(21.09) Homework Unit 2 (Ebs)
(21.09) Homework Unit 2 (Ebs)
(21.09) Homework Unit 2 (Ebs)
Statement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Theory X Y X X Y X Y Y
1. Because they are lazy and will avoid work and responsibility if they can.
2. Because a responsible job is necessary to people's psychological well-
being (they will be creative, ambitious and self-motivated by the
satisfaction of doing a good job).
3. Because there are always people with little self-discipline and they are
unable to take on responsibility.
WRITING: Summary of Theories X and Y (no more than 50 words for each):
Theory X assumes that people are lazy and try to avoid work and
responsibility if they can, so they have to be closely supervised and
controlled, and told what to do. They have to be both threatened (e.g.
losing their job) and rewarded with monetary incentives.
1 2 3 4 5 6
False False True True True False
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Labour Job wages benefits incentives promotion unskilled Job Corporate
relations security rotation culture
o Herzberg's theory assumes that job factors are the primary drivers of
employee satisfaction. However, other factors such as organizational
culture, leadership, and employee development also play important roles
in employee motivation.
o No, I would not. Being offered challenging problems to solve can make
work more interesting and meaningful, and can provide a sense of
accomplishment and pride. However, not all challenging problems may
be equally satisfying or motivating to all employees.
o It depends. While having a satisfying relationship with one's boss is an
important aspect of job satisfaction, it is not the only factor that
influences an employee's decision to stay or leave a company. Other
factors, such as salary, work responsibilities, opportunities for growth and
development, and the company's culture, can also play important roles.
o Yes, working for a manager who has influence within the organization can
be a motivator for some employees. If an employee feels that their
manager is respected and valued within the organization, they may see
their work as more impactful and meaningful. This can create a sense of
pride and achievement that drives motivation and engagement.
Additionally, having a manager with influence can help open more
opportunities for growth and development within the company.
1. 40 years
2. A detergent factory
3. 12-hour shifts
4. They are bored
5. She set up meetings to find out what they were interested in outside of
6. She found out that some entrepreneurs and others were involved in
helping people with HIV/AIDS
7. Reading books, playing football
8. You need to find out about your staff and be creative when coming up
ideas for motivating people
9. It means things that do not directly contribute to making a profit, or
which even cost the company money, but might make the staff motivated
about their jobs.
10. It means thinking unconventionally from a new and different perspective.
This expression has been widely used by consultants, which is probably
why Janine says she doesn't want to use it.
Dear CEO,
I wanted to share with you a few ideas for improved employee benefits that I
believe will positively impact our employees' engagement, retention, and
overall well-being.
First, I propose that we subsidize the cost of our staff canteen to ensure that our
employees have access to affordable and nutritional meals. This will not only
save them money but also support their overall health and productivity.
Best regards,