Senjak's Neon Red Catalog

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The Consolidated Neon Red Catalog

Homebrew For Use With Cyberpunk RED

Original Author
Dusk#1352 (/u/mitsayantan)

Reviewed and consolidated by Neon Red staff both new and old. This document has
changed a lot and represents the community’s best efforts at providing diverse and
balanced equipment for our players to enjoy in the Dark Future.

The Neon Red Catalog is unofficial content provided by the Neon Red Living Community,
under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or
endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian
Games and its licensees.

▶ Borgware

Name Install Description & Data Cost HL

Digitigrade Hospital Borgware. Paired Cyberlegs. Borgware replacement 1000eb 14

Legs legs. They must be installed together and count as a (V. Expensive) (4d6)
single item for the purposes of Cost and Humanity Loss
but not Critical Injuries or repair. A pair of Cyberlegs that
have 0 Option Slots for Cyberleg or Cyberlimb Options
and each comes pre-installed with a Standard Foot that
doesn't cost any Humanity Loss or take up a Cyberleg
Option Slot. The legs are shaped normally until the
ankle. The top of the foot is lengthened and ends in a
hoof, or paddle. This makes the user up to a foot taller
than their previous height and the lengthened stride
increases MOVE by 2 and is not compatible with other
sources of MOVE increase.

▶ Cyberoptics [Foundational Cyberware: Cybereye]

Name Install Description & Data Cost HL

Retinal Clinic Can copy anyone’s optical biometrics by studying it for 5 500eb 3
Duplicator minutes. Requires a Cybereye. (Expensive) (1d6)

▶ Cyberarm [4 Option Slots Per Cyberarm]

Name Install Description & Data Cost HL

Gorilla Arm Clinic Replacement arm. Does not have to be paired. A Gorilla Arm 500eb 7
has 2 Option Slots for Cyberarm or Cyberlimb options and (Premium) (2d6)
comes preinstalled with a Standard Hand that doesn’t cost
any Humanity loss or take up a Cyberarm option slot.
Brawling damage is at least 3d6 when using a Gorilla arm
and at least 4d6 if using paired Gorilla Arms.

Picasso Mall Stabilizes your hand for precision artwork. +2 to 100eb 3

Paint/Draw/Sculpt. Can only be installed once. Requires a (Premium) (1d6)

THIEF Clinic +2 to Pick Lock and Pick Pocket. Has a lockpick. Requires a 500eb 3
Cyberarm. (Expensive (1d6)

▶ Cyberfingers [Requires a Modular Finger Cyberhand]

Name Install Description & Data Cost HL

Fingerprint Clinic Cyberfinger. Requires a Moduler Finger Cyberhand. Can copy 500eb 3
Forger anyone’s fingerprints by studying it for 5 minutes. (Expensive) (1d6)

▶ Cyberlegs [3 Option Slots Per Cyberleg]

Name Install Description & Data Cost HL

Zodiac Hospital Cyberleg Option. A modified Standard Foot composed 500eb

MunkyzPaw of one large prehensile toe and four Cyberfingers. (Expensive) 7
Fully prehensile, and can operate simple mechanisms, (2d6)
like doors and levers, or hanging upside down from
supports. Each foot contains space for up to 4
Cyberfingers. Cannot be used to wield a weapon or
shield. Requires two Cyberlegs and must be paired.
Each purchase comes with 4 Standard Cyberfingers.
Additional Cyberfingers are sold separately.

Stilt Legs Clinic Allows the legs to stretch out up to 2m/yds increasing height 100eb 3
and allowing the user to reach otherwise unreachable places (Premium) (1d6)
without hindering movement. Stilt Legs cannot be used to
make attacks. Requires two Cyberlegs and must be paired.

Shock Clinic Reduces damage from Falling by 2d6. Multiple pairs of this 100eb 3
Absorbers cyberware do not stack. Requires two Cyberlegs and must be (Expensive) (1d6)

▶ Internal Cyberware [7 Option Slots]

Name Install Description & Data Cost HL

Venom Gland Clinic Produces a single vial's worth of Poison [PG. 181] and Strong Poison
stores it in a small reservoir in your mouth. As an Action, 1000eb 7
you can apply the Poison on a Light Melee Weapon (by (V. Expensive) (2d6)
licking the weapon) or to a target via kissing, spitting in
their food/drink, etc. If you have Vampyres, you can coat Deadly Poison
5000eb 14
them with this Poison without an Action. Once removed (4d6)
from the reservoir, the gland secretes another dose of (Luxury)
poison in 24 hours. Once removed from your body, the
poison lasts for 30 minutes before becoming inert.
Multiple glands can be implanted.

▶ External Cyberware [7 Option Slots]

Name Install Description & Data Cost HL

Chameleon Hospital Skinware. +2 to visual Stealth Checks if no other armor 500eb 7

or clothing is worn over the skin. Can mimic (Expensive) (2d6)
body-painted clothing if the user also has Chemskin.
Doesn’t stack with other Stealth bonuses. Only one piece
of Skinware can be installed at a time. Requires Skin
Weave or Subdermal Armor.

Eel Skin Hospital Skinware. When you are the defender in a grapple, you 500eb 7
can use an Action to send a pulse of electricity into the (Expensive) (2d6)
armor, forcing the attacker in the grapple to make a
DV15 Resist Torture/Drugs Check. If they fail, the
grapple ends immediately. Eel skin uses deep channels
running through parts of the body and is visually
striking, making it nearly impossible to conceal, and
requires skin contact to function. Only one piece of
Skinware can be installed at a time. Requires Skin
Weave or Subdermal Armor.

▶ Neuralware [Foundational Cyberware: Neural Link]

Name Install Description & Data Cost HL

Drone Hospital Implanted Drone Controller. Allows hands-free Direct 1000eb 14

Link Control and access to Auto Mode. Requires Neural Link. (V. Expensive) (4d6)
▶ Fashionware [It’s called fashion sweetie]

Name Install Description & Data Cost HL

Stardust Mall Micro-reflectors embedded in the user's skin passively 1000eb 0

Skin absorb sunlight and emit light when activated. The user (V. Expensive)
can control the amount of light emitted by their Stardust
Skin through a connected agent. This feature can subtly
enhance their physical appearance or make their skin
appear as if it is covered in tiny glittering gems. +2
Personal Grooming while Stardust Skin is activated. This
bonus only applies once.

MoorE Lil’ Mall Small stylish cyber horns implanted into the forehead. 100eb 0
Devils Comes in a variety of shapes and colors, including an (Premium)
option for LED colored lights controllable by an agent or
can optionally be temperature-sensitive or reactant to
hormone changes in the body. Counts as an installation of
Light Tattoo fashionware, making it helpful for reaching
the +2 Wardrobe and Style bonus for having three
installations (see CP:R page 358)

▶ Arasaka “Blotted Sun” Repeating Crossbow
Cost: 5000eb (Luxury)
An Exotic 2 ROF Crossbow. Unlike other Crossbows, it comes with a magazine size of 8,
and must be reloaded with an action as normal. Despite being an Exotic Weapon, it can
still load Non-Basic Ammunition, however its magazine can't mix and match different
Arrow types. Firing this weapon requires BODY 11 or higher unless it is mounted.

▶ Chain Sword
Cost: 1000eb (V. Expensive)
An Exotic Two-Handed Very Heavy Melee Weapon that is an amalgamation of chainsaw
and sword. Revving the Chain Sword takes an action, making it obscenely loud. Melee
attacks with a Rev’d Chain Sword ablates 2 points of SP per hit if it does damage.

▶ Eagletech “Predator” Compound Bow

Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
An Exotic Bow that does 5d6 damage. Despite being an Exotic Weapon, it can still load
Non-Basic Ammunition. Firing this weapon requires BODY 10 or higher.
▶ Freedom Arms Stun Rod
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
An Exotic Two-Handed Heavy Melee Weapon. If damage dealt by it would reduce a target
to under 1 HP, they are instead Unconscious at 1 HP. Damage dealt by this weapon cannot
cause a Critical Injury and doesn't ablate armor.

▶ Grand Slam
Cost: 1000ebs (Expensive)
An Exotic One-Handed Medium Melee Weapon that is an obscenely heavy baseball bat
densely packed with kinetic pistons to launch the opposition into a Grand Slam! When it
successfully hits a target, the victim must succeed an Athletics check at a DV 13 or be
launched backwards 4m.

▶ Militech “Thunderbolt” Anti-Materiel Rifle

Cost: 5,000eb (Luxury)
An Excellent Quality Exotic Sniper Rifle that deals 6d6 damage with a Single Shot. The
weapon comes permanently installed with the Smartgun Link and Sniping Scope
weapon attachment. Firing this weapon requires BODY 11 or higher unless it's mounted.

As an Action, its built in bipod can be deployed and rested on a surface. Doing so means
the weapon is considered mounted until moved. Moving retracts the bipod automatically.

▶ Nomad Smartwhip
Cost: 5000eb (Luxury)
An Exotic One-Handed Heavy Melee Weapon. It comes permanently installed with the
Smartgun Link weapon attachment adapted for the melee weapon, making it a smart
weapon, which must be connected (via Interface Plugs or a Subdermal Grip) in order for
the weapon to operate. The whip has a reach of 4m/yds.

▶ Nomad Repeater
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
An Excellent Quality Assault Rifle incapable of Autofire and Suppressive Fire with a 12
shot capacity that cannot be increased in any way. Despite being an Exotic weapon, it is
still capable of loading Non-Basic Ammunition.

▶ Shishkebab
Cost: 1000eb (V. Expensive)
The Shishkebab is an Exotic One-Handed Heavy Melee Weapon that can hold 4 Medium
Pistol Incendiary Bullets. When you declare your attack with the weapon, you can choose
to expend 1 ammunition to make a fiery attack. If the attack is successful, the target is
set on Mild Fire (in addition to taking damage). Without the ammo, the weapon just deals
the standard damage. Reloading the weapon takes 1 Action.
▶ Shock Gloves
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
A pair of combat gloves designed for nonlethal unarmed urban combat. Unarmed
(Brawling and Martial Arts) damage done while wearing these gloves cannot cause a
Critical Injury. Additionally, If damage dealt would reduce a target to under 1 HP, they are
instead Unconscious and at 1 HP. Putting the pair on takes an action, as well as turning
them on or off. Turning them on can be done as the same action as putting them on. Any
options stored in a Cyberhand or meat hand the Shock Gloves are worn over are
inaccessible while the Shock Gloves are being worn. Must be worn as a pair.

▶ Choke
Cost: 500eb (Expensive) • Eligible: Non-Exotic Shotguns.
Optimizes the spread of pellets and cones of fire. Increases the range of Shotgun Shells
[PG. 174] to an area 8m/yds long x 6m/yds wide (4x3 squares) but increases the attack
DV to 15. The shotgun is unable to fire slugs as long as the choke is attached.

▶ Sanroo Hello Cutie UniversalLuv

Cost: 100eb (Premium) • Eligible: All Non-Exotic Ranged Weapons.
This attachment takes one Option Slot and installs a flip-out Agent into the gun that can
be operated via voice commands, or manual touch input.

Installed in the sleek and compact Agent is a pseudo AI significant other with a
personality trait rolled from the table below.

The personality can be rerolled for a “Heartbreak service fee” of 50eb. Alternatively, the
Sanroo Super Savings Bundle for 450eb which contains one Personality of the
customer’s choice.

The girlfriend/boyfriend whispers messages of affirmation to its wielder and learns to

recognize them even in pitch-black darkness by the shape of their palm.

If the gun that this attachment is installed in is used by anyone other than the original
user, the pseudo AI girlfriend/boyfriend will refuse to shoot when the trigger is pulled.

“From the land of the rising sun, Sanroo brings you an all new Hello Cutie:™
product, for all you kawaii gunslingers! Turn your gun into your Waifu (or
Husbando), and never feel left alone ever again! Now with 100% more
Roll 1d100 Personality traits

1-10 Gym Bro (We didn’t have a japanese term for this)

11-20 カミデレ Kamidere (God Complex)

21-30 げんき Genki GIrl (Energetic Extrovert)

31-40 バカデレ Bakadere (Idiot)

41-50 サドデレ Sadodere (Sadistic)

51-60 クーデレ Kuudere (Cold/Emotionless)

61-69 ねこみみ Nekomimi (Occasionally makes Cat Noises when talking)

70-77 お姉様 Onee Sama (Loving Older Sibling)

78-85 魔法少女 Mahou Shoujo (Magical Girl)

86-93 ツンデレ Tsundere (Short tempered)

94-99 ヤンデレ Yandere (Love Sick Crazy Psycho)

100 Pick any of the Personalities

▶ Smart Scope
Cost: 500eb (Expensive) • Eligible: All Non-Exotic Ranged Weapons.
Contains two Option Slots for Cybereye options. You can use the weapon to gain access
to the benefits of these options. All options count as if they were paired, and it costs the
same as installing the option once in a cybereye. Requires 2 Attachment Slots.


▶ Rubber Grenades
Cost: 10eb (Cheap) • Ammo Types Available: Fired Grenades only.
This ammunition does not explode and cannot be used to make Aimed shots. Damage
dealt using this ammunition cannot cause a Critical Injury. Additionally, attacks made
with this ammunition cannot ablate armor. If damage dealt by this ammunition would
reduce a target with more than 1 HP to less than 0 HP, they are instead left at 1 HP.
Rubber Ammunition counts as Basic Ammunition for the purposes of use with Exotic
Weapons. Cannot be thrown.

▶ Homing Tracer Rounds

Cost: 100eb (Premium) • Ammo Types Available: Bullets only.

This multi compartmental bullet opens up during flight to implant a needle into the
unsupecting victim. The needle feels similar to a mosquito bite when injected and holds
a tracer to track anyone hit.

When using this ammunition, you deal no damage with your attack. Anyone hit by your
attack is instead implanted with a Homing Tracer. See Homing Tracer on pg. 354. The
target or any observer can attempt a DV17 Perception check to find the needle and a
DV17 First Aid or DV13 Surgery Check to extract it.

▶ Homing Tracer Arrows

Cost: 100eb (Premium) • Ammo Types Available: Arrows only.

This arrow has a blunt tip coated in glue so it can stick to anything easily. Inside the glue
a Tracer is embedded to track things like vehicles and cargo from a distance.

When using this ammunition, you deal no damage with your attack. Anyone or anything
hit by your attack is instead stuck with a Homing Tracer. See Homing Tracer on pg. 354.
Spotting the arrow requires a DV 13 Perception Check. A person usually does not need to
attempt this if shot directly with it.

▶ Scent Ammunition

Cost: 100eb (Premium) • Ammo Types Available: All except Rockets.

This ammunition carries the distinct scent used by the Doberman drone and allows it to
be applied from much greater range.

When using this ammunition, you deal no damage with your attack. Anyone hit by your
attack is instead marked as if hit by a Doberman 500 Marking Scent. See Doberman 500
Marking Scent on BC pg. 44.

▶ Stealth Suit
Cost: 1000eb (V. Expensive)
A Skinsuit with real-time adapting camo pattern. Comfortable and flexible. Often used by
assassins and other nosy folk who don't want to be seen. Unlike other armor a Stealth
Suit isn't bought in two pieces, and must always be worn on both your body and head
location. Each location has its own SP7. When repaired, both pieces are repaired at the
same time. A stealth suit will not function when worn under any other kind of armor,
and due to its skin-tight nature, prevents any armor from being worn underneath it.
Wearing a Stealth Suit gives you a +2 to Stealth Checks, which does not stack with other
bonuses to stealth.

▶ Argos Adhesive Camera
Cost: 100eb (Premium)
A camera that can be placed, thrown, or launched like a grenade. It will stick to any solid
surface and transmit video feed for 8 hours to a linked Agent. It lacks any special vision
modes and cannot record audio. Spotting the camera requires a Perception Check vs

▶ Audio Bug
Cost: 50eb (Costly)
A dime-sized, adhesive audio device that can be attached to any solid surface. The Audio
Bug's signal can be tuned in using a Radio Scanner/Music Player for remote listening
from up to 300m/yds away. The bug's frequency can also be scrambled, requiring a
Scrambler/Descrambler to decode the signal before it can be heard on a Radio
Scanner/Music Player. The bug has a 7 day battery life. It can be hidden using a Conceal
Object Check. Finding the exact location of the bug requires beating the roll with a Reveal
Object Check or using a Bug Detector (no roll needed), when within 4m/yds of the bug.

▶ Canary Radiation Alarm & Plotter (CRAP)

Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
The CRAP is a portable Geiger Counter usually worn on a belt to passively sample the
user’s surroundings and give warning when near concerning radiation sources. The
device can sample an area of 50m/yds radius around the user and will alert the user to
dangerous radiation. It cannot tell the direction of the radiation reading, but the beeping
and visual indicator will intensify as the user gets closer to a radiation source along with
giving a precise reading in mR/hr.

▶ Excellent Quality Instrument

Cost: 1000eb (V. Expensive)
An instrument… Use your imagination. But remember that you will need an amp to be
heard with any electronic-based instrument. +1 to appropriate Play Instrument Checks
with this instrument.

Note: Drum Synthesizer and Electric Guitar/Other Instrument can be upgraded to

Excellent Quality using Upgrade Expertise.

▶ Excellent Quality Video Camera

Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
Can take photos or record up to 12 hours of audio and video on a single memory chip. +1
to Photography/Film Checks made with this camera.

Note: Shoulder Cam, MicroVideo and Video Cameras can be upgraded to Excellent
Quality using Upgrade Expertise.

▶ Explosives Detector/Defuser
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
A large One-Handed tool that can automatically detect the presence and location of any
explosives within 10m/yds (5 squares) of you. Once detected, the tool allows users to
attempt to disarm the explosives from a safe distance, just outside its explosion radius
(6m/yds or 3 squares from the mine).

▶ Parachute
Cost: 100eb (Premium)
Someone falling from a height of 100m/yds or higher and wearing a parachute may, as
an Action, deploy the Parachute to slow their fall and negate any falling damage.
Landing requires a DV9 Athletics Check to avoid the Broken Leg effect when they land.
Landing on uneven or dangerous terrain like rubble imposes a -2 to this check with more
extreme conditions giving a -4. While falling with a deployed parachute, a person cannot
dodge Ranged Attacks.

▶ Secure-Labs Advanced Bulwark (The SLAB)

Cost: 500eb (Expensive)

A staple among police forces and gangers alike, one flip of the SLAB's mechanism
quickly deploys a steel cover plate onto an even surface.

The SLAB takes 30 seconds (10 Rounds in combat) to set up on a level surface. This can
be reduced to 1 Action with a DV15 Basic Tech Check, which can only be attempted once.
Once deployed it acts as a 2m/yd by 2m/yd Thin Steel Cover and can be picked up again
which requires another 30 seconds (10 Rounds of combat) to disassemble. This process
cannot be reduced to 1 Action.
Due to its size a person is only able to carry one of these.

Agent Apps
▶ Mr. K’s Club
Cost: 1000eb (V. Expensive)
Trash with your ebs? Want a leg up in the world? Join the exclusive Mr. K's Club! for a
reasonable registration fee of just 1000eb, you'll gain access to a platform full of
likeminded finance forward individuals, and Mr. Kernaghan's network of movers and
shakers! Get Mr. Kernighan's personal tips, advice from local fixers and all the insider
knowledge from the city's 1%!

Regular use of this app gives you +2 to Trading, Bribery and Streetwise Skill Checks.

▶ Datascrub
Class: Anti-Personnel Attacker
Cost: 50eb (Costly)
ATK: 2 | DEF: 0 | REZ: 0
Icon: An iridescent bubbly haze that flies to the enemy netrunner before returning back
to the user.
Effect: Does 1d6 Damage direct to the enemy Netrunner's Brain and reveals to the user
all installed programs or hardware on the target's cyberdeck.

Personal drones [Interface Red Vol. 1, PG. 61] don’t use a NET Architecture. Abducting a
personal drone as a TECH requires 5 minutes and the TECH must stay within 6m/yds
until finished. If Abducted, the drone can be linked to a new Agent or Drone Controller
with an Action.
▶ Controlling Drones ◀

Operating a personal drone requires you to have an Agent or Drone Controller. Unlike
Agents, Drone Controllers are specialized for drone control and come with all the
features needed to control a drone. An Agent can control drones up to 25m/yds, a Drone
Controller can do so at a maximum range of 50m/yds. Drones that are out of range lose
connection and become inactive. Drone Controllers cost 500eb (Expensive).
An Agent can link and control one drone. A Drone Controller can Link and control up to
three drones. Linking a device to a drone takes 5 minutes.

▶ Using Drones ◀

Personal drones can be controlled in two ways. Switching between modes doesn’t cost
an Action. Drones don’t roll initiative. They act during or immediately after your Turn.
Drones can use any Skill associated with a weapon they have equipped, Evasion,
Perception, and Stealth and some drones have other Skills. Drones cannot dodge even if
they have REF 8 or are being manually controlled.

▶ Standby Mode: The default mode when the drone is not being controlled and has no
valid command to follow. In this mode, the drone cannot move or dodge Attacks.

▶ Manual Control Mode: A Drone can be manually controlled via a linked device with an
Action. You need two free hands to manually control a drone. A character may spend
their remaining Move action normally in addition to the Drone’s own actions. Using a
Drone Controller adds +1 to all Skill Checks made using the drone.

▶ Auto Mode: In this mode, you can use your Move Action to command a linked drone.
The drone acts immediately after your Turn. Only a single command can be issued per
Move Action. Once you issue a command, the drone can take one Move Action and one
Action. Instead of your Skill Base, the drone uses a Combat Number of 10 to make all
Skill Checks. Any gear bonuses are added to the Combat Number. In Auto Mode, the
drone cannot move or dodge Attacks. Drones can only accept simple commands like:
● Attack a designated target/area. The drone keeps attacking unless told otherwise,
moving when necessary. You must specify which Weapon/Skill to use.
● Move to a designated spot. The drone will take the Run Action if necessary.
● Follow the user.
● Use a Skill on a designated target or area. A drone possessing that Skill will use
its Combat Number.
You need a Drone Link to be able to use Auto Mode.

▶ Drones ◀

All personal drones listed below, come with an integrated Video Camera that transmits
the drone’s SDP SP, ammo count and live video feed to the user’s Agent or Drone
Controller. If you have Chyron [PG. 360], all this data gets transmitted to a sub-screen in
your visual feed. Drones carry a limited amount of ammunition (whatever is loaded in
the weapon). Reloading must be done manually by the user. Drones have 8 hours of
operational time before they need to be recharged for an hour. Personal drones cannot
dodge any Attacks in Standby or Auto Mode. They cannot dodge Ranged Attacks in
Direct Control Mode.
● Drones cannot be affected by Drugs, Poisons, Toxins, or Suppressive Fire.
● Drones are immune to Critical Injuries and simply take an additional 5 damage.

▶ SDP: Structural Damage Points. The drone’s Hit Points. As long as the drone has at
least one SDP, it can still move and act. When it has no SDP left, the drone is considered
Destroyed and cannot move or act until repaired. A drone is repaired like a vehicle using
the rules described in the Neon Red Player Rules. Repairing a drone restores all SDP, SP
and functionality.
▶ SP: Stopping Power of the drone’s armor. How many points of damage from an attack
the armor can stop before it starts to deplete its HP.
▶ Type: Drones can either be Air (flying), Wheeled (land based with wheels), Walker (land
based with legs) or Water (water based drones can also work underwater).
▶ Speed (Combat): The drone's MOVE for use in combat.
▶ Speed (Narrative): The drone's top speed in Miles Per Hour and Kilometers per Hour.
Useful for knowing how fast it is outside of combat.
▶ Weapon Mounts: How many weapons can be mounted on the drone.
▶ Cost: The price of the drone in Eurobuck.
▶ Compatible Weapons: The type of weapons that can be mounted on the drone. Drones
don’t usually come with weapons, they must be purchased separately. Drones cannot
mount weapons that have a BODY requirement.
▶ Description: A simple overview of the drone.

Drone SDP SP Type Speed Speed Weapon Cost

(Combat) (Narrative) Mounts

Flying Eye 15 0 Air 8 MOVE 40 MPH / 0 100eb

64 KPH (Premium)

Compatible Weapons: None.

Description: Small aerial drone with a 360° rotating, spherical camera. Great for recon and paparazzi.
Powered by one rotor. DV9 Electronics/Security Tech, 5 min to counter.

Hornet 20 4 Air 8 MOVE 40 MPH / 1 500eb

64 KPH (Expensive)

Compatible Weapons: Pistols (any).

Description: Medium-sized, aerial combat drone. Powered by two rotors.
DV13 Electronics/Security Tech, 5 min to counter.

Falcon 25 7 Air 8 MOVE 40 MPH / 1 1000eb

64 KPH (V. Expensive)

Compatible Weapons: Pistols (any), SMG/Heavy SMG.

Description: Large aerial assault drone. Powered by four rotors.
DV17 Electronics/Security Tech, 5 min to counter.

Paladin 30 7 Wheeled 5 MOVE 25 MPH / 1 1000eb

40 KPH (V. Expensive)

Compatible Weapons: Pistols (any), SMG/Heavy SMG, Assault Rifle, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle.
Description: Medium-sized, police drone that can carry shoulder weapons.
DV17 Electronics/Security Tech, 5 min to counter.

Robodoc 30 7 Wheeled 5 MOVE 25 MPH / 0 1000eb

40 KPH (V. Expensive)

Compatible Weapons: None.

Description: Medium-sized, medic drone with two robotic limbs. It has 2 Option Slots for installing
Cyberarm or Cyberlimb Options. All options count as if they were paired, and it costs the same as
installing the option once.
Bonus Skills: First Aid, Paramedic.
DV17 Electronics/Security Tech, 5 min to counter.

Waterbug 30 7 Water 5 MOVE 25 MPH / 1 1000eb

40 KPH (V. Expensive)

Compatible Weapons: Pistols (any), SMG/Heavy SMG, Assault Rifle, Shotgun.

Description: Medium-sized, nautical attack drone. Can move on water surface and underwater without
penalty. Comes with an integrated Flashlight.
DV17 Electronics/Security Tech, 5 min to counter.

Guardian 40 11 Wheeled 5 MOVE 25 MPH / 2 5000eb

40 KPH (Luxury)

Compatible Weapons: Pistols (any), SMG/Heavy SMG, Assault Rifle, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Grenade
Launcher, Rocket Launcher.
Description: Heavy SWAT drone. Comes equipped with 2 Bulletproof Shields that can be used as cover
by anyone behind the drone. The shields can be repaired or replaced.
DV21 Electronics/Security Tech, 5 min to counter.

Hound 35 11 Walker 7 MOVE 30 MPH / 1 5000eb

48 KPH (Luxury)

Compatible Weapons: Pistols (any), SMG/Heavy SMG, Assault Rifle, Shotgun.

Description: A large, quadrupedal drone that comes with a Heavy Melee Weapon implanted in its jaws.
It has 4 Option Slots for installing Cyberleg or Cyberlimb Options. All options count as if they were
paired, and it costs the same as installing the option once.
DV21 Electronics/Security Tech, 5 min to counter.

Soldier 35 11 Walker 5 MOVE 10 MPH / 0 5000eb

16 KPH (Luxury)
Compatible Weapons: Any weapon without a BODY requirement.
Description: Anthropomorphic drone with two legs, two arms, torso and head. It has no weapon
mounts but can operate most weapons with human-like hands and can reload them. Cannot wear
armor except shields. It has 2 Option Slots for installing Cyberarm Options and 2 Option Slots for
installing Cyberleg Options. All 4 Option Slots can also take Cyberlimb options. All options count as if
they were paired, and it costs the same as installing the option once.
Bonus Skills: Athletics, Brawling (BODY 5).
DV21 Electronics/Security Tech, 5 min to counter.

Swarm 25 0 Air 8 MOVE 40 MPH / 0 5000eb

64 KPH (Luxury)

Compatible Weapons: None.

Description: Tiny flying drones, with nanowire cutting surfaces. Each Swarm spreads over a 10x10
m/yds (5x5 square) area. Treat the cloud as a single entity wielding a Very Heavy Melee Weapon.
Each attack affects all entities in the 5x5 square area, with each defender rolling Evasion separately
against a single attack.
DV21 Electronics/Security Tech, 5 min to counter.

▶ Drone Upgrades ◀

▶ Drone Observation Suite

Type: Upgrade (All Drones) Cost: 1000eb
Adds two Option Slots for Cyberoptics Options. All Options count as if they were paired,

▶ Noise-Reducing Optimization
Type: Upgrade (All Drones) Cost: 500eb
A series of optimizations designed to reduce the noise output of the drone. Moving parts
are made smoother, vents are widened, redundant fans are removed, etc. The end result
is the drone being able to operate silently. Any stealth rolls made by the drone work at a


▶ Vehicle Fashion

Cost: 500eb each

These options are not Nomad Vehicle Upgrades. Having 3 or more of the following, or
similar options not listed, provide a +2 to Wardrobe & Style while with the Vehicle. This
bonus does not stack with other similar bonuses from Fashionware or Superchrome.

-Superchrome covering
-Neon lighting
-offroad flood lights
-Nu-tek vidpaint
-Aftermarket wheels and tires
-Lift kit
-Aftermarket spoiler
-Aftermarket ailerons
-Widebody kit
-Suicide / gullwing doors
-Leather interior upgrade
-Race interior upgrade
-Upgraded sound system
-Hydraulic suspension
-Lowering springs
-Whistle Tips (they be like WOO WOO)
-Animal Ears

▶ Submarine
CHOOH² powered sea vehicle that can travel on or underwater. Can store 24 hours of
breathable air. Air tanks are refilled in 1 hour when the vehicle resurfaces. Submarines
can take multiple Vehicle Heavy Weapon Mounts, the Housing Capacity upgrade, and all
other upgrades that a Sea Vehicle can have. While submerged, submarines cannot fire
any Onboard or mounted Ranged Weapons except Crossbows and Rocket Launchers.
Submarines have customized rooms.

Moto Speed Speed

Name SDP Seats Cost
Rank (Combat) (Narrative)

2 per 25 MPH / (Super Luxury)
Submarine 9-10 80 15 MOVE
room 40 KPH per room below deck
(minimum four rooms)

▶ Vehicle Upgrades ◀

▶ Deployable Smoke
Moto Rank: 1 Eligible: All Vehicles
Acts like a Smoke Grenade centered on the back of the vehicle. If the user also has NOS
it can be deployed using the same action. Each refill costs 20eb (Everyday). Can be
deployed by the driver as an Action.

▶ Scuba Suite
Moto Rank: 1 • Eligible: All Vehicles Except Bikes, Jetskis, Gyrocopters
Adds 4 removable scuba diving kits. Each kit includes an unarmored wetsuit, Oxygen
Tank w/ respirator (treat it as Internal Air Supply cyberware), flippers (treat them as
paired Web Foot cyberware) and underwater goggles w/ head mounted flashlights.
Scuba suits are incompatible with any other worn armor. Wearing a scuba diving kit
reduces your MOVE by 2 on land.

▶ Electric Battery
Moto Rank: 1 • Eligible: All Vehicles Except Bikes, Jetskis, Gyrocopters
Installs solar panels and a secondary battery to the vehicle, which can supply enough
electricity to power any combination of personal items, including items which require an
electrical landline connection. Can charge any number of weapon batteries
simultaneously, but cannot charge them faster than their normal rate. Does not reduce
rent or lifestyle costs and cannot be used to sell electricity to others.

▶ Collapsible Wheels
Moto Rank: 5 • Eligible: All Sea Vehicles except Yacht and Submarine
This upgrade installs multiple sets of collapsible wheels into the base of the vehicle that
allow it to travel on land at the speed of a Compact Groundcar.

▶ Onboard Targeting & Improvement System (OTIS)

Moto Rank: 5 • Eligible: All Vehicles
Treat all Onboard weapons as if they are Excellent Quality and have the Smartgun Link
weapon attachment (Ranged Weapons only). To benefit from the Smartgun Link, the
driver must use Interface Plugs to drive the vehicle.

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