synchrotrons, laser produced plasmas or discharge plasma sources. Whereas
synchrotron insertion devices provide highly collimated light fields, laser plasma sources radiate almost isotropically.
Plasma discharge sources have radiocharacteristics in between these extremes. The illumination system has to efficiently
couple these light fields to the entrance pupil of the imaging system while homogeneously illuminating the reticle. Finally,
the projection system — usually designed as reduction system — transfers the reticle pattern diffraction limited onto the
wafer. Besides providing the required resolution, achieving a system transmission as high as possible is a major system
design and technology issue.
Refractive and catadioptric optical column concepts lack of sufficiently transmissive materials at wavelengths significantly
below 157 nm. Consequently all-reflective systems have to be set up to meet the throughput requirements of a highly
productive NGL-stepper. High imaging fidelity calls for non-obscured mirror systems putting limits on the practicable NA
and resulting inevitably in off-axis configurations with exotic mirror shapes. Fortunately, in the last decade, it was shown
that by drastically reducing the actinic wavelength into the EUV range, obscuration free optical design concepts exist at
comparably small NAs, providing the required resolution at sufficiently low distortion levels4. Since diffraction limited
resolution is required, normal incidence configurations are mandatory for aberration control in the imaging systems.
Grazing incidence mirrors — employed very successfully e.g. in many x-ray astronomical systems — are restricted to the non
diffraction limited EUVL illumination system due their high aberration levels
To enable near normal incidence reflection, 'Distributed Bragg Reflectors (DBR)' are deposited on the mirrors5. At
?=13nm, where several EUV radiation
sources are available, Mo/Si-multilayers
with appr. 40 periods can provide
Reticle reflectivities close to 70% near normal
incidence. At X=1 mm, Mo/Be-multilayers
are favoured. To realize such high
reflectivities close to the theoretical limit
the substrate's roughness at spatial
wavelengths below appr. 1 tm — usually
titled 'high spatial frequency roughness
(HSFR)' - must not exceed a few
Angstroms rms. Otherwise the positive
interference of the partial wavefronts
reflected from the individual layers is
disturbed and the reflectivity drops
According to the Marechal criterion, diffraction limited imaging calls for an rms system wavefront error below AJ14. In a six
mirror systems this requirement constrains the tolerable surface figure error to appr. O.2nm rms. In field of view scattering
(flare) is related to the mid spatial frequency roughness (MSFR) at spatial wavelengths typically between 1mm and lim. A
substrate roughness of a few angstroms rms is needed in this frequency band for sufficient contrast in the image.
The EUV-scanners will most probably be operated with an reflective mask. The all reflective illumination system will
consist of a combination of grazing and normal incidence minors8. Figure specifications on the illumination mirrors will be
significantly relaxed compared to the imaging minors. However, EUVL-compliant roughness levels have to be ensured on
the steeply aspheric normal incidence components.
In contrast to the illuminator, the projection optics designs are in a comparably mature state. Thus recent EUVL-related
core technology development at CARL ZEISS was focused on the imaging minors. Summarizing the considerations in this
section, the general features of these mirrors are:
S Aspherical shape
. Off-axis segments of rotational symmetric parents, usually kidney shaped due to ringfield configuration
. Sharply edged, to avoid obscurations
S Figure specs typically: 0.1-0.2 nm mis
. MSFR-specs typically: 0.1-0.2 nm rms
I HSFR-specs typically: 0.1-0.2 nm mis
Metrology and fabrication technology development for the imaging mirrors will be the major object of the discussion in the
forthcoming sections.
The publication of the first 2-4 mirror designs for EUVL-suited imaging systems dates back into the late 80s.9 During the
last decade a lot of work was spent on the extension of these pioneering concepts towards highly developed systems capable
to meet the requirements of a production system6'7.
It was obvious from the very beginning of these investigations that the fabrication and metrology of the optical components
will be extremely challenging:
• Surface specifications are in the order of atomic dimensions in the whole spatial frequency domain reaching from
the clear aperture of the mirrors down to lateral atomic scales. This is new compared to other categories of high
precision optics: Since the totally scattered intensity strongly drops with increasing actinic wavelength, MSFR
specs are comparably low even in the high quality lenses for DUV lithography. Usually there is no major control
Two quantities may be used to roughly rate the degree of difficulty of asphere production.
The first quantity is the absolute deviation of the aspherical contour from the best fitting sphere. This number
determines the maximum number of fringes an interferometer or compensation optics has to deal with. Concerning
fabrication, it is a measure of the material that has to be removed with respect to a well corrected sphere. Since this
is usually done by subaperture tools the risk to introduce mid spatial frequency errors due to fluctuations in the
process or integration ofmaterial defects increases with increasing sag.
Even more important is the gradient of the aspherical deformation with respect to the lateral coordinate on the
minor surface. It determines the local fringe density the wavefront detection system of an interferometer has to be
capable to deal with. To generate a certain aspheric gradient, the tool functions have to have sufficiently high
frequency components. The higher the gradients, the smaller the tools will have to be. Fabrication time will
increase with decreasing tool size. The risk to introduce mid spatial frequency errors by shortcomings in the tool
dynamics and positioning increases. Eventually, the effectiveness of MSFR-smoothening tools significantly
decreases with increasing aspheric gradients.
Additionally the overall dimensions and shape of the substrates as well as the details of the aspheric contour will enter the
'figure of difficulty'.
Consequently, the optical design process was always aimed to keep this numbers as low as possible. Table 1 one compiles
typical values for some representative EUVL-mirrors.
In late summer 1999 CZ started the fabrication of the ZERODUR mirrors for VNLs micro exposure tool (MET). The
MET is an on-axis NA=O.3 two mirror system with central obscuration (Fig.2). This SEMATECH funded project is
predominately aimed to enable defect printability studies with a resolution down to 3Onm.
Ml is a convex, 54 mm diameter, 3 .8tm deep asphere. M2 is a concave, 183mm diameter, 5.6jtm deep asphere. Due to its
smaller diameter Ml has significantly larger gradients than M2 and is the more challenging one to manufacture. ELT2
processes had to be transferred and dedicated interferometers for the two mirrors had to be set up.
Metrology as well as fabrication concepts and results will be presented in the subsequent sections.
Slope=O.5 jim/mm
Slope=l .2 jim/mm
Fig. 2: MET-system, courtesy of LLNL The primary Ml and secondary M2 mirror substrates
. Figure (spatial frequencies down to appr. one tenth of the clear aperture) will mainly influence aberrations and thereby
the fidelity ofthe image (e.g. contact holes becoming elliptical, asymmetric line edges or unsufficient overlay).
S MSFR ( spatial structures down to appr. 1im) will result in intrafield scattering, thereby decreasing the contrast of the
image. Most problematic in that view is the imaging of isolated dark structures in a bright field.
. HSFR (spatial wavelength down to app. the wavelength of the actinic light) will disturb the proper constructive
overlay of the subwavefronts reflected from the multilayer stack, resulting in a drop of reflectivity. As a consequence
the system throughput in a litho system including up to 10 normal incidence components will suffer dramatically even
if the reflectivity of the individual surfaces drops only a few percent.
The transitions between these three categories are not very distinct. Nor is the response of the optical system uniquely
described by these numbers. Differing surface topographies, although resulting in different optical performance may yield
the same figure, MSFR and HSFR readings.
A more appropriate approach to characterize the surfaces is the concept of the power spectral density (PSD), originating
from system theory and already widely used to specify x-ray grazing incidence optics" . Surface data are decomposed by
Fourier transformation into their spectral components. By normalizing the squared amplitude spectra (the power spectra) to
the frequency sampling intervals the power spectral density ( PSD) is constructed from the readings of various instruments,
each covering a distinct spatial frequency range.
. 1.1. i2tr(fx+fy)
A- AJjdxdye Z(x,y)
with Z(x,y) the surface profile at the position (x,y), A is the sampling area of the instrument. As can be seen from the
formula the 2D-PSD is measured in units of [length]4. By integrating the 2D PSD in polar coordinates with respect to the
angular coordinate one arrives at the 2D isotropic PSD which is due to its reduced complexity better suited for visualization
The rms roughness values in a certain frequency band can be calculated by integrating the PSD within the proper frequency
limits. Owing to Parseval's theorem that is equivalent to backtransform the specific frequency band (here the phase
information is needed too) and calculate the roughness by integration in the spatial domain
The one dimensional PSD S,(f), calculated from a line height profile Z(x) of the surface is another quantity, especially
useful for the evaluation of AFM data
1. Interferometry
Gravitational or stress induced deformations usually affect front and backside of a refractive lens in a similar way resulting
in a gross mutual cancellation of the induced wavefront errors. Only higher order contributions have to be dealt with. In
contrast, gravitational and stress induced deformations of reflective surfaces will directly add to the system wavefront error.
As a consequence it is common to all EUVL-metrology concepts, that the mirror substrates have to be measured in their
operational position and in their original mounts. Thereby mechanically induced surface distortions are fed forward to the
fabrication processes.
Figure specs of appr. 0.2mm rms call for a metrology process with precision and accuracy both well below 0. mm rms.
The more challenging quantity here is accuracy. It is strongly influenced by the properties of any ideal and especially as—
build auxiliary optics within the interferometer. Thus interferometers as free as possible from such components were
proposed and developed in the US-EUVL program'2
Another approach to provide the required level of accuracy is to remove the interferometer error by calibration. Calibration
is done by measuring a well known surface with the interferometer to be calibrated. The interferometer error is obtained by
subtracting the figure of the calibration surface from this measurement. Therefore, the systematic part of the residual
interferometer error is determined by the accuracy obtained for the measurement of the calibration surface.
Following this
approach, we can rely
calibration test on the experience in
interferometry at Carl
Zeiss'4"5,which has
Interferometer been applied very
successful in the
fabrication of
ultrahigh performance
optics at CZ.
Fig. 4 shows the
sphere metrology concept for
the MET Ml mirror.
Interferometer and
transmission sphere
are calibrated by
compensation measuring an
System absolutely qualified
calibration sphere.
For the measurement
of the asphere, the
calibration sphere is
calibration sphere asphere
replaced by a
compensation lens and
the asphere. The
Fig 4 Metrology concept for the MET Ml minor. compensation lens
transforms the
spherical wavefront from the transmission sphere to the aspherical surface shape of the Ml asphere and vice versa.
Therefore, the interferometer is operated with a
spherical wavefront very similar to the wavefront
it has been calibrated for.
Due to the high sampling density the interferometric data extend into the MSFR range. PSD analysis of the data helps to
reveal and eliminate spectral components not originating from the surface itself, as e.g. the sharp peak visible at the Nyquist
frequency which is due to the interlaced operation of the camera, or the sharply peaked multiple fringe kernel remnants at
the carrier fringe frequency.
2. Microinterferometry
Commercial microinterferometers are used to qualify the
MSFR. A Micromap 512 with 20x Mireau objective samples 1D-PSD, Comparison 1 D x- and y-direction
a 408 x 311 tm2 field with 640 x 480 pixels, thus providing 102
We therefore choose an indirect way for the evaluation of the AFM-based isotropic 2-D PSD. First the z-drift of the piezos
is corrected by flattening of 2 nd order. In the next step the lD-. PSD is evaluated in the x-direction, avoiding the artefacts
which are generated by the flattening step. From this the 2-D isotropical PSD, is calculated numerically by an inverse Abel
trrm1 This operation is reasonable for samples exhibiting a spatially isotropic roughness.
The overall agreement of the synthesized isotropical 2-D PSD with the directly evaluated 2-D PSD is shown in fig. 7. At the
short wavelength end the 'flattening-noise' reduction is visible.
Starting with a sphere fabricated to microlithography standards two different idealized strategies can be thought of to meet
the requirements of EUVL-aspheres.
1) generate the asphere by a suited process and remove afterwards MSFR and HSFR by a smoothening process or
2.) Prepare a superpolished sphere as free as possible from MSFR and generate the aspherical contour by a roughness
conserving process.
In practice especially at the end of the process these two ideals will merge into a compatible iterative process, since every
smoothening process will cause some figure errors to be corrected afterwards- the aspherization in turn will add some power
to the MSFR and/or HSFR to be smoothened away. Both basic approaches have been and still are pursued at CZ to
determine the best starting point for the final conection of the substrates.
Computer controlled processes are used for aspherization, fme correction and smoothening of the mirrors. Some well known
processes ofthis kind are:
. Computer controlled polishing (CCP): Elastic subaperture tools are used to figure and smoothen the surfaces by
means of conventional polishing techniques . The basic tool functions of a linearly moved tool resembles a
sharply edged top-hat. By superimposing rotational movements, the tool functions can be modified, e.g to
generate Gaussian-like footprints. However, the resulting tool function will contain some residual high frequency
components which bear the risk to generate MSFRs if the process is not properly controlled.
The ultimate achievable figure and MSFR is determined by the fundamental statistics of the process, practicable
tool sizes, the capability ofthe elastic pads to adapt to the aspheric surface and the dynamics and mechanical
stability of the supporting machines.
. Magnetorheological fmishing (MRF): The substrate intersects a liquidjet, being composed of abrasive particles,
dispersed in a ferromagnetic fluid. The proper - and highly efficient - tool is formed by application of a magnetic
field in the interaction region. The tool is in close form contact with the substrate. Its size can be controlled by the
magnetic field configuration. Inherent to the sharply edged tool function is the risk to generate MSFRs, if the
process is not properly controlled. As in the case of CCP, achievable figure and roughness are strongly influenced
by the stiffness and dynamics of the machine. The process has a high wear rate and thus a high productivity. The
process is used for figuring only - not for polishing. Roughness is conserved to a certain extent.
If MSFR and HSFR components are introduced into the power spectrum by the figuring process, efficient smoothening
procedures have to be applied in order to converge to the full specification.
The intermediate (Set 1) and end-specifications (Set 2) of the US-ETS-optics may be used as a benchmark for the achieved
surface quality16
Figure and MSFR results inbetween Seti and Set2 specs.were previously reported for the 1.8jtm ELT2 asphere'°.
Fig. 8.summarizes the results achieved so far on the MET Ml mirror. The cited figures are precision data, stemming from
the original precision-only metrology set-up. Since significant accuracy corrections had to be applied after switching to the
new accuracy-metrology set-up, the substrate had to be reworked. Work on achieving the same numbers on an accuracy
base are in progress. The numbers show that ETS-Set 1 specs had been reached in a very short term.
Present efforts are focused predominately on simultaneously generating figure and MSFR within the MET1 specs. Once
these specs are met, HSFR will be optimized by fine tuning the processes to the material properties.
Figure 8: Filtered surface interferogram of Ml substrate. The cited numbers correspond to the frequency bandwidths
defined by the ETS specs.
Surface quality of the alpha-tool class MET Ml on-axis mirror converged rapidly to ETS Set 1 specffications.
Convergence towards the twice as tight Set 2 specs slowed down considerably. Meeting the MSFR-spec. appear to be
the most challenng subtask. Meeting the HSFR specs will require a mutual optimization of material and fabrication
Future work will focus on the stabilization and control ofthe processes in order to provide surfaces in set 2 spec.
In parallel the transfer of the process to alpha4ool class off-axis mirrors is started
The authors wish to express their thanks to the MET-team at VNL and to the International SEMATECH EUV Project
Manager Neil Wester for many fruitfiil discussions.
This work has been supported in part by the European Commission within the ESPRIT program (Project EP 28160)
The MET-work was partially supported by 1999-2000 International SEMATECH Project Lith-112
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