Radon and Thoron Measurements at Special Underground Circumstances

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Radon and Thoron Measurements at Special Underground


Tibor Kovácsa*, Norbert Kávásib, Csaba Némethc, János Somlaia, Tamás Vighd,
Gábor Szeilera, and Shinji Tokonamie, Hiroyuki Takahashie
Institute of Radiochemistry, University of Pannonia, H-8201 Veszprém, P.O. Box 158,
Social Organization for Radio Ecological Cleanliness, H-8201 Veszprém, P.O. Box
158, Hungary
Institute of Physics, University of Pannonia, H-8201 Veszprém, P.O. Box 158,
Mangán Ltd., 8409 Úrkút, Hungary
Radon Research Group, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, 4-9-1 Anagawa,
Inage -ku, Chiba 263-8555, Japan

Abstract. In this study a comparative integrating radon (222Rn) and thoron (220Rn) survey executed at
underground workplaces are discussed. Two types of solid state nuclear track detectors (Radopot and Raduet)
were applied for survey at four sites: a manganese mine, a bauxite mine, a tourist cave and a hospital cave. Several
numbers of detecting points were chosen at each site and 1-1 Raduet and Radopot detector were placed at each
point. Both detector types contains two polycarbonate (CR-39) foils in different holders in order to determinate the
radon as well as the thoron levels. The detectors were changed in 30-60 days periods (approximately monthly) and
the survey continued for a year. This study had two aims. 1) To gain information about the radon and thoron
concentrations at the chosen places including the seasonal variations. 2) To compare the performance of the two
types of detectors and check their response in the special circumstances indicates by these underground places.
Concerning the first point the radon concentrations were found to be as the expected ones at the given
underground places and were similar to our former measurements. In the case of thoron the results are very
variable and significant part of the detectors provides no data or unrealistic data. Concerning the second point
there was only a little difference (<10%) between the radon results provided by the two types of detectors. In the
case of thoron the two detector types showed high inconsistency. The study suggests that both types of detectors
are fit for the integrating radon measurement at these special circumstances but it cannot be stated the same for the
thoron measurement. The reason of the unreliability of the thoron measurement could be the high humidity
(especially in the caves), the high aerosol concentration (especially in the mines) and the air change rate variation.
To find the reasons needs further study.

KEYWORDS: radon, thoron, underground, track detectors

1. Introduction

The decay product of radium (226Ra), the radioactive noble gas radon, and its airborne progenies are
considered to be the most important dose contributors due to natural radiation [1]. Some studies showed
that there is a not negligible correlation between indoor radon concentration and lung cancer risk even at
relatively low exposure levels (below 200 Bq m-3) [2, 3]. Therefore, if the smoking considered being as
an artificial agent, the radon is the leading naturally occurring cause of lung cancer. The International
Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) provides guidance to regulatory authorities on the radon
action levels in its publication of ICRP-65 suggesting that workers who are not regarded as being
occupationally exposed to radiation should be treated in the same way as the general public. The
suggested action level is between 500-1500 Bq m-3 [4]. The action level advised by the European Union

Presenting author, E-mail: kt@almos.vein.hu

(EU) accepting the recommendations of ICRP-65, is also the same [5]. Many EU member countries
established the same reference level for all types of workplaces.
In Hungary, the action level for workplaces is 1000 Bq m-3 average radon concentration over the
working hours [6]. This legislation, actually, was implemented in January 2003. Setting this action level
an occupational exposure of 2000 hours per year and an equilibrium factor of 0.4 were considered. This
level is in accordance with the ICRP-65 and the EU suggestion being the mid-value of their advised
The probability of elevated radon concentration is considerably higher at underground workplaces than
aboveground places therefore, radon concentration measurements advisable here.
For monitoring the average radon concentrations usually integrating detectors are used. The alpha track
detectors are the most wildly used for large-scale and long-term surveys so as to obtain annual radon
concentrations. It was find that some of alpha track detectors are sensitive to thoron [7]. To get reliable
data it is important to consider this effect and to chose detector types whose performance are not
influenced in high extent by thoron.
Additionally, the thoron can have a role not just to disturb the radon measurements but it can present a
not negligible dose contribution as well. Therefore the parallel radon-thoron measurements would help
to improve the accuracy of dose estimations.
In this paper a one year long integrated radon and thoron measurements are described. Four typical
underground workplaces were chosen using two types of radon-thoron discriminative detector.

2. Materials and methods

The survey was executed in four underground workplaces: a bauxite mine, a manganese mine a
hospital cave and a tourist cave. 4-10 measurement points were chosen at each site where two types of
detectors were placed side by side. The two types of detectors are: Radopot [8] and Raduet [9].
Both detectors have two separate diffusion chambers containing a CR-39 polycarbonate foil. One of
the two chambers is constructed to get inside only the radon gas and the other one is the radon and
thoron. Applying this set one can calculate the thoron radioactive concentration as well parallel with
the radon. The Raduet is the remodeled Radopot. The Raduet is an up-to-date radon-thoron
discriminative detector has been developed for conducting a large scale survey. Comparing with the
previous detector (Radopot), some functional problems have been solved [9]
The detectors were changed in 30-60 days periods (approximately monthly) to make possible to gain
information about the seasonal variations and the survey continued for a year (in 2007). The CR-39
polycarbonate foils were evaluated at National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS).

2. Results and discussion

In the bauxite mine were 10 measuring points which reduced to 8 at the end of the survey because of
some tunnel were closed during the investigation. Table 1 summarizes the radon concentrations
measured in the bauxite mine. The “min.” and “max.” values mean the minimum and maximum levels
showed by the 10 or 8 detectors. The results provided by the Radopots seem to be a little lower than
the Raduets. According to the Raduets only in one month (April) exceeds slightly the average level the
Hungarian limit (1000 Bq m-3). But it needs to emphasize that this levels not represents the
concentrations during the working hours. In the mine there is an effective ventilation system working
only during the working hours. Therefore, the radon concentrations probably lower in these periods.
There is no significant seasonal variation. In April and June the levels are slightly higher than other
months. Because of the intensive differences in the working situations (close a tunnel, and open a new
one) the airflow direction and intensity also can change significantly. This can influence the radon
level at a measuring point.

Table 1: Rn concentrations in the bauxite mine.

Raduet [Bq m-3] Radopot [Bq m-3]

average min. max. average min. max.
February 226 52 778 246 53 1088

March 549 306 1449 545 332 1322
April 1108 118 3595 957 59 3110
May 322 120 664 201 43 498
June 238 123 473 105 6 201
July 926 174 1735 590 33 1292
Augustus 578 244 1013 250 22 472
Sept.-Oct. 250 22 472 539 78 1801
November 529 175 791 234 42 375
Dec.- Jan. 442 157 820 215 60 347

Table 2 summarizes the radon concentrations measured in the manganese mine. Here were 10
measuring points. The “min.” and “max.” values mean the minimum and maximum levels showed by
the 10 detectors. In this case the average radon concentrations exceed the Hungarian limit roughly in
the half of the year. Also, the results provided by the Radopots seem to be a little lower than the
Raduets. At the results of manganese mine can be observed marked seasonal differences, namely,
during the summer months the radon levels are significantly higher. It is typical at underground places
due to the air flow directions induced by the temperature and pressure differences.

Table 2: Rn concentrations in the manganese mine.

Raduet [Bq m-3] Radopot [Bq m-3]

average min. max. average min. max.
December 638 91 1792 481 51 1285
January 562 135 1907 500 119 1640
February 689 138 2231 549 84 1745
March 807 285 1844 694 254 1511
April 1451 1174 2338 1204 777 1995
May 2231 1787 2975 1693 1444 2488
June 2187 1736 2746 1770 1414 2517
July 1986 1498 3813 911 347 1541
Augustus 1813 1355 228 1304 349 1869
Sept.-Oct. 1114 694 1599 706 423 1036
November 553 179 984 193 50 336

Table 3 summarizes the radon concentrations measured in the hospital cave. Here were 4 measuring
points. The min. and max. values means the minimum and maximum levels showed by the 4 detectors.
In this case the average radon concentrations exceed the Hungarian limit almost in the all year. Also,
the results provided by the Radopots seem to be a little lower than the Raduets. In the hospital cave
there is no ventilation system therefore the seasonal differences are very sharp. Even during the
summer months the radon levels seems to be too high for precise detection by the used detectors.

Table 3: Rn concentrations in the hospital cave.

Raduet [Bq m-3] Radopot [Bq m-3]

average min. max. average min. max.
December 362 248 583 236 154 355
January 994 1260 887 825 663 1026
February 2621 2092 2911 2004 1649 2283
March 1599 1133 1926 1373 729 1650
April 2226 1503 3008 2384 1234 3946
May 5174 4889 5577 4246 4075 4426
June >~8000 >~7000
July >~8000 >~6000
Augustus >~8000 >~5000
Sept.-Oct. 938 917 976 585 559 611
November 1160 798 1731 416 320 535

Table 4 summarizes the radon concentrations measured in the tourist cave. Here were also 4
measuring points. The “min.” and “max.” values mean the minimum and maximum levels showed by
the 4 detectors. In this case the average radon concentrations exceed the Hungarian limit in the all
year. The results provided by the Radopots seem to be a little lower than the Raduets. In the tourist
cave the seasonal differences are not too sharp. Here also was experienced that during the summer
months the radon levels seems to be too high for precise detection by the used detectors. Maybe the
sharp seasonal variation is present here also but the detectors not worked properly due to the extreme
high humidity and the too high level of radon.

Table 4: Rn concentrations in the hospital cave.

Raduet [Bq m-3] Radopot [Bq m-3]

average min. max. average min. max.
December 7258 6652 8095 6206 5628 6784
January 8778 8698 8859 - - -
February 7481 6041 9143 6339 6031 6648
March 4434 833 6418 3845 653 5398
April 2831 1785
May >~9000 2044 >~8000 1661
June >~9000 3566 >~8000 3609
July >~10000 >~8000 2573
Augustus >~8000 >~7000
Sept.-Oct. >~6000 1501 2787 983 3871
November >~8000 614 2104 205 4027

The data presented here are not considered to be a base for dose calculation of the workers in the
above mentioned underground workplaces.
In the cases of the mines during the working-hours strong artificial ventilation are present. This results
a significantly different radon concentrations during these periods than the all-day average as our
former continuous measurements showed [10].
In the caves the workers spent restricted time underground which can taken into consideration when
one calculates the doses. To gain reliable data for dose assumption personal dosimetry is needed.
In the cases of the two mines the data comes from the personal dosimeters (not presented here) show
that the annual dose significantly lower than the doses resulted using the data comes from the detectors
placed in the mine. Consequently, the workers not get higher dose than the legislation suggests.
In the hospital cave and the tourist cave the radon concentration is high. Considering the legislation
one cannot work here 2000 hours per year without exceeding the dose limit. (The patients and the
tourists usually spend too little time in the caves to consider any reason of dose hazard.) The workers

are monitored using personal dosimeters and there is a planned timetable ensuring that they not exceed
the occupational dose limit.
The performance of the two detector types are compared shown in the Figure 1. For this comparison
the average values were used from the Tables 1-4. It can be seen that the Radopot detectors measure a
slightly lower levels than the Raduet ones. The differences are higher at higher radon concentrations.

Figure 1: The radon concentrations measured by the two detector types.


Radon concentration [Bq m-3]





1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41

Measuring the radon it should be consider the thoron influence. The thoron can modify the results
depending on the detector characteristics. Other hand the thoron itself can be a significant dose
contributor. Therefore parallel with the radon measurements thoron measurements also were executed.
Both used detector type have a part aimed for thoron detection. Evaluating the data unfortunately the
thoron results seems to be very hectic and unusable. Almost half of the thoron detectors have shown
no results both the Radopots and the Raduets. The detectors which presented data were in high
inconsistency with each other, other words the Raduets and Radopots showed very different values.
This probably can be due to the high humidity and in the mines the high aerosol concentration. Also,
the ventilation can influence significantly the performance of thoron detectors.
In case of the both used detector type he container developed to detect the radon has a little sensitivity
for thoron [11]. Consequently the data gained for radon probably little influenced by thoron. However,
the information of thoron would help the more precise dose estimation.

4. Conclusion

In this study integrated radon and thoron concentrations were measured at underground workplaces
including two mines and two caves. The two main aims were: 1) To gain information about the radon
and thoron concentrations at the chosen places including the seasonal variations. 2) To compare the
performance of the two types of detectors and check their response in the special circumstances
indicates by these underground places.
Concerning the first point the radon concentrations were found to be as the expected ones at the given
underground places and were similar to our former measurements. In the bauxite mine the radon
concentrations are not too high due to the ventilation system working in the working hours. In the
manganese mine the measured values are higher especially in the summer period. Considering that
during the working hours the radon levels are considerably lower not likely that the dose contribution
of the workers exceeds the limit. More precise data can be gained using by personal dosimeters. In the
two caves the radon concentrations are as high as one can expect these kinds of underground places.
The variation in the concentration is typical (summer higher than winter). Because in the caves there is
no artificial ventilation system the values are considerably higher than the mines. It could be expected

that if one spent 2000 working hours here he or she can get dose contribution exceeding the
occupational limit. Actually, the workers spent restricted time in the caves and they are under the
personal dosimetry.
The detectors were constructed to measure thoron as well parallel with the radon. In the case of thoron
the results are very variable and significant part of the detectors provides no data or unrealistic data.
Unfortunately these data are seems to be uninformative.
Concerning the second point there was only a little difference (<10%) between the radon results
provided by the two types of detectors. In the case of thoron the two detector types showed high
The study suggests that both types of detectors are fit for the integrating radon measurement at these
special circumstances but it cannot be stated the same for the thoron measurement. The reason of the
unreliability of the thoron measurement could be the high humidity (especially in the caves), the high
aerosol concentration (especially in the mines) and the intensive ventilation and air change rate
variation. To find the reasons needs further study.



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