KidsBox ActivityBook1 TeachingNotes Unit4

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Downloadable Activity Book Teaching Notes

Unit 4 My family

MATERIALS orange, red, black. Play the first instruction. Ask Which
• Coloured pencils or crayons colour? Pupils respond Brown. Trace the example line
joining grandfather to under the car. Play the audio.
AB24. ACTIVITY 1 Pause after each instruction to give pupils time to think
and draw. Pupils check in pairs.
Look and write the number. Say. • Play the audio again and check with the class. Elicit the
• Say Open your Activity Books at page 24, please. Show colour they didn’t use (red).
Activity 1 on the whiteboard and say This is Simon’s
Key: 2 black – grandmother in the car, 3 blue – mother next to
family. Point to the names and ask more confident pupils
the computer, 4 grey – father on the bike, 5 orange – sister under
to read them aloud. Drill in chorus, pointing to the
the table, 6 purple – brother in the box
words. Point to the first picture and ask Who is it? Pupils
respond Stella. His sister. Point to the example number 1 14
and to her name. 1 Brown. My grandfather is under the car.
• Pupils match the others and write the numbers in the 2 Black. My grandmother is in the car.
boxes. They check their answers in pairs. One pupil 3 Blue. My mother is next to the computer.
points to a picture and says the number. The other pupil 4 Grey. My father is on a bike.
says the name and family relationship, as in the speech 5 Orange. My sister is under the table.
bubble example. 6 Purple. My brother is in the box.
Key: Number 2. Mr Star. His father. Number 3. Grandpa Star. His
grandfather. Number 4. Mrs Star. His mother. Number 5. Suzy. His AB25. ACTIVITY 2
sister. Number 6. Grandma Star. His grandmother.
Draw your family. Say.
• Show pupils the picture of your family. Point and say, e.g.
She’s my sister. She’s my mother.
Listen and colour. • Say Draw your family. Pupils draw their families. Monitor
• Pupils put these crayons on their desks: orange, pink, and ask about pupils’ drawings, e.g. Who’s this? Pupils
green, grey, yellow, red, purple. respond, e.g. He’s my brother.
• Show Activity 2 on the whiteboard and point to Stella • Pupils work in groups of three. Number pupils 1, 2 and 3.
then say, e.g. Point to her brother, etc. Say 1s, show your picture to your friends. Talk about your
family. Pupils ask and answer about their pictures. Repeat
• Say Listen and colour. Play the first sentence on the
for 2s and 3s.
audio. Show the example colouring. Play the rest of the
audio. The first time, pupils make a dot on each car in the MATERIALS
correct colour. They check in pairs. Play the audio again. • Coloured pencils or crayons
Check with the class by eliciting, e.g. Her father is in a
red car. Elicit which colour they didn’t use (purple). AB26. ACTIVITY 1
• Pupils colour the cars.
Listen and colour the stars.
Key: brother – orange car, sister – pink car, grandmother – green
car, grandfather – grey car, mother – yellow car, father – red car • Say Open your Activity Books at page 26, please. Pupils
take out the following crayons: red, black, green, purple,
13 brown, pink, yellow. Show Activity 1 on the whiteboard.
Stella: This is my family. Say Listen and colour. Play the first part of the audio.
My father is in a red car. My mother is in a yellow car. Hold up a red crayon and mime colouring the star next
My grandmother is in a My sister is in a pink car. to the sister. Play the rest of the audio. Pupils make a
green car. coloured dot in each star. They check in pairs. Play the
My brother is in an My grandfather is in a grey car. audio again. Check with the class. Pupils colour the stars
orange car. correctly. Ask which colour they didn’t use (yellow).

MATERIALS Key: grandmother – black, grandfather – green, mother – brown,

brother – purple, (sister – red,) father – pink
• Coloured pencils or crayons
• A picture of your family (or another family) 15
Red. That’s my sister. She’s a monster today. She’s ugly.
AB25. ACTIVITY 1 Black. That’s my grandmother. She’s sad.
Listen and draw coloured lines. Pink. That’s my father. He’s happy.
Brown. That’s my mother. She’s beautiful.
• Say Open your Activity Books at page 25, please. Show Purple. That’s my brother. He’s young.
Activity 1 on the whiteboard. Point to the second row Green. That’s my grandfather. He’s old.
of pictures one by one and elicit, e.g. in the box. Pupils
take out the following crayons: brown, grey, blue, purple,

Kid’s Box New Generation Level 1    ©

© Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023
Downloadable Activity Book Teaching Notes
Unit 4 My family


Look and circle. Say and guess. Look and match.

• Look and circle. Say and guess. • Show Activity 2 on the whiteboard, point to the pictures
• Show Activity 2 on the whiteboard. Say Look at and ask pupils what they can see. Point to each of the
number 1. Hold up your book. Point and elicit the words with the class and read them aloud with the class.
adjective for each picture: happy, happy, sad, happy. Say Say Look and match. Pupils work on their own to read the
Who’s different? Point to the third boy and trace the words and draw lines to match them with the pictures.
circle. Say He’s sad. Check answers with the class on the whiteboard.
• Say Look and circle. Pupils work on their own to look at Key: hat – 3, dad – 5, happy – 1, cat – 2, black – 4
each line and circle the person who is different. Check
answers on the whiteboard. For each line ask Who’s MATERIALS
different? Invite a pupil to the whiteboard to circle and • Coloured pencils or crayons
say, e.g. He’s ugly.
• Point to line 1 and say the example with the pupils. Say AB29. ACTIVITY 1
Now say and guess. They work in pairs. Pupil A chooses a
line and says the four adjectives as in the example. Pupil Find and stick.
B says the number of the line. • Say Open your Activity Books at page 29, please. Look
at the picture dictionary. Pupils prepare the stickers.
Key: 2 first picture (ugly), 3 second picture (young), 4 fourth
picture (happy), 5 third picture (old) Show Activity 1 on the whiteboard and point to and elicit
the words in turn. Pupils point to the correct sticker. Say
the words again in a different order. Pupils point to the
correct word in their books. Pupils stick the stickers in
Look and complete the words. the correct place. Remind them to check with each other
or with you before sticking them in their books. Monitor
• Say Open your Activity Books at page 27, please. Show
around the class to check.
the page on the whiteboard. Point to the mask and ask
Is it ugly? No, it’s ... Elicit beautiful. Say beautiful several
times, emphasising the initial sound /b/. Show pupils that
the letters have been reordered in the frame to make the Say the words. Colour the stars.
word in the example.
• Show Activity 2 on the whiteboard. Point to the pictures
• Pupils work individually to solve the rest of the anagrams. and ask Can you say these words? Elicit the words in
Note: In the actual Starters test, only nouns appear as turn. Pupils say them in chorus. Ask pupils to repeat if
whole-word anagrams. necessary. When pupils don’t all say a word correctly,
Key: 1 old, 2 sad, 3 ugly, 4 happy, 5 young elicit the word from another pupil who can and then ask
the first pupil to repeat.
• Pupils work in pairs. They take turns to point to a picture
in their books and to say the word.
Listen and circle the ‘a’ in the words. • Say Colour the stars. Demonstrate the activity on the
• Say the sound /æ/ and trace a large letter a in the air. board. Point to and elicit one of the words. Say Good.
Pupils copy and repeat. Now colour the star. Pupils choose colours to colour
• Say Open your Activity Books at page 28, please. Show their stars.
Activity 1 on the whiteboard and point to the first
picture. Point to the word below the picture and read it AB30. ACTIVITY 1
aloud with the class. Play the first word on the audio and Look, read and tick.
trace the circle around the a in the word cat. Say Listen
and circle the ‘a’ in the words. • Say Open your Activity Books at page 30, please. Show
page 30 on the whiteboard. Point to number 1, read
• Pupils listen and complete the activity individually. Then
the sentence next to it and ask pupils What planet can
they compare answers in pairs. Check as a class. Invite
you see? Pupils identify Earth. Do the same for numbers
different pupils to the whiteboard to circle the letter a in
2 to 4. Tell pupils to read and tick the correct planet in
each one.
each picture.
Key: 2 Mars, 3 Jupiter, 4 Mercury
1 cat
2 sad
3 bag
4 happy Look and write.
5 family
• Show Activity 2 on the whiteboard. Read the words in
6 black
the box with the class. Point to the first picture and ask

Kid’s Box New Generation Level 1    ©

© Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023
Downloadable Activity Book Teaching Notes
Unit 4 My family

Which planet is it? Pupils say It’s Jupiter. Say Write the 17
word here. Pupils work individually and write in pencil. 1 – 4 – 3 – 9 – 1 – 7 – 8 – 2 – 5 – 6 – 10 – 3
Pupils look at the other two pictures and copy the planet
names below them. Check answers. Extra challenge AB32. ACTIVITY 2
Ask these questions to extend pupils’ comprehension:
Which planet is our home? (Earth). What does Earth Look, draw and say.
move around? (the Sun). What moves around Earth? • Show Activity 2 on the whiteboard. Point to the first row
(the Moon). and elicit the names of the items in order (bike – train –
car – bike – train – car). Say Bike – train – what? and elicit
Key: Jupiter, Earth, Sun
the next word car. Say Look and draw.
• Pupils work in pairs to look at the rows of pictures and
AB30. ACTIVITY 3 work out what comes next. Then they each draw the
Play and say. item in the box at the end of the row. Monitor and check
pupils know what they have to do.
• Pupils describe and guess the planets they have learnt
• Check answers as a class by asking volunteers to read out
about in this lesson. Use the example on the page to
the words and give the answer.
demonstrate the activity with the class. Pupils work in
pairs to play and say, swapping roles after each turn. Key: Pupils draw: 2 a pencil, 3 a sad face, 4 pink paint

Look, read and write the number. Say, look and answer.
• Say Open your Activity Books at page 31, please. Show • Say Open your Activity Books at page 33, please.
the page on the whiteboard and point to the pictures. Show Activity 3 on the whiteboard. Read the example
Point to the speech bubble in picture 1 and invite a more slowly (Purple, one) and point to the purple row and to
confident pupil to read the phrase. Repeat with the other number 1 at the top of the grid. Point to the girl in the
speech bubbles. picture and read the example sentence: She’s young.
• Point to picture 1 again and elicit Here you are. Point to Point to the second example speech bubbles and ask two
the three pictures on the right and ask Which picture? more confident pupils to read out the example. Invite
Ask a pupil to the whiteboard to point to the picture at two or three more pairs of pupils to say, look and answer
the bottom, read the phrase Thank you! and show the as in the examples.
number 1 in the box. Repeat with the other pictures. • Pupils play the game in pairs. Pupil A says a colour and a
Pupils write the numbers in the boxes. number and Pupil B makes a sentence about the thing in
Key: 2, 3, 1 the picture. They can score points for correct sentences.
Monitor and make sure pupils are saying complete
MATERIALS sentences. Set a time limit (e.g. two minutes) and then
• Coloured pencils or crayons ask pupils to swap roles. Find out which pupil won in
each pair and ask volunteers for some examples of the
sentences they made. Extra support Pupils say single
words for each picture instead of full sentences.
Listen and join the dots.
• Do a quick clapping game to review numbers. Say One,
clap once, say Two, clap twice, etc.
• Say Open your Activity Books at page 32, please. Show
Activity 1 on the whiteboard and point to Stella and read
her question with the class. Pupils take a pencil. Say Put
your pencil on number 1 and point to the pencil in the
picture. Play the audio. Pupils listen and join the dots.
They check in pairs. Play the audio again. Check with the
class. Elicit what it is (a book).
• Pupils can colour in the picture.

Kid’s Box New Generation Level 1    ©

© Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023

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