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Proc. of 2020 7th Int. Conf. on Information Tech.

, Computer, and Electrical Engineering (ICITACEE)

Development of Dynamic Model of Autonomous

Sailboat for Simulation and Control
Joga Dharma Setiawan1,2 Mochammad Ariyanto1,2
1Mechanical 1Mechanical
Engineering Department Deddy Chrismianto Engineering Department
Universitas Diponegoro Naval Architecture Department Universitas Diponegoro
Semarang, Indonesia Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia
2National Center for Sustainable 2National Center for Sustainable
Semarang, Indonesia
Transportation Technology, Indonesia Transportation Technology, Indonesia

Candra Wahyu Sportyawan1,2 Sabri Alimi

1Mechanical Engineering Department Robby Dwianto Widyantara Center for Biomechanics Biomaterial
Politeknik Negeri Bandung Mechanical Engineering Department Biomechatronics and Biosignal
2Mechanical Engineering Department Universitas Diponegoro Processing
Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia Universitas Diponegoro
Semarang, Indonesia Semarang, Indonesia

Abstract— An autonomous sailboat is a robotic boat that angle of attack (α). This study assumes that the wind blows
utilizes wind energy as a booster with the ability to control its from one direction at a constant speed and the state of seawater
sails and steering without human intervention. An autonomous state is calm. Further, for the sake of simplicity, the dynamic
sailboat can be used for monitoring the ocean with realtime data of the boat is developed using 4-DOF model.
collection and relatively easy and affordable installation.
Therefore research on autonomous sailboats is important, II. METHODS OF WING SAILING AND SIMULATION
especially for Indonesia, which has an extensive area of ocean.
In this study, the autonomous boat uses wing sail with flap and A. Wing Sail Autonomous Boat
rudder to produce propulsion. The simulation model of an The boat has main components that are hull, wingsail, flap,
autonomous sailboat dynamic with 4-DOF was created using
and rudder, as shown in Figure 1.
MATLAB/Simulink. Simulations were carried out to determine
the effect of flap and rudder deflection angles on boat dynamics.
The objective of of this study is reveal the primary
characteristics of boat sailboat dynamic such that the four
direction combinations of the flap and rudder can steer the
sailboat to the desired motion. Thus, the simulation model can
be useful in formulating the in-progress control algorithm for
the autonomous boat.

Keywords— Ocean monitoring, autonomous sailboat,

dynamic simulation.
Fig. 1. Wing sail autonomous boat main components
An autonomous sailboat is a robotic boat that utilizes wind The boat hull provides buoyancy and storage for other
energy to get thrust and can control its sails and steering components such as sensors, frames, and batteries. The hull
without human intervention [1]. An autonomous sailboat is is equipped with a keel that serves as a stabilizer for rotation
used as a monitoring or data collection platform in the ocean movement in the roll axis. The airfoil-shaped wing sail serves
because of its advantages which can carry many sensors, send to produce the thrust of the boat when interacting with the
data in realtime, and its relatively easy installation. An wind. The angle of attack of the wing sails against the wind
autonomous boat moves using the control input determined by is set using the flap deflection. For turning and maneuvering,
an algorithm based on environmental conditions and the the autonomous boat uses a rudder. A control input controls
destination point data. To develop the algorithm, the boat's flap and rudder deflections.
dynamic response to control inputs under an environmental
B. Dynamics of Sailing
condition needs to be well known.
For ease of modeling and dynamic analysis, a body
Mechanically, an autonomous boat interacts with two coordinate system and a global coordinate system are created,
fluids: air and water, at which the relative motion between the as in Legursky [3]. The body and global coordinate systems
boat with the air and water produces aerodynamic and are shown in Figure 2.
hydrodynamic forces, respectively [2]. In this study, an
autonomous boat simulation model was created to predict the The wing sail, flap, and rudder working principles are such
dynamic response of the boat by varying the deflection of the as aircraft wings where the wing produces aerodynamic
flap angle (δf) and the rudder angle. The flap controls the wing forces, lift (L) and drag (D) from the fluid that passes through

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it [4]. The wing sail, flap, and rudder use the NACA0018 type (3)
airfoil. The relationship between lift and drag coefficients to
the angle of attack of the NACA0018 airfoil was taken from
Du [5]. The convention of the wing sail angle of attack, flap,
and rudder deflection angle are shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 4. Apparent wind (vp)

a b
Fig. 2. Coordinate systems a) body , b) global Fig. 5. Boat velocity convention

The forces and moments generated by the wing sail are

where transformed into the body coordinates become wing sail
= surge velocity (m/s) Φ = roll angle (rad) forces on the x-axis (Xs), forces on the y-axis (Ys), and roll
moments (Ks) defined by (4) to (6).
= sway velocity (m/s) θ = pitch angle (rad)
= heave velocity (m/s) ψ = yaw angle (rad) ∙ sin ∙ cos (4)
P = roll angular velocity (rad/s) ∙ cos ∙ sin (5)
∙ (6)
Q = pitch angular velocity (rad/s)
R = yaw angular velocity (rad/s) where Ls is the wing sail lift force, Ds is the wing sail drag
force, φ is the angle of the absolute wind to East, λ is the angle
of the absolute wind to the apparent wind, and dzs is the
distance of the wing sail force point of action to the boat's
center of rotation on the Z-axis.

As in the wing sail, the rudder produces the hydrodynamic

force, lift (Lr) and drag (Dr) from water that moves relatively
through it. The forces and moments generated by rudder are
transformed into the body coordinates and become rudder
forces on the x-axis (Xr), forces on the y-axis (Yr), roll
moment (Kr), and yaw moment (Nr) defined by (7) to (10).
∙ sin γ ∙ cos (7)
∙ cos γ ∙ sin γ (8)
a b ∙ (9)
∙ (10)
Fig. 3. Convention of a) wing sail angle of attack and flap deflection angle,
b) rudder deflection angle
where γ is the angle of boat velocity, dzr is the distance of the
The angle of attack of the wing sail with respect to the rudder force point action to the center of rotation of the boat
wind is set using the moment produced by the flap by its on the x-axis, dxr is the distance of the rudder force point action
deflection. The effect of flap deflection on the angle of attack to the center of rotation of the boat on the x-axis. Using (11)
of the wing sail was obtained from Tretow [2] using (1). to (18) [6] a boat acceleration is obtained from the resultant of
wing sail and rudder forces and moments.
3.21 (1)
When the boat moves, there is relative movement between
the boat and the wind, so the direction of the wind that wing
sail receives is different from the absolute wind direction. The
relative wind direction received by the wing sail hereafter is
called apparent wind. So the angle of attack of the wing sail is
measured from the direction of the apparent wind. Boat (14)
velocity (vb), absolute wind velocity (vt), and apparent wind
velocity (vp) are illustrated in Figure 4 in which the boat (15)
velocity is defined by (2) and (3), and the convention is shown (16)
in Figure 5. (17)
(2) (18)

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where I is the inertia of the boat, m is the mass of the boat, X free-body diagram at the beginning of the simulation of case I
is the total external force on the x-axis of the boat, Y is the is shown in Figure 7.
total external force on the y-axis, K is the total external
moment on the roll axis, and N is the total external moment TABLE II. LIST OF CASES FOR SIMULATION
on the yaw axis. Then boat velocity in global coordinates is Flap angle,
Rudder angle, Wing sail angle of
calculated using (19) and (20). Case
° ° attack, °
∙ cos ∙ sin (19) I 0 0 0
∙ sin ∙ cos (20)
-4 → 4
II 0 -12.8 → 12.8
C. Dynamics Simulation Model (inc. 1o)

The autonomous boat dynamics are simulated using III 15 4 12.8

MATLAB Simulink and modeled with 3D Animation. The
Simulink blocks are divided into five parts; wing sail, rudder, IV -15 4 12.8
body, Simulink signal conversion into 3D animation input, -15 → 15 4 → -4
and 3D block animation, as shown in Figure 6. The V 12.8 → -12.8
(square wave) (square wave)
simulation uses the main parameters shown in Table I.

Fig. 7. Free-body diagram at the beginning of case I, δf =0o and δr = 0o

At the beginning of the simulation the boat moves

backward parallel to the x-axis in the negative x-axis
Fig. 6. Dynamics model in Simulink direction. After 12 seconds, the boat starts rotating counter-
clockwise, as shown in Figure 8.

Parameter Unit Value

Air Density kg/m3 1.25
Wind velocity from the East m/s 5
Sail planform area m2 0.5069
Rudder planform area m2 0.0525
Water density kg/m3 1025
Boat mass kg 25.5
Ixx of boat kg.m2 0.265
Ixz of boat kg.m2 0.004
Izz of boat kg.m2 0.013

D. Simulation Setup Fig. 8. Boat movement in case I, δf =0o and δr = 0o

The dynamics analysis of the wing sail autonomous boat
is done by simulating the boat for 100 seconds by varying the In case I, the boat velocity reaches a maximum value of
input of flap deflection (δf), which regulates the wing sail 0.29 m/s with the direction of the boat velocity around the
angle of attack (αs) and the input of rudder deflection (δr). The angle of -180o or towards the back of the boat.
boat is initially still and faces the positive x-axis in global
coordinates (ψ = 0). The wind blows at a constant speed of 5 B. Case II
m/s to West or negative X-axis in global coordinates (φ = 0).
In case II the rudder is not deflected (δr = 0), and flap
The list of cases of wing sail autonomous boat simulation is
shown in Table II. deflection (δf) is varied in the angle range of -4o to 4o with an
interval of 1o for each simulation. For ease of analysis,
samples of flap angle 4o and -4o were taken. At flap deflection
δf = 4o, the boat moves to the Northwest. This is because the
sail as the main provider of force produces the lift force to the
A. Case I North and the drag force to the West so that the resultant force
In the first case the flap and rudder are not deflected (δf = is generated to the Northwest. The free-body diagram at the
0 and δr = 0) until the end of the simulation. The undeflected beginning of the simulation of case II δf = 4o and δr = 0o is
flap (δf = 0o) makes the angle of attack of the wing sail αs = 0o shown in Figure 9.
so that the wing sail only produces drag force that pushes the
boat back. Due to the boat moving backward, there is relative It can be seen that the boat rotates counter-clockwise so
motion between the rudder and seawater which makes the that ψ is negative, and the boat moves to the negative x-axis
rudder produce drag force towards the front of the boat. The

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and positive y-axis, or the Northwest at global coordinates, as 121o or to the left rear of the boat due to the dominant wing
shown in Figure 10. sail force. After 4 seconds the velocity direction shifts and
reaches constant at 59 seconds with an angle of 15o or towards
the right front of the boat. For rudder and flap deflection δr =
-15o and δf = -4o shows symmetrical results being mirrored to
the x-axis.

Fig. 9. Free-body diagram at the beginning of case II δf =4o and δr = 0o

Fig. 12. Boat movement in case IV δr =15o dan δf = 4o

D. Case IV
In case IV, along the simulation rudder deflection δr = -
Fig. 10. Boat movement in case II, δf = 4o dan δr = 0o
15o and flap deflection δf = 4o. Because δf = 4o, the wing angle
of the sails αs = 12.8o is formed and the lift force (Ls) is
The resultant of boat velocity in case II δf = 4o and δr = 0o
generated to the North and drag (Ds) to the West by the wing
reaches a maximum value of 3.3 m/s and is constant at that
sail which moves the boat to the Northwest at the beginning
value until the simulation ended. The direction boat velocity
of the simulation. The rudder that deflects δr = -15o also
at the beginning of the simulation is at angle -114o which
produces lift (Lr) and drag (Dr) forces due to the relative
means to the right and the rear corner of the boat, then goes
motion between the rudder and seawater. The free-body
up to the angle of 0o which means to the front of the boat and
diagram at the beginning of the simulation case V with δf =
is constant until the end of the simulation. For the flap and
4o and δr = -15o is shown in Figure 13.
rudder deflections δf = -4o and δr = 0o, the result will be
symmetrical results being mirrored to the x-axis.
C. Case III
In case III, rudder deflection δr = 15o and flap deflection
δf = 4o. Because δf = 4o, the wing sail angle of attack αs =
12.8o is formed and the lift force (Ls) is generated to the north
and drag (Ds) to the West which moves the boat to the
Northwest at the beginning of the simulation. The rudder that Fig. 13. Free-body diagram at the beginning of case V δf = 4o and δr = -15o
deflects δr = 15o also produces lift (Lr) and drag (Dr) forces
from the relative motion between the rudder and seawater.
The free- body diagram at the beginning of case IV δf = 4o
and δr = 15o is shown in Figure 11.

In this case, the boat moves toward the negative x-axis

and positive y-axis direction of global coordinates, as shown
in Figure 12. The boat rotates counter-clockwise at global
coordinates until it is constant at an angle of 5o.

Fig. 14. Boat movement in case V δr =-15o and δf=4o

Figure 14 shows that the boat is moving in the positive x

and y axes or in the Northeast direction. The boat rotates
Fig. 11. Free-body diagram at the beginning of case IV δf=4o dan δr=15o counter-clockwise on the global Z axis which means the
value ψ is negative until the 59th second ψ constant at an
The magnitude of boat velocity in this case reaches a angle of -12o.
maximum value of 1.4 m/s at 29 seconds then reaches
constant at 67 seconds with a value of 0.67 m/s. At the The boat reaches maximum velocity at 18 seconds at 0.65
beginning the direction of the boat velocity is at an angle of - m/s and reaches a constant condition at 59 seconds with a

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magnitude of 0.53 m/s. At the beginning of the simulation the
boat velocity direction reaches the angle of -109o and
gradually shifts to a constant condition of the speed of the
boat at an angle of -15o or towards the left front corner of the
boat. For rudder and flap deflections δr = 15o and δf = -4o the
result will be symmetrical being mirrored to the x-axis.

E. Case V
In the case V, the flap and rudder deflections are set with
square wave input with a frequency of 0.1 rad/s or 0.016 Hz
and then filtered with the transfer function . Flaps with Fig. 16. Boat movement in case V tacking δr = -15o → 15o and δf = 4o → -4o
deflection angles of 4o and -4o and rudder with deflection
angles of -15o and 15o. as shown in Figure 17. The free-body In the Reference article [4], Andouglas G. S. Júnior et al
diagram at the beginning of the simulation of this case is the discuss the autonomous sailboat control architecture with
same as the free-body diagram at the beginning of the case mathematical models using PID and Fuzzy controllers to
IV simulation shown in Figure 14. control sail and rudder in closed-loop control systems. The
control hardware used is Arduino and Raspberry PI. The
From Figure 16 it can be seen that the boat moves zigzag values of the Kp, Ki, and Kd parameters are obtained from the
towards the East. In sailing terms this movement is known as tune of the Matlab software. Whereas the fuzzy logic used has
tacking, which is the movement of the boat upwind. Boat yaw two inputs (the orientation error and its derivative), and the
movements (ψ) up and down with a maximum value of -30o output will be the angle of the screen, that is, how tight or tight
and 27o. First the boat rotates counter-clockwise at global the rope must sail.
coordinates then when the flap and rudder deflection changes
the boat begins to rotate clockwise.

Fig. 17. HIL architecture for autonomous sailboat

In addition, in the B. Puviyarasi study [5], building a non-

( a) ( b) linear autonomous sailboat control system is carried out using
Fig. 15. Deflection of (a) flap and (b) rudder in case V tacking δr = -15o → a Conventional PID controller (CPID) and Adaptive PID
15o and δf = 4o → -4o controller (APID). The difference between CPID and APID is
the tunning process. The tuning process on the APID for
The resultant boat velocity reaches a maximum value of sailboats is done automatically using Matlab software. A
0.65 m/s at the beginning of the simulation, and the velocity comparison of CPID and APID produces data that shows that
decreases with each deflection change. When the velocity is the Adaptive PID controller provides more stable control.
steady, the velocity direction is at an angle of 47.5o. In other work, dos-Santos in [10] proposes a navigation
system that allows a sailboat to reach the desired target point
Tacking simulation with the opposite input to case V in its work environment. This navigation system consists of a
where δf starts from -4o then 4o and δr starts from 15o then - low-level canopy controller and a short-term track planner for
15o (δf = -4o → 4o and δr = 15o → -15o) shows symmetrical situations against the wind. For low-level canopy controllers,
results with simulation case V δf = 4o → -4o and δr = -15o → the proportional-integral gain-scheduling controller (GS-PI) is
15o. The plot of the boat's movement is shown in Figure 16. shown to better illustrate the nonlinear motion inherent in
sailboat movements. Gain-scheduling-PI consists of tables
IV. DEVELOPMENT OF CONTROL SYSTEM containing the best control parameters learned and determined
for a particular maneuver and scheduling according to each
After having the dynamic model of the sailboat, it is time situation. The idea is to design special controllers that meet
to consider the options for controlling the motion of the boat the specific control objectives of each application. Changes in
available in the literature. Benoit Clement in Reference [8] proportional and integral parameters modify the behavior of
discusses a simple control strategy in embedded systems with the steering wheel and consequently affect the movement of
the Hardware in the Loop (HIL) methodology. The approach the sailboat. The experiment to find the GS-PI controller is
taken is to navigate the sailboat by following the line strategy similar to the static PI, but the experiment is applied to some
(line following strategy) by controlling the rudder and sail. wind direction and initial sailboat orientation. The strategy for
finding the GS-PI controller introduced in this study can be
automated using a sailboat mathematical model. The main
drawback to the design of the GS-PI controller is to find a
suitable model that represents the movement of the sailboat.

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The study of Silva-Junior in [11] discusses autonomous 15o with δf = 0o, the speed of the boat decreases as the rudder
sailboat control with a learning reinforcement approach (Q- deflection angle rises. Inputs δf = 4o and δr = 15o cause the
Learning). The Q-Learning approach is used based on a boat to move to the Northwest, and inputs δf = 4o and δr = -
reward matrix and a series of actions that change in the 15o cause the boat to move to the Northeast. The wing sail
direction of the wind to take into account dead zones, which autonomous boat can maneuver tacking to sail upwind with
are areas against the wind where the sailboat cannot gain square wave input, flap deflection values 4o and -4o and
speed. rudder -15o and 15o, and frequency of 0.1 rad/s. For the
The control architecture is arranged at a low level opposite deflection input, the simulation shows symmetrical
consisting of heading and propulsion controls, which work results. In overall there are four direction-combinations of the
independently. Propulsion control changes sail position so that flap and rudder motions such that the sailboat can be steered
the sailboat has a forward speed according to the current wind as desired. The autonomous boat dynamics simulation model
speed and direction. The heading control changes the position that has been made can be used to develop flap and rudder
of the rudder so the sailboat can follow the line connecting the control algorithms. Several potential methods to control the
last and upcoming waypoints. At a higher level, there are local autonomous sailboat is discussed. Future work will include
and global path planning modules. Local lane planning uses the control design and simulation in Matlab/Simulink
information about surface and underwater obstacles to find environment, HIL simulation, and implementation of the
alternative routes to avoid it. Global path planning uses control system to the sailboat prototype.
information about climate and terrain to find suitable routes
for N-boats. The basic processing flow of the N-boat Q- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Learning algorithm is to create a simplified terrain map to
obtain a discrete description of the environment. Next, a wind This paper was partially supported by the Directorate of
map is seen to get its direction and to erase actions that place Research and Community Service, Ministry of Research,
the N-boat inside the dead zone, so that a safe path can be Technology and Higher Education Fiscal Year 2020, and the
studied. Finally, the algorithm is trained so that a safe and USAID through Sustainable Higher Education Research
feasible path is found and passed on to the other lower layers. Alliances (SHERA) Program-Centre for Collaborative
One study by Abrougui in [12] discusses controlling a Research (CCR) National Center for Sustainable
sailboat with two or three hulls by developing a backstepping Transportation Technology (NCSTT).
method. The backstepping method was developed to stabilize
the canopy of the boat while tracking waypoints. The basic
idea behind this method is to break down the full system REFERENCES
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