Chap 1
Chap 1
Chap 1
In the modern age, technology has become an integral part of our lives,
transforming every aspect of our existence, including the field of education. The rapid
resources that are revolutionizing the way we teach and learn. Newly innovated
or adoption. This innovative technology is present in multiple forms, ranging from laptops
(AI), and social media, and plays a crucial role in various aspects of our lives, including
world of the academic environment, students have been raised in a world immersed in
technology and are unfamiliar with a life devoid of cell phones, computers, televisions,
and other common technological devices that have demonstrated remarkable positive
advancements that people have all witnessed. There are several new and emerging
technological tools and trends that are predicted by experts to deliver better to both the
business realm and the global society. As stated by Byers et al. in 2018 these new types
of spaces have evolved over recent years, they have been referred to as innovative
Electronic learning encompasses all forms of electronic media that are utilized in
fosters positive attitudes toward knowledge and stimulates students' curiosity and
for learning control as well as it can help students investigate and answer complex
questions, develop new thinking skills, and access, evaluate, and synthesize information
students with the ability to engage in critical thinking and develop creative solutions
instructors deliver their lessons using projectors and PowerPoint presentations, offers a
tools for the assessment process (Bates & Martin, 2013). According to John Paul
Espinosa (2016) Technological advances have greatly changed the education landscape
Another study at Oklahoma State University found that 75% of students said the use of
and the challenge of maintaining a healthy balance between studying and technology
In the midst of significant problems faced by students especially, made worse by the
pandemic. While technology is often considered the most influential force in society. It
also had a significant issue in their education. Research has shown that students'
reading and writing skills can also be damaged by technology. Technology also leads to
the way people communicate, learn, and engage in today’s present. A 2015 meta-
analysis by Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark found that technology can have a small but
positive impact on student achievement when used effectively. However, the study also
noted that technology can be a distraction for students, and its effectiveness is reduced
when used excessively or without proper guidance. A 2018 study published in the
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning found that excessive social media use was
a 2019 study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that distractions,
such as checking social media or playing games, can significantly reduce task
2006 by Foerde and Pashler found that multitasking on cognitively demanding tasks
leads to significant performance decrements and a 2017 study published in the Journal
checking email or browsing the web while studying, can impair memory and reduce the
ability to learn new information. According to research, there has been an increase in
mental health issues among students which has led to anxiety, depression, and
challenges with learning, which are associated with their use of technology (Lynch,
2018). Using technology frequently can increase the possibility of lying, arguments, poor
achievement, social isolation, and fatigue. Excessive use may also be related to impulse
control deficit or depression, chronic stress, low self-esteem, and anxiety (Mahmoodi,
Nadrian, Shaghaghi, Jafarabadi, Ahmadi, & Saqqezi, 2018). Research shows that these
A 2019 survey by Inside Higher Ed found that nearly half of students (49%) were
browsing the web, checking social media, or playing games. However, the survey also
found that a majority of students (73%) believe that technology is unavoidable in the
classroom. Students who had cell phone overuse and addiction to the Internet and social
networks had lower general health scores than students who did not have these
problems and were associated with general health, with students who had poor sleep
teaching and learning activities have both constructive and destructive effects on the
academic environment affecting both students and teachers (Sánchez, P., & Abella,
J.,2021). However, a study conducted in 2022-2023 of the Senior High school students
of Community of Learners Academy of San Jose proved that technology has a Positive
Impact on their learning and shows that the majority of Senior High school students are
strongly sure that technology has a positive impact on them, only a few respondents say
Appropriate use of technology can serve the regular education classroom by motivating
students in all disciplines, such as math, social studies, and literacy (Heafner, 2004; Liu,
2016; Housand & Housand, 2012). Proper implementation of technology can boost
student learning outcomes. The study aims to determine the influences of innovative
making informed decisions about integrating these tools into the learning environment,
The rapid and ongoing expansion of innovative technology has the potential to
transform better education, but it can also present students with a number of difficulties
that raise a serious concern about its impact on academic performance. The following
1.1 Gender
1.2 Strand
2. How does the newly innovated technology affects the academic performance of the
3. What is the frequency level of respondents using newly innovated technology that
about the indicators that need to be considered to effectively participate in class and for
from this study to improve their time management and self-discipline abilities. This can
help students find a better balance between their academic responsibilities and other
aspects of their lives, leading to more active, mindful, and engaged learning
This study is essential for educators and institutions looking to make well-
informed decisions about the adoption and usage of newly innovated technology as it
becomes more and more interwoven into education. This research addresses the vital
utilize the study's findings to help their children develop digital literacy and appropriate
technology use that can be utilized as a tool for learning rather than distraction and
This study may raise new questions or leave certain aspects unexplored. In order
to fill in these knowledge gaps and create a more thorough understanding of the topic,
future researchers can identify these gaps and carry out additional research to fill them.
This will help to advance the field's understanding of the long-term effects of newly
innovated technology on the students’ academic performance and the changing role of
year 2023-2024. The study exclusively targets the Grade 11 and Grade 12 students in
the academic track who use technology and are the respondents of this study as they
tend to extensively engage with newly innovated technology potentially affecting their
academic performance, having the researcher’s eagerness to address the said issue.
The study will be conducted to the ACLC College of Tacloban’s senior high school
students, with data collection exclusively on campus without associated activities outside
the school premises. The data will be gathered through self-report questionnaires and
surveys in order to evaluate the factors of newly innovative technology that influence the
academic performance of the students. Descriptive statistics are utilized to evaluate the
said problem following the ethical guidelines, informed consent, and participant privacy.
Intelligence (AI), social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok, online games like
Mobile Legends and Call of Duty Mobile, projectors, smart TV monitors, laptops, and
smartphones. It excludes other multimedia materials and electronic devices. While the
results and findings of this study will reveal whether/not there is an influence of newly
generalizable to other schools and populations. This will not extend to examining the
As time goes by, acquiring knowledge and skills has become more rapidly and
pamphlets have played a prominent role. Presently, we have witnessed the advent of
all students. Within the field of academic, educational technology is a broad discipline
that scopes the learning materials, instructional environments, learners, and learning
process to enhance the methods of teaching and the effective learning outcomes. This
innovation, and “learning by doing” theory. In this part, each will be explored briefly, with
Constructivism learning theory (Jean Piaget, 1980) posits that individuals actively
construct their own knowledge through experiences and interactions with the world.
educational settings. The theory clarifies the process by which a new concept unfolds,
initiate the utilization of said innovation. Diffusions of innovations theory cultivates the
actual instrument in technologies, and emphasizes the importance of innovativeness,
a lens to evaluate the rate at which newly innovated technology is adopted and
simpler terms, "learning by doing." Learning by doing applies to something more when
students actually "perform" the work. Just like using innovative technology such as
these means, students are able to create current ideas, and methodologies, enabling
them to step forward in their understanding, which they subsequently strengthen through
into account the constructivism, innovation diffusion, and “learning by doing” theories.
shown in figure 1. The (IPO) framework involves gathering data on the respondents'
gender, strand, age, and technology usage that affects the academic performance. This
descriptive statistics, and interpreted to understand the impact of these variables on the
students’ academic performance to determine the influences of newly innovated
Figure 1.
Definition of Terms
In this section, key terms and concepts employed throughout this research will be
defined and explained to ensure a clear understanding of the material presented. These
definitions are intended to provide a common ground for discussion and to facilitate a
shared understanding of the terminology that can engage in a more meaningful and