Project Report 1
Project Report 1
Project Report 1
Computer Engineering Department, College of Engineering
San Jose State University, San Jose, CA 94303
I am required to write a firmware program to print 2. Methodology
a greeting message with my name, SID (student ID) Here I mentioned all the details regarding how to
on the hyper terminal console. Then write this complete objectives and technical challenges
program to Compact FLASH. When the system is associated with it. All the steps to accomplish the
powered up, this firmware program will start the goals of project are explained.
execution. In order to accomplish project, I have to
[1] Initialize and configure the 32bit RISC 2.1 Objectives and Technical
processor development board using the test Challenges
programs from the distribution CD.
The objectives of this project are:
[2] Write a small C program as bootable ROM,
[1] Introduction to S3C44B0X kit.
compile and build the program.
[2] How to create a project using ARM SDT 2.51
[3] Write the program to the FLASH.
[3] How to compile, link and create executable file
[4]. Establish serial communication via hyper
[4] Creation of binary file from project file
[5] Method to burn flash
[5]. Power the board up, then your bootable
[6] Use hyper terminal to communicate with kit
program will print a greeting message on hyper
terminal console.
2.2 Problem Formulation and Design
1. Introduction To fulfill the requirement of project, I used
In any computer system, firmware which is stored in software, ARM SDT v2.51, which is included with
BIOS is the starter point. Processor will start this kit. The ARM Software Development Toolkit
execution from this only when powered up. So in (SDT) consists of a suite of applications, together
this project I have to create such firmware. with supporting documentation and examples, which
enable one to write and debug applications for the
The firmware must do following work: ARM family of RISC processors. One can use the
[1] Boot kit and initialize all required peripherals. SDT to develop, build, and debug C, C++, or ARM
[2]Produce required output. assembly language programs.
6. Acknowledgement
I would like to thanks Prof. Harry Li for providing
information and help needed for this project.
7. References
[1] H Li, “Author Guidelines for CMPE 242
Project Report”, Lecture notes of CMPE 242,
Computer Engineering Department , College of
Engineering, San Jose State University.
#include <string.h>
#include "..\inc\option.h"
#include "..\inc\44b.h"
#include "..\inc\44blib.h"
#include "..\inc\def.h"
void Main(void)
#if (PLLON==1)
Uart_Printf("\n\Name: MITUL S MODI");
Uart_Printf("\nSTUDENT ID: 005370057”);