Talk About Travel

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Speaking and listening – Elementary to Intermediate

Let’s talk about TRAVEL

Conversation cards

Have you ever been abroad? How many countries have Where do you usually go on
Where did you go? you visited? holiday?
Talk about them. What do you like about it?

How do you usually travel? Have you ever travelled by What is your favourite
(e.g. by plane, car, bus) plane? holiday destination?
Which do you prefer? Why? How did you feel? Why?

Do you prefer the beach or What’s your favourite Do you have an interesting
the mountains? country or city? story to tell about an
Why? Why? unusual holiday?

Do you ever go camping? Where do you usually stay Where did you spend your
What do you like about it? when you’re on holiday? last holiday?
(e.g. hotel, resort, camping, family) Talk about it.

When you are travelling, do Where do you plan to go for Who do you usually travel
you try to speak the local your next holiday? with?
language? Talk about it. How do you travel?

How often do you go on Have you ever taken a Do you prefer to travel in a
holiday? package tour? group (e.g. a tour) or
With whom? Talk about it. independently? Why?

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