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Selection and Dimensioning of Energy Storage Systems for
Standalone Communities: A Review
Maria Symeonidou and Agis M. Papadopoulos *

Process Equipment Design Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
* Correspondence: agis@auth.gr

Abstract: The European Union’s energy and climate policies are geared on reducing carbon dioxide
emissions and advancing sustainable energy, focusing on a faster propagation of renewable energy
sources to decarbonize the energy sector. The management of locally produced energy, which
can be implemented by a microgrid capable of either being linked to the main grid or operating
independently, is equally crucial. Additionally, it seems that electricity storage is the only practical
way to manage energy effectively within a microgrid. Energy storage is hence one of the main
technological parameters upon which future energy management has to be based. Especially during
crisis periods (such as the COVID-19 pandemic or the ongoing energy crisis), storage is a valuable
tool to optimize energy management, particularly from renewables, in order to successfully cover
demand fluctuation, hence achieving resilience, while at the same time reducing overall energy costs.
The purpose of the paper is to analyze and present, in brief, the state-of-the-art of the energy storage
systems that are available on the market and discuss the upcoming technological improvements of
the storage systems and, in particular, of batteries. The analysis will focus on the storage systems
that can be used within a stand-alone community such as a microgrid, but not limited to it. In the
analysis, short- and long-term storage options are discussed, as well as varying storage capacities of
the different technologies. The analysis is based on contemporary optimization tools and methods
used for standalone communities. Understanding the state-of-the-art of energy storage technology is
Citation: Symeonidou, M.;
Papadopoulos, A.M. Selection and
crucial in order to achieve optimum solutions and will form the base for any further research.
Dimensioning of Energy Storage
Systems for Standalone Communities: Keywords: energy storage system; batteries; standalone communities; microgrids; mini-grids; energy
A Review. Energies 2022, 15, 8631. management; optimization; tools

Academic Editor: Andrea Frazzica

Received: 30 October 2022 1. Introduction

Accepted: 14 November 2022 Europe and the rest of the world face an existential danger from climate crisis and its
Published: 17 November 2022
impact on the environment. The European Green Deal has set the outline, in the form of
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral the Fit for 55 package and its accompanying series of legislative measures, aiming to make
with regard to jurisdictional claims in Europe the first continent to be carbon neutral by 2050, while ensuring on a social level that
published maps and institutional affil- vulnerable groups are not left behind. All economic sectors will need to be active in order to
iations. meet this 2050 goal, by means of actions that include investing in environmentally friendly
innovations, encouraging industry to advance, switching to cheaper, more advantageous
forms of private and public transportation, decarbonizing the energy sector, ensuring
that buildings are more energy efficient, and collaborating with international partners
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
to advance global environmental benchmarks. The aforementioned goals can only be
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
accomplished by converting climatic and ecological difficulties into genuine possibilities
This article is an open access article
via equitable and all-inclusive activities. The ongoing energy crisis, which started in late
distributed under the terms and
2021, has triggered the REPowerEU set of measures, aiming at diversifying gas supplies and
conditions of the Creative Commons
expediting the roll-out of renewables, so as to ensure security of supply, while maintaining
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
sustainability as a primary goal [1–3].

Energies 2022, 15, 8631. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15228631 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

Energies 2022, 15, 8631 2 of 28

Prior to the European Green Deal, the Paris Agreement had already made it plain that
governments must reduce emissions globally as quickly as possible to achieve a climate-
neutral world by the middle of the century to meet the long-term temperature aim of an
increase of no more than 2 ◦ C. To achieve this, it is necessary to unite all countries around
the shared goal of launching ambitious initiatives to fight climate change and prepare for
its consequences. It was also emphasized that it is only possible to fully grasp the notion of
technology development and transfer for enhancing climate change resilience and lowering
greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) if technical advancements work in accordance with those
scopes. The significance of technology frameworks as a means of directing efforts to reduce
environmental pollution is also being emphasized [4,5].
Furthermore, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals provide a com-
prehensive description of the objectives that must be met, in order to improve human
well-being and environmental survival, in addition to the aims and goals that have been
defined in accordance with GHG reduction and environmental pollution restriction. The ap-
peal calls for action from all nations, including those with low, medium, and high incomes,
in order to advance prosperity and preserve the environment. It is understood that address-
ing practices and technological improvements toward a carbon-neutral environment is of
great importance [6,7].
Finally, the ongoing energy crisis, which can end up as the worst event since the oil
crisis of 1973, has hit particularly in Europe, as gas prices have reached unprecedented
levels, while at the same time, oil prices have followed, albeit to a lesser extent. However,
the real threat lies in shortages in the supply of natural gas, which poses a real threat for
power generation in the coming winter while leading many energy providers at the edge
of bankruptcy and presenting a major risk for most industrial sectors [8].
Still, one must keep in mind that this crisis stems from a combination of events, starting
with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has created intense uncertainties both in the energy
sector and in the global economy. The economic slowdown led to a collapse in energy
demand in 2020, with oil prices being extremely low, while this decline was corrected by
the “reopening” of global economic activity [8]. In Europe, energy costs for households
have already increased by 20–30% in 2021, to an average of EUR 1450 annually, while in
2022, they are expected to increase by a further 20–40% to EUR 1850, with predictions that
they will continue to rise in 2023 [9]. At the same time, industrial consumers will also
receive a big blow as the price increases in electricity reached 20% and in natural gas 15%
in 2021, and a further increase of 70 and 100%, respectively, is predicted in 2022, while in
2023, it is expected to bring further increases in gas prices [10].
As it is understood, in addition to the need for RES systems to become less cost-
intensive, integrating energy storage systems into their operation is equally important
because, unlike fossil fuels and particular renewable, the yield from wind and solar en-
ergy is directly related to weather conditions, making energy output less predictable and
non-dispatchable. Combining algorithms and mathematical programming with technology
breakthroughs allows for considerable progress in integrated system layout and dimen-
sioning, along with the previously less appealing environmental advantages of reduced
carbon dioxide emissions and energy availability for demand response. Energy storage
systems (ESS) present in that sense an answer to these issues, because they allow for excess
energy to be stored during times of strong solar radiation and/or prevailing winds and
low demand and then release it when the load calls for it. These systems include batteries,
the use of which has seen significant growth in recent years, and which are expected to
further do so in the years to come, due to their perfect suitability for this use and the drastic
decline in their cost.

2. Standalone Communities
The technology of power grids operating outside the core network (mini-grids), is
constantly developing, enabling a shift from remote central station units to a more local,
distributed generation scheme. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency
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(IRENA) [11], these networks can be categorized in several ways. Table 1 shows a cate-
gorization according to the applications, users and the individual parts of their systems,
while in Table 2, the separation was made based on the size, capabilities and complexity of
the system.

Table 1. Categorization of systems based on applications, users and individual segments [12].

Stand-Alone Grids
Solar DC solar home AC solar home Nano-grid Microgrid
System Full-grid
Lighting etc. systems systems Pico-grid Mini-grid
Lighting and
Lighting and Lighting and Appliances and
Applications Lighting All uses All uses
Appliances Appliances Emergency
Residential Residential Community Community Commercial
Community Community Commercial Commercial Industry
Generation Generation Generation Generation
Storage Generation
Key Storage Storage three-phase three-phase
Lighting single-phase
Component Lighting DC special distribution distribution and
Regular AC distribution
Cell charger appliances and controller transmission

Table 2. Network separation based on system size, capabilities and complexity [12].

Size (kW) Capability Complexity

Stand-alone systems 0–0.1
Pico-grid 0–1 Single Controller
Single Voltage Both grid and remote systems
Single Price Preference for DC systems
Nano-grid 0–5
Controllers negotiate with other across Typically serving single building
gateways to buy or sell power Single administrator
Manage local energy supply and demand
Provide variety of voltages Incorporate generation
Microgrid 5–100
Provide variety of quality and reliable options Varying pricing possible
Optimize multiple output energy systems
Local generation satisfying local demand
Mini-grid 0–100,000 Interconnected costumers
Transmission limited to 11 kV

With respect to its substance, a microgrid consists of a set of buildings, consumers

and/or producers; renewable energy source (RES) systems; and possible thermal and/or
electrical storage media. Essentially, it is an active distribution network, as its elements
produce and consume in a distribution system. Most often, it operates connected to the
central network and is treated by it as a single controlled unit, meeting local energy needs;
however, it is often also found in isolation, mainly in applications of remote islands [12].
Its main objectives are to achieve a reliable and efficient supply of electricity, to enhance
local autonomy and to improve the operation and stability of the regional electricity grid,
while at the same time ensuring a greener and more sustainable way of producing energy,
especially in urban and rural areas [13].
More specifically, each microgrid, as well as the central network, has the necessary
mechanisms for the production, distribution and regulation of energy provision. Power is
supplied locally and is largely produced by RES (mainly solar and wind energy). The main
differences it bears compared to the conventional power plants of the core network are the
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much lower power (<100 kW) production units, the direct supply of the energy produced
to the distribution network, provided of course that it is at distribution voltage, and the
The distribution
installation ofof energy
production is carried
close out by conventional
to consumption, connections
reducing between homes,
the transmission losses [14].
businesses, services, etc. Due to the deferred production and
The distribution of energy is carried out by conventional connections demand, there is often a stor‐
between homes,
age medium for the
businesses, autonomy
services, of the
etc. Due tosystem, whichproduction
the deferred can be either andcentral
demand, (onethere
or moreis often a
common storage
storage facilities,
medium for the where the excess
autonomy of theenergy
be either producers
central (one will
or more
or distributed (many, different storage facilities, each close to each
storage facilities, where the excess energy from the distributed producers will production).
For greater
reach),reliability, it is customary
or distributed (many, differentto connect
the region’s
closenetwork. However, For
to each production).
in the greater
event ofreliability,
a networkiterror, there is a possibility of disconnection from
is customary to connect to the region’s core network. However, it. Then, for the in the
operation of the microgrid
of a network error, there andis atopossibility
ensure energy supply to thefrom
of disconnection higher priority
it. Then, forloads
the proper
(e.g., hospitals),
operation of thethe
microgrid hasand
a series of controllers,
to ensure so thatto
energy supply itsthe
operation is performed
higher priority loads (e.g.,
in an automated andmicrogrid
hospitals), the efficient way, has aensuring
series ofits members so
controllers, thethat
desired reliability
its operation isand safety. in an
At theautomated
same time,and when conditions
efficient allow, itits
way, ensuring can become the
members an important link in the
desired reliability andrestora‐
safety. At the
tion ofsame
the core
time,network [15]. Finally,
when conditions allow, Figure
it can 1become
presentsanthe main categorization
important of a mi‐ of the
link in the restoration
core network [15]. Finally, Figure 1 presents the main categorization of a microgrid.

Figure 1. Microgrid categorization [16].

Figure 1. Microgrid categorization [16].
The main characteristics of microgrids, with respect to their function, can be described
The main characteristics of microgrids, with respect to their function, can be de‐
as follows:
scribed as follows:
Microgrids are local. As already mentioned, the microgrid is a local energy system,
which means are that
As already mentioned,
is produced close tothe microgridThis
consumers. is afact
local energy system,
distinguishes microgrids
whichfrommeans that
large energy
central is produced
networks, in whichclose to consumers.
electricity This fact
is generated in thedistinguishes
various power mi‐plants
andfromdrivenlarge central
through networks, in
transmission andwhich electricity
distribution is generated
lines to end users. in the various
powertheplants and driven
transfer of energy through transmission
over long distancesand distribution
entails lines which
some losses, to end can
standably, the transfer of energy over long distances
reduced if production takes place near the service points [17]. entails some losses, which can be
significantly reduced if production takes place near the service points [17].
Due to the microgrids’ local characteristics, they can use local biomass as fuel, such
Due to thesteam
as when microgrids’ local characteristics,
generators are included into theyminiature
can use local
Rankinebiomass as fuel,
cycles. This such
helps to
as when steam
clean generators
up forest landsare andincluded into miniature
gives bushes and shrubs Rankine cycles. This
a marketable helpsSince
purpose. to clean
the fuels
up forest landswill
utilized andfrequently
gives bushes and shrubs
be local, meaninga marketable
they do not purpose. Sincetransportation
have major the fuels utilized
will frequently
incorporated be local,
in theirmeaning
pricing, they do not
this will aid have
in themajor transportation
repopulation of rural expenses incor‐
regions, the reduction
poratedin in
thetheir pricing,
number andthis will aidofinforest
intensity the repopulation
fires, as wellofasrural
the regions,
reduction theofreduction
the number and intensity of forest fires, as well as the reduction of electricity prices. Since
the contaminants that these Rankine cycles produce will also be absorbed, they are non‐
polluting processes.
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Since the contaminants that these Rankine cycles produce will also be absorbed, they are
non-polluting processes.
Microgrids are independent. A microgrid can be disconnected from the main network
and operate independently. This autonomous operating capacity allows consumers to be
uninterruptedly supplied with electricity even when a storm or some other event causes
damage to the central power grid. Although they have this capability, they usually remain
connected to the host network, unless they are in a remote area where either there is no
network or there is but it is unreliable. Thus, as long as the main network is functioning
normally, it and the microgrid are in a kind of symbiotic relationship [17].
Microgrids are “smart”. This property of theirs is due to the existence of a controller,
which is the central “brain” of the total system, and its role is to manage all the individual
elements of the microgrid, such as the various energy sources, batteries, and energy systems
of buildings, with a high degree of complexity. The controller regulates the operation of the
various energy sources by modulating the use of any of them or a combination of them,
in order to achieve the goals, set by the users, which may concern the achievement of
lower prices, cleaner energy, greater reliability or anything else. For example, an advanced
controller can monitor, in real time, changes in the electricity prices of the core network,
which are constantly changing based on supply and demand. If it is economically appropri-
ate, it can choose to buy energy from the grid to serve consumers instead of, for example,
using the energy produced by the photovoltaic system’s photovoltaics. Thus, the electricity
generated for example by photovoltaics could charge the batteries of the microgrid and be
utilized later, when the energy of the grid becomes expensive [17].
The advantages that microgrids can bring are therefore easily recognizable:
• They have a smaller environmental impact, compared to conventional grids, due to
reduced emissions of gases and particles, as losses are smaller.
• They reduce the distance between production and demand, leading to an improvement
in the voltage profile, reduction of losses and costs in transmission and distribution,
reduction of investments in transmission and distribution systems and reduction of
power congestion in transmission and distribution.
• They improve power quality and reliability by decentralizing production, better
matching of energy supply and demand, reducing the impact of large outages on
transmission and production and reducing downtime, and improving the time to
restart production using the power of small producers.
• They lead to cost savings, through the use of efficient cogeneration of heat and power
and the integration of many small producers, in order to increase local production and
reduce the cost of distribution and transmission losses.
• They enable profits from participation in the electricity markets, both by enabling
power purchases when prices are lower and selling when prices are higher, but also
by providing ancillary services, acting as distributed generation units [11].
However, there are also certain disadvantages, which are challenges that have to be
overcome, such as:
• The high investment costs of RES systems, although this has dropped drastically lately.
• The possible technical difficulties from the inexperience of controlling a large number
of small producers.
• The lack of standards regarding the operation and protection of microgrids.
• Legal and managerial issues; due to lack of legislation and regulations on the operation
of microgrids, that have an impact on licensing and connecting.
• Issues of the energy market, such as regulating the price of energy provided by the
microgrid during its autonomous operation [11].
Some of these issues may be solved by converting existing networks and developing
new smart grids. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) [18], a smart grid
is defined as “the electrical network that uses digital and other advanced technologies
to monitor and manage the transfer of energy from all production sources to meet the
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changing electrical loads of consumers. Smart grids coordinate the needs and capabilities
of all generators, network operators, consumers and all those involved in the electricity
market to operate all parts of the system as efficiently as possible, minimizing costs and
environmental impacts, while maximizing system reliability, flexibility and stability.” In
Europe, they are given the descriptions: flexible, accessible, reliable and economically
attractive [11].
In existing intelligent networks, only localized protection systems and energy control
centers are applied. However, to achieve the desired level, processors and sensors should
be installed on each device, substation and production unit, which will be accompanied by
operating systems that will work together and communicate with each other, forming a
large computing platform. The applications and experiences of the microgrid can help in
this transformation [11].

3. Methods and Characteristics of Energy Storage Systems

RES systems are increasingly penetrating the production of electricity, and given their
stochastic nature and the differentiation between production and consumption, storage
technologies offer great potential for better exploitation of the energy derived from them.
Thus, during periods of intense sunshine and/or prevailing wind, the additional energy
produced by photovoltaics and wind generators can be stored and exploited when gener-
ation is not possible. Currently, energy storage systems are used in various applications,
such as to reduce the total cost of electricity production, to provide stable power to non-
interconnected systems, to use the grid more efficiently, to provide backup energy, to
smart microgrids and smart buildings, to electric vehicles, etc. Thus, it is of paramount
importance to achieve a truly sustainable transformation, and for this reason, political
actors, industry and other relevant stakeholders should continue to work together in order
to create a supportive regulatory framework that will allow the storage sector to thrive.

3.1. Storage Methods

Energy storage methods can, according to [19], be classified into two general categories:
- Based on the duration of storage of the produced energy;
- Based on the form of storage of the produced energy.
As will be discussed in the following sections, there is a wide range of energy storage
applications, which can be classified both under technical and economic criteria. In addi-
tion, they can be classified depending on whether they are installed centrally or distributed,
as they find applications in individual small systems (residences), in larger systems (shop-
ping centers, neighborhoods), in systems of the electricity distribution network or in RES
operating facilities.
- Storage duration
Short-term storage. It is used to serve the peaks of energy demand for a certain period
within the course of a day. Thus, the demand on central power plants, transmission and dis-
tribution systems is reduced. For such applications, one can use flywheels, supercapacitors,
superconducting materials and liquid storage tanks.
Medium-term storage. It is used when excess energy or seasonal gain can be trans-
ferred with a delay of a few days to a few weeks and serve future demand. Such means are
batteries, solid thermal beds and hydrogen storage systems.
Long-lasting storage. It is used in systems with a large energy capacity and small or
very small losses. The storage period can be from a few months up to an annual basis. The
applications that use these systems take advantage of the annual climate variation and
achieve minimization of annual energy requirements or serve a multitude of consumers
(city, settlement, industrial areas) in exceptional cases. Common systems include the
technologies of pumped storage, storage of compressed air, geothermal, underground
storage of heat in solid or liquid media [19].
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‐ Storage
- form form
Electricity can onlycan
Electricity be stored
only beafter its conversion
stored to another form
after its conversion of energy.form
to another The most
of energy. The most
common forms are presented in Figure 2 and are analyzed below:
common forms are presented in Figure 2 and are analyzed below:

Figure 2. Energy storage systems categories.

Figure 2. Energy storage systems categories.
Chemical energy. This includes electrochemical energy storage systems such as
batteries,energy. This includes
photochemical electrochemical
storage energy storage reactions,
through photochemical systems such as bat‐
thermochemical storage
teries, photochemical storage through photochemical reactions, thermochemical storage
through two-way reactions that can release and store large amounts of energy or systems for
through two‐way reactions that can release and store large amounts of energy or systems
dissolving, absorbing and adsorption. Additionally, it includes energy storage in the form
for dissolving, absorbing and adsorption. Additionally, it includes energy storage in the
form of hydrogen,which
of hydrogen, which is is stored
stored in liquid,
in liquid, gaseous
gaseous or solid
or solid form andform and
then then
used asused
fuel. as fuel. [20–22]
[20–22] Mechanical energy. This includes systems that store energy in the form of dynamic
energy (elevated
Mechanical energy.bodies, elasticsystems
This includes materials),
that kinetic (rectilinear
store energy or rotational
in the form of dynamic motion) and com-
energy pressed gasbodies,
(elevated energy. Most
elastic commonkinetic
materials), technologies
motion) flywheels
and and com-
pressed gas
airenergy. Most
systems. common
The technologies
operational pattern areofpumped
flywheels storage, flywheels
has been known andfor decades [19];
in theirairpresent
systems. The operational
form, pattern
their rotational of flywheels
speeds exceed has been known
50,000 RPM and for decades
magnetic frictions and
[19]; in
chambers under vacuum are used to reduce aerodynamic losses and fric‐
their present form, their rotational speeds exceed 50,000 RPM and magnetic rotor pressure [18].
tions and chambers under vacuum are used to reduce aerodynamic losses and rotor pres‐
Unlike batteries, flywheels systems are not sensitive to temperature, and their performance
sure [18]. Unlike batteries, flywheels systems are not sensitive to temperature, and their
can reach up to 80–90%. In addition, they have a high energy density (in the range of 5–100
performance can reach up to 80–90%. In addition, they have a high energy density (in the
Wh/kg) [23]. Their
range of 5–100 Wh/kg) expected
[23]. Their lifespan
expected reaches
lifespan reaches 15–20
years (for useatathigh
(for use high frequencies);
however, they require minimal maintenance and monitoring.
frequencies); however, they require minimal maintenance and monitoring. Flywheels are Flywheels are used in power
used inapplications, as theyascan
power applications, theybecan
discharged within
be discharged a few
within a fewseconds
necessary. Thus, they are
Thus,increasingly preferred
they are increasingly for extensive
preferred RES RES
for extensive applications
applicationsas well
as wellasasfor
meeting energy demand
energy demand at peak times where immediate supply of a relatively
at peak times where immediate supply of a relatively large amount of energy large amount of is required.
energy is required. They can therefore balance the sharp and rapid load
They can therefore balance the sharp and rapid load changes that would quickly wear out changes that
quickly wear
due out batteries
to the limitedduelife
to the limited
cycles life cycles
of the latter.ofThe
the main
latter. The main dis‐
disadvantages of flywheels
advantages of flywheels are the high investment cost, the risk of an accident in case of
are the high investment cost, the risk of an accident in case of mechanical failures, and the
mechanical failures, and the high self‐discharge rates, which reduce energy efficiency
whenhigh self-discharge
the discharge rates,iswhich
charge cycle reduce energy
not continuous, efficiency
for example, when the
when energy discharge
is stored for charge cycle
is not continuous, for example, when energy is stored for a period between charging and
discharging. Such high discharge rates reinforce the view that the flywheel is not a sufficient
device for long-term energy storage, but only to provide reliable backup solutions [20–22].
Thermal energy. This includes energy storage systems in the form of sensible heat in
solid or liquid media and latent heat in various materials. Thermal energy storage (TES)
systems use materials that can be kept at high or low temperatures in insulated containers.
The heat or cold supplied can be used to generate electricity using thermal machines.
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Thermal storage systems are categorized into low and high temperatures depending on
whether the operating temperature of the storage medium is less than or greater than
the room temperature. More specifically, TES systems are divided into industrial cooling
(<−18 ◦ C), domestic cooling (0–12 ◦ C), domestic heating (25–50 ◦ C) and industrial heating
systems (>175 ◦ C) [18].
Compressed air. Compressed air energy storage (CAES) systems find application
in large-scale storage projects. With the exception of the reversible hydroelectric sys-
tems, no other method has the ability to store such large amounts of energy for long
periods. The power of such an energy storage system can start from 50 MW and exceed 300
MW [24]. They are complex, large scale facilities, since they consist of the power section,
the compression section, controls, auxiliary systems and, more importantly, they require an
underground airtight reservoir for the storage of the compressed air [20,25–28].
Pumped storage system. Today, the most reliable solution for storing the generated
energy on a large scale is provided by pumped storage systems and mainly by reversible
hydroelectric systems, whose energy conversion units are reversible, that is, they can
function either as turbines (production phase) or as pumps (storage phase). The excess
energy that occurs during the hours of low load and high-RES production is used to pump
water into the upper reservoir and is therefore stored in the form of dynamic energy. They
are usually large-scale facilities of hundreds of MW installed power, although one can also
find small scale plants, especially in insular systems. The cost per energy unit stored is in
the latter case quite high [18,29–31].
Magnetic Energy. It is used mainly to smooth out fluctuations in the network voltage
and boost power at peak hours, but also with the prospect of application to RES is the
superconduction magnetic energy storage system (SMES). In a superconducting magnetic
energy storage system, energy is stored in the magnetic field generated by the DC flow
in a superconducting material coil. The stored energy can be attributed to the AC system
when conditions require it. The problem with SMES is the need for cooling to cryogenic
temperatures, by using liquid helium or nitrogen, which is costly [32–35]. In addition, their
energy density is low, and, in the case of large superconducting magnetic energy storage
systems, the resulting magnetic field can also have a significant environmental impact.
On the plus side, they feature a very short time delay during charging and discharging.
Power is available almost instantaneously, the very high-power supply being available for
a short period. They have a long life cycle and are therefore suitable for applications that
require stable, complete recycling and continuous operation rates. The energy efficiency of
a superconducting magnetic energy storage system can become more than 97% [18].
Supercapacitor. The supercapacitor is an electrochemical capacitor and contains
components associated with both a battery and a capacitor. Accordingly, the voltage of an
element is limited to a few volts. Depending on the technology of the materials used for
the manufacture of electrodes, supercapacitors can be classified into: (a) electrochemical
double layer capacitors (ECDL), (b) pseudocapacitors and (c) hybrid capacitors (hybrid
ECDL supercapacitors are usually the least expensive in their manufacture and are
currently the most widespread types of supercapacitors. Similar to a battery, they are based
on electrostatic action [36–39]. However, since no chemical reaction occurs, the effect is
easily reversible with minimal degradation to high loading or overcharging, and the typical
shelf life is hundreds of thousands of cycles. In addition to the high resistance to large
charges, the fact that no chemical reaction takes place means that supercapacitors can be
easily charged and discharged in seconds, much faster than batteries. At the same time,
neither heat nor hazardous substances are released during charging. Energy efficiency
is very high and ranges from 85% to 98%. The limiting factor in terms of service life
with lifespans of up to 12 years are reported. Another limiting factor is the high rate of
self-discharge, reaching a level of 14% of the nominal energy each month [18].
Additionally, the hybrid capacitors are a combination of pseudo-capacitors and double-
layer supercapacitors, with one electrode using an electric double-layer mechanism and the
Energies 2022, 15, 8631 9 of 28

other pseudo-capacitive material. Hybrid supercapacitors can also be manufactured using

two suitably adulterated conductive materials or mixed metal oxides. Polymer aluminum
and hybrid wet tantalum are some of the examples of hybrid capacitors [40–42].
Hydrogen (H2) is in theory the ideal energy carrier. It is the most abundant element
in the universe [43], has the highest energy content per unit weight (120.7 kJ/g), and the
product of its use (combustion or electrochemical conversion) is water or water vapor.
Furthermore, it can be stored as a gas, liquid or even solid, and can be transported by
pipelines and tank vehicles of ships.
Unfortunately, it is rarely found alone in Earth; for that reason, there is need to use
energy to produce it, and hence, from the environmental aspect, it makes sense only
when electricity from RES is used, leading to the production of “Green Hydrogen”. It is
also difficult to store, since it is a very light gas and requires high pressures, or very low
temperatures, around 22 K, at low pressures around 3 to 4 bar, to achieve liquefaction [44]
so as to store it in reasonable quantities. Pressures of 700 bar (ambient temperature) are
needed to store H2 as a gas; temperatures of −253 ◦ C (pressures from 3–4 bar) are needed
to stores H2 as a liquid; and in insulated tanks, the chemical compound of hydrogen with
another material (such as metal hydrides). For these reasons, distribution and storage
infrastructure requirements are complex and cost-intensive investments [18,45,46].
A synopsis of the aforementioned storage methods is presented in Table 3, accompa-
nied by their features [16,29–34].

Table 3. Typical features of basic storage methods [47].

Energy Density
Discharge Time Cycles of Lifetime (w/lt) Efficiency

Pumped Hydro 4–16 h 30–60 years 0.2–2 70–85%

Compressed Air 2–30 h 20–40 years 2–6 40–70%
Lithium-Ion Battery 1 min–8 h 1000–10,000 200–400 85–95%
Lead-Acid Battery 1 min–8 h 6–40 years 50–80 80–90%
Flow Battery hours 12,000–14,000 20–70 60–85%
Hydrogen mins–week 5–30 years 600 25–45%
Flywheel sec–min 20,000–100,000 20–80 70–95%

Additionally, Table 4 summarizes the main advantages and disadvantages of the

different energy storage systems.

Table 4. Synopsis of available ESS [20,48–89].

Type of Energy Advantages Disadvantages

Storage System
Environmentally friendly
Increased capital investment
High power density
Flywheel Big self-discharge
No temperature control equipment
Decreased energy density
More life span
Releases energy during daytime
Decreased capital cost Life span
Thermal Temperature issues
Decreased rate of self-discharge Space issues
Environmentally Friendly
Control of voltage and frequency
Temperature response Geographical regions
Compressed Air Air quality Increased capital cost
Peak energy performance Water loss evaporation
System stability
Adaptable at voltage and current level Decrease life span
Nontoxic Increased cost
Electrochemical Variety of sizes Decreased energy density
Decreased losses Difficult maintenance
Energies 2022, 15, 8631 10 of 28

Regarding the storage of energy produced in a standalone community, in a single

residential or commercial building or in a cluster of buildings, the desired characteristics of
the storage system are:
- Duration of energy storage, varying from few hours to a few days;
- Storage capacity at an order of magnitude of few to tens of kWs;
- Increased degree of efficiency;
- Immediate return of the stored energy;
- Widely available technologies, with reduced maintenance requirements;
- Technologies that can be used in an urban environment;
- Affordable purchase costs.
Table 5 synoptically presents the technical characteristics of the aforementioned energy
storage systems.

Table 5. Technical characteristics of energy storage systems [37,55,90–104].

Energy Storage Power Specific Energy Energy Rate of Time of Cycles of Self Discharge
System [MW] (Wh/kg) Efficiency (%) Discharge (h) Response Lifespan Per Day (%)
Flywheel 0–1.65 5–80 80–90 0–0.01 <1 cycle 104–107 100
Thermal 50–250 80–200 14–18 1–24 – 3–5 years 0.05–1
Compressed 5–350 30–60 41–75 1–24 sec–min >10,000 0
Hydrogen 0–50 400–1000 35–42 <12 <1/4 cycle >1000 0

As it can be deduced, electrochemical storage, in the form of batteries, seem to be the

most suitable option, and it will be discussed in detail in the following section. A standalone
battery system is able to provide energy during periods when there is no solar radiation
or wind, to cover instant load demand spikes, to keep the voltage constant in the system,
and to store the additional energy demand, in order to reduce losses, etc. [21,22,35,105,106].
Furthermore, batteries are particularly suitable for static applications, due to their techno-
logical maturity and ease of use. Furthermore, because of the lower life cycles compared to
super-capacitors, flywheels, and superconducting magnetic storage systems, they are best
applicable for small-scale applications with the particular demand features of buildings or
building clusters. [30] They will therefore be discussed in more detail in the next section.

3.2. Electrochemical Battery Structure and Characteristics

The electric accumulator is a storage method that converts chemical energy into
electricity through an electrochemical reaction inside. It consists of one or more electrical
elements, which are properly connected in series and/or in parallel, in order to deliver the
desired voltage and capacity of the array [107–111].
Each element consists of two plates of different metals (anode and cathode), which
are immersed in a conductive liquid (electrolyte). The anode, the negative electrode, is
negatively charged and provides the electrons to the charge. It is selected taking into
account good conductivity, stability, ease of manufacture, low cost, and is usually made of
metals. On the other hand, the cathode, the positive electrode, is positively charged and
accepts the electrons. It is a good oxidizing agent and does not interact chemically with
the electrolyte. The materials that are usually chosen for its manufacture are metal oxides.
Finally, the electrolyte is usually some solution that contributes to the conductivity of the
device, that is, to the transfer of electrons between the electrodes. To prevent its leakage,
each element is sealed in an appropriate way, while some have valves to allow the escape of
gases generated during operation. The final shape that a battery carries can be cylindrical,
flat or prismatic [112–116].
During the electrochemical reactions that occur in the different stages of charging and
discharging the battery, the electrodes react with the electrolyte, and electron displacement
is carried out. In the discharge state, and if there is a connected external charge, electron
Energies 2022, 15, 8631 11 of 28

transfer occurs from the electrode with the lowest potential (anode) to the electrode with
the highest potential (cathode) through the load, due to the existing potential difference. On
the contrary, when charging, the ions of the reaction are transferred from the cathode to the
anode through the separator. The separator, in which the electrolyte is placed, electrically
isolates the electrodes, but allows for the movement of ions [28,117–119].
Table 6 presents the main battery categorization.

Table 6. Basic classification of batteries [32,112,120–123].

Size Categorization Capacity (kWh) Application

0.01–0.05 Portable electrical devices and tools
1–12 Electrical bikes, scooters, etc.
25–100 Batteries for residential buildings, electrical vehicles EV
200–1000 Batteries for large buildings, PV plants
<10,000 Frequency regulation for power quality
<20,000 Renewable integration
<40,000 Spinning service
>100,000 UPS, peak shaving, energy time-shifting

3.3. Types of Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems

The most used rechargeable batteries, second-order elements, are lead–acid, nickel–
cadmium, nickel–metal hydride and lithium-ion. Table 7 shows the characteristics of each
one in aggregate, followed by further analysis.

Table 7. Characteristics of basic types of batteries [124].

Specifications Lead Acid NiCd NiNH Lithium-Ion

Specific Energy 30–50 45–80 60–120 90–250
DoD 200–300 1000 300–500 500–2000
Charge Time 8–16 h 1–2 h 2–4 h 1–4 h
Self Discharge/Month 5% 20% 30% <5%
Cell Voltage 2V 1.2 V 1.2 V 3.2–3.7 V
Cost Low Moderate Moderate High
Protection circuit
Safety Requirements Thermally stable Thermally stable Thermally stable
Internal Resistance Very Low Very Low Low Moderate-Low
Maintenance Full discharge every Full discharge every
3–6 months Maintenance free
Requirement 90 days for full use 90 days for full use
Charge Temperature −20–50 ◦ C −20–65 ◦ C −20–65 ◦ C −20–60 ◦ C
In use since 1800 1950 1990 1991–1999
Toxicity Very High Very High Low Low
Peak Load Current 5C 20 C 5C >30 C
Best Result 0.2 C 1C 0.5 C <10 C
70% slow charge 70% slow charge
Coulombic efficiency 90% 99%
90% fast charge 90% fast charge
Overcharge Tolerance High Moderate Low Low

There are many types of lithium-ion batteries on the market, mostly for use in small-
scale storage applications. They are a relatively new technology that is quickly acquiring
Energies 2022, 15, 8631 12 of 28

market share in several industries. Although their initial cost is considerable, it is steadily
decreasing, which encourages their spread in the market. Most have an anode made of
pure carbon graphite, a lithium salt electrolyte, and a cathode of lithium oxide (LiMO2,
LiCoO2 , or LiNiO2 ) (LiPF6 ). Lithium-ion batteries are more energy-efficient (99–100%) and
have a longer life cycle (500–2000 cycles) than other kinds of batteries [87,88]. With the
greatest electrochemical potential and the best energy density in battery designs (up to
250 Wh/kg), lithium is the lightest of all the metals [50,51]. Additionally, they do not need
maintenance since their self-discharge rate is modest (5%), and they are not affected by
the memory phenomenon. As a result, they do not need any planned total discharges to
maintain them in top condition. Some of the disadvantages include a safety circuit need, a
restricted capacity for stress resistance, and a shorter life cycle at high temperatures. Every
array has a circuit that prevents any drops in the peak voltage of individual elements while
charging or discharging. To avoid lithium metal plating owing to overload, temperature,
maximum charge and discharge currents, and temperature are all controlled [125–127].
One of the most successful Li-ion systems uses nickel, manganese, and cobalt as the
cathode (NMC). Similar to Li–manganese, these systems may be adapted to function as
power cells or energy cells. For instance, the NMC in an 18,650 cell under moderate load
conditions has a capacity of roughly 2800 mAh and is capable of producing 4 to 5 A [128]. A
silicon-based anode’s capacity may be boosted to 4000 mAh and higher, but doing so comes
at the expense of a decreased loading capability and a shorter cycle life. The anode expands
and shrinks with charge and discharge, rendering the cell mechanically unstable, which is a
drawback of silicon added to graphite [129]. Lithium nickel-cobalt-aluminum oxide (NCA),
which is mostly employed in electric cars, serves as the cathode material for lithium-ion
batteries. Lithium nickel-cobalt-aluminum oxide (NCA) has a high nickel content, which
increases the capacity of batteries and increases the amount of distance that can be covered
on a single charge [129]. The practical charge storage capacity of NCA ranges between
180 and 200 mAh/g [130,131]. The two materials, NCA and NMC, have comparable high
energy densities and performance, as well as similar structures, electrochemical behavior,
and performance. Cobalt and lithium are expected to each weigh 4.5 to 9.5 and 11.6 kg,
respectively, in the NCA battery [130,131].
Due to their low cost and usage as storage devices, alkali metal ions such as lithium
(Li), sodium (Na), and potassium (K) ions have been extensively exploited for the creation
of rechargeable batteries during the past few decades. In each of these, lithium-ion batteries
(LIBs), sodium-ion batteries (SIBs), and other high-energy storage devices can potentially be
replaced by K-ion batteries (KIBs), which work through electrochemical reactions. Because
potassium is abundant in the Earth’s crust and because graphite-based anodes function
well in KIBs on a commercial level, KIBs are of interest to scientists. One of the main
benefits of KIBs over alkali and alkali metals (Li, Na, and Mg) is that K-ions generate
smaller solute ions. This is in contrast to Li and Na ions. As a result, dissolved K ions have
higher transport numbers and ionic conductivities than Li and Na ions [132,133].
It has been demonstrated that the intercalation of K ions into graphitic carbon materials
occurs spontaneously, and that in particular, the cycling test of the intercalated K ions into
graphitic carbon has shown that with a reversible capacity of 246 mAh g−1 , KIBs perform
better than LIBs and SIBs. The graphitic carbon anode changes significantly in volume
during K-ion intercalation and de-intercalation, and its kinetics and cycle stability are lower
in KIBs than in LIBs with the same anode [134,135].
However, there are critical reports of lithium mining from salt deserts. Lithium
extraction inevitably degrades the soil and intensifies water scarcity and biodiversity loss
while being harmful to ecosystem functions, contributing to global warming. Lithium salt
pans are typically found in arid areas. In these places, access to water is key to the livelihood
of local communities as well as to the preservation of the minimum local flora and fauna.
About 2.2 million liters of water (500,000 gals gallons) are needed to produce one ton of
lithium, resulting in conflicts related to access to water by local communities [136,137].
Energies 2022, 15, 8631 13 of 28

On the part of experts, it is not yet clear to what extent the increasing drought is related
to lithium mining. Unfortunately, the underground water flows in the Atacama Desert
of Chile have not been sufficiently studied to have safe conclusions about how mining
(of lithium and copper in the region) are factors influencing the microclimate alongside
tourism, intensive agriculture and the climate crisis. Certainly, lithium production does not
require drinking water; however, the extraction of “salt water” can mobilize or lower the
level in groundwater, leading to an influx of fresh water into the salt deserts [136,137].
Rechargeable batteries are the most popular kind of battery since they are safe, depend-
able, and have a low purchase frequency. Lead dioxide (PbO2 ) serves as their cathode, while
lead (Pb) serves as their anode, and sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ) serves as their electrolyte [19,54].
The low rate of discharge (5%) and the battery’s capacity to operate at a variety of tem-
peratures are two benefits of the technology [113,124]. However, they also have some
drawbacks, such as a lower energy density (30–50 Wh/kg), higher maintenance needs, a
shorter life cycle (200–300 cycles with 80% DOD), lower efficiency (90%), slower charging
(8–16 h), and particularly, the use of toxic building materials that make these batteries
harder to recycle than other types [138]. Cars, hoisting and lifting equipment, shipping,
and uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems all meet these requirements. Additionally,
they have been the most popular PV storage system up to this point [139,140].
Nickel–metal hydride (NiMH)
Alkaline batteries, which include nickel–cadmium and nickel–metal hydride batter-
ies, have characteristics in common. The energy density of the second kind of battery
(60–120 Wh/kg) is 30–40% greater than that of the first type [130,141,142]. While the charg-
ing time is extended to 2–4 h, the life cycle is reduced to 300–500 cycles. The memory
phenomenon, which is a problem with many battery types because it reduces availability
and usage, has less of an impact on them. Finally, this style uses primarily recyclable,
non-toxic materials [142]. These are different-sized rechargeable disposable batteries that
are used to swap out non-rechargeable ones in computers, medical equipment, and other
devices. They may also be used in renewable energy applications [141].
Nickel–cadmium (NiCd)
The current battery design features a positive electrode made of nickel hydroxide
and a negative electrode made of cadmium hydroxide. The electrolyte is an aqueous
solution of potassium hydroxide and lithium hydroxide. They have a lower energy density
(45–80 Wh/kg) than lead acid batteries while having a higher energy density. One of
their downsides is increased discharge (approximately 20%), which is accompanied by
low voltage in each cell. The usage of hazardous components is one more of this battery
type’s inherent drawbacks [141]. Applications for this battery type include power tools,
communication equipment, and medical devices. They are ideal for renewable energy
systems, but they are infrequently employed because of their high initial cost, costing up to
four times as much as lead acid batteries and twice as much as lithium ion ones [142].
Flow Batteries
The most common sort of battery is an electrochemical cell, which works by moving
chemical energy between two chemical components dissolved in liquids on opposite sides
of a membrane. While each liquid circulates in its own area, the membrane serves as a
conduit for ion exchange, which is followed by the movement of an electric current. The
Nernst equation confirms cell voltage, which in practical applications may range from
1.0 to 2.43 volts. A flow battery may be used as a fuel cell or as a rechargeable battery by
collecting used fuel and pumping in fresh fuel, with the fuel regeneration being powered
by an electric power source [143,144]. Although it has several technical advantages over
conventional rechargeable batteries, including the potential for separate liquid tanks and
almost limitless battery life, the present implementations are less potent and need more
intricate electronics. There have been many kinds of flow cells constructed, including
Energies 2022, 15, 8631 14 of 28

redox, hybrid, and membraneless flow cells. Regular batteries and flow cells vary primarily
in that energy is stored in the electrode material in the former while being stored in
the latter’s electrolyte. Long life cycles, greater safety due to non-flammable materials,
adaptable architecture, and quick reaction to energy demands are some of its benefits [145].
Additionally, they create less pollutants. The battery’s poor energy density and low charge
and discharge rates are further downsides that raise the cost of ownership. The standards
for their use in RES systems, standalone systems, electric vehicles, and power conversion
technologies are met, however [145].

4. Optimization Methods and Demand Side Management Systems

In order for any energy storage system to be efficient and cost-effective, it has to fit
well with the demand profile for which it is used. The most effective way to achieve it, is
to apply demand side management (DSM) so as to adapt the consumer’s requirement to
the energy system’s features, without affecting the overall produced output, i.e., by still
meeting the consumer’s requirements. In that sense, the aim of DSM is to change the end
use of electricity, to move the time of energy use from peak hours to off-peak hours and
to manage it in situations of unstable production, with the ultimate interest of reducing
operating costs on the production side. DSM does not necessarily reduce overall energy
consumption, but is expected to reduce the need for investments in networks and/or power
plants to cover peak demands and reduce the use of existing units or lead existing units
to serve more consumers [146]. DSM measures can be divided into four categories as
presented below [147,148]:
1. Information programs. They aim to inform users about the advantages of energy
efficiency. Information can be distributed through advertising campaigns, brochures,
seminars, etc. Update programs are the basis of the DSM and are present in every
DSM measure.
2. Technical support programs. They provide consumers with energy inspections and
record the technical difficulties that exist in introducing methods of changing demand.
3. Financial support programs. They aim to reduce the costs for importing energy
efficiency measures. The programs contain loans and subsidies for the purchase of
energy-efficient equipment.
4. Direct intervention programs. These are programs that “intervene” in the market and
promote efficient equipment at no or low cost. Government directives that refer to
the determination of the minimum criteria that equipment must meet in order to be
considered energy efficient are essentially direct intervention programs.
The combined examination of energy storage systems and demand side management
are a prerequisite for the successful implementation of both in a standalone community.
Table 8 presents a synopsis of an extensive review of the optimal use of energy storage
systems and energy management within small grids.

Table 8. State-of-the-art of the optimization methods and research findings based on energy storage
systems in standalone communities.

Optimization Approach Research Findings Reference

A comparison of several battery types is made for domestic PV Lithium-ion batteries are the most promising
panel applications. field of research.
Grid-friendly requirements and consumer
Swarm optimization for fuzzy logic control in energy storage. [150]
comfort and reliability.
Batteries can effectively be used without being
Second use of lithium-ion batteries, firstly used in electric cars. recycled, as a circular economy option in [151,152]
residential applications.
Significant improvement of microgrid
Maximum power point tracking for standalone communities. [153]
Energies 2022, 15, 8631 15 of 28

Table 8. Cont.

Optimization Approach Research Findings Reference

Enables the community to operator to
Statistical methods for prediction of energy supply and loads. anticipate generation and loads and make the [154,155]
necessary preparations.
Increase of 21.74% of energy efficiency for solar
Region contraction algorithm for energy cost minimization. spectrum splitting integrated with energy [156]
storage system.
Batteries will become more affordable for
PV batteries for usage in Greece and Denmark; system design and storage in Greece because of a 10% cost
battery selection are cost-effective. decrease and in Denmark due to a 30% cost
Results in low-energy houses but needs further
High temporal and low-term power flow simulation. [158]
future analysis.
Good communication and management system
Optimization of minimizing dependance by the main grid. [159]
is needed within the community.
Hydrogen energy storage system and model predictive control for
Economic benefit. [160]
cost minimizing through two-stage energy management system.
Batteries can effectively be used as a circular
Second use of lithium-ion batteries, firstly used in electric cars. economy option in residential applications and [152,161]
recycled at the end of the lifetime.
Optimized performance of the hybrid system
Short-term speed prediction. [162]
with energy efficiency increase.
Coordinated control for ESS and PV-integrated distribution
System stability and energy balance. [163]
system voltage regulation.
Using information that is presently accessible, the effects of Lithium-ion batteries are the most prevalent
producing different kinds of batteries have been assessed in terms source of manufacturing in a number of [164]
of energy, raw materials, and greenhouse gas emissions. environmental industries.
Reliable controller, increased ESS performance
Algorithm for voltage comparison mechanism for microgrids. [165]
without DC deviation.
For non-interconnected homes, the payback
Pay-back period reduction and technoeconomic analysis for
time is 51 years, whereas for connected [166]
households employing solar panels and battery storage systems.
families, it is 30 years.
Congestion control in electric power networks using optimal ESS
planning and scheduling, including generation from RE [167]
congestion relief.
13.3% energy efficiency increase and 14.55%
Two-stage rolling optimization. [168]
system cost reduction.
Review of Li-ion battery LCA studies with a focus on the Estimated average values for environmental
production of batteries. effects based on the literature review.
Reduction of 5.8% in cost, 22.3% in
Bi-level sizing optimization of ESS. [170]
primary energy.
The optimum cluster size is 10 or 12. Cost is
Community size optimization for cost reduction. significantly impacted by pipeline length and [171]
load complementarity.
Proposed renewable based multi-energy system optimization
Minimization of emissions and cost. [172]
LCA is a term used to describe the energy and environmental By increasing efficiency and reducing carbon
effects of sodium/nickel chloride batteries, one of the latest emissions during the manufacturing process, [173]
battery technologies for energy storage and smart grids. the battery’s life-cycle effect may be reduced.
Energies 2022, 15, 8631 16 of 28

Table 8. Cont.

Optimization Approach Research Findings Reference

Increased panel surface area is not always the
Panel surface area for one household’s energy management after
most economical option, but battery utilization [174]
a month/cost reduction.
is always crucial.
Cost optimization of a microgrid considering selling or The whole operating expense is decreased
purchasing of electricity. by 7.43%.
A household-scale PV system integrated into a
The comparison/LCA of equivalent structures for single-family microgrid with neighborhood-scale wind
and community-scale deployments. turbines and Li-ion batteries is the option that
is the most ecologically friendly.
When the percentage of data center load in the
Grid generation and transmission expansion planning that is
system is 4% or 26%, respectively, the cost of [177]
linked with on-grid data centers.
grid expansion is reduced by 1.37% and 6.78%.
Best utilization of the two technologies in conjunction with cost In order for batteries to be viable, their price
reduction for home PV and batteries. has to drop by 60–70%.
Reduction in the cost of dispatch
A power system’s economic dispatch takes into account the is a little over 21%; for renewable,
geographical request schedule of on-grid data centers. a high penetration rate
grew by almost 15%.
LieS batteries and sodium-ion batteries both
have comparable carbon and environmental
Environmental footprints of sodium-ion, lithium–air, and
footprints. Additionally, sodium-ion batteries [180]
lithium–sulfur are compared.
have a far bigger water impact than
LieS batteries.
In comparison to the battery-only system, the
suggested system’s battery life is increased by
Management of battery use integrated to an off-grid RES system. 19%. The suggested system’s power losses, [181]
however, are 1.7% more than those of the
battery-only system.
Microgrid PV, battery, and diesel engine for the greatest During the summer, increasing the battery’s
technology choices and fusion. initial capacity to 90–100% had positive effects.
In comparison to a battery-only system, the
Management of battery use integrated to an on-grid RES system. suggested approach smooths out the battery [183]
current and increases battery life by 32.18%.
With several advantages such a light and compact construction,
high performance, consistent operation, and extended cycle life,
The lithium-ion battery is cost-competitive for
lithium-ion batteries are ideally suited for this application. This
energy storage despite its relatively high [184]
research examines both the present and foreseeable pricing
starting cost.
difficulties as well as the technical characteristics of lithium-ion
battery packs for solar home systems.
Load control needed for net present value
Maximization of net present value of an ESS on grid community. [185]
Based on different economic aspects and cost reduction, PV and Optimized outcome for the most solar panels
battery systems. and the smallest battery system feasible.
Minimization of carbon emissions within a microgrid using ESS. Maximization of energy share is needed. [181]
Researchers used ReCiPe-2008 to analyze the global warming
For fixed grid operation, greater round-trip
potential (GWP) and cumulative energy demand (CED) of four
efficiency batteries, such as lithium-ion, [187]
stationary battery technologies: lithium-ion, lead–acid,
are advised.
sodium–sulfur, and vanadium redox flows.
Smooth seasonal loads and minimization
Boost the damping of oscillations in the power supply using ESS. [188]
ESS units.
Energies 2022, 15, 8631 17 of 28

Table 8. Cont.

Optimization Approach Research Findings Reference

According to the findings, the yearly battery
To attain net-zero, reduce a building’s net grid energy. dispatch had a normalized root mean square [189]
error of 2.0%.
Both the life cycle global warming potential
LCA of a 60 MW lithium–manganese oxide (LMO) LIB-powered
and the energy payback time increase by [190]
100 MW ground-mounted PV system.
The ideal battery size for a home with heat pumps and solar Given the prices on the market right now,
panels in terms of operational costs. lithium-ion batteries are not cost-effective.
Lithium-ion battery storage had much less of
an impact than natural gas generating in four
California’s energy industry life cycle environmental of the six environmental impact categories
impact study. examined (climate change, fine particulate
matter, photochemical ozone production, and
land acidification).
ESS was operated and deployed with grid
Evaluates the environmental effects of energy production and ESS optimization, which reduced total marginal
using a retrospective consequential LCA. operating costs by 28% and GHG emissions by
Batteries as a potential solution for Greece’s distributed energy Grid transition issues enhanced distribution
issues based on PV panel energy production. and transition processes.
Up to 88% of the life cycle effect of a residential
Residential and communal systems developed as part of this
energy system is accounted for by batteries,
project, which mix diesel, solar, and wind energy with battery [176]
making them a significant environmental
storage, and have a life cycle environmental sustainability.
Selection of photovoltaic panels for a single residence or a The only strategy that can be optimized is the
microgrid based on battery consumption and cost reduction. use of microgrids.
The results suggest that the power feedstocks
Employing the life cycle assessment method, conduct research on
utilized during the consumption stage are
the effects of developing, disposing of, and using power storage [195]
related to the performance of the storage
technologies for grid applications.
Battery sizing based on one home’s rooftop solar panels and year The self-producer achieves more effective
cost reduction. effects by using batteries.
7% reduction in energy demand and up to 57%
Hybrid optimization methods for energy and cost minimization. [197]
reduction in emissions.
Lithium-ion batteries for decreased levelized
Hybrid optimization methods for selection of battery types. [198]
cost of electricity and net present value.
Multiple optimization methods for off-grid Batteries are essential for a PV–biomass
technoeconomic optimization. standalone system.
17% reduction in daily operating costs for
Novel of clustering technologies and combined
nickel–cadmium batteries. More attractive [200]
optimization methods.
lead–acid and sodium–sulfur.
Lithium-ion phosphate cells degradation rate is
Aging of lithium-ion batteries under different scenarios. [201]
less with respect to discharge energy.
Teaching learning-based optimization for optimal power flow Minimization of operating costs, losses and
within a grid. voltage stability.

As it is concluded by the most recent research papers on standalone dimensioning and

optimization methods, using energy storage systems, two main factors are examined: the
reduction of energy and economic costs for energy production and the reduction of green-
house emissions. The analysis concludes that the current technological improvements on
which the existing grids are based can help in meeting the modern needs and possibilities
Energies 2022, 15, 8631 18 of 28

for a rational production and use of energy. Research in the direction of disengagement
from fossil fuel-based production units is necessary for the development of models aimed
at reducing the environmental and economic impacts they bring. At the same time, opti-
mization in the field of energy management is a process of utmost importance for the best
possible design of the systems that already exist and those that are being developed. In this
sense, optimizing energy demand is appropriate not only for the operation of standalone
communities but also for conventional grids managing electricity. The gathered research
indicates that optimization methods can result in significant improvements, as most of
the studies result in cost and emission reduction. More specifically, energy costs can be
decreased for a standalone community using optimization methods, as the energy demand
and production can be managed properly through demand side management, leading
to the aforementioned reductions. Additionally, energy savings is a core parameter, as
through the optimizations, the systems losses can be minimized, for optimized demand
and production. Continuing, energy storage systems are the milestone leading to both
emission and cost reduction. Even though their initial cost seems to be increased, the life
cycle cost and the life cycle assessments used to the studies indicate that for a standalone
community, energy storage systems can effectively be used. For that reason, several studies
have focused on their proper dimensioning and better type selection. The studies conclude
that lithium-ion batteries continue to be the most efficient type of energy storage systems
for standalone communities. However, improvements are constantly being made for losses
minimization and degradation of the storage systems. Finally, system stability, load control,
energy efficiency and better communication of a standalone system are also some of the
main advantages that optimization methods result in.
Additionally, it is also worth examining the most recent review papers that deal with
energy storage systems (Table 9), the components and the techniques of energy storage, the
management of energy and the integration of them in a standalone community.

Table 9. References of the most recent review papers on ESS.

Review Paper Categorization Reference

Types of Energy Storage System [16,20–22,25–27,30–33,36–39,44,203–207]
Optimization and Management Approaches [28,29,34,35,105–118]
Specific System Components [23,24,43,119]

Furthermore, the integration of energy storage systems, in this case batteries, as a

“bridge” between the renewable energy generation systems and the consumers allows the
electricity grid to balance the electricity demand and supply from the renewable energy
generation systems, both on the grid level and on the consumers’ level. In the Net Zero
Emissions by 2050 Scenario, grid-scale storage is crucial for a number of the electrical sys-
tem’s functions, including short-term balancing and operating reserves, ancillary services
for grid stability, postponing the investment in new transmission and distribution lines,
long-term energy storage, and restarting the grid after a blackout [208]. On the consumer’s
level, that is “after the meter”, peak shaving of the demand and short-term storage of re-
newable energy produced in the building is a substantial part of the zero energy buildings’
strategy. For those reasons, the use of energy storage systems, combined with demand
side management, allows for the most efficient use of renewable energy sources and the
least possible use of units powered by expensive and polluting fossil fuels. Through their
contribution to balancing energy supply and demand, energy storage systems significantly
improve the efficiency of renewable sources and enable maximum penetration of renewable
energy into the national energy mix.
Compared to the older, established storage options, grid-scale batteries are catching
up and are anticipated to account for the bulk of storage expansion globally, despite being
presently far smaller than pumped-storage hydropower capacity. Batteries are often used
for daily, hourly, and sub-hourly balancing. At the end of 2021, the total installed grid-scale
Energies 2022, 15, 8631 19 of 28

battery storage capacity was close to 16 GW, the majority of which was added over the
previous five years. Installed capacities rose significantly in 2021, jumping by 60% over
2020 as more than 6 GW of storage capacity was installed. This is the second year in a
row that installations have grown at such a pace. With increases on the gigawatt scale, the
United States, China, and Europe took the top three spots in the market. In comparison
to 2020, the mix of grid-scale battery technologies remained mostly stable in 2021. The
bulk of the newly installed capacity continues to be stored in lithium-ion batteries, which
are still the most popular kind [208]. This increase in capacities is expected to have an
impact on the costs of batteries, since economies of scale will lead to further reductions of
investment cost per energy unit stored. The smaller applications, for buildings and clusters
of buildings, will also benefit from this development.
An IRENA survey conducted in 2019 [194] estimated that the prices of batteries
will experience a price reduction of 54–61% by 2030. More specifically, for lithium-ion
battery storage systems, prices between 245–620 USD/kWh are expected. This decline in
combination with the possible reduction of the cost of photovoltaics, the decrease in the
sale price of photovoltaic energy in the grid, the increase in the pricing of imported energy
from the grid and the possible imposition of taxes (e.g., CO2 emission tax), is expected
to lead to the massive use of this technology in the future. Based on the findings of this
paper, the technical and financial data, the state-of-the-art of the energy storage and the
optimization methods used, one can conclude that battery storage systems seem to be
the most effective option for usage in standalone communities. When combined with
demand side management, a reliable, resilient and flexible energy provision system is
perfectly feasible.

5. Conclusions
Standalone communities are part of most energy scenarios for a sustainable future.
They can be isolated, such as for example insular systems, or integrated in the main
grids, such as for example energy communities. In both cases, energy storage is crucial
for an effective and efficient operation. As discussed in this paper, there are various
storage options and technologies, and they have been categorized and presented within the
main characteristics of them, the advantages, the disadvantages and the specific technical
characteristics of each of them.
Most recent studies dealing with energy storage optimization methods met in stan-
dalone communities, as presented in the paper, adopt optimization methods that use
criteria that include life cycle levelized energy costs, environmental impact, capacity sizing
and energy management. Additionally, the aspects of circular economy are an upcoming
topic that should be emphasized, as they can eventually determine the effectiveness of
storage systems in a holistic way.
As it can be concluded by the study, energy requirements are expected to continue
to increase, and at the same time, a concentration of loads appear in large urban centers,
away from production locations. This has turned the focus toward the building sector,
which is proving to be an important consumer of electricity, but also a potential producer.
Thus, methods are developed to reduce the required operating energy of each building, and
green energy production facilities are formed on or in its surrounding area. The most easily
applicable and efficient energy source for these conditions is solar energy, with photovoltaic
becoming the first choice in almost all cases. The two emerging problems are the fact that it
is not possible to always supply solar-generated electricity and that the introduction of a
great number of small producers in the electrical distribution system can cause instabilities
in the operation of the core network in the very near future.
The solution to these problems is the adoption of storage systems, on the level of
buildings and buildings’ clusters, allowing for the storage of excess energy production and
the reduction of peak demands to the core network. Batteries are ideally suited for this
purpose, given the great development they have undergone in recent years, a development
that is estimated to continue in the coming years, both in terms of performance and of
Energies 2022, 15, 8631 20 of 28

cost-effectiveness. In addition, the optimization methods and frameworks met in the

studies are an important tool for understanding the processes and performance of the
microgrid integrated with energy storage systems. The applications developed support the
investigation of various configurations of the microgrid and the adaptation of functions
to the needs of the user in a friendly environment. In this way, it is possible to achieve
an application-specific analysis based on the efficient design of the microgrid and energy
storage systems.
However, for the batteries to be optimally exploited, their optimal design and dimen-
sioning is required. Detailed analysis is necessary and should bring about an economically
feasible and materially achievable result. Further challenges lie in adopting the concept of
product reuse, which is important for the transition to a zero-emission economy, especially
with regard to lithium-ion batteries, the production of which is a highly polluting process.
In addition, it is equally important to improve recycling processes with a view to effectively
recover more and more materials included in these batteries, the discharge of which into
the environment has adverse effects. This is one of the key areas of research work to be
carried out at a high pace.
In that sense, one must refer to future improvements and further explore the potential
of energy storage systems in microgrids. It would therefore be interesting to explore:
(a) a more integrated approach that may include, among other things, the investigation
of the possibility of energy exchange when the energy production is concentrated
in the buildings of the microgrid and there is no possibility of utilizing renewable
(b) the economic and technical analysis of the proposed system and the analysis of the
costs for the development of the microgrid, the involvement of the users’ behavior
with the availability of real-time data on the characteristics of energy demand and
weather conditions, as well as the utilization of forecasting models based on the data
Finally, a legislative and regulatory framework should be established that will treat
energy storage as an energy source so that it can be valued appropriately and that will
also consider the reverse supply chain of batteries. Technological solutions, even the
most cost-effective ones, have rarely developed without an ambitious yet realistic regula-
tory framework.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.S. and A.M.P.; methodology, M.S. and A.M.P.; valida-
tion, M.S. and A.M.P.; formal analysis, M.S. and A.M.P.; investigation, M.S. and A.M.P.; resources,
M.S. and A.M.P.; data curation, M.S. and A.M.P.; writing—original draft preparation, M.S. and A.M.P.;
writing—review and editing, M.S. and A.M.P.; project administration, M.S. and A.M.P.; All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.


AC Alternating Current
CAES Compressed Air Energy Storage
CED Cumulative Energy Demand
DC Direct Current
DOD Depth of Discharge
DSM Demand Side Management
ECDL Electrochemical Double-Layer Capacitors
ESS Energy Storage System
EV Electric Vehicles
Energies 2022, 15, 8631 21 of 28

GHG Greenhouse Gas Emissions

GWP Global Warming Potential
H2 Hydrogen
IEA International Energy Agency
IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency
KIB K-Ion Batteries
LCA Life Cycle Assessment
LIB Lithium-Ion Batteries
LMO Lithium–Manganese Oxide
NCA Nickel–Cobalt–Aluminum
NMC Nickel–Manganese–Cobalt
PV Photovoltaic
RES Renewable Energy Systems
RPM Rounds per Minute
SIB Sodium Ion Batteries
SMES Superconduction Magnetic Energy Storage System
TES Thermal Energy Storage
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply

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