Transcripts Yes We Can 1
Transcripts Yes We Can 1
Transcripts Yes We Can 1
Track 2 B
Label the pictures 1-6 using the words in the box. Listen and check -Mom, this is Sandy. She is my friend.
your answers. -Hello, Sandy. I’m Alicia.
1. Good Morning -Nice to meet you, Alicia.
2. Good Night Nice to meet you too.
3. Good Bye
4. Hello C
5. Good Evening -Good morning, Sandy. How are you?
6. Good Afternoon -Fine, thanks. How about you?
-I am very well. Thank you.
Track 3
Listen and repeat. Track 6
The alphabet Label the pictures 1-12 using the words in the box. Listen and check
a f k p u z your answers.
b g l q v 1. China
c h m r w 2. France
d i n s x 3. Japan
e j o t y 4. Italy
5. Canada
Track 4 6. Brazil
Listen and repeat. 7. England
Numbers 8. Spain
0 Zero 9. Mexico
1 One 6 Six 11 Eleven 16 Sixteen 10. USA
21 Twenty-one 26 Twenty-six 11. Germany
2 Two 7 Seven 12 Twelve 17 Seventeen 12. Russia
22 Twenty-two 27 Twenty-seven
3 Three 8 Eight 13 Thirteen 18 Eighteen Track 7
23 Twenty-three 28 Twenty-eight
Listen and complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verb
4 Four 9 Nine 14 Fourteen 19 Nineteen to be. Then practice with a partner.
24 Twenty-four 29 Twenty-nine
5 Five 10 Ten 15 Fifteen 20 Twenty
25 Twenty-five 30 Thirty A Are you Japanese?
B No, I am not. I am Canadian. But my parents are Japanese.
Track 5 A Oh. I see.
Listen to the conversation and complete the missing information. 2
Then practice and create your own conversation with a partner. A Are you from this city?
Introductions B No, we aren’t. We are here on vacation.
A A Cool. Where are you from?
-Hi. My name is Mark. What’s your name? B Well. He is from Germany and I am from Spain.
-Hi, Mark. My name is Sandy.
3 25th twenty-fifth
A Where are you from? 26th twenty-sixth
B I am from Rome. 27th twenty-seventh
A Is that in France? 28th twenty-eighth
B No, it is not. It’s in Italy. 29th twenty-ninth
30th thirtieth
Track 8 31st thirty-first
Listen and repeat.
Months of the Year Track 9
January Listen to the conversation and complete it with the missing
February information.
March Natalie: Today is my mom’s birthday.
April Sam: Really?
May Natalie: Yes. By the way, when is your mother’s birthday?
June Sam: Her birthday is on July 4th.
July Natalie: And your brother’s?
August Sam: His birthday is on June 20th. And what about your twin sisters,
September Nat?
October Natalie: Their birthday is on January 21st.
November Sam: Really? Cool. Mine too.
Track 10
Ordinal Numbers Complete the family tree with the words from the box. Listen and
check your answers.
1st first
This is my family. My mother is Jean, my father is George. I have one
2nd second
brother and one sister. My sister is Alexa and my brother is Marvin. I
3rd third love my grandparents. My favorite is my grandpa, his name is Philip.
4th fourth My grandmother is Janeth. My uncle is Charles, he is married to Jenny,
5th fifth she is my aunt. The name of my only cousin is Sammy.
6th sixth
7th seventh Track 11
8th eighth Match 1-6 to a-f. Listen and check your answers.
9th ninth 1. tall - short
10th tenth 2. young - old
11th eleventh 3. rich - poor
12th twelfth 4. strong - weak
13th thirteenth 5. beautiful - ugly
14th fourteenth 6. fast - slow
15th fifteenth
16th sixteenth Track 12
17th seventeenth Listen and complete the descriptions.
18th eighteenth 1. My grandpa’s name is Philip. He is 77 years old. He is a doctor. He
19th nineteenth is very old.
20th twentieth 2. My sister’s name is Alexa. She is seven years old. She is very
intelligent. She is an excellent student.
21st twenty-first
3. My uncle’s name is Charles. But we call him Charly. He is 55 years
22nd twenty-second old. He’s very tall and strong.
23rd twenty-third 4. My mom’s name is Jean. She is 40 years old. She is very beautiful.
24th twenty-fourth She is a teacher. Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday.
Teacher: Hi, guys. This morning we have two new classmates. They Label the pictures1-12 using the words in the box. Listen and check
are Brian and Samantha. They come from a high school in Mexico your answers.
City. Let’s pay attention to what they have to say. 1. housekeeper
Bryan: Hi. My name is Brian. I am 15 years old. I am from Mexico city. 2. architect
I like to play soccer and watch TV. Nice to meet you. 3. singer
Samantha: Hi, guys. My name is Samantha. I also come from Mexico 4. mechanic
city. I am 16 years old. I have a sister. My sister is 18 years old. My
hobby is reading books. Nice to meet you. 5. dentist
Raul: Nice to meet you, guys. Welcome to the class. My name is Raul 6. teacher
and I am the class leader. I am 15 years old. I come from Veracruz. If 7. policeman
you have any question, I can help you. 8. butcher
9. taxi driver
Track 13 10. vet
Label the pictures1-12 using the words in the box. Listen and check 11. cook
your answers. 12. baker
1. study
2. get dressed Track 17
3. go home Label pictures 1-8 with the correct word from the box.
4. go to bed 1. teach
5. have breakfast 2. build
6. go to school 3. clean
7. take a shower 4. sing
8. do homework 5. bake
9. get up 6. fix
10. work 7. cook
11. exercise 8. drive
12. brush your teeth
Track 18
Track 14 Listen to Tina and Dylan talking about their jobs. Write T for Tina or D
Listen and repeat. for Dylan on the line.
Sunday My name is Tanya, I am a housekeeper. My job is hard but I enjoy it
Monday a lot. My working day starts at 7 a.m. and finishes at 5 p.m. I work
Tuesday for Ms. Newman, I mostly clean and cook. The only thing that I don’t
like about my job is that sometimes I have to take care of her three
Wednesday children and to be honest I don’t like it that much.
Thursday Hi. My name is Dylan, I am a teacher. I really like my job. I plan, teach,
Friday and play in every lesson. I work from 9 am to 1 pm in a kinder Garten
Saturday that is close to my house. The only thing that
I don’t enjoy is that I don’t have enough time to eat lunch with my
Track 15 students.
Listen and complete the text with the correct day of the week.
A Busy Family Track 19
We are a very busy family. From Monday to Friday, we exercise. We Label the pictures1-8 using the words in the box. Listen and check
love sports. We don’t do any kind of exercise on Sunday. On Saturday, your answers.
we clean the house together. On Thursday, we visit our grandparents. 1. go to the gym
On Tuesday, my mother and my sister take piano lessons. My father 2. read a book
and I don’t play any instrument. On Wednesday, we go to the Movie 3. go to a concert
4. Listen to music
5. take a taxi 4. truck
6. play video games 5. bicycle
7. watch TV 6. car
8. go shopping 7. subway
8. plane
Track 20
Label pictures 1-7 with the correct word from the box. Track 24
1. person Listen to the instructions and draw the object in the correct position.
2. man 0. Your shoes are under your bed.
3. children 1. Your cell phone is in your backpack.
4. men 2. Your glasses are in front of the lamp.
5. child 3. Your keys are next to the computer.
6. women 4. Your English book is on your desk.
7. woman 5. Your remote control is between the lamp and the book.
8. people
Track 21 Welcome to Guadalajara. My name is Alejandro Fernández. Today I’m
Listen to Hiromi’s routine and write T for True and F for False. gonna be showing you some of the most important places in the city.
Hiromi Shashi is a Japanese girl who lives in Spain. She is top of her I am from Monterrey, but I have lived here most of my life. Let’s start.
class. She wakes up at 5 a.m. every day. She does exercise for an hour, If you are the kind of tourist who is seeking culture, you will find the
then she goes to school and starts classes at 7 a.m. All her classes are Cultural Institute Cabañas totally breathtaking. In this museum you
in Spanish and English; she is not really good at speaking Spanish, but will see some of the most important murals of Mexican painter José
she does her best. She takes about 6 classes a day; that is why she Clemente Orozco. Some blocks away from the museum, there is the
leaves school at 5 p.m. She gets home, takes a shower and has dinner. Main Cathedral of Guadalajara. If you like it, you can also visit other
Then she does homework and watches her favorite TV program. She churches in the city. When you get hungry, you definitely have to try
goes to bed after 11 p.m. the tortas ahogadas, they are tortas filled with fried meet and soaked
in a red sauce, they are the typical food of Guadalajara. At night there
are two activities you can do, the first is to party on Chapultepec
Track 22 Avenue, there are hundreds of places where you can have fun with
Label the pictures1-12 using the words in the box. Listen and check friends. The second thing would be listening to Mariachis in the
your answers. traditional Plaza de los Mariachis. It is my favorite place in the city.
1. stationery store
2. ice-cream shop
3. restaurant Track 25
4. drugstore Label the pictures1-8 using the words in the box. Listen and check
5. church your answers.
6. convenience store 1. mop the floor
7. bookstore 2. do the laundry
8. Café 3. water the plants
9. park 4. wash the car
10. supermarket 5. sweep the floor
11. mall 6. feed your pet
12. department store 7. make your bed
8. wash the dishes
Track 23
Label pictures 1-8 with the correct word from the box. Track 26
1. bus Label the pictures1-8 to the words in the box. Listen and check your
2. boat
1. yard
3. motorcycle
2. dining room
3. garage 2. drawing
4. garden 3. reading books
5. living room 4. doing crafts
6. kitchen 5. watch TV series
7. bathroom 6. taking photos
8. bedroom 7. playing board games
8. planting trees
Track 27 9. taking a nap
Listen to the description and write T for True and F for False.
This is my house. There are six people in my family, my grandparents, Track 31
my parents, my brother and me. At this moment, my grandparents Listen and repeat.
are watching their favorite TV program. My mom and my dad are 1 one
talking and eating something in the kitchen. My brother is usually
playing videogames, but today he is reading a book in the studio. And 2 two
I am in my bedroom playing with my teddy bear. 3 three
4 four
Track 28 5 five
Label the pictures1-8 using the words in the box. Listen and check 6 six
your answers. 7 seven
1. rainy 8 eight
2. hot 9 nine
3. windy 10 ten
4. cold 11 eleven
5. snowy 12 twelve
6. sunny 13 thirteen
7. stormy 14 fourteen
8. cloudy 15 fifteen
16 sixteen
Track 29 17 seventeen
Listen to the conversation and complete the missing information 18 eighteen
with the words from the box. 19 nineteen
Fer: Hi! 20 twenty
Jen: Hi, Fer! Where are you? 21 twenty-one
Fer: We are camping in the mountains. 22 twenty-two
Jen: Really? How come? The weather is too cold, and it is snowing. 23 twenty-three
Fer: I know, but we set the tent next to a river and made a bonfire. 24 twenty-four
Jen: That sounds great! And what are you doing? 25 twenty-five
Fer: I am drinking a hot tea and reading a book. 30 thirty
Jen: Is your sister with you? 35 thirty-five
Fer: No. She is making a snowman with my little brother. 40 forty
Jen: What about your parents? 45 forty-five
Fer: They are cooking, we are all hungry. 50 fifty
Jen: Well. Have fun. I’ll call you later. 55 fifty-five
60 sixty
Track 30 65 sixty-five
Label the pictures1-9 using the words in the box. Listen and check 70 seventy
your answers.
75 seventy-five
1. dancing
80 eighty
85 eighty-five Canada, you will have the chance to take an 8-week French course.
90 ninety Try a summer camp in Canada, it is definitely a life experience.
95 ninety-five
100 one hundred AUGMENTED REALITY
Good morning, Mexico. I am Celine Saint, welcome to the weather
Track 32 report. It seems we’re gonna have tough weather these days in most
Listen and complete the text using the words in the box. of the Mexican Republic.
What is the jet lag effect? We will start today with the State of Mexico and the Capital City. They
will be particularly cloudy and there are possibilities of rain during
Melany and Tony love going to Europe in summer. They’ve done it the afternoon and evening. Take an umbrella and a warm jacket.
many times. They live in Colombia. It means they have to fly more
than ten hours to get to London. When in London, they usually have Moving to the west of Mexico, winds will be 50 kilometers per hour,
headache and feel tired. Do you why that happens? which is a sign of stormy conditions. The Pacific coast will hold stormy
days that will last for a week. Cities like Guadalajara and Morelia may
Traveling to other countries is always an exciting and satisfying be affected by the rain.
experience. However, going on long flights from the traveler’s city to
their destination can result in jet lag. The jet lag effect is a physical Temperatures in the North will be low. We are expecting cold and
condition that causes people to feel bad for some days until their cloudy days in cities like Monterrey and Saltillo. People in Durango,
body adapts to the time of their destination. take out your best jackets because there is a probability of snow.
The reason why Melany and Tony don’t feel well the firsts days in As for the south part of the country, it is very likely to be sunny and
England is because when they take their flight at 8:00 am, they get to clear. Temperatures will go from 35-40 degrees during the day. Wear
England at 12:00 am. The difference in hours is what makes them feel light clothes and put on sunblock.
bad. So next time your travel, consider the hours difference. That’s all for today, thanks for watching.
Track 33 Track 35
Label the pictures1-9 using the words in the box. Listen and check Label the pictures1-6 using the words in the box. Listen and check
your answers. your answers.
1. tennis 1. bakery
2. karate 2. dairy
3. soccer 3. grocery store
4. football 4. café
5. volleyball 5. butcher’s
6. baseball 6. farmer’s market
7. swimming
8. gymnastics Track 36
9. basketball Label the pictures1-12 to the words in the box. Listen and check your
Track 34 1. butter
Listen and answer a, b, or c. 2. bread
Teen Summer Camp 3. lemonade
Canada offers various opportunities for students to enjoy during the 4. cheese
summer. Young people can attend a traditional summer camp in 5. vegetables
Quebec from June to August. The camp receives students from all 6. steak
over the world, especially form Mexico, USA, and Brazil. If you’re a 7. tea
foreign visitor, it is important that you speak basic English since all the 8. sugar
activities are in this language.
9. fruits
In the camp there are mainly three types of activities:
10. ribs
1. Sports: you can play football, soccer, and basketball. All the teachers
are former professional players. 11. salt
2. Arts: you can paint, draw, and do crafts with local materials 12. cake
3. Languages: as English and French are the official languages of
Track 37 Camille: Ok. What else, mom?
Listen to the conversation between Will and Sahara. Complete the Mom: A jar of strawberry jam, and a package of ham.
missing information with the words from the box. Then practice the Camille: What about cookies and maybe some candy?
conversation with a partner. Mom: Ok. One box of cookies and 5 bars of chocolate.
The Perfect Neighborhood
Sahara: I really _like_ (0) this neighborhood. Track 40
Will: Yeah! It is a great place to live. Label the pictures1-16 using the words in the box. Listen and check
Sahara: I love the stores and the restaurants. your answers.
Will: Me too. There are many specialty stores, we don’t need to go to 1. cucumber
the supermarket. 2. mushrooms
Sahara: I know. The bakery is great. The bread and cakes are 3. apple
4. carrot
Will: Let’s get something to eat.
5. orange
Sahara: Great idea!
6. grapes
7. strawberries
Track 38
8. potato
Label the pictures1-16 using the words in the box. Listen and check
your answers. 9. pineapple
10. lettuce
1. beans 11. corn
2. water 12. onion
3. cookies 13. lemon
4. ketchup 14. avocado
5. mayonnaise 15. pear
6. ham 16. pumpkin
7. rice
8. soda Track 41
9. cereal Listen and complete the missing information with the words from
the box.
10. juice
To eat or not to eat
11. flour
a. Vegan
12. eggs
A vegan person does not eat animal products, that includes meat,
13. tuna chicken, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, butter, yogurt or honey. A vegan diet
14. chocolate es based on plants, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and sometimes
15. jam meat substitutes.
16. milk b. Meat eaters
Most people are meat eaters. They eat all kinds of meat, chicken,
Track39 seafood, and dairy products. Their diet also includes fruits, vegetables,
Listen to the conversation between Camille and her mom and seeds, and grains. There are definitely less restrictions when it comes
complete the shopping list. to choosing what or where to eat.
Mom: Camille, can you help me write the shopping list, please? c. Vegetarian
Camille: Yes, mom. I am ready. a vegetarian as well as a vegan does not eat, chicken or fish; however,
they consume eggs, cheese, milk, and honey. They can also eat meat
Mom: Ok. Let’s see. We will need two loafs of white bread. Write substitutes. Their diet is not as strict as that of a vegan, they have
down… two boxes of cereal, one for you and one for your brother. more food options to choose.
We need five cartons of milk and…
Camille: Wait, how many?
Track 42
Mom: Five cartons of milk and two cartons of juice.
Label the pictures1-9 using the words in the box. Listen and check
Camille: Why so many? your answers.
Mom: Because you drink a lot of milk.
1. roasted chicken AUGMENTED REALITY
2. fried fish Vanessa: Tell me Michael. How was your last trip to Europe? Where
3. pineapple pie did you go?
4. orange juice Michael: Amazing. I first visited England and I tried the famous fish
5. potato chips and chips while I was in London. It was OK. In France, I had butter
croissants. I had six of them on a sitting.
6. French fries
Vanessa: You ate six?
7. mushroom omelet
Michael: Yeah. They are so delicious; I just couldn’t resist. Then in
8. caramel popcorn Spain, I ate Paella Valenciana. It is a traditional dish in all the country.
9. vanilla ice-cream In Rome, I tried Pizza. Italy has the best pizzas in the whole world, my
favorite is Margherita Pizza. Last but not least, in Belgium I had these
Track 43 fluffy waffles. They taste so good that you don’t need to put anything
on them. But what about you? How was your trip to Asia?
Listen to the conversation between Leo, Mina and the server. Practice
the conversation with a partner. Vanessa: Well… I just visited three countries, …Japan, China, and
Korea. In Japan I obviously ate sushi rolls. They don’t taste like the
At the Restaurant
ones we have in America. They are way better. Then in China, I tried
Server: Are you ready to order? the traditional dumplings.
Leo: Not yet. Can you give us a moment, please? Michael: What are those?
Server: Yes, of course. Vanessa: They are like little sacks filled with meat and vegetables.
Leo: Excuse me. We are ready to order now. They are so tasty. In Korea I ate home-made kimchi. Everyone
Server: Ok eats Kimchi in Korea. It is a cabbage that is fermented with other
Mina:Can I have a sandwich and an apple soda? ingredients. It is spicy and fresh at the same time.
Server: An apple soda? Michael: That sounds yummy, next time I have to go with you to
Mina:Yes, please.
Vanessa: You know what? I think we should go to Mexico. People say
Leo: And I will have a hamburger and a chocolate milkshake.
that Mexican food is the best in the whole world.
Server: A chicken or a beef hamburger?
Michael: That’s a great idea.
Leo: Chicken, please.