Week 3 - East Versus West
Week 3 - East Versus West
Week 3 - East Versus West
Pre-reading -
Lecture -
- Herodotus of Halicarnassus
o Prevent traces of human events from being erased by time
o A collector of stories as he travelled very much
o Wrote to preserve the stories he heard, preserve the most important stories of Greeks
and non-Greeks
o Unusually even handed despite having his biases
o Covers the cause of the Greco-Persian hostilities
- Kingdom of Lydia had coinage, figured out the world of trade
- Iran/Iraq growing against Lydia
- 546 – Cyrus defeats Croesus of Lydia
o Spread East and West
o Cyrus buried in Persia
o His death did not slow Persian’s down
o Spread into Egypt
o At this point, Persia is a conquest people – not exactly an empire
o “Hard dangerous bastards” - Gwynn
- Herodotus is relatively even-handed
o Despite he likes telling stories, a lot of what he says we can confirm from archaeology
- Iran – Naq-I-Rustman -
- Behistun Inscription (Darius)
o Zoroastrianism
Duelist religion, believes in two divine beings
Good being, Bad being
There is also free-will, to choose good or bad
Ahura Mazda – God of light and fire
Use this duality to fight for good
Empire was so big, taking an army across would take a 4-month journey
- The Immortals
o Excellent cavalry
o Elite inventory – known as the 10,000s
o 10,000s of (badly) equipped archers
o Persian advantage lies in numbers
o Starts with the Ionian revolt
o Cities unite and kill their Persian governors
o Ionian’s get defeated on land and at sea
o Darius starts thinking how he could expand further
o 492 – Darius invades the north Aegean – abortive invasion of Mardonius
o 490 – Battle of MARATHON (Marathonomachoi)
Persians are twice the size of Athenian army
Sale to bay of Marathon
Athenians on their own, delayed support from Sparta
Athens sent all their soldiers
20-25,000 men + horses hard to feed, potential famine – Persians had to move
Athens closed in, archers no longer have impact
Hoplites take their impact and drive Persians into the sea
Athenians win the battle of Marathon
(THE SOROS OF MARATHON) - burial site of all Athenians death in this war
Sparta arrived after the war, congratulated Athens but then turned back home
The win at Marathon is the first Athenian win alone – significant for Athens /
Athens find new confidence
o 486 – Death of Darius – then revolt of Egypt
o 484 – Discovery of the new Laureion solver vein (Themistocles) - new found Sparta
o Used the silver they found to build 200 Trireme – this turned them into the strongest
power in the Aegea
o “Hubris” - Herodotus'’ reason for the downfall of Xerxes
o Xerxes, army of 100,000 – needs to feed army / relies on army and navy to work
Sparta message was that they would not back down
This battle confirms that the Sparta were indeed in the war
o Athens then get levelled by Persians
Persian fleet get caught in the currents Athenians knew their waters better
Athens then destroys the Persian fleet
Xerxes sent most of his army home, Xerxes also leaves
Mardonius was left behind with 40,000 soldiers
Even numbered
Greeks on both sides – city of thebes fighting for Persia
Athenians and Thebes faced each other
5,000 Spartans – beat the Persians
Spartans lethal when they commit
Lakedaimonians (Sparta)
Greek cities won as they were united and never gave up
Seminar -